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May 24, 1951 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1951-05-24

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VOL. LXI, No. 164



" nSIX Pa







Korea Peace
Issues Cited

Approval of




Says Safeguards
Must Be Planned
WASHINGTON -(W)- General
Omar Bradley told senators yes-
terday South Korea would remain
under constant threat of new
Communist attacks if a peace set-
tlement called for the withdrawal
of United Nations forces without
any safeguards.
The five-star General said cease-
fire terms will have to contain
"certain safeguards" against a re-
newal of Red aggression-and will
involve more than just the with-
drawal of Chinese and UN forces
from Korea.
** *
"THE QUESTION of decision
that is going to have to be reach-
ed," he said, is whether or not
that (withdrawal) is acceptable
from all angles-political, military
and so forth-and it is going to
involve more than just the simple
things, that we both withdraw.
"I think it is going to have to
have certain other safeguards
but it may boil down to a ques-
tion of whether or not you ac-
cept that or nothing."
Bradley said from a military
viewpoint a withdrawal by the
Chinese-UN forces would leave the
Communists "in a more advan-
tageous position to renew the con-

Budge IExpec ted
Vote On Appropriations Bill Due
Tomorrow In State Legislature
A final State Legislature decision on the pending University budget
for the 1951-52 fiscal year is expected tomorrow, reliable sources have
The appropriations bill-which is apparently being studied with
a great deal of deliberation-has been tied up in the Senate Finance
Committee for nearly a week. The Senate, however, is recessing today
and the bill will not be reported out of committee until tomorrow
I * * * *
JACK GREEN, chief of the Associated Press's Lansing Bureau,
said yesterday that he believes the Finance Committee is making
some "major changes" in the bill. But no one, of course, knows what
those changes are.
When the bill is reported out of committee, it will be put to a
vote on the Senate floor. Meanwhile, the House is standing by in
the event that there is a marked difference of opinion between the
two bodies.
In that case, members of both the Senate and House will meet
in a special conference committee session to iron out any differences.
THE CONFERENCE COMMITTEE, Green said, is inevitable. "I've
never seen it to fail." Green is a surviving veteran of numerous legisla-
tive sessions.
Although Green is optimistic that a final decision on the Uni-
versity budget will come early tomorrow, the session-as in the
past-may drag on until late in the evening before the consummat-I
ed bill is approved.
"The decks, however, have been pretty well cleared," Green ex-E
plained, referring to the large number of bills that the Senate has!
already dealt with. "You may see quick action on the appropriations."
MEANWHILE, UNIVERSITY officials have been conferring with
State Senators. University vice-president Marvin L. Niehuss, whose
special concern has been the budget bill, was in Lansing again yes-!
terday to consult with senators.
Senators here are remaining tight-lipped over the final form
of the appropriations bill. As yet, no hints of the amount which
will be granted to the University have been expressed.
The only effectual suggestion of how the bill might finally end up
came from the House two weeks ago when that body voted a $14,-
845,000 University budget. This fell short of the Regents' final $15,-
200,000 request by $355,000.
Cooperative Houses Finish
Nneteenth Year on CampuS
By HARLAND BRITZ Founded on the Rochdale prin-
(Editor's note: This is the first of ciples of consumer ownersl p,
a series of articles on the coopera-. inonsp ofi eonne rl i ,i
tive plan of living at the University. non-profit operation, neutrality in
These articles are appearing in con- religion and politics and complete
nection with National Co-operative democratic control, the co-op
week, which is now in progress.) movement now includes' six resi-
Launched in 1932 in the base- dences and over 200 students.
ment of the house of an Annr - The CHIEF intention of the
bor minister, by six members ofeal panrswst prve
the Michigneoiaisrluyo planners was to provide l
t e ichgng Soialistlub, co- meals and housing at a low cost.
operative living has become the So they quickly settled down and
largest student owned and oper- rapidly expanded 'in "Michigan!
ated room and board organization Socialist House," as it was then
at the University.cld

State Votes
Higher Tax
On Gasoline
Passed Over
Governor's Veto
LANSING-(P)-On a disputed
second vote, the State House of
Representatives overrode Governor
Williams veto, and put into law
a 1% cent tax increase on gasoline
The bill, which will boost the
present three cent tax to 4% cents
per gallon July 1. carried with
three votes more than the neces-
sary two-thirds. However, Demo-
cratic House members hinted a
suit would be started in an at-
tempt to block the effectiveness of
the act.
THE SENATE, last week over-
rode the veto easily. When it came
to the House, for the first time
after the veto, the question of over-
riding got only 66 votes, one short.!
These votes were cast by all the
Republicans in the House. The
Democrats stuck firmly to vote
against overriding.
Then the Republicans slap-j
ped through a motion to recon-
sider the vote and left it on the
table over the weekend.
Meanwhile, the Wayne County
Road Commission and Detroit City'
officials, who desperately want the
increased gasoline tax pressured
four Democrats into jumping the
party fence.
up again yesterday, the four vot-
ed with the 66 Republicans to over-
ride easily.
Before the vote, however, Rep.
Ed Carey (D-Detroit), minor-I
ity floor leader, made a state-
ment for the record challenging
the constitutionality of the sec-
ond vote on the veto.
He said the Constitution permits
only one reconsideration. The first
vote on the veto was that recon-
sideration, he contended.

-Daily-Mike Scherer
I'LL TAKE 50,000-Jim Tucker, '54E, hands a $25,000 bill to Bar-
bara Henderson, '53, at the Tyler House - Alpha Delta Pi necktie
booth. Kisses were retailing at 50 cents each with a necktie
thrown in, so Tucker smiles at the thought of a very busy eve-
* * * *
Tyler House Necktie Sale
Featured byCoeds' Kisses'

* * *


BRADLEY gave these views to
the senate inquiry group studying
the reasons behind the ouster of
Gen. Douglas MacArthur.
Earlier, he declared that Mac.
Arthur's own field intelligence
should have spotted the big
Chinese Red build-up in North
Korea last Fall before it drove
his army into retreat.
With this testimony, Bradley
openlyhchallenged the MacArthur
argument that this information
was beyond the limits of his com-
mand and was the responsibility
of higher intelligence in Wash-
BUT BRADLEY added that
MacArthur could not be blamed
x if his field commanders did, not
give him the information "which
could have been obtained or
should have been obtained by air
reconnaissance and ground re-
For the fifth straight day Brad-
ley also turned thumbs down on
MacArthur's proposal to seek vic-
tory in Korea by bombing China1
and Manchuria, blockading the
Red-held coast, and using Chinese
nationalist troops in the Korean)
The chairman of the joint chiefs
of staff strongly suggested that
MacArthur should have resigned
*" his far eastern commands before
he began taking public issue with
the Truman administration over
Far East policy.

he believed some private citizen
would start suit- to test the validity
of the law.
The Good Roads Federation,
which has been seeking the tax
boost and a broad program of
highway reform for several years,
estimated the new gasoline tax
would bring in an additional $25.-
500,000 for State and local roads.
The Governor, who said he was
"keenly disappointed" at the Leg-
is lature's action, decided not to
block the balance of the federation
program after the gas tax veto was
He permitted a bill increasing
weight (license) taxes on commer-
cial vehicles $4,500,000 a year to
become law without his signature.
Scaina',v Tax

Lfast Advice
The Student Advisors, an
LS&A consultatory group, will
meet for the last time this
semester from 3 to 4 p.m. today
in Rm. 1209 Angell Hall.
Upperclassmen and sopho-
mores with concentration prob-
lems and questions about cours-
es and requirements are urged
to attend.


Famed Alumna Returns
To Urge Atlantic Union
0 r e ___1_______

When the benefits of
plan became widely know
merous student groups b
together to found more<
on the Rochdale principl
From 1932 to 1941, 13
houses were established<
campus, connected by a
organized federation.
THEN CAME the war,r
the men left the campus,
their co-ops. The active co
tive houses soon diminis
five, three of which were o
by women. But the coop
were not to be counted out
They managed to survi
war years so well that in
the Inter-Cooperative Co
Inc. was founded, using
insignia the twin pines,Y
sentative of the national
erative movement.
At present there are six
houses in operation on th
pus. The original Socialist
moved in 1947 to its presen
tion at 315 N. State and ,
named "Michigan House.
central headquarters of the
cooperative Council is Robe
en House at 1017 Oaklan
chased in 1944. The third
house is the John Nak
House at 847 S. State whic]
back to 1948.

n, nu-



East Quad residents dug deep in-
to their pockets and bid for the
privilege of kissing sorority women
last night.
Nearly 150 men gathered in the
court of the Quad to participate in
the annual Tyler House necktie
sale, with kisses from members of.
Lposes Hall
For Showing
Plans for showing "Birth of a
Nation" tomorrow hit a snag last
night when the board of trustees
of the hall in which the perform-
ance was to be held cancelled an
agreement with the movie's spon-
sor, the Neptune Film Society.
Allan Silver, '51, a member of
the film group, said the trustee's
action did not mean that the show
itself had been cancelled.
tune made an agreement with the
hall's manager only, and when the
contract come before the trus-
tees for approval, they vetoed it.
Attempts by the film society
to make new arrangements with
other halls in Ann Arbor for
Friday night brought no definite
Neptune will be able to keep the
copy of "Birth of a Nation" until
Wednesday, Silver reported.
MEANWHILE the Committee to
End Discrimination, which has
gone on record against the film,
announced that it would plan no
demonstration at the showing.
And administration officials
said the University would not in-
terfer with the "Birth of a Na-
tion" performance because the
sponsoring group does not have
University recognition.
Clay Bredt, Spec., a member of
the Neptune Society, has asked
students who know of local halls
available for rent contact him at

Plan Incites

on the
loosely ontroversy
The passage of Saginaw's con-
and as troversial payroll tax issue this
so did week drew attention from cities
oopera- all over Michigan and comment
hed to from several University profes-
ccupied sors.
eratives The plan, which was presented
-. as a city charter amendment, calls
ve the for a cut ini property taxes from
1944 ten to seven mills per $1000 and
ouncil, shifts the financial'burden over to
as its a new one per cent tax on indi-
repre- vidual incomes and business pro-
cooP- fits.
co-op THE PROPOSAL hit a pre-elec-
e cam- tion snag when Governor Williams
House vetoed the election on the grounds
it loca- that three questions would be sub-
was re- mitted on one ballot This was
" The over ridden by city council action.
Inter- Prof. Arthur W. Bromage of
rit Ow- the political science department
d, pur- felt the plan was a good one.j
men's While he declined to give any
kamura views as to the legality of the
h dates plan, he did state that, "it is
desirable to find diversification
of tax sources; we cannot con-

By The Associated Press
Stronger military measures against
Red China plus diplomatic sanc-
tions were reported yesterday un-
der active consideration by the
American delegation in the Unit-
ed Nations.
WASHINGTON-Secretary of
State Acheson yesterday de-
clared American readiness to
negotiate with the Chinese Com-
munists for a settlement of the
war. in Korea, but he said he
knew of no overtures from the
other side.
WASHINGTON-Novelist Budd
Schulberg testified yesterday he
quit the Communist party 12
years ago when Red leaders in
Hollywood tried to "dictate" to
him on his literary output.


Taxes Increased
By House Group
WASHINGTON-1)--A bitterly
divided House Ways and Means
Committee voted yesterday to in-
crease everybody's income tax 12%/
per cent and to slap $370,000,0001
additional excess profits tax on

Alpha Delta Pi sorority thrown in
as an added attraction.
TYLER MEN had donated their
old neckties to the sale. These were
auctioned off to the highest bid-
ders, and with any sales of more
than 50 cents, the purchaser was
treated to a kiss from ADPis Mibbs
Lindquist, '53, Barbara Johnson,
'53, and Barbara Henderson, '53.
Although the Tyler necktie
sale had been held before, last
night was the first time an added
female incentive was added. The
aid of the sorority women was
solicited by Herb Peck, '51, a
staff assistant.
CO-CHAIRMEN Bill Kristofetz,
'54E, and Bill Jackson, '54 A&D,
reported that they were somewhat
dissatisfied with the number of
50 cent sales, since only 12 ties
were given with kisses. The total
sales netted about $17 for the Tyler
House council from 120 neckties.
Those who did pay for the added
attraction seemed to be satisfied
with their purchases. One lip-
stick-smeared resident, when asked
if it was worth 50 cents, said "Ooh,
was it ever!"

Link Luck
STERLING, Il. -(OP) -- Cliff
John, 55 years old, a Sterling
insurance agent, carried an in-
surance policy with him for
good luck when he played golf.
If John scored a hole-in-one
the Lloyd's of London policy
would pay $400.
John was golfing yesterday at
theRock River Country Club
near Sterling. As three com-
panions watched he made a
128 yard hole-in-one on the
seventh hole.
John grabbed for the policy.
It had lapsed eight days ago.
SL To Ask
To Meeting's
After more than two hours of
procedural wrangling, Student
Legislature last night voted to in-
vite representatives of seven cam-
pus organizations to attend SL
meetings as non-voting members.
Motion and counter - motion
swept the floor, as the legislators
bickered over numerous amend-
ments and parliamentary ques-
tionsa before finally reaching a
vote at 12:05 a.m.
THE NEW set-up, sponsored by
Wally Pearson, '53, provides for
inclusion of the League, Union,
Graduate Student Council, Asso-
ciation of Independent Men, Pan-
hellenic Association, Interfratern-
ity Council and Assembly Associa-
tion in the SL meetings. Delegates
from these organizations will have
speaking, but not voting rights.
The stated purposes of the
motion are to "gain better -u.
derstanding and promote better
cooperation" between SL and
major campus groups. How ver,
the outside representatives may
speak only on questions pertain-
ing to their organization.
The final passage of the motion
by an 18-15 vote was accomplished
only after backers of the plan
fought down sundry efforts to ta-
ble or kill it. Dave Belin, '51,
asked to delegate the project to
thie Varsity Committee, Keith
Beers, '51, wanted the Human and
International Relations Committee
to look into it, while the Citizen-
ship and Campus Action Commit-
tees were also mentioned as pos-
sible places for further considera-
tion of the measure,
THE PLAN has been kicking
around for several years, but came
to a head this Spring, when it was
one of the major election issues.
The Campus Action Committee
has been working on the moion
for a couple of months.
Earlier in the four and one-hal
hour meeting, the legislature had
appropriated $300 to send 14 dele-
gates to the National Student As-
sociation conference in Minneao-
lis in August. Beers moved o
cut the funds to $125, but was de-
The group also voted unani-
mously to send a letter to Presi-
dent Alexander Ruthven congra-
tulating him on his many years
of service-

Allied Tanks
In Pursuit
of Chinese
Drive Expected
To Cross Border
TOKYO - () - The Chinese
Reds retreated all across the 125-
mile Korean warfront today under
hot pursuit of attacking Alled
tank columns.
Tanks in the West rumbled up
to within shelling distance of
Communist North Korea across
the 38th parallel.
* * *
BLED BY losses of 70;000 or
more, the Reds ceased attacks
everywhere and withdrew from
the debacle of their second spring
offensive. It had lasted only six
A field dipatch today from
the U.S. Second Division sector
-the point where the Reds had
hit hardest-quoted dazed Red
prisoners as saying they were
Y"amazed at how quickly the
Allies struck back."
A U.S. Eighth Army spokesman
said the Reds showed no signs
L they would stop at the 38th par-
allel, the old political boundary
for North and South Korea.
4. * *
"THEY MIGHT go up across
the parallel and wait for us to
come to them," he said, "but it is
impossible to tell what the Chi-
nese are going to do."
North of Seoul, tank-led
. South Koreans approached Kor-
angpo, one mile south of the
38th parallel. The tanks reach-
ed positions where they could
shell Reds retreating into North
Korea from around Korangpo
and across the nearby Imjin
The U.S. First Cavalry division
advanced more than five miles in
another western sector without
finding any Reds.
4' * *
ALLIED FORCES were on the
prowl for Reds up the main north
highway from Seoul for 16 miles.
They dispersed one; - group five
imiles north of Uijongbu.
In West-Central Korea, the
U.S. 25th Division advanced
nearly four miles into stron.
positions ringing Kapyong. Yes-
terday, 25th patrols entered the
highway hub 32 miles northeast
of Seoul.
In Central Korea, the U.S. First
Marine Division hunted Reds to
fight and found few.
* **
THE ALLIES now control both
sides of the Hongchon River in
the central sector.
In East-Central Korea, the val-
iant U.S. Second Division rolled
Ruthven Paids
Special Honor
By Legislators,

LANSING-('P)-The State Leg
islature paid homage yesterday t(
retiring President Alexander G
Ruthven of the University.
A resolution adopted.in bot]
-chambers said President Ruthver
had built the University into "ax
educational institution recognize(
throughout the world."
It said that the people of th
state "appreciate the wisdom an(
educational leadership which hav
been unselfishly given in order tha
young people might have educa
tional opportunities in preparin
them to meet their responsibili
It noted that during Presiden
Ruthven's tenure "valuable re
search which has benefited man
kind has taken place in the Uni
versity of Michigan."
Local Youths'
Hearing' Today


One of the University's most
successful almunae was back on
the campus yesterday crusading
vigorously for her latest and most
important project.
Mrs Chase S. Osborn, wife of
the farmer Michigan governor and
member of the Atlantic Union,
spoke before the Ann Arbor chap-
ter of Atlantic Union in behalf of
a campaign to start a student

in 1922 with a masters degree in
English and close to an all-A
average, Mrs. Osborn went on to
teach school in the Ozark Moun-
tains and work for Dodd Mead
Publishing Co.
IT WAS AS an editor of a lit-
erary magazine called "Whimsies"
during her junior and senior years
in college that she first became
acquainted with the name of
f 4 co C 'lhn---

MysteryReptile ncites Rural Terror

As it went to press -early this
morning, The Daily was still wait-
ing word from a reporter sent to
the Whitmore Lake area last night
to cover the appearance of a "25-

I saw it move I called to my son-
in-law to bring my shotgun."
Smith said #pe shot several
times at the reptile "which ap-
peared to be about 25 feet long"
but it slithered away unharmed.

in the Pacific with the Marines'
during the last war, could take
care of himself. His sister; Rhoda,
'53, described Logan, as "the best
brother a sister ever had."
The report of the Whitmore



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