IY SL DEBATES See Page 4 Latest Deadline in the State 4hr 741'att CLOUDY AND WARMER, CLOUDY AND WARMER M. LXI, No. 165 A ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, MAY 25.1951 2 eT t s s r_ ,:: AN.ABR.MIGA. RDA.,A - 15 aw~r w~ae'~ t :y ' M Enters Tennis, Golf, Track Finals Michigan, Michigan State, Illinois Loom as Top Thinclad Contenders By JACK SOTHERLAND Special to The Daily EVANSTON--Big Ten spring championships in track, golf and tennis swing into their stretch drives here today. Michigan remains in the thick of the battle for titles on the cinders and the golf course, but the Wolverine net squad faces a tremendous task in overhauling rival Michigan State. (For details on golf and tennis see page 3.) IT LOOKS LIKE Illinois, Michigan State and Michigan will be the top three finishers in the finals of the Western Conference track and field championships to fe run Iran Sets Limit for Oil Conferences Demands Action FronmCompany TEHRAN, Iran-(IP)-Iran fixed a seven-day deadline for theBrit- ish-owned Anglo-Iranian Oil Com- pany to start talks on ways of turning over to the government it vast holdings on the Persian Gulf A letter from Finance Minister Mohammed Ali Varasteh to com- pany officials here demanded that the company send representatives by May 30 to help work out the oil nationalization program. The deadline was set after the com- pany failed to reply to a similar demand. * * * i A t S r t 'Ae anks, etreat OSs 38th arallel; Toops Cut off Red 0it( North Korea 4 President 'Senate Will Conside 'U' Budget Plan j LANSING -(AP)- The Univer- sity's budget bill, which will be Included in the annual State bud- get appropriations, will come up { for final passage today in the Sen- ate. The Senate Appropriations Com- mittee, which has a House-approv- ed $307,000,000 budget bill under revision, promised the measure for 10 a.m. today, but some committee- men said privately it might be lat- er. The legislature must adjourn at midnight Friday, even if it has to stop the clock and run into Sat-; urday. The lawmakers were in a day- long recess today under rules which give them a last-minute breathing spell before the adjournment rush. Conference committees settling differences between the House and Senate on a score of bills, report- ed agreements on 17, but all are subject to rejection by either chamber tomorrow. The House will fire the gun on the last day's race with a vote on a bill removing the ceiling from the 30-year-old state corporation franchise tax, estimated to pro- duce $20,000,000 of the $35,000,000- odd sum needed to meet an expect- ed general fund deficit. off today. The Illini qualified eleven men in nine events, the Spartans placed ten, and the Wolverines eight yesterday at Dyche Sta- dium. Michigan qualified men in every event but the 880 yard run and the discus. In the 880, Wolverine George Jacobi was leading the pack into the final turn when he lost his left shoe. He gamely fought to keep his lead, but fal- tered ten yards from the finish, winding up fourth, just out of the qualifying three. - * * * BIL KONRAD and Don Hoover took individual honors for Mich- igan, each placing in two events. Konrad took a third in his heat in the 100 yard dash, won by Art Ingram of Michigan State in :9.9, and took his 220 yard dash heat in :22.4. Hoover, the Wolverines's top hurdler, took a second place in both the 120 high hurdles and the 220 lows, behind Hoosier Bill Tay- lor and Dick Henson of Michigan State ,respectively. * * * MICHIGAN'S only entrant in the quarter-mile, Joe LaRue, placed third in the preliminaries to qualify for today's finals. Iowa's Gary Scott turned in the best 440 time of the day, a :49.3. effort. The Wolverines qualified three men in the field events, placing two in the broad jump and one in the shot put. Ron Soble leaped 23 feet 6% / inches to take second, while Hor- ace Coleman placed third with a jump of 22 feet 107/s inches. Illinois' pole vaulter-broadjump- er Don Laz took top honors for the broad jump, leaping 23 feet 9 inches. Sobles' best jump this year, a 24 foot 6 inch leap three (Continued on Page 3) SL Makes New Forei gn StudentPhuns A new program of orientation for foreign students designed to soften the impact of the different Ann Arbor environment on the foreign- ers has been announced by the Student Legislature. Any University student who wishes to volunteer will be assign- ed toan incoming student from another country. Over the sum- mer contact may be established through the mails. When the new addition to the International Center arrives on campus, he would be met by his special orientation advisor, who would show him local points of interest, or help him with the myriad registration and housing problems a newcomer faces. The new set-up is designed to prevent foreign students from withdrawing into small interna- tional cliques, to bring them more into campus life, according to Wal- ly Pearson, '53, head of the SL Hu- man and International Relations Committee. All interested students may con- tact Pearson at the SL Building, 122 S. Forest. IF ANGLO-IRANIAN, which has exclusive productions rights in the 1 big southern oil fields, fails to com- ply, the letter said, "the govern- ment will have no choice but to act according to its legal duties.'" Top officials dodged questions about how the government would take over the company's holdings =if its representatives did not show up. Iran has rejected company pro- posals that the dispute be settled by arbitration. An informed source said 'the government has decided also to reject the latest proposal by the British government, which owns 53 per cent of the company stock, to send a top-fevel diplomat- ic mission to negotiate the dispute. British Ambassador Sir Francis M. Shepherd last Saturday deliver- ed a strong protest and warned of "serious consequences" if Iran car- ried out its nationalization law without first negotiating. MEANWHILE, IN other parts of Iran the Russians and Americans found themselves fighting a com- mon enemy in Iran-locusts. Nine Soviet planes have arrived in Meshed in Northern Iran to bat- tle the biggest locust invasion in 50 years, the Ministry of Agricul- ture said yesterday. Hershey Sees Rush To Take Draft Exams WASHINGTON - W) - There may be a last-minute rush at draft boards today for applications to take the forthcominr college apti- tude tests. There is no indication, however, that local boards plan to extend their usual closing hours for the day. Selective Service Headquarters said it is up to state directors whether any special arrange- ments are made for late comers. None of the directors, at a meeting which ended here yes- terday, reported plans to stay open late. , Selective Service Director Louis B. Hershey predicted, however, that there would be a last-minute rush because of the popular ten- dency to delay applications as long as possible. College men must mail their ap- plication cards, obtainable only from draft boards, so that they will be postmarked not later than midnight today. The cards are addressed to the Educational Testing Service, Princeton, New Jersey. The tests will be given at hundreds of cen- ters across the country. A score of 70 or better for un- derclassmen or 75 or better for seniors-or generally satisfactory scholastic standing-may provide the basis for deferment by the boards. A sksN Foreign A id WASHINGTON-(A')-President Truman asked for $8,500,000,000 yesterday to help friendly nations throw up a "defensive shield" against Communist Russia. "The Soviet threat is world wide," he said in a message to Congress outlining a broad new foreign aid program. He said the Communist attack may come through "armies marching across frontiers," or by slyer means such as internal subversion, political infiltration or sabotage. In asking new billions to help puncture Soviet Russia's "dreams of world conquest," Truman said the money will go to speed ship- ments of American arms and eco- nomic aid to nearly 50 friendly countries around the world. These include Formosa, Iran and other powder keg centers in the global picture, but the heavy accent was on Europe. Nearly two-thirds of the total was sought for arming Atlantic Pact nations. Slightly over' two-thirds of the total, $6,250,000,000 would be ear- marked for military aid. The bal- ance of $2,250,000,000 would go for economic help. Earlier the President warned in a news conference a third world war might bring a return to the "Dark Ages" and turn American soil ito a battlefront. But he expressed the hope that his program and policies will avert such a catastrophe. He told a news conference that he is "confident"-not "cocky" as sme writers have reported - that his policies are right and have the support of the people of the Uni- ted States and of the world. He says he believes the Ameri- can people have enough intelli- gence and energy to meet any sit- uation, but he is not willing to take a chance on seeing how they would react under the destruction which another world struggle would bring. "Thatris the reason I don't want a third world war," he said. He granted a request that a sizable portion of his remarks be quoted directly. The President volunteered his statement about politics near the end of a lengthy news conference in which he again declined to state whether he will be a candidate in 1952, but said the season is still open for all who want to run. He said if and when he decides to make a cross-country speaking trip, as he said he might in a mes- sage to a meeting of Democrats in Denver yesterday-the purpose would be to tell the people the truth and the facts just as he said he did in the 1948 campaign. World News Roundup FAITHFUL SERVICE-Miss Ruth Rouse, personal secretary to President Ruthven, is presented with a plaque by student leaders for her service to the president during the past 22 years. * , , Ruthven Secretary, Gets Gift from, Student Body Miss Ruth Rouse, personal sec- The gift was presented in ap- retary to 'resident Alexander preciation of her "long and faith-, Ruthven during twenty-two years ful service to the University and of service, was presented with a her special attention to the Stu- gift from the student body yes- dents." Cover- up CHICAGO-(P)-You aren't going to see as much bare flesh on the beaches this season- but you're going to think you're seeing more. That, according to Fred Cole, Los Angeles bathing suit manu- facturer, is because 'bathing- suit brevity has gone about as far as it can go. The new way to inject sex into beachwear, he says, is through transparency. The idea this year, Cole said in an interview, is to "give the illusion that you can see more than you can." Warn-ings To Mae Told By Bradley WASHINGTON-(Al)-Gen. Omar N. Bradley said yesterday that the Pentagon twice warned Gen. Doug- las MacArthur last fall to close the wide gap separating his forces in North Korea. It was through this gap-stret- ching between the Eighth Army on the West and the 10th Corps in the northeast corner - that many of the Chinese Communists surged in their great winter offensive, in- flicting the heaviest American cas- ualties of the war. Bradley, winding up his sixth and last day of testimony in the Senate investigation of MacAr- thur's dismissal, declined to esti- mate how many Americans were lost as a result of the Far Eastern commander's disposition of his troops. To Senator Fulbright (D-Ark.), who suggested that MacArthur's "misjudgment" brought about "our heaviest casualties," the chairman of the Joint Chiefs said: "It is hard to sit back here and say how many of those lost weret due to the fact that the right flank was exposed." UN Forces. Push Ahead Near In'je Reds Pound Back With Artillery TOKYO-()--The Allies poured tanks and troops across the 38th parallel into North Korea yester- day, blocking an east - central highway of retreat for many Reds caught in South Korea. The Allied reinforcements in- creased the threat of splitting withdrawing Chinese Red Armies. An Allied tank force made a daring thrust yesterday 13 miles north from Hangye to the south bank of the Shoyang River near Inje. Inje is four miles north of thr, 38th parallel and 75 miles north- east of Seoul. Today more Allied troops raced north to block the Hangye-Inje highway for Red forces still south of{ 38 in the east-central area. That forced the Reds to resort to trails and paths. . * * * The House, in preliminary de- bate, voted to retain the present 3 -mill tax rate on each thousand dollars of corporation capitaliza- tion and surplus, and to remove the present $50,000 ceiling on the tax any one corporation would pay. The Senate had approved a 4/2 - mill rate and a $350,000 ceiling, exempting six of the state's largest corporations from the full tax. House Passes eat to India Loan Measure WASHINGTON-(A)-The House voted yesterday to lend famine- stricken India $190,000,000 for the purchase of American grain and other foodstuffs. It refused to require the Indian government to repay the loan in strategic war materials, but direct- ed the Economic Cooperation Ad- ministration, which would negoi- ate terms, to try to get some scarce materials as part of the deal. A companion bill was passed by the Senate last week. Since it disagrees with the House mea- sure in several ways, the legisla- tion now goes to a Senate-House ' Conference Committee to have the differences ironed out. The roll call vote in the House Atoday was 293 to 94. For the bill were 171 Democrats, 121 Republi- cans, and 1 Independent. Against were 36 Democrats and 58 Repub- licans. In its final form, the House mea- sure requires that the food be pur- chased in the United States and that at least half of it. be trans- ported to India, in American ships. The ECA would have a free hand in arranging credit terms. President Truman had asked Congress to make India a gift of the grain, about 2,000,000 tons, as a humanitarian gesture. terday. Miehigamnua Marks Golden Anniversary War cries and tom-tom beats' will resound through the campus today as the braves of Michigamua celebrate a half-century of deeds3 for Michigan. Fighting "braves in war paint and head dresses will go on the warpath sometime between 1 :30 and 3:00 p.m. and drag young bucks to the great Tappan Oak while close to 300 old bucks watch the golden anniversary initiation. President Alexander "Peace- maker" Ruthven and first sachem Pontiac Dewey of the 1902 tribe wil be given golden arrows as they smoke the pipe of peace. This year's sachem will beisclosed at the Rope Day ceremony. Kremlin Breakup Seen by Harriman DENVER-UP) -Presidential Adviser W. Averell Harriman said yesterday the free world's growing military might may force a rever- sal of Russian policies and "dis- integration" within the Kremlin. Harriman said in an address at the 26-state Western Democratic Conference here thatrany Far Eastern policy "of impulsive and ill-conceived action might be a provocation to general war." President Ruthven said that she originated the policy that he would, always see the stu- dents first, the faculty, second, and the deans when he could. Miss Rouse was "ordered" into the office by President Ruthven to receive the surprise present. He commented that it was the "first time she ever took an order without arguing." Miss Rouse will begin her retire- ment at the end of this semester. She has served alongside Presi- dent Ruthven ever since his ar- rival at the University. 'Birth Of A Nation' Shown to New Film Society Guests In a small basement /room of a private home in Ann Arbor, the highly controversial film, "Birth of a Nation" was shown last night to a select group of guests of the Neptune Film Society. Approximately twenty-five peo- ple saw the film as it unfolded Director D. W. Griffith's interpre- tation of the Civil War, the re- construction era, and a rather in- volved love story. Although all the doors of the house had been locked and a police car cruised around the house, the expected picketing did not occur. During the scenes of several Civil War battles and Lincoln's assassination, Mrs. Preston W. Slosson explained that Griffiths had used eye witnesses to recon- struct the scenes. The reaction of the small group was not too varied. "It is a vicious film, it completely distorts history," B o b Marshall, Grad. commented, "I do not think it ad- visable to have it for public cir- culation-study groups and dis- cussion groups are another thing." In regard to a public showing, the Neptune Film Society has def- initely cancelled tonight's showing because they do not have a hall. The group is still looking for a hall and willannounce its plans as soon as possible. Also last night, the local chap- ter of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored Peo- ple stated that they will strongly oppose every effort to show the film but will not picket the show- ing. THE REDS were still retreating all across the 125-mile war front. But they sowed heavy mine fields and pounded back at the pursuing Allies with artillery. A U. S. Eighth Army spokesman said other crossings of the 38th parallel seemed imminent but so far the'~only one was near Inje. The daring 13-mile thrust smashed to the banks of the Choyang River through streams of Reds. F i e l d dispatches promptly labeled it one of the boldest strokes of the Korean war. "We expect great things of this effort," messaged Lt. Gen. Edward M. Almond, U. S. 10th Corps'corn- mander, who ordered the swift at- tack. This was the only confirme0j crossing of the 38th parallel along the entire 125-mile front. But the resurgent U.S. Eighth Army closed' to witpin one to four miles of the old political boundary elsewhere along the front as the Chinese and., North Koreans fell back at a dog trot pace. Lt. Gen. James A. Van Fleet, commander of the Eighth Army, served notice that the controver- sial boundary would not prevent his victorious troops from main- taining the initiative and inflict- ing the maximum number of cas- ualties on the Communists. Phi Kappa Phi hIstalls_ Group Phi Kappa Phi, national honor- ary scholastic society, initiated 306 new members into its ranks in an official ceremony at 8 p.m., yes- terday, at Rackham Lecture Hall. Two of the initiates, Susan Wil- cox, '51, and George V. Boucher, '51, were each presented with the society's Annual Scholastic Award of $100. They were chosen for the awards by their respective dean, on the basis of their scholarship, character and service to the Uni- versity. The newly installed group con- sisted of graduating seniors, grad- uate students and six faculty members. According to the so- ciety's rules, they were selected from all the colleges on campus. After the initiation, an informal reception was held in the Rack- ham Assembly Hall. QUEEN'S DAY IGNORED: Local Britishers Forget To Observe Empire Day By The Associated Press LANDSBERG, Germany-Seven condemned German war prisoners, sitting red jacketed and grim. in death row, received word of their second stay of execution last night only an hour and one minute be- fore they were to hang. LONDON - Anthony Eden told an Empire Day rally last night that Britain has been "pushed around a little too much of late" in foreign affairs. * * * WASHINGTON -The Senate yesterday passed a bill provid- FISHY STORY? Whitmore Lake Reptile Fades Away By HARRIET TEPPERMAN The band played, the men cheered, the women cried and the children exploded firecrackers, but not in Ann Arbor. All this happened in places like Vancouver and Windsor vesterdav "When I think of the wild times we used to have," the new Ameri- can said, "I feel like throwing over my U.S. citizenship." "Today, there was always a tre- mendous parade at home. The By DAVE THOMAS - The child-swallowing reptile of Whitmore Lake appears to have faded away into a tall story. J Reports reaching The Daily late Wednesday night that a 25-foot reptile had gulped down a son of June Smith, 6371 Whitmore Lake yesterday morning inquiring about his supposedly lost son. A Daily reporter apologized for the incon- venience which the erroneous re- port had caused him. At the same time, a University zoologist, Prof. Norman E. Hart- weg, curator of reptiles and am- the temperature of the pond at that hour in the morning would be too cold for a snake. Smith, however, refused to ac- cept the zoologist's theory. He said that he had seen breeding carp and they looked entirely different from the snake he saw, on Wed- I