THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, MAY 20, 1951 . 4 n. partment of Chemistry. Dr. Robert C. t1 Yr I L Elderfield, Professor of Chemistry, Co- OFFI IA L T t lCheri& University, will speak on "The Chemistry of Astonine," Tues., May 22, at 4:10 p.m., in Room 1300, Chem. Bldg. The public is invited. Daily Official Bulletin is an Bureau of Appointments, 3528 Admin- Academ ic Notces publication of the University istration Bldg. iigan for which the Michigan Sociology 51, Sections 3, 6, and 7: Mr. ssumes no editorial responsi- Archer - Daniels - Midland Company, Spielman will not be able to meet these Publication in it is construc- Minneapolis, are in need of Chemists sections Mon., May 21. tice to all members of the Uni- and Chemical Engineers on all levels Notices shoul be sent in for research, technical sales, and engi- Game Theory Seminar: Mon., May VRITTEN form to Hoom 2552 neering. The Bureau of Appointments 21, 7:30 p.m., 3001 Angell Hall. Speaker: stration Building, by 3 p.m. on has application forms for applicants to Prof. Daniel B. Suits. F preceding publication (11 a.- , fill out. If the response is good, the urdays). company will come for interviews. For Psychology Colloquium: Mon., May 21, further information contact the Bureau 4:15 p.m. in Lane Hall. Prof. Burton R. SUNDAY, MAY 20, 1951 of Appointments, 3528 Admin. Bldg. Fisher of Survey Research Center. "Re- VO._X,_o_11search Purposes and Survey Designs." VOL. LXI, No. 161 The United States Civil Service Com- Everyone interested welcome. mission announces an examination for Ssr Junior Professional Assistant and Social Doctoral Examination for Digby Johns Notices Science Analyst on the GS-5 level. Ap- McLaren, Geology; thesis: "The Devon- sity Senate: Meeting, 4:15 p.m., plicants must have successfully com- ian Stratigraphy and Correlation of the ay 21, Rackham Lecture Hall., pleted one of the following: a full 4-year Alberta Rocky Mountains with Descrip- course, in an accredited college or uni- tions of the Brachiopod Family Rhyn- versity including or supplemented by chonellidae," Mon., May 21, 4065 Na- l Interviews: 24 semester hours of study in one or tural Science Bldg., 3 p.m. Chairinan, ay 23- not more than two of the following: E. C. Stumm. Brothers, New York office, will sociology, history, economics, geogra- viewing men for openings in phy; psychology, international rela- Doctoral Examination, for Elliot Engineering, Personnel, Public tions, or social or cultural anthropolo- George Mishler, Social Psychology; the- s, Buyig and Marketing Re- gy, or corresponding experience. This sis: "Personality Characteristics and )epartments and Marketing Di- examination will be given in Ann Arbor the Resolution of Role Conflicts," Mon., including sales, and the Jelke on June 2 in the morning. It is neces- May 21, 4128 Natural Science Bldg., 3 sodent affiliates. sary to file application immediately p.m. Chairman, T. M. Newcomb. ppointments for interview call since these applications must be pro- Bureau of Appointments, 3528 cessed in Chicago before the examina- Doctoral Examination for Albert Eg- tration Bldg. tion. lash, Psychology; thesis: "Abnormal The U.S. Civil Service Commission an- Fixations," Tues., May 22, East Council iay, May 24- Moore Business nounces an examination for Psycholo- Room, Rackham Bldg., at 7:30 p.m. ompany, Detroit, will be inter- gist Grades GS-7 and GS-9, closing date Chairman. N. R. F. Maier. men for their sales training June 5, 1951. This examination is for This company is the largest the specialized fields (1) experimental Doctoral Examination for John Wes- nd in the country. and physiological psychology and (2) ley English, Education; thesis: "An y, May 28-Scott Paper Cor-personnel measurement and evaluation. Investigation of Techniques Used in De- Ill be interviewing Mehanical The Housing and Home Finance Agen- termining School Building Need," Tues., rs for production work. These cy of the Office of the Administrator May 22, West Council Room, Rackham be in Chester, Pennsylvania. in Washington, D.C., isin need of Bldg., at 1 p.m. Chairman, J. B. Edmon- pointments for interviews please Typists and Stenographers eon. the Bureau of Appointments, The Muskegon Piston Ring Company, Doctoral Examination for Dayle Don- min. Bldg. Muskegon, is in need of a Mechanical ald Rippe, Mathematics; thesis: "Sta-' Engineer who is interested in experi- tistical Rank and Sampling Variation el Requests: mental test work on automotive com- of the Results of Factorization of Co- Central Specialties, Ypsilanti, ponents. He will be required to design variance Matrices," Tues., May 22, East oeir Chra foundry chemist and construct bench test fixtures and Council Room, Rackham Bldg., at 1:15 gineey, Chemical or Mld qua- mechanisms, set up and conduct tests, p.m. Chairman, P. S. Dwyer. e shift i student would qua- compute and report results. He should shift s:p.m.tostudentinmid-sc have knowledge of drafting, shop prac- Doctoral Examination for Joseph An- rid therefore a student in school tice, mechanics, and physical testing drew Baclawski, Geography; thesis: e eligible, technique. "The Soviet Conservation Program for for a young womangraduat- For further information please call the Steppe and Wooded-Steppe Regions June' who would be interested at the Bureau of Appointments 3528 of the European Part of the U.S.S.R.." ning technical work in their Admin. Bldg. Tues., May 22, 210 Angell Hall, at 2 p.m. Chairman, George Kish. Eu~es ircaftComany Cuver Late Permission for women students ughes Aircraft Company, Culver whoattended "Captain Brassbound's Doctoral Examination for Peter Hark- a, y i need f ct Conversion" will be no later than 11:20 er, Geology; thesis: "Stratigraphy and s and Physicists with at least pm Palaontology of the Banf and Associat- es radar experience. This com- p.m. ed Carboniferous Formation of Western aengaged In a long-term R- Canada," Tues., May 22, 4065 Natural and Development Program in Lectures Science Bldg., at 3 p.m. Chairman, 0. Sof Electronics. MEhes irther information call at the University Lecture, auspices of De- M. Ehlers. Doctoral Examination for Norman Al- burt Polansky, Social Psychology; the- sis: "A Study of Prestige and Behavior- A Grand al Contagion in Children's Groups," Co'ues., May 22, Conference Room,.Insti- Comdytute for Social Research, West Hospital, at 3 p.m. Chairman, Ronald Lipptt. Doctoral Examination for Sylvia Tsai Yu, Chemistry; thesis: "The Separation of Cerium by Precipitation as Iodate from Homogeneous Solution,"'Tues., May 22, 3003 Chemistry Bldg., at 3:00 p.m. Chairman, H. H. Willard. Secondary School Directed Teaching Applications: All students planning to do directed teaching for the secondary school teaching certificate during the fall or spring semesters of the 1951-52 academic year must file their applica- tions in Hoom 3206 University High School beginning May 21 througlr June 1 between 8:30 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. The allocation of directed teaching assign- ments will be greatly facilitated if stu- dents will comply with this request. Anyone failing to make application at the above time will seriously jeopardize . 3his chances for securing an assignment. prano, will present a recital at 8:30 Monday evening, May 21, in the Rack- ham Assembly Hall, in partial fulfill- ment of the requirements for the de- gree of Master of Music. A pupil of Harold Haugh, Miss Barberis will sing works by Bach, Mozart, Dalayrac, Gre- try, Gluck, Brahms, and Delamarter; open to the public. Student Recital: Margaret Farrer, Pianist, will present a program at 8:30 Sunday evening, May 20, in the Archi- tecture Auditorium, in partial fulfill- ment of the requirements for the de- gree of Bachelor of Music. A pupil of Marian Owen, Miss Farrar will play compositions by Bach, Beethoven, Bar- tok, and Ravel; open to the public. String Quartet Classes, under the di- rection of Paul Doktor and Oliver Edel, will present a program at 4:15 Monday: afternoon, May 21, in the Rackham As- sembly Hall. It will include the first and last movements of Dvorak's String Quartet, Op. 96, Quintet for String Quartet and French Horn by Ross Lee Finney, and Beethoven's Quartet in A minor, Op. 132. The public is invited. University of Michigan Choir, May- nard Klein, conductor, will sing Mozart's Requiem at 8:30 p.m., Tues., May 22, in Hill Auditorium, with Rose Marie Jun, soprano, Gloria Gonan, contralto, Reid Shelton, tenor, and Robert Elson, bari- tone, as soloists. Open to the general public without charge. Student Recital: Sheldon Henry, French horn, will present a program at 4:15 p.m., Tues., May 22, in the Rack- ham Assembly Hall, in partial fulfill- ment of the requirements for the Mas- ter of Music degree. He will be assist- ed by Margaret McCall, pianist, James Boudouris and Walter Evich, violinists, Emile Simonel, violist, David Baumgart- ner, cellist, and Beverly Spera playing the Countra-basse. Open to the gen- eral public. Events Today Lutheran Student Association: Will meet at 5:30 p.m. at Zion Lutheran Par- ish Hall. There will be the Senior Sup- per. Gamma Delta Lutheran Student Group: Parent Day Supper at 5:30 p.m. Roger Williams Guild: 10 a.m. Bible (Continued on Page 4) READ and USA DAI LY CLASSIFIEDS p R -i MICHIGAN DAILY Phone 23-24-1 HOURS: 1 to 5 P.M. CLASSIFIEDADVERTISING RATES . LINES 1 DAY 3 DAYS 6 DAYS 2 .54 1.21 1.76 3 .63 1.60 2.65 4 .81 2.02 3.53 Figure 5 average words to a line. Classified deadline daily except Saturday Is 3 P.M. Saturdays, 11:30 A.M. for Sunday Issue. ROOMS FOR RENT ROOMS FOR BOYS for summer on cam- pus. Singles or doubles, shower, com- fortable beds, linens furnished, rea- sonable rates. 2-1854 after 6 p.m. )59R THREE ROOM FURNISHED APT. on campus. Sublet from June 15 to Sept. 2. 2-1854 after 6 p.m. )60R SUMMER ROOMS for men, close to campus. Phone Dexter 3192 for ap- pointment. )61R FURNISHED extra large suite-outside entrance. Private lavatory & stall shower, large clothes closet. Good for 2 or 3 male students. Also single room. Ph. 2-3618. )50R CLOSE TO CAMPUS-Clean, pleasant, rooms for MALE students for summer or fall. No smoking. Ph. 5372. ) 56R ROOMS for summer school. Doubles and singles. Student landlord. Near Bus. Ad School. Call after 4 - Ph. 2-7862. 940 Greenwood. )55R ROOMS FOR MALE STUDENTS-One double and one single near Law Club and Bus. Ad. School. Continuous hot water, showers. 808 Oakland. Ph. 22858. )12R CAMPUS Tourist Home. Rooms by Day or Week. Bath, Shower, Television. 518 E. William St. Phone 3-8454. )1R BUSINESS SERVICES TYPING - Accurate work. Reasonable rates. Ph. 3-4040. )24B VIOLA STEIN - Experienced typist. Legal, master's, doctor's dissertations; foreign manuscripts, etc. New Elec- tromat typewriter, 513 E. William. Ph. 2-9848. )2B BUSINESS SERVICES FOR SALE TYPING WANTED-To do in my home. 1038 WILLYS-$200. 830 S. Main, 7590. )17B Call 2-6943. )105 HELP WANTED PART TIME HELP-Hickey Service Sta- tion, Main & Catherine. )4914 TYPEWRITERS and FOUNTAIN PENS. Sales, rentals and service. Morrill's, 314 S. State St. )4B GOOD RENTAL TYPEWRITERS now available at Office Equipment Serv- ice Company, 215 E. Liberty. Guar- anteed repair service on all makes of typewriters. 06B PERSONAL SEE YOUR IFC PICTURES for the last time Tuesday in the Administration Bldg. )47P KIDDIE KARE RELIABLE SITTERS available. Phone 3-1121. )10B LEARN TO DANCE Jimmie Hunt Dance Studio 122 E. Liberty - Phone 8161 )2P RAY HATCH will patch that match. Learn to dance with RAY HATCH DANCE STUDIO 209 S. State - Phone 5083 )4P LOST AND FOUND LOST IN ANGELL HALL--Parker 51 pen, maroon & silver. Please call or re- turn to Administration Bldg. lost & found. Reward. Phone 2547 Alice Lloyd 3-1561. )45L FOR RENT DOWNSTAIRS spacious suite, private entrance, shower, suitable three or four men. Also large double and one single. Shown before noon or -after six. 1430 Cambridge Road. )24F JUNE 23 TO AUGUST 18-6 room house, furnished A.M.I., garage. Near cam- pus. Call 3-8328 after 5:30 p.m. for appointment. )23F FOR SALE B.S.A.s & HARLEY-DAVIDSONS-Tires, Batteries, Repairing, Accessories. India Motorcycle Sales, 207 W. Liberty. Ph. 2-1748. )102 '37 PLYMOUTH - Two-door, excellent shape mechanically, new motor, brakes & heater, call Joe Cochin 2-6870. )100 PHILCO air conditioner, % ton Freon cooled, window model, $75. Call 2-7318. S)101 TYPEWRITER - Standard Remington noiseless, excellent condition. Phone 2-1038. )104 1940 NASH-4 doors, heater, radio. Good condition. $250. Ph. 3-0277 evening. )103 MOTORCYCLE--1948 Indian "74" with all the extras. Phone 8976. )97 BSA BANTAM 125 cc. motorcycle. 140 mi./gal. Less than yr. old. Dick Kaplan, 3-4145. )98 1950 CHEVROLET CONVERTIBLE - Black. All accessories. Low mileage. Like new throughout. One owner. Pric- ed for quick sale. Ph. 8760 after 5 p.m. )99 U.S. NAVY T SHIRTS 49c; U. of M. "T"- shirts $1.19; Khaki & grey wash pants with zipper 3.95; genuine Levis $3.75. Open until 6 P.M. Sam's Store, 122 E. Washington. )5 J. H. COUSINS ON STATE STREET Sleeveless knittendcotton shirts with a one-inch knitted rib trim on neck and sleeve line. Four-inch bottom cuff. $1.95" BABY BUDGIES or PARAKEETS $3.95 & $5.95 each. Tiny colorful finches $5.95 a pair. Bird supplies. 562 S. Seventh. Ph. 5330. )2 FOR SALE-European motorcycle-al- most new. Cheap. Ph. 3-4100. )89 ROLLEIFLEX, f3.5 Tessar lens, Heiland solenoid and case. Excellent condi- tion. Call Pete at 2-0026 after 7 p.m. )72 '39 FORD--4 door sedan. Heater, good tires, $115. Phone Mr. Levitsky 2-2521, Ext. 204, evenings 2-7517. )91 EVERGREENS - Low spreading, bush, upright. Junipers, arbor vitae, dwarf pines, etc. Wholesale prices. M. Lee, 1208 Chemistry or Tel 8574 mornings. ! )1 DRIVER SALESMAN on . Coop Dairy routes. Detroit area. Person able to meet public & interested in coopera- tives preferred. Union wages. Write to: Coop. Dairy Service, 962 Eureka, Wyn- dotte, Mich. )488 WANTED TO RENT MARRIED Dental Student desires fur- nished, unfurnished apartment. Call 306 Wincheil House (2-4401) after 7:00. ) 12W APARTMENT for summer or part. First floor, furnished, near campus. Call 2-4887. )i1W ROOMS FOR RENT ROOMS for Summer Session-Luxurious accommodations at fraternity house. Phone Dave at 7039. ,)53R ROOM AND BOARD COMFORTABLE well-furnished rooms, innersprings, showers, linens furnish- ed, good food, home cooking. Phone 2-6422. ) 58R MISCELLANEOUS SEE YOUR IFC PICTURES for the last time Tuesday in the Administration Bldg. )1M TYPEWRITERS Repaired Rented Sold Bought Fountain Pens repaired by a factory trained man. Webster.-Chicago Wirerecorder MORRI LL'S 314 S. 'State Ph. 7177 d' r= DL--- ctr Pho Dne 561 -JOA I Attention June Graduates: College of Literature, Science, and the Arts, School of Education, School of Music: Students are advised not to request grades of I or X in June. When such grades are absolutely imperative, the work must be made up in time to allow your In- structor to report the make-up grade not later than noon June 20. Grades received after that time may defer the student's graduation until a later date. Recommendations for Departmental Honors: Teaching departments wishing to recommend tentative June graduates from the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts, and the School of Educa- tion for departmental honors should recommend such students in a letter sent to the Registrar's Office, Room 1513 Admin Bldg., by noon of June 18. Concerts Organ Recital Postponed. The pro- gram by Robert Ellis, organist, previ- ously announced for 4:15 Sunday after- noon, May 20, in Hill Auditorium, has been postponed until Tuesday evening, May 29, at 8:30. Student Recital Postponed: Robert Pearson, tenor, whose recital has been announced for Mon., May 28, will pre- sent his program on June 20 in the Rackham Assembly Hall. Composers Forum Cancelled: The program announced for Sunday, May 27, in the Architecture Auditorium, has been cancelled. Instead, it will be pre- sented at 4:15 p.m., Tues., May 29, in the lRackham Assembly Hall. Student Recital: June Barberis, so- YG gotta getta GARGI On Sale Wednesday, May 28 ENDING TODAY TOGETHER AGAIN! FERNANDEL:i; ("Te FRENCNMAN*) aridR lnMUJ " (m 'SAKES' WIFE") -. Superb Miniatures aU wAlso on Program A TIMELESS COMEDY OF SAINTS AND SINNERSI '4 .4 . . Starts CONTINUOUS FROM 1 P.M. 44eW TC Today! ! l-l WA WHAIT) A STOUNDI EEKDAYS D 5 P.M. N AI 4 I i GIANT BOOK SALE! FICTION - NON-FICTION A REFERENCE TEXTBOOKS I 11 Priced from @t up " :;' :; : ; ... " iit $.. ' I . <.:. $ ',iii .; _