THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, MAY G, 1951 e .. _ -- DORIS FLEESON: MacA rhur Spotlight The Week's News .*IN RETROSPECT . . E CLATTER of gunfire from the Holy and drew mixed reactions in this coun- at first largely surprise at the renewal ghting in that area so recently calmed, later disgust that the old sore had re- Led. hat the clash should awaken such lings is not surprising. To most Ameri- is, and to Israelis too, Syria's incursiqn a the demilitarized border area stems m a "dog-in-the-manger type of hat- --Syria objects to the draining of the Ieh Swamp, desolate for centuries. hough this is the surface provocation, seedling war took root in deeper soil. inception of hostilities stems from a rrent pattern throughout the Near East, 4ttern of intermingled rivalry and ignor- e. asically the pattern is this: wealthy lowners fearful of progress and a rise he standard of living, ignorant desert bs, traditionally xenophobia, and the usion of a group with plans alien to dle East thought. ' Israelis, the aridity of deserts and >ation of swamps are natural complica- .s to be met with all the weapons of inology. r The Arabs do not see things e this way. hus any project of the Israelis becomes game, in Syrian minds, for raiding-a Aime which is part of desert culture. s Arab tradition, stirred and channeled Syrian leaders, has revived the war in Middle East. That Israel's northern neighbor should .ose this moment to renew hostilities licates that Syria is growing wise to the litical ways of our times. n three counts, the time is ripe. ie UN is involved in Korean affairs, h militarily and agenda-wise. Thus there ittle chance of immediate interference n Lake Success. srael is attempting to finance a bond issue w ill be loathe to make much needed estnent capital seem precarious by going war. ven if the Israelis were disposed to risk cial failure, the reasoning goes, the den of immigration, industrialization and orthodox-reformed schism will ham- ng the Israeli effort to resist. Coming down as did their Assyrian pro- nitors like " a wolf on the fold," the Tian attackers seem to have failed at ist temporarily. Their losses have been eavy, their objectives have not been ached. ' erhaps they should take warning from in ancestors' example-Assyria's ancient asion of the Holy Land brought only truction to itself. -Zander Hollander Placebo DR MONTHS the Republican stand on fogeign affairs has appeared to be F ze of irreconcilable contradictions.' But one apocalyptic statement, the cogent iator Taft has clarified all. The Senator from Ohio recommends st that we bomb Manchuria, blockade iina and promote an invasion of the binese mainland by the forces of Chi- ig Kai-Shek. Secondly, he proposes that e reduce our armed forces by half a illion and cut the military budget by $20 Ilon. )n the surface this may sound schizo- renic, but to one versed in the subtleties Republican policy it is clearly the only y. The two banes of American life are h taxes and Communism. Senator Taft s cleverly thought of a plan that will eli- ate both. Ve regret that the Senator's innate ino- ty and conscientious desire to compro- e prevented him from citing the full po- tial of his proposal. We can see the day en the army will be reduced to two re- iting sergeants in Formosa leading a rch to Moscow under the banner of "a anced economy for the United States," When Taft first announced his poli- cal panacea in a speech before the Uni- d States Chamber of Commerce, he was ildly applauded. We, too, feel compelled emote. syllogisms be damned-Hip, Hip, Hurrah! -Paula Edelman John Briley CURRENT MOVIES t The Michigan,... APPOINTMENT WITH DANGEl with Ian Ladd, Phyllis Kirk, and Paul Stew- rt.I tettep4 TO THE EDITOR The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will be condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the editors. Y N w< WASHINGTON-It was MacArthur's day. The General took command of the hear- ing immediately and was never seriously challenged by any senator. A few, including Senator McMahon of Connecticut, attemnted to re-focus atten- tion on the fact that Communism is all 1 one threat, that Russia stands poised in Europe while Red China attacks in Korea. At those moments General Mac- Arthur reverted to the theatre commander who should not discuss the world politi- cal scene. Democrats are discussing where they will get an equally compelling witness to put Russia and Europe in the picture. They know that Secretary of State Acheson is a broken reed in this battle. They are confi- dent that Secretary of Defense Marshall and General Bradley will give the adminis-, tration strong support. But they have been shaken by the Mac- Arthur skill, his crowds, th'e psychology of victory that he engenders. And so they are talking of bringing General Eisenhower back to press the North Atlantic story and put the whole globe into the committee room. It is a fair guess that one of the trans- cripts of the MacArthur testimony will be going across the Atlantic into General Eisenhower's hands. Ike's old chief of staff, Maj. Gen. Walter Bedell Smith, is right here, head of the Central Intelli- gence Agency, and in an excellent posi- tion to assay the MacArthur proposals and what they will mean to the job which has been entrusted to General Eisenhower. President Truman rather accidentally has revealed that General Smith had to make a personal trip to Tokyo to induce General MacArthur to take CIA into his theatre. The President was not committing himself on dates but apparently it happened after the MacArthur miscalculation about Red China entering the war. The administration tacticians who be- lieve they will have to ,produce General Eisenhower to counteract MacArthur sug- gest that Ike may not choose to jump into the fray as North Atlantic Commander. If he does not, they-are toying with the idea that General Bradley might be dispatched to Europe in Ike's place so that the archi-' tect of victory in Europe can step up to bat as a civilian. Should this happen, General Eisenhower will be squarely in the middle of the political arena where so many of his friends want him to be anyway. The ques- tion is will it seem to him that important? (Copyright, 1951, by the Bell Syndicate, Inc.) Cutting Corners 7 t S t I s R 1 1 :i Hail to the Chief . To the Editor: H ARRY S. Truman is the great- est president in American his- tory. His Truman Doctrine has pre- served Greece and Turkey and perhaps the whole Near East for the forces of Democracy. The Marshall Plan has resulted in a remarkable economic recovery in W. Europe, enabling us to have allies (N. Atlantic Pact) without which the balance of world pro- duction and resources might shift in Russia's favor. His decision to intervene in Korea has finally aroused the American- public to the urgent necessity for rearming and has resulted in the preserva- tion of all S. W. Asia and Indo- China. (The U. S. is now stronger in both Europe and Asia then it was prior to the Korean war). He doesn't sacrifice his princi- ples on the altar of political ex- pediency as evidenced by his sup- porting civil rights despite the defection of the Dixiecrats. His firing of MacArthur was done for the welfare of the nation, though he knew he was thereby giving his opponents a political issue. If the U. S. is not prepared toI resist the Communists, then the blame lies not with the President, but with the opposition headed by Taft which has fought every attempt at military preparedness including the draft-and the Atlan- tic Pact.l Hail to the chief ! ! ! Norman Luxenburg 'Lane Hall . . To the Editor: CONTRARY to what seems to be the unanimous opinion of Uni- versity officials, the students are not leading deliriously happy lives in this institution. Smoldering dis- content is obvious to anyone who takes the trouble to find out what the students are thinking and feeling.Thestudent body has, somehow, $ come up with the 'idea that it is quite capable of directing its own affairs. The University, it seems, has different ideas. I gather that the University considers the student body to be entirely without morals, imma- ture and just a little stupid. Our father, pro tempore, obviously also feels that we must be kept so. Symptomatically, University juris- diction was extended to envelop Lane Hall yesterday. We are lit- erally being told what to say, feel and think. University officials "did not feel the matter (of University clear- ance of what now consists of all student contact outside of the Uni- versity) was of enough importance to make any official annaunce- ment to the campus." In other words, it doesn't make any dif- ference if we live in a world run by mature, thoughtful and deci- sive citizens or one in which all thought processes are controlled from above. I think we all had a slightly different idea of what an education was. However hard it may be for the University to give up its control, it's this or the inevitable destruc- tion of the ideals to which, even the University cannot fail to give lip service. If you like the world just the way it is, accept this rul- ing. If you feel that somehow, someday, the world can be a bet- ter place to live in, resent and .act to remove University restrictions on speakers. Keren Whittemore Union VP's . . To the Editor: W HY ALL THIS quibbling about recounting Union Vice-Presi- dent ballots. Didn't the Judiciary Committee make one decision? Can't they stick by it? Ronald Seavoy I- 1- ,4 MATTER O-F FACT By STEWART ALSOP WASHINGTON-"I do not believe," said attacks on Manchuria would force "a most Gen. MacArthur on Thursday, "that solemn decision" on the Kremlin. anything thathappens in Korea, or Asia-for In Kennan's known view, it is almost that matter, would affect the basic decision" inconceivable that the "solemn decision" --that is, the Kremlin's decision whether or would be to do nothing at all. The Soviet not to intervene openly in the Korean war, decision might take any one of a number MacArthur may be right. But he has cer- of forms, including a decision to attack tainly been dead wrong before, on the like- our own "privileged sanctuary" in Japan. lihood of Chinese intervention in Korea. This would of course be the signal for the So was virtually every official in Washing- start of the third world war. ton. So, in truth, were this reporter and his It is more likely, Kennan is known to partner. But there was one man who was believe, that the Soviet Siberian Air Force dead right. (possibly thinly disguised in Chinese mark- This man is George F. kennan, who ings) would be given a more limited mission. was State Department Counselor before It would almost certainly be thrown into he resigned last Summer to join bthe the battle over Manchuria and North Korea, Institute for Advanced Study at Prince- and it would very probably be ordered also Instiute fr Ad c ist life to trhne- to attack our ports and supply lines in ton. Kennan has devoted his life to the South study of the Soviet Union and he is un- doubedl ths contr's reatst xpet A Kennan is known to agree that heavy air doubtedly this country's greatest expert attacks on United Nations forces from Man- on Soviet policy. This reporter can tes- churian bases would leave no alternative tify from personal knowledge that after to counter-attacks on these bases. But such the Inchon landings Kennan warned re- t ett acksnon thed, base Bu ost peatedly and categorically that either attacks have notyet occurred, itself a most Chinese or Soviet intervention was wholly significant fact, ineitbl, f te niedNations army Finally, if Kennan is as right as he was inevitable, if the United Nain ry last fall, attacking Manchuria would al- passed beyond the narrow neck of the ls al takn acui ol l Korean peninsula to the Manchurian most mathematically lead to general war. border. Moreover, this war would come under the worst possible conditions, since our allies These warnings were disregarded,,at a are undefended, and rightly or wrongly, cost which cannot be estimated. But it is would hold us in part responsible' for at least worth inquiring what Kennan con- their ruin. siders the probable Soviet reaction if the As for the alternatives, Kennan believes war is now carried to China and Manchuria. that a real political victory in Korea may Allowing for the difficulty of precisely re- soon be possible, if we do not again make porting the views of another, Kennan's the fatal mistake of demanding "uncondi- opinions can be summarized about as fol- tional surrender." If not, Kennan is known lows: to believe that we should not edge into war What happens in Asia is certain to affect by the back door, but should use the secret the Kremlin's course, as it has always done processes of diplomacy to confront the real in the past. This is partly because of the masters of the situation, the men in the political relationship between China and Kremlin, with the clear choice between war the Soviet Union, formalized by the Sino- and a modus vivendi. Kennan may be en- Soviet pact, which the Chinese would cer- tirely wrong-no man can always be right. tainly invoke, and which the Soviets could But Kennan has very often been right in dishonor only at great cost. But the heart the past, and at least his views merit serious of the matter is that Manchuria involves and unemotional attention. not only Chinese but direct Soviet interests. (Copyright, 1951, New York Herald Tribune, Inc.) This is why, of the measures proposed, Kennan considers the bombing of Manchuria the key. The Soviet strategic interest in Editorials published in The Michigan Daily -Manchuria derives partly from the simple are written by members of The Daily staff geographic relationship between Manchuria and represent the views of the writers only. and the Soviet East. What is more, Port Arthur is an important Soviet port and naval base, and the Soviet communications NIGHT EDITOR: HARRY REED lines to Port Arthur cross Manchuria. Thus +MUSIC+ * * * * Local .. A SWEEPING EPIDEMIC of undetermined cause crossed the paths of 60 women at Betsy Barbour Wednesday night and forced a slew of them out of their dormitory into the confines of the Health Service. University officials were puzzled and evasively said they "_ihad absolutely no idea" of the cause of the attacks. But a majority of the pale women at Barbour charged "food poisoning!" Many of the women were suffering from nauseau, which led one spokesman to suppose it was ptomaine poisoning. From there, ther speculation went from canned peas, to pork, to polluted drinking water. IMPROVEMENT IN DORM FOOD-Prior to the Betsy Barbour incident, dorm residents had been placated by an announcement that they can expect better food next year-when they pay for it. Univer- sity officials said that dorm fees would go up $50 for men and $40 for women. LANE HALL INTERVENTION-A new policy of tighter control over speakers sponsored by Lane Hall groups was announced. From now on, SRA and its member groups must get clearance for all outside speakers in public meetings from the Office of Student Affairs. It was reported that the recent Willie McGee rally and peace conferences in Lane Hall had irritated several higher-ups. The announcement was provocative. Lane Hall director Dewitt Cy Baldwin moaned, SRAer's groaned, Student Legislators sounded the clarion. SRA officials planned to appeal their case. WHEAT FOR. INDIA--With millions of starving'Indians clamor- ing for a wheat grant from the United States and Sen. Ferguson shedding a practical tear, several SRA members piled into a car and headed for Washington, along with students from other colleges, to present token bushels of wheat to Madame Pandit. MAY DAY-Proletariat Day arrived May 1 without a local revo- lution. Several churches, however, prayed for peace and for the conversion of Russia. Happier Betsy Barbour girls frolicked around the proverbial maypole. * *, * * .k A F DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN I Sl j a t t: I l UNREST IN NEAR EAST-Tension continued high through the week in the oil-rich Near East. New Prime Minister Mohammed Mossadegh, leader of the anti-Communist National Front party, hast- ily set up his cabinet, took in stride May Day riots by 30,000 members of the Red-inspired Tudeh party, and pushed through an oil national- ization bill. Officials of the British Anglo-Iranian oil concern, des- perately tried to keep their foot in the door by making a last ditch offer to split the profits with the Iranian government. But it looked like too little and too late, as the Shah signed the nationalization bille Wednesday. Meanwhile, the smoldering border feud between Syria, and Pales- tine flared into a pint-sized war this week. The UN succeeded in imposing for a few hours a cease-fire agreement, but soon the irrepressible Arabs and Jews were at it again. Each side pointed, fingers and called names-neither showed much willingness to sit down and negotiate. RED OFFENSIVE FIZZLES-After smashing to within four miles of Seoul, the Chinese Communist offensive at least temporarily was halted this week. UN forces resumed their sharp jabs in patrol strength all along the 100-mile front, as the battered Reds licked their wounds and regrouped their forces. New assaults were expected, but round one of the spring campaign went to Lt. Gen. Van Fleet's determined troops, as the Communists bought only a few miles of strategically worthless terrain for 75,000 casualties. Meanwhile, the 300-plane Communist air force remained in its hangers in Manchuria, as both sides maintained the uneasy "gentle- man's agreement" by which Manchurian bases were untouched and the Chinese withheld their air force. * * * *, National . . MACARTHUR TAKES THE STAND-Gen. Douglas MacArthur, his two-week honeymoon of tickertape and hosannas over, rolled up his sleeves and grimly set in to try and defend his position as stated in the "old soldier" speech. The prophet of the Orient, whose remarkable in- sight into the Chinese mind sent us reeling back in costly retreat from the Yalu River last November, declared before a joint session of the Senate Armed Forces and Foreign Relations Committees that unless Red China is beaten into submission by all-out air attack the Korean War may explode into World War III. The vast Russian armies bivouaced in Siberia, the General predicted, are unprepared for action. MacArthur mourned that the, nation's security had been jeopardized by his dismissal. KEFAUVER REPORTS--The long-awaited report of the Kefauver Crime Investigating Committee was finally released Tuesday, three days after it had been released in Drew Pearson's column. Former Mayor William O'Dwyer of New York, Gov. Fuller Warren of Florida and Gov. Forrest Smith of Missouri came in for stinging rebukes for numerous irregularities and apparent links with the underworld. -Crawford Young and Cal Samra (Continued from Page 2) pany, Detroit (April 30 - May 12). These prints are from the collection of new pictures for student rentals. Events Today congregational-Disciples-Evangelical and Reformed Guild: 7 p.m., Guild House, 438 Maynard. Rev. Pickerill will speak on "The Science of Christian Living." Refreshments and get-ac- quainted hour will follow at 8 p.m. Lutheran Student Association: Zion Parish Hall; Supper at 5:30 p.m. Pro- gram, 7 p.m. Speakers will be Lutheran Foreign Students. Gamma Delta, Lutheran Student Club: Supper program at 5:30 p.m., showing of 16mm sound-color movie: "God of Creation." Roger Williams Guild: 10 a.m., Bible Study at the Guild House. The group will hear Douglas Steere at the Method- ist Church at 6:30 p.m. Michigan Christian Fellowship: 4:30 p.m., Lane Hfall (Fireside Room). Rev. Leonard Veruin, Pastor of the Campus Chapel, will speak on the subject: Chemical Control of Plant Growth." All "Shall We Be Heretics?" Westminister Guild: 9:30 a.m., Semi- nar in Religion. 5:30 p.m., Fellowship Supper; 6:30 p.m. Worship service and discussion . program-"I, John, Take Thee, Mary"-Rev. Barney Roepcke. Inter-Arts Union: Meeting for Sun- day is cancelled. Regular meeting next week. Polonia Club Picnic, Meeting at 3:30. p.m. by the fountain in front of the League. sailing Club: Treasure Hunt. Every- one welcome. Hillel Mixer: Grads and Undergrads. 8 p.m., Phi Sigma Delta house, 1808 Hermitage. Coming Events La P'tite Causette: meets Mon., May 7, 3:30 p.m., Mich. League. Le Cercle Francais: Meeting, Mon., May 7, 8 p.m., League. Election of of-i ficers and party in honor of the actors who took part in the French play. Hillel Social Committee: Meeting Tues., 4 p.m., Lane Hall. All members urged to attend. Final plans for the dance will be arranged. Women of the University Faculty: The last of the weekly teas will be held from 4 to 6 in the club room in the League, Tues., May 8. American Chemical Society. Wed., May 9, Rm. 1300, Chemistry Bldg. Dr. James Bonner of the California Insti- tute of Technology will discuss "The interested are invited. THE DEBATE over American po licy in the Far East can still serve a good purpose. It can clar- ify for 'the American people "Just what Administration policy is, and it can equally well clarify ex- actly what the differences are be- tween the Administration 'and the MacArthur views, not to mention the differences between the Mac- Arthur view and that of the Hoover-Taft school. It can eluci- date what is meant by a "limited war, and how and why, one can be fought. It can illuminate our present policy toward Formosa, to- ward Chiang, toward the United Nations; it can show how our strategy in Asia and in Europe is one. It can also bring into sharp relief the specific points of criti- cism against that policy. -New York Times 1AiJiw k1 -ii A 8~ ESTERDAY afternoon's May Festival Concert was significant in that it some-. how managed to combine the Youth Chorus's "When Your Potato's Done" and Spivakov- sky's Sibelius without effecting a spotty re- sult. The first half of the program consisted largely a collection of American folksongs presented by the Festival Youth Chorus, a large group of white-clad youngsters who tried their best to sit still. Their enthusiasm for the affair, how- ever, persisted in showing itself in de- lighted smiles, bouncing heads, and some enjoyable singing. Hampered neither by over-complicated vo- cal arrangements or overshadowing orches- tral accompaniment, the children's voices were simple and appealing. To the credit of the conductor, who undoubtedly cautioned the children to sing their words clearly until she was tongue-tied herself, every word was understandable. The Philadelphia Orchestra, whether it HAPPILY breaking with tradition, Eugene Ormandy and the Philadelphia Orches- tra presented the Shostakovich F Major Symphony last night, rather than the usual Saturday evening fare of Tchaicovsky. The combination of Shostakovich's satire and Ormandy's wit was successful, perhaps to the point of brilliance. The solo parts in the first movement were handled with vir- tuoso skill, while the clarity of the ensemble in the second movement was fresh and ex- citing. By virtue of the understanding of Mr. Ormandy, the third movement, with its ro- mantic intentions, and the fourth, based on the juxtaposition of harsh and sonorous sections, provided a sense of complete bal- ance and climax to the entire symphony. The program was given a sparkle of near- Hollywood glamor when Miss Stevens made her exciting appearance in a daring off the shoulder gown. The lovely green bodice and flaring net skirt showed off Miss Stevens' figure to the satisfaction of the male sections of the house. Her stage presence completely Sixty-First Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Jim Brown ... ........Managing Editor Paul Brentlinger..........City Editor Roma Lipsky .........Editorial Director Dave Thomas'.........Feature Editor Janet Watts.........Associate Editor Nancy Bylan . .. ......,Associate Editor James Gregory ........Associate Editor Bill Connolly...........Sports Editor Bob Sandell ....Associate Sports Editor Bill Brenton ....Associate Sports Editor Barbara Jans.........Women's Editor Pat Brownson Associate Women's Editor Business Staff Bob Daniels.......Business Manager Walter Shapero Assoc. Business Manager Paul Schaible .....Advertising Manager Sally Fish..........Finance Manager Bob Miller.......Circulation Manager Telephone 23-24-1 Member of The Associated Vess The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited to this, newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein are also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan as second-class mail matter. Subscription during regular schoG4 year: by carrier, $6.00; by mail, $7.00. :.4 A" A 4' ,D STONE FACE is at ait again. This time he is a hard hearted postal in- tor hot on the trail of one of the most Ible bunch of hoods you ever laid eyes on. eems that there was this postal inspector, who knew too much and consequently himself knocked off. Obviously this is a for no ordinary cop. It calls for brains, rage, ice water in the veins. And who is ;t qualified to fill the bill? Of course, you ssed it the first time-Alan Ladd! Mumbling ominously to himself, intre- F BARNAB_ n- But notthese deputy badges for you all to wear I