_ I____
Fair Trade Decision
Supreme will probably not set up any broad imme-
~e agree- diate reaction.
so-called Nevertheless, there will eventually be a
Lien it is reaction.
with ho- When current agreements begin to expire
there are bound to be defections from the
t"' about ranks of controlled business. Moreover, when
gged on the present period of spiraling costs passes
ties, was from the economic scene there will be room
mono- for major cuts in the prices of consumer
pathetic goods.
conomy, Some enterprising character, who read his
~ry corn- Peterson's E~conomics back at Michigan, Is
pporters going to make the cuts first ~nd then the
ramount floodgates will be opened.
epul and But the new ruling is going to call for
some sharp work on the part of our Fed-
t permits eral Trade Commission and the Depart-
;reements ment of Justice, to see that the business-
Ihem free men who have used "fair trade" laws to
sensible, bully excess profits out of the public do
not turn to less open but more effective
means of holding prices at an artificially
~an Daily high level.
)aily staff
~!ers only. More important, the Court's decision calls
________ on businessmen to show as much faith in
free enterprise as does the court in this his-
~OUNG toric judgment.
________ -Zander Hollander
tended as a subtle kidding of modernistic
mnd falls fltter tan last niht' beer An
The ads prove, however, that art can be
Anyone who can read between the pic-
Lures will find what he's looking f or-
laughs. An insert take-off on theatre-in-
the-round makes even dramatist Will
Shakespeare io a gagnian. And old
faithful Double Dick, whose continuing
ability to fascinate the student body with
his campus adventures is amazing, makes
his farewell appearance. (Perhaps, how-
ever, it's time for the farewell. This chap-
ter has enough authentic Double Dick to
ke5ep the story moving but it ends with
senitimental moralizing more apropos to a
Michigan Daily editorial.)
Also deserving a good 'Yuk' are "Who
Stole My Dinosaur" for its slap-stick and
"Heaven's Above" for its satire on science..
fiction. These two prove that the home of-
fice humor beats the borrowed jokes by a
mil e.
One adided comment-the old themes of
kidding The Daily and Generation still
touch home but they arc getting thin around
the edges e.g. the drama, arty illustrations
and movie reviews. It may not be only the
edges that thin if they make too many more
awar of te extet to whc Wdash- I
intorn iled onead nte withr es-rty
pec to domsiclegiation aths th scond
Trumanditain appras nteodacs its fer in
Lesael niown be cah Spee
Couert is outsideted ran obseresent
most urninga ctrerjsies ise nt factr
that they court rfetsa the sae trendo
now moedffcl tha1Trmnapiteshold c'te-
balane of wer. Tefcti ht
The Jstes re oi ng of into the m
str tc of a termn exspected to e ldy r a o a
sofzonl, abu 90 oiinororls.Ts
produc fro inefu men copreo the 90-
tha onl thre-toe Blck ndoga
-turnedi ot angalss withaegulity-
durigateb the palmyidays of thepeal.
Thes rani noutr thoatshe court b-
hndolo in iswr u that ditsis i casinly
mexecs;in its peoaeo refusing one to n-er
tertai aealsn. Inrssvl the xysitn heady
average ;of aout250caseh, hnedon inm-
aperhas20oinos o t apast
rega 10s ne undi number.ha ben
Anesedaniatond oft the cengtrefssn
to arhascohvinesd ny wobserviers o
teocousry tat he-ntigismr n aer
thand they 'weeorthatnge c ases ar e
meuc more. difiut tha they Tcuan' en-
erinee morte otem.hThe faterid that
the hase eyrit tenio all intomn th
hih kis a thfu refcsion of the codln-s
bti mtes by thnea colto of Re pui-n
canno faryb aee a osraiea
that coaliin inted eonsif Jcuallye
akes thn iths: efsan oger topneer-
olagu es heflect then.onrssioald
Whtn Ths inerestn is that this has been
cotion, theso Predernuwho camainedok
ferociouslyalags.nstsdo-nothidgism and naf-
fixd theg "wort Congrdess" ael oth
Repulica 80t. Itis M. Trman' ap
pointes to reethe court raveale its
comperxion hi'CifJsie r is
wh rdn has exrisdtegeia ee-makling
whckepsrb the tcesoutiofs the headlines
has. Tyielddeanndnnualgcropeofand opinon
onlys. r aleig easete. r o
Mr Tgrumn tappied tsh Chef Jutire
andctreenl otheni or emerAtrely Gen-
lte usieslc and DousglaspamaykembJus-
tcsyrgJackson b and Frnfer ayaicae n.ook
/~ ~
F T2i~...\... S4,'S.
.5 .~.....5'.
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Daily-Bill Hampton
'w ashin~ton Merry-Go-Round
otr rhe a Edithor:r1
hbpee h "hte war."ca Tad i
re e a r adley' an sweb r toy M c
rtur. Iht willeshock then world.
aits that thoe-T govrmet
Tsettn irbts sights.o etingv-
hr ight war, against the Seoveto
hnen Buiait foraece hmann
iys no arqeston tof thge "right
Thr"nd he "oesng war."n Hu-
'hrvte "GRATiEBTE nounds13
kelighc"nfyrencetg of s MudropIsc.
It isr th "Gatst BhetKraal" o
[iens peae hes Aer and.
f ect humaity.i radleyo eash-
aing tof Hirkohitons pae foe n
auerinsg China? wudbevnmr
~ut what aes Dtintasst
L5imtaio of Hile' pafo
AAC has ompentsa roeft
ow coersn Al Sier ons prud- b
annune "it is elibeat
idt vcousl a nti-N. eo etaitl
igadthe d huma sprt tat
is fulh o Edieraehsoil
TorEtEXTns tha e tomirgeeet
EeyNegr osrganiation cont-
dernthuishamedlys Tracsdfilm
ersonalo slandritallwi Negr
months I atemteDs onliaerte
Rastrt rced thei fra whic wes
ristogh austonwar.apli
)apron orpersns must h boe
annmed aisuoecho ests.u na
rerermdis to regoadr-
soassiumn cygdanda a ghood
Sir admitshe cargdaef agans
Aito a Natiohn. He grt a ary
fiul whUihdrait hand ralen thatr
reitte prsen, t wold sitaon he
Soly angl h th ..hoe dems-
ise inforeincon tries.g
thues Etor:qusio
InHEsTEgT ofs the Comthte t
Endt Dfat iscrimination stte
endbisheds Linslat Thur0say's
nti poinit. Te M dicliSchool
3 nowthony college. ofthe ni-
dersiyno ihiganu whdich -ch4
tont aferegng the ngofrenceam
aepr ured the remvalsf is p-
triatoy qusionsfrom appli-
tion blanks-hsmd omv
Speifcaly,-e the Medical ho
emadol shaved the eis gin, na-
ipnl ancestry fortmerl nam i t-
soas been hasng and harmfhoto-
~raphof eery andSidae,~
l2he Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of
general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer
and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300. words in length, defamatory or
libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will
be condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the
-Wendy Owen
A t Lydia Mendelssohn ..
by the Ann Arbor Drama Season.
"RING Round the Moon," second in the
current theater program, shows some-
thing of an improvement over the initial
offering of the season, CAPTAIN BRASS-
BOUND'S CONVERSION, but is so much
the same kind of play that it is difficult to
understand the programming plans.
Both are plays of wit rather than charac--
ter. of contrapuntal talk rather than drama-
tic substance. Set in the same era, each also
incorporates an Roratio Alger message as
minor justification for their existence.,
The present production, although ham-
pered by a slow first act, gets rolling well
in the second, where it reaches the un+
questioned high point of the play with
the mock tango between William . Allyn
and Betty Low. From then on, it main-
tains a generally high level unti te end.
chair-ridd dwager, heads a cast that does
not entirely measure up to her, but is uni-
formly competent. She functions in the
play as a kind of deus ex machina to make
everything come out all right in the end.
Donald Buka, in the dual role of the neph-
ews, is all right, but does not completely
capture the sparkle necessary for the role
of Hugo or the reticent charm of Frederic.
Grace Kelly, as the indigent heroine, lives
up to the not-easy task of being as beautiful
as everybody on the stage says she is.
Billed as "a charade in music," the stag-
ing of the play is conceived in a series of
tableaus, which is in a large measure re-
sponsible for the difficulty in getting under-
way. With a large number of characters
to introduce, playwright Anouilh and/or
translator Fry mechanically repeats with a
different inflection the exit line of one char-
acter for the entrance line of another. This
is part of the technique that seems to grow
less unwieldly later.
One the whole, however, the set, the tone,
and the texture of the "play add up to an
evening's entertainment.
--Dick Kraus and Bill Wiegand
'/ASHINGTON-Despite Dixiecrat-Republican opposition to Hawai- t
" an and Alaskan statehood, two Senate reports next week will t
call upon Congress to admit these two territories as full-fledged I
states, thereby putting 50 stars in the American flag.
Without pulling punches, the reports hit squarely at the ra- i
cial issue, which has been the secret roadblock in the way of
Hawaiian and Alaskan statehood. Though both the Democratic
and Republican platforms have promised statehood, certain Sena-
tors privately fear that nonwhites from Hawaii may be elected
to their exclusive club, the United States Senate. It is also feared
that the addition of two new Senators from Alaska would mean
two votes for closure and against filibustering. ]
With this general issue in mind, the Hawaiian report declares
bluntly: "With the entire world looking to the United States for
moral and spiritual leadership, the (Senate Interior) comimittee does
not believe that the 82nd Congress will deny full political equality to 1
a group of its own citizens who have met every historic test of qualify- (
ing for statehood, merely because the ancestors of a part of that I
group came from Asa."
Describing Hawaii as "a bastion of Americanism in the critical I
Pacific area," the report argues: "it is of highest importance that the I
moral and psychological position of the United States with the peoples I
of Asia on this Pacific front shall not be weakened by the paradoxical
status of Hawaii.",
The Alaskan report echoes the same seniment. -
"Although the native population of Alaska constitutes a minor-
ity of the population." the Senate Interior Commhittee declares, "there
are six such natives presently holding office as respected and influ-
ential members of the territorial legislature . . . . Alaska, along with
Hawaii, has been a pioneer in establishing and realizing the dream of
our founding fathers for true democracy and equality of opportunity."
* * * * -
N THE CASE of Alaska, the report also observes slyly "that no resi-
dent of the territory appeared in opposition (to statehood), but
that the burden was carried by representatives of the fish-packing
industry with headquarters in the states."
Both reports also stress the critical issue of defense. Of Ha-
1waii, the report solemnly reminds: "Pearl Harbor, for all its
tragedy, served one grimly useful purpose. It made the United
States aware that its western front was not the coast of Calif or-
nia, but a group of islands some 2,000 miles southwestward in
the Pacific."
Of Alaska, the report warns that a "mere 54 miles of the Bering
Strait separate it from Soviet territory . . . . It is the only part of
the American continent which suffered actual invasion and enemy
occupation in World War II . . . . The shortest, most direct air route
between Soviet centers and inland cities of the United States, 'such
as Detroit, Omaha, Denver, is across the narrow Arctic waters which
wash Alaska's northern shores. The strategic importance of Alaska
can perhaps be summed up in the succinct words of America's air-
power pioneer, Gen. Billy Mitchell: 'He who holds Alaska holds the
* *. * *
TURNING TO economic reasons, the report points out that Alaska
"has the greatest reserves of untapped raw materils-minerals,
forest and sea products-under the American flag . . . . Statehood for
Alaska should supply the needed stimulus for enterprise and private
capital to make that area of vast riches one of the strongest segments
of the American economy tomorrow."
The Hawaiian report also underlines the heroic record of Hawaii-
ans, particularly the Japanese-Americans, "in fighting for and shed-.
ding their blood for the ideal of American democracy."
The cold statistics show that the distinguished war record of
Hawaiian units in World War 11, including the most decorated
unit In American military history, the Japanese-American 442nd
infantry, Is now being repeated in Korea. -
"In Korea, as of April 17, 1951, Hawaiian battle casualties totaled
681," the Senate Committee reported. "This represenits a casualty rate
of 1.36 per thousand of Hawaii's population . . .. thus, Hawaii's battle
casualties in the Korean fighting are something like three and a half
times those of the rest of the country.
"It is submitted," the report adds, "that if the ultimate test of loy-
alty and patriotism is the willingness to fight and die for one's coun-
try, then Hawaii has nobly met this test also."
, (Copyright, 1951, by the Bell Syndicate, Inc.)
Yirth of a Nation ** g
To the Eiors: 5 d
PRESUMABLY Allan Silver an r
his associates will contend ths ~
year, as. they did last year, that t
,heir tenacious determination to
show "The Birth of a Nation" is
founded on a concern for freedom
)f utterance. They will contend
that no pressure group should be
permitted to deny the rest of us the ~
right to see the film if we wish
to see it. Surely a commendable 1
mnotive, and surely commendable
.But this year, as last year, their
mnsistence is vastly and almost in- 1
credibly wrong-headed. Whereas
they may be quite convinced that
they are asserting the right of free
utterance, they are in a much
more substantive way asserting the
right to defame an underprivileged
minority. This 'last, of course, is
not a right worth defending. It is
a lamentable, and a very danger-
ous, atavism.
actually intereste ins comatting
censorship and oppression, then
let them devise a riposte to some
compelling menace like McCarthy-
ism. If they are, on the other hand,
more profoundly interested in
trapping and exposing "left totali-
tarlans," then surely some chal-
lenge could be found which would
discriminate the enemy somewhat
mnore accurately than this un-
eakably mendacious and un-
speakably gross film.
If Silver's Ashley Street promo-
tion is picketed, and If I am among
the pickets, I want him to under-
stand that I shall not 'be there in
an effort to coerce, but merely to
advise him that I disagree strong-
ly with the content of the film, and
that I hold it highly immoral to
be concerned in any way with its
RoIobert L. Chapman, Grad.
* * *
Birth of a Nation . .
To the Editor:
AL.SILVER'S letter explainig
his attempt to bring Birth of
a Nation to Ann Arbor is interest-
ing because it fits into a national
pattern behind the current drive
toward fascism in the United
States. Silver claims to be a liberal.
But it was precisely the German
liberal upon whom blame for the
nazification of Germany in the
30's must lie. That liberal failed to
see clearly where the danger was
an 1 thus yemained iactivergwhile
united front against the fascist
The call for a united front to
stop the rising violence against the
American Negro has been issued
with a fairly good Ann Arbor re-
sponse; all shades of political be-
lief are represented in the Qom-
mittee to .End Discrimination
(which has stated its opposition
to the film) and the newly formed
A t The Michigan - .
TRIO, British production of three W.
Somerset Maugham stories.
S KLLFL ACTING and directing are
welcome attributes in a movie at any
time, but particularly so when the material
is a kit thin. Such is the case with these
three tales, which combine to provide a
most pleasant evening's entertainment.
This should not be construed as a slam at
Mr. Maugham, for the old gentleman has
seldom aimed at profundity and is at his
best in frothy little squibs such as the first
two of this trio. But it is the finesse of a
fine list of performers and stagers which
finally makes them succeed.
Article number one is The Verger, in
reality no more than an embellished
punch line. A veteran verger, or white
collar janitor, is relieved of his posi ton
because the naew vicar discovers that he
can't read or write. After the canny ver-
ger mnakes a fortune as a tobacconist, he
is asked what he might have become had
he been able to read and write. The ans-
wer is delightfully obvious.
Mr. Knowall depends almost entirely on
the ability of the title character to make an
intriguingly fatuous ass of himself. He suc-
Sixty-First Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority oftetoard in Control of
Editorial Staff
Jim Brown ...........Managing Edity.'
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Roma Lipsky ........Editorial Director
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Bill Connolly ............Sports Editor
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Barbara Jans".........Women's Editor
Pat Brownson Associate Women's Editor
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e Associated Pess isexusively
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Entered at - the Post Office at Ann
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Subscription during regular school
year: by carrier, $6.00; by mal, $'i.0O.
I r'sntmuch time, m'boy-That
homcialmaniac's bullet-piercediny
Tennessee Hennessy only shot the
brach ou ereonMr.'Maley
And you knocked out Tennessee Hennosqy!