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May 22, 1951 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1951-05-22

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- . .:

LXI, No. 162


TWer oVr Pd1 i..

latcher Surprised by 'U' Presidency.


iversity President-elect Harlan Hatcher said yesterday that
>ointment by the Board of Regents had "come as a surprise."
ntacted by phone at his office in Columbus, 0., the Ohio State
esident extended his "most cordial greetings and best wishes"
rersity students and the faculty.
* * *
AM VERY much anticipating future contact with the students
culty of the University," he added. "Even in this time of crisis,
tain that together we'll see our way through."
The University's new president, who will assume his duties in
ember when President Alexander G. Ruthven's retirement
ugh begins, said that the Regents informed him of their
ion Sunday in Toledo.
paying tribute to President Ruthven, Hatcher said "It is the
honor to be chosen to succeed a man of the caliber of
nt Ruthven, a man who is loved by his students and those
academic world."
S* *
[E PRESIDENT-ELECT pointed out that he and Mrs. Hatcher
ited this campus as recently as January. It was his last visit

here since 1946 when he gave the Hopwood Award address entitled,
"Towards American Cultural Maturity."
An outstanding man of letters and a prolific writer, Hatcher
plans Jo come to Ann Arbor before the end of this school session
--primarily, of course, to confer with President Ruthven.
He doesn't, however, plan to move to Ann Arbor permanently
until later this summer.
* * * *
AFTER THE surprise announcement at 11 a.m. yesterday, Presi-
dent Ruthven commented:
"I feel confident that the Regents have made a wise selection,
and that both students and faculty will enjoy working with Dr.
"He is a fine gentleman, an excellent scholar, and an able ad-
* * * *
AT THE SAME TIME, President Ruthven announced that he
would definitely postpone his retirement furlough until September 1,
at the request of the Board of Regents. He had originally planned to
retire officially July 1.

"That really knocks my summer vacation plans for a loop,"
he laughed.
President Ruthven also noted that he would try not to leave a-
congestion of official business piled on his desk for Hatcher to
wrestle with.
Among other things, President Ruthven plans to make his
decision on the Student Legislature's recommendation to ban bias
clauses from fraternity constitutions before he retires in Sep-
Dean Hayward Keniston of the literary college, who has known
Hatcher for many years, said, "the Board could not have made a
better appointment." Hatcher, he added, is a distinguished humanist.
* 4. * *
YESTERDAY'S Detroit Free Press reported that Raymond B.
Allen, president of the University of Washington, was being actively
considered for the presidency here.
Regent J. Joseph Herbert reported, however, that he had no
knowledge of where this story originated.
But if The Free Press was surprised, so were the many students
who grabbed up Daily extras from bawling hawkers, scanned the
headline, and read about their new president.


satisfied-they wanted to know more

about Hatcher. English majors immediately came to their rescue.
Those versed in modern literature explained that Hatcher was re-
nowned for his voluminous writings.
Many were familiar with his book "The Great Lakes," which
gained wide circulation several years ago and was sent to Ameri-
can servicemen at the height of World War IL
(During World War II, the president-elect was a lieutenant in the
U.S. Naval Reserve, stationed in the pre-flight school at Chapel
Hill, N.C.)
The new president is well known in Michigan, where he has
visited and lectured frequently.
"WHO'S WHO in America" refers to Hatcher as a "Democrat."
When the Regents contacted him in Toledo Sunday, no mention
of Hatcher's salary was made. President Ruthven draws a salary of
$21,000, and the President's home is also provided.,t
During the summer, Hatcher plans to lecture for a few weeks at
the University of South Carolina.








Daily-Burt Sapowitch
VENIR ISSUE--Coeds Pat Skinner, '52 (left), and Mickey
r, '52, scan the back page of the Daily extra which hit campus
rday 90 minutes after the surprise announcement of Harlan
her's appointment as University president. Additional copies
ue special edition were printed for inclusion in today's paper

An Editorial..
An association which has lasted forty-four years will be
officially terminated at the end of this summer when President
Alexander G. Ruthven retires.
But in a more real sense, the association between
President Ruthven and the University will continue to
enrich the school for generations to come.
For President Ruthven in his service first as a teaching
fellow, then as a professor, scientist and dean and lastly as
president has given to this University much of the strength
and calibre which mark it as one of the nation's outstanding
educational institutions.
Keeping a firm but gentle hand on all phases of Univer-
sity life, President Ruthven has seen the school through trying
years of change and conflict, of depression and war, of tre-
mendous physical expansion and student population growth.
Although neither the President nor the University
have ever been free from criticism by groups and indi-
viduals reflecting every political, social and educational
viewpoint, President Ruthven has steered steadily toward
his own goal of making the University "worthy in all
respects of a great democracy."
Simultaneously with nostalgia aroused by President
Ruthven's leaving is confidence in the man who will replace
Reports from students and .faculty members at Ohio,
State University indicate that Harlan Hatcher justly deserves
the high regard and respect awarded him as both an educator
and administrator. It is with assurance in the ability of the
new President, therefore, that we look forward to President
Hatcher's arrival here.
We are sure that we speak for the entire campus as well
as for thousands of alumni in wishing President Ruthven a
well-earned and tranquilly enjoyable retirement and in warmly
welcoming Harlan Hatcher both as a community leader and
as University President.
--The Editors.
Paternalism Group Sets Plans

-Daily-Pete Main


. . reflects on long career

--AP Wirephoto Courtesy Ann Arbor New.
. .. well-wishers phone congratulations

* s * *

r .


Question for Speculation:
Hatcher's Grid Loyalty

Nobody knows who President-
elect Harland Hatcher will be sup-
porting next fall- when Michigan
gridders take the field against tra-
ditional rival Ohio State.
Their nerve-wracking job of
F naming a new University president
done, smiling Regents yesterday
found time to joke blandly about
Hatcher's prospective quandary.
ASKED ABOUT the tradition-

Bradley Hits
Use of Chinese
Against Reds
Omar N. Bradley opposed yester-
day the use of Chinese Nationalist
Stroops against Red China..
The five-star General told sena-
tors the Nationalists might suffer
such losses in men and equipment
that the security of Formosa
would be jeopardized.
He also insisted' that American
forces should not be involved in
.. such action.
SOMEDAY, he argued, it might
be "proper" to use the Chinese
Nationalists in the war as Gen.
Douglas MacArthur has proposed.
He insisted now is not the time.
The chairman of the Joint
Chiefs of Staff gave these views
to the Senate Armed Services
and Foreign Relations Commit-
tee in his third day of outspoken
opposition to the war program
proposed by MacArthur. He is
scheduled to testify again today.
MacArthur has urged the use of
the Nationalist troops as part of
his plan to step up the war against
Red China with bombing and a

shattering act of choosing a manI
steeped in OSU tradition, Regent
J. Joseph Herbert replied that he
didn't know "how this will affect
our football rivalry."
Regent Roscoe O. Bonisteel
added that Ohio State backers
are complaining that "we beat
them at football in the snow last
fall, and now we are taking away
one of their best administrators
-they think we're never satis-
But in Columbus, the Associated
Press reported that Howard L.
Bedis, president of Ohio State,
thinks "Hatcher may have trouble
controlling his feelings on a certain
Saturday afternoon next fall."
did believe that "Hatcher would
give his whole heart to Michigan,"
and deplored the "great loss of
Ohio State."
Incidentally, President Bevis
added: "!Michigan could not have
found a better president-an ac-
complished scholar, a widely
read writer, an inspiring teacher,
and an administrator of demon-
strated ability."
Also in Columbus, Hatcher said
the invitation was "tendered in
such form that I had to accept it.
I leave Ohio State with touched
emotions, but with a deep sense of
pride in the opportunity of serving
it through the years to the best of
my ability."

'U' Officials
Inactive on
No action has been taken on
the resignation of Provost James
P. Adams by the Board of Regents
because "we would like to retain
Provost Adams' services," Regent
J. Joseph Herbert said yesterday.
Interviewed at the Regent press
conference immediately following
t h e announcement of Harlan
Hatcher's appointment - to the
presidency, Herbert called Adams
an extremely capable and valuable
*, * *
"WE WOULD deeply regret the
loss of Provost Adams' services,"
Herbert said.
Adams' resignation was made
public last week following news
reports that he7 was a top contend-
er for the post of president. At
the same time, a letter written to
the Regents more than a year ago
in which Adams said that he
"definitely did not want to be con-
sidered for the president's job,"
was made public.
CED Opposes
The CED yesterday passed a
resolution condemning "Birth of
a Nation." The statement said,
"The CED joins with the national
chapter of the National Associa-
tion for the Advancement of Col-
ored People in condemning the
film, Birth of a Nation,' as a slan-
der against theNegro people."
The group split on the policy
concerning the proposed showing
of the picture here by the Neptune
Film Society, with no definite ac-
tion finally taken on the immedi-
ate question.
At the same meeting, Judy Le-
vine, '52, was elected as temporary
chairman of a continuation com-

World News
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON - The Supreme.
Court yesterday knocked props
from under "Fair Trade" laws
which let merchants fix retail
prices on thousands of articles in
45 states.
The court ruled by a 6 to 3 vote
that merchants who do not sign
Fair Trade agreements are free to
charge cut rate prices if they wish.
WASHINGTON -- President
Truman is about to ask Congress
for a huge appropriation to help
finance rearmament in Western
Europe. Unofficial estimates fix
the figure at about $9,000,000,-
.* * *
SINGAPORE - Singapore, the
British Crown colpny which is the
biggest exporter of rubber, 'has
banned rubber shipments to Red
China, Gov. Sir Franklin Gimson
announced yesterday.

TOKYO--()-Allied troops chased retreating Reds as far as 26
miles in west and central Korea today but a newstank-led Communist
offensive threat arose in the east.
An Allied officer said huge armored Red forces were massing
50 to 75 miles northeast of Seoul.
He told AP correspondent William C. Barnard the Reds may
strike in hilly east-central Korea with even greater force than the
125,000-mari drive that opened there last Wednesday night.
THE GALLANT UN Second Division stopped that drive in five
days by killing or wounding an estimated 37,750 of the 96,000
OReds who tried to destroy the

Reds Fall Back in West;
Threaten Allies in East

Investigations of the regulations
and policies relating to academic
freedom in almost every type of
campus organization were planned
at the second meeting of the Stu-
dent Legislature's sub-committee
on University paternalism yester-
A new sub-division of the Cam-
pus Action Committee of SL, the
group intends to study the govern-
ing structures of the Union, the
League, and the residence halls,
as well as the International Cen-
ter and the Alumni Association.
Examinations of the Regents'

By-laws and the minutes of the
Student Affairs Committee will
also' be made.
During the summer the mem-
bers of the committee will gather
information about the policies of
other universities regarding aca-
demic freedom, so that they will
have a consensus of data to work
with next semester.
Chairman Pete Hall, '52, stated
that anyone who is interested in
this problem may attend the com-
mittee's next meeting, to .be held
at 4 p.m. Monday in the Student
Legislature Building.

Eastern Policy
Stays ,Same
State Department vigorously de-
nied yesterday it has reversed its
China policy as a result of pres-
sure built up by Gen. Douglas Mac-
The department's statement ap-
peared designed in part to answer
Monday's cdntention by Senator
Taft (R-Ohio) that Rusk's speech
meant "we're going to promote
revolution against Chinese Com-

veteran American outfit.
Yesterday the division cut
down more Reds attacking near
Pungam, about 70 miles north-
east of Seoul.
Other heavy Red losses were in-
flicted on three battalions by a
200-ton B-29 bombing attack last
night. The battalions were hit and
routed in front of the second
division just as the Reds were
preparing to attack.
RED LOSSES were staggering.
Allied sources estimated the Com-
munists lost nearly 60,000 men in
live days on the east and west-
central fronts by ground action
alone. Ground action Red casual-
ties in the west and those inflict-
ed by air attacks all across Korea
remained to be added,
Only two days ago, Allied
troops broke up a suicidal North
Korean attack in the out-
skirts of Seoul. Today's com-
munique reported Allied ad-
vances all around the Seoul
The only Red aggressiveness
reported today was in the east-
central sector but even there it
was tapering off.
Brown Picked
For TV Show

Flown To Washington


French Play To Open Tonight

A flying'finish to the Wheat-
for-India petitions was made last
night when Bill Grove, local
UNESCO chapter member, pre-
sented the filled-in blanks to Rep.
George Meader (R-Mich.) after a
flight to Washington.
Rep. Meader will present the 80

secure public opinion which he
plans to read from the House
floor, In addition, Bill Grove
plans to distribute 200 more
copies of the statement through
the House in an attempt to ef-
feet a favorable decision toward
the bill.

"Ring-Round-the-Moon," a gay
comedy by Jean Anouilh and
Christopher Fry will open at 8:30

for English by Fry and subse-
quently produced in London,
with Broadway getting the third

has been called "brilliant" by New
York critics.
Brenda Forbes and Cynthia


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