See Page 4
Latest Deadline in the State
Wake Island
Talks Added,
In 'Mac' Rift
General's Senate
Taft Arms Plan
Reducing Armaments Resembles
'Stripping to BVDs,' Williams Says
Gov. G. Mennen Williams declared yesterday Senator Taft's recom-
mendation to reduce the Armed Forces by half-a-million, bomb Man-
churia and blockade China was like "stripping to your BVD's and
jumping into an ice box."
The governor, who was in Ann Arbor to serve on the "court" of
the Case Club finals, also stated that he had no objection to a little
Kefauver Committee" for Michigan.
A LEGISLATIVE COMMITTEE investigation might do a lot of
good, the Governor said, but he added its effectiveness would depend
~ ultimately on the quality of pre-
- 1liminary investigators.
congressional dispute on makin
Gen. Douglas MacArthur's testi
mony public the Joint Chiefs o
Staff yesterday dropped the re
port on last fall's Wake Islan
meeting between the General an
President Truman.
It quoted Gen. MacArthur a
telling President Truman ther
was "very little" chance for inter
vention in Korea by Red China o:
But questions were raisedim-
mediately as to whether Gen.
MacArthur was talking about
the chance there would be such
intervention or about the chance
of success the Reds would have
if they did come in.
The text showed this questior
from President Truman at th
October meeting:
"What are the chances for
Chinese or Soviet interference?"
"Very little," Gen. MacArthur
But the documeAt went on with-
out a break quoting him on the
difficulties an intervening force
would meet at that stage:
"Had they intervened in the
first or second months it would
have been decisive. We are nc
longer fearful of their interven-
tion. We no longer stand hat ir
From that the general contin-
ued, still without a break, intc
a discussion of the forces avail-
able to the Reds and the hazards
they would face if they started
across the Yalu River.
* * *
MEANWHILE, Senate Demo-
crats after using filibuster tactics,
last night blocked a Republican
move for wide open hearings on
Gen. Douglgs MacArthur's Quster,
The Senate, on a vote of 42 te
40, recessed at 8:40 p.m. without
reaching a vote on a Republican
motion that Gen. MacArthur be
heard in open committee session.
He is due to start testifying at 9
a.m. today behind closed doors.
The recess put off any action
on the motion until at least 11
a.m. today, two hours after Gen.
MacArthur is due to start testify-
All Republicans voted against
' recessing while all Democrats vot-
ed to recess, except Sen. Pat Mc
Carran, of Nevada, who sided with
Republicans as he had on earlier
Sen. Kenneth Wherry, of Ne-
braska, the GOP floor leader, said
Republicans will continue the
fight for public sessions.
G 9 * *
General: Wake
Tbalks Dgo Not
Bear on Korea
NEW YORK-(P)-Gen. Court-
ney Whitney, aide to General
Douglas MacArthur, last night
quoted him as saying the admin-
istration's reports of the Wake
Island conference have "just
about as much bearing on the
problem of Korea today as would
a report of the military operations
on Bunker Hill."
Gen. Whitney added Gen. Mac-
Arthur "didn't know notes were
being taken" during the meeting.
Asked to comment on a report
five copies of a document about
the Wake Island conference had
been sent to Gen. MacArthur Oct.
19 and a receipt signed for them
by one of the general's aides, Gen.
Whitney said:
"It is probably time. I have
no reason to doubt it. No atten-
tion was paid to it in Tokyo. It
was put in the files because a com-
munique had been issued after the
conference deemed to cover the
activities of the conference."
Student Advisors
To Counsel Today
Students may discuss their con-
centration and elections at the
literary college's Student Advisors
Seek New
Though the recount of the bal-
lots cast in the Union vice-presi-
dential elections show no changes
in who won, the nine who were
defeated have petitionled the Men's
Judiciary Council for a new elec-
The recount was brought about
when the Judiciary decided to
count 238 ballots which they orig-
inally had declared invalid.
A total of 1,744 were voided in
the recent election, the majority
of them because poll watchers had
failed to punch on the ballot the
school for which the voters were
entitled to elect candidates.
The 238 ballots which were in-
cluded in the new count were bal-
lots on which the proper school
was not punched but was indicated
by a check mark by the poller.
In challenging the Judiciary de-
cision the defeated candidates as-
serted because elections were de-
cided by as few as six votes it is
very likely the will of the students
has not been carried out.
Filipino Civil
War Possible,
"As a result of the corrupt gov-
ernment now in power irk the
Philippines a civil war can easily
take place within the next two
years," Shihkuo Pao, Grad., said
yesterday at a meeting sponsored
by the Union and UNESCO.
"This situation can be resolved
only if the United States steps in
and forces the existing Liberal{
government to enact badly-need-
ed economic and political re-
forms, he added.
Pao, who has spent four years
in the Philippines, warned against
the existing threat of the Hukba-;
lahaps, Communist guerilla move-
ment which has the support of1
about 20,000 Filipinos including.
7,000 Communist Party members.
"This group can easily take over
because of the general dissatisfac-
tion prevalent in the Philippines.
One-half of the farmers are ten-
ants under autocratic landlords,
wages in industry are low and the
standard of living is very low,";
Pao explained.
Right now the only investi-
gating staff in the state consists
of 20 or 30 men on the State
Police force, Gov. Williams said.
"We would have to augment
that force considerably to make
any state-wide crime investiga-
tion really worthwhile.",
The governor recommended a
force similar to the FBI be set up
under the attorney general to per-
manently investigate law enforce-
ment in the state. He explained
that the State P6lice function
* * *
Buy Rubber
In Malaya
Parliament Split
On Policy Issue
LONDON-(RP)-The colonial of-
fice disclosed yesterday British
Malaya sold 120,000 tons of rubber
to Communist China and 40,400
tons to Soviet Russia in the nine
months ended in March-all since
the outbreak of the Korean war.
Angry words on the handling of
this strategic material bounced
about Parliament. The sales to
Red China had increased heavily
since United States forces under-
took to stop Communist aggression
in Korea. During all 1949, Malaya
sent only 27,500 tons to China.
* *9 *
ston Churchill and Defense Min-
ister Emanuel Shinwell tangled in
the House of Commons.
The storm apparently caught
Shinwell by surprise. He ducked
and parried some of the ques-
tions hurled at him from the
Conservative benches.
Churchill glared across the
chamber at the defense minister.
"Don't you know anything about
it at all?" he demanded.
Shinwell snapped back: "I know
more about it than you do."
THE RUBBER shipment figures
were given by T. F. Cook, under-
secretary of the colonial office, in
reply to a question.
A. G. Bottomley, secretary for
overseas trade, reported no steps
were taken by the recent rubber
conference in Rome to prevent
the 'export of rubber to the Com-
munist sphere.
No one outside the Communist
world officially knows what hap-
pens to rubber landed in China,
but it is required for tires and
scores of other military needs.
World News
By The Associated Press
United States will call today for
a world-wide embargo on Red
China to stop shipment of sup-
plies for making atomic weapons
and on all other war materials,
informed quarters said last night.'
* * *.
LONDON-Britain's Socialist
government fought off a revolt
within its own ranks early yes-
terday and pushed through its
bill ending free spectacles and
false teeth under the public
health service.
* * *
DETROIT-Peace talks in the
12-day city transit strike were ad-
journed indefinietly late yesterday
shortly after taking a hopeful turn.
'9 * * ,
TEHRAN, Iran - Shah Mo-
hammed Reza Pahlevi signed the
act seizing the giant British-
owned Anglo-Iranian oil com-
pany yesterday as British and
American envoys sought to keep
the door open for further nego-
* ~* *
Reds Reported Preparn
i 'O
By Acheson
of State Dean Acheson said yes-
terday he sees no evidence that
American relations have been hurt
by the Senate Crime Committee's
chiding of Ambassador William
White House press secretary Jo-
seph Short said he was unaware
of any plan to recall O'Dwyer from
his M4exico City post, as demand-
ed by a number of Republicans fol-
lowing- Tuesday's publication of
the crime committee's report.
THE COMMITTEE charged that
O'Dwyer, while Mayor of New
York, associated with racketeers
and failed to act effectively against
big time lawbreakers. The report
said his actions "impeded" some
prosecutions and "contributed to
the growth of organized crime."
The Republicans have clam-
ored for O'Dwyer's dismissal as
Ambassador to Mexico.
Acheson replied with a crisp "no"
when asked at a news conference
if he thought, the 'crime commit-
tee's report had an unfavorable ef-
fect on this country's relations with
"* * *
HE SAID HE HAD no plan to
confer with O'Dwyer as a result of
the committee's findings.
Acheson said that if he thought
there was any reason to remove
an ambassador, he nIaturally
would take the matter up with
President Truman.
A reporter asked if he planned
to take such a step with regard to
O'Dwyer. Smiling, the Secretary
said he had no comment on aload-
ed question like that.
(In Mexico City, O'Dwyer had
no comment on the Senators'
The Crime Committee, mean-
while, started drafting laws which
would put into effect many of the
22 anti-crime recommendations it
made in Tuesday's report.
One of the principal bills it plans
to introduce would ban the inter-
state transmission of gambling in-
formation, thus striking at the
racing wire service which the com-
mittee described as the lifeline of
large scale gambling.
The Committee was scheduled
originally to go out of existence
yesterday but -it recently was
granted a four-month extension to
complete its work.
Aptitude Test
WASHINGTON--O)-The dead-
line for college men to submit ap-
plications to take the aptitude
test which will be a factor in de-
ciding which students shall have
draft deferments has been set at
May 15, according to Maj. Gen.
Lewis Hershey, director of Selec-
tive Service.
All postcard applications for the
test must be postmarked not later
than midnight May 15, Hershey
'SALVATOR'-Women clean Bavarian steins as they get ready
for the traditional "Salvator" springtime beer festival held in
Ca se Club Competition
Won011by Pruss, HustonL
First Round
'Called Grea
,..Judged Case Club
* * *
primarily as a patrol force. The
governor saidhe,' feels a state FBI
could be set up under existing law.
as a branch of the State Police if
appropriations were made for hir-
ing a qualified staff.
* * *
GOV. WILLIAMS also com-
mented on rumors of dissatisfac-
tion among labor leaders at his
appointment of Blair Moody to
Arthur Vandenberg's seat in the
United States Senate. He said al-
though the CIO had come out for
George Edwards, former city
councilman of Detroit, other
unions had favored different pos-
sible appointees. He said he was
very pleased with the reaction to
Moody's appointment in Michigan
and Washington.
Caps and Gowns .
Plans Announiced
Seniors in the literary college
who want caps and gowns for
commencement may have their
measurements taken at Moe's
Sport Shop on North University
during the next two weeks.
Francis Pruss, '52L, and James
Huston, '52L, representing the
Cooley Club, were declared win-
ners of the annual Case Club Com-
petition last night at a banquet
in the Union honoring Case Club
A distinguished "court" of judges
headed by Gov. G. Mennen Wil-
liams had heard the final trial of
the competition argued yesterday
afternoon in Hutchins Hall. Pruss
and Huston were opposed by
Thomas Allen, '52L, and Robert
Deane, '52L, representing the Day
Sponsors Pair
For IFCSin
Sorority sponsors for the 11
finalists in the' Interfraternity
Council Sing were chosen yester-
day in a lottery at the Union.
George Chapelis, chairman of
the sing, drew the fraternities'
names from a hat to pair them
off with the sororities participat-
ing. The allotment was guaran-
teed by the IFC to be honest, and
done without malice.
The following pairs were made:
Chi Phi - Alpha Delta Pi, Chi Psi -
Alpha Epsilon Phi; Delta Tau Del-
ta - Kappa Kappa Gamma, Lamb-
da Chi - Alpha Delta Zeta, Phi
Delta Theta - Gamma Phi Beta,
Phi Gamma Delta - Zeta Tau Al-
pha, Phi Kappa Tau - Kappa Del-
ta, Sigma Alpha Epsilon - Delta
Gamma, Sigma Chi - Alpha Chi
Omega, Sigma Phi - Pi Beta Phi
and Sigma Phi Epsilon - Kappa
Alpha Theta.
The sororities are supposed to
provide a solid cheering section
for the fraternities they sponsor
at the IFC Sing at 7:30 p.m. Wed-
nesday at Hill Auditorium.
Club in a hypothetical case invol-
ving the validity of the'McCarran
* * *
AS WINNERS OF a competition
which began last fall between 16
case clubs of the Law Sgbool, Pruss
and Huston each received a Henry
Campbell Award of $100. Runners-
up Allen and Deane were each
awarded $50 prizes.
Chief Judge Orie Phillips, of
the Court of Appeals for the 10th
Circuit, Denver, made the prin-
cipal address at the banquet,
speaking on his "40 Years at the
Bar and on the Bench."
Judge Phillips had joined Gov.
Williams, Dean E. Blythe Stason,
of the Law School, and Chief Judge
Arthur Lederle, of the Federal Dis-
trict Court for the Michigan East-
ern Division, in hearing and eval-
uating the arguments of the Case
Club finalists in the afternoon
- * * *
JUDGE PHILLIPS declared the
presentations of the oral argument
were generally excellent with both
sides giving very creditable per-
formances. The contestants were
not judged on points of law, but
were installed solely on presenta-
tion of oral arguments and briefs.
The case for the final round,
has been constructed around the
use of the mails by a group listed
as a "Communist front" or-
ganization by the Subversive Ac-
tivities Control Board. The trial
amounted to a hypothetical test
of the constitutionality of the
McCarran law.
It is without significance that
the team supporting the law was
declared winners.
The Case Club Competition was
established by a Detroit law firm
in honor of Henry Campbell to
give law students a chance to run
practice trials under actual court
UN Victor'
Three Division
Attack Expected
TOKYO-4-P)-The Reds yester-
day were reported 'getting read!
to renew their bogged-down sprin
offensive in Korea with a three
division assault on Seoul.
The Allied field commandei
proclaimed the first round of the
big Red drive a great Allied vie.
tory but warned bigger blows pos-
sibly were to come.
YESTERDAY intelligence off4
cers on the western front told A
correspondent George McArthr
of reports two North Korean dlvi-
sions and a Chinese Red divisor
were to be hurled at Seoul.
These forces were regrouping
out of range of Allied artilery,
which helped blow up the Com-
munist timetable to capture th,
Korean capital by May Day.
So were other Red buildu
forces in the center where a new
attack also was expected.
* * *
THE IEDS, having lost more
than 75,000-men in the first round
of their offensive, played it Ca
cautious yesterday only 395 were
killed or wounded in ground actio!
all across Korea.
This UIith Arpy estinb
was the lowest for single
in weeks.
Yesterday's biggest action wa
a thunderous artillery duel north.
west of Seoul. The Allies won it
After the Chinese opened up witl
hundreds of shells on United Na-
tions positions'the big Allied guni
replied and silenced the foe's bat-
RED POSITIONS on the west
were shelled by the U. S. cruise
Toledo, firing from the Yellow
"The enemy has faild i th
first phase of his offensive," Lt
Gen. James Van Fleet, Allied
ground commander in Korea, said
"He has paid a heavy price. The
first part of the battle has ende
in a great victory for the Unite
However, Gen. Van Fleet cam-
tioned: The Reds have "the caps
ability of hitting again as hard a
before or harder. I am confideni
the results will be the same."
Mimes Select
18 Members
Mimes, the honorary organiza-
tion of those who work on the
Union Opera-last night selected
18 new members, elected new offi-
cers and set dates for their ban.
quet and reunion luncheon.
New members are Dave Connell
'53; Dave Leddick, '51; Jim White
'52; Pete Dendrinos, '52; Do
Ghareeb, '52; Pres Holmes, Grad.
Ted Blumenstein, '52; Roger Gar.
fink, '51; Jim Harsant,|'52; Jrr
Kemper, '52; Bob Knode, '52; RorT
Kordenbrock, '51; Don Olivier, '52:
Dan Pletsch, '53; Pat Ross, '51;
Bill Williams, '54, Bill Werner
'54 and Paul Ausum, '52.
Election victors were Bob Chese.
bro, '52, president; Jim McGlncy
'52, vice -president; Jim Kempe
j52, secretary-treasurer, and Te
Blumenstein, '52, librarian.
Mimes' banquet will take place
at 7 p.m., May 18, and the re-
union luncheon June 15.
Police Query 14
About Vandalism
Citizens' Participation
In Government Urged
Greater citizen participation in
government removal of corrupt of-
ficials and establishment of local
crime commissions were advocated
at last night's Michigan Forum
as means of combatting the wide-
spread crime reported by the Ke-
fauver Committee.
Chester Byrnes, president of the
Student Bar Association, who
along with George Edwards, former
president of the Detroit City Coun-
cil, and Prof. John Waite, of the
Law School, participated in the
discussion, asserted citizens them-
selves are to blpme for the pre-
sence of unthrottled crime in their
to be elected by only a minority
of the eligible voters, it will not be
hard for gangsters to have their
own candidates elected.
Zdwards gave examples of cor-
rupt government in action. He cit-
ed several instances in which un-
ion organizers and leaders were
brutally beaten and which the De-
troit police shrugged off as the
result of internal union friction,
despite what he called the obvious
instigation by manufacturers.
* *9 *
PROF. WAITE emphasized pre-
sent laws are more than adequate
to control crime. What is needed,
Prof. Waite said, is people who will
OAK RIDGE, Tenn.-A strike'
of AFL construction workers on a
huge atomic plant project spread
yesterday as union leaders "ur-
gently" requested the strikers to
return to their jobs.
* * *
TEL AVIV, Israel - Heavy
fighting raged yesterday between
the disputed frontier area north
Israeli and Syrian troops near
of the Sea of Galilee, Israeli
officials announced last night.
-* * *
WASHINGTON-- T h e S e n-
ate Agriculture Committee called
yesterday for quick repeal of the
government's new price control
order on beef, saying it will cause
"a severe meat famine leading to
early rationing."
Western Powers.
Submit Proposals
PARIS-(VP)-The three western
nowers submitted three alternate
Rubinstein Opens Festival Tonight
* * *
Artur Rubinstein, noted piano
virtuoso, will appear as the first
guest star of the 1951 May Festi-
val in the opening concert at 8:30
p.m. today in Hill Auditorium.
He will share the stage with ETu-
gene Ormandy and the 100-man
Philadelphia Symphony Orches-
people than any other living pian-
ist, the artist began his career in
his teens, acquiring reknown
throughout Europe before his
American debut in 1906. Since
that time he has traveled more
than two million miles to play
everywhere on the globe except in