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May 18, 1951 - Image 1

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VOL. LXI, No. 159



Truman Challenges Taft,
MacArthur mar Policy'


Cites Great
Expense of
All-out War


Emphasizes Need
For Many -Allies
Truman challenged Gen. Douglas
MacArthur and Republican Sena-
tor Taft yesterday for advocating
policies he saidwould put the
United States in "an all-out war
In China all by ourselves."
"One week of all-out war," the
President asserted, "would cost us
10 to 20 times" more per week than
the Administration proposes to
spend under its new $60,000,000,000
defense budget.
* * *
LATER Mr. Truman remarked
to reporters that World War II
cost $450,000,000,000 and another
world war might easily cost $600,-
In a fighting mood, Mr. Tru-
man practically threw away a
prepared speech to defend his
Far Eastern policies before the
National Conference on Citizen-
"We must have some friends in
this world," he said in reference
to the reluctance of Allied coun-
tries to join the United States in
an extended war against Red
China. "Some senators and some
other people would have us go it


WHAT AMERICA spends for de-
fense in the next year and a half,
the President said, "may ward off
World War III," He reported that
nearly $19,000,000,000 has been
spent on defense since the attack
in Korea a year ago.
"Never was there a time when
the right decisions were more
necessary than at this time," he
went on in his extemporaneous
The President reminded report-
ers of the fire-eating Harry Tru-
man who toured the country in
1948 in his "give-'em-hell" re-
election campaign.
* * * .
AT NO TIME did the President
mention MacArthur o° Taft by
name. But there was no doubt he
was talking about the General he
relieved in the Far Eastern policy
dispute and the Ohio senator who
has supported many of Mac-]
Arthur's ideas since.
It would be courting disaster,
the President said in his pre-
pared remarks, if Congress
should permit the defense pro-
gram to "get snarled up, or de-
layed, or slashed."
Unless existing controls are ex-
tended by law beyond June 30 and
strengthened in the process, Mr.
Truman warned, "the cost of living
will go through the roof."
Martha Cook
Thefts Result
In Restrietions
New regulations went into full
force this week at Martha Cook
residence as dormitory officials
launched an investigation into
the theft of at least $200 from
women's rooms and the dorm
Locked doors and careful ob-
servance of visitors marked the
first major wave of thefts in the
history of the residence hall.
MRS. LEONA B. Diekema, dorm
director, said yesterday she had
supervised fingerprinting of all
resident women. Several wallets
*from which money has been stolen
are now in the possession of po-
lice, who are processing them for
The first robbery occurred
shortly after the start of the
semester when about $70 was
found missing from the cash
box of the dormitory store.
After a lapse of two weeks, a
large-scale outbreak of small
thefts from women's rooms

* a' 4
Senate Probers
Rule Bradley
Need Not Talk
WASHINGTON - 0) - Senate
investigators decided 18 to 8 yes-
terday that they cannot compel
Gen. Omar N. Bradley to reveal
what was said between President
Truman and his advisers at a
meeting which led to the ouster
of Gen. Douglas MacArthur.
By this action, the Senate
Armed Services and Foreign Re-
lations Committees upheldtheir
presiding officer, Senator Russell
(D-Ga.), who ruled that Bradley
was within his rights in refusing
to disclose the conversation. Brad-
ley had declared that his value
as a confidential adviser to the
President would be ruined if he
* , *
THE VOTE kicked up a new
controversy in the Truman-Mac-
Arthur dispute with some charges
--and denials-that the inquiry
into ,MacArthur's dismissal has
taken on "political overtones."
Later President Truman him-
self spoke out in defense of Brad-
ley's silence.
Mr. Truman said the Senate in-
quiry group did exactly right in
upholding Bradley's refusal to
talk about the meeting. He add-
ed the decisions and actions taken
were his own and his conversa-
tions with his advisers and staff
were his own business.
* * *
Korean Fears
Mac's Policies
HOUSTON- (/) - The Korean
Foreign Minister said yesterday
his people fear that General Doug-
las MacArthur's proposals might
bring Russia into the war.
"They all agree as to the effi-
cacy of these," Minister Yung Tai
Pyun said, "but what the people
fear is that these tactics might
provoke the Soviet Union into
Pyun came to Houston to ad-
dress the National Convention of
the General Federation of Wo-
men's Clubs in behalf of Korean
He said in an interview that
what the Korean people don't
want is a stalemate-"a standing1
source of loss," he termed it. 1

HST Says
Mac Ouster
Truman said yesterday he had
considered removing Gener
MacArthur several times in the
past year.
He said he made up his mind
March 24 when the former Far
Eastern commander sent what
Mr. Truman described as an ulti-
matum to the Red Chinese lead-
BY THIS ACT, Mr. Truman told
a news conference, MacArthur ex-
ceeded his authority. The matter,
he added, should have been sub-
mitted to the Joint Chiefs of Staff
In a detailed discussion of the
MacArthur affair, the Chief
Executive also disclosed that
Secretary of State Acheson at
first advised caution when the
matter of removing the General
came up at a White House con-
ference April 6, five days before
Mr. Truman acted.
The President said Acheson's
caution was based on political
reasons purely. He added the State
Department head came around to
his own view once all the facts
had been put on the table
* * a
ACHESON, Mr. Truman said,
believed an ouster would stirup
a fuss. He was right about that,
the President added with a grin.
In a rapid fire, exchange with
reporters, the President said he
would have removed MacArthur
even if the General had not
written the letter to Rep. Mar-
tin of Massachusetts, House
Republican leader, favoring use
of the Chinese Nationalist
troops on Formosa to open a
second front in Asia.
This letter, written March 20
but made public April 5 by Mar-
tin in a House speech, just added
fuel to the fire that had been go-
ing on for almost a year, Mr. Tru-
man said.
HE SAID HE made up his mind
that the country needed a new
General in the Far East when
MacArthur in an ultimatum
March 24 called on Peiping to
settle the Korean war. MacArthur
said that if the UN should ex-
pand military operations to the
enemy's "coastal areas and inter-
ior bases," it would "doom Red
China to the risk of imminent
military collapse."
Truman Talk
Astounds Mac
NEW YORK-(P)-Gen. Douglas
MacArthur said last night he had
reacted with "astonishment bor-
dering on incredulity" to President
Truman's statement he several
times had considered removing the
Far Eastern Commander from his
"It is difficult to reconcile this,"
the deposed Far Eastern comman-
der said, "with my appointment
by him as commander-in-chief of
the United Nations command."

Cop Caught
ITHACA, Mich.-(P)-Police
Chief Carl Stegman of nearby
Merrill was convicted yesterday
by a Justice Court jury of reck-
less driving.
It was announced an imme-
diate appeal will be taken to
the Gratiot County Circuit
Stegman was ticketed by
Constable E1mer Hammond
after he had chased a speeder
through Breckenridge i a s t
month. Stegman caught the
speeder, who was fined, but was
given a ticket himself as he
returned through the town.
Hammond testified t h e
townspeople of Breckenridge
were irate when Stegman sped
through the town.
Hike in Gas
Tax Vetoed
By Wiliams
LANSING--()-Governor Wil-
liams yesterday vetoed a one-and-
a-half-cent increase in Michigan's
gas tax and the Republican-con-
trolled Legislature was unable to
override his veto.
The GOP missed by one vote in
the House to override. The Senate
voted 25 to six, a strict party vote,
to reject the veto and boost the
gas tax from three to 4.5 cents.
BUT IN THE House, despite all
the trading and pressure and GOP
optimism, the Democrats stuck fast
and used their potent minority to
sustain the Governor's veto, the
vote was 66 to 32, with two Demo-
crats absent.
Resentment boiled in the Sen-
ate and in the highway bloc,
largely in the Senate. The House
took the defeat relatively calm-
Senate Republicans threatened
reprisals against Williams, his ad-'
ministration and Democratic bills.
As a down payment on revenge,
the Senate taxation committee met
at once and tabled Williams' fav-
orite bill-the two per cent cor-
poration profits tax which had
passed the House.
* * * -
WILLIAMS HELD out hope to
the road lobby that its cause was
not lost, saying there was still
time to revive a one-cent gas tax
bill in a House committee and get
it passed before the lawmakers ad-
journ May 25.
He coupled his willingness to ac-
cept that bill with a demand for
the corporations profits tax, but
there was no disposition apparent
among the Republican legislators
to do either.
Wilkens Will
On 'U'_Campus
Roger Wilkens, '53, was elected
the first president of the campus
chapter of the National Associa-
tion for the Advancement of Col-
ored People last night at the
group's first meeting.
Other elected officers are Ed-
ward Dawley, L, vice-president,
Audrey Smedley , '53, recording
secretary, Frances Wagman, 52L
corresponding secretary, and
Quenton Fulcher, '52L, treasurer.
. , *
THE NATIONAL constitution
was adopted and a quorum set at

one-third which is the last step
necessary for Student Affairs
Committee official recognition.
The group, which had received
its initial send-off last week from
Walter White, National Secretary,
voted to take action on the Na-
tional NAACP co-sponsorshi of
+ha Tr,.tn+,ix ar,.. wmi,,h in-

UN -Group
Asks Ch ina
NEW YO}K-()-The UN Po-
litical Committee, disregarding
Soviet objections, recommended
yesterday world - wide strategic
embargo against arms and war
supplies for Red China.
The 60-nation General Assem-
bly is expected to give it final ap-
proval today.
* * 4
The Political Committee vote
was 45 to 0, with nine abstentions.
The Soviet block of five coun-
tries did not go on record at all
in the vote. Luxembourg's rep-
resentative was absent.
The countries abstaining were
Afghanistan, Burma, Ecuador,
Egypt, India, Indonesia, Pakistan,
Sweden and Syria.
SOVIET Deputy Foreign Minis-
ter Jacob A. Malik charged the
United States was trying to put
over a "shamefully illegal" resolu-
tion in the embargo move.
He and the other four in the
Soviet block insisted the Secur-
ity Council alone has the auth-
ority to deal with embargoes.
He could veto it in the council,
but not in the assembly.
The committee showed it would
not go along with Malik and he
then served notice he would not
take part in the debate. As dele-
gate after delegate lined up be-
hind the embargo proposal, Malik
calmly read a newspaper.
It was the first time in history
that so many countries have
backed collective action in such a
far-reaching embargo. It is de-
signed to halt the shipment to
Communist China of every scrap
of strategic materials that can be
used to make war.
World News
By The Associated Press
DETROIT -- A taxpayer's suit
was filed in circuit court yesterday
against the city of Detroit and the
AFL Bus and Streetcar Operators'
Union that struck 27 days ago.
It asked two injunctions. One
would restrain the city from en-
forcing penalty provisions of
the controversial Hutchinson Act
pending a court test. The other
would direct 3,750 striking oper-
ators to return to work.
* * *
RAMPAGING streams in Texas,
Oklahoma and Kansas yesterday
brought death to two men, with
four persons reported missing.
* * *
DETROIT-A surprise walkout
of some 800 employes paralyzed
Western Union service in Detroit

late yesterday.
The stoppage was similar to sev-
eral others in various parts of the
country, and came after it appear-
ed that Detroit would not be af-
WASHINGTON -- The govern-
ment yesterday announced a cut in
supplies of steel for autos and
other 'civilian "hard goods" to
about 65 per cent of pre-Korean
war levels and warned of deeper
cuts ahead.

CONDEMNED SPY-Julius Rosenberg, convicted atom spy,
leaves the Federal house of detention at New York for transfer
to the Sing Sing prison death house at Ossining, N. Y. Rosenberg
and his wife Ethel have been sentenced to death for their part in
operations of an atom spy ring.
Regents May Announce
NTew ' U' Presid ent Today

The University Board of Re-
gents will convene here in Ann
Arbor today and may possibly an-
nounce their long-awaited deci-
Druids Brew
From the Stonehenge circle
Aided by the witches cauldron
Mystic plans were brewed in dark-
Many twigs were examined
Many rocks were overturned
Subjected to heat from blazing
Observed by men of knowledge and
Most decayed, were burned, were
Finally from the murky grove
From the cave where Fingal
lingered ,
The Order of the Mighty Oak
Causing the earth to shake and
Causing nations and cities to
All to bend the twig and sapling
And to capture the sturdy awends:
Petrifying Pine Peterson, Leapin'
Locust Leopold, Mealy-Mouthed
Magnolia Mesh, Fanfaronading
Fir Frank, Editorializing Eucalyp-
tus Emerson, Popping Poplar Popp,
Machinating Maple Miller, Coerc-
ing Cactus Cuson, Meticulous Ma-
hogany McIntyre, Willowing Wil-
low Whitaker, Turncating Tama-
rack Traves, Penny-Pinching Per-
simmon Purvis, Wilting Walnut
Watts, Dogged Dogwood Dunne,
Yammering Yucca Yobst, Red
Hot Hemlock Heathcott, Prattling
Palm Papes, Exhilirating Elm
Evans and Enervating Elderberry
The Almighty DRUIDS have


I orean

sion as to who will succeed Pres-
ident Alexander G. Ruthven when
he begins his year-long retirement
furlough on July 1.
Tight-lipped University officials
have refused to predict whether
the Regents will name the next
University president this weekend,
although they have hinted earlier
that the decision may be delayed
until the middle of June.
The recent announcement that
Provost James P. Adams has sub-
mitted his resignation, however,
has led many observers to believe
that the Regents will name the
new president immediately.
The Board members will ,be in
committee sessions this afternoon
and tonight and will convene in a
formal meeting tomorrow morn-
Fiery Vulcan
Gets W'orthies
Mighty Vulcan, holding cour, in
his forge, Mt. Aetna, sat embit-
tered at man's misuse of his be-
loved fire. Then came to him his
faithful followers, saying, "Mighty
Vulcan, hear these candidates for
admission to our Sacred Order."
These, being engineers, the only
forms of mankind the gods would
hear, were forthwith put to the
test, and having passed the ordeal
and proven their worthiness, were
Thus entered the Sacred Order
of Vulcan: Elliot Cooper, Donald
Downie, Charles Froman, Charles
Good, William Hickman, Robert
Klamser, Fred Kohlmeyer, Dean
Lind, George Marek, Donald Mc-
Vittie, Ron Modlin, William Mor-
ris, Merle Nelson, Robert Preston,
and James Root.

Stopped in a
West Korea
Heavy Losses
Dealt Red Foe
TOKYO-()-Spearheads of an
estimated 768,000 Reds yesterday
struck through a hole in Allied
lines in east-central Korea but
were bled to a halt in the critical
It was another all-out Red of-
fensive against the United Nations
forces along an 80-mile-wide front
as scores of Communists stacked
up deep for the big push.
* * *
ONE AMERICAN officer esti-
mated Red dead exceeded 10,000
as yesterday's toll alone.
First impact of the assault
tore a big hole in the South Kor-
ean Republican ranks on the
east-central front. Americans
rushed up to plug the gap as ele-
ments of 96,000 leading Chinese
poured through. The Korean Re-
publicans were threatened on the
east and west.
The Chinese also threw heavy
attacks late last night against
American positions on the central
front southeast of Chunchon and -
on the perimeter above Seoul in
the west.
e* s
IN BOTH CASES they were
beaten off after hours of blasting
by American artillery and, night-~
flying bombers.
After counting 400 Chinese
bodies north of Seoul on the
front, defense officers told AP
correspondent John Randolph
they believed their positions
there were impregnable.
It was in the center around
Chunchon and the east-center
near Inie that the Red onslaught
was most immediately critical
THE HOLE POKED in the South
Korean lines was southwest of Inje
near the 38th parallel, AP corres-
pondent Nate Polowetzky report-?
ed. He said Republican troops were
withdrawing northeast and south-
west of that hub town.
Even stronger Red attacks were
under way last night around Chun-
chon, pivot point of the central
front. Allied troops were reported
generally holding after stopping
some limited Red penetrations.
Masses of Chinese Reds were-
streaming southward on the west
central front. Allied units made
slight withdrawals and steeled
themselves for new Red attacks.
Informed sources estimated the
Reds have a potential of 1,141,000
troops in Korea and Manchuria for
continued intervention.
Alter Charge
The assault and battery charge
against Dennis Pitris was changed
yesterday to one of disorderly con-
duct by a motion of Assistant Pro-
secutor John DeVine.
Pitris, who stood mute on the
assault charge, changed his plea
to guilty at his rearraignment be
fore Municipal Court Judge Fran.
cis O'Brien.
DeVine explained that the
change made very little difference.
"Both offenses are misdemeanors
and both carry the same penalty,"

he said.
Pitris and a 17-year-old compan-
ion were arrested a week ago for
the slugging of University student,
Joe Venniri, May 9.
Student Appears
Today for Trial

Lawyers, Football, DU's
Tangle in Noeturnal Riot
Pandemonium broke loose at 11:30 p.m. yesterday when Delta
Upsilons, serenading women in Martha Cook, turned their musical
talents to the honoring of studious men in the Law Quad.
A few choruses of "Old Lawyers Never Die" was enough to start
a riot which lasted an hour.

THE LAWYERS responded to the ui
calls,, thr
Increased U Med crackers.
Enrollment Urged westside
"Go ba

nexpected serenade im-
y with jeers, flares, cat-
'eats, and king-sized fire-
residents rushed to the
of their dorm to chant
ck to the books, Law-
ut they were drowned

Free Beer No Lure to BusAd Students

"BusAd students eschew free beer,
Crazy? No:--exams too near!"

pressure of forthcoming finals."
Informed of the cancellation,
some BusAd students expressed

'Queried as to the legality of
such excursions, council members
were quick to assert, that only

err . r . : : : .-.... ,, i m. r. _ i.r_. ,_ _ _ f

I yers," b

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