THE MCICGAN DAILY . SUNDAY,APRM 29, 1951 3' _____________________________I________________________________________________________________________ Drama, SN ARBOR has always been noted for its fine cultural opportunities, as exem- led by the coming of May Festival and Drama Season. lay Festival, sponsored by the Univer- comes at a time when students can ily attend all concerts and still make any time lost from studies. 3ut the Drama Season comes at a very pportune time, from the student's point view, because two of the five plays are ,eduled during exams. knn Arbor owes mulch to the students, and ends on their patronage to a great de- e. Surely the Drama Season Committee torials tublished in The Michigan Daily written by members of The Daily staff lrepresent the views of the writers only. NIGHT EDITOR : FLOYD THOMAS Season could take the great student interest into consideration when scheduling these plays. Although the Drama Season is not intended primarily for the students, it is too bad that they often have to miss at least two plays. Only those who are lucky enough not to have a "tight" exam schedule can possibly take time out to attend. It would not be impossible to push the Drama Season up to end before exams begin, and since Ann Arbor is a student town this seems only fair.. The commit- tee need not fear competition from other University functions such as May Festival, because each play lasts approximately a week, and so both students and those who come from other districts to attend, could easily arrange their schedule to include both. It is to be hoped that the Drama Season Committee will take this factor into con- sideration when scheduling next year's pier- formances. --Cara Cherniak )RIS FLEESON: MacArthur & The Pentagon V ASHINGTON-In his first press corres- pondence since his dimissal of General acArthur, President Truman was cock- reness incarnate, by turns lecturing, pat- nizing and defying -the correspondents. ith respect to General MacArthur-in the es of many still a martyr and a saint-- e facts and history are both on his side, e President contended, and he impressed on the restive press, as he has upon all s callers, that he entertains no doubt of e eventual outcome. There is no disposition at the Pentagon, owever, to minimize the enormous com- lication the Senate hearings into the MacArthur case is to them. - Gen. Omar Bradley, thairman of the 'int Chiefs of Staff, has permitted himself suggest that the hearings could turn the iole lot of them into a bunch of fine -2s for Mr. Stalin. G-2 is the intelligence ction which is already quivering over the amber of secret documents that have been rily discussed in the public prints. But it is conceded by all the Defense epartment that General MacArthur, Sena- r Taft-who now says that the Joint hiefs are political stooges of Mr. Truman and the other critics must be answered, t piecemeal but in full. As the military sees it the Senate Com- ittee will have two separate questions to .nsider: the relief of General MacArthur, id U.S. policy in the far east-is it right' wrong. Their own effort will be to keep .e two questions as far apart as possible; ey are not too optimistic over the prospect pecially as they do not know how much operation to expect from the General. It is increasingly apparent that any non- artisan atmosphere around the hearings ill have to be of General MacArthur's own eation. A bloc in the House Appropria- tions committee is planning a foray aimed at denying funds for payment of the salary of Secretary of State Acheson which would enable them to put him forward again as a scauegoat. It is politically much safer to keep Acheson in the picture as the foil of General MacArthur. Senator Taft's attack on the Joint Chiefs represents an attempt to minimize them as a purely military group whose function it is to advise the government and execute policy then determined upon by their civilian superiors. This maneuver has been bitterly received at the Pentagon where the Joint Chiefs enjoy a status that is more than a tribute to the inportance and prestige of their jobs. General Bradley is the soldier's sol- dier, more highly regarded in some ways by the rank and file than his World War II superior, General Eisenhower. The Navy is certain that Admiral Sherman, Chief of Naval Pperations, is their finest; the army feels a similar confidence in the character and experience of General Collins. General Vandenberg is admittedly ranking in the air force. The Administration exudes confidence that the J.C.S. will support their position. The J.C.S., in a situation unprecedented for the military, reluctantly agree that they are probably going to be forced to make their stand plain though they won't talk about what it is. An experienced former Senator doesn't share all the apprehension in military cir- cles, He sees America, as one vast sieve any- way and talkative Americans as almost in- capable of keeping the country's secrets. As a practical politician, he sees no alterna- tive to complete disclosure of the whole MacArthur story. (Copyright, 1951, by the Bell Syndicate, Inc.) MATTER OF FACT. By JOSEPH ALSOP ANAACmn from Tehran to Ankara is lie emerging from a dark cave into bright light. True, the spring on the Iran- ian and Anatolian plateaux has the same beauty of clear air and flowers and young green. The setting is not so enormously different. But where in Tehran the themes of the drama are decay and dissolution, the theme here is the proud regeneration of an ancient people. It wouldbe pleasant to be able to re- port the same striking difference between American policy in Iran, where y we are now paying the price of a long series of follies and failures, and American policy in Turkey. Certainly great things in- valuable things, have been achieved ind Turkey by the American aid program. The Turkish economy has been protected from the strain of the heavy military burden imposed by perpetual Soviet menaces. The formerly primitive Turkish Army has been transformed into a powerful fighting force of twenty-five divisions. A strong bastion has been built up in this vital corner of the Mediterranean. Without the combination of the aid program and Turkish vigor, none of this would have been possible, and the strategic map of the world would no doubt already have been revolutionized by the success of the Kremlin's designs here. Yet the unpleasant fact remains. The same paralysis of American poly that has played such a large role in the Iranian tragedy also appears here in Turkey. And this is causing us to let drop, feebly and flaccidly, all the good Turkish effort. THIS IS BECAUSE the problem of Turykey's relationship to the Atlantic pact has not been squarely faced in Washington. This shirking in Washington is understandable. It is partly caused by the State Depart- ment's fear of Congress and partly by the almost equal reluctance to thresh out great issues with our West European allies. Un- fortunately the price of this shirking is likely to be the loss of one of the best strategic bargains any country has ever been offered. The bargain was first offered at the time of the formation of the Atlantic pact structure, when the Turkish government cformally asked to be included. On mane occasions thereafter, the offer was ur gently renewed, until last Fall when the Atlantic pact Foreign Ministers cooly told the Turks they would have to wait a long time to join the club. In January, there- fore, the Turkish government proposed three substitutes to Washington: either a Turkish-American alliance, or American adherence to the existing Anglo-Franco Turkish alliance, or the formation of a Mediterranean pact on the Atlantic pat- tern, Including the United States. No wider choice of alternatives has ever been presented to any government. What the Turks really want, as any one will tell you from the man in the street to the burly Chief of Staff, Gen. Yamut, and the astute Prime Minister Menderis, is a clear Ameri- can guaranty of help if they are attacked. The form does not matter to them. But the advantages of such an alliance are far from being all on the Turkish side. In the first place, the most important Amer- ican strategic air bases are in the Eastern Mediterranean. An attack on Turkey would thus constitute an indirect attack on those bases. Hence if we do not wish to suffer passively a gigantic strategic defeat, we shall have to fight in any case if Turkey is attacked. In the second place, besides occupying a position that protects our most valuable air bases, Turkey is in the precise region, near Yugoslavia, where we may someday most need an~ ally. In the third place, since they are far better armed than the Yugoslav forces, the twenty-five Turkish divisions today consti- tute by far the strongest army on the European horizon this side of the iron curtain. In this connection it is worth noting that the famous and heroic Turkish brigade in Korea is regarded as only typical by our people here. * * * * IN THESE circumstances, you would have supposed that any policy makers in their senses would have jumped at the chance of an outright, unqualified alliance with Tur- key. Furthermore, Turkey can also con- tribute the additional air bases in her own territory for staging both heavy bombers and protecting fighters, which Air Secretary Finletter recently came here to seek. Con- trary to excitable previous reports, these air- fields are not now being prepared. But the Turks are perfectly ready to make them available if only the alliance with America is granted. At this very moment of writing, however, all these huge prizes are in serious danger of being lost to us. The Ambassadors' Conference, which has just been held here, signalizes one final Turkish effort to get an answer to the question of Turkish se- curity. As to the Turkish reaction if the question continues to be answered nega- tively, one wise Turkish official has re- marked, "The Turkish government is too experienced and hard-headed to think about 'neutralism'." Yet the cool reception of the repeated Turkish offers has natur- -lir+ hftan uinhannv imuression in Ankara. The Week's News . . . IN RETROSPECT . . -Daily-BillHampton "I say, old bean, is not this ballot a bit on the shaggy side?" LUNCH-DRUNK campus politicos roiled up their sleeves and pre- pared to do battle over widespread procedural violations in last week's all-campus election. Members of Joint Judiciary in their election night watchdog role threw out more than 1,000 ballots as invalid In the race for Union vice-presidential posts. Judiciary president John Ryder assailed the Student Legislature's Citizenship Committee, which allegedly failed to administrate proper punching of the ballots. The move Incurred the wrath of perennial Student Legislator Tom Walsh, who charged lack of jnrisdiction Next day, with the smoky romance cleared from the Union ball- room, new charges of incompetence rang in the ears of worried legis- lators. Volunteer election workers reported they had permitted stu- dents to vote out-of-class for class officers owing to ambiguous instruc- tions. Regardless of the quality of the electees, it was clear that some- body on the election committee had fumbled the ball and a thorough investigation was in order. ..y - NEW DEANS-Two new faces were destined for prominent campus appearances next year as the Boardo Rgentspase onte rnere ment of Dean Ivan C. Crawford of the engineering colge adDn Samuel T. Dana of the natural resources school. New head of the engineering college will be Prof. George G- Brown, chairman of the chemical and metallurgical engineering de- partment, and a University faculty member since 1920. The forestry deanship went to Stanley G. Fontanna, deputy director of the Michi- gan Department of Conservation. , , TOWN MEETING-Gov. G. Mennen Williams, Prof. Lensis Likert, dircto oftheUniesty's Institute of Social Research, and atomic scientist Ralph Lapp spoke here on the nationally aired deat "Ton Meeting of the Air." Subject: '"Are We Afraid of the Atomic Bomb." They all agreed- PSI U COMEBACK-It was a big week for Psi Upsilon fraternity. The University halved a $2,000 drinking fine imposed on the group last semester. And former Psi U social chairman Jack Smart was elected president of the Inter-Fraternity Council. * '' * * MacArthurG To the Editor: "THE TumULT and the shout- ing dies; the captains and the kings depart. r Now that all the ticker-tape and confetti has been swept from the streets of our nation, and America is settling back to normal once again, perhaps we can take one more look at the.. case. of "the old soldier." Whether or not we like Douglas MacArthur as a person or General matters not the least in this case. Those who argue that this man is a military genius may well be cor- rect. That history will gratefully acknowledge all that this man has done for his nation I will not deny. The fact still remains that Douglas M4acArthur disobeyed his commander-in-chief, and by so doing could very well have plung- ed his country into a world conflict which might mean the destruction of the whole human race. I do not believe that General MacArthur is a warmonger, any more than you or I, but, if we manage to see the day when war- f are is abolished as a means of settling disputes among the na- tions of the earth, we may yet owe our thanks-not to "the con- quering hero of the Phillipines" -but to a little man from Mis- souri who, although he may not be regarded as a prince among men, will always be regarded as a man who truly desired .peace, and who worked for it sincerely to the end. "Judge of the Nations, spare us yet, Lest, we forget-lest we forget." -Gene Mossner e) tr vc f b TV Ir 'a 't a ;r r. r fAorts of some politicians to make litical capital by the continued xploitation of human misery for he express purpose of gaining )tes. -David Cargo President ofthe University of Michigan Young Republicans Elections , o the Editor: )zN BEHALF of the Student Leg- islature Citizenship Commit tee and the entire SL, I want to stank the more than 500 persons iho volunteered to man voting ooths in the all-campus elections Tuesday and Wednesday. I would also like to thank those Cho served as ballot-counters on Wednesday night. r -Alice J. Spero Student Legislature Ctizenshig Committee Outrage in Pracgue The arrest. by the Czechoslovak government of William Oatis chief of the Associated Press Bu- reau in Prague, is an outrageou act. Since the Communists seized Czechoslovakia in 1948, more than a. dozen Western newspaper men have been expelled, reducing the press corps to a few men. But. none of them, until now was Ar- ested, and the fact that Mr. Otis ds in prison underlies the serious- ness of the situation. The charges against him con stitute the usual Communist fab- rications; they would be laughable if it were not for the fact that the C~zech Reds are as vicious as any )ther kind. Mr. Oatis is accused of "activities hostile to the state," and dissemination of "secret in- formation," and using Czech citi zens to spread "malicious informa- on throughillegal news organs." It is conceivable that the Red hiave nothing more frightful in store for this able and conscien- tious reporter than expulsion. But the equipment and 'trappings of another trumped-up trial are ever present. Our Embassy in Prague" has lost no time In registering the mnost urgent complaints with then Czech government. The. Associ- ated Press also. is endeavoring td~ obtain Mr. Oatis' release. Their efforts must. be successful. This country cannot afford to let for- eign 'governments manhandle its citizens, particularly when they- are engaged in an occupation deemed necessary and honorable' by the civilized world.--New York Herald Tribune. tetter6 TO THE EDITOR The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or libelo'us letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will be condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the editors. Ai 4 I A-I Election News - 0 . . I 7 f it ( 1 s A " s 7 i The Politician's Lot IT IS QUITE a new thing in America-- this internal political battle waged with foreign targets and foreign banners. Yet it concerns the freedom and the well-being of the American people just as much, to say the very least, as the old political battles about the Cross of Gold or States' Rights. Until recently-until the beginning of this era of no war, no peace-American politics was insulated against the politics of other democratic countries. Shame- lessly pragmatic in tackling the very con- crete problems of electioneering, getting out ,the vote, dividing the spoils, and re- warding loyalty, our party system re- mained stubbornly untheoretical and self- sufficient. It worked amazingly well in dealing with American problems, estab- lishing compromises among conflicting regional or occupational interests, for the exclusive concern of the American people. Now since we are in a coalition and we know that we cannot survive alone, the Looking Back FIVE YEARS AGO M ICHIGAN'S "Grand Old Man," Fielding "Hurry Up" Yost, since deceased men- tor of the early point-a-minute Wolverine elevens, observed a quiet seventy-fifth birth- day at his Ann Arbor home not far from the site where he gained football immor- tality. * * * TEN YEARS AGO THE DAILY gained the highest rank among college newspapers by winning the All- American Pacemaker award for the seventh, straight year. * * FIFTEEN YEARS AGO EGYPT'S KING FAUD I lay abed insisting, "I am not going to die." He was wrong and sixteen-year-old Prince Farouk returned frnm htidietsn in England tn hean d shakv freedom and welfare of foreign countries have become just as vital to the people of America as wage stabilization and price control. American politics has become so intermeshed with the politics of other coun- tries that the favorite targets of our anti- liberals are the democratic countries of Europe, and a return to the McKinley era seems to be guaranteed if oply Chiang Kai- Shek is helped to reconquer China. Actu- ally, the foreign preferences of the Ameri- cap politician give a clue to the aims of his internal policies. The great question of our time is wheth- er America will foster throughout the world its own urge for self-determination and self-improvement, or whether Ameri- ca will gradually be reduced to the level of a world where freedom has utterly disap- peared from large countries and is threat- ened in many others. The day is certain- ly coming when these alternatives must - be clearly presented to the American elec- torate. This basic question and many related ones make life miserable for American Congress- men. They are on the spot; they have to make decisions for which they have little preparation or precedent. The ceremonial of American politics seems to be so archaic and immutable; its radically changed sub- stance compels Congress to face the un- known every day. Congressmen must re- member that something like a television machine is in front of them all the time and that a malevolent world-wide power is con- stantly tinkering with the receiving sets in faraway countries, trying to make Ameri- can leaders look absurd and beastly. To make the situation tougher, Congressmen cannot lose touch with the folks back home, for these people, and not the foster con- stituents abroad, are the ones who deliver the vote. -The Reporter Reductio Ad Absurdum The only suitable answer to Mr. Gromyko's tirades is an American general's famous re- nuv +n the Pnemv in the late war: "Nuts!" At Around the World . . REDS ATTACK-The long-awaited Communist spring offensiveI in Korea swung into action last week, as the initial Red blows sent the Allies reeling back across the 38th parallel. The dull roar of artillery resounded again near ruined Seoul, as the Chinese hordes, estimated to be up to a half-million strong, pressed forward despite heavy losses. However, the main UN defense lines had not been cracked-no decision had been reached in the battlefield. Hope was held out that if this offensive were smashed with great Red casualties, as Lt. Gen. Van Fleet and other military leaders promised it would, Peiping might be ready to talk peace. * * * .* CABINET CRISES-A wave of cabinet crises swept Europe and the Near East, as the pressure of international uncertainty brought many governments near the cracking point. In Britain, the Labor Party was able, after some uneasy moments, to squelch a revolt by its left-wing members. Led by Aneurin Bevan, who resigned his cabinet post Monday, the leftists claimed that the government was "betraying socialism" by scrapping some of its welfare program in favor of more guns. However, a party caucus Tuesday brought the rebels into line, and Foreign Secretary Herbert Morrison reaffirmed Britain's determination to rearm even if its meant a cut in the living standard. Premier Henri Queille squeeked through another week of crises in France. The explosive issue of changing election' procedure, which brought about the fall of Pleven's cabinet, almost proved Queille's undoing as well. The National Assembly turned thumbs down on the government bill Thursday, whereupon Queille attempted to resign. However, Presi- dent Vincent Auriol refused to accept his resignation-so Queille re- tained his shaky grip on the reins of French government. In Iran, ailing Premier Hussein Ala stepped down Friday in a surprise move. The resignation of the moderate, pro-Western leader intensified the internal crisis over the expulsion of British oil interests left the country in a ferment which could at any moment explode into World War III. * * * * National . . MACARTHUR MANIA-The hysteria aroused last week by Gen. Douglas, MacArthur's triumphant return subsided somewhat over the nation, but swelled to a virulent fever pitch in Chicago Thursday, as four and a half million turned out to welcome the Pacific Caesar. While the furor over the Hero himself died down, the "Great Debate" on Far Eastern policy precipitated by his dismissal gained momentum, with the GOP attacking all along the front. Republican blasts ranged from the sublime to the ridiculous, from Sen. Taft's sol- emn castigation of Administration Pacific strategy to such pro- nouncements as "It's disloyal to disagree with Genf. MacArthur," (Sen. Joe McCarthy), and "We heard God speak here, God in the flesh, the voice of God" (Rep. Dewey Short-R.Mo.). MOODY APPOINTED-Blair Moody; veteran Detroit News Wash- ington correspondent, was named Monday by Gov. G. Mennen Wil- liams to finish the late Sen. Arthur Vandenberg's unexpired term. To the Editor: T'S UNFORTUNATE that two important student groups such as the Student Legislature andJ The Daily should be working at; cross purposes.1 All last week I have been won- dering when The Daily would be- gin its coverage of the studentI government election of Tuesday and Wednesday. Aside from theI usual scant accounts of the two' SL meetings, all the campus heard from The Daily until Sunday was? found in two back page stories- one which alleged there were no issues in the campaign and one about additional voting booths. But Saturday all was explained. I was reliably told that the reason for the censorship of election news was because The Daily Editors had decided that inr the past campus elections had been given too much publicity, and that henceforth The Daily would be more judicious in allocating election newspace, i.e. they would restrict publicity on the elections - despite the fact that a new student government constitution was up for ratifica- tion, a campus referendum was going to be held, and that the Legislature *vas faced with the usual number of policy problems. By the time this letter is print- ed election will be underway. I ,dislike "sour grapes" as much as afiyone. But if the above situa- tion is true, then I feel that the students are entitled to an ex- planation as to why their news- paper felt it should:limit the in- formation they should have about thei' student government in or- der to cast an intelligent vote. -Bob Baker, 52BAd. FEPC Bill . . To the Editor: THE MICHIGAN State House of Representatives is now consid- ering a F.E.P.C. bill and I feel that it is important enough to set forward the considered views of the Young Republicans on this subject. The following resolution was introduced by myself and adopted by a meeting of the Cam- pus Young Republicans held on Tuesday of this week. Be it hereby resolved that we, the University of Michigan Young Republican Club, do encourage and demand the immediate pas- sage of House Bill 318, or as more popularly known the Crampton Fair Employment Practices Com- mission Bill. It is the sense of our member- ship that we must afford economic democracy for our minority groups and that the only way to gain a greater degree of social justice for them is thru concerted social ac- tion. It is the feeling of this group that state F.E.P.C. legisla- tion is an integral part of this social action. We do summarily condemn the A f fffior4igau tt1 OA 1 )L, Sixty-First Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under th6 authority of the Board in Control of' Student Publications. Editorial Staff Jim Brown ........Managing Editor Paul Brentlinger ...........City Editor Roma Lipsky .........Editorial Director Dave Thomas ...........Feature Editor Janet Watts ...........Associate Editor Nancy Bylan ......... .Associate Editor James Gregory ........Associate Editor Bill Connolly.............Sports Editor Bob Sandell ....Associate Sports Editor Bil Brenton ....Associate Sports Editor Barbara Jans . ........Women's Editor Pat Brownson'Associate Women's Editor Business Staff Bob Daniels......... Business Manager Walter Shapero Assoc. Business Manager Paul Schaible .....Advertising Manager Sally Fish...........Finance Manager Bob Miller .......Circulation Manager v Telephone 23-24-1 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited to this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein are also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan as second-class mail matter. Subscription during regular school year: by carrier, $6.00; by mail, $7.00. k% -Crawford Young. I ,A- BAR.NABY Hennessy, are you insatiable? You'r in everv huinaefrom You know those critters, pardner. They sell you while vou're hot- Why can't he be my Fairy Godfather?