/ FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY THURiSDAY, MAY .10, I951 _________________________________________________________________________________ * _____________________________________________________ Requiremeni HE UNITED STATES has declared that its mission in Korea is to repel aggres- n and that its guiding principle is a fer- it desire for a lasting world peace. President Truman's removal of Gener- MacArthur, who sought to ignite a big ar to end a small one, was a wise and urageous move in that direction. 3ut the vital question which still remains answered is why-if the peaceful inten- ns of the United States are genuine-has our government stated the conditions ler which it will agree to a cease-fire in rea? Secretary of Defense Marshall declared s week that our forces would stop 15 miles m the Russian border. But does this an that the war must continue until the ,my is pushed back that far? f so, an interminable struggle appears vitable. Our commanders, both in the d and in Tokyo, admit that a decisive itary victory for either side is an im- sibility and that only a political settle- at can end the conflict. Marshall's statement merely designated e maximum limits of our military op- ation, in Korea, but in no way did it veal our minimum requirements for a litical settlement of the 11-month old rr. f our government has decided upon such ms, it is incomprehensible why they have n kept a secret. In fact, the only conclu- a that can be reached is that no such de- ons have been made. itorials published in The Michigan Daily written by members of The Daily staff t represent the views of the writers only. ts for Peace? It is little wonder that our failure to clearly define our stand has been bitterly attacked in the foreign press as a devastat- ing blow to world hopes for peace. Recently the government of Communist China submitted a formal cease-fire pro- posal to the United Nations. For the first time, significantly, the Chinese dropped as prior conditions for a cease-fire their de- mands for a seat in the United Nations and a discussion on the fate of Formosa. In keeping with our "beware of peace talk-it's subversive" policy, our govern- ment refused even to consider this proposal, labeling it as "propaganda." But whether or not the Chinese peace bid was merely "pro- paganda," it is utterly indefensible from the standpoint of logic and of moral decency that we should have rejected it without at least stating explicitly what our own terms are. Our failure to proclaim our precise ob- jectives in Korea loudly and clearly so that all may know is worse than treachery to the people, and particularly to our men in uniform. It is difficult enough for men in combat to go on dying day after day, month after month-even when they have an ideal, real or fictitious, for which to fight. But at least the prospect of imminent death is almost bearable when there is the accompanying hope that the killing will end before long --as soon as the victory is accomplished. But when no one knows what constitutes a victory, there can be no hope. It is not too late for our government to show conclusively to our fighting men and to the world that our oft-expressed desire for peace is more than Cold War propaganda. And the first immediate step must be to let the world know exactly what our poli- tical as well as military aims are in Korea. --Buddy Aronson DORIS FLEESON: The.Fast Deal W ASHINGTON-While the country's at- tention is concentrated on a proposed extension of the war, forces within the con- gress are cooperating with various lobbies to emasculate the home-front program that was evoked by the outbreak of only limited hostilities in Korea. The House Appropriations Committee is in the van of the attack. Late last week, while the' world was watching General MacArthur, it gutted public power and cut off public housing. On power, it persuaded the House to de- cree that no more power' distributing lines can be built by private utilities. The 50,000 minimum housing units approved last year in defense areas were slashed to a maximum of 5,000. Meanwhile the proposed extension of the National Production Act started on its rocky road amid gloomy auspices. The meat lobby is on the rampage here against Price Sta- bilizer Di Salle's rollback orders for beef prices. How well they are doing seems ap- parent from the remarks which Chairman Maybank of Senate Banking and Currency made upon opening his extension hearings. The chairman raised the cry of regimen- tation while the lobby treatens black mar- kets. It is a combination that doomed Ches- ter Bowles' OPA. Senator Maybank also takes a dim view of the administration re- quest for broad rent controls and sees very little chance of their passage. There appears little sympathy in Con- gress anywhere for the Di Salle-Wilson- food-price proposals. If something is to be worked out In this field it will have to be the subject of very delicate negotia- tions between agriculture's spokesmen on the hill and the stabilizers. There is noth- ing of the sort in sight now. Predictions are freely made that while the Defense Act will not be killed outright, little more will be done than extend It in skeleton form. Only the development of a strong public opinion or some new Hussian aggres- sion apparently could arrest the trend. Senators eager to rescue public power and housing are making plans for a strategy committee to confer with President Truman. They are not too optimistic as they look ov- er senate appropriations. There, as in all major committees, the balance of power is held by senior Demo- crats of strongly conservative views. These apcept the fact of a military crisis and gen- erally hold behind military expenditures and foreign policy. But they have a constitution- al aversion to controls, public housing, pub- lic power and so on which only the pressure of actual war seems able to soften. The administration therefore has to de- pend on picking up Republican votes. This is never too easy; amid the present ten- sions of capitol hill, it is increasingly dif- ficult: Mr. Truman's mobilizers are putting plenty of warnings into the record. Charles E. Wilson testified strongly for the Truman program and warned tha "a genuine set- tlement" of U.S.-Soviet difficulties was not "appreciably nearer." Stabilizer Eric John- ston again demanded higher taxes and stricter credit curbs. He said the "fires of inflation" will mount again next fall and if they weren't checked "you couldn't pay tax- es fast enough to pay for rearmament costs." So far congress doesn't seem to catch any name-but General MacArthur. (Copyright, 1951, by the Bell Syndicate, Inc.) CURRENT MOVIES Choice Of Battle Flags j G4 T AON r ti A. t1NtT D NATtptis I ; ,- . Sri .; f fy r, ii' .4e It'l $4M .}tf tl I }}I olii to "R' tI 44, 4 - 5: _ : s ' . . ^ , a a t .yh. 4' '+} i1/^:- tetteM TO THE EDITOR The Daily welcomes communications from its readers 'on matters of general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will be condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the editors. Barnaby . came when Israel set about to reclaim, the land in the Huleh To the Editor: Marshes in the demilitarized zone. They attacked and the Israelites WE, THE undersigned, wish to protected themselves. Mr. Abu- make a humble request of the samra claims that Israel antagon- editor. We feel that the comic ized the Arabs by performing their strip, "Barnaby," contained on this improvements in front of Arab page is an insult to the consider- eyes. He claims that it would be able intelligence of the students of more advantageous for Israel to the University. Therefore, we pro- consolidate their position and re- pose as a replacement, that most frain from antagonizing the Arabs. subtle and witty of characters- His logic is wrong because Israel "Pogo"-a 'possum and a gentle- has been doing exactly that. They man. are consolidating their position in Away with imaginary fairy god- Israel by improving the land which fathers and nauseating small boys! is a big source of revenue and they Give us "Pogo," a mature and de- are refraining from antagonistic lightful commentary on the ways acts by sharing their benefits with of man and beast, to peruse over the Arabs. My conclusion to this our morning coffee. problem is to have the Arab League How can we respect the opinions take advice from Israel and co- of those astute gentlemen of the operate with them in order to bet- press, the Daily critics, when they ter their living conditions. Israel ignore the most wretched specimen has no time to waste in waiting for of the arts in their very back yard the Arab nations to equal, them in -"Barnaby"? Reform, like charity, progress. However, I believe Israel should begin at home. Give us a will more than be helpful in show- comic strip worthy of this great ing the Arab nations how to create university, and we will willingly en- a good healthy atmosphere in dure your comments on other lit- which to live. erary and artistic forms. --Sidney Leventhal In short, we want "Pogo!" * * * -Jackie Shrank Epitaph Betty Magyar B. J. Young To the Editors: Norma Greenwood McGEE IS DEAD, long live pre- t r l t t r C k l ;i ,. 0ysi TOW VgAspq-)$fV.) MA" NIGHT EDITOR' CAL SAMRA ,t MvATTR O FFACT By JOSEPH ALSOP i 'A EISENHOW ER PORTRAIT PARIS--In Europe these days, you do not hear much love or admiration wasted on America or Americans. Gratitude is an unknown international commodity. Good will between nations is fleeting at best. A great power can only hope to inspire among its allies a sort of solid respect and confi- dence-a sense that this nation's leader- ship is reliable and sagacious, mingled in- evitably with envy and irritation. These were the most common Euro- pean feelings about the United States as short a time ago as 1949. Then the Am- erican reputation was still gilded with the afterglow of the brilliant period of American policy making that ended with the 1948 election. Now, however, the Am- erican stock stands low. Of course great things have also been done in these last two years. The wisdom of the American insistence on Western rearmament is gloomily admitted; the huge American contribution is grudgingly acknowledged. The American decision to intervene in Korea at the time provoked a deep surge of relief and admiration on this side of the Atlantic. But the burden of rearmament is annoy- ingly heavy. It has been forgotten here, as it is wholly forgotten at home, that the bold Korean intervention saved the Western world from political disintegration Our failures and follies abroad,, the recurring paroxysms of squalor 'in American internal politics, have transformed the earlier feel- ings of respect and confidence into suspi- cion and alarm. The reliance on the leader- ship of the United States, that had been built up before 1948, has been transmuted into dismay that circumstances unavoid- ably impose our leadership upon the West. , All this is the necessary background against which to pose the figure of one of the few Americans who still commands gen- Europ e's Role THE UNITED PRESS reports unofficial estimates that by midsummer the Uni- ted States will have more men under arms than all the European members of the North Atlantic Pact combined. This does not call for accusations against our European allies, for there are explana- tions. Until recently the United States urg- ed the nations of western Europe to devote their energies to economic recovery rather than armament. Moreover, the equipment for larger forces is not yet available in west- ern Europe It was found good practice in World War II for a nation preparing to de- fend itself to err on the side of over-equip- ment of men in service rather than over- manning of available equipment. One ob- vious reason for this is that men not yet called to the service can be used first to make the material they will later need. uine, almost unlimited confidence and re- spect among our allies-General of the Ar- 'my Dwight D. Eisenhower. *s* *, T IS A CURIOUS but rewarding experi- ence to visit the Eisenhower headquar- ters at the rather dreary old Hotel Astoria. You want an answer to the qgtstion: "Why is this man so universally liked and trust- ed?" The place itself contrasts violently with the vast establishment over which Eisenhower presided in wartime, with the Daichi building in Tokyo in the days when it was impregnated with the atmosphere of diety, and, indeed with any other known higher headquarters as high as this. The Hotel Astoria is shabby, busy, workmanlike and unpretentious. Eisenhower's own office, although comfortable, would hardly satisfy a Brigadier General in the Pentagon. As for the man himself, the incredible difficulty of his assignment and its in- calculable importance for the future of the free world seems to have affected him not at all. The familiar Eisenhower jack- et sits rather more smartly, for he is a bit thinner-hard work and heavy prob- lems are evidently his substitutes for the exercise he has no time to take. But the young-old face, the easy smile, the easy, homely speech, are still the same. His talk leaves a lingering impression that he had not altogether realized, at first, how different organizing the peacetime defenses of an uneasy coalition would prove to be, from leading the wartime armies of a grand alliance. He does not exude any facile opti- mism, at any rate. But perhaps this impression' is in part misleading, for Gen. Eisenhower is equally certainly the opposite of pessimistic. His mode of discussion in itself is curious, for he has the habit, formed during years of high command of leaving details to his staff. He paints issues broadly, dealing in generalities that seem at first to be peri- lously close to cliches. But then the central fact comes through, that these near cliches are really deep, fundamental truths, a little tritely put by a man who has no Mac- Arthurian interest in style, but no less sig- nificant for all that. * * * YOU GRASP another fact, that nothing is more necessary for a leader in these weary, disillusioned times, than to believe deeply in the deep, fundamental truths, and to, govern his conduct accordingly. Too many leaders of the free world secretly think that the cause of freedom is dead, pri- vately assume that free men cannot join to defend their ' freedom, are inwardly com- mitted to the game of the devil-take-the- hindmost. The free world is in danger of the fate of the congregation whose priest does not believe in God. But Eisenhower is a leader who believes. This strong belief combines with energy, wise hopefulness and a strong grasp .of the realities of his problems. And this would seem to be the secret of Dwight ON THE Washington MeryG-on with DREW PEARSON WASHINGTON-Republican Congressmen have been chiefly iden- tified with the real estate lobb'y in the past. However, House Democrats helped knife their own President in virtually killing the Taft low-cost public housing program last week. It was Democrat Ed Gossett of Texas, long the spokesman for eastern business, who sponsored and led the fight to slash the pro-t gram to 5,000 low-cost, public housing units a year, 70,000 units lessf than President Truman says is our minimum need. The Gossett Amendment, while seeming to keep the housing{ program alive by a few token projects, actually snuffs out the1 whole program. For 5,000 units aren't enough to satisfy the slum- clearance needs of one big defense center-like New York or Chi-I cago-and the administrative costs of a shoestring program will1 be so heavy that congressional economyites are bound to follow up with a demand that the whole housing program is ditched. This is exactly what the National Association of Home Builderst and other real-estate lobbyists have been openly demanding-a sus- pension of public housing altogether. Ironically, administration Democrats from big cities, which need public housing most, had as much to do with adoption of the Gossettl amendment-if not more-than the Republican-Dixiecrat coalition. Gossett and GOP Rep. Jesse Wolcott of Michigan, another real- estate lobby wheelhorse, cleverly forced a vote late Friday after mem- bers of the famous in-Tuesday-out-Thursday absentee club had made their usual mass exodus to New York and elsewhere. As a result, the Gossett amendment won by default, 181 to 113. -WASHINGTON PIPELINE- ALLIED DIPLOMATS in Moscow now hold their most private con- ferences in the bathroom-with the water running full force into the tub. The noise of the water booming into the tub neutralizes the sensitive mikes planted in their rooms by the Kremlin . . . . The blood bank for civilian defence is dangerously inadequate. For ex- ample, a recent survey in Arlington, Va.-across the river from the nation's capital-revealed that the plasma on hand is sufficient to' care for less than one person in case of an atomic attack . . . . Presi- dent Truman is disturbed at GOP attempts to picture the MacArthur debate as a controversy between General MacArthur and Secretary of State Acheson. The President wants it to be known as a Truman-Mac- Arthur controversy. . . . The army is cutting down on swivel-chair soldiers, expects to narrow the ratio to 1.31 for every combat soldier by July, 1951, and to 1.13 by July, 1952 . . . . Congressmen, who have been stalling Indian famine relief, please note: Robert Gemmill, A G.I. student from Cambridge, Mass., has donated his monthly sub- sistence check for Indian relief. -MEDDLESOME LETTERS- THE MARINE CQRPS has just issued a secret memorandum con- taining some plain talk about meddlesome letters from Con- gressmen seeking transfers, promotions and other preferential treat- ment foir men in the service. The flood of such mail is becoming a "detrimental burden" at Marine headquarters, the memo declares, to the extent that some officers spend practically all their time "checking, prepar- ing and signing" letters to senators and representatives. Acknowledging that members of congress are under pressure from constituents, the secret order candidly points out: "contrary to what appears to be a general impression, correspondence from con- gressmen and senators does not result in favorable action when fav- orable action is not otherwise to be expected, nor does it expedite action." Matters affecting the Marine Corps personnel will be decided on "merit alone," the order concludes. -DIPLOMATIC PIPELINES- SECRETARY OF STATE ACHESON has asked the President to keep him out of the MacArthur senate hearings on Far East policy. He has told Truman that if absolutely necessary he will testify in op- position to MacArthur but he fears this might play into the hands of the Republicans now trying to picture MacArthur's firing as having been inspired by the State Department. Actually Acheson and Mac- Arthur have been closer together on some Chinese policies, such as a blockade of all Chinese ports. In contrast the Joint Chiefs of Staff, opposing both MacArthur and Acheson after the December defeat, wanted to pull out of Korea altogether . . . . Bill Bullitt, ex-ambassador to Russia, has flown to China on a mysterious but personal mission. Bullitt has been a spearhead of the China lobby . . . . Allied diplomats in Red China report there isn't the ghost of a chance to talk about a peace settlement until the Chinese have taken a decisive defeat .... Moscow intelligence says that the Soviet air force will produce a lot more long-range bombers, even at the expense of curtailing fighter- plane production. This is the first tip-off that the Politburo plans trans-ocean bombing, perhaps with something similar to our B-36. (Copyright, 1951, by the Bell Syndicate, Inc.) Israel-Syria To the Editor: IN REFERENCE to Khalil Mo- hammed Abusamra's editorial on the Israel-Syria dispute, I dis- agree with your conclusion. In the development of Israel, the Israel- ites are most anxious to provide themselves with a state which will be self sufficient. Part of this plan calls for a great many land im- provements, since not much tillable land is available. On the other side of Israel's border, the Arab leaders look on with resentment. Perhaps they are afraid of a duplication by their own people of Israeli pro- jects. To offset this, the Arab lead- ers, I presume, intend to disrupt Israeli harmony by claiming a vio- lation of the United Nations Truce to which both agreed. The first chance to achieve this objective DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN (Continued from Page 2) Canterbury club: Fri., May 11, 7 a.m., Holy Communion followed by breakfast in Canterbury House. 4-6 p.m., open House. Visitors' Night, Department of Astron- omy, Fri., May 11, 8-10 p.m., Angell Hall. Mr. Edward M. Lewis will give a short illustrated talk in room 3017 on "Close-ups of the Planets" Fol- lowing the talk the Angell Hall Student Observatory, fifth foor, will be open for obesrvation of Saturn and the Moon. If the sky is not clear, the ob- servatory' will be open for inspection of the telescopes and planetarium, Children must be accompanied by adults. Hostel Club: Spring Round-Up at Saline, Sat. and Sun., May 19 and 20. Call Norms Ockree, 2-4067. Hillel: Spring dance at W.A.B., May 12, 9 to 12 midnight. University Museums Friday Evening Program. Subject: "Fossils from the Western Rockies." Three movies: "The Earth's Rocky Crust," "The Great Am- erican Divide," and "Wyoming," 7:30 p.m., Kellogg Auditorium. A 'Giant Duck-billed Dinosaur skeleton dis- played on the second floor exhibit hall, Museums Bldg. Hillel Drama Club: will present a dramatic reading of the "Hell Scene" from G. B. Shaw's Man and Superman on Fri., May 11, Lane Hall Upper Audi- torium at 8:45 p.m. Everyone welcome. Hillel: Friday evening services. 7:30 p.m., Upper Room, Lane Hail. Hostel Club: . Sports and swimming at I-M Bldg., Friday night.- International Radio Round Table: Auspices of International Center and WUOM. Discussions are held every Friday at 7:30 p.m. on WUOM, tran- scribed on WHRV on Tuesday at 10 p.m., and are broadcast on the Voice of America to foreign countries. 1. Meaning of Peace Through Co- operation-May 11. 2. Will the Commonwealth Hold To- gether?-May 18. Students interested in participating in the programs may contact Hiru Shah, Moderator of the Round Table, 8598. The Meaning of Peace Through Co- operation: Participants: Dr. Esson M. Gale, Director of International Center; Mrs. Arthur L. Brandon, State Presi- dent of AAUW; and Mr. S. S. Brumley, Chairman, Ann Arbor Council of Inter- cultural Affairs Broadcast on WUOM, Fri., May 11, 7:30 p.m.; transcribed on WHRV, Tues., May 15, 10 p.m. juaice and intolerance. Long live two applications of the law. Long may the Daily misrepresent the facts and long may the stu- dents depend on that one source of information. Long may the fight for equality among peoples of the world be jeered at and long may minority groups be stepped upon. Long may we say, "Let others do i. And long may we call "Reds those who want equality. Long may we applaud the antics of the College boys who formed A Committee To Let McGee Die. McGee is dead, long live in- equality. --Valerie Cowen, '54 White Backs To the Editor: MR. PORTER M. KIER seems overly worried because without white bucks he can not distinguish fraternity men from independents. Mr. Porter Kier, stop suffering" As it is written in the Bible, "Lift up thine eyes." -Dennis M. Aaron AN OPEN and flexible mind, which recognizes the need of transformation and faithfully sets itself to apprehend new conditions, is a prerequisite of man's useful- ness. --John Buchan + M4 A. I. 7. ,1 I. X 4' p.' I. i E ' .. :q At The Michigan *..* QUEBEC, with John Barrymore, Jr. and Corinne Calvet. MOLLY, with the Gold- bergs. THE USUAL REASON for a double fea- ture program is that one of the features is too bad to be shown by itself, and on a guess, it would seem that this is the reason for the present combination at the Mich- igan. Both these pictures are funny, but one is intentionally so. The Goldbergs, as long experience on radio and television would indicate, are not capable of an inferior product and for the most part, their con- tribution to this program is solid and easy to take. The plot, such as it is, deals with Molly Goldberg's effort properly to mate four lovelorn souls who are on the brink of selecting wrong partners for their future marital felicity. Except for an over-abundance of entranc- ing and exiting, presumably a left-over from the static radio scripts, it is a tasteful and amusing screen translation. For this, credit goes to Gertrude Berg, who writes the Gold- berg scripts and takes the part of Molly. Her performance keynotes the picture, and keeps it on a level substantially above the mere sentimental. As for "Quebec," the story of an abortive attempt by the French to overthrow British rule in the days of the coonskin cap, it too .'hnr3h 1.nv'rni , . tI',r a'hsThe nar'ra- Sixty-First Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Jim Brown..........Managing Editor Paul Brentlinger.........City Editor Roma Lipsky .........Editorial Director Dave Thomas ...........Feature Editor Janet Watts ...........Associate Editor Nancy Bylan ..........Associate Editor James Gregory ........Associate Editor Bill Connolly .............Sports Editor Bob Sandell ....Associate Sports Editor Bill Brenton ..,.Associate Sports Editor Barbara Jans.......Women's Editor Pat Brownson Associate Women's Editor Business Staff Bob Daniels ........Business Manager Walter Shapero Assoc. Business Manager Paul Schaible .....Advertising Manager Sally Fish ........... Finance Manager Bob Miller........Circulation Manager Telephone 23-24-1 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited to this. newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein are also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan as second-class mail matter. Subscription during regular school year: by carrier, $6.00; by mail, $7.00. a. I'. BARNABY Tat -t nr Ar YArln Cin n mmt .leni nramiae.' ! ./.,n i rnnw r"'kAu Mia navar friar Rio# Irtvfh unit ' ' I