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February 17, 1951 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1951-02-17

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See Page 4

41t tgaun
Latest Deadline in the State






GO Regent
Seem Sure
Bonisteel, Doan
Expected Choices
7 special to The Daily
DETROIT-The expected battle
for one of the Republican nomina-
tions to the Board of Regents f all-
ed to materialize here as the GOP
Sconvention delegates all, but select-
ed their candidates for the two
seats in private pre-convention
I meetings.,last night.
Ae convention itself was slated
for today.
Incumbent Regent Roscoe I.
Bonisteel of Ann Arbor appeared
destined to receive one of the
nominations with most delegates
apparently behind him at pre-
convention caucuses held last
IN WHAT HAD promised to be
a wide open race for the other
7 board post, all opposition to Le-
)ard I. Doan of Midland was rap-
idly crumbling.
The bulk of the huge Wayne
County delegation was reported
to be pledged to Doan.
It is likely that ex-state Sena-
tor James A. Milliken of Traverse
City, who had promised to be a
strong contender, may not even
' place his name on the floor.
Milliken's hopes became in-
craslngly smaller with the news
that Kent County Republicans' in
asurprise move had thrown their
support to a dark horse, F. Row-
land Allaben.
HOWEVER, many delegates felt
that Allaben and other candidates
would drop out of the running
after the first ballot, if they enter
the contest at all.
Still making a bid for the
nomination last night were Har-
old A. Fitzgerald, publisher of
the Pontiac Press, Dr. Arthur J.
Bolt of Muskegon, and Guy C.
Y Conkle, Boyne City attorney.
if Bonisteel and Doan win to-
day, they will face ex-governor
MXurray D. Van Wagoner and
Wheaton IQStrome, Escanaba at-
tthey, Democratic nominees in
the April 2 election.
VAN WAGONER was appointed
by Governor Williams to fill the
post which became vacant with
the death of Regent Ralph A.
^ Hayward. Bonisteel's term ex-
pires at the end of this year.
. Inlcumbents to the State Board
of Agriculture, State Board of
Education, State Supreme Court,
7 and Superintendent of Public In-
struction are all expected to be
4 renominated.

iftFraternity2.4 rude Reg ulation

China Peace,
Quit Korea,
Leader Asks
Premier Says
War Not Certain



Reds Penetrate
UN Central Front
TOKYO-(P)-Between 15,000 and 20,000 North Korean Reds
yesterday penetrated the east flank of the central front near die-
chon, a field dispatch reported.
AP correspondent John Randolph said three North Korean divi-
sions attacked a few miles north of Chechon, a rail and road junction.
THE PENETRATION was limited and, for the moment, not seri-
"While the North Koreans penetrated the line, it was in no
sense a breakthrough," Randolph said. "Rather the Allied forces

rolled with the punch."

Labor Kicks
A bout Wage
ernment's whole h o m e front
controls program, including a
new wage-ceiling formula, was
angrily assailed by top labor lead-
ers yesterday with a veiled hint
of complete withdrawal from the
Three labor members of the
Wage Stabilization Board walked
out Thursday and were author-
ized by the United Labor Policy
Committee to submit written res-
ignations to President Truman
The ULPC, which represents
AFL, CIO and Railroad Brother-
hoods, was joined in its protest.
yesterday by John L. Lewis. The
United Mine Workers chief issued
a statement saying the proposed
wage ceiling-limiting wage in-
creases to 10 per cent above Jan.
15, 1950-is "unjustifiable and op-

The North Koreans, identified
as the Fifth Corps, appeared to be
trying to slip into the Pyongchang-
Yongwol-Tanyang mountain route
to the south.
* * *
in Communist strength eastward
from Chipyong and Wonju, two
mountain strongholds where the
Chinese Reds suffered 22,128 cas-
ualties in four punishing days try-
ing for a breakthrough.
Allied forces not only held-
firmly at those two points yes-
terday but even sent patrols
north for more than two miles
beyond Chipyong.
Chinese forces which had been
battering at Wonju vanished last
* s s
THURSDAY NIGHT and earlier
yesterday, Chinese had joined with
North Koreans in two attacks six
to 10 miles north of Chechon. Al-
lied artillery shattered one attack.
South Korans checked the other.
One 800-man enemy force in-
filtrated to within five miles
northwest of Chechon yesterday.
Chechon, a rail and road
hub in the mountains of central
Korea, was the goal of the Reds
who unsuccessfully attacked the
Wonju salient last month.

Change Ends
Five Year
Establish New
2.0 Requirement
Daily Managing Editor
Dean of Students Erich A. Wal-
ter yesterday announced the lift-
ing of the highly controversial
regulation requiring all campus
fraternities to maintain an over-
all house scholastic average of
2.4 or better.
The unheralded removal of the
hotly disputed 2.4 ruling brought
a sudden and unexpected end to
the raging controversy which has
centered around the regulation
since 1946.
* * .
ESTABLISHED shortly before
the last war by the Student Af-
fairs Committee on the recom-
mendation of the local Fraternity
Alumni Council, the 2.4 ruling
was designed to force local fra-
ternities to maintain scholastic
averages commensurate with other
campus groups.
It provided that any frater.
nity which failed to make a 2.4
average during any given year
should be placed on warning.
If that fraternity again failed
to maintain a 2.4 average the
following year, it was to be
placed on social probation and
later denied the right to pledge
new members.
The ruling was temporarily
shelved during the war and was
actually placed in effect in 1946
-at the request of the fraternity
SINCE THAT time.several fra-
ternities have been placed on
warning and for the first time
last fall, four fraternities were
actually placed on social proba-
tion for the current academic
In the meantime, however,
fraternity men here on campus
fought the regulation tooth and
nail with apparently little suc-
cess. Several meetings were held
with the alumni groups in an
attempt to get the ruling lifted,
but all met with failure.
Only a few weeks ago, however,
Dean Walter wrote the Alumni
Council recommending that the
regulation be removed, especially
in light of the current mobiliza-
tion program.
* * *
THE BOARD of Directors of
the Alumni Council voted on Feb.
1 to accept Dean Walter's recom-
mendation and the Student Af-
fairs Committee lifted the ruling
last Tuesday.
Pointing out that "there was
very little to recommend the 2.4
regulation during the past three
years," Dean Walter said that it
had always seemed an "incongru-
ity" that one particular group
should be required to maintain a
2.4 average, while the rest of the
student body Is asked to keep
only a 2.0 average.
"The regulation was imposed on
the fraternities before the war
and was never part of the frater-
nity men themselves," he said.

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-Daily-Chuck Elliott
MYSTERY AREA-The dark block (arrow) in the above map of
the Ann Arbor-Jackson vicinity shows the approximate location
of the 3,800-acre "mystery tract" purchased by the Chrysler Cor-
poration for a proving ground. The inset corresponds to the block
and shows the details of the location. The dotted lines in the
inset are roads closed within the site.
* * * *
Chrysler Unveils Mystery
Of Washtenaw County Land

Ruling Lets Mid-year Grads
Postpone Draft Until June

Draft Board officials yesterday
announced a new regulation that
will allow February college grad-
uates to return to school for a
semester of post-graduate work.
This new ruling gave the Feb-
ruary graduate the choice of
three alternatives: enlistment
wtihin 30' days, find an essential
job, or return to school.
Though the spring semester

lEC Warns of Dirty
tRushing Crackdown

has already started University
officials said that February grad-
uates who want to enroll for post-
graduate work would be allowed
to register late with the permis-
sion of their respective college
* * *
THE NEW ruling also allows
students to transfer to another
school for the second semester
and still keep their postponement.
While no other rule changes
w e r e announced, unofficial
sources stated that a new policy
toward students is now being
discussed among Selective Serv-
ice officials. This new policy,
to be revealed before the end of
the semester, is expected to be
more favorable toward students
than had previously been anti-
Meanwhile, the Michigan Em-
ployment Service in Ann Arbor
yesterday announced the receipt
of a list of critical occupations.
This list was prepared In August
prior to thepdeclaration of a
state of emergency and is classi-
fied as preliminary and subject
to review and revision.
IT IS to be used only in ad-
vising individuals concerned and
is not available for publication.
Any information desired about
particular occupations and activi-
ties may be obtained from the
Employment Service located at
N. Main and Felch.
TT 0 __ _ _ c1..1

The five-year mystery of 3,800
fenced acres of land in western
Washtenaw County was finally
solved yesterday when the Chrys-
ler Corporation announced that it
had bought the area for a proving
CED Praises
Deans' Report
On Admission
The Committee to End Discrim-
ination last night hailed the Con-
ference of Deans recommendation
calling for the elimination of all
potentially discriminatory fea-
tures of admission blanks to Uni-
versity schools.
In a formal statement the CED
said, "We believe that the Con-
ference of Deans report is a su-
perb piece of work. We are con-
fident that its implementation is
only a matter of time."
* * *
told the committees that when a
delegation had consulted Wayne
L. Whitaker, secretary of the
Medical School, about the report,
Whitaker had remained non-
committal over future changes in
Medical School application forms.
The Medical School had been the
chief subject of CED's campaign.
But, Silver said, Prof. Harold
M. Dorr, chairman of the Deans
Committee, had expressed hope
that the Medical School would
not find it necessary to retain
the questions.
CED made it plain that it had
no intention of becoming extinct
with the termination of its pres-
ent admission forms campaign.
At the same time Silver report-
ed that CED had been approached
by representatives from Michigan
State College for aid in the for-
mation of an MSC group with a
similar purpose.

The firm said that construction
of the few necessary buildings
would "get underway soon" on the
tract, located 13 miles west of
Ann Arbor and two miles south of
* S * -
ABOUT FIVE years ago, Detroit
real estate broker John Hanna be-
i gan buying large chunks of prop-
erty in the area for reputedly fan-,
tastic prices. Immediately, rumors
started circulating.
Guesses about the use of the
property ranged from a plush
nudist colony to an atomic en-
ergy installation. Early in 1949,
newspapers reported that Chrys-
ler was definitely behind the
purchases, and intended to use
the land for a proving ground.
Hanna refused to reveal any-
thing, however, and continued to
buy up farms, backed by an ap-
parently limitless bankroll. By the
summer of 1949 he had acquired
close to 4,000 acres, and had be-
gun selling back small bits to even
off the tract.
THEN, IN JULY of 1949, he pe-
titioned to have six miles of coun-
ty roads in the area closed. After
a series of publicrhearings, at
which irate farmers complained
severely about the proposed clos-
ings, Hanna agreed to pay forty
thousand dollars to the county for
improvements on other roads in
the area.
All buildings were removed
from the hilly, partly wooded
site, and a few months after the
County Board of Supervisors
okayed the road-closing, work-
men started to erect a seven-foot
wire fence around it.
Things remained a mystery un-
til yesterday. Local officials ex-
pressed their relief upon hearing
the Chrysler announcement, be-
cause it had been feared that an
industrial development in the area
might create great overcrowding
and general problems for western
Washtenaw County.

Dog Tags
AUGUSTA, Me. -()- Hyd-
rant-shaped dog license tags
got the State Agriculture De-
partment in the dog house last
Sensitive dog lovers protest-
ed that the tags were a slur on
man's best friend.
So the department came out
with a new style tag for 1951
-shaped like doghouses.
Troop Del"ay
Seen Deadly
By Acheson
of State Acheson told Congress
yesterday that if the United
States held back troop support
until after an attack on Europe,
it might mean "suicide for all
of us."
Acheson also cautioned that
THE SECRETARY, testifying
at a jam-packed Senate hearing,
gave assurance that Wstedr
Europe is girding for its own
defense. He said this country's
European allies are expected to
double their combat forces in the
next year.
Gen. Omar N. Bradley, Army
Chief of Staff, told the law-
makers that plans for the dis-
patch of four more American
divisions to Europe-as dis-
closed by Secretary of Defense
Marshall yesterday-would "im-
measurably improve" the safety
of the two U.S. divisions now
in Germany if Russia attacks.
Bradley said the divisions in
Germany would be "in great dan-
ger" if war came.. He said the
proposed increase in military
strength would discourage, rather
than provoke, an attack by Rus-
Acheson expressed hope of fit-
ting Spain, Turkey, Greece and
Yugoslavia into the European de-
fense setup.
World News
By The Associated Press
Connally (D-Tex) said yesterday
former President Herbert Hoover
and New York Gov. Thomas Dew-
ey will be given an opportunity
to testify at Senate hearings on
the troops-to-Europe issue.
Erikson, chief of the meat sec-
tion of the Office of Price Sta-
bilization, said yesterday a Gov-
ernment order is being prepared
freezing livestock prices to cor-
respond with the current ceiling
on meat prices.
* .* *
RICHMOND, VA. - A circuit
court jury decided early today
that the United Mine Workers of:
America and two affiliated unions
were responsible for a construc-
tion company's loss of contract
and assessed the unions $275,437.-
19 in damages.

LONDON--Prime Minister
Stalin said last night the United
States is leading the United Na-
tions toward war and disintegra-
tion along "the inglorious road of
the League of Nations"
Hedeclared UN forces must face
defeat in Koreaunless Britain and
the United States accept Red
China's proposals for settling Far
East problems.
The 71 year old Russian leader"
made his first major pronounce-
ment in two years on world af-
fairs. Despite his talk of war, he
said World War III is not inevi-
STALIN MADE his views known
in a long interview published by
the Communist Newspaper Pravda
and broadcast from Moscow last,
Stalin assailed as "shameful"
the UN decision to brand Com-
munist China an aggressor. He,
depicted the Korean War as "e-
trenmely unpopular" among the
American and British soldiers,
"It 'stands to reason that the
most experienced generals and of-
ficers can suffer defeat if the
soldiers regard the war imposed
upon them as profoundly unjust,
It is difficult to convince the sold-
iers that the Upited States of
America is entitled to defend its
security on the territory of Korea
and at the frontiers of China"
PRAVDA SAID IT asked Stalin
how the Korean War would end,
and that he replied:
"If Britain and the United
States reject finally the propos-
als made by the People's Gov-
ernment of China, the war in
Korea can only end in a defeat
of the interventionists."
The proposals he refeired to ap-
parently are the demandIs of Com-
munist China that the UN forces
withdraw from Korea, that Com-
munist China be admitted to the
United Nations and that United
States forces withdraw from the
Formosa area.
S * *t
ON THE BROAD subject of the
Unfited Nations, Stalin declared its
"aggressive core" is 10 countries
of the North Atlantic Pact, led by
the United States, and 20 Latin
American countries.
"The representatives of these
countries now decide the fate of
war and peace in the United Na-
tions," Stalin said. "It was they
who carried in the United Na-
tions the shameful decision on
the aggressiveness of the Chin-
ese People's Republic..
"The United Nations organiza-
tion is therefore taking the in- -
glorious road of the League of Na-
tions. In this way it is burying its
moral prestige and dooming itself
to disintegration."
* * *
BUT TO/THE question "Do you
consider a' new World War inev-
table," Stalin was quoted in Prav-
da as replying:
"At least at the present time
it cannot be considered inevi-
table. Of course in the United
States, in Britain as also -in
France, there are aggressive for-
ces thirsting for a new war. They
need war to obtain super profits,
to plunder other countries.
Stalin said these foces were
trying to deceive the peoples and
had led their governments to turn
down Soviet bids for peace and the
control of arms. Peace will be pre-
served, he said, if the peoples take
the job into their own hands.
Stalin said that Prime Min-
ister Attlee of Britain had liedIn
depicting the Soviet Union as
building up its armed forces.
"It is known to the whole world

Dirty rushers, beware!
The IFC is out hunting for you,
armed to the teeth with whopping
fines f o r unwary fraternities
caught violating its "sanity code."
* * *
a $50 fine for the first offense, a
$100 levy for the second time, and
Quartet Will
Play Mozart
The Budapest Quartet will pre-
Ssent "Concertino," by Stravinsky.
in its second concert at 8:30 p.m.
today in Rackham Lecture Hall.
en nrncramw ill in innide

a grand slam prize of denial of
pledging privileges for a third
The stiffened penalties bite
both ways, too. A rushee, how-
ever innocent, will not be al-
lowed to pledge that fraternity
which broke the rules in his be-
A new Enforcement Committee
of house presidents has been set
up by the IFC to police rushing
this semester. Dan Archangeli
of Sigma Nu, Committee chair-
man, promised harsh treatmentl
for offenders.
* * *
watchdog committee are Roger
Wellington, '51E, Chi Psi; Walter
Shanern '. anna Nu .rnd Jim

Private Proboscis Solves Weather Mysteries


* * *




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