' {
Clerk Stalks Quad During Wee Hours
4 * * * *
Probably no one on campus is
mnore alert to the sound of foot-
steps than Theodore Kaarsberg,
West Quad's night watchman.
But if the footsteps are neither
those of a stranger, a rabble-
rouser, a woman, or an intoxicat-
ed student, Kaarsberg is unper-
urbed and continues his regular
nocturnal duties.
* * *
THE GRAY-HAIRED and con- :
genial Quad sentry admitted that .
his duties (as "night clerk," not
watchman) are rather tedious.
Five nights a week, Kaarsberg :
naintains a steady watch from 2
10:30 p.m. to 6 a.m. before the
hadowy entrance of West Quad. =
Nevertheless, he enjoys his
solitude. His duties, he explain-
ed, keep him quite busy. :::,
Aside from his night time spr- .
reillance of the Quad, Kaarsb'erg
has the enormous task of making
)ut dining room cards every:
ponsibility, of course, is to main- <
ain the "peace, quiet, order and
ecurity" of the Quad and to.- :
heck all transients, non-residents,
and strangers who appear therein.
The bushy-browed Norwegian
is well qualified to fulfill his
Quad duties. He wears a gold
Good Conduct pin presented to
him as a reward for 20 years
service with a well-known elec-
trical company.
Starting his fourth month of
niight watching for the Quad,
Kaarsberg lauded the conduct of
the Quad's residents. "Generally,
they don't cause me any trouble,"
he insisted.
But every so often, he said, stu-
dents stagger precariously by him.
"As long as they can navigate, I
leave them alone," he confessed.
As for rabble-rousers, strangers,
gamblers, and "Anti-vereinigessta-
ituosenwarehandlers" (b o o t 1 e g-
gers, Kaarsberg has no sympathy
with them.
Contrary to an article in yes-
terday's Daily, teachers' certifi-
cate application forms will re-
tain the question on place of
It was incorrectly reported by
the Student Legislature Sub-com-
mittee on Discrimination that the
question was to be removed from
the applications.
THE EYES HAVE IT-Theodore- Kaarsberg, night clerk at West
Quad, keeps a close watch on Marvin Leech, "55 A&D, as Leech
strolls down the first floor corridor at 1 a.m. In the morning,
Leech explained that he was bout for a "whiff of air." Leech's ex-
yplanation stuck, and he ambled away.
rU' Coed Seeking Companions
For Adventurous Rdiver Ride
is what YOU need
on Picnies
Mary Ellin McCrady, '51, had
considered the idea of taking an
open-raft trip down the Mississip-
pi for a long time.
Then she read the best-selling
adventure tale, , "Kon-Tiki," and
decided to go.
IF MISS McCRADY can round-
up from three to five other'ad-
venturous tars, she'll be off July
1 on a three-month excursion from
Pittsburgh to New Orleans on a
home-made raft. .
The blond sociology major
from Ann Arbor plans to take
the exciting trip chiefly because
"it will help a few people to get
to know a small number of other
people very well." But she added,
"it'll also be a lot of fun, and
should be filled with adventure."
Miss McCrady has spent num-
Crib Society
Picks Leaders
Jerry Warren, '52, was chosen
president of the Michigan Crib,
campus pre-law society, in a re-
cent election of officers for the
1951-52 year.
Other officers are: Larry Price,
'53, vice-president; Frank Reed,
'52, recording secretary; Gene
Mossner, '52, corresponding secre-
tary; and Lea Eisner, '53, treas-
The Michigan Crib is organized
to familiarize undergraduates in-
terested in law with the require-
ments and offerings of law
Get It at
erous summers with work camps
of the "Service Civile Interna-
tionale," a pacifist organization.
There, she became interested in
community life and got the germ
of an idea for the trip.
After reading "Kon-Tiki," the
tale of a raft trip from Peru to
Polynesia, she made up her mind
that she too could take a rela-
tively long trip, on the barest of
SHE PLANS to start off the trip
with about $20 from each person
on the trip. With that capital,
they'll build a raft from oil drums
and two-by-fours, purchase a
stove, a lantern and a tent for use
in case of bad weather.
In order to buy food, the group
will stop along the way to aid
in the harvesting of crops. Miss
McCrady plans to spend a few
weeks in New Orleans earning
her way by ,oing minstrel work
with a guitar. She hopes that
some of her companions can al-
so play instruments. Then her
plans call for hitch-hiking back
to Ann Arbor and ending the
journey sometime in September.
So far, Miss McCrady has no
definite travel companions, al-
though she has a tentative reser-
vationtfrom a sociology graduate
student who wants to- study the
group. She would like to hear from
any students that are interested
in taking the trip, and will meet
students at 4:30 p.m. Monday in
the League lobby.
* * *
THOSE WHO are interested but
cannot attend the meeting can
reach her at 2-4819.
Miss McCrady says that she
would prefer to have the trip an
all-girl adventure, but will not be
too particular about taking men
if necessary.
She would prefer to have an ar-
tistic group along for the trip.
She plans to read more than 15
books herself and would welcome
a painter who would like to paint
either the sights along the trip or
the other travellers.
The deadline for submitting
Men's Judiciary petitions will be
Tuesday, according to Student
Legislatui-e officials.
Petitioning is open to all male
students. Candidates will be inter-
viewed May 10. Petitions may be
secured from 3 to 5 p.m. in the
SL building, 122 S. Forest.
To Convene
At Rackham
Michigan teachers, both college
and high school, will discuss "Col-
lege Teaching in the Emergency"
in a conference today at the Rack-
ham Building.
Dean Hayward Keniston of the
literary college will open the meet-
ing at 10 a.m. in Rackham Amphi-
theatre with a keynote address,
exploring the problems college fac-
ulties will face as a result of a
prospective national emergency
period of indefinite length.
to the speaker's platform will be
Prof. Edgar G. Waugh of Michi-
gan State Normal College (Ypsi-
lanti), who will talk on "The Eco-
nomic Status of Faculties in the
Teachers' Colleges."
At 11 a.m., panel discussions
on various phases of the con-
ference theme will get under-
Led by Prof. Preston Slosson of
the history department and Prof.
Adrian Jaffee of Michigan State,
one group will consider whether
traditional ideals of academic
freedom should be modified be-
cause of the present idealogical
cold war, and whether loyalty
oaths serve any useful purpose in
the academic community.
lege Teachers" will be the topic of
a second panel, featuring Prof.
Claude Eggertsen of the education
A third group, headed by E.
Lowell Kelly, Director of the Bu-
reau of Psychological Services, and
Prof. Algo E. Henderson, of the
education school, will delve into
problems of accelerated schedules,
satisfying demands for practical
industrial and military training
yet maintaining liberal arts stand-
ards, deferring college students
and setting up equitable grading
At a 12:15 luncheon in the
League, the conferees will hear
an address by Prof. John P. Daw-
son of the Law School on "Edu-
cation and Political Responsi-
Prof. Wesley H. Maurer, head
of the journalism department,
will deliver a summarizing ad-
dress at 3 p.m. in the Rackham
The Conference is sponsored by
the Ann Arbor Chapter of the
American Federation of Teachers,
an AFL union.
Steere To Talk
Here Sunday
Prof. Douglas V. Steere of the
philosophy department of Haver-
ford College in Pennsylvania will
make two guest appearances at
the First Methodist Church to-
The final lecturer in this year's
Henry M. Loud Lecture series,
Prof. Steere will speak at the 10:45
a.m. worship service on "Behold I
Will Do A New Thing."
At 6:30 p.m. he will address
members of the Wesley Founda-
tion and their friends in the Wes-
ley lounge. His topic for the eve-
ning will be "The Choice Is Al-
ways Ours."
A member of the Society of
Friends, Steere has traveled ex-
tensively throughout Eurppe work-
ing with Quaker missions.
WSSF Petitions
Petitions for 14 positions on the
World Student Service Fund
council will. be available Monday
through Wednesday in all hous-
ing units, the Student Legislature
house and the Office of Student
Petitions must be returned to
Dorothy Leonard in the Office of
Student Affairs by Wednesday.
Visitors Taste U' Life
I, 1
Week To Start
Here Saturday
Internationalism will take the
spotlight on campus from Sat.,
May 12 to Sun., May 20 when the
annual World Cooperation Week
is held.
A daily series of events ranging
from a United Nations Education-
al, Scientific and Cultural Organ-
ization mock assembly to an In-
ternational Ball at the Union are
planned to take place.
* * * -
CO-SPONSORED by the Inter-
national Center and the newly-
organized Ann Arbor Council on
Intercultural Affairs, the week is
dedicated to the furthering of in-
ternational understanding, Homer
E. Underwood, general chairman,
An international pageant pre-
sented by foreign students will
begin the week. It is scheduled
for 2 p.m. Saturday at Kellogg
At 9 p.m. Saturday the Cercle
Francais will hold a "Bal Masque"
at the International Center. It will
commemorate the 2,000th anniver-
sary of the founding of the city of
An Indian Banquet is also set
for Saturday. It will begin at 7
p.m. at the Center. Native food
and entertainment will fill the
* * *
THE NEXT event will be a
Greek banquet, which will take
place at 6:30 p.m. Sun., May 13.
Mothers oaf foreign students will be
honored at this affair.
The three main events of the
week will be an international
radio roundtable panel, the UN-
ESCO model assembly and the
International Ball.
The panel will be heard over
WHRV at 10 p.m. Tues., May 15.
"The Meaning of Peace Through
Cooperation" will be the topic for
Hiru Shah, Grad; Stanley Brom-
ley, chairman of the sponsoring
Ann Arbor Council; Prof. Essen
M. Gale, International Center di-
rector and Underwood will parti-
cipate in the panel.
The UNESCO assembly will take
place at 7:30 p.m. Thursday, at
the Center.
Another highlight of the week
will be an international soccer
exhibition. This will be held at 2
p.m. Sat., May 19.
Also scheduled for the week are
a number of special teas at the
Center and at Lane Hall.
New Plaque
Honors Case
Club Victors
A bronze plaque commemorating
all the winners of the annual Case
Club competition since 1926 has
been presented to the Club by the
administrators of the Henry M.
Campbell Fund, Case Club con-
test sponsors.
Laurence Fuller, '51L, chief stu-
dent judge of the club, accepted
the plaque from Selden S. Dickin-
son, member of the Detroit law
firm which established the Fund.
Although the Case Club is a stu-
dent organization, its operation is
made possible by the Fund.
The presentation was made at
the annual Case Club banquet
which was held at the Union
After accepting the plaque Full-'
er announced that Warren K.
Urbom, '53L, Walter G. Flickinger,
'54L, J. K. Hendes, '53L and
Charles W. Wexler,-53L were de-
clared individual winders in the
freshman Case Club competition.
The Knappen and Cooley case
clubs tied for first place in fresh-
man team competition.
Points accumulated during the
freshman trials determine who
will participate in the junior com-
petition for'the Campbell awards.
(Disciples of Christ)
Hill at Tappan Street
Rev. Joseph M.-Smith, Minister
Howard Farrar, Choir Director
Frances Farrar, Organist
9:30 A.M.: Church School-College Age Class.
10:45 A.M.: Morning Worship (nursery for chil-
dren). Sermon: "The Miracle of the Christian
GUILD HOUSE, 438 Maynard Street
H. L. Pickerill, Director
Jean Garee Bradley, Associate
STUDENT GUILD: 7:00-8:00 meeting at Guild
House; Rev. Pickerill will talk on "The Science
of Christian Living." 8:00 refreshments and
get-acquainted hour.
1833 Washtenaw Ave.
11:00 A.M.: Sunday Morning Services.
Subject-"Everlasting Punishment."
9:30 A.M.: Sunday School.
11:00 A.M.: Primary Sunday School during the
morning service.
8:00 P.M.: Wednesday: Testimonial Service.
A free reading room is maintained at 339 South
Main Street where the Bible and all authorized
Christian Sciencerliterature may be read, bor-
rowed, or purchased.
Ths room is open daily except Sundays and
holidays from 11 A.M. to 5 P.M.; Fridays 7-9
P. M., Saturday 3-5 P.M.
1917 Washtenaw Avenue
Edward H. Redman, Minister
10:00 A.M.: Unitarian Church School. Unitarian
Adult Group-Dr.. Alvin Zander, Chairman,
"Probing Unitarian Convictions."
11:00 A.M.: Service of Worship-Sermon com-
mentary on Stringfellow Barr's, "Let's Join the
Human Race," by Rev. Edward H. Redman.
3:00 P.M.: Unitarian High School Group.
State & Williams
Minister: Rev. Leonard A. Parr D.D.
Student Ministry: Rev. H. L. Pickerill;
Mrs. George Bradley
Director of Music: Wayne Dunlop
Organist: Howard R. Chase
9:30 A.M.: Sunday School.
10:45 A.M.: Public worship. Subject of Dr. Parr's
sermon "The Cult of the Present Moment."
7:00 P.M.: Student Guild at Guild House. The
Rev. H. L. Pickerill will speak on "The Science
of Christian Living."
423 South Fourth Ave.
Theodore R. Schmale, D.D.
Walter S. Press, Pastors
Irene Applin Boice, Director of Music
9:30 A.M.: Church School.
10:45 A.M.: Worship Service. Sermon by Rev.
Schmale, "The ChrGstian Home."
7:00 P.M.: Student Guild at the Guild House,
438 Maynard St. Rev. Pickerill will speak on
the subject "The Science of Christian Living."
120 South .State Street
Dwight S. Large and
Erland J. Wongdahl, Ministers
Mrs. R. L. Blough, Student Director
10:45 A.M:: Worship "Behold, I Will Do a New
Thing" Douglas Steere, preaching.
5:30 P.M.: Student supper and social hour.
6:30 P.M.: "The Choice is Always Ours," Doug-
las Steere. Forum follows.,
Welcome to Wesley Foundation Rooms - Open
11:00 A.M.: Sundays. Visitors welc9me.
(National Lutheran Council)
1304 Hill Street
Dr. Henry O. Yoder, Pastor
9:10 A.M.: Bible Class at. the Center.
10:30 A.M.: Services in Zion & Trinity Churches.
5:30 P.M.: LSA Meeting in Zion Lutheran Par-
ish Hall. Program at 7:00-Speakers will be
Lutheran Foreign Students.
4:00 PM.: Tea and Coffee Hour at the Center,
7:25-7:50 A.M.: Devotions at the Center.
1511 Washtenaw Avenue
(The Lutheran Church-MIssouri Synod?
Alfred T. Scheips, Pastor
Sunday at 10:30: Service, with Celebration of Holy
Communion. Sermon by the pastor, "Continu-
ing in the Grace of God."
Sunday at 4:45: Bible Study. "Epistle to the
Ephesians," continued.
Sunday at 5:30: Gamma Delta, Lutheran Student
Club, Supper. Program at 6:15, 16 mm. So nd-
Color Movie, "GOD OF CREATION." -
University Community Center Chapel
Willow Run
Reverend Blaise Leval, Pastor
Sunday, May 6th, 1951
10:45 A.M.: Divine Worship (to be broadcast over
WPAG). Sermon-"Truth or Consequences."
10:45 A.M.: Church School and Nursery.
4:30 P.M.: Study and Discussion Group. Leader
--Mrs. Bedford Watkins.
The Episcopal Student Foundation -
No. Division at Catherine
8:00 A.M.: Holy Communion.
9:00 A.M.: Holy Communion -followed by Stu-
dent Breakfast, Canterbury House)
10:00 A.M.: Junior High Class.
11:00 A.M.: Church School
11:00 A.M.: Holy Communion. Sermon by the
Rev. Henry Lewis.
1:00 P.M.: High School Club Trip and Picnic.
12:15 P.M.: After-Service Fellowship.
5:00 P.M.: Choral Evening Prayer.
5:45 P.M.: Canterbury Club Buffet Supper and
Program. Canterbury House.
7:00 P.M.: The Rector's Class.
Wednesday, 7:00 A.M.: Holy Communion (fol-
lowed by Student Breakfast); 7:30 P.M.:
Chaplain's Open House, 702 Tappan.
Friday, 7:00 A.M.: Holy Communion (followed
by Student Breakfast); 12:10 P.M.: Holy Com-
munion; 4:00 to 6:00 P.M.: Open House,
Canterbury House.
(Sponsored by the Christian Reformed
Churches of Michigan)
Washtenaw at Forest
Rev. Leonard Verduin, Director
Phone 3-4332
10:00 A.M.: Morning Worship, Rev. Leonard
7:30 P.M.: Evening Service, Rev. Verduin.
TIME OUT-University Day female visitors took a break for lunch at Stockwell Hall. These Battle
Creek High School seniors thought the tuna fish sandwiches were "pretty good" but their male class-
mates over at East Quadrangle sounded more like University freshman in their description of the
meal served there-cheese sandwiches. More than 500 high school students from Michigan and
Northern Ohio roamed campus yesterday, arriving at 9 a.m. and climbing back on their special buses
at 4 p.m. In the interim they heard talks by University and Union officials, visited counselors -in all
schools and saw movies of the 1951 Rose Bowl game.1'
Lane -Halt, Lbrary
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eK:'. ar~peara e:r~pe~r~ge~ou a:r~pe~oa rn
We 'want
to ed ucat e
For your own safety and .conven-
ience, take a lesson from us. Learn
+n , mTa nlrr/c C'.helrc e T'e
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Y. M. C. A. Auditorium
G. Wheeler Utley, Minister