P & ii A MERRY-GO-ROUND See Page 4 e 0ott Latest Deadline in the State FAIR, WARMER VOL. LXI, No. 156 Red Troops Go South In Two Areas New Offensive Covered by Rain TOKYO - (R) - Red troop: poured southward in two areas o Central Korea today under cove of a driving rain, adding to their buildup for a new offensive. The Communists might be ex- pected to unleash it in the un favorable weather-ideal for con- cealment and for their light trans- portation system; unfavorable fo Allied tanks and planes. THE REINFORCEMENTS were spotted in the Yanggu and Chun- chon areas. Chunchon is eight miles south of the 38th paralle and 45 miles northeast of Seoul. Yanggu is seven miles north of the 38th parallel and more than 70 miles northeast of Seoul. It is at the eastern end of the Hwachon reservoir. There was light to moderate con- 4 tact, all along the front. But the Reds were concentrating on the two points in the mountainous Central and East-Central areas: * * * IN RAINY WEATHER yester- day, Allied troops killed or wound- ed 1,580 Reds, U.S. Eighth Army reported. U.S. Fifth Air Force pi- lots claimed they killed or woundec 400 more. AP Correspondent Nate Polow- etzy, at Eighth Army headquar. ters, said many Allied command- ers have speculated that the Reds would choose rainy weather to renew their Spring offensive. The earlier offensive, opened April 22, bogged down in a little over a week under the weight of staggering losses. It was staged in generally clear weather. Allied planes and artillery made the most 4 of that. DESPITE unfavorable weather 4 yesterday, Allied planes mounted 800 sorties. They hammered at Red troops, supplies and airfields. War-. ships offshore also kept up daily bombardments of coastal supply lines. Allied artillery, which played a major role in stopping the Reds' April offensive, was turned on the Communists massing in the Chun. chon area. , Afield dispatch said the Reds were trying to expand a bridge. head, already more than three miles wide, on the south bank of the Choyang River near Chunchon. Tax Increase on Cigarettes, Cars Voted WASHINGTON - (P) - The House Ways and Means Committee tentatively voted a $614,500,000 in- crease yesterday in taxes on cars, trucks, cigarettes, television sets and a long list of household appli- ances. t Contrary to earlier unofficial re- ports, however, the federal tax on gasoline was left unchanged at 1%/ cents a gallon. TOTAL prospective additional revenue from the 1951 tax bill now stands at $6,325,000,000 with sev- eral excise tax fields remaining to be explored. President. Truman asked for a $10,000,000,000 revenue increase this year. The committee voted to raise the cigarette tax from 7 cents a package. to 8 cents for an esti- mated $177,000,000 additional in- come. The Treasury had asked for a three-cent hike. An unsuc- cessful effort was made to ex- empt economy-brand cigarettes [ from the increase. Cigar taxes were left unchanged. The Treasury had recommended a $25,000,000 increase. IF THE COMMITTEE'S recom- mendations become law, the tax on passenger automobiles and motor- cycles will rise from 7 per cent at the manufacturer's level to 10 per I cent, rather than 20 per cent as Secretary of the Treasury Snyder recommended. This is counted to bring in an extra $196,000,000 a year. . Ann Arbor Youth's Trial Will Begin. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, MAY 15, 1951 SIX PAGES rmm .:... . New Language !N e w. .' Requisiteote Students Will Now Need Two Years If Faculty Proposal Passes Board By LEONARD GREENBAUM The literary college faculty yesterday voted its approval of a new language requirement that would demand a four semester proficiency in a foreign language from all lit school graduates. Before the new requirement can go into effect it must be approved by the Board of Regents. IT WILL NOT affect students now attending the college. Future literary college students could satisfy the proficiency requirement either by passing a placement test or by completing Military Mac's Chi8efs Opposed oiy - ars R i four semesters of a language. Tb language they wished. The placement test would be Arms Ban Gets OIL of UN Group UNITED NATIONS, N. Y.-(/P)- A global embargo on shipments to Red China of arms and war ma- terials, including material f o r making atomic bombs, was ap- proved yesterday by the United Nations Sanctions Committee. The vote was 11 to 0 with Egypt abstaining. The measure goes to the 60- nation Political Committee of the United Nations General Assembly for action Thursday morning. It is certain to meet a hot reception from the Soviet bloc and perhaps from the 12-nation Asian-Arab group but its final passage by the General Assembly appeared assured. ** * hey would be allowed to begin any given to those who wanted to con- G'tinue the language they studied previous to college. The score would determine where the stu- dent would start. If he passed the equivalent of the fourth se- mester on the placement test he would not have to continue for- eign language study in college. AT THE END of ahy semester a student who had not previously passed the placement test but felt that his semester's work enabled him to do so would be allowed to take the test. The change from the present requirement had been recom- mended by a special faculty sub- committee that has been work- ing on the problem for two years. Under the present requirement, a student needs one year of for- aeign language study in college un- less he has four credit units in foreign languages f r o m high school. Under the new requirement, which is based on the quality of teaching rather than the quantity, the number of years studied in high school would not be con- sidered. Committee To Investigate 'Pate rnalismn A id to India Petit ions Hit U' Campus By MARY LETSIS Today is kickoff day for the campus-wideWheat-for-India pe- tition. Backed by numerous campus groups, the petition is designed to urge Congress to pass the cur- rently pending Wheat to India bill. WORKING WITH SL, the local UNESCO chapter and the Ann Ar- bor Council of Churches, the Stu- dent Religious Association has sent petition blanks, letters and bul- letins concerning India to more than 40 different colleges. "We did this in an attempt to place India's critical situation before the eyes of many student bodies instead of just centering it here on campus. In this way, we feel that whole communities will be made more aware of In- dia's plight," Don-David Luster- man, '54SM, SRA committee member, said. The recent Wheat-for-India trek' made to Washington by members of the SRA prompted the drawing up of the petition, Lusterman ex- plained. "IN PRESENTING the token gift1 of wheat and money to India's am- bassador, Madame Pandit, we felt that it shouldn't just stop there.t If we could get a petition with about 5,000 names on it from our7 campus-some action might re-l sult." The nation wide goal set by the SRA, SL, and the local UNESCO chapter for the peti-1 tion is 75,000 names from the combined student bodies, Luster- AIM OFFICERS-President Dave Ponitz, '52, sits surrounded by the newly-elected Al (left to right) Bob Perry, '52E, senior advisor, Bert Braun, '54, recording secretary, Be 52, vice-president, Gene Mossner, '52, corresponding secretary, and Gordon Greenberg, 52 *R e* * * * n * Ponit Re-elected President of AIM IM cabinet: ob Leopold, , treasurer. I THE COUNTRIES voting for the embargo, which was urged by the United States, were: U. S., Britain, France, Australia, Cana- da, Belgium, Brazil, the Philip- pines, Turkey, Mexico and Vene- zuela. Two other members of the committee, Burma and Yugosla- via, refused to serve when the 14- nation group was established by General Assembly last Feb. 1. Even though the committee, technically called the Additional Measures Committee, approved recommendations for an arms embargo, American delegates Ernest A. Gross said the U. S. and others expected the UN Good Offices Committee to con- tinue attempts to negotiate peace in Korea. Peiping so far has ignored the committee and an informed source said today there is no sign yet that Communist China is ready to talk. Sphinx Grab SlavesTonight Once again the Pharaoh has commanded his legions to cross the great desert and invade the land of the barbarians to pick slaves for the Pharaoh's court. Once again the East has learned to fear the Pharaoh's might. Once again the ignorant stand in awe to await the Paraoh's wisdom upon the return of his mighty legions. All the world will speak when the legions return, but the Phar- aoh and his court will keep silence before the Sphinx-for in silence there is wisdom. ,r The encroachments on academic man went on. freedom by the University will be The final accumulation of names the first thing investigated by will be sent to Speaker of the the newly appointed paternalism House Sam Rayburn. sub-committee, it was decided at Wheat-for-India petitions and their organizational meeting yes- Ann Arbor UNESCO bulletins de- terday. scribing the food situation iri In- This investigation will include dia can be picked up from 9 a.m. such things as speaking privileges, to 10 p.m. today at the Lane Hall scholarship regulations, library re- Wheat-for-Indian office, Luster- strictions and the methods of hir- man said. ing instructors. Chairman Pete Hall, '52, ex- plained to the 10 members attend-' e gra i ing that the purpose of the com- mittee was not to bring about im- - Na mediate action, but merely to in- 1 vestigate the. existing situation. Hall also warned members, "not Daniel Waldron, '51, was named to prejudice anything or let the Dne ado,'1 a ae committee degenerate into a gripe Managing Editor of Generation session." Magazine last night by the Board The committee plans to discover in Control of Student Publications. where the University regulations Waldron, 25 years old, is an Eng- can be found, before their next~ Wao,2 er li nEg meeting and hope to have a list lish major and comes from Grand of all University regulations which Rapids. He is active in radio and might be considered paternalistic play production and is vice-presi- compiled before vacation. dent of the Inter-Arts Union. They plan to investigate regu- Th bu lations of other educational insti- Thne buissm agrs tutions during the summer and Robert Rose, '53 from Dayton, compare them to those found at Ohio. Rose, an economics major, the University, is 19 years old. He is affiliated with The paternalism committee will Zeta Beta Tau fraternity, and is a meet again at 4:00 p.m. Monday member of Inter-Fraternity Coun- in the Student Legislature Bldg. cl. at 122 S. Forest. Speaking and John Goodyear, '52A, was named voting privileges will be extended Art Director. He comes from to auy student interested in at- Grosse Ile, and is a drawing and tending. painting major. E I l ( t T z? I David Ponitz, '52, was re-elected president of the Association of In- dependent Men last night by ac- clamation. Representatives of the men's residence halls also elected Bob Leopold, '52, vice-president; Gor- don Greenberg, '52, treasurer; Bert Braun, '54, recording secretary; and Gene Mossner, '52 corres- ponding secretary. Bob Perry, '52E, was named senior advisor. PONITZ, IN accepting the pres- idency for another semester, called for closer cooperation with the Interfraternity Council and As- sembly. He also outlined AIM's new policy of accepting members from Ann Arbor's many inde-. pendent rooming houses. Previ- ously only men living in Univer- sity residence halls were eligible to join the Association. "AIM will continue to sponsor the Little. Club' next semester," Pointz promised. "We also intend to aid the new South Quad dorms Draft Exam .date Extended The deadline for receipt of ap- plications for taking draft defer- ment tests has ben extended until May 25, according to Richard A. Correll, director of the Armed Ser- vice Information Center here. Today had been the deadline previously stated. However, no nore applications will be accepted for the May 26 tests. Instead stu- lents must file applications for either June 16 or 30 testings. If religious beliefs prevent their tak- ing the test on a Saturday, they nay apply for the June 12 exami- nation. in setting ments." BEFORE THE elections the rep- resentatives heard a report on AIM's proposed d o r m survey. Question blanks, asking about food and living conditions in University residences, will be distributed' Thursday to all dormitory resi- dents, the report said. Daily, 'Ensian Junior Staff Positions Announced by Board 4- up their house govern- The new president lives in An- derson House. Vice-president Leo- pold, who was ,re-elected unani- mously, is president of Allen- Rumsey House, and vice-president of the literary college senior class. Greenberg represents Williaes House, W. Q.; Braun, Michigan House, W. Q.; and Mossner, Victor Vaughn House. ISays Plans Might Start WorldWar Claims European Arms In Danger WASHINGTON-(A)-ecreitary of Defense Marshall testified yes- terday that he believes the' na- tion's top military men stand solid- ly against Gen. Douglas Mac- Arthur's war plans for Korea. Marshall said adoption of the MacArthur policies might cripple the buildup of Europe's defenses. THE DEFENSE CHIEF insisted the MacArthur proposal to bomb and blockade Red China and use Chinese Nationalist troops might draw Russia into the conflict and touch off a third world war. And he named Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower, commanding the North Atlantic Pact forces in Europe, and Lt. Gen. Matthew B. Ridgway, who succeeded Ma- Arthur, among those he believes support the Truman administra- tion's present limited-War pro- gram. Marshall gave these views to the Senate Armed Services and For- eign Relations Committees as he ended his seventh day of testi- mony in the inquiry Into the firing ' of General MacArthur. THE NET WITNESS at 9 a.m., today, will be Gen. Omar N. Brad- ley, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Like Marshall and Mac.- Arthur, he also wears five stars. MacArthur told the committees 10 days ago that "every officer I have talked to" shared his views on the Korean war, He said Ridgway's official reports would show agree- ment also. BUT MARSHALL took issue with him on this score during the.r day in which Chairman Russell (D-Ga.) of the Armed Services group said secrets "of possible value to Russia" already have. leaked from the hearing Russell pleded with his col- leagues not to disclose highly secret testimony which censors have deleted from the public transcript. He said: "If any action of ours adds even remotely to the dangers that face our fighting men, if carelessness or indiscretion in- creases the perils that face our na- tion, neither our God nor our fel- low citizens will ever forgive us, nor would we deserve such forgive- ness," RUSSELL SAID at least two newspaper stories have been based on evidence which was not in the released transcript and he called this "a dangerous course." He did not identify the stories. Two Republican Senators,Hick- enlooper of Iowa and Ives of New York, complained that the ad- ministration has been leaking in- formation to some newspapers for a long time-but they supported Russell in his plea. LSA Group Will Disculs. Evaluations Last year's student-faculty eval- uations will be the topic for dis- cussion at the open session of the Literary College Conference at 7 :.30° p.m. today in Rm. A-B of the League. For the first time since the re- sults have been tabulated, Dean Hayward Keniston will give an ex- tensive report on the evaluations. He will discuss the reasons for the evaluations, their use and how they have and will affect both stu- dents and faculty. The meeting will then be turned Appointments to junior editorial and business staffs of The Daily and the Michiganensian were an- nounced last night by the Board in Control of Student Publica- tions. The following have been ap- pointed night editors on The Daily editorial staff: Harland Britz, '53, Toledo; Harry Reed, '52, Grosse Isle; Zander Hollander, '53, New York; Donna Hendleman, '53, Chicago; Cal Samra, '53, Flint and Crawford Young, '53, Wash- ington, D. C. THE SIX assistant night editors are Cara Cherniak, '53, Windsor, Ont.; Alan Luckoff, '53, Detroit; Ann Hagan, '53, Grosse Pointe; Sid Klaus, '53, Detroit; Mary Let- sis, '52, Ann Arbor and Sally Gouldthorpe, '53, Erie, Pa. Junior appointments to The Crash in Atlantic Claims Eleven NORFOLK, Va. - W) - A coal collier rammed a Navy seaplane tender loaded with high-octane gasoline off Cape Henry yesterday, and the Navy said that 11 men were killed-all aboard the tender. Daily business staff include Cir- culation Manager, Stu Ward, '53, Grosse Pointe; Circulation Assistant Ina Plesofsky, '53, Memphis, Tenn.; Local Adver- tising Manager, Dave Calahan, '53, Grand Rapids; Local Adver- tising Assistant, Ronnie Raid- er, '53, Detroit and Local Ad- vertising Assistant, Mary Lu- bienski, '53, Dearborn. T h e appointments continue with Classified Manager Herb Klaff, '53BAd, Chicago; Classified Assistant, Doris Schweikert, '53, Manistique; Display Accounts Manager Harvey Gordon, '52BAd, Detroit; Display Accounts Mana- ger, John Elert, '53BAd; Classified Accounts Manager Betty Bridges, '52, Des Moines and Classified Ac- counts Assistant Renee Levy, '53, Detroit. , * * ALSO APPOINTED were Layout Manager Phyllis Gringer, '52, New York, Layout Assistant, Pat Walk- er, '52, Ann Arbor; Promotions Manager Milt Goetz, '53, Pelham, N. Y.; Promotions Assistant, Ben- nie Friedman, '53, Bronx, N. Y.; Promotions Assistant, Howard T. K. Rogers, '53, Pontiac; National Advertising Manager, Eva Stern, '52, Ferndale; and Staff Secretary Barbara Lawton, '52, Syracuse, N. Y. 'Ensian editorial positions in- clude Martha Conney, '52, Ams- terdam, N. Y.; feature editor, Joe Epstein, '52, New Orleans, La., in charge of sports and Bob Schrayer, '54, Chicago, as his assistant. In charge of the schools and colleges section is Beulah Mark- hus, '52, Toledo. Loraine Norquist, '52, Jamestown, N. Y., will take care of senior pictures, and Pat Texter, '53, Detroit will be house groups editor. * * * , BOB NORTHCOTT, '53, Detroit, is organizations editor, and Janet Oberg, '53, Escanaba, assistant or- ganizations editor. Peter Spencer, '53, Grosse Poirit, will be in charge ARCHER, BEST STAR IN SHAW PLAY: Drama Season Opens with Comedy Tonight "Captain Brassbound's Conver- sion," a George Bernard Shawl comedy-melodrama will open for a seven-performance run at 8:30 p.m. today in Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. The first offering of the annual Ann Arbor Drama Season, the play stars Edna Best and John Archer, both of whom have just played in the New York version. * * * lady has managed to reform a group of pirates, uncover some un- derhanded doings and wield a pro- posal from the heretofore unap- proachable Brassbound. * * * ALSO PLAYING in the produc- tion are Philip Tonge, Noel Leslie, Royal Beal, Norman Shelly and Jon Dawson. Both Dawson and Tonge have been resident mem- cille Watson, a veteran actress of more than fifty plays. * K * T. S. ELLIOT'S "Cocktail Party" will be presented May 29 through June 2. Hailed as one of the most provocative plays of modern times, it is a drama which probes into the life of a small group of urban- ite moderns. A fantasy. "Mary Rose." by ,. ...