MED SCHOOL VS. DISCRIMINATION See Page 2 jcj 4L Av A6F 4VItr4t a Dad1' 7 u Latest Deadline in the State PARTLY CLOUDY AND COOT: VOL. LXI, No. 148 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, MAY 5, 1951 FOUR PAGES 5UN Forces Gain Ground Over Reds Enemy Retieats On Central Front TOKYO - (A) - Allied forces edged their front line back north in west-central Korea yesterday for the first time since the Reds' big spring offensive ground to a Shalt. There also was evidence of some enemy withdrawals in central Korea, where the next heavy Com- munist blow is expected. A? corresponlent John Ran- dolph reported that Allied troops along the Pukhan River reoccu- pied unopposed part of a deep no- man's land northeast of Seoul. A clash with 7,000 Reds north- west of Seoul was the most solid contact of Allied patrols along the 120-mile Korean front. The Allied attackers broke off the. fight at dusk and returned to their lines. * * * WITH MORE than a half-mil- lion meq still available to them, the Reds again were slowly build- ing strength in the hills north of Seoul and in the rugged central mountain country north of Chun- chon. Despite muddy roads and sod- eskies, Allied tanks and in- faltry roamed north of their S lles. For the third straight day - htey raided Uijongbu, 411 miles north, of Seoul. Small pockets of Red resistance east and west of the old'korean capital also were smashed. The top Allied commander ex- pressed complete confidence that the Communists have no chance of winning their war of aggression in Korea. RETURNING TO Tokyo from his third trip to the front, Lt. Gen. Matthew B. Ridgway said the con- flict would last as long as the Reds were willing "to pay the bloody price they have been paying." General , gw y a s been figldng a war of maneuver in Korea, not a war of fixed posi- tions. He is not expected to wait in present defensive positions until the foe has time to regroup and re-supply the battered Communist assault divions. Ridgway declared, "The only uncertainty I find anywhere. is how long those fellows (the Reds) are going to put up with the empty Communist promises to throw us out of Korea and destroy the UN Army. Army To Call Only .20,000 Vin' June Draft k _. WASHINGTON-(P)-The army Issued a new low number in draft calls yesterday - 20,000 men in June. The Air Force said at the same time it would'add more than 40,- 000 women by June, 1952. * * * THE ARMY'S call for June was the lowest number in a monthly call since the draft was resumed last fall. Some 550,000 men have been drafted or placed on army call since then. In each of the first three months this year, the army got 80,000 men. The April draft was 40,000 and the May quota was 40,000. Officials said the reductions in calls were due to large scale volun- teering and to fewer Korean war casualties than had been expected. THE Women's Air Force strength will be raised to about 48,000 under the new order. The force will in- clude about 4,000 officers. Starting next month, the Air Force plans to commission 200 women officers a month. The monthly enlistment quota will be jumped then from 480 to 1,700. During the first half of 1952, enlistments will rise to a projected level of some 4,000 a month, Earlier in the week, Elmer P. Brock, vice-president of the Na- tional Student Association urged students to apply immediately for the draft deferment aptitude test. Brock felt certain that the tests have not been cancelled or made, 'U' Budget Bill In StateSenate Appropriations Measure Awaits Approval After House Passage By SID KLAUS A $1,583,000. appropriations bill, to make up the deficit in this year's University budget, is now before the State Senate, after having been passed unanimously by the House. University vice-president, Marvin L. Niehuss, who just returned from Lansing where he has been confering with legislators, said that the bill would probably come up for a vote in the upper house early next week. MEANWHILE the Legislature has begun discussion of the 1951-52 AC' ELAli i RSHALL TOO E SY I CHI ES ''-t. Sick 'Wave Loses Hold At Barbour Sudden illnesses which spread through Betsy Barbour House Thursday subsided yesterday as Health Service officials reported only eight women in the infirm- ary of the more than sixty affect- ed by the epidemic. Although two more, women were taken to the Health Service by ambulance yesterday morning, twelve of the twenty who were in the infirmary Friday were dis- charged yesterday. * * s MEANWHILE, epidemiologists in the public health school continued to search for a clue to the swift- striking wave of sicknesses which Barbour residents have attributed to food infection. t Results of a survey taken among the afflicted women indi- cated that the trouble may' have arisen from eating canned pears or pork, or from drinking water. Sanitarians conducting the tests reported that "it couldn't have been & typical type of food in- fection." The probe should be concluded today, they said. Dr. Margaret Bell, Health Ser- vice physician, said the condition of the patients was "improving" and no fevers had exceeded 102 degrees. Also taken ill during the epi- demic were Mrs. Martha V. Strauss, Barbour Resident Direc- tor, and Margaret Bristol, dieti- cian for the residence hall. Mrs. Strauss became sick Thurs- day evening after staying up the previous night giving medical care to the residents. Miss Bristol was struck by the sickness early Thurs- day but had recovered yesterday. A rumor that several West Quad residents had been hit by the epidemic was squelched by Quad officials. The last outbreak of ill- nesses in the Quad was in Octo- ber, 1949. Food tests conducted at that time proved inconclusive. House Trims FinanceBill WASHINGTON-(UP)-The House yesterday slashed $693,137,110 from the independent offices ap- propriation bill, ending a day of voting by trimming President Truman's emergency fund. Its applied reductions to almost all of the 27 agencies financed by the bill for the fiscal year begin- niug July 1 and clamped a lid on new public housing by limiting to 5,000 the number of units that may be started during the year. state budget, which includes the University appropriations for next year. The Board of Regents has maintained that a $15,200,000 state grant would be the abso- lute minimum under which the University could operate next year. And that was after it sliced $400,000 from an original figure because of the estimated reduced enrollment next fall. However the State's Budget Bu- reau recommendation for the Uni- versity is $13,700,000, leaving a staggering $1,500,000 difference of opinion. ADMINISTRATION officials said that if the lower appropria- tion was passed, the faculty for next year would have to bear the brunt of the cut-back. They es- timated that nearly 300 members of the teaching staff, nearly one quarter of the present faculty, would be asked to resign because of lack of funds. Since faculty members with long seniority would not be asked to leave, more than 250 of the 300 teachers to be dropped would be instructors and teaching fellows, cutting their present ranks in half. they also explained that while the faculty reduction would save more than a million dollars, it UN Truce Fails to End Jordan War TEL AVIV-(P-A United Na- tions-sponsored cease-fire agree- ment halted only briefly yesterday the battle of the Jordan as Israeli and Syrian forces renewed fight- ing north of the Sea of Galilee. An Israeli spokesman charged the Syrians had attacked Israeli territory at 5 p.m. Greenwich time (11 a.m. CST), only three and a half hours after the cease-fire had gone into effect. He said the at- tack had been repulsed with heavy losses to the Syrians. * * * IN DAMASCUS, Syria, last night's military communique ac- cused the Israelis of having bro- ken the cease-fire at 1 p.m. Green- wich time, by opening heavy ar- tillery and mortar fire and at- tacking Arabs in the demilitarized border zone. The communique said the Syrians repelled the at- tack by force, inflicting heavy losses on the Israelis. The Syrians said they had only one casualty. Latest dispatches received last night from the fighting area said a grim battle was still in progress. Heavy explosions were heard over a wide sector. The Israeli spokesman said the, fighting was renewed when the' Syrians made their third attempt of the day to capture the height of Tel Al Muteila, on the north shore of the Sea of Galilee and about two-thirds of a mile in- side Israeli territory. The agreement to halt the shooting, was described as a "com- plete, final and sincere" cease- fire. The announcement said the' Syrians agreed that there would be no Syrian military or paramili- tary forces in the demilitarized zone. They also pledged to halt all interference. In return, the Israeli agreed that the zone is to be under the supervision, although not control, of the UN. Charges U.S. Lenient with COMM.unists Implies Bradley Under Pressure WASHINGTON - (A) - Ge Douglas MacArtleur declared ye terday he understood Secretary Defense Marshall was willing discuss giving major concessio: to the Chinese Reds as the bas for peace treaty. He declared Marshall took th stand that a peace conferen might well take up the questio of turning over the island of Fo mosa to Communist China an granting the Reds a seat in t United' Nations. -Daily-Jack Bergstrom MICHIGAN CRUSADERS--A group of delegates f rom Michigan got set to take off for Washington yesterday, armed with a bushel of wheat for India. Left to right, Bill Sky, Herb Cheston, Ann Cot- ton, Joyce Simon and Mary Miserez. Bush Olmstead, Lane Hall staff man and their travelling ad- visor, is not shown. They will present the wheat to Madam Vijaha Pandit, Indian ambassador on Monday. Swould increase the present dent-teacher ratio of 14.2 to State House stu- 17.7. Passes New Anti-RedBill LANSING-(0P)-A bill virtually outlawing the Communist Party and requiring Communists to reg- ister with state police passed the House unanimously yesterday. It now goes to the Senate, The only preliminary to the vote was a successful motion by Rep. Joseph G. O'Connor (D-Detroit) that all members of the House in the chamber be added as co-spon- sors. "You won't find a single Commie here," O'Connor said. Introduced by Rep. Kenneth O. Trucks (R-Baldwin), the measure is modelled after a Texas statute. Communists and members of Communist front organizations are required to register with state po- lice. The party is denied a place on the ballot and it forbids Com- munists to hold elective public office. A provision which also banned Communists from being appointed to public office earlier was stricken because it ran into constitutional difficulties. The House revived and passed a bill giving public employes the unrestricted right to join labot organizations. After defeating it earlier in the week, the House lift- ed it from the table and passed it today 54-44. World News Roundup By The Associated Press VIENNA-Soviet authorities ex- pressed regret last night, at the death of a United States Military Policeman from Russian machine pistol bullets and agreed to join the Americans tin an investigation. .' * * WASHINGTON-Stuart Sym- ington took his oath yesterday as the one-man boss of the Re- construction Finance Corpora- tion preliminary to buckling down to a big two-fold task: * * * DUBLIN - Bickering within Premier John Costello's govern- ment led last night to an order dissolving the Dail Eireann (the lower house of parliament). A general election-which may return t h e Brooklyn - born' Eamon De Valera to the Pre- miership-was set for May 30. -* * WASHINGTON - The Senate sent to the White House yesterday a bill granting permanent resi- dence to Mrs. Oksana Kasenkina, Russian-born woman who at- tracted international attention in 1948 by leaping from the third- floor window of the Soviet con- sulate in New York City. Glt Seen Behind BallotBills Prof. Morgan Thomas, of the' political science department, saw definite political motives yester- day in two election bills passed by the State Senate this week. The most drastic, the approval of the so-called Massachusetts ballot plan, was termed by Prof. Thomas "a definite attempt by the Republicans to offset the popularity of top Democratic name candidates." * * * BY USING this ballot, which would eliminate all straight ticket voting, the Republicans hope to gain votes in some offices from people who are attracted by the names of Governor Williams and Sen. Blair Moody, Prof. Thomas said. "With a straight ticket in ef- feet, these people would prob- ably pace their 'X' at the top of the Democratic column, thus automatically casting a vote for all Democratic candidates." The proposal to advance state primaries from September to June was described by the professor' as an attempt to reduce the Demo- crats' advantage in having their incumbent candidates constantly in the political limelight. Commenting on non-political aspects of the new ballot plan, Prof. Thomas remarked that un- less voting facilities were greatly increased, the plan is liable to cause a decrease in voting. "Marking an X' for each office on Michigan's long ballot will be a long procedure," he said. "Many people will become disgusted wait- ing in long lines, and won't bother to cast their ballots." Five University students and a Lane Hall staffman piled into a crowded car and headed for Wash- ington yesterday armed with a bushel of wheat. They will join up with an auto caravan of students from Minne- sota, Indiana and Ohio who are on their way to Washington to pre- sent token bushels of wheat to New Controls End Luxury Construction WASHINGTON-(P)-The gov- ernment yesterday slapped build- ing controls on "luxury" homes- dwellings costing over $35,000-r- and on big apartment houses, ma- jor 'factories and public buildings. The National Production Auth- ority (NPA) decreed that, these structures may not be started without its specific approval, ef- fective at once. Industrial struc- t.res and public projects fall under NPA's control when more than 25 tons of steel are used. This ex- tends the government's construc- tion regulations over such projects as: Newspaper plants and radio and television broadcasting buildings, previously exempted from the re- straints imposed in January on all commercial building construction, now will require NPA authoriza- tion regardless of the steel ton- nage used. Five U' Students Journey To Washington with Wheat India's ambassador to the United States, Madam Vijaha L. Pandit. * * *. REPRESENTING Michigan in the caravan are Mary Miserez, '51, Ann Cotton, '52, Joyce Simon, '51, Herb Cheston, '51 and Bob Sky. Bush Olmstead, Student Religious. Association student advisor went on the trip also. Their journey is sponsored by the SRA. They carried with them a small sum of donated money to present to the ambassador when they meet her at 11 a.m. Mon- day at the Indian embassy. This will be used to buy more wheat. A group of 31 students come from MacAlester and Augsburg colleges. They left Minnesota Thursday morning, carrying 800 pounds of wheat. *. * * THEY WERE joined by students from Concordia 'College in Ft. Wayne last night, and today they are scheduled to pick up a group from Oberlin College in Ohio. Besides having an audience with Madam Pandit, the crusading stu- dents will meet with their con- gressmen to discuss the pending congressional legislation which would appropriate wheat for fam- ine-ridden India. The Michigan delegation plans to present a list of individuals and groups who are supporting the crusade to the legislators. The list is not yet completed and will be telegraphed to the delegation to- morrow night. Anyone who wants to place their name on the list has been requested to call Lane Hall. THE OUSTED Far East com- mander also implied that the Uni- ted States Joint Chief of Staff, headed by Gen. Omar N. Bradley, might sometimes be subject to "pressure." He said he would accept their judgments. on such issues as the size of the country's military forc- es, for example, if their opinion was "a strictly professional one, without any currents of obligation or pressure from anything else." The 71-year-old soldier, de- posed from his commands by President Truman, spent a sec- on4 day of more than seven hours upholding and explaining his views before the Senate Armed Services and Foreign Re- lations Committees. At the end, fresher than most of the 26 senators who sat in judg- ment on his case, he wanted tc continue, but the committees de- cided to recess and hear him again starting at 8:30 a.m. today. *, * * HE VEHEMENTLY opposed let- ting the island bastion of For- mosa fall into Red hands, declar- ing that in hostile. possession it would "breach completely" this country's Pacific defense line. Other high points of his testi- mony: 1. He is "very definitely con- vinced" that Russia conspired with Red China and North Korea to launch the invasion of South Korea. 2. But war with Russia is "not inevitable." 3. In his public pronounce- ments before his ouster, he did no feel bound by "gang rule" because the American people "are enti tled to certain basic facts when i involves the lives of their sons." 4. He believes his ouster by President Truman for publicit: disagreeing with administration policy was "the judgment of on individual"-presumably meanin the President. After relating Ais understandin of Secretary Marshall's stand o: Formosa and a UN seat for China MacArthur declared he did nc know the position of the govern ment on these issues-presumabl meaning the position of Presider Truman. ** * * Senator Says Acheson Hit Firing of Mac I UNIVERSITY DAY : Inquisitive High School Seniors Roam Campus The order was NPA's first direct, Contributions are also being ac- control applied to residentialdcon- cepted through Lane Hall for struction. Previous restraints have wheat donations. Those wishing been indirect-such as the credit to donate can call in a pledge to controls governing down payments Lane Hall until 10 p.m. today or and mortgage terms. 6 p.m. tomorrow. By ZANDER HOLLANDER University Day high school visi- tors asked plenty of questions yes- terday-mostly the wrong ones. "How about the liquor ban?", was the favorite query, especially from the northern .Ohio seniors who are served beer in their home state. "Is there plenty of social life?", generally came next, according to Guide Bill Burke, '53, followed up work out? Do you Ewen, the miler? Chuck Ortmann? anybody?" . . ~* ** know Don Mc- Do you know Do you know SECOND CAPACITY CROWD: Festival A udience Hears 'Requiem' By The Associated Press Senator Fulbright (D-Ark.) sa yesterday that Secretary of Sta Dean Acheson "vigorously oppo ed" the firing of Gen. Dougl MacArthur from his Far Easte command post. Fulbright's statement came the Senate committee heari when he asked MacArthur if r ports were true that the Gene: had told friends Acheson was r sponsible for his dismissal. MacArthur was asked by Ft bright whether he knew that Ach son "in fact opposed your rec * IN THE East Quad dining room where most of the male visitors I I were served lunch, a score of them produced a mild sensation by ' smoking fat cigars-and deposit- Firejzar ing them, half-smoked, in the ash trays. Q R nn rI N o nmr Another capacity crowd filled Hill Auditorium last night to hear the second concert of the 1951 May Festival-Verdi's "Requiem Mass," presented by the Choral LESTER McCOY, associate di- rector, of the University Musical Society, who trained the Choral Union during the year, said tpat he was "extremely proud" of his Mrs. de Pataky plan to return here this summer to enroll in an Eng- lish language course. MISS FARRELL and Miss The- I it