CAMPUS QUEEN REFERENDUM See Page 4 Y G . Latest Deadline in the State 43.atl]g 40 ,v_ rxr.n r nv rsmr VOL. . r lAV * aXa l .ar JMAL 144. L : L~1.,±11 LIJ) U U&U U it , KZiitA i t VL" AAd%4a IN V« 441g ANN ARBOR. MTV.HTV AN_ TYTlk'.Q"A V M a v 1 , o rtl ravN n~ ~LY+Vflnllx>rA1b. 'I Tm'"A-Y, MNAX 1 191 six PA( Labor Chiefs Agree ToEnd I ontrovers Unions Given Si Seats on Board WASHINGTON - (P) --T United Labor Policy Commtt yesterday ended its quarrel wi mobilization officials and e pressed the view that its two mon boycott- of defense agencies wou benefit the American people. The Committee, representi { 15,000,000 members of the Ar 'CO,. and most railroad worke voted unanimousl return in mediately to the agency posts the vacated in February: THE LABR walkout from t wage stabilization board on Feb.: collapsed that panel. A new on twice the size of the first agenc is to be reconstituted this we under the chairmanship of Pr lessor George W. Taylor of t University of Pennsylvania. Ti labor unions will be represented 1: six mepubers as will managemer and the public. In addition, the ULPC will place a top adviser in the off i of Mobiliza4tion Director Charles E. Wilson--who had been the chief target of the Union leaders r'~ In their running -battle with the mobilization agencies over a voice in policy. George M. Harrison, president c the AFL Railway Clerks, a vic ° president of the AFL and friend c Presidents Truman and Roosevel will become an advisory assistan ,toWilson. Nominated by the CIO for similar post in the Office of Eco nomic Stabilizer Eric Johnston wa David J. McDonald, secretary treasurer of the CIO Steelworker Highest Court Hits Branding Untried Reds By The Associated Press The Supreme Court lashed ou at the government yesterday fo branding organizations asdCom munist without a hearing. It threw a legal cloud over th "government's listing of 159 or ganizations as subversive, until th charges can be proved. By a five-three vote, the justice ruled that the organizations liste as subversive by the Attorney Gen. eral must be given the right to a hearing. Four of these stingingly accused the government of violating bas rights in denying such a hearing The executive order which wa established- by Pres. Truman i 1947 directed the attorney genera to list organizations which he find to be subversive after a proper in- vestigation. But, by a tie vote in anothei case, the Court upheld the right of the government to fire, without a trial, an employe suspected o disloyalty. But according to Prof. Charles W. Soiner of the law school, "Anyone who hires a federal em- ployee is able to fire him." He further said that to his knowledge a court trial has never before been necessary for an employee's dis- missal.. M'Arthur Will Talk in Private WAHINGTON d n() - Demo- cratic senators rode down Repub- lican protests yesterday and de- creed a closed-door hearing for Gen. Douglas MacArthur. Republicans immediately raised a cry of "terrible injustice." MacArthur will testify Thursday about his dismissal as Far Eastern commander and the host of foreign policy questions his ouster raised. The Senate Armed Services and Foreign Relations Committees, set' for a joint investigation with Mac- Arthur as the first witness, voted 14 to 9 yesterday to bar the public from the hearings. Annual IFC Sing I1youts.Slated Pro fessors Deny 'Red'_Tie-Ups By ZANDER HOLLANDER A complicated attempt to link two University professors vith a group listed by the House Un-American Activities Committee as a tool in the Communist "peace offensive" drew two quick and decisive blasts from the implicated men today. Philip L. Schenk and Leroy Waterman, both professors emeritus, were listed in yesterday's Detroit Times as sponsors of the American Committee for the Protection of the Foreign Born, a group whose other sponsors included the Rev. Burt Bouwman. Mr. Bouwman, the Times said, was also i sponsor of the Commit- tee for Peaceful Alternatives to the Atlantic Pact, an "organization " mentioned on the "subversive" list 1 1 Communist e Drive Halte Pi Short of May Day. Goa I .. , 'SL Decides Not To Hold New Ballot - The Student- Legislature vote e last night to uphold the decision e of the Men's Judiciary Council i r the Union vice-presidency elec , tions and not to hold a new elec- tion. Yesterday afternoon the Judici ary unanimously decided to en \ the Union electign controversy by conducting one more recunt i which they would validate only 'those ballots on which the pol watcher had in some way indi- cated to the voter the school fror whict he was to elect a candidate * * * PROVISIONS IN THE Unior authorize the Judiciary to decide disputed elections. The elections were turned into a wild mixup last Tuesday when it was discovered that poll work ers were not punching ballots; an act designed to limit voters to choosing among candidates from their school only. There were 1,744 ballots that were declared invalid, the great majority because poll watchers failed to punch them. . . * - ACCORDING TO yesterday's Judiciary ruling ballots that were not punched, but were otherwise checked or marked by polers in a way that would have limited voters to choosing only from their own school will be considered valid. This will validate 238 new ballots. 6L voted to accept the Judiciary decision after defeating a resolu- tion by Tom Walsh calling for new Union elections. 'Slanted' Newsi Coverage Hit "The American press is deliber- ately presenting a completely dis- torted picture;of news events in Eastern Europe," Peter Furst, Reuters correspondent just back from five years in the Balkans, de- clared last night. Speaking on "Press Coverage in the Balkans," at a meeting of the campus Council of the Arts, Sci- ences and Professions, Furst charged that American news- papers, as a result of the Cold War, refuse to print anything favorable about the Eastern European na- tions. "Foreign correspondents are in- structed to cover Eastern Europe objectively - from the. western point of view," the veteran news- man asserted. Those who do not slant their dispatches towards the western pointdof view are quickly fired, he added.I of the House Committee. AS FURTHER PROOF of the "Red" nature of the ACPFB; the Times revealed that its sponsors, including the two professors, had been listed this week in the Daily Worker, official voice of the U. S. Communist Party. Pointing to the vague nature of the implied linkage of the two groups, Prof. Waterman' said that his group, the APFB, was certainly not in favor of Communism The former semitics professor said the organization is "trying to protect the legal rights of the for- eign born when the government overrides those rights." DENYING THAT the interlock- ing sponsorships indicated his po- litical affiliations, Prof. Schenk said that he would "pay no at- tention" -to the smear. Calling the Times' attempt to tie the ACPFB to the "subver- sive" Committee for Peaceful Alternatives "absolutely ridicu- lous," Schenk said there were definitely no Communists in his organization. At the same time, members of the Society for Peaceful Alterna- tives,, an SAC-approved campus group, denied any connection with the similarly named organization on the House Committee's list. "The problem'of whether to af- filiate with them came up at our first meeting,"'Society member Buddy Aronson, Grad., said, "and we decided then to stay clear off outside groups. We are strictly an independent, University group." World News Roundup By The Associated Press WASHINGTON - The Senate Appropriations Committee yes- terday went along with the House in making a 90 per cent slash in funds asked by the State Depart- ment for its "Voice of America" program. Sixty Billion Asked for War Needs WASHINGTON-(R)-President Truman told Congress yesterday the nation needs a $60 billio military budget to continue arming for the general war Russia ma thrust upon the world. He said that the $60,679,414,690 he estimated for the fiscal year, begining next July 1, was "essentia to our national security" because: "The outbreak of aggression, the threat of general war, that over- hangs the world, make it impera- tive to increase our defenses rapid- ly and efficiently." S* * THE PRESIDENT put a note of warning into his message of what Russia may expect if she elects to spread the war beyond the con- fines of the Korean conflict. He said: "If the Soviet Union chooses to unleash a genei-al war, the free world must be in a position to stop the attack and strike back de- cisively and quickly at the seats of Soviet power." Pres. Truman continued, "The aggression in Korea showed that the Soviet rulers were willing to push the world to the brink of a general war to get what they wanted." Emphasizing a point he had made in his arguments for firing Gen. Douglas MacArthur, the President declared that "we want to keep the conflict in Korea from spreading, if possible, because we are trying to stop aggression with- out starting a third World War." He previously had contended in his MacArthur-firing statement that some of the Korean war strategy ascribed to MacArthur might bring Russia into the Asiatic conflict and start general war. In Korea, the President said, Allies have "checked the plans of Americau fighting men and their Allies have "checked the plans of the Kremlin to extend Communist control to other parts of Asia" Castelino Rites Will Be Held Funeral services for Eric J. Castelino, Grad., foreign student who died in a car accident early Saturday morning, will take place at 9 a.m. today in St. Mary's Chapel. Associate Dean of Students Wal- ter B. Rea said that Castelino's parents, who live in India, had been informed of their son's death by cablegram. Patrick Castelino, father of the deceased, is the re- tired president magistrate of the Indian state of Bangalore. * * * THE twenty-one-year-old busi- ness administration student was killed as he and four fraternity brothers were returning from a post-initiation drinking party in a Portage Lake tavern. University officials were mum yesterday on whether charges were forthcoming against Leland Stenton, '51BAd, driver of the' car. Stenton admitted during the questioning that he had drunk some beer before taking the wheel -DaUy-Roger Reinke ' MAY MERRY-GO-ROUND-Several of the women at Betsy Barbour Fot that old spring spirit yesterday on the eve of May Day and frolicked around the traditional maypole. In distant Korea,, however, the Chinese Reds went "a-maying" with a ruthless drive for a May Day victory. * * ,' * * PROLETARIATS ARISE! Ann Arbor To Observe May -D"ay 4~ IM RM1 . TReds Shifti Troops for New Assauli Drive Smasshed By Allied Forc TOKYO - (R) - The big:I spring offensive bogged down day short of Seoul-its May I goal. The Communists appeared t( shifting forces eastward tow the central front and the r blow may come there. ALLIED commanders said t were convinced that massed ar lery, warships, guns and ree swarms of planes had smashed Communist timetable. It was known definitely, fie reports said, that the Chine Reds had planned to celebra May Day inside war-ravag Seoul. Instead allied guns i side the capital ushered in t day at midnight with a mo salute. By afternoon, there still was sign of the expected May Day saut to overran Seoul. Bey( the Allied defense perimeter, b ies of Chinese Reds werecoun in the thousands. BUT THERE was strong e dence the Reds had not given /the fight for the city. Last nil they jammed 2,500 trucks.on Uijongbu road north of the ca tal. The Red air force still stays away. Two Red fighter plan appeared over the' battlefroi but fled when challenged. tThe Far East Air Force said planes held "complete suprems of the air." TRIPLE ALLIED blows-nar air, artillery-have saved Seoul least for the moment. Red losses passed 75,000. U. Eighth Army estimated th 2,894 were killed or wounded ground action yesterday. High Allied officers did not gard the fact that' Chinese fore closest to Seoul seemed to shr back as any sign of a Chin backing away from Seoul's dev tating artillery barrage. Fraternty Hi By Teen-Ae Rock Tossers By CAL SAMRA Today is May Day. On May Day, the religious pay, the women play, and the Com- munists bray. BUT HERE in Ann Arbor, they'll only pray and play. A check yesterday with several of Ann Arbor's churches revealed that St. Mary's Chapel and St. Thomas Church are holding May Day services in recognition of the month of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Thechurches' congregations will pray for peace and for the con- version of Russia. IN OTHER AREAS of the city, frivolous females are expected to don their newest spring 'clothes, pop out into the sultry May weath- er, and gambol around the pro- verbial maypole. But the weatherman may quell their enthusiasm. He pre- dicts cloudy skies with occasional thundershowers. The ring - around - the - maypole custom, according to historians, has its roots in Man's desire to welcome spring in a big way. IN IMEDIEVAL and Tudor Eng- land May Day was a great public holiday. All classes of people were up with the "a-maying." dawn and went MUNICH-Radio Free rope will inaugurate its new transmitter beamed Czechoslovakia today * * * Eu- big to holiday. All classes of people were Edwards Will Discuss Detroit Crime on Michigan Forum* TAIPEI, FORMOSA--General- issimo Chiang Kai-Shek today urged workers in Red China to revolt and- promised "in the near future I shall come to your rescue and deliver you from your suf- fering." * *4 * LOS ANGELES -- A cancer test claimed to be 98 per cent accurate is near final develop- ment after 16 years of researchr- according to Dr. Harry S. Penn of the University of California at Los Angeles. * *-* SAN FRANCISCO - The Chi- nese Communist radio at Peiping made its official acknowledgment of the Red offensive in Korea yes- terday and claimed more than 15,000 Allied troops were killed, wounded or captured in eight days. George Edwards, one of the par- ticipants in tomorrow night's Michigan Forum discussion on "What Action Should Result from the Kefauver Crime Investiga- tion?" will throw light on some of the aspects of Detroit crime that the Kefauver investigators missed. The former president of the De- troit Common Council has noti- fied Joe Savin, '53, chairman of the Forum, that he intends to go into some'of the little known facts about the Motor City's under- world at the forum at 7:30 p.m. tomorrow in Architecture Audi- torium. JOINING Edwards, who was the Democratic candidate for mayor of Detroit in 1949, will be Prof. John Waite of the law school and Ches- ter Byrnes, senior law student and presoent of the Student Bar As- sociation. Prof* Waite is a nationally known expert on criminal law. The forum will aim to provide answers to some of the questions that have been brought to 'the attention of the public as a result of the revelations about America's crime made known by the Ke- fauver Committee. Among the points that will come in for consideration are whether or not it is advisable to establish a national crime commission end what federal'legislation is needed to aid the states in their efforts to control crime. The center of thebprocession was occupied by a birch may- pole, glorious with ribbons and wreathes. Of course, they were later special eyesores to the Puri- tans, who under Cromwell ont- lawed 'them in 1644. May Day was selected as an in- teinational labor holiday by the International Socialist Congress of 1889. IN, RECENT YEARS, the first of May has become a day for Com- milnist celebration the world over. Last year at this time, Communists, particularly in Berlin and Moscow, feted the proletariat with huge rallies and parades. The same feverish demonstra- tions are expected this year. Local political groups, however, seemed to be disinterested. As yet, no- reports of local celebrations have been received. World Braces For Red May LONDON - )-- Trouble spots around the world braced against possible clashes today when Com- munist and non-Communist work- ers hold their traditional May Day rallies- and marches. In divided Berlin, 1,000,000 Ger- mans are expected to turn out for rival East-West .celebrations-the Communists parading through the Soviet sector under Kremlin-in- spired banners, and West Berliners gathering in the Tiergarten to hear fiery challenges against Commu- nist domination. In Moscow-the place least likely to have any trouble-Rus-' sia will hold probably the grand- est May Day show in Europe, flexing its muscles with a huge military parade through Red Square. Other Communist-ruled coun- tries of the East also have huge demonstrations scheduled, with massive paiades, red - bannered; LEVANT EXTRA CONCERT FEATURE: Artists Set for 1l515 Concert Series, A gang of vandals last nig threw rocks through the window of Delta Tau Delta fraternity, d ing $120 worth of damage a: then sent Ann Arbor firemen the scene. in answer to a fal alarm. Members of the fraternity r ported that, at 8:30 p.m. a grow of about twenty teen-age bo broke windows at the rear of t: house and escaped in a truck an a ca. 'ANN ARBOR policemen ha just concluded their investigatio of the damage when the fire truc rolled up. The firemen poured i to the house, reporting that th had received a telephone call abo a fire at that address. Delta Tau Delta members de lared that the gang had also hit the fraternity early Satur day night when a large group of them trampled the frater- nity's newly seeded lawn. Later in the evening when th fraternity men were walking the dates home, members of the gan cruised beside them in cars usin "foul and abusive language." Judiciary CouC Petitinms Avniahih ft ,. Oscar Levant, pianist,' author and actor, heads a list of 15 per- formers announced yesterday for the University Musical Society's 1951-52 Extra Concert Series and Choral Union Series in Hill Audi- torium. The famed Levant's Jan. 18 re- cital will be the feature of the main musical event on the Univer- sity calendar. This series will feature the vio- lin of Hungarian Josef Szigetti. Opening the series Oct. 4 will be the new Spanish soprara-sensation, Victoria ' de los Angeles, of the Metropolitan Opera. * * * Nov. 29, when Salvatore Baccaloni, star basso buffo of the Metropoli- tan Opera Company solos. * * * ALEXANDER BRAILOWSKY, a dynamic pianist, will play Nov. 16. The last program will be a joint recital slated for Mar. 18 with Adolf Busch on the violin and ,:- - -:-