I REQUIREMENTS FOR PEACE See Page 4 AiWu r4 i u n 4; Latest Deadline in the State VOL. LXI, No. 152 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, MAY 10, 1951 PARTLY CLOUDY AND COOL 5IX PAGES Mac Almost Split Allies - Marshall WASHINGTON (P) - Secre- tary of Defense Marshall declared yesterday that Gen. Douglas Mac- Arthur's war proposals had threatened to split the United Na- tions Allies and force the United States to "go it alone" in Korea. ..tHe told senators the five-star General's outspoken opposition to the Truman Administration's Kor- -ean policy raised the issue of "what voice spoke from this coun- try on foreign policy." * * * "BY HIS public statements," r. Marshall testified, "he set up a very serious reaction among our Allies, which threatened our col- r lective action with them, and which threatened our position .in the world in relation to this great crisis, and which threatened to leave us in a situation of going it alone." He denied, however, that for- eign governments had dictated MacArthur's removal by Presi- dent Truman or had even sug- gested such a step. He spent most of his time ex- plaining to the Senate Armed Services and Foreign Relations Committees the steps which led to the ouster. And he will return again today to be queried by senators who have not yet had the chance to ques- tion him. THIS WAS Marshall's third day behind closed doors to defend the Administration's Asia policies and the firing of MacArthur who laid his case before the group last week. As in the case of MacAr- thur,. the Secretary's testimony is being censored to prevent security violations before the transcript is made public. MacArthur wanted to hit the Chinese Reds harder by a naval blockade, air operations over Manchuria and the use of Chin- ese Nationalist troops. The Ad- ministration seeks to confine the war to Korea., hoping to in- flict such casualties of the foe there as will induce him to make peace. In essence, Marshall said the historic dispute boils down to a clash of opinion over what Rus.- sia can and will do in the Far .East. CQ -Daily-Burt Sapowitch SITTING PRETTY-Bev. Howell, '52, chants a love song to Jim Parker, '52, as the consequence of a wrong answer on the speech department's Operation 4006 program "Anything Goes." Master- of-ceremonies Truman Metzel catches the song for the studio audience. The operation concluded its eight hours of simulated broadcasting yesterday. House COmmittee Voes 3 Billion Tax Increvae WASHINGTON-")-A $3,000,000,900 increase in individual in- come taxes, raising rates across the board for every taxpayer, was tentatively voted yesterday by the House Ways and Means Committee. The plan, still subject to House and Senate approval, would raise the rates in each surtax bracket by Bunche 1Named To Address '51 Graduates Ralph Bunche, director of the United Nations trusteeship de- partment and winner of the No- bel Peace Prize, will speak at commencement exercises here, June 16. For the second year, the cere- monies will be held in the 97,000 seat Michigan Stadium if the weather permits. In case of in- clement weather, the exercises will take place in Yost Field House. . . . MacARTHUR does not believe Russia can wage a strong war in Asia xand he is willing to risk Soviet entry into the Korean War by bombing China. The Administration believes Russia has strong forces in Asia which might come to China's aid and create the threat of a world-wide atomic war. Giving his own views on the voice of authority, Marshall said: "The important aspect of the matter is there can be only one voice-there cen be one voice- Constitutional and otherwise in the decisions as to the foreign policy at the time they are given out. "I don't mean by that that you don't debate them up here but you cannot have two voices." a ; UNIVERSITY Secretary Herb- ert Watkins disclosed that 4,011 students are candidates for June degrees bringing the total for the 'school year to 6,842. This com- pares to 7,048 for the 1949-50 year. No tickets will be required for admission to the commence- ment ceremonies if they are held outdoors. However, if they are forced into the field house each prospective graduate will be limited to two tickets. Bunche has been associated with the United Nations from the or- ganization's inception in 1945. He has been director of the depart- mentofntrusteeship since 1948. Bunche spoke before the Uni- versity Oratorical Association lec- ture series here two years ago. i y three percentage points. THAT WOULD be considerably more of an increase for most peo- ple than it may look at first glance. Based on taxes paid now, the actual increase would range from about 15 per cent in the low brackets to about 3 per cent for people with half-million dollar in- comes. (A man wtih a half million dollar income now pays over $400,000 taxes, a much bigger proportion than the little fel- low). The proposed rate increase, first big positive step toward getting the extra money needed to put the preparedness drive on a pay-as- we-go basis, was agreed upon aft- er all-day deliberations behind! closed doors. * * * FOR A SINGLE person with no dependents and a net income of $2,000 a year after deductions but before personal exemptions, the tax would go up $42, from $280 to $322. A married person with no de- pendents and an $8,000 net in- come now pays $1,416. His obliga- tion would be $1,620 under the committee's plan, an increase of $204. For a married man with two de- pendents and a $15,000 net in- come, the increase would be $378, from $2,900 to $3,278. Police Will P robe Attachs 'On ''Student Police will begin an investiga- tion today of the mysterious beat- irg and burning of George R. Cox, '54, early Saturday morning. Cox was taken to University Hospital after being beaten and suffering second and third degree burns. FRIENDS say that as Cox, a Phi Kappa Psi fraternity pledge, cr unlkinahal to hic rnin Observatory Hill Region Blacked Out Darkness reigned in the Obser- vatory Hill area last night as a short circuit in the University power system shut off electricity to men's and women's dormitories,' the University Terrace Apart- ments and research laboratories in the district. Studies ended abruptly for ap- proximately 1,500 women students in Alice Lloyd Hall, Mosher-Jor- dan and Stockwell shortly before 11 p.m. when a distribution box near the main power plant carry- ing 2,300 volts of electricity blew up. In addition to the Terrace Apartments, Victor Vaughn House, men's residence, the Food Service Building, the old West Hospital building group and Simpson Me- morial Hospital were cut off from electric service. POLICE SAID the short circuit occurred when Jack Henderson, 49-year-old plant department em- Sploye accidently crossed two live wires in the control pit of the power house. He was taken to the University Hospital suffering from first and second degree flash burns. His condition was reported as "good" but hospital authorities were holding him for obeserva- tion until mornini. University Hospital was not af- fected. Both the West Hospital group and Simpson Memorial Hos- pital are research laboratories which are not used for operating or patient care. * * * SHORTLY AFTER the power failure, lighted candles began to appear in the women's residence windows as exam-conscious stu- dents attempted to get in a few last licks of study. Other coeds used flashlights and cigarette lighters to complete preparations for bed. An unidentified coed was trapped in an elevator between the fourth and fifth floors of Mosher-Jordan for almost an hour. She was finally extricated through the ceiling trap door of the car by means of a ladder lowered from the attic. House mothers reported that the women took the situation in stride. They said that they had been warned of a power shut off which was scheduled for around midnight butthat the earrly cut off had taken them by surprise. Plant 'department officials re- fused to comment on the sched- uled cut off. A plant department crew began work immediately to repair the break. A spokesman said that they hoped to restore service by morning. Tag Day Falls Short of Goal Students missed the $4,000 Tag Day goal yesterday by at least $530 despite the persist- ence of a sizable group of vol- unteers manning buckets for the annual fund drive. However, donations to the University's Fresh Air Camp for underprivileged children com- pared favorably with past rec- ords considering the drop in enrollment. The $3,470 mark almost,hit the past two years'. Men of Delta Tau Delta chanted their way to victory in the Inter- fraternity Council Sing last night at Hill Auditorium with the Negro spiritual "De Animal's a Comin'." Associate Dean of Students Walter B. Rea presented the win- ners' leader, Jerry Vah Syol, with a handsome golden loving cup, as sponsoring sorority Kappa Kappa Gamma yelled their approval. RUNNER-UP was Chi Psi, led by Jack Webb, '53, also vocalizing -Daily-Roger Reinke IFC SING WINNERS-Men of Delta Tau Delta fraternity show that victory smile as they sing an encore after Dean Walter B. Rea presented them with the winners' trophy for the IFC Sing. Sec- ond and third place went to Chi Psi and Sigma Phi Epsilon respectively. DlsVictoriosi ICSn a Negro Spiritual, "Battle of Jeri- cho." In the show spot was de-I fending champion Sigma Phi Ep- silon, directed by Larry Gray, '51M, with "The Creation." Spon- soring groups were Alpha Epsilon Pi and Kappa Alpha Theta re- spectively, Over 3000 demonstrative fans filled Hill, as eleven fraternities met in choral competition. Each was sponsored by a sorority, chosen by lottery last week. The entire proceedings were Japanese Judge Will Enter U' Law School as 'Yule Gift' TRADITION ENDS By VIRGINIA DARROCH A Christmas present from the men of a United States Navy air- craft carrier will send a 23-year old district judge from Japan to the University Law School in Sep- tember. Crew members from the. U.S.S. World News Roundup I By The Associated Press PANAMA-Mobs rioted through the streets of Panama City yester- day demanding the overthrow of President Arnulfo Arias and many were wounded by stones, clubs and guns. WASHINGTON - Legislation to curb shipment of critical ma- terials to Communist states was introduced in both houses of Congress yesterday. The bill would influence other nations by threatening to cut off U. S. aid to them. * * * WASHINGTON -Secretary of State Acheson said yesterday the United States has about come to the end of its rope in negotiating with the Russians on terms for a Big Four Foreign Ministers' meeting. His words implied that the whole project may fall through. Philippine Sea, a 27,000 ton car- rier, collected $3,600 last Novem- ber and December to give Shigeru Ebihara of the District Court of Nagano a legal education.- THE FUND and' an extra sumI for the support of Ebihara's moth- er and sister while he is in Amer- ica were raised while the ship was off the Korean coast taking part in the Marine withdrawal from the Chosin Reservoir area. A tuition scholarship has been arranged by the University. The young Japanese was admitted to the Law School through the ef- forts of the commander of the Philippine Sea, Captain W. K. Goodney, a University alumnus; Captain Robert F. Jones, whose brother is a Law School gradu- ate; and a former naval col- league of Jones'-Prof. Charles E. Davis, of the University's ge- ography department. The men became acquainted with "Abe," as they nicknamed him, when the ship docked near his home at Sasebo Harbor. Ebi- hara's father, qn eminent journa- list who opposed the miltiary had been killed for his beliefs during the war, leaving only his son to support the family. According to Captain Goodney, the crew hopes that "a Japanese 'Abe Lincoln' or a future Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Japan, is being given his start." broadcast over WUOM, and trans- cribed for rebroadcast by WHRV later this week. Records of the entire Sing will soon be available in the IFC offices in the Union. * * * THE FRATERNITIES in turn filed to the stage, and, spurred by ditties sung and signs displayed by their sorority cheering section, made their musical bid for the coveted first place trophy. After all had sung, judges Prof. Philip Duey, Prof. Harold Haugh and Prof. Thelma Lewis, all of the music school, totaled the points from their vantage- point in the first balcony. In the ten-minute interlude before the results were announced, Jimmy Lobaugh, '51M, Union Opera star, cavorted capricously about the stage, to the delight of the spectators. The winners returned to the' stage for an impromptu encore of "Delta Shelter," while the Kappas basked in reflected glory. Although it was advertised by the IFC as the 14th annual Sing, a check of Daily files revealed only 12 previous sings since the tradition began in 1935. Unsuccessful finalists, in order of appearance, were Sigma Phi, Phi Kappa Tau, Sigma Alpha Ep- silon Sigma Chi, 'Chi Phi, Phi Delta Theta, Phi Gamma Delta and Lambda Chi Alpha. Vernon Will Lecture Today Manfred Vernon, of the politi- cal science department, will dis- cuss "Has the UN Failed?" at 7:30 p.m. today in the Union. The fourth speaker in a series of talks sponsored by UNESCO and the Union, Vernon formerly served under the command of Gen. Douglas MacArthur. As a political scientist, and on occa- sion, personally, Vernon has been sharply critical of the General. One member of the organization has said that Vernon "will get some things off his chest he has been planning to say for a long time." Allies Stop Flank Move Near Seoul Planes Attaek SinuijuAirbase TOKYO - () - Allied forces killed or routed 6,000 Korean Reds trying to flank Seoul from the west, an Eighth Army spokesman said yesterday. Republic of Korea troops, sup- ported by artillery and planes, smashed back two Red regiments between the Han River and the Seoul-Munsan Road, 20 to 25 miles northwest of the old capital. * * * ELSEWHERE along the rugged, curving front, aggressive UN pa- trols, met little or no resistance. The Communists apparently still were withdrawing to lick their. wounds from the first phase of their bogged-down spring offen- sive. Photographs and pilots' re- ports indicated that yesterday's mass air strike by 312 planes against the Sinuiju airbase in Red northwest Korea-largest raid of the war-didn't inflict as much damage as at first an- ticipated, The U. S. Fifth Air Force an- nounced yesterday destruction of damage of 95 buildings housing Red troops and supplies, a large fuel dump and five vehicles. THE REPORT did not add ap- preciably to yesterday's prelimin- ary assessment of Red plane losseB. It said one-instead of two-was destroyed on the ground and two damaged. Two Russian-built MIG- 15 jets and one U. S. plane were damaged in dogfights. Marine fliers said eight of their planes suffered minor damage from the heavy Com- munist anti-aircraft fire. Som of this fire came from Red guns on the Manchurian side of the border which UN policy barred the allied planes from attack- ing. However, the big strike may have beaten the Reds to the punch. Intelligence reports had indicated the Chinese were build- ing up air strength to'support a renewal of their ground offensive along Central Korea. Two Motions To Be Debated By SLToday Motions calling for the rescind- ing of two controversial University policies are on the agenda for to- night's Student Legislature meet- ing. As a result of the imposition of the speakers' ban on Lane Hall legislators Keith Beers and Bob Baker will ask the Legislature to okay negotiations by the Campus Action Committee with the Uni- versity Lecture Committee for stu- dent representation on the Com- mittee A MOTION to be presented by the Human and International Re- lations Committee will aim at having possible discriminatory questions removed from applica- tion' blanks to, University dormi- tories. Specifically, SL approval will be asked for discussions by the Committee with the Board of Governors of the Residence Halls about the application blanks. After the Phillips-Slosson de- bate controversy last year the SL passed and sent to the Board of Regents a proposal that four stu- dents be seated on the Lecture Committee, which is presently Ruthvens Entertain Large Crowd at Last Student Tea By DONNA HENDLEMAN A 22 year old tradition ended yesterday when President Alex- ander D. Ruthven and Mrs. Ruth- ven entertained at their last all- student tea. An unusually large crowd of guests milled around in the spa- - cious rooms of the house and overflowed into the back garden as students flocked to get in a final social call before the presi- dent retires from the University. 'U' Administrative Aide Dismissed Felix G. Sundquist was dis- missed yesterday from his post as ,,administrative assistant in the fferf iSturent Affairs afgr ---"- - was wa ing ack o u is rooming house after leaving a fraternity party at about 3 a.m. when he THE PRESIDENT and Mrs. was pounced on and badly beaten Ruthven were visibly moved as by several men. they said their farewells. "We From here stories differ as to cannot help but regret that we how the burns were inflicted. will not have the opportunity to Some byrns wereknoin. see so many students so often. Some say that after knocking It has been one of the most en- him unconscious, his assailants joyable features of our life here," packed his arms and legs n hot. Pres. Ruthven said. ice and left him. A typical student reaction was He then is supposed to have expressed by Robert Richert, crawled back to the fraternity Grad, who presented himself house, where he was later found for the first time yesterday, ina shower and brought to the "The atmosphere here is won- hospital. derful, I'm sorry.I haven't come OTHER RUMORS say that.Cox before," he said. OHRRMR a ht.~ Behind the scenes, the Ruth- suffered the burns in the shower. yen's cook, Mary Thompson, said Fraternity officers have refused the teas were a lot of fun, but to comment on any aspect of the also a lot of work. Miss Thomp- incident thus far. son planned for and baked all the Hospital officials said that Cox cookies and cakes the hungry was admitted at 7:45 a.m. Sat- crowds consumed at the affairs. urday and that he was in "sat- -+ - ,'.,t" nndi+nn lac r,-ni't T T .1 1 Y }T 1 POLITICAL SPECULATION: SL Cabinet Elections To Be Tonight' By PAUL MARX The new Student Legislature Cabinet will be elected tonight and The cabinet elections will be held as part of the SL meeting which will take place at 7:30 p.m. ite in a field that otherwise ap- pears to be almost evenly matched. ALL THE ABOVE who are de- feated in their bids for the vice- presidencv will nrobably be nomi-