Pr luv t W t 41 F -A XT *I"1A iUT X AAT AfIJ la DAILY .rUaoi,DA MAY 0X947'a,, IU... "ampus Queen Referendum E CAMPUS QUEEN referendum con- ducted in the recent Student Legisla- election was a sad example of a farci- pinion poll. nstead of simply asking, "Are you in or of having campus queen elections?" author of the poll twisted the question that it read, "Are you in favor of the versity prohibition against the election campus queens?" stated, the question slanted the issue, prejudiced and confused a good many rs. It placed emphasis on a so-called ersity prohibition, one which is not ev- ,n absolute regulation, but rather an ritten rule and a campus tradition. Many s, seeing "University regulation," auto- cally reacted with a "no," sensing some of "paternalism" without noticing the al point of the poll. oreover, the sentence construction put orials published in The Michigan Daily, written by members of The Daily staff represent the views of the writers only. TIGHT EDITOR: WENDY OWEN it in a'class with the type of question stu- dents groan about in a psychology 31 exam. Those against selecting campus queens had to vote "yes," while qtteen advocates had to cast a negative vote. In confused haste many voters inadvertedly checked an answer they did not mean. Finally, instead of simple "yes" or "no" answers, the votes had to be cast in terms ranging from "strong yes" to "strong no." This is slightly less than ridiculous, unless the SL has devised some unusual weight- ing system which would fairly evaluate the significance of each answer. Final vote tabulations showed several hun- dred more votes cast against the University regulation than for it. Theoretically, this would put champions of queen elections in the majority. But inadequacies invalidate the referen- dum as real evidence of campus viewpoint. If SL wants to know actual student opinion,; it will have to conduct a more scientific and unbiased poll. Meanwhile, neither advo- cates for nor against the ascendency of campus queens should use the poll as evi- dence to push their side of the question. -Donna Hendleman MATTE R By STEWART ALSOP . WASHINGTON-The threatened rupture of the Anglo-American alliance, drama- tized by Gen. MacArthur's recall and An- eurin Bevan's resignation, has much deeper roots than most people realize. For the fact ,i that the British planners and military chiefs are more and more inclined to chal- enge the basic concept on which American strategy rests, and thus in a sense, to chal- lenge also the basis of the Anglo-American Nlliance. The heart of the matter is that Ameri- can strategy is now squarely based on atomic bombing of great population cen- ters-and the British Isles themselves are fatally vulnerable to just this form of at- tack. This is certainly one reason why the British have already proposed, at least m ffCURR)ENT MOVIES At The Michigan,... YOU'RE IN THE NAVY NOW, with Gary Cooper and Jane Greer ESPITE THE strangely familiar ring of Its title, this is not a "Don't Give up the Ship" picture or a "Sink the Army, Sink the Army Gray" picture. It is instead a bright, 'nforced comedy that carelessly avoids all the old pitfalls and comes up a definite seeper on the lighter side of Hollywood' current output. formerly titled "U. S. S. Teakettle," it is briefly the story of a crew of ninety-day wonders aboard an experimental steam-run sub chaser. That is virtually the entire plot, and for the most part, it proves an entirely adequate framework. The very fact that it rnwakes no attempt to be a laugh-a-minute job lends to a leisurely air that is always persuasively convincing. The New Yorker Magazine who printed the original story would probably even recognize it. Gary Cooper does one of his best jobs in a long time, adding to the suspicion that he never should have extended himself toward "greater" things. Jane Greer is Navy-wife type, but never annoyingly so. Millard Mit- chell gives his, usual competent performance. Eddie Albert, Jack Webb, and Dick Erdman are Cooper's fellow officers. They all seem healthy and interested without being aggres- sive about it. -Bill Wiegand Poetical Solution Robert Frost is a fine poet, a splendid poet, an excellent poet. But as a solver of the world's problems-no. Frost's solution of everything, set down in an interview, is to give every man in the world 20 acres of land, let him work them. Perhaps it sounds good at first hearing. All men would have the sense of getting back to mother earth and'to fundamentals again. They'd be able to revel in the feel of the good soil, the scent of the fresh-cut hay, the low sweet hum of the bees, the glory of the sunrise, the taste of spring-fresh water. Surely then all would be peaceful in the World., But would it be? Because none of those hings would come automatically, after all. 'here'd be the plowing to do, and the seed- ing. There'd be the constant cultivation to keep down the weeds. There'd be contention with rainstorm and snowstorm and hail- storm and drouth and tornado and locusts and aphids and weevils and blight and hog holera and distemper and blackleg. There'd be the battle to get the hay in the barn efore it rained but not so soon before it ained that it would ferment. There'd be ... _',,I n9 Am ae -hnivA nfi informally, that if war comes, American atomic bombs should not be used against Soviet or satellite cities, except in retali- ation for Soviet attacks on American or allied cities. The British are urging, that, unless the Soviets first use their atomic stockpile for population bombing, the American stock- pile should be used only against communica- tion lines, special isolated targets, and tac- tically against enemy troops in the field. This proposal is based on the assumption tlpat even in war the Russians probably would not use their bombs against allied cities if they knew this would cause devasta- ting retaliation against Russian cities. *a* * THIS MAY BE wishful thinking, but in the terribly exposed position in which the British find themselves, wishful think- ing is natural. The British also advance a 'second, and very powerful argument for their proposal. This is based on a point made by the great American expert on Russia, George Kennan, in a recent issue of "Foreign Af- fairs." "We in the outside world," wrote Ken- nan, ". .. will never prevail in any strug- gle against the Soviet power unless the Russian people are our willing allies. That goes for peace, and it goes for war." The British argue-and Kennan would doubtless agree-that the Russian people are not going to be "our willing allies"" after thirty million or so Russians have been kill- ed by our atomic bombs. They argue that mass population bombing, except in retalia- tion, would be as fatal an error as Hitler's savagery in Russia, cementing the people around the regime, and thus ending all hop of quick or decisive victory. Unfortunately, there are very cogent rea- sons why the British proposal will almost certainly be rejected. For one thing, there is the nature of the bomb itself. In certain special circumstances, the atomic bomb can undoubtedly be used effectively as a tactical weapon. Yet the brutal fact is that the ato- mic bomb is inherently suited, not for use against isolated targets and troops in the field, but for use against the massed popu- lations of great cities.1 * * * IN HIROSHIMA and Nagasaki, the three primary effects of the bomb-blast, heat flash, and radiation-caused only a small fraction of the casualties. The great bulk of casualties are caused by the city itself, when blast collapses buildings on top of people, and when both blast and heat flash start terrible fires. The cruel truth is that the atomic bomb is only a really revolutionary weapon when it is used in this way-to cause great cities to destroy their inhabi- tants. Used in any other way, the bomb is no longer a decisive weapon. Heavy industrial machinery is not essentially damaged by the blast of a modern bomb, even under a mile from ground zero, the point above which the bomb is exploded. A soldier in a slit trench would almost certainly live to fight another day only a mile from ground zero, and a tank would remain essentially intact well under half a mile from ground zero. Even assuming that many hundreds of bombs were available for tactical use, or against isolated targets-and each bomb represents a very heavy investment-the effects could not be decisive. A weapon with a killing radius of not much more than a mile cannot stop a numerically su- perior army advancing across a fluid front of many hundreds of miles. Thus to ac- cept the British proposal would be the equivalent of very sharply reducing the American atomic stockpile. And the Am- erican atomic stockpile s the central military asset of the West, and the only real existing deterrent to Soviet aggression. The fact is that the follies of past disarm- ament have reduced this country and its al- lies to total reliance on a willingness to use the atomic bomb, in the most ruthless way, for the awful purpose for which it is in- ho.a ..lo .4~1 ari a t h mle rentmrn.ep . DORIS FLEESON: Ohio Inquiry WASHINGTON-Sen. Robert A. Taft fears the Greeks bringing gifts. The Senator from Ohio and his friends have steadily pooh-poohed the Monroney subcommittee's investigation of the Mary- land election and insisted much worse things were done to Mr. Taft. "Why doesn't the committee look at Ohio?" they have asked. As politicians they should have learned that rhetorical questions sometimes get unexpected answers. The subcommittee, on motion of Sen. Margaret Chase Smith of Maine, has voted to explore the Ohio election. The Capital Cloakrooms now report that the presumed beneficiary of this attention was taken by surprise and is not troubling to conceal his suspicion that something less than pure camaraderie inspired it. Senator Wherry of Nebraska, minority floor leader, acted as his G-2 in an effort to uncover the facts. Senator Wherry has been assured that the subcommittee had before it certain material from Mr. Taft plus complaints which tended to show that the tactics and practices used in Maryland prevailed also in Ohio. Ad- mittedly Senator Taft did not ask for a similar investigation but left the questions raised in a state of suspense where they could be drawn upon when oratorically use- ful. Mr. Wherry is in politics too. Subcoin- mittee members did not have to explain to him that, when they brought in their Maryland report, they did not propose to be beaten over the head with complaints about their omission of Ohio. The Ohio campaign was harshly fought; some of the Taft exhibits of comic books, photographers, etc., which he attributes to the CIO, are vulgar and disgusting. Last November's vanquished Taft oppo- nent, Joseph T. Ferguson, has an underdog story of his own to tell, however. He will be able to show that recorded contributions of the Taft campaign reached the staggering total of $2,066,591.87. This is 23 times what the Senator will earn during his six-year term. Only in Pennsylvania, also the scene of a hard-fought battle, was it exceeded. Labor reported $250,000 spent for Fer- guson. The Democrats were letting labor carry the ball and expending the bulk of their money and effort on the State ticket. It takes very little experience with Senate investigations to realize that they do notl always take the direction intended nor are they easily kept within limits at first en- visaged for them. Senator Brewster of Maine, for example, once shot an arrow into the air intended .for Howard Hughes and Elliott Roosevelt; It landed on Senator Brewster. Senator Taft is a candidate for Presi- dent next year and is already fighting the handicap that he is too entirely the choice of the haves. Besides, Senatorial investi- gations take an inordinate amount of time on the part of everyone involved in them; it is time Mister Republican can ill afford as the Senator moves into its crucial tests. The more astute politicians of the Sen- ate are meanwhile gazing at the woman Senator from Maine with new respect. It has occurred to them that the Republican leadership might have been well advised to have allowed her to work off her investigat- ing zeal on the expenditures subcommittee from which Senator McCarthy was permit- ted to depose her. (Copyright, 1951, by the Bell Syndicate, hni.) Cyclical His tory THE LIFE OF A college professor, once re- garded as one of serenity and security, is anything but that nowadays.- , He is assailed by preachers and patriots, by busybodies and Bryans, until his only safety lies in not having any opinions and in confining his teaching to the multipli- cation table. During the last few years there have been at least three lines of attack upon the inde- pendence and self-respect of teachers both in our colleges and in the public schools. During and after our participation in the World War there was a surveillance of teachers with a view to driving out those of pro-German, pacifist, or radical sympathies. This ate into institutions of even the highest scholastic standing, like Columbia UnTver- sity, and later led to the iniquitous Lusk bills-fortunately defeated-for the control of public-school teachers in New York. Then there developed the attack upon text books of American history and their writers, aimed in general at the suppression of all facts-no matter how well authenticated-- which tended to "belittle" the heroes or ex- ploits of the Revolutionary War. In response to this attack a good many publishers-more careful for profits than for their integrity-- modified their textbooks. Finally came the medieval attack upon modern science, which led to widespread meddling, including a state law against text books teaching evolution in Tennes- see and a ruling by the North Carolina state Board of Education that evolution should not be taught in the public schools. Now the circle seems to have been com- The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will be condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the editors. McGee ... lia.. ON THE Washington Merry-tGoRound with DREW PEARSON W ASHINGTON-Before President Truman made his tough decision to fire General MacArthur, he asked General Matt Ridgway for a confidential opinion as to whether UN forces could hold against the expected big Communist offensive. Truman took this precautin, first because it had been known for some time that the offensive was coming, second because he also knew what a catastrophic torrent of criticism would be heaped on his head if after relieving MacArthur, UN forces suffered a staggering defeat. Gen. Ridgway cabled back that his forces could hold. He went further and stated that he could hold against any enemy attack for sixty days-even without reinforcements. The Pentagon, reporting this to the White House, said they had complete confidence in Ridgway, so Truman shot the works with MacArthur. There are several important reasons for this confidence, all going to the tremendously improved fighting quality and command of Am- erican troops. Last December a Chinese army only half as big as that facing us today, was thrown against the UN. It was not one million men as Mac- Arthur announced. Yet that relatively small Chinese force threw the 8th Army for a headlong retreat of more than 120 miles. Furthermore the Chinese army of last December was poorly equipped with small arms and almost no heavy artillery. Today, twice as many Chinese are attacking, equipped with twice the firepower of last December. Meanwhile UN forces are only slightly bigger than as of last December. Chief change between now and then, however, is in American fighting spirit and strategy, for which Lt. Gen. Matt Ridgway deserves most of the credit. Here is what he has done: -AMERICAN GUERRILLAS - 1. PREVIOUSLY THE MECHANIZED American forces were road- bound and easily outflanked by the Chinese, who swarmed through the backwoods and rice paddies, usually keeping off the main highways. Ridgway has now moved his infantry off the roads, and trained them to fight on the Communist's own ground. Instead of relying on trucks and jeeps, Ridgway has hired South Korean bearers to haul supplies to G.I.s who are dug in off the highways. Ridgway also has used guerrilla-trained American rangers to harass the enemy behind their lines. 2. Ridgway has moved cautiously, and patrolled every step of the way, instead of racing ahead pell-mell, as Lt. Gen. Edward Almond and the late Gen. Walton Walker did last November to see whose troops could reach the Yalu river first. Ridgway also keeps tight liaison between his front-line commands, in contrast with the Eighth Army and Tenth Corps last November which were forced to keep in touch with each other through Tokyo, a thousand miles away. 3. Ridgway has reorganized his command down to the company level. This got rid of incompetent officers and gave the men new con- fidence in their commanders. 4. Ridgway has also bolstered the South Korean troops, who fight ferociously against North Koreans but flee in panic from the Chinese. Ridgway gave the South Koreans a taste of victory over the Chinese by integrating South Korean and American units and throwing them into battle side by side. Ridgway also assigned South Korean soldiers to count the Chinese dead. This has helped, but not overcome the South Koreans' psychological fear of the Chinese. * * * * -CONGRESSIONAL PROCRASTINATION - HOURS - EVEN MINUTES-are vital to a starving person. Yet Congress dawdled months before agreeing to consider legislation to feed the hungry mouths of India. Behind this inaction is another story of how the American people rise to the occasion when their Senators and Representatives fail to act. It was a growing floodtide of gifts to the Indian embassy, from people in all parts of the United States that caused isolationists in Congress finally to consent to vote on the Food-for-India bill. However, the isolationist bloc, led by GOP Rep. Clarence Brown of Ohio, put up a vigorous battle before the legislation was finally jarred loose from its dusty pigeonhole in the House Rules Committee. NOTE-Both the Senate and House are now set for a final vote on the wheat-for-India bill. The House bill provides for a loan of $190,000,000, while the Senate bill provides for $200,000,000 of food, of which half is a loan, half an outright gift. Herbert Hoover proposed that all the food be in the form of a gift. (Copyright, 1951, by the Bell Syndicate, Inc.) To the Editor: THOSE students and faculty who responded so magnificiently to the appeal of the McGee Commit- tee to write to President Truman and Governor Wright to save the life of Willie McGee may well be proud. Since that time the move- ment to save McGee from death has gained a national significance with international repercussions. I would like here to give a brief and partial account of the world- wide protest as it stands, to date: In the United States, Labor, Civic, Religious a n d Student groups went to the aid of McGee: Labor-The Nat'l CIO Executive Committee; Ford Local 600, UAW; Dodge Local, UAW-CIO; Chicago Packinghouse Workers, CIO; In- ternational Mine, Mill and Smelt- ers Union; Warehouse Workers Union; NY Newspaper Guild; Cleveland UAW Council; Gary, Indiana Steel Workers; Deluth, Minn. Steel Workers (CIO); AFL Bakers Union, Bklyn.; Marine Cooks and Stewards Union, Fur and Leather Workers; United Electrical Workers, 1000 NY Labor Leaders. Civic Groups-The National As- sociation for the Advancement of the Colored People; The Nat'l Lawyers Guild, The American Ci- vil Liberties Union; The Civil Rights Congress; Milwaukee City Council; 26 members Los Angeles County Democratic Party. Student Groups - The Student Legislature, students from Hunter College, NYU, Bkln College, Co- lumbia University, New York City; (SL wrote a letter to the Univer- sity of Mississippi Student Gov- ernment indicating its support of Clemency for McGee.) Religious Groups - The AEM Bishops Council; Baptist Ministers Conference, Religious leaders all over the country. Among those individuals of note who have re- sponded to the call to "Save Mc- Gee" are: Walter White, Presi- dent of the NAACP; Albert Ein- stein; Rep. Powell (D, NY) who demanded impeachment of the Federal Judge who denied MGee a hearing; Thomas I. Emerson, President of the National Lawyer's Guild; Sen. Langer (R, ND) who called the McGee case "an out- rage." The International Response- Eleven Australian Trade Unions; 42 members of the French Na- tional Assembly; Students from the University of Paris; The Con- federation of Workers of Latin America (1,000,000 strong); The National Parliaments of Nigeria and the Cameron. I repeat, this is only a partial list and the protest is growing. Willie McGee is once more scheduled, to die-on May 8th. President Truman has the power under the Federal Civil Rights Act to insist that McGee receives "fair and equal treatment before the law." He will use this power if he knows that Americans and people the world over so desire him to use it. Letters, cards and telegrams to President Truman, The White House, Wash., D.C., will inform him of this desire. We students have acted once. We must do it again and insure, once and for all, Justice and a new trial for Willie McGee. -Art Buchbinder '51 ce ** * * McGee s To the Editor: SOMETIMES I wonder if we stu- dents aren't living in a dream- world. When we bandy about the phrases "dignity of the individual" and "human freedom" so glibly, we tend to lapse into some ideal realm divorced from, all reality-- we can even forget that here a negro still must struggle to win the most elementary human rights. There are persons in Mississippi who want to kill Willie McGee on May 8, upon a charge for which he never had a fair trial, accused of a crime for which :no white man has ever received the death penalty, un d e r circumstances strongly indicative of frame-up. McGee's lawyers have evidence, backed up by the testimony of witnesses, to show that the State's case is based on a lie, a lie con- cocted to protect the reputation of one white woman. No court has passed on the validity of this evidence, one way or the other, because every court in the land has refused to hear Willie McGee's cause. True Americans will stop this injustice. ,.President Truman is The Tumult And The Shouting Dies; The Captains And The Kings Depart authorized by Federal statute to order an investigation into the case, and is obliged by all morality to use his influence for justice. Let us get down-to-earth and write to President Truman and to Governor Fielding Wright (State House, Jackson, Mississippi.) If we continue to let these things go on, we are all guilty. -David R. Luce, Grad. * * * Peace Plan. To the Editor: OUR, COUNTRY has been slight- ly shaken by the removal of General MacArthur from com- mand of the U. S. Far Eastern Military Forces. A large part of the people have allied themselves. with either MacArthur or the Tru- man camp, Those who follow Mac- Arthur believe that the quickest overall peace will result by bomb- ing Manchuria and gending Chiang's forces with U. S. aid to the mainland of China. These people fail to realize that such a procedure will almost certainly precipitate an all-out war of East vs, West. Even if the Chinese- Russian treaty of 1950 did not bring Russia into the war imme- diately, then full war with China's 475,000,000 would be a long-drawn out and horrible event for both the Chinese people and the Amer- ican soldiers. The section of the people who adhere to the Truman-Acheson, foreign policy also fails to realize the war potentialities of such a scheme. The plan is to support all anti-national liberation forces, keep the war going in Korea and to force armament programs upon all Western European nations. This policy will be certain to lead to all-out war if unchecked. The North Korean government has recently offered a truce with the following terms: (1) All for- eign troops to be removed from Korea, and fighting stop; (2) Af Korean elections to be held under U.N. supervision to form a united Korea. This plan seems to be an honorable road to peace for the U.S. However, the American press and radio practically has ignored the offer and the Administration has rejected it. Only if enough people are ga- thered into a "peace force" which will oppose the foreign policies of Truman and the "MacArthurites" can war be prevented. ,-Stephen Swale Racing Note .. That horse named Repetoire looks more and more like a real Derby favorite. And as much like a typographical error as on the first day its name appeared in print. -St. Louis Star-Times £ir1~ijun UIL! .. XetteP4 TO THE EDITOR WARM N .a ,x I Sixty-First Year Edited and managed by students of -the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. 1 Editorial Staff Jim Brown ... ........Managing Editor Paul Brentlinger..........City Editor Roma Lipsky ..... .... .Editorial Director Dave Thomas.........Feature Editor Janet Watts ... .......Associate Editor Nancy Bylan ..........Associate Editor James Gregory ........Associate Editor Bill Connolly .........SportEditor, Bob Sandell ... .Associate Sports Editor Bill Brenton ....Associate Sports Editor Barbara Jans .........Women's Editor Pat Brownson Associate Women's Editor Business Staff Bob Daniels .........Business Manager Waiter Shapero Assoc. Business Manager Paul Schaible ...Advertising Manager Sally Fish............Finance Manager Bob Miller ........Circulation Manager Telephone 23-24-1 Member of The Associated Press The Associatea Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited to. this newspaler. All rights of republication of all other matters herein are also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan as seond-class mail matter, Subscription during regular school year: by carrier, $6.00; by mail, $7.00. t.' .A A Si . ti 9 BARNABY Don't worry, li'l pardner. I'll I amble right down to that Elves, Y' Leprechauns, Gnomes and Little u-kee rk j-. And then will Tennessee Hennessy really get to be Albert's Fairy Godfather? r Our organization is very exclusive. If just ONE of us happens to feel that for some reason on applicant doesn't I , I a. fi !t s I I