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May 21, 1951 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1951-05-21

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Air Views Show Rapid University Growth

U Presidents Buck Tough Opposition


(Continued from Page 1)
ndependently and face the
penalties for classroom tar-
:s without the bell, he was
ig to go along with their
Six weeks later they pe-
ied for a new bell.
beloved president was not
it anger, however. When
ish students stole the chapel
and threw it into the vault
water closet,.President Tap-
as filled with righteous in-
his administrative capacities
ent Tappan faced many dif-
es. His decision to appoint
y men on the basis of their
es alone and ignore the
f to which they belonged
ed several churches.
addition, he was thought
e intemperate, for he oc-
nally served wine on his
sures from church groups
Dhout the state and news-
who resented Tappan's
osity" led to a'lameduck
of Regents' decision to force
signation in 1863.
er and disappointed, Tap-
eft for Europe and died in
rland in 1881.
* * *
'TERS of University admin-
tration were not much sim-
or, Tappan's successor, Eras-
ily Portable with

tus Otis Haven, a professor of
Latin. Haven had to face reper-
cussions from the shock of Tap-
pan's resignation. Students and
alumni groups all over the coun-
try were protesting that Tappan
had beenr treated unfairly.
And two other issues developed
during Haven's administration
which were to cause the tactful,
kindly man much trouble. The
first was the famous homeopathy
case which, was never completely
settled until late in the 1920's.
State - Legislators decided in
1867 to make a financial grant
to the University but attached a
string to the aid. In order to
make the grant, they insisted
that a school of homeopathy be
set up. Homeopathy was an un-
orthodox medical theory which
had won many supporters, many
of whom were almost fanatical.
But Haven who could not ac-
cept money based on special
favors, was able to convince the
legislators to forget the homeo-
pathy idea.
The Legislature also decided
that women ought to be admitted
to the University. Haven was op-
posed but after a time he changed
his mind.
Despite his diplomatic agility,
Haven was not free from religious
pressures which had plagued Pres-
ident Tappan. An ordained Meth-
odist minister, Tappan found him-
self in trouble after he preached
in a Detroit Unitarian church. A
storm of protest from clerics and
laymen alike followed his appear-
ance and this along with his other
troubles forced President Haven
to resign in June, 1869. He then
became president of Northwestern
* * *
WHILE officials tried to tempt
James P. Angell to Ann Ar-
bor, the University for two years
was without a president. Latin
professor Henry S. Frieze was
acting president.
In 1871, however, Angell, recog-
nizing the educational potential
of the Michigan school, resigned
as president of the University of
Vermont to become third presi-
dent of the University. He stayed
for 38 years.
Angell's first task was to
get the lay of the land at the
small college. His duties, as he
saw them, were to visit classes,
talk to students and faculty
members, and to act as registrar
and dean of students for a
It was his close contact with
the student body that endeared
him to thousands of students and
alumni during the time he served
here. President Angell was said
to know literally hundreds of stu-
dents by their first names.

The old troubles which had
bothered his predecessors contin-
ued to pop up. The homeopathy
issue came up again and was
compromised in 1875, allowing a
school to be established here. And
a case of forgery concerning two
members of the faculty of the
chemistry department attracted
national attention.
But many improvements were
made during President Angel's
term. He laid the cornerstone
for old University Hall, which
was torn down in Fall, 1950.
The Hall was called the finest
college building in the country.
Under Angell's administration
an emphasis was put on the art
of teaching and in 1879 a chair
devoted exclusively to profes-
sional trainin of teachers was
set up.
Other expansions included the
establishment of a college of den-
tal surgery in 1875, a pharmacy
college in 1876, summer school in
1894, a separate department of
engineering in 1895 and a forestry
department in 1903.
* * *
ANGELL'S relationship with
students was generally good. Ask-
ed about applying military disci-
pline on campus, he said he
thought it would be good for the
faculty who bothered him more
than the students did.
President Angell's tact and dip-
lomatic skill was recognized by the
national authorities when he was
appointed to head a government
commission to China in 1880.
While there Angell encouraged
many Chinese students to attend
the University and since then the
University has been a favorite of
Chinese students.
Seven years later he was again
off on a diplomatic venture, this
time to negotiate a treaty with
England for fishing rights off
In 1905 after 34 years as presi-
dent, Angell tried to retire but
his resignation was refused by the
Board of Regents. Four years la-
ter, he was able to begin his long-
deserved retirement.
* * *
AFTER Angell's retirement in
1909, Harry Burn Hutchins,
dean of the law school, served as
acting president for a year. He
was then officially named presi-
dent, the first University alumnus
to take the office.
During President Hutchin's ad-
ministration, several innovations
in University organization took
place. The Graduate School be-
came a separate unit and students
were required to take undergrad-
uate work before going into Law
or Medical School.
Women received special con-
sideration during Hutchin's de-
cade. The first three women's
dormitories, Helen Newberry,
BetsybBarbour and Martha Cook
were built at this time. And the
first three women professors
were appointed.
Hutchins, whose name is com-
memorated in the Law School's
Hutchins Hall, is remembered for
his skill in working with the State
Legislature, for the many build-
ings which were erected during his
administration and for the higher
salaries he was able to secure for
some faculty members who were
considering leaving the Univer-
* * *
IN 1920 President Hutchins re-
tired and Marion Leroy Burton
was named his successor. ,
An ordained minister, Burton
had had long experience in the
educational field, having served as








No. 1 Portable


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Phone 2-1213

A CLOSE STUDY of these two
pictures shows In graphic
form the tremendous expansion
in the University plant during
the span of Alexander G. Ruth-
yen's presidency.
The lower photo was taken in
the early 1930's, shortly after
President Ruthven took office.
The upper air view was made in
the spring of last year.
Missing from the lower picture
are Burton Tower, the new ad-
ditions to the Chemistry and
East Engineering Buildings, the
Admnistration Bldg., West
Quadrangle, the Law Library
and the Law School's Hutchins
Other major additions, some
of which are visible in the upper
picture, include the Business Ad-
ministration Bldg., the Materni.
ty Hospital, the Student Publi.
cations Bldg., and all large resi.
dence halls now standing on
The only major "subtractions"
during the period are Haven Hall
and old Universty Hall with its
adjoining sections.
president of Smith College and
the University of Minnesota be-
fore coming to Michigan.
One of President Burton's first
moves was to build up the phys-
ical facilities of the University.
Faced with a shortage of class-
room buildings, Burton decided
to take definite action and in-
vited State Legislators to visit
the campus to see the situation
for themselves.
Subsequently, the University
was given a large financial grant
and embarked on a long-range
building plan. During Burton's
administration, University High
School, East Engineering Build-
ing, Yost Field House and East
Medical Building were erected.
But the most important addition



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was Angell Hall, which became
the center of the literary college.
Burton vas noted for his friend-
ship with Calvin Coolidge and in
1924 the University president was
called upon to nominate Coolidge
at the Republican Convention in
His nominating speech was
among the last actions for Presi-
dent Burton. After a long illness,
Burton died on February 18, 1925.
PRESIDENT Burton's successor,
Clarence Cook Little, previous-
ly president of the University of
Maine, soon after his inaugura-
tion found himself facing the kind
of difficulties which had charac-
terized the administrations of
some of the University's early

Just 20 days after he came to
Ann Arbor, President Little found
himself in trouble with some of
the state clerical bodies for de-
claring a need for birth control
and sterilization of criminals.
A well known biology re-
searchist, President Little claim-
ed he was speaking for himself
as an individual scientist, not
as president of the University,
but some churchmen found this
hard to accept.
President Little also incurred
the wrath of parents by his state-
ments that he could see no point
in continuing education for "stu-
dents so dumb that they refused
to take advantage of the wonder-
ful course of study offered them
at the University."
He was, however, successful in

convincing the Board of Regents
that all students should be re-
quired to take a two year prepar-
atory course before entering a
professional school.
THE NEW University president
also evoked protests from the stu-
dent boywiththe official auto-
nobile btn which prohibited the
use of cars on campus. An attempt
;o eliminate drinking from fra-
ternities also stirred protest:
But despite these actions, Pres-
ident Little was known as a
friend of the students. Every Sun-
day morning he would invite a
group of representative students
to his home to talk over student

problems and administrative por
An informal man, he did not
like to bother to be diplomatic
in many instances. He preferred
the frank, direct approach to all
problems and because of this
habit he found his job as Uni-
versity president more and more
In January, 1929, President Lit-
tle offered his resignation to the
Regents and returned to Maine
to do biological experimentation.
He has since done outstanding
work in the field of cancer re-
After Little's resignation, the
Regents began an intensive search
for a man who could restore tran-
quility to the campus and main-
tain the tradition of scholarship
in the president's chair. After
nearly nine months they picked
acting President Alexander G.
Ruthven, a hard-working zoolo-
gist with a flair for administra-
tion who had been dean of
administration under his friend



'. Daily




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President Ruthven!



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President Ruthven
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