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May 11, 1951 - Image 1

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VOL. LXI, No. 153



New Red Forces
Stiffen Defenses
Against Allies
TOKYO--P)-Fresh Red forces streamed into buildup areas along
the western and central fronts today as resistance against aggressive
Allied patrols stiffened generally across the peninsula.
An Eighth Army spokesman reported "a considerable amount"
of Red movement east of Munsan, some 10 miles below parallel 38
and 20 miles northwest of Seoul.
AP CORRESI ONDENT George McArthur, on the west-central
front, said Allied bombers ran into heavy*anti-aircraft fire last night
* * * in attacks on a buildup in the


Re orted


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British End
Rubber Sale
To Red China
LONDON-(M)-Britain's Labor
government yesterday halted rub-
ber shipments to Communist China
for the rest of 1951.
Aroused American public opin-
ion and whip-sawing attacks by
Winston Churchill's Conservatives
provoked the decision.
The rubber ban was announced
in the House of Commons a few
moments after Churchill had
thundered a demand for the
change at once "on the grounds
of national safety and even sur-
CHURCHILL also attacked Brit-
ain's maintenance of diplomatic
relations with Red China, saying
these ties had brought no advant-
age to Britain or the United
Nations "and they have become
a reproach against us in wide
circles in America."
A revival of isolationist sen-
timent in the United States, he
warned, might lessen American
help for Europe, which could
lead to the ruin of "the whole
J free world."
Sir Hartley Shawcross, presi-
dent of the Board of Trade, said
the government's opinion is that
China already has imported
enough rubber this year to fill her
civilian needs for all of 1951.
THEREFORE, he said, Britain
is asking its colonial governments
"to ensure that there will be no
further exports of rubber to
China from Malaya or the other
British territories involved this
Shaweross referred to "abnor-
mally high" rubber imports by'
Communist China in the first
The government's own figures
showed British territories shipped
45,000 tons of rubber to. Red
China for the three-month period
ending in March-about twice the
total in all of 1949.
Dewey Asks
Embargo on
Red Chinese
NEW YORK-(P)-Gov. Thom-
as E. Dewey yesterday urged an
"absolute and total" embargo by
the free world against trade of
any kind with Communist China.
It was one of 11 planks in a
global policy which he said is
most urgently needed to stop Rus-
sia from 'taking the world "bit
by bit."
Among Dewey's 11 points co-
ering both Asia and Europe were:
No appeasement or retreat from
Communism anywhere in the
world; no recognition ever of Red
China and use of the veto if
needed to keep her out of the UN;
more aid for Chiang Kai-Shek's
Nationalists and releasing his
troops for any use he wants to
make of them against the 'Chi-
nese mainland; continued bi-par-
tisan support for a Japanese peace
treaty; a policy aimed at an
eventual United States of Europe.
Admittance of Turkey, Greece,
Spain and Yugoslavia Into the
North Atlantic Treaty Alliance;
Universal Military Training at
.I A - s. --- E 01

Kapyong area.
iapyong is 12 miles south of
the parallel and 32 miles north-
east of Seoul. McArthur report-
ed the Chinese evidently have
shifted east after withdrawing
north of the old Korean capital.
Field commanders expect a re-
newal of the big Red spring of-
fensive at any time in this battle
of Korea.
said yesterday the battle marked
a turning of the tide against world
Lt. Gen. James A. Van Fleet
had said earlier that he felt
more confident of whipping the
Reds now than he did at the
outset of the Chinese and Kor-
ean Red offensive April 22. Aft-
er 10 days and losses of an es-
timated 75,000 men, the Reds
began a withdrawal that-in
most sectors-still continues.
Red supply lines have been hit
'round-the-clock by Allied fighters
and bombers. More than 650
sorties were flown by dusk yester-
The tank - infantry column
stabbed into Munsan some 20
miles northwest of Seoul and
withdrew yesterday after South
Korean troops erased a threat by
6,000 Korean Reds to flank Seoul
from the west.
To the east, another Allied ar-
mored column rammed at least
eight miles north of Uijongbu, to
Within 10 miles or less of the 38th
Farther east, Allied patrols re-
entered Inje-five miles north of
the parallel-without finding any
Dawson Tells
Of Free Stays
At Fla._Hotel
WASHINGTON - (R) - White
House Aide Donald Dawson ack-
nowledged yesterday that he and
two other members of President
Truman's staff took free vaca-
tions at a $30-a-day luxury hotel
in Miami Beach, Fla., after the
hotel borrowed $1,509,000 from
the government.
But Dawson told senators he
understood some lawmakers them-
selves have accepted similar on-
the-cuff courtesies from the same
hotel, the Saxony.
He named the other two presi-
dential staffers as David K. Niles
and Col. Charles Maylon.
Making his long-awaited ap-
pearance as a witness in the RFC
Inquiry, Dawson swore he never
abused his White House prestige
by attempting to sway multi-mil-
lion dollar federal loans.

fox Reveals ..
Brutal Story .
f Ieatsn~~~
Tells of Packiii ..,
In Ice by Youths4
George Cox, '54, told his story: j
to the police yesterday morning i $
and confirmed the rumors that he
had been beaten and packed in
dry ice last Friday morning. , ~~~-
Cox's account of the attack was
revealed by police officials at a R
conference yesterday with Dean
Walter and three members of his
fraternity, Phi Kappa Psi.
AT UNIVERSITY Hospital last
night, where he is being treated
for second and third degree burns, NEW SL CABINET-Leonard Wilcox takes over the chair at last
a dislocated jaw and a broken elected president by acclamation. Surrounding him are the otherr
nose, doctors described his condi- Stenn, vice-president; Phil Berry, member-at-large; Pat Doyle,c
tion as "good." Leah Marks, member-at-large; Alice Spero, recording secretary and
As he was on his way from
the fraternity house to his room
at 1026 Oakland at about 2 XeGet S
a.m. Friday, Cox said an old 1 COX tenn
model car slowly pulled along-
side him. ,----
A shout of "let's get that dumb Leonard Wilcox, '52, was elected 1 passage of two key motions oppos-
college SOB and pack him in dry president of the Student Legisla- ing University policies.
ice for posterity" came from the ture last night in one of the most * * *
car. About five teenagers then eventful SL meetings of the year. ELECTED TO the vice-presi-
jumped from the car and severe- Wilcox won his post by acclama- dency was Irv Stenn, '52, former
ly beat him up. tion and after the other officers SL Treasurer and cabinet-mem-
* * were elected led the SL in the ber-at-large.
THE YOUTHS then dumned d ------------------ -- -

'Fade Away'
At an Honors Dinner last
night for East Quadrangle stu-
dents, President Alexander G.
Ruthven announced he was
planning to "fade away."
He emphasized that his re-
tirement at the end of the
spring semester would be
Jim Yobst
Wrill Direct
Jim Yobst, '52, was named gen-
eral chairman of the 1952 Union
Opera last night by the appoint-
ments committee of the Union
Board of Directors.
Yobst, who has played a lead-
ing role in Union Opera produc-
tion for the past two years, will
succeed Gene Overbeck, '51, chair-
man of the 1951 Opera, "Go West
THIS YEAR'S performance, in
addition to its regular run in Ann
s "


irizY vutialine aupea
him into the car and the next
thing Cox said he remembered
was awakening on a lawn about
two blocks from the fraternity
house. He added that he thought
he heard a girl's laughter in the
car before he blacked out. I
Crawling on his hands and
knees, the 19 year old student
from Cheyenne, Wyo. managed
to reach the fraternity house
and found his way to a lavatory.
At about 7 a.m. fraternity bro-
ther Ted Gibson, '52, found Cox
sitting on a stool in the lavatory
cringing in pain. Gibson called
his roommate Mark Kremer,
'52BAd, and they drove Cox to
University Hospital where he was
admitted at 7:45 a.m.
When Gibson found Cox in the
lavatory he was wiping his wounds
with his shirt with water from
the bathtub. Gibson said there
appeared to be no evidence that
Cox suffered the burns from fall-
ing in the tub.
Hospital officials said they could
not yet tell exactly how the burns
were caused. Police are conduct-
ing a full inquiry into the matter'
and the fraternity has promised
them the fullest cooperation.
Cox had been at the fraternity
after supper working on a floor
in preparation for the fraternity's
Mother's Day weekend.

Radioactive Snow Could affect
AA Industry, Report Reveals
Enough split radioactive atoms from last winter's Nevada A-bomb
test explosions fell in Ann Arbor to be a hazard to industrial processes.
This disclosure came in an article written by Prof. W. Wayne
Meinke of the chemistry department, which appeared yesterday In,
a science journal.
THE A-BOMB dust detected here was 100 times greater than the
normal radio-activity of this section, the article said. This was suf-
ficient to cloud films being developed by a film-processing com-

night's SL meeting after he was
members of the new cabinet: Irv
corresponding secretary; Wilcox,
Bob Baker, treasurer.
The new treasurer is Bob
Baker, '52BAd. Alice Spero, '53
and Pat Doyle, '52, won the two
secretary positions and Phil
Berry, '52BAd, and Leah Marks,
'52, were chosen as cabinet
In response to the recent restric-
tions placed on Lane Hall speak-
ers, a motion was passed asking
the University for a clarification
and revision of all existing regu-
lations affecting the appearance
of speakers on campus in order to
assure the maximum degree of
freedom of expression.
* * *
THE MOTION also called for
student representation on the
University Lecture Committee and
authorized the Campus Action
Committee to undertake negotia-
tions toward these ends.
Also passed was a proposal
approving discussions by SL's
Human and International Rela-
tions Committee, the Associa-
tion of Independent Men, and
dormitory governments with the
Board of Governors of the Resi-
dence Halls for the removal of
possible discriminatory ques-
tions from dormitory application
There was little surprise at the
results of the cabinet elections.
Wilcox, a member of Phi Kappa
Tau, was the overwhelming fhvor-
ite for the presidency. He re-
ceived the second greatest number
of votes in last month's elections
for SL and has been serving as
SL vice-president since last fall.
Stenn won the vice-presidency
over Baker by a very small mar-
gin. Baker was then nominated
for treasurer and he won that
post without opposition.

Smith Tells.
Of General's
Asia Report
'Didn't See Plan,"
Says Marshall
WASHINGTON - () - Gen.
Douglas MacArthur was reported
yesterday to have been ready in
1945 to march Allied troops against
the Chinese Red army unless the
Communists laid down their arms
and agreed to a free election In
Senator Smith (R-N.J.) gave
this report to Senators as Secre,
tary of Defdnse Marshall-for the
fourth straight day-defended the
administration program in Asia
with arguments which President
Truman told reporters are the
exact truth, word for word. Mar-
shall will resume his testimony to-
morrow at 9 a.m.
SMITH SAID he was informed
by "a pretty good authority" that.
after V-J Day MacArthur told the
War Department the Chinese Red
force was composed of only 125,-
000 to 250,000 guerillas.
"He proposed," Smith said,
"that, with Chinese government
agreement, America guarantees
the personal safety of the Com-
munist leaders and their right
to participate as a legal politi-
cal party in free elections under
American supervision.
Smith said he was told "dozens
of officials" of the army, navy, air
force, marines and office of stra-
tegic services saw theMacArthur
report. But Marshall declared he-
had no recollection of ever having
seen it. At this time, Marshall
was Army Chief of Staff and Mac-
Arthur's military boss.
MARSHALL, in his testimony,
again rejected the present pro-
posals of Gen. MacArthur to bomb
China into surrender. Marshall
declared this would risk a world
the United States is not prepared.-
He said the United States should
"never yield" to any argument
for admission of- Red China into
the United Nations-and he re-
peated that the Truman Admin-
istration is against giving the
island of Formosa to the Reds.
Arrest Follows
Panama Riot
PANAMA, Panama-()-De-
posed President Arnufo Arias was
arrested and jailed yesterday after
a bloody four-hour stand against
the nation's armed forces driven
to action by the greatest civil re-
sistance movement in Panama's
At least nine persons were kill-
ed and scores wounded.
Entrenched with hundreds of
followers in the prsidential pal-
ace overlooking picturesque Pan.
ama Harbor, Arias fought to stay
in office in the face of impeach-
ment by the National Assembly
and popular clamor against him.
He lost and was thrown behind
The nine dead and the score
wounded in today's fighting added
to a toll of three deaths and 110
wounded or injured in the violent
disorders touched off by Arias'
act Monday night switching the
country's constitutions by decree.

Arias was flushed out of the
third floor residential quarters of
the palace by national police who
fought their way in with machine
guns, rifles and tear gas.
NAACP's White
rr." I uud% I-

Orientation Chiefs'
Must ApplyIToday
Men who want to sign up as
orientation leaders for the fall se-
mester will have their last chance
to do so today at the Union Stu-
dent offices.
Early next week, all al~plicants
will be interviewed by the Union
campus affairs committee and will
be chosen on the basis of leader-
ship ability and knowledge of the
Those selected will receive sev-
eral privileges during orientation
week next semester. Meals will be
free 'and they will be allowed to
register early.

Thespians Archer, Best Reveal Past

However, the non - existent
Ann Arbor Civil Defense agency
can relax - the concentration
was not nearly enough to be
dangerous to human beings, ac-
cording to Prof. Mienke.
The split atoms were found here
in snow that fell three or more
'tays after the two Nevada bombs
of Jan. 27 or 28.
* * *
further atomic dust was found in
later snows after the detonations
of Feb. 1, 2 and 6. This may have
been due to a rumored difference
in size of the exploded bombs.
A more likely explanation of-
fered was differences in the up-
per air currents that carried the
atomic dust eastward across the
United States.
The presence of radioactive'
atoms in the snow was established
by a process of chemical separa-
tion, Prof. Meinke reported last
night. An analysis of the snow
revealed that certain elements
which are waste materials result-
ing from an atomic explosion were
The radioactive snow was re-
ported in widely scattered places
all over the Eastern half of the
country, Prof. Meinke said. "Ap-
parently it was present wherever
people took the trouble to look
for it."
World News
By The Associated Press
PARIS-Russia- agreed with the
three Western powers last night
on an incomnlte anrin that

Arbor, went on a week road trip
over spring vacation.
Yobst was production mana-
ger of "Go West Madam' and
served on the 1950 Opera, "Lace
It Up," as costume director.
He is a member of Mimes, the
honorary Union Opera fraternity,
and Phi Delta Theta.
Yobst, who is planning to enter
medical school, claims that his
appointment time jitters are not
yet over. Tomorrow night he
will complete his medical aptitude
Four Posts Open
On Honor Council
Engineering Honor Council pe-
titions may be turned in today at
the Engineering Council office.in
the West Engineering Annex.
Four positions on the honor
council are open to all scholasti-
cally eligible engineering students
except first-semester freshmen.

John Archer and Edna Best,
stars of the first Drama Season
presentation, "Captain Brass-
bound's Conversion," which opens
Tuesday, yesterday revealed es-
sentially different ways of break-
ing into the acting field and ris-
ing to their successful places.
ARCHER, who attended Hol-
lywood High School and Univer-
* * *

sity of Southern California, tried
for some time to crack the movie
field, but wound up working for
an extermination crew. He got
his start in pictures by being one
of two men in a Hollywood res-
taurant when a tipsy director was
bragging that he could make any-
one an actor. Archer was selected
as the test case, and his career
was under way.
"I've often wondered what
happened to the other fellow,"
he mused yesterday in a break
between rehearsals.
Commenting on one of his latest
pictures, "Destination Moon," he
said, "It was the most interesting
thing I've done. Even the prop

years ago and migrated to the
mecca of motion pictures, Hol-
lywood, to take part in such
hits as "Intermezzo," "The
Ghost and Mrs. Muir" and "The
Late George Apley."
Miss Best also played a lead
in "Captain Brassbound's Conver-
sion" in New York, where New
York critics lavishly acclaimed her
work as Lady Cicely.

Overnight Blackout on
Observatory Hill Ends

Observatory Hill slowly recov-
ered yesterday from the paralyz-
ing power blackout that was caus-
ed by a short circuit Wednesday
Victor Vaughan House was the
first to regain electric power. Its
lights went on again at 5 a.m.
* * *

it sold more than four times its
usual number of candles.
* * * -
University Food Service without
refrigeration until 5:45 p.m. yes-
terday, but all its perishable food
was taken to refrigerators at Alice
Lloyd Hall before it had time to
spoil, according to. Francis C.
Shiel.. Busines Managro f the



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