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May 08, 1951 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1951-05-08

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Latest Deadline in the State



Williams Asks
Governor Proposes Million-Dollar
Hike in University's Appropriation
A $1,000,000 increase in the University appropriation for 1951-52
was recommended to the State Legislature yesterday by Gov. G. Men-
nen Willianis.
The increase brings the proposed University budget to $14,700,-
000-still $500,000 shdrt of the $15,200,000 asked by the Board of
GOV. WILLIAMS said he thought the $1,000,000 raise was justi-
fied because next fall's prospective enrollment at the University is

Blast at





ac Arthur's




'51 Pulitzer
Prizes Given
To writers
NEW YORK-(AP)-The Pulitzer
Prize for fiction was awarded yes-
terday to "The Town" by Conrad
No drama award was made this


TWO AWARDS were made fo
meritorious public service ren
dered by a United States news
paper. The newspapers honore
were the Miami Herald and Th
Brooklyn Eagle "for their crim
reporting during the year."
Carl Sandburg received a
award for his "Complete Poems."
Margaret Louise Colt received
an award for her biography
"John C. Calhoun; American
In the field of international re
porting, two Associated Pres
staffers were honored.
They are Relman Morin and Doi
Whitehead. Morin was cited fo
his story, "Death of an Airbase,
and for another story "Hatred T
Stay Lng After the Last Shot L
Fired in the Korean War."
Whitehead was honored for his
story, written with the U.S. Ma-.
rines outside Seoul, describing
the Han River action.
The prizes have ben awarded
annually since 1917 by Columbia
University through a $2,500,000 be.
quest fron Joseph Pulitzer, lat
publisher of the New York Worl
and The St. Louis Post-Dispatch
A $500 CASH AWARD is giver
each individual winner, and a $50(
gold plaque to the winning news-
Columbia's trustees choose the
winners on recommendation of
the Advisory Board of Colum-
bia's Graduate School of Journ-
Other awards in the field of in-
ternational reporting went tc
Keyes Beech of the Chicago News;
Homer Bigart and Marguerite Hig-
gins, both of the New York Herald
Tribune, and Fred Sparks of the
Chicago News.
Russia Rejects
,japan Peace
Talk with U.S.
Russia rejected separate nego-
tiations with the United States on
a Japanese peace treaty yesterday
ahd demanded the calling of a
council of foreign ministers to
take up the question, according to
The Associated Press.
In Ann Arbor, Prof. Robert
Ward of the political science de-
partment said the move was ex-
pected, but was still significant
in its point of timinig.
* * *
sented in the midst of Washington
efforts to work out a draft treaty
on which all parties would agree
and if this failed, they would pro-
ceed without Russia and China,
According to Prof. Ward, the
United States will probably go
ahead with its own plans for a
Japanese settlement.
He noted it will result in a pe-
culiar situation in which Russia
will be at peace with other powers
but still remaining technically at
war with Japan.
* * *
'CHANCES OF any explosive re-
action are not expected by Prof.
Ward. because Japan is now occu-

Omuch greater now than four
months ago when the original
figure was set.
"During the past few days I
have discussed the change with
members of the legislature,"
Gov. Williams said, "and they
agree there is sound justifica-
tion in setting the appropriation
at a higher level."
The governor also asked for
$145,000 for the Medical School to
defray costs of instruction for 40
additional medicalstudents.
if the governor's original $13,200,-
000 recommendation were passed,
nearly 300 members of the present
faculty would have been asked to
resign next year because of lack
of funds. This would have cut
the University's teaching staff by
23 per cent.
President Alexander Ruthven
said he was very gratified the
legislators and the governor had
given serious thought to the dif-
ficult financial position in
which the University finds it-
"While the proposed appropria-
tion will not meet all' the needs of
the institution for the next year
as we see them, it is our opinion,
in view of the unsettled condi-
tions, that we should make every
effort to keep costs of operation
within the proposed allocation,"
the P'esident said.
. Williams also boosted his
1951-52 budget recommendations
for seven other state supported
colleges by $1,354,000, including a
$750,000 increase for Michigan
State College.
The proposed budget will have
to be passed by both houses of
the legislature before any appro-
priations are made.

Red Troops
Pushed Back
Near Seoul
Enemy Morale
Reported Low
TOKYO -(R)- South Korean
troops smashed hard into a North
Korean army corps northwest of
Seoul yesterday and rolled it back
three miles to points 13 miles from
the capital.
Other Allied forces in the East
forced back hard fighting Reds a
mile and a half.
THESE Red setbacks on the
flanks and a withdrawal north of
Chunchon in the center coincided
with reports of dissatisfaction in
Communist ranks.
AP correspondent John Ran-
dolph reported some Allied offi-
cers on the western front believe
North Korean and Chinese Reds
were angry because they felt
Russia had let them down on
tanks and planes for their now
stalled spring offensive.
The Allies have won back nearly
half of the ground lost north of
Seoul to 300,00 Reds who aimed the
main weight of their futile offen-
sive at capture of the capital by
May day.
"There is no denying that be-
fore the offensive began April 22
there were many signs that the
Reds were counting on tanks and
aircraft," Randolph said in his
dispatch from the western front.
'Uncle Joe Stalin sold them
down the river again,' one officer
exulted after the first few hours of
the offensive showed no tanks or
LAST WEEKEND, some 7,000
North Koreans northwest of Seoul
stood their ground and defeated
Allied attempts to dislodge them.
But yesterday at dawn, South
Koreans opened an attack with
support of Allied artillery. The
Reds resisted until late after-
noon, Then the North Koreans
began a general withdrawal from
advance hill positions.'
The South Koreans said they
were in contact with a division and
a half of North Koreans, fighting
in groups up to regimental1
armored patrols plunged north
through Chunchon yesterday. They
found the highway center deserted
by Chinese Reds. It is eight miles
south of the 38th parallel and 45
miles northeast of Seoul.
Allied gains in the East were
near Inje, which is four miles
north of the 38th parallel.
The United Nations attacks on
the Red flanks had these purposes:
in the West-to clean out a Red
pocket threatening to cross the
Han River northwest of Seoul: inf
the East-to straighten lines north
of 38.-

i 1

ATLANTA - ( ) - A crop-
haired youngster with a yen to
be a paratrooper was weighed
by the Army and found want-
The Army found Bobby Dix-
on, 17 years old, of Dalton, Ga.,
was six pounds under the mini-
mum requirement of 106 when
he volunteered Thursday.
Yesterday he weighed in at
106 pounds. Bobby was happy
but full. Since Thursday he
had been cramming himself but-
his menu yesterday topped
them all.
Before he was weighed yes-
terday he ate two complete
breakfasts, which included four
eggs, two milk shakes, half a
dozen bananas, a pint of milk
and innumerable glasses of wa-
ter. The Army accepted him.

Mac's Po lc
Called Risk
By Presidel
Marshall Attar
Peace Negotiati
Truman last night joined Si
tary of Defense George Mar
in blasting Gen. Douglas3
Arthur's war plans in Korea.
The President said widenin
conflict, might bring down a
of bombs on American citie,
President Truman's broac
and televised speech came'
Sec. Marshall told senators
MacArthur's proposals would
all-out war with Russia, ex
Europe to attack and perhaps
the free world into two camp
* * *
through on the Administra
double-barreled c oun t e r at t
said a single, atom bomb expl
over an Americancity wouldE
more casualties than the U.S
suffered in all the. Korean wa

KOREAN VETS PARADE-Girls toss confetti into open trucks as army rotation veterans from Korea
are paraded through downtown street in Seattle after landing from military sea transport a short
while earlier. The shipload of 1,502 soldiers was the first to be returned under the new army rotation
McGee Dies as Appeals. Fail

LAUREL, Miss. --(R)- Willie
McGee, 37-year-old Negro gro-
cery truck driver, was executed at
1:10 a.m. today for raping a white
housewife in the bedroom of her
home here five- and -one-half.

years ago.
McGee died in the electric


By The Associated Press
States and Russia yesterday broke
off direct talks aimed at settlement
of Moscow's $10,800,000,000 Lend
Lease account.
* * *
HOUSTON-A jet bomber ex-
ploded high in the air near
Houston last night, killing three
HOLLYWOOD - Columbia
Studios yesterday cancelled "by
mutual consent" its contract
with actor Larry Parks, who
told a House committee he was a
Communist from 1941 to 1945.
S * * *
Albert Wedemeyer, whose long-
secret report warned of a Red at-
tack on South Korea, has asked
for retirement from the United
States Army.

El Salvador
Toll Mounts
SAN SALVADOR, El Salvador--
(JP)-The death toll from Sunday's
earthquake in southeastern El Sal-
vador mounted yesterday to the
proportions of one of the major
disasters in the country's history.
The government said approxi-
mately 1,000 were killed in the city
of Jucuapa alone.
* * *
jured. The President of the Re-
public, Lt. Col. Oscar Osorio, ac-
dompanied by high military and
civil officials, and rescue teams
from all over the country rushed to
the stricken area. The government
decreed three days of national
Greatest damage was reported
in Jucuapa, a city of about
12,000, located 90 miles east of
San Salvador, and at China-
meca, about 17,000 population,
two miles farther east. The near-
by townsdofMNueva Guadalupe,
Santiago de Maria, Usulutan and
Caserios also suffered consider-"
able damage.
The government Bureau of In-
formation gave no death toll for
Chinameca but said 200 injured
had been removed from that city
to a hospital in nearby San Miguel.
The government communique de-
scribed the destruction at China-
meca as "50 per cent less" than
the damage at Jucuapa.
ALTHOUGH El Salvador is in a
volcanic region, the country has
never before experienced such a
destructive quake. The entire
country is subject to periodic heavy
earth shocks, however.
The observatory placed the
epicenter of the quake about 60
miles southeast of the capital.
The government is requiring
safe-conduct passes for all persons
seeking to enter the devastated
Dependency Plan
[n Effect-Correll'

after losing four desperate appeals
within the last six hours. The ex-
ecution ended a case that had at-
tracted nationwide interest.
made by Chief Justice Fred Vin-
son of the United States who de-
clined to halt McGee's execution
scheduled for 1:01 a.m. today.
McGee was brought to Laurel
from the Hinds County jail, ar-
riving here at 11:05 p.m. State
highway patrolmen drove him
up to the jail. They announced
to some 300 persons who pressed
forward that they had McGee
and that he would die last night.
Just about the time McGee
was brought to Laurel, Judge
Wayne Borah of the U.S. Fifth
Circuit Court of Appeals at New
Orleans refused a temporary re-
straining order holding up the ex-
The plea was filed with Borah
Food Tests
Lab tests on food which reput-
edly was responsible for the epi-
demic in Betsy Barbour House
last week have not proved con-
clusive, Dr. Warren E. Forsythe,
Health Service director, said last
However, he said epidemiologists
will continue to look for a clue
behind the sudden wave of sick-
nesses that struck 60 women and
left as quickly as it came.
"We couldn't find the reason
for the West Quad epidemic and
we may not for this either," Dr.
Forsythe said. He referred to the
Quad illnesses in October, 1949,
which scores of patients attri-
buted to food infection.
Dr. Forsythe added the cause of
the sicknesses may have been an
influenza virus.

shortly before- 7:30 p.m. by Mary
Kaufman, New , York attorney,
after U.S. District Court Judge
Sidney Mize refused an injunc-
tion petition A Jackson, Miss.
** *
EARLIER Associate Justice
Hugo Black of the United States
Supreme Court declined to halt
the execution.
McGee's attorneys also ap-
pealed by telephone to presi-
dential assistant David Niles
seeking intervention by Presi-
dent Truman, but they said they
were advised the President would
not intercede and that there
was no point in further discuss-
ing the case.
McGee was taken by authorities
from the Hinds County jail for the
90-mile trip to Laurel.
* * *
MEANWHILE, on campus,
members of the Committee to
Save McGee staged a last-ditch
drive to halt McGee's execution.
The committee, which came
out of hiding for the first time
since its "monster rally" earlier
this semester, distributed leaf-
lets throughout the campus
area last week. A meeting fea-
turing prominent speakers was
tentatively planned for this
week but was eventually can-
During the past three weeks,
the committee claims to have en-
couraged the sending of about
1,000 telegrams to President Tru-
man and Gov. Fielding Wright
urging clemency.
Israel Brands
Syria 'Aggressors
-Israel accused Syria yesterday of
"armed aggression" in the six-day
fighting along the northern fron-
tier and demanded a UN Security
Council meeting to take up the is-

lias Clause
To BeHeld,
Fraternity discriminatory claus-
es will be the issue at stake in a
panel discussion to be held at 8
p.m. today in the Rackham Am-
Independent, Student Legisla-
ture, and affiliated opinion will be
represented on the panel. In ad-
dition, delegates from other cam-
puses will, be present to contrast.
the problem here with that else-
TO E X P R E S S independent
opinion, Gordon MacDougall, '52,
ex-president of the Young Pro-
gressives, has been selected.
Bill McIntyre, '53, formerly
head of the Student Legislature
Campus Action Committee, will
explain the SL's approach to the
fraternity discrimination prob-
SL this fall recommended that
a September, 1956, time limit be
set for removal of bias clauses,
with University recognition to be
denied those groups which failed'
to comply, except under certain
extenuating circumstances. This
motion is awaiting final approval
by President Alexander Ruthven.
policy will be defended by Pete
Johnstone, '51, chairman of the
IFC Human Relations Committee,
which has been working on the
discrimination problem for two
The discrimination panel will1
serve as a "kickoff rally" for the
IFC-sponsored Fraternity Week.
Tomorrow, the program will
continue with a 3:15 p.m.panel
at the Union on "IFC Problems
and Policies." At 7:30 p.m. fi-
nals of the IFC Sing will be held
at Hill Auditorium.
Moderator for the debate
will be Prof. Karl Litzenberg, of
the English department, former
head of the residence halls and an
active alumnus of Delta Upsilon

"I do not want to be respo
sible for bringing that abou
President Truman said.
The President added these sta
ments to a previously prepa
speech for a civil defense con
MacArthur's peace appeal Mar
to the Red commander in K(
had destroyed any chances o
Korean war settlement at I
He said the tnited Natic
was preparing an announcemei
of readiness to discuss a w
settlemet-the announceme
to come from President Trum
-when Gen. MacArthur ma
his peace-talk offer without a
proval from Washington.
"In view of the serious 1i
of Gen. MacArthur's statement
the negotiations of these natia
Sec. Marshall said, "it bedi
necessary to abandon the eff
thus losing whatever chance th
may have been at that time to
gotiate a settlement of the Kor
A FEW HOURS after Sec. M
shall testified behind closed do
-as did Gen.. MacArthur
week-the President stepped t
into the Asia policy fight.
President Truman sharply d
puted the general's argume
the present policy in Korea 1
lead to another war and t:
country should "go it alone"
necessary to force a Communi
surrender by bombing R
The President declared the
nations stopped Communis
march in Asia and "dealt a he
blow to the Kremlin conspira
all over the world. He asse:
there are signs of a crackup
hind the Iron Curtain.
HE SAID a "go it alone" pc
might destroy the western woi
defense effort and result in
"tremendous Soviet victory."
Sec. Marshall hinted this cc
try will hit Red China by air
sea if, the Reds strike at Ameri
forces outside Korea, presuma
those in Japan and with the S
enth Fleet in Far Eastern wat
Deploring this "very distres:
action," Sec. Marshall picta
Gen. MacArthur as a commax
who had grown so far out of sy
pathy with U.S. policy that
superiors doubted his ability
make the proper command d
sions in the field.
"He would have us accept
risk of involvement not only in
extension of the war with :
dhina," Sec. Marshall said,
in an all-out war with the So

$4,000 GOAL SET:
Fresh Air Camp Tags
To Be Sold Tomorrow


Tomorrow is the 31st annual
Tag Day, an opportunity for stu-
dents to support the University
Fresh Air Camp for underprivi-
leged children.
With the quota set at $4,000,
student volunteers will man buck-
ets throughout the campus area
to collect donations for the two-
month University project. Con-
tributions from students, faculty
members and other Michigan resi-
dents defray about one-third of
the camn's nrational costs.

Ann Arbor. It is staffed primar-
ily by University graduate stu-
dents in the education school and
the psychology and sociology de-
MOST OF THE children come
from broken homes in the lower
economic groups. They are what
social agencies call "in-betweens"
-potential juvenile delinquents
whose behavioral maladjustments
can still be corrected before they
reach matiritu


'U' Students Give Wheat for India


Six University delegates were in
the crowd of 100 students from 11
colleges who presented a token
gift of 700 pounds of wheat to In-
dia yesterday.
The gift was received by Madam
Vijaha Pandit, Indian ambassa-
dor, at the Indian embassy in
Tha students had cnngregayted

caravan had been led through
the capital by a motorcycle es-
cort. On hand for the presen-
tation were three Minnesota
Democrats, Sen. Hubert Hum-
phrey, Rep. John Blatnik and
Rep. Roy Weir.
After accepting the wheat and
the money, Madam Pandit said,
"Every grain of wheat will find
fertilne si in hearts f ndan

They suggested it might be con-
sidered next week, but an un-
named House leader admitted the
bill might have been permanently
* * *
Washington was instigated by
a group at MacAllister College in
Minnesota. They were joined in
their erus abv rerentativesnof

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