See Page 4
Latest Deadline in the State
i ii
VOL. LXI, No. 149
prrwum p mg-
I "aa i "+avv i a+vaa+aAaaA .l Vl l/C1 f 111.[11 a la ll '
+ f 1
Nearly Sure
Panel Discusses
"Deferment of most college stu-
dents is now pr ctically assured,
despite the publi hue and cry to
the contrary, Prof. E. Lowell Kelly,
Director of the Bureau of Psycho-
Alogical Services, declared here yes-
terday before a conference of the
14ichigan Federation of Teachers.j
A lively panel discussion of
"Academic Freedom" and a move
to bring pressure for higher teach-
ers' salaries were other features of
the second annual session of the
SAFL-affiliated Michigan Federa-
PROS. KELLY now serves on an
advisory board to Selective Ser-
vice Director Maj. Gen. Lewis B.
Hershey. In this position, he has
helped formulate the present day
draft policy.
*.The draft bill Congress is now
trying to smooth out will prob-
ably leave the question of defer-
ment in the laps of the individual
draft boards.
"A few local boards may prove
unfriendly to college students, par-
ticularly those in so-called unes-
sential fields," he said. However,
he expected that most would go
along with the recommendations
of Hershey and his advisors.
PROF. KELLY defended the col-
lege deferment program from
charges of being "undemocratic."
"We must recognize that people
are not equal in abilities, and we
nust train, those most fitted for
positions of leadership."
He died admit that inequity ex-
isted in the case of men financi-
ally unable to obtain a college
education. "But the inequity is
not reduced by drafting college
students along with those cap-
able but unable to attend," he
"The advisory board pondered
this problem a long time before we
made our recommendations," he
said. "The only way out we saw was
to set up a system of federal scho-
4 s e
Must Crush Reds m Iorea
1ac Arthur
Arab Attack
Beaten Back
By Israeli
Syrian Troops
Consolidate Gains
Allied ground commander in Ko
at an advanced command posti
* *
UN Trtoops
In North Kor
TOKYO-(iP) - Powerful Allied
tank-infantry columns sparred for
an opening in Communist defense
screens along the Korean front
Behind the patrols, United Na-
tions ground forces pushed cau-
tiously forward, taking up slack
in the lines separating the oppos-
ing armies.
Kill Anti-Red
In Sinliiang
HONG KONG-(/)-A famed
anti-Red guerrilla leader in re-
mote and mysterious Sinkiang
province has been shot by the Chi-
nese Communists, who accused him
of being a paid agent of the United
A Communist news agency re-
lease today said Osman Batur, who
had been fighting Russian in-
fluence in that far northwest pro-
vince of China since 1939, was shot
April 29 after the usual public trial.I
This propaganda charge against
Osman had been leveled by the
Reds before they finally captured
him Feb. 15.
TEL AVIV, Israel-( P)-Artil-
lery-supported Israeli troops beat
back yesterday the 18th Syrian at-
en. James A. Van Fleet (left), tack in four days on strategic
rea, chats with field commanders Muteila hill, an Israeli spokesman
near the front lineE. said.
* Scores0/of Arab dead were re-
ported to cover the battlefield
af or o e north of the sea of Galilee after
the 80-minute engagement.
The spokesman said Syrian
'.1troops meanwhile are consolidat-
sean .e fense %g"adiif2g"he""p" ot
r j ingand fortifying their positions
within the demilitarized frontier
zone of northeast Palestine, where
FRONTLINE dispatches were Israeli reclamation work is de-
subjected to unusually close cen- nounced by Damascus as a viola-
sorship. It appearel to be designed tion of the Syrian-Israeli armis-
to cover the exact location of UN tice.
troop movements.? The Syrians picture the warfare
IrI This is not a general advance, as strictly a fight between raiding
but we're sparring for an open- Israeli troops and Arab residents
ing," an American Eighth Army of the demilitarized zone. A Syrian
spokesman cautioned." Army communique issued in Da-
The Allied forward' movement mascus at noon yesterday said 27
came both on the western front Israelis had been killed in the
north of Seoul and on the central preceding 24 hours, against Arab
front south of Chunchon. . losses of two killed and three
k *wounded. The Israelis were de-
n r xTrn trI.la'rd to haeo n dnnnri with
Mi hty Mite
DETROIT --(A')- Betty Mae
McDaniels was fined $100 to-
day for assault and battery.
She was accused of battling
a dozen policemen who answer-
ed a call for reinforcements
after she scrapped with a pa-
trolman who stopped her for
Miss McDaniels is a five-foot 4
five-inch blonde who weighs
Red Austria
Faces Testy
In Free Vote
VIENNA, Austria - (,P) - Com-
munism behind the Iron Curtainy
will be tested in a free electionX
Pro-Western Austria is choosing
a new federal president, with bal-
lot boxes in all four occupation MAAH.F E
A quarter of this central Euro- (right, back turned) and hi
pean republic lies in the Russian face members of the Senat
sphere of influence and is occur~ tions committees in Washin
pied by 44,000 Soviet troops. How- hins
ever, the Russians are permitting hearig.
Austrians in their zone to vote
freely. G e.aA
Only one of the six candidates
is a Communist. The election thus
will show how muchstrength the
Austrian Communist Party and its O f
Russian rulers have won or lost
since a nation wide parliamentary
election 18 months ago. They won WASHINGTON - -
only five per cent ofthe vote then. Douglas MacArthur pleaded
Voting is mandatory for the terday for world-wide abolitio:
4,513,597 eligible persons in all the War and said "time is running
zones-Russian, American, French on us."
and British. Those who don't vote:The five-star general told
will be fined. Senate Armed Services and F
The Communist candidate is eign Relations committee of
Gottlieb Fiala, 59 years old. He has j *
been eppealing for votes from all I
left-wing groups. ivMac Truman
Since the president must win a
clear 51 per cent majority, a sec-In Accord o
ond ballot probably will have to be
held within 35 days between the
two top candidates. IMan Points
rATORS-Gen. Douglas Mac
s aide, Maj. Gen. Courtney Wi
e Armed Services and Foreign
ington during a break in the
sks Abolit
Senate Spe
ON THE WESTERN front some
Chinese prisoners taken yesterday
wore new summeruniforms and
freshly-issued rubber-soled shoes.
Allied infantry patrols re-
entered Uijongbu, 11 miles north
of the old Korean capital. One
platoon withdrew after smack-
ing into a Communist battalion
on a ridge northeast of the city.
Air strikes were called. Artil-
lery opened up on other small
pockets of Chinese west, north
and east of Uijongbu.
AP correspondent John Ran-
dolph said Allied commanders be-
lieved these Reds were the south-
ern screening force of large Chin-
ese concentrations south of the
38th parallel of the western front.
TURNING TO the overall mo-
bilization set-up, Prof. Kelly re-
ported that substantial progress
had been made in bringing order
out of the chaos which was preva-
lent during the first post-Korea
"At one time, twelve government
.agencies were pushing and pulling
against each other on mobilization
matters. But now, manpower ques-
" tions are coordinated by one
agency, headed by the capable
Arthur Flemming, formerly Civil
Service chief and president of Ohio
Wesleyan University.
r "The American people are too
quick to label a situation black or
white," he asserted. "During an
all-out war, we are capable of
tremendous sacrifices. But if
j, there is something less than war,
we are reluctant to do anything
at all."
* *
MEANWHILE, Prof. Preston
Slosson of the history department,
pleading a panel discussion of "Aca-
demic Freedom," spoke out against
what he termed "interferences of
sstudent freedom."
"I have known no instances of
' restriction of academic freedom
of teachers at this University,"
he declared, "but I have known
cases of suppressions of student
Prof. Slogson went on to cite the
recent extension of University con-
,trols over speakers at Lane Hall as
an example of compromised stu-
dent freedom.
- He alsotmentioned cases of Uni-
versity censorship pressures on The
Daily, most of them many years
"The college publication is far
from representative, since main-
ly radical students write their
views in Letters to the Editor,
while their more conservative
fellows remain inert. But I do not
{Continued on Page 3)
Barbour House
Enidemic Ends
Munsel, Kapell Will Appear
TodayOn Hill Concert Staoe
ala uhae upeue up witr
field guns, mortars andsmachne-
guns. The Syrians accused them
Friday night of breaking a cease
fire agreement reached Friday un-
der United Nation auspices,
Israeli spokesmen charged that
Syria broke the cease fire. Syrian
infantry and irregulars joined in a
vain assault on Muteila hill, they
said, three and a half hours after
the agreement went into effect.
DSR, Union
To Try Peace
DETROIT-(/P) - Attorneys for
the municipally-operated transit
system and the AFL Operators'
Union resumed their talks yester-
They have been trying to reach
an agreement on the status of the
3,700 operators under Michigan's
Hutchinson Act.
Management officials still have
not agreed to waive application of
the act against the strikers and
union leaders have insisted that
the strike cannot be settled until
they do.
SHORTLY after the strike
started the city notified more than
3,500 of the 3,750 operators that
they were discharged under a pro-
vision of the act forbidding strikes
by public employes.
The management and union
attorneys were hopeful of com-
ing to some form of agreement
on legal issues before a union
mass meeting this morning.
The Department of Street Rail-
ways, operator of the system, re-
ported that its net loss since the
strike began is about $605,000. The
loss in revenue has been $1,800,-
000, the DSR said, and operators
have lost $662,000 in wages.
)n of
terrible devastation the
bomb wrought in Hirosh
Nagasaki, and added:
* *
"I SAID AT the end of1
ond World War that we h
our last chance, and I b
firmly. I believe that 99
of the people of the worl
Fiery Patrice Munsel and sol-
emn William, Kapell will be seen
and heard today on the stage of
Hill Auditorium.
Kapell, 28-year-old pianist, will
star in the fifth May Festival
concert at 2:30 p.m. with his
performance of Prokofieff's monu-
mental "Concerto No. 3." His in-
terpretation of this intricate work
They will sing the American
deput of "Sumner's Last Will
and Testament," by the contem-
porary British composer Con-
stant Lambert.
Natzka and the chorus are also
slated to perform the overture to
Mendelssohn's "Fingal's Cave."
AT 8:30 P.M. Miss Munsel will
World News
By The Associated Press
LONDON-West Germany has
suggested that the Western Allies
permit her a 150,000-man army'
and hundreds of light bombers
and fighters to help guard against
any Russian thrust, Western of-
ficials said today.
* * *
PARIS-The Western deputiesk
to the Big Four Conference balked
yesterday at Deputy Andrei Grom-
yko's insistance that the arms
question be limited to Russia, the
United States, Britain and France.
Britain's Ernest Davies charged
that Russia's proposal, which
would ignore the armed power of
all Russia's satellites, was "cynical
and negative,"
* * *
CANTON, Miss.-The crest of
the flooding Mississippi River+
moved toward cities in Missouri
yesterday and National Guards-
men and volunteers watched leveesj
for weak spots.
Says Korean
Policy Never,
Slams British Aid
To Chinese Reds
Arthur, last night uttered this fi-
nal warning to Senate investiga-
tors: The free world is "doomed to
destruction" if it fails to crush
completely the Communist threat
in Korea.
The five-star general wound up
three days of virtually constant
testimony at 6 p.m. with a new
blast at President Truman, deny-
ing he ever violated a presidential
order and declaring he never got
a firm, workable plan from Wash-
ington to carry on the Korean war.
"I FELT in all consence," Mac-
r ! Arthur said, "I could not go on
ordering men to their deaths by
the thousands in such a complete
Arthur vacuum of policy decision."cIf
hitney, MacArthur likewise assailed
Rela- what he called Britain's "con-
closed plete suport" of Red China, de-
claring it not only runs counter
to America's best interests but
"involves the very life of this na-
1* Earlier he poured out details of
the conflict that led to his ouster
h as Far Eastern Commander. The
general declared:
1-Secretary of Defense Mar-
shall authorized him in a personal
atomic message last fall to send his troops
ima and across the 38th parallel in Korea-
a step opposed by some in this
country, and many in allied coun-
the Sec- tries, at the time.
he had-2-The statement made by Pes-
have had ident Truman that he wouldn't let
eieve it the Central Intelligence Agency
percent operate in his' command is "pure
d believe bunkum." MacArthur didn't men-
tion the President by name, but
eporters flatly denied his statement that
was one MacArthur acecpted CIA help only
eals he after a personal plea from Gen.
Walter Bedell Smith.
* * *
also des- AND HE DENIED, time and
ng state- again, the suggestions of Demo-
ndamen- cratic senators that a widening of
the war in Asia might provoke
World War III.
D-Conn) Late in the day, MacArthur ans-
views by wered dozens of questions pro-
eral had pounded by Sen. Morse (R-Ore.).
ding the admiting at one point that the
ttle the withdrawal of U.S. occupation
forces from Korea in 1949-which
he approved at the time-turned
out to be "a very grave mistake."
A course,
iplished;RO esHs
n tatd.Rogers Hints
a start
e, moreAcheson Ouster
in the
n atomic WASHINGTON -(P)-- Another
t acade- report that Secretary of State
counted Dean Acheson may be on the way
ed them. out came from Capitol Hill yester-
came to day, this time in the weekly news
said: 'I netter of Rep. Rogers (D-Tex.).
and be- Rogers wrote the voters back
ition to home he had heard unconfirmed
ay with reports that a Supreme Court Jus-
tice, not identified, is to retire and
theng ol be succeeded by Attorney General
the old McGrath. Rogers added:
that I "It is further hinted that Dean
he great- Acheson is to be replaced in the
at could near future by John Foster Dulles."
The Acheson-is-leaving report
has ben circulating for months,
buthas been denied many times by
President Truman. Since the con-
troversy over Gen. Douglas Mac-
Arthur and the Administration's
Far Eeast policies, however, the re-
port has gained new strength.
Paul R. Leach, Washington cor-
respondent of the Chicago Daily
he sour- News,,6aid in a story yesterday that
entic-so Congressional Democrats expect
those I Acheson to leave the Cabinet with-
Russiar" in 90 days. The story said Dulles is
regarded as the top man now un-
vacuum der consideration to succeed him.
unrest, Dulles, a Republican, is an ad-
possibil- visor to Acheson. ie formerly was
ower in the foreign policy advisor to Gov.
w satel- Thomas E. Dewey of New York.
WASHINGTON--(P) - General
Douglas MacArthur agrees with
President Truman - who fired
him4-on a sizeable number of im-
portant points.
These include opposition to us-
ing U. S. troops 'in China, the!
need for an early Japanese peace
treaty, a Pacific Pact modeled
after the North Atlantic Treaty,
the need of Pacific island defense
bases, defense aid to Europe and
a desire to make the United Na-
tions an effective instrument for
The general said, too, that both
he and the Administration have
spoken out against appeasement
of Communism.
THE POINTS of agreement were
drawn up in a question-and-an-
swer exchange between Senator
Morse (R-Ore) and the general.
1. Going into Korea in the first
2. Holding Formosa. MacArthur
said "it is my belief that at vari-
ous times, at least, the Adminis-
tration has been in complete
agreement with my concept that
it should not fall into enemy
in concerts and on records has solo with the Philadelphia Orches-
won him critics' plaudits. tra under the baton of Eugene Or-
* * * mandy. She will sing arias from
THE STAR of last year's festi- "Daughter of the Regiment," by
val will share billing with bass Donizetti, and "Gianni Schicci"
soloist Oscar Natzka and the Uni- and "La Boheme," both by Puc-
versity Choral Union under Thor cmi.
Senator Moody told re
MacArthur's statement K
of the most moving app
ever heard.
Senator Tobey (R-NH)e
cribed it as a "most movi
ment, going to the real fun
tals of the world's future.'
* * *
brought out MacArthur'si
asking whether the gen
"any hope for us in fin
formula which will se
whole matter."
MacArthur replied:
"It is the abolition of7
"It takes long decades, o
before that could be accom
but, you have to make
There is no halfway subst
"The Japanese peopl
than any other people
world, understand what a
warfare means. It wasn'
mic with them. They
their dead, and they buri
"Their prime ministerc
me, Mr. Shidehara,,and
have long contemplateda
lieved that the only soiu
this problem is to do aw
"And, I couldn't help ge
and shaking hands with
man, and telling him
thought that was one of th
est constructive steps th
possibly be taken."
Forced --Attlee
The radio and television star
will finish with songs by Menot-
ti, Coleridge-Taylor and Thrane
and the "Laughing Song" from
"Die Fledermaus," by Strauss.
The Philadelphia Orchestra will
play Weber's "Euryanthe" over-
ture, Creston's "Symphony No. 3"
and a suite from Strauss's "Der
LONDON-(/P)-Prime Minister Rosenkavalier."
Attlee said yesterday the rearm-I
ing of Britain was forced on the
Labor Party by the menace of SWINTON 0OUTLIT
Communist imperialism and was
contrary to the Laborites' will and
instincts. O e
Making his first speech since S tife ii
the recent resignation of Aneurin
Bevan and Harold Wilson from the
cabinet, Attlee said:
.abinet "W ttead:The explosive political drama
,,"We have taken our decision, unfolding upon the stage of oil-
We intend to go forward on that rich Iran could be the preface to
decision, and we ask for your sup-! World War III, a veteran for'eign
port. The movement is far great- correspondent said here last night.
er than any individual." The assassin's bullets which cut
Attlee spoke at a rally of the dow n s Al hir dim-
London and Southern Areasdown Premier Ali Razmara elim-
League of Youth, the young peo- inated probably the only man cap-
ple's branch of the Labor move- able of holding Iran together, ac-
n Iran Seen as Possible Hot-war
"The oligarchy which controls
the country-perhaps 300 pow-
erful families - prevented im-
plementation of any of the re-
forms which might have eased
the situation. There was no
agrarian reform program. The
central government was cor-
rupt. Provincial governors were
inefficient Iranian bureaucracy."
But, Swinton said there was some
restoration of confidence in the
"Then the extreme nationalists
-an organization rather similar
to Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood-
murdered Razmfra. The extreme
nationalists, peddling only hatred
not have the means to run the
oil fields-as the very able Brit-
ish Ambassador, Sir Francis Shep-
herd, has pointed out," Swinton
** *
LATELY there has been a re-
surgence of public activity by the
outlawed Tudeh, a thinly disguised
Tudeh," Swinton said. "T
ces were absolutely auth
authentic that most of
named promptly fled to
Now, with a power
existing and popular
there is an immediate p
ity of Tudeh seizing p4
Iran and creating a nem