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May 20, 1951 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1951-05-20

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SUNDAY, MAY 20, 1951



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PaGE ThREEsav~a

India Wheat
Petition Still
"There's still hope for the suc-
cess of the Wheat-for-India peti-
tion if student response continues
to surge uphill as it did yester-
day," Leah Marks, '52, SL mem-
ber-at-large, said yesterday.
"Interest began to wane after
the Senate passed the Wheat-for-
India bill. Students seemed to
think that our petition had be-
come outdated. But after the
Daily article appeared explaining
the actual situation, things began
to pick up again."
* * *
tion with its 5,000-name goal was
primarily designed to combat the
expected opposition to the bill in
i the House rather than the Senate,
Miss Marks said. The bill is slated!
to appear before the House next
"We're racing against time;,
trying to get everything com-
pleted before 3 p.m. Monday.
We've also sent copies of the
petition to about 40 different
colleges and universities asking
their support. Their response
has been most encouraging."
} Some of the colleges and uni-
versities that have rallied to the
support of the Wheat-for-Indial
petition are Wayne, Antioch, Sy-
racuse, Cornell, Watermargin and
* * *
tition was drawn up by the SL,
SRA and the local UNESCO chap-
ter as a result of a recent trek to
Washington made by SRA mem-
"We do appreciate the coopera-
tion of all those who have dis-
tributed and signed the petitions
thus far," Miss Marks said. "And
our title page includes many pro-
minent citizens, among them
President Ruthven and Provost
"But we must have the rest of
the petitions before 3 p.m. to-
morrow if they're to be effective
a at all."
Group To Plan
July Conference
The planning committee for a
Conference on Rehabilitation of
the Handicapped Worker Over
Forty is meeting at the University
..i today to make plans for the fourth
annual conference on problems of
aging to be held here in July.
The need for increasing the la-
bor force to meet defense produc-
tion plans is the purpose of study-
ing rehabilitation problems at this
time. I

'Ens ian Out Tomorrow

BURMA HEIGHTS-"Burma," a prodigious pachyderm who came to town with a transient circus,
gets a preview of the 1951 'Ensian. Towering on top of the animal are Dave Palmer, '52, Neale Tra-
ve, '52, and Sally Gnau, '53. Distribution of the new 'Ensian will take place tomorrow from 9 a.m.
to 5 p.m., and Tuesday from 12 to 5 p.m. at the Student Publications Bldg. Receipts are requested,

What's Up
In the Dorms
(Any items of interest concerning
any dormitory, cooperative or league
house may be submitted to Harriet
Tepperman at the Daily, 2-3241, or at
342 Mosher Hall, 3-1561.)
The Dorm Survey questionnair-
es which this week will be tabula-
ted by the individual house coun-
cils are being carefully watched
by dorm residents this week.
Drawn up by the survey com-
mittee, headed by Dave Gutten-
tag, '53E, with the aid of Kermit
K. Schooler, Assistant Study Di-
rector of the University Research
Center, the questionnaires were
distributed to dorm residents last
AFTER THE individual tabu-
lation, the committee will tabulate
and correlate the all-over results,
again with the aid of the Uni-
versity Research Center.
This Dorm Survey is the first
to canvass the opinion of all
the campus residence halls. The
results will be presented to the
Board of Governors as "con-
strucitve criticism" of the food,
facilities and staff in the dorm
Because the administration has
announced a $40 raise in dormi-
tory fees, the committee hopes
the survey will be able to secure
improvement in the near future.
* * *
THE MAN and woman who will
be the student representatives to
the residence hall Board of Gov-
ernors are also in the dorm lime-
light this week-end.
At a meeting of the combined
quad councils in the East Quad
council room last week, Bill
Marcou, '52, beat out Bob Wag-
ner, '52, of the East Quad and.
Henry Piasecki, '51, of the West
Quad for the position. He will
succeed Carl Hasselwander, '51.
Marcou and the woman who
will succeedNan Holman, '51, as
the women's representative will
serve as members of the Board of
Governors for the year '51-'52.
Prior to a few years ago, the
students were not representaed on
the Board of Governors, and had
no voice in residence hall admin-
Regents Okay
(Continued from Page 1)
sity year. He is chairman of
the Sage School of Philosophy
at Cornell University and editor
of "The Philosophical Review."
The other appointments were:
Prof. William Burnette Harvey
as assistant professor of law in
the Law School, beginning with
the fall semester, 1951-52.
Prof. William James Pierce as
assistant professor of law and
assistant director of the Legisla-
tive Research Center of the Law
School, effective July 1, 1951.
Prof. Jean Beattie Milligan as
an assistant professor in the nur-
sing school, effective August 1.
pointment to the Executive Com-
mittee of the business administra-
tion school for a two-year term
was also approved.
Also, gifts amounting to $64,-
512.50 were accepted by the Re-
gents, the largest one being $10,000
from James B. Nelson of Indianap-
olis, Ind., for the Stokes-Nelson
Endowment Fund.

Actress Abhors Modern Plays

Lucille Watson is an actress who
likes to stay away from the the-
atre in her spare time.
"Present-day plays leave me
distressed," Miss Watson, a grand
lady of the stage, said yesterday.
They betray the social and ani-
mal habits of people, and invar-
iably carry a message.
* * *.
MAGNETIC Miss Watson is the
star of the second Drama Season
play, "Ring Around the Moon"'
which will open Tuesday at Lydia'
Mendelssohn ,Theatre for its first'
post-Broadway run. She and fea-
ture players Brenda Forbes and
Donald Buka revealed some of
their ideas at an informal inter-j
Miss Watson, who will cele-
brate her 77th birthday this
week, recalled the days when
the plays of manners and modes
were In vogue. "We hardly ever

have' a drawing room comedy
anymore," she remarked, "and
if we do, there is invariably a
message tucked away some-
None of the three expressed any
special preferance for roles.
* * 9
BUKA, WHO got his start a few
years ago under the patronage of
the Lunts, is game for any kind
of a good role. The winner of the
New York Drama Critics Award in
1946 for the most promising
young actor of the year, he has
portrayed every type from a Hol-
lywood gangster to an idealistic
As for Miss Watson, the last
role is always her favorite.
During her long career she has
played in fifty plays and innu-
merable movies.
"In my twenties I was typed,"
she recalled, "as a frivolous so-
ciety woman who. always stole

someone else's husband. A play
never ended until I had been
roared and pounced at by a
righteously indignant rival."
* * * ,
COMMENTING ON the oppor-
tunities for people to break into
the theatre, the actors deplored
the lack of stock companies in the
United States. "The opportunities
are much greater in Englan4
where stock companies in almo,
every district provide a wonderful
training ground for young peo-
ple," Miss Forbes noted.
Touring, a vital aspect in
most actors' lives, was looked
upon differently by Miss Watson
and her young co-workers.
"I think it is hideous," the
grey-haired dowager asserted. "It
can make you feel so hemmed in."
Miss Forbes was all for it, how-
ever. "It's a wonderful experi-
ence," she said. "I don't even mind
one-night stands."




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Bookies, 'McCarthyism'
High light College Scene

Winding up an expose of gamb-
ling in New Haven, Yale's Daily
News decided this week that most
of the rackets were now thriving
on the Eli campus.
To prove its case, the News
grumbled vaguely of continuous
poker games under the very roof
of venerable Wright Hall, a dormi-
* What was even worse, intoned
the News, was that those who
feel "the gambling urge uncon-
querable" can do their betting
in the very shadow of Eli Yale's
One freshman, the paper re-


a OI

ported, had discovered in trans-
forming his patronage that he
was being cheated by downtown
bookies and now places his bets
solely with a sophomore bookie.
The soph, the News added, will
make books on anything but the
"daily double" and is doing a
thriving business.
* * *
SEN. JOE McCarthy went back
to his alma mater, the University
of Wisconsin, this week and gave
the Madison campus a dose of the
kind of verbiage now commonly
known as "McCarthyism."
Students heckled, whistled,
aplauded and booed as the sen-
ator lambasted what he called
"the crimson clique in the gov-
ernment who are selling Ameri-
ca out to the Communists."
He then cooled off-and so did
the audience.
WOMEN'S RIGHTS took a beat-
ing at Illinois where 11 feminist
members of the Association for
the Review of Contemporary Lit-
erature boycotted the club's meet-
ing. They demanded equal status
with male members.
Clamping down on the recal-
citrants, the 13 male members
quickly invited 11 sorority wo-
men who lacked an aversion to
"inferior status" to their next
Discovering by "sheer coinci-
dence" that the Illini coeds were
eligible for membership they duly
initiated all of them.

Events Today
RECITAL-Robert Ellis, organ-
ist, will give a recital at 4:15 p.m.
in Hill Auditorium which will in-
clude works byMozart, Bach, So-
werby and Holler.
RECITAL - Margeret Farrar
will give a piano recital at 8:30
p.m. in Architectural Auditorium
which will include works by Beet-
hoven, Bach-Busoni, Bartok and
* * * *
Events Tomorrow
r e h e a r s a 1 of the University
Marching Band will be held at
4:15 p.m. at South Ferry Field.
* 9 *
LECTURE -- Professor-emeri-
tus Haven Emerson, of the pub-
lic health administration, Colum-
bia University, will speak on "Ger-
ontology" at 4 p.m. in the public
health school auditorium.
* * *
CONCERT-The string quartet
classes of Paul Doktor and Prof.
Oliver Edel wil give a concert con-
sisting of works by Dvorak, Fin-
ney and Beethoven at 4:15' p.m.
in the Rackham Assembly Hall.
Read and Use
Daily Classifieds


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