TRANSPORTATION STRIKE See Page 4, Y L Latest Deadline in the State a iir 4,, CLOUDY, SHOWERS VOL. LXI, No. 151 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY. MAY 9. 1951 o SIX PA( ,. 1 . . SI P Mae's Plans Mean War A -Marshallf WarnasRussian J WASHINGTON - (A') -- Secre- tary of Defense Marshall gravely A~warned yesterday that Russia might enter the Korean war with- out notice but he declared this threat would be far greater if the nation follows the war plans pro- posed by Gen. Douglas MacArthur. Warning that MacArthur's plans would bring open conflict with Russia closer, he said the Soviets have massed strong ground and air forces in the Far East and their entry into the Korean struggle would "be a very serious thing." WITH THIS warning, Marshall sharply took issue with MacArthur who testified last week he did not believe the bombing' of China woulddraw the Russians into the conflict-or that the Russians could wagemuch of a war in the Far East. At the same time, Marshall voiced conicern that MacArthur's remarks about thousands of cas- ualties in a bloody Korean "stalemate" may seriously dam- age the morale of the United Nations' combat troops. He told the Senate Armed Serv- ices and Foreign Relations Com- mittees-looking into the causes of the MacArthur ouster-that there is the "very real possibility" of Russia's entry into the Korean war., * * * "LIKE ALL over matters per- taining to the Soviet government," he said, "the decision is of a few men and can be an instant deci- sion whenever they choose to make it.' "They may make it without any reference to a specific event and again they may find them- selves imperiled and therefore take action to reduce that peril." He conceded, also, that the TU.S. policy of building up defenses in Europe may provoke a war with Russia. But he insisted the risk must be taken because this coun- try has "no choice whatever there."' Marshall declared Administra- tion policy in Asia may seem cost- ly and a stalemate in Korea may appear the only end. But he added the cost cannot be compared at all "to what happens if we get in- volved in what you might call an atomic war." MacArthur has challenged the Administration policy and called1 for stronger measures against the Red Chinese-bombing, a blockade and the use of Chinese NationalistJ troops.. New Police Plan! 0 1ReS Proposed for .U, roops 1 Russmia treat Hintec A tentative plan to set up regular police protection for the campus proper was announced yesterday by University Vice-President Wilbur K. Pierpont. Before going into effect, however, the plan must be okayed by the Board of Regents and the City Council, and sufficient funds must be allocated from the 1951-52 budget, yet to be completed. THE SPECIAL police force, along with officers of the present Ann Arbor department, would be deputized as agents of the Board of Regents. In this capacity, they would enforce University rules and police University property. Pierpont emphasized thgt specific duties have not been worked out yet, since the plan is so tentative. He did say, how- Rift with y ever, that the campus-area traff U.S. Grants New Tariff Concessions - WASHINGTON-(fP')-The Uni- ted States has granted sweeping new tariff concessions to 17 West- ern countries in another major move to expand world commerce. Reduced duties covering $419,- 271,000 in foreign shipments to the United States will start goinginto effect June 6 under the new in- ternational agreements. AT THE SAME time, existing low rates will be maintained on $58,305,600 in foreign imports. In return, foreign govern- ments have agreed to cut tariffs or keep from hiking rates on $1,157,000,000 of American prod- ucts. This country reduced its levies on many articles ranging from metals in short supply here to certain foods. It won concessions for sale abroad of many American farm products, chemicals and ma- chinery among other things.. THE NEW agreements, an- nounced by the State Department, were negotiated during a seven- month tariff conference at Tor- quay, England, which ended April' 21. Thirty-four nations, account- ing for 80 per cent of world commerce, attended the meet. jng. Western Germany and Canada won the biggest concessions from the United' States and in turn granted the most substantial re- ductions to American products. Western Germany was included for the first time in such tariff- cutting agreements. ic problem would be one of the most important handled by the projected force. "We must have some police on University parking lots. There is no regular enforcement now, and the problem is a serious one," Pierpont asserted. OTHER matters to be handled through the added police protec- tion will be determined after plans reach a less tentative state, he said. It is not yet known whether enforcement of student .conduct regulations lie among these. The agreement was reached following nearly eight months of discussion between city and University officials. At the pres- ent, the University pays the city annually the equivalent of about seven policemen's salaries --approximately $28,000. Alderman John S. Dobson, spokesman for the city in the negotiations, estimated that six to eight patrolmen would be needed for adequate protection. This would be on a 24-hour basis. * * * UNIVERSITY parking lots could .be patrolled by two or three men in Three-wheeled motorcycles, Dob- son proposed, whose mobility would make them available in case of an emergency. Dobson also intimated that in-, stallation of the new force might mean a crackdown on unwarrant- ed automobiles in the campus area. "There are probably be- tween 1,000 and 1,500 cars that have no business there at all," he said. Boys Arrested For Fraternity House.Stoning Fourteen Ann Arbor youths were arrested by police yesterday and charged with malicious de- struction of property for throwing rocks through windows of the{ Delta Tau Delta fraternity house1 April 30.1 The boys, 17 and 18 years old, were rounded up with the aid of an unidentified University stu- dent, who reported to police ther license number of a car they used. Jim White, '51, a Delt, said he saw the boys unload from three cars about 9 p.m., gather rocks from the front lawn and toss them through the windows. The boyst allegedly caused $160 damage. All suspects were released in their parents' custody to appear1 for examination in municipal court tomorrow morning. Star Study When warm spring evenings make library studying distinct- ly unattractive, the best solu- tion is to move the library out- side. Working on this thesis, two East Quadders last night set up their own side walk study hall. Fred Yaffe, '54 and Alfred Wolin, '54, calling themselves eromanticists at heart" moved a table, two chairs and a study lamp out of their winter Strauss House quarters and studied beneath the stars. The two scholars took a break only when coeds passed and persuaded each strolling femme to sign their guest book. "This system may prove ad- vantageous in more ways than the strictly academic," they said. U.S. Claims Soviet Stall * * i Halts Treaty WASHINGTON(P)-The United States accused Russia yesterday of trying to "stall" preparations for an early Japanese peace treaty and brusquely rejected a Soviet proposal to turn the task over to a Pacific Big Four. Moscow advanced the proposal Monday, and included Communist China along with Russia, the U.S. and Britain as the four powers which should laydown the terms for a World War II settlement with Japan. The State Department brushed the idea aside with this comment: "It is a mockery to pretend that to negotiate a Japanese peace under these conditions would actually produce peace." What Moscow is seeking, the de- partment charged, is a "double veto" by including Communist China among the Big Four. The State Department made plain that the United States in- tends to go ahead with moves now in progress with 14 other non- Communist countries to complete the Japanese settlement, possibly this summer. UN Orders Halt To Border Clash LAKE SUCCESS, N.Y. - (AP) - The United Nations Security Coun- cil last night ordered an immediate cease-fire in the fighting 'along the Syrian-Israeli border. The problem was complicated, however, by Syrian denials that Syrian troops were involved in the armed clashes WELCOME BACK-Wheat-for-India delegates (going up, front) Mary Miserez, Ann Cotton, Joyce Simon, Bob Skye and Bush Olmstead (in back) were presented with flowers by Elsi Parker when they returned from Washington. Miss Parker and Don-David Lusterman (back left) worked gath- ering money for wheat here in Ann Arbor while the delegation was at the capital. Not shown is a sixth traveler, Herb Cheston, '51, Reports Say Soviets Fail To Send. Aid UN Regains Half Of RecentLosses TOKYO--(P)-The Communists fell back on all fronts in Korea today amid growing reports of friction between Red China and Russia over conduct of the war. Mounting Allied pressure shoved them back over the same terrain the Reds had to buy with blood of more than 80,000 men. * HIGH RANKING U.S. Marine officers told AP correspondent J' Becker the Chinese Reds hac wanted to unleash a mighty smash in early April with 600P00 men, 3,000 Russian-promised planes and hundreds of tanks. The Red tanks and planes never showed up. The Allies drove into North Korea. Beck- er said it got to the point where the 600,000 Reds had no choice but to let fly their planned of- fensive anyway. So it started- April 22. Officers pointed out to Becker that the Reds achieved the veiy breakthrough they had wanted in a move to split and' destroy the United Nations divisions. But Rus- sia hadn't come through with the tanks and planes needed to finish the job. THE CHINA foot soldier offen- sive ran out of gas in a week. To- day the Red retreat was general all across the Korean peninsula. Hard-fighting South Korean troops pushed them back in the West and East. The Reds with- drew ahead of far-ranging Allied patrols in the center. Nearly half the ground lost when the Communists launched their ill. fated April 22 offensive has been regained along the 100-mile wide battlefront. ** * NORTHWEST of Seoul, South Koreans crossed the Han river from Kimpo Peninsula and probed Red lines south of Kaesong. That city is 35 miles northwest of Seoul and within two miles of the 38th parallel. Another South Korean column drove north from Seoul. Thy purpose, of the push north of Kiknpo Peninsula was to guard against the Red move to slip down that way and encircle Seoul from the rear. * * THE REDS fought back against the South Koreans along the Seoul-Munsan road, using mortars, World News Roundup By The Associated Press TEHRAN, Iran-An embolden- ed Tudeh (Communist) Party yesterday made demands on Pre- mier Mohammed Mossadegh that included expulsion ,of the 25-man ,U.S. military mission to Iran. SAN SALVADOR, El Salvador --Two towns in Southeastern El Salvador were scenes of deso- lation and death yesterday fol- lowing a new series of earth- quakes which killed about 1,000 persons and injured 4,000. ) * - WASHINGTON-United States strength overseas may soon be reinforced by additional guard divisions and the Army may cr1l more to active service after July, the acting chief of the National Guard Bureau said yesterday. * * * WASHINGTON-Senate Demo- crats yesterday took over an ad- ditional seat on the Appropria- tions Committee-an action which is expected to bump Senator Mc- Carthy (R-Wis.) off that group. India Wheat Crusaders See Hope for Success Six tired wheat-for-India cru- saders returned to Ann Arbor from Washington yesterday w i t h a hopeful report of their mission. They were told Monday by con- gressmen that the grain-for-India bill would be brought before the House by Friday. This is contrary Senior Gowns DeadlineSet Saturday, May 19, is the last day for literary school graduates to order their caps and gowns, ac- cording to Joan Willens, '51, cap and gown chairman. Measurements will be taken at Moe's Sport Shop on S. University. Orders will be taken by phone if the size is given, Miss Willens said. The gowns will cost $2.75, plus an additional deposit of $3.00 which will be refunded when the gowns are returned. The money need not be paid until the gowns are picked up before graduation, Miss Willens added. to reports issued Sunday that the bill had been indefinitely shelved. THE UNIVERSITY delegation, part of a student crusade which drew 100 students from 11 colleges to the capital, arrived at Lane Hall in the afternoon and were met by a welcoming crowd of Student Re- ligious Association members and Lane Hall officials. During their two-day stay in Washington they presented a token bushel of wheat to Madam Pandit, Indian ambassador, and discussed the grain legislation with congressmen and Indian of- ficials. Sen. Hubert Humphrey§ (R- Minn.) strongly supported the bill they said.He told them only $15 to $20 worth of foodstuffs could save a life for one year. The delegates also talked with R. K. Kapur, Indian education ministry attache. He emphasized that the work of the crusading stu- dtiat '6nlr halni"adl~n ELEVEN TO COMPETE: Fraternities to Match Voices In IFC Sing Today at Hill Eleven fraternities will match vocal chords in the twelfth annual Interfraternity Council Sing at 7:30 p.m. today at Hill Auditorium. Judges Prof. Philip Duey, Prof. Harold Haugh and Prof. Thelma B. Lewis, all of the music school, will watch tl~e eleven choral groups trudge up to the stage, accom- panied by raucous cheers from the "sponsoring" sorority, perform their four-minute selection and troop back to their seats. * * * THE FRATERNITIES partici- pating and the composition to be performed follow alphabetically: Chi Phi-"Halls of Ivy," Chi Psi- "The Battle of Jericho," Delta Tau Delta - "De Animals Comin'," Heart Attack Fells Rep. Kee WASHINGTON -- (P) - Rep. John Kee (D-W.Va.), 76 years old, chairman of the House Foreign Af- fairs Committee, died of a heart seizure yesterday. Kee collapsed while presiding over a closed-door session of his committee in the forenoon. He died a few minutes later. The West Virginia legislator, a veteran of 18 years in Congress, Lambda Chi Alpha - "Shenan- doah," Phi Delta Theta,"Mea- dowlands," Phi Gamma Delta- "How High the Moon," Phi Kappa Tau--"You'll Never Walk Alone," Sigma Alpha Epsilon-"There's a Hill Beyond a Hill," Sigma Chi- "Clancy Lowered the Boom," Sig- ma Phi-"The Drinking Song" and Sigma Phi Epsilon-"The Cre- ation." The tradition which has de- veloped into the IFC Sing had its beginning in 1935, when the IFC, ROTC band and Varsity Glee Club collaborated in pre- senting an "all-campus sing" with no prizes awarded. The fol- lowing year, the practice of hold- ing musical competition was started, with Theta Delta Chi winning the first trophy. The following prewar years found Acacia, Beta Theta Pi, Alpha Sigma Phi, Theta Xi and Kappa Sigma successively bringing home the proverbial bacon. A FIVE-YEAR moratorium was declared during the war years, but the Sing re-emerged in 1946 with new vigor. Sigma Phi Epsilon took the first post-war loving cup, with Phi Delta Theta, Sigma Alpha Ep- silon and Lambda Chi Alpha war- bling home the next three years. Last year, Sigma Phi Epsilon be- came the first house to win a sec- ond time, winging in first with aeniLS wU ut±oesKnown anau appre- anti-tank guns and automatic elate in adi ulatu 11 111UI . { SMALL CROWD PRESENT: Bias Debate Opens Fraternity Week * * * * By CRAWFORD YOUNG Fraternity Week was "kicked off" last night %vith a moderate bang as a six-man panel discussed bias clauses before a disappointing crowd of about 100 in Rackham Amphitheatre. The debate proceeded largely on an academic plane, with little emotionalization of the inflamma- tory issues involved. All represen- tatives seemed to agree that bias clauses should go-the main bone of contention was the means to be employed in this end. * * * PETE JOHNSTONE, '51, de- fending the Interfraternity Coun- cil viewpoint, declared that, in the eyes of fraternity men, the pres- ent pressures for removal of the clauses come from "dogmatic cam- pus politicians." "Discriminatory attitudes of fra- ternity men permeate the cam- pus," he said., "Discrimination is now consid- ered a small crime-like petty lar- ceny. Fraternities must keep in step with society or else wither away and die," he asserted. * * * BILL McINTYRE, '52, former Student Legislator, pointed out that in every case where the IFC had taken action by itself to tackle the discrimination problem, it had been done under pressure from the campus. "The SL time limit motion is designed to help fraternities over- come the opposition of alumni and Southern chapters to removing their clauses at national conven- tions." "This is a matter of people to people relationships, not govern- ment," he told them. "When peo- ple are starving they do not care for propaganda goodwill such as 'The Voice of America,' they want tangible evidence of friendship such as you students have shown." Quad Disp-ute Still Unsettled University officials have re- ported that a stalemate exists in the South Quadrangle labor dis- pute. Vice-President Wilbur K. Pier- pont declared that no progress has been made in reaching an agree- ment with carpenters whose re- fusal to install wardrobes has de- layed the opening of the new men's dorm. The carpenters, members of the Carpenters and Joiners Union (AFL) contend that their consti-. tution will not permit them to handle the wardrobes, because pons. "West of the road, Allied uni pushed north and were fighting battle with North Korean Rec south of Munsan," AP corresponc ent Robert Eunson reported. On the central front, Allied pe trols entered Chunchon for ti second straight day yesterda without finding any. Reds. jChw chon, a former Red stronghold, 45 miles northeast of Seoul ar eight miles south of the 38th pa: allel. Stiff fighting was reported': the vicinity of Inje, a town ' miles northeast of Seoul and foi miles north of the 38th paralle The enemy lines seemed to 1 giving on the extreme eastern ti Eunson said, but holding fair firm directly east of Inje. Open Tug Week Positions Today Interviews for committee chai man for next fall's Tug Week wi be held at 4 p.m. today in Rm. 3 of the Union, according to Studer i r::.;;, . i i