... ;.. .. r .,,. .., . THE M ICIG iIAN DAILY h Greek Week 'HE DUST is slowly settling upon the rem- nants of another Fraternity Week. For .e second straight year, the IFC Sing and .e Ball were the only bright spots in a drab .und of events. The prime example of Greek Week's sad plight was the outcome of the well-publi- 'ised bias clause debate. Only 100 people attended despite the appeal of the topic. And these were disillusioned by the un- 0bashed partisanship shown by the panel noderator. Another panel discussed IFC problems and >licies-this turned out to be a staff meeting : the IFC-without a quorum. Last year, exactly the same thing hap- ned. Thirty hardy souls packed the spa- ous Rackham Auditorium to hear sundry >eakers "kick off" Greek Week with a dis- ussion of the function of ftaternities in the niversity. A similar fate befell the other anels. According to IFC, the purpose of Fraternity leek is to publicise the fraternity system. bviously, the apathetic response shows that his goal is not being met. The wisest solution would undoubtedly be to end the fruitless round of kickoff rallies and panel discussions. They ac- complish nothing, interest hardly anybody and cost the IFC close to $600. The Sing is one of the few genuine tradi- ons we have on campus, and is exceedingly rorthwhile. The Ball is a well-supported ance. But the IFC should learn that it an't stretch two sucessful events into a Fraternity Week." The various embellish- nents to the Sing and the Ball should be llowed to retire to the oblivion they have een seeking for two years. -Crawford Young Editorials published in The Michigan Daily re written by members of The Daily staff nd represent the views of the writers only. Congressional Answer CONGRESSIONAL opponents of wheat to India have been consistently tossing around irrational and irrelevant arguments against the bill, despite the fact that scores of Indians are facing starvation in a rapidly spreading famine, Typical of their erroneous pattern of thinking was the letter penned to a Uni- versity student last week by Sen. Fergu- son. The senator opposed the bill on three counts: (1) India's trade war with Paki- stan; (2) The uncertainty of repayment; and (3) India's refusal to send strategic materials to us. But the height of fallacy was reached this week in a letter to another student from William W. Blackney (R-Flint, Mich.). The letter follows: "I fully appreciate your human desire to send wheat to India; but I'want to tell you frankly. that, unless Prime Minister Nehru changes his expressed hostility Dorm Survey TODAY THE Dorm Survey Committee will distribute its questionaires to all students living in the residence halls. This survey will be the first to canvas the opinion of all dormitory residents on campus. For many years now there have been complaints made "off-the-record" about dorm food, facilities and staff. Now the students will have an opportunity to of- ficially voice their gripes. If the com- plaints are logical and substantial, something will be done by the Board of Governorsto correct them. There is apparently only one fly in the ointment. Some students like to gripe off-the-record, but when the time arrives when vigorous complaint will accomplish something, the gripes disappear-the students suddenly just are not interested. Dissatisfied dorm dwellers should take advantage of this chance to criticize the residence halls in more tangible form than the usual foreboding looks at the dietician and sinister mutterings in the washroom. -Harriet Tepperman toward this country, the House will not pass the bill. The Senate passed a bill on a 50-50 basis-part gift, part loan-and the House would have done the same but for the fact that Prime Minister Nehru states that our government must send things to him with no strings attached. "The fact of the matter is that we know the Prime Minister is a cohort of Russia, has no leaning toward our own country of a favorable nature, and simply likes to pose as a dictator. While I am deeply sym- pathetic toward the needy of India, we are becoming somewhat tired of shipping materials overseas to certain governments and then find that these things are sent to either Russia or her satellites. I am telling you these things frankly because I think you should know them. "If the Prime Minister shows some spirit of give and take and makes some adjust- ment to the situation, I am convinced the House will pass the bill." Aside from the obvious absurdities in this letter, Blackney's arguments, like Ferguson's, are pathetically short-sighted. A man hardly need be a humanitarian to recognize that a sufficient amount of grain sent to India would be a master diplomatic stroke-even "with no strings attached." We can't afford to alienate the starving millions of India. India, as the only state in the Far East rooted in democratic concepts, is all too indispen- sible to our policy of containment. And frankly, we can hardly disregard the prestige we would gain in the Far East if we were to present this wheat either as a free grant or as a loan. Why most Republicans will harken to the defense of Gen. MacArthur's proposed policy of containment in Asia, but refuse to support projects which, in the long run, would have the same effect is hardly de- fensible. Actually, it's not only altruistic but also practical to send wheat to India. We, as stu- dents, must realize this and throw our sup- port behind any move to pass the bill. -Cal Samra DORIS FLEESON: Sermon On The Mount NOTHiIG IN d tellSVJRLI) GRA//y. a 4 a XetteAJ TO THE EDITOR The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will be condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the editors. . . f... .4Gl4114,Jtw Pa' t DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETINj EDITOR: DONNA HENDLEMAN I it MA'FE R Or FAC By JOSEPH ALSOP ii W ASHINGTON-The atomic bomb, as Winston Churchill has said, and as many people are prone to forget, is "what we are living on now." It is therefore a fact of vi- tal significance-and a fact which can hardly encourage our enemies-that enor- mous increases in American atomic power have been made in recent months. Where atomic energy is concerned, the reporter is faced with a conflict between his duty of reporting important Informa- tion and his duty not to report informa'. tion which is properly secret. Recently this reporter and his partner have re- solved this conflict by suppressing two columns at official request. Now much of the information then suppressed has be- come publicly available. What follows are conclusions, which are strictly this re- porter's own, and facts, which have been checked with high authority to make cer- tain that no technical information useful to a potential enemy appears. The first conclusion is this-that the third and last of the atomic tests at Eni- wetock, which occurred last week, was the explosion of an atomic bomb powerful enough to trigger a hydrogen bomb. It is a reasonable estimate that the third Eniwe- tok bomb was five or six times as powerful as the Hiroshimo bomb, and that such a bomb exploded over a city would either to- tally destroy or very severely damage an ar- ea of about thirty square miles. If this estimate is correct, it raises an obvious question. Since only two or three bombs of the power of the third Eniwetok bomb would destroy almost any city in the world, is the hydrogen bomb project useful and rational? At any rate, the appalling power of the third Eniwetok bomb should certainly give any potential aggressor pause. THE SECOND conclusion is that the Uni- ted States now has an atomic stockpile sufficient to permit the use of atomic bombs on a great scale, riot only strategically, against cities, but tactically, against troops in the field. This conclusion derives largely from the results of the previous series of ato- mic tests near Las Vegas, in Nevada. Nothing should be said about the techni- cal nature of these tests, except the gen- eral statement - that they were designed "to get more for less." But it can be said --and this also should offer no encour- agement to our enemies,-that the Las Vegas tests were so successul that they had the effect of doubling overnight Am- erican atomic power, just as surely as though the actual number of bombs had been doubled. Four more Nevada tests are presently scheduled, which are expected also decisively to increase the American atomic notential. my, bombs used in great numbers to sup- port a serious defense could have a pro- found effect on the course of the fighting. THE. THIRD CONCLUSION relates to the second. An entirely new and extremely significant tactical use for the atomic bomb is now envisaged. The fact that there are plans for exploding an atomic bomb under- ground has already been published else- where. There are reasons for believing that one underground test has already taken place in the Aleutians. If not, such a test will soon take place, and will be followed by other tests of bombs of different degrees of power exploded at varying depths. The real meaning of this is simple. The- oretically, at least, it would be immensely difficult and perhaps impossible for an advancing army to clear a safe path through the vast weight of contaminated, radioactive soil thrown up by an under- ground atomic explosion. It is true that this soil would remain lethally contam- inated only for a few days or weeks, and true also that the area affected would not be unlimited. Yet it is obvious that, if the tests are successful, this new tech- nique for denying vital ground to an ad- vancing enemy could also have a profound effect on the course of any future war. All this offers no grounds for complac- ency. If world war comes, it will not be won by atomic bombs. It will be won only by more blood, more sweat, and more tears than the world has ever known before. Yet the best hope that the blood, the sweat and the tears will not have to be shed lies still in American atomic power, and in Ameri- can willingness to use this terrible power if the Soviet rulers decide to plunge the world into general' war. And the fact that Am- erican atomic power is now far greater than it has ever been before should surely cause the Soviet rulers to hesitate before taking this final, fatal decision. (Copyright, 1951, New York Herald Tribune, Inc.) Why Blame Television? SOME CHICAGO dress manufacturers have been forced out of business, and one fac- tor they blame for it is-naturally-tele- vision. Television is blamed for about every- thing these days but the war in Korea. It's ridiculous. When attendance drops at sporting events or movies, the athletic promoters and movie makers do not ask themselves whether their products are good or bad. They only cuss television. Juvenile delinquency also is blamed on TV, though there has been no huge rise in delinquency during the Tele- vision Age, and in any case TV keeps the ki Mies at home and presumably out of trouble. Racketeers use television as an excuse not to testify before Senators. This illustrates Defense Program W ASHINGTON-No serious effort is be- ing made here to put the country in step with the ambitious military designs it is so passionately debating. The Truman administration is demora- lized and most of the Congress has re- treated to well-prepared positions be- hind a glittering facade of investigations. They apparently believe that the public will accept such entertainment in lieu of action. There are honorable exceptions. Stubborn Carl Vinson is maneuvering the Manpower Bill through a difficult conference between House and Senate. Individual members are working hard to avert actual mayhem against the departments and independent agencies. The Truman mobilizers-Messrs. Wilson, Johnston and Di Salle-are taking' correct positions and striving with obvious sincerity to maintain them. So far the help they have been getting from the White House and party channels has been negligible. Congress of course is taking a chanc, President Truman made one do-nothing Congress bite the dust. They seem to figure that he is too deeply in the trough this time to emerge and do it again but they have a year and half to go before the election. Meanwhile the President, seen from Capitol Hill, is virtually immobilized. His domestic program is a shambles and he hardly discusses it with anyone except his titular leaders and a very few old Senate friends. The upcoming Democrats whose names are before the public are never before the President's desk in the famous oval study. The Democratic National Committee has been reduced to errand-boy status and fur- ther damaged by the RFC troubles of its White House channel, Donald Dawson. Many Democrats feel that it would help if some skilled veteran who had the confi- dence of the public and the party would take over but no one tpinks it any use to propose the change to Mr. Truman. The International program is being shor- ed up by the unusually strong Pentagon team of General Marshall, Deputy Secretary Lovett and the Joint Chiefs of Staff. They are doing for Mr. Truman the job that Sec- retary of State Acheson can't do at this point even though the program is largely his. The monotonous baiting of Acheson con- tinues. Whenever the administration seems to be scoring, as with the week of Marshall testimony, the attack breaks out because Acheson is vulnerable. A careful check fails to disclose that in the new crop of Acheson- must-go reports there is anything more than- has long existed. This is the convic- tion, among all shades of opinion, that the Secretary of State has died in the trenches of this war, politically speaking, and should be replaced. It will not make any difference how well or how badly he does when his turn comes before the Russell committee. A (Continued from Page 2) cal Engineers. This firm builds air- craft landing gears and related aircraft equipment and are leaders in the field. The Diversey Corporation, Detroit, is looking for men for sales positions in its three divisions: netal, industrial and food sanitation. The E. L. Norton Lumber Company, Saline, is looking for a Forester Trainee. The candidate would learn the logging, lumber and purchasing end of the lumber business. Continental Motors Corporation, Mus- kegon, is in need of aircraft and auto- mative designer, detailers, and tool and fixture men. Grossman Department Store, Inc., Muskegon, is in need of a man or wo- man for the position of retail adver- tising trainee. The Detroit Civil Service Commission announces the following examinations: Dental Hygienist, Social Case Worker, Medical Social Case Worker, Librarian I and II. Closing date for all of these is June 29. The United States Civil Service Com- mission announces the following ex- aminations: Geographer, grades GS-7 to GS-15, no closing date; Physical Sci- ence Aid (options chemistry, geology, physics, mathematics, metallurgy, and other branches of physical sciences ex- cept meteorology) and Engineering Aid (options aeronautical, architectural, civil, electrical, mechanical, radio, structural, general), grades GS-3 through GS-7, no closing date. Also Engineering Aid and Physical Science Aid for positions in Illinois. Michigan, and Wisconsin, grades GS-1 through GS-7, no closing date. The Peoples Gas Light and Coke Com- pany, Chicago, is in need of accountants andsengineers. The accounting posi- tions are in the General Accounting and Property Accounting Departments. The engineering positions are in the Engineering and Distribution Depart- ments of the Operating Division, and the Property Accounting Department of the Accounts Division. w The Michigan Bell TelephonerCom- pany is looking for women to train as Service Representatives in Ann Arbor. A college degree is not necessary, but some college training is desirable. The work entails contact with the public and the candidate must have a plea- sant speaking voice on the telephone. These positions are open immediately. For further information call atthe Bureau of Appointments, 3528 Adminis- tration Bldg. Personnel Requests: The United Air Lines will be inter- viewing women for stewardess positions and have sent the Bureau application blanks for applicants to fill out and return to them. Women interested should make application immediately ac they plan to interview very soon. we have just had a call from the Dearborn Social Security Board and they are in need of men and women for positions as Claims Examne Trainee. These positions must be filled by May 26. The Bureau of Appoint- ments has application blanks for in- terested people to fill out. For further informationcall at the Bureau of Appointments, 3528 Admin- istration Bldg. Lectures University Lecture: Lowry Nelson Professor of Sociology, University of Minnesota. "Rural Education and ou Changing Society." Thurs., May 17 4:15 p.m., Kellogg Auditorium. Aus pices of the School of Education an the Department of Sociology Academic Notices Seminar in Applied Mathematics Thurs., May 17, 4 p.m., 247 W. Engineer ing Bldg. Prof. D. A. Darling will spea on "Some elgenvalue and boundar value problems arising in a statistica investigation." Law School Admission Test: Appli cation blanks for the August 11 admin istration of the Law School Admissio Test are now available at 110 Rackham Bldg. Applicationtblanks are due a Princeton, N. J. not later than July 11 Doctoral Examination for James Row Taylor, Education; thesis: "An Investi gation into the Opinions Held by -Ad ministrators of Business Education o Crucial Issues in the Fields," Thurs May 17. 1291 University High Schoo 3 p.m. Chairman, J. M. Trytten. Doctoral Examination for Terry Wai- ter Johnson, Jr., Botany; thesis: "Tax- onomic Studies in the Genus Achlya Nees," Fi., May 18, 1139 Natural Science Bldg., 9 a.m. Chairman, F. K. Sparrow. Concerts Student Recital: Joseph Skrzynski trombonist, will present a program at 8:30 Thursday evening, May 17, in the Rackham Assembly Hall, in partial ful- fillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Music. He will be assisted by Allen Chase, John Tipton and Paul Bryan, trombonists, and Emily Karch, pianist, in a program of works by Handel, Haydn, Beethoven, Stojow- ski, Dubois and Chase. The public i invited. Carillon Recital: The fifth in the current series of spring carillon recital will be played at 7:15 Thursday eve ning, May 17, by Percival Price, Uni versity Carillonneur. It will includ Selections from Rigoletto by verdi three compositions by Jef Denyn, fou Canadian folk songs, and Air from Finlandia by Sibelius. Student Recital: Unto Verner Erkkila violinist, will present a recital at 8:3 Friday evening, May 18, in the Archi tecture Auditorium, in partial fulfill ment of the degree of Bachelor of Mu sic. A pupil of GilbertRoss. Mr. Erk kila will play compositions by Corell Bach, and Franck. The public is in vi ted. Events Today Young Democrats: Business meeting 7:30 p.m., Union. Election of officer U. of M. Soaring Club: Meetin 7:30 p.m., 1042 E. Engineering Bldg Temporary officers for thesummer wi be elected and plans for a weeken of soaring with the Toledo Gliding Clu will be discussed. All members ar urged to attend and everyone intereste is welcome. Sailing Club: Annualmeeting 7 p.m.. 311 W. Engineering Bldg. Electio of officers. Today is race day at Whi more. Open sailing this weekend. International Center Weekly Tea f foreign students and American friend 4:30-6 p.m. La p'tite causette meets at 3:30 p.m League. Polonia Club: Meeting, 7:30 p.m Irternational Center. Coming Evenits Hawaii Club: Business meeting an election of next term's officers. Fr May 18, 7 p.m., Room ABC, League. Hostel Club: Saline Round-Up, Sum May 20. Call Norma Ockree, 2-4067. University Museums Friday Eveni Program, May 18, will deal with Missi esippi Valley Cultures. Film at Kello, Auditorium, 7:30 p.m., "The Mississip River." Sigma Rho Tau, Stump Speaker's S ciety: 22nd Annual Tung Oil Banqu Fri., May 18, 6:30 p.m., Rooms 101-1 Union. Guest speaker: Prof. G. fBrown, Dean-Elect of the College r Engineering. "A Sound Approach Decisions." Awards will be present to the winners of the National Inte collegiate and Chapter Speech Contes International Radio Roundtable, au pices of International Center a: WUOM. Discussion every Friday at 7 p.m. on WUOM, and transcribedc - WHRV on Tuesday at 10 p.m. Subje k for discussion: y Commonwealth of Nations, MayI l Prof. Lionel H. Laing, Moderator, a three graduate students. Public and Separate Catholic Schoo - May 25. - Students interested in participati n in the programs may contact Hi n Shah, 8598. t Visitors' Night, Department of A tronomy: Fri., May 18, 8-10 p.m., Ang e Hall. Dr. Stanley P. Wyatt will g - a short illustrated talk in room 3 - on "Exploring the Universe." Folio n ing the talk the Angell Hall Student C servatory fifth floor, will be open : 1, observation of the Moon and Satu: Student A4dvisors .. To the Editor: AGAIN THIS Thursday and next the Student Advisors will be meeting in room 1029 Angell Hall from 3 to 5. This whole new service, sponsored by the Student Legislature in cooperation with the administration of the Literary College, the Concentration Advis- ors and the Academic Counsellors, is designed to meet some of the complaints levelled against our counselling service. The main complaint has arisen, it seems, from the fact that our regular counsellors just do not have the time to explain to each stuent the various subjects offered with- in one department, how they meet the student's requirements, and what courses in other departments would be most useful to the stu- dents. This is the vacancy that the Student Advisors are filling. These are students recommended by the various department chairmen who are considered most competent in their fields, and who have ex- pressed a willingness to perform this service. Depending upon the turnout of the students, this ser- vice will be expanded in the fu- ture. The majority of the advis- orA have said they are willing to speak to students over the phone, if you can not make it at the reg- ular hours. I have the phone num- bers of these advisors (you may contact me at 203 Wenley House, West Quadrangle, 24401). Again may I urge you, before ehaving next semester's program approved, see the Student Advis- ors this Thursday or next. It is only your interest that will main- tain this program. --Alan Berson, Culture and Education Committee, Student Legislature -* - Dorm Survey . , , To the Editor: r TODAY,at long last, the Resi- dence Hall Survey sheets are being distributed to over 5,000 - people living in dormitories and - residence halls here on campus - Although other surveys have been taken in the past by single dormi- L tory units, none have covered the entire dormitory system of th University. The questionnaire used in this survey was drawn up with the hell s the Survey Research Center an , bears the approval of the Board o Governors. 8, Besides giving to the Universit .' an over-all picture of how resident d feel about the dormitory system b the survey, it is hoped, will hel e individual house councils in solvin d problems in their houses. We all know that there has bee 30 much adversewcriticism of the resi m dence halls lately-particularly o t- the subject of food. We urge, there fore, that the students who fi or out these survey sheets do so ac s, curately and completely. For on in this way can an accurate evalu ation be made and only in this wa can the students expect anythin constructive to be accomplished. 1. It is the hope of the committe who originated this project th everyone concerned will cooperat and will give serious consideratio when answering the questions o d the survey. It is also the since hope of the committee that th results of the survey will be ser: n., ously considered by the Universi and that action will be taken i rectifying the defects in the dorm g tory system here at Michigan. sg -Dave Guttentag, Chairman pi Residence Hall Survey Committee * * * et, NAACP . .. 02, fTo the Editor: to TODAY WILL. MARK the initif ed meeting of a new campus extr ts. curricular activity: a local NAAC chapter. Looking on such activiti s- as having their principal value 30 the training they give studen on which can be used after college, ct seems to me that a local NAAC will fill a long standing gap in tl 18, University's scheme of educatioi Many students on campus a Is, sincerely interested in the prol lems of race relations. Until toda ng they have had no organized trai ru ing ground where they could lea: the methods that have been use As- successfully in combatting intC ell erance for nearly half a centui As a consequence, many of them have turned for guidance to a small group of people whose mo- tives are "questionable" to say the non-libelous least. Now, with a local branch of an organization with an admirable record "implementing democracy" to quote Walter White, these stu- dents will have an opportunity to learn and practice the methods of combatting discrimination which work ! And so, it is important that all honestly interested students make the slight effort necessary to see that the local chapter gets off to a' good start in the constructive tra- ditions of NAACP. At tonight's meeting, officers will be elected. Need more be said? -Al Blumrosen Anti-Barnaby . To the Editor: IT IS HARD for me to believe that any college student could ap- preciate "Barnaby," the so called "comic strip" that appears in The "Michigan Daily." However, ac- cording to a letter written by Roberta Nixon in this morning's "Daily" some must. I sincerely be- lieve that the number who do like '"Barnaby" is just a fraction of the student body. For this reason I am requesting that an all campus poll be taken on "Barnaby" and ap- propriate action taken. In the meantime, let's hear more views of the matter. We the undersigned petition that "Barnaby" be removed from the "Michigan Daily" and replaced by a comic strip.- t -Marvin E. Trim, Donald R. Rothschild, and 7 others * * * Barnaby . . To the Editor: Phooey on Pogo. I like Barnaby. -H. M. Taggart Sphinx . . To the Editor. "BUT THE Pharaoh and his court p will keep silence before the Sphinx-for in silence there is wis- . dom." So it is written. If silence be the criteria for judging wisdom, 'tis then to be assumed that loyal eSphinx members as a collective unit must undoubtedly possess the lowest I.Q. rating on campus. To s those who would question the va- P lidity of this assumption, I refer d you to those residents of the East f Quadrangle upon whose shell-like ears reverberated the lusty voci- yferations of loyal Sphinxters in the s wee hours of Tuesday a.m. Be it Sheresy or not, the general con- , sensus ofrE. Quad opinion is that g the Sphinx stinx. --Peter Vestevitch n i- nlr -1ArtatE i -I. x Sixty-First Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Jim Brown ............Managing Editor Paul Brentlinger ...........City Editor Roma Lipsky .........Editorial Director Dave Thomas .,.......Feature Editor Janet Watts ..........Associate Editor Nancy Bylan ..........Associate Editor James Gregory.......Associate Editor Bill Connolly............Sports Editor Bob Sandell ....Associate Sports Editor Bill Brenton ....Associate Sports Editor Barbara Jans .,........Women's Editor Pat Brownson Associate Women's Editor Business Staff Bob Daniels.......Business Manager Walter Shapero Assoc. Business Manager Paul Schaible .....Advertising Manager Sally Fish...........Finance Manager Bob Miller ........Circulation Manager Telephone 23-24-1 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited to this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein are. also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor. Michigan as second-class mail matter, Subscription during regular school year: by carrier. $6.00: by mail, $7.00. IJ will be open for inspection of the tele- scopes and planetarium. Children must be accompanied by adults. This con- cludes the Department's spring series of Visitors' Nights. If the sky is not clear, the observatory ( I BARNABY We'll get O'Malley! With this Throw them in the chuckwagon, pardner.I We ran't use horses. We'll (rack him down on foofll