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May 15, 1951 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1951-05-15

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Vashington Merry -Go"Round





NTASHINGTON-In a report not yet off
the press, the Senate Labor Committee
acks up labor's demand for a greater voice
the government's mobilization program.
he report applauds the new Defense Mo-
lization Advisory Board as a "ff-uitful
ep" in bringing labor back into- the de-
use picture, but warns: "this high level
:visory board should not be regarded as a
ibstitute for labor participation at 'many
her points in the mobilization structure
if labor participation is to make its
ill contribution, it must function on all
vels of operation."
The report is chiefly the work of Sen-
ator Hubert Humphrey, Minnesota Demo-
rat, who was assigned between the ad-
ninistration and organized labor.
* * *
LHE SENATE Labor Committee now re-
porting on the importance of Industry-
abor cooperation, declares that "human
eings cannot be manipulated like so many
ins of pig iron. There are 16 million or-
mized working people in the United States,
say nothing of the unorganized workers
ho have no spokesmen. These working
eople are affected by the policies and regu-
,tions of the defense agencies. They should
e given an effective voice in influencing
ie policies which will have such a direct
npact on their lives.
"You cannot give anybody responsibility
r a job without giving him some authority
handle the job," the unpublished report
Ids. "We cannot expect, in all conscience,
iat organized labor will undertake to make
alatable to its members the inherent dis-
esses and derangements of a defense evo-
omy unless at the same time we give or-
anized labor an effective voice in determin-
ig program and policy."
By this, the report makes clear that it
neans Labor should not be "simply an
errand boy for the execution of a policy
which has already been determined ...
Administrators must rid themselves of
ihe misconception that the labor assistant
s to be used only on ceremonial occa-
sions. By the same token, the labor or-
wanizatiOns have the responsibility of
ending their best qualified people."
The report also admonishes labor to keep
ter-union squabbles out of the mobiliza-
on program.
* * *
tion's No. 1 airman, has sounded a pri-
ate warning during talks inside the Penta-
on building that the worst threat to Am-
'ican cities is not from Europe but Siberia.
This is a flat contradiction of General
:acArthur's contention that Russia cannot
'itorials published in The Michigan Daily
e written by members of The Daily staff
ad represent the views of the writers only.

wage war against the United States from
"We have heard quite often that the de-
fense of Western Europe is the defense of
the United States," Vandenberg warned.
"Now that is true in some phases, but it
surely isn't true of air power, because from
bases in Siberia, the Russians can cover
with present Soviet Bombers a much great-
er area than can be covered today from
Western Europe."
Undersecretary of Air John McCone,
speaking to the same private group,
frankly admitted that it would be impos-
sible to prevent enemy airplanes from
hitting American cities.
"Our air defense system, even when com-
pleted," he said, "will be far from perfect.
If an enemy attack is launched against this
country, many bombers will be shot down,
but a great many will get through."
General Vandenberg, comparing Russian
and American air strength, gave an off-the-
cuff estimate that the United States is 100-
to-20 better at strategic bombing.
"The Russians are building up a fleet of
long-range bombers," he reported. "The
TU-4, which is the mainstay of their stra-
tegic air power, is at present in quite con-
siderable quantities.
Both Vandenberg and McCone warned
that the Air Force must build up to 95
groups, that this goal will not be reached
until July, 1952, and that it will take stillI
another year to bring the equipment up toI
has cabled the State Department the
rather ominous news that Russia is mobiliz-
ing about a dozen international battalions
of volunteers to fight in Korea. These bat-
talions are being enlisted from the satellitej
countries-Hungary, Poland, Bulgaria, Ru-
mania-and Russian strategy apparently is
not so much to .reinforce the Chinese but
to train satellite troops in modern warfare.
The Russian general staff appears to be
worried that while fifteen United Nations
are getting valuable battle experience in
Korea, the satellite armies are getting soft.
So token battalions from the satellites will
be sent to Korea to get toughened up.
* * *
PRESIDENT TRUMAN has privately ask-
ed General Bradley to serve another
two-year term as Chairman of the Joint
Chiefs of Staff. His term expires August 16
.. Italy has asked permission to sena a.
contingent of soldiers to Korea to fight
alongside the United Nations-even though
not a member of the UN . ... while certain
senators clamor to divert American arms
from Korea to Chiang Kai-Shek's armies on
Formosa, General Ridgway still hasn't
enough arms to spare for the South Korean
home guard. The South Korean Home
Guard has converted most of their villages
into medieval forts, but they have nothing
but bare fists to defend themselves from
guerrilla attacks.
(Copyright, 1951, by the Bell Syndicate, Inc.)

WASHINGTON-It is entirely possible
that the fighting in Korea will come
to an end in the near future.
It must be admitted at the outset that
there is no really solid evidence to back
up this statement. But there are inter-
esting straws in the wind, which may
mean that there is now beginning that
strange tortuous process, like negotia-
tions between inhabitants of different
planets, which has led up to the settle-
ment of the great crises of the past.
It is reported, for example, that in Mos-
cow the British have been receiving strong
hints that the Korean War can now be
settled on an acceptable basis. Similar hints
have emanated from Paris. It is certainly
reasonable to suppose, moreover, that Se-
cretary of Defense George Marshall's re-
peated references to the lifting of the Ber-
lin blockade, and to the "United Nations
channels" through which the end of the
blockade was secretaly negotiated, are not
mere empty words. Finally, there is a soi
of smell in the air in official Washington,
difficult to define but easy to recognize,
which is now remarkably similar to the
smell in the air before the Berlin blockade
suddenly ended.
All this is admittedly fragmentary; an
indeed it may be wholly misleading. But
there is also the simple logic of the situa-
tion, as it is assessed by those best qualified
to judge.
* * *
UNLESS THE best military experts are
without exception dead wrong, the Chi-
nese Communists cannot win the war in
Korea on the present basis. They can only
hope to win the war on an entirely differ-
ent basis-by changing the "ground rules,"
specifically by committing an air force bas-
ed on Manchuria.
The Soviet rulers, who are the real mas-
ters of the situation, must be fully aware
of this. But the Soviet rulers are also firmly
on notice that if the ground rules are
changed, this will instantly precipitate
counter-attacks on Manchuria, almost in-
evitably followed by the other measures pro-
posed by General MacArthur. This would
confront the Soviet Union with the choice
between inaction, which would be the equi-
valent of a devastating defeat in Asia, or
action which would start a third world war.
This can hardly be a welcome, choice
to the Kremlin. It may be that the ground
rules will be changed, and the Manchur-
ian air force committed-indeed, there is
some local intelligence pointing in this
direction. But it is at least significant
that no planes based on Manchuria at-
tacked United Nations ground forces in
the offensive which has now been defeat-
Moreover, whatever one may think of the
soundness of General MacArthur's views, he
may well have done a final, signal service to
the United States. For the extraordinary de-
bate precipitated by MacArthur must surely
ly have convinced the Soviet rulers on two.
First, there is not the faintest chance that
this country will weaken and withdraw from
Korea, as the Soviets have certainly hoped.
Second, it is a great deal more likely, if it
begins to appear that the only alternative is
an endless bloody stalemate, that this coun-
try will abandon the effort to limit the war,
and will adopt the course of action proposed
by MacArthur. Thus, however, fragmentary
the evidence, it is at least logical to suppose
that the Soviet rulers may now have de-
cided, as they decided intthe casecof the
Berlin blockade, that the time has come to
cut their losses.
HERE REMAINS the form which a set-
tlement might take. As in all the other
great tests of strength between the Soviet
and the West, settlement is likely to take
only one form. This is he restoration of the
status quo ante-a partition of Korea on
the 38th parallel, and the staged withdraw-
al of the Communist and United Nations

This would certainly not be the "vic-
tory which MacArthur demands. Yet it
can be reliably reported that the Ameri-
can government, rightly or wrongly, will
be prepared to accept such a settlement,
on one major condition. This is that our
most important allies join with us in put-
ting the Soviets and the Chinese Com-
munists firmly on notice that further
armed aggression across frontiers, wheth-
er in Korea or elsewhere, will be answer-
ed by devastating attacks on the Com-
munists centers of power, rather than in-
decisive actions on the periphery.
The Soviet rulers may yet risk an at-
tempted knockout blow in Korea, or the war
may drag on in stalemate. In either case,
world war is the almost wholly predictable
eventual outcome. But it begins to seem
that, not peace certainly, but a truce, a
breathing space, may now be in prospect.
(Copyright, 1951, New York Herald Tribune, Inc.)
Thought and Freedo'n
A MAN'S ABILITY to be a pioneer of pro-
gress, that is, to understand what civili-
zation is and to work for it, depends on his
being a thinker and on his being free. He
must be the former if he is to be capable of
comprehending his ideals and putting them

(Is It True That Some Of You Put The Interests
Of The U. S. Ahead Of Chiang Kai-Shek's?"
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The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of
general interest, and will publish all lettersrwhich are signed by the writer
and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or
libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will
be condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the

matter as to what is being served.i
They have their orders, from the;
other group, and must follow]
them. I believe that the kitchen
staff I have seen operate does
their best in preparing the food.
I think that a little more care-
ful consideration would tend to
lessen the criticism about "food
preparation" If we have any-
thing to complain about, and we
do, let's do a little more criticiz-
ing about that other group, from'
the dieticians all the way up to]
whoever has the final say in the'
matter. I think a little more
imagination in menu scheduling
would help as would plenty new
recipes and the throwing out of
many more. One more thing, we've
got to realize, is that cooking and
serving at the same time would1
be an impossibility with the num-I
ber of people that work now. ]
Possibly one reason for this
whole problem is the size of the'
dormitory units, but that's an old
story and can't be rectified now.'
Nevertheless there are steps that
could be taken to improve the
-Joel McKible1
* * *
More Mac..
To the Editors:
DON'T know who on the Daily
staff put the St. Louis Star-
Times editorial entitled "Enough
MacArthur" in. the May 12th is-
sue, but it was the most asinine
bit of editorializing I have seen.
It pointed to the incongruity of
the continued public ovation
awarded the General since his re-
turn from Korea, in light of the
fact that such demonstrations us-
ually followed victories, and that
here they followed failures (1) to
avoid involvement in Korea, and
(2) to win the war. Surely the
General cannot be blamed for
these failures. It was President
Truman who sent troops to Korea,
and it is his policy that makes
victory in Korea impossible.
No, Americans are applauding
General MacArthur for the superb
work he has done despite the
handicaps he has had to face and
the tremendous odds. And also be-
cause the General puts the G. I.'
interests above those of the Brit-
ish Foreign Office.
The editorial goes on to con-
demn the demonstrations because
they afford the General "a ros-
trum for renewing his attacks"
on our foreign policy "at a time
when we need unity." Unity with
whom? The British? Do the Brit-
ish worry about unity when they
trade with Red China?
And let those that condemn
MacArthur's stand in the Pacific
as risking war with Russia, try to
tell you that German re-arma-
ment will not run the greater risk
of involvement with Russia.
I say, let every mother and
father who has a son in Korea
continue to applaud the General
for trying to end this war in the
quickest possible way.
-William Halby
* * *

ites, MacArthurites, Progressives
and Independents to a Student
Debate-right here in this column.
-Art Buchbinder
* * *
Wheat to India ...
To the Editor:
We THE Indian students at
Washington, wish to convey
our sincere thanks to the students
of your university for the kind ges-
ture you have made'Oby sending
wheat to India.
We had the pleasure of meeting
some of your students who had
come to Washington in this con-
nection. During their visit to the
International Student House we
discussed topics of general in-
terest, and were greatly impressed
by the high ideals, purity of pur-
pose, and humanitarian outlook
of your fellow students. This ap-
proach of brotherhood and affec-
tion to the human problems is of
greater value to the heart than to
the mind. We are sure this noble
gift of yours will find place in the
heart of all those who will receive
We will write to our fellow stu-
dents in India about. this noble
gesture of yours, and we assure
you they will be delighted to hear
of your kindness and generosity.
This letter is just to convey our
deep feelings of gratitude and
good-wishes toward you all.
(P. Bhattacharjee)
Washington, D. C.
* * *
Lit School Confab .. .



To the Editor:

Student Advisors .

. .

To the Editor:

TnHE CULTURE and Education
Committee of the Student Leg-
islature was glad to see that the
student body is interested in the
Student Advisor program. We are
anxious to aid the students in any
way possible and have responded
to student opinion with the initia-
tion of this program.
We hope that the Student Ad-
visors have helped the 80 students
that visited them last week. It isI
our desire to continue this pro-
gram. We also hope that the stu-
dents will continue to come to the
Advisors for help in planning their
programs for next semester.
The Student Advisors meet again
this in 1209 Angell Hall
from 3 5. If there are any students
who can not come and desire a
special appointment it can be ar-
ranged by calling Alan Berson at
The Culture and Education
Committee would be very happy to
receive any suggestions or criticism
on this program in order to im-
prove it in the future.
-Alan Berson
Kala Aronoff
Culture and Education
Student Legislature t
Lane Hall - . ,

To the Editor:

The Lion & Iran

AP Foreign Affairs Analyst
WEEK-END ACTIVITY in the British
War and Foreign offices brought a
MIonday of tense speculation throughout the
world as to what might be the next devel-
opment in Iran.
Would Britain run the risk of war to
preserve her interests in Iran's oil, which
is also of vital concern to the United
States and the rest of the Western world?
Certainly not if she could help it. But
some move may be considered imperative.
Britishnoewspapers have been demanding
ction to prevent Iran's unilateral abroga-

Looking Back

Swingout, the first of the senior pro-
cessions around campus to be held in four
years, was virtually assured after a student
committee's petition was approved by the
Senate Committee on Student Affairs.
An open conflict between the Austrian
government and the private army of the
ousted Vice-Chancellor, Prince Ernst Von
Starhemberg, was a possibility threatening
Austrian stability.
RUDOLPH HESS broke with Germany and
became a missioner of peace with the
British disclosure that his unauthorized
flight out of the Reich was aimed at a ren-
dezvous in Scotland with an old English ac-
The Senate postponed argument on the

tion of the long-term British concession.
The steady-minded London Economist even
went so far as to report that Britain was
ready to use force if necessary.
"The issues at stake for Britain, the At-
lantic powers and incidentally Persia are
so great," said the independent weekly,
"that the Foreign Secretary has-with cabi-
net approval-drafted a reply to the latest
Persian note hinting that if the Teheran
government attempts to take over the in-
stallations . . . then the British government
will resist such action by force."
Foreign Secretary Herbert Morrison, holi-
daying on the Isle of Wight, was reported
keeping in close touch with the foreign of-
fice all day Sunday.
Then, Monday morning, the War Office
announced the alerting of its 16th Inde-
pendent Parachute Group, known as the
amp ; "fire brigade." The men
and ordered to be
ready. There were no orders to go any-
where. But the order cancelled two weeks
of field training already under way.
England, whose strong general desire
to avoid war has led her into a somewhat
equivocal position regarding the United
Nations conflict in Korea, went tense.
The possibility that British use of force
to defy the edicts of the Iranian Parliament
could lead her into direct conflict with Rus-
sia has been. discussed for days. Russia has
a thirty-year-old treaty with Iran, directed
originally at control of any White Russian
effort to use the country as a base for coun-
ter-revolutionary efforts. But the treaty
could be interpreted as an excuse for Rus-
sian intervention against any sort of coer-
cion of the Iranian government. In addition,
Russia has an agreement, so far largely
honored only in the breach, looking toward
her ultimate participation in developmnet of

THE RECENT announcement by'
the Office of Student Affairs
requiring that all speakers at
Lane Hall be approved by the
University Lecture Committee has
caused us at the Hillel Founda-
tion a great deal of concern. We
feel that this proposal definitely
sets a limit upon the freedom of
expression so necessary in a uni-
versity community. It is especial-
ly dangerous in this -building
housing the Student Religious As-
sociation, which makes a point
of encompassing many different
attitudes and opinions and of set-
ting these forth for discussion
and clarification. These discus-
sions are promoted with an eye
toward helping the student be-
come better informed so that he
can make up his mind on various
issues and develop a sound point'
of view. The attitude of free dis-
cussion is essential to a demo-
cracy and to the world of peace
we hope for.
The University has stated that
the purpose of this new require-
ment is to equalize the campus in
reference to obtaining approval
for student - sponsored events.
However, Lane Hall stands as the
religious center of the campus, in
providing a central council of re-
presentatives from all religious
groups. Religion serves as the con-
science of the nation-and there-
fore transcends the political im-
plications which might be feared.
Another point to be considered
is that when we ask University
Lecture Committee approval of
speakers at Lane Hall, we would
be forced, by this new ruling, to
give a two-week's notice. Many
opportunities arrive at Lane Hall
for presenting speakers who come
to campus on a much shorter no-
tice, sometimes only a few hours
or days. We feel that the Gover-

nors and the director of Lane
H all are fully qualified to pass
approval on these speakers, as has
been done in the past.
We therefore ask, in the inter-
ests of democratic institutions on
campus, that the University re-
consider its decision and revoke
the measure.
-Hillel Student Council
Al Friedman, President
Joyce Simon, Senior Adviser
* *' *
Lane luat ..
To the Editor:
..StudentAffairs Office for re-
quiring Lane Hall to obtain per-
mission from them for any out-
side speakers included a rally
and "several peace conferences"
that allegedly took place without
their knowledge.
Writers in The Daily have fail-
ed to make it clear that the pun-
ishment is very badly fitted to
the crime.
Only two conferences that have
taken place at Lane Hall have
been primarily concerned with
peace. The first, which was held
last December, opened with a
group of talks by University stu-
dents and faculty members.
There were no outside speakers
or outside participants at the con-
ference. Furthermore, it could
hardly have taken place without
the knowledge of the Student Af-
fairs Office, since at least two
talks with the head of that office
preceded the conference. The
planning committee was told that
no formal application would be
needed unless there were to be
outside speakers.
The second peace conference
took place just before Easter.
There were no speakers of any
variety at this meeting, and there
were no outside participants.
-3. M. Morris
* * *
Domm Food
To the Editor:
BEFORE anyone gets me wrong,
allow me to say that I do not
at all feel that the food dormitory
residents get is as good as it could
or should be. But I do think that
some of the more -recent attacks
have been somewhat unjustified.
I believe that an important dis-
tinction should be made immed-
iately as to the manner in which
our food gets to the serving line.
(My observations come as a resi-
dent for two and a half years of
Victor Vaughan House, a small
unit separated from the Quads).
There is actually a distinct divi-
sion in this whole business. One
group of individuals is responsible
for the making of the menus and
the balancing of the meals.
They are commonly referred to as
dieticians. It must also be under-
stood that the house dieticians
do not have the final word in this
matter. There exists different
authority levels above them. This
whole group of people could be
looked at as one side of the story.
The other group which, unfor-
tunately, usually receives the
brunt of student opinion is the
cooking staff, those responsible
for the preparation of the food.
These people have no say in the

Greatest Debate

. . .

To the Editor:
WANT to congratulate Buddy
Aronson for a superb editorial
on the Korean war. He hit the
issues squarely-there is only one
way out of the Korean mess and
that is by negotiations. Truman
thinks that the U.S. can continue
to fight a holding action 7000
miles away from home indefinitely
without either losing enormous
numbers of troops and equipment
or spreading the war. The Chin-
ese are not frightened by our
mechanized superiority. As Wal-
ter Lippman pointed out, we are
fighting a "People's War" and
China has the people ... 450,000,-
000 strong. They will not give in
until we start talking negotiations
rather than napalm. It should be
quite clear that Truman's 'fight
to the finish" policy is military
As- for "Dug-out Doug"-to
bomb China would mean the be-
ginning of WW III. Even General
Marshall knows this. The "Attack-
China-and-Preserve -Peace" phi-
losophy is sheer demagogy intend-
ed to involve America in an all-
out war.
What choice have Americans
when they are faced with two
equally suicidal policies? Why did
America ignore the Nehru pro-
posals and the Arab-Asian sugges-
tions for negotiations? The Chi-
nese and N. Koreans were willing
to consider them. Why is it that
the U.S. refuses to outline a speci-
fic policy in Korea with respect to
negotiations., After all, isn't
"peaceful settlement of disputes"
the UN ideal? I am beginning to
wonder whether we really want
such a settlement in Korea at all.
I believe that this issue is of
major importance to Americans
today. I would like to see the
"Great Debate" brought to the let-
ters column of The Daily. I
therefore challenge the Truman-

ir rig tn tii


Sixty-First Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
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Jim Brown ... ........Managing Editor
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Dave, Thomas..........Feature Editor
Janet Watts ..........Associate Editor
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Barbara Jans.........Women's ±.ditor
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The Associated Press is exclusively
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Entered at the Post Office at Ann
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Subscription during regular school
year: by carrier, $6.00; by mail, $7.00.

MANY students 4have asked,
"What has been done with the
student evaluations made of tho
teachers?" Well, Dean Keniston
of the Literary College has made
a careful study of these evalua-
tions and has much hitherto un-
published information as to what
these - evaluations have shown,
their reliability, and how they are
being used.
Tonight, Dean Keniston is to re-
lease this information for the first
time at the Literary College Con-
ference to be held in room A-B,
on the 3rd floor of the Michigan
League from 7:30 to 9:00. It is
urged that as many Literary Col-
lege ' students as possible attend
this open meeting for Deans Ken-
iston and Robertson have request-
ed this occasion to release this ma-
terial. There will be a question-
and-answer period after Dean
Keniston gives his report and you
are asked to take advantage of
this opportunity,
-Alan Berson
** *
To the Editors:
REPLY to "Barnaby" complaint.
Have you ever noticed the
excellent satire of our society
which "Barnaby" brings us? Look
for it some day. No child could
ever fully appreciate the genuine
humor contained in this superior
comic strip.
-Roberta Nixon

; .



But, Mr. O'Malley, I have to go to Albert's yard.

After all my preparations. And after

/ NI rfe


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