. :. SAN DAILY FRIDAY, MAY 4, University Tightens Control Over Lane Hall Speakers 1954 f,. t l ,t ,1 .1.. U FI I .0 ""' ~~ Ivr I' . and the student religious groups Governors has been named to dis- meeting in Lane Hall should . cuss the new policy with Dean have the freedom to decide on The South and West Quadran- Walter. The committee is headed the speakers coming to address fles will be hooked together on one by Prof. William Frankena of the their regular religious meetings nain switchboard in the new South philosophy department. and their programs. Quadrangle, Leonard A. Schaadt, "Since I came to Lane Hall as assistant to the Business Manager To Baldwin the announce- director these matters have been >f the Residence Halls, announced ment of the new policy "carme decided by the student groups in resterday. as a surprise. Ever since its es- consultation with the *religiously This system will go into effect tablishment in 1937, SRA has trained staff in Lane Hall. next fall. The telephone company prized the freedom allowed to iat asured the edene hmalls carry out its religious program. "This change seems to me. hat this switchboard, deup of It has been recognized that SRA to infringe directly on the free- ive smaller switchboards, should dom. which should be allowed fivesmalerswichbords shuldreligious groups, and it takes be sufficient to cope with all calls. Group Offers away the crown of educational Connected with this combined and ethical values of leaving to switchboard will be a few more 1 h r the students the responsibility direct tie lines to the switch- ,e olarsiups and imlications of their own boards in the New Women's, choice." Dorm. These tie lines will be the Applications for Glee Club Don Haskell, '51, president of only improvement of the wom- scholarships, which are available SRA, also expressed opposition to en's dorm phone system. to any male student with a full the new policy. "One of the main When asked about the feasibility time schedule and satisfactory purposes of the SRA and Lane >f putting student phones in on grade average, will be accepted Hall is to make the underlying re- separate extensions, like the sys- until May 15. ligious values in problems of stu- tem used by the University ex- Preference will be given to needy dent concern evident," he said. change, Schaadt replied that the students who have contributed "Activities to this end are car- nain difficulty would be that the their time, efforts and talents to ried on under the auspices of the students, by dialing an outside line, extra-curricular activities. Musical SRA council which is responsible night use these phones for long ability is not a prerequisite. to the Lane Hall staff and the listance cals. The residence halls Applications should be.addressed Board of Governors of Lane Hall. would be unable to check these to: Chairman--Glee Club, Award We 'feel that we have operated calls until the cumulative phone Fund Committee, 1020 Administra- carefully within this pattern un- bill arrived about a month after tion Bldg. der a board chosen because of the regular school year ended. The awards will be announced at their experience in religious mat- Schaadt also added that the the Glee Club banquet May 24. ters." switchboards at the New Women's i<:=>o<:::::>o<=>o:- >:o<:>o<=:oc=: Dorm are being studied, and that as soon as there are sufficient funds, improvements will be made. ____________Motner ]knows h e - Advisor Plan Gifts come from Draws Crowd The newly-formed Student Ad- visors Program had a large turn- out yesterday in contrast to the poor showing of the previous week. - This program, which is spon- 0Ea sored by the Student Legislature=Fie in conjunction with the literary 1-ee ace college, will be held each Thurs-17-Jewel Watches day from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. in 1209 v ELGĀ®N Angell Hall. Qualified students U"b E G from every department will be 5 available at that time to give stu- fl75 dents information on various 1 from 3373 courses, and to help them with ' their electionstfor nexthsemester. BUDGET TERMS AT LI Alan Berson '52, director of the NO ADDED COST program, stated that he Was very - satisfied with yesterday's turn- out, which was estimated at morev than 80 people. He said that they expected a larger crowd next o 2A Thursday. ii F Any students who can not come - MOTHER'S DAY FOR FINE JEWELRY at the specified time may makeMA 1thFRINJE LY special appointments by contact- Main at Washington ing Berson at 203 Wenley House, West Quadrangle. . . O AK K) >)- K) t }.>{ 0 >QC Hurry! Hurry!, Hurry! while stocks are still complete '1 :I SELl SING =Y OUT TO THE BARE FIXTURES way below replacement costs . { 4, *- B-15 STYLE JACKETS $5.95 values to $14.95 SOX 6 pair $1.90 35c per pair.. . ceiling price 75c per pair BRIEFS 6 for $2.60 49c each. ceiling price 98c each Undershirts 6 for $2.60 49c each ... ceiling price 98c each Boxer-Shorts 3 for $2.00 69c each ... ceiling price $1.75 Sweat SHIRTS $1.33- ceiling price $2.50 Scout Knife i 99c". ceiling price $2.50 CORDUROY PANTS ceiling price $7.95 NAVY T-SHIRTS 6 for $3.30. 59c each.. ceiling price $1.00 Craig-Wood (All Wool) SWVVEATERS $.99 (slightly soiled)>$10 value PLASTIC RAINCOATS $1.50 ceiling price $3.95 TOE RUBBERS 99c ceiling price $2.29 Famous Brand Swim Trunks 99c Last year's$3.95 suits Hunting Knife and sheath 99c ceiling price $4.00 a 1 t Air Corps Type SUNGLASSES $1.59 ceiling price $5.00 I mom spectfully suggest that you can listen much better if you cycle out to the country on one of our rented bicycles. 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