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February 15, 1951 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1951-02-15

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Latest Deadline in the State




+ .



Bright act Daily
June Draft May Bring To End
Predominance of Men on Staff

* * * * *
The ratio was still three to one during World War II, but statis-
tics favored the men..
Almost three times as many women as men enrolled in the
University during the years from 1943 to 1945 and the change made
a difference in everything about campus life, including The Daily.
* * * *
AND WITH MANY male students again facing the draft in June,
there is a possibility that a repeat performance of the wartime situa-'
tion may take place here in the future. Women who attend today's
Daily tryout meeting may attain an increasingly more important
status on the newspaper.
The Daily situation immediately after Pearl Harbor was
pretty much normal for a year since the Army and Navy had set
up special programs to allow junior and senior men to continue
their college education. But by the fall of 1943 women had really
come into their own.
The Daily tryout call in that year reminded coeds that the
WAACs and WAVEs proved that women need not merely sit at home
and knit socks for soldiers during a national crisis. "Opportunities
in practical journalism are greater for women than ever before," a'
woman reporter wrote.
* . * *
FROM 1943 ON women were filling most of the executive and
understaff positions; The Daily. For the first time in years a coed
was city editor and she proved to be one of the best.
Coeds were taking over other parts of the campus, too. In
1944 an All-Girl band was formed under the direction of Prof.
William Revelli. "Though women have been in the Concert band
all along, this is the first time an all women instrumental group
has been formed," The Daily reported.
Though the prospects of another All Girl Band have not yet
appeared, more and more women students will be taking important
positions on the paper in the next few years.
Today's tryout meetings have been scheduled for 4 p.m. for the
business staff and 5 p.m. for the editorial staff in the Student Pub-
lications Building, 420 Maynard.
All scholastically eligible students, male or female, of second
semester or higher class standing may work on The Daily. Oppor-
tunities in general, sports and women's news reporting, advertising
techniques and promotions work are open to interested students.
s Movie, drama, music and book reviewers are also needed this
semester. Interested students may contact the editorial director.
Health Service Again Offers
Free Flu Shots to Students

1New Credit
Control of Food
Prices Hinted
WASHINGTON-()-The gov-
ernment yesterday ordered 50 per
cent cash down payments on a
vast range of non-residential con-
struction in a new credit-tighten-
ing move to combat inflation.
The Administration also threw
out a broad hint that it will soon
attempt to stabilize food prices.
Stabilization Director, told the
House Ways and Means Commit-
tee that legislation will be sub-
mitted to Congress to "equalize
and stabilize" farm prices and in-
dustrial wages.
Johnston's disclosure capped a
series of protests from labor
leaders, housewives and others
against soaring food prices.
The stiff new credit terms for
construction were set forth in an
order issued by the Federal Re-
serve Board, effective today.
IT CALLS FOR half cash down
payments on construction of new
stores, offices, hotels, banks, ware-
houses, garages, auto service sta-
tions, restaurants, theaters, clubs
and "other new structures used
for non-residential purposes."
The same requirement applies
to repair jobs, enlargement, al-
teration and reconstruction on
existing commercial buildings if
the cost of the improvement ex-
ceeds 15 per cent of the build-
ing's appraised value.
The order also requires that
loans must be paid up in 25 years,
with the principal paid off in in-
stallments rather than left for a
lump sum payment at the end of
25 years.
EXEMPTIONS are provided in
the case of schools, hospitals,
churches, public utilities and
"property constructed for use by
the government or any political
Tax Boost
By Johns ton
WASHINGTON - (P) E r i c
Johnston asked Congress yester-
day to enact "tough" new taxes
immediately to help him stabilize
the nation's economy by mid-sum-
T h e Economic Stabilization
chief urged the House Ways and
Means Committee to approve
$10,000,000,000 in new levies now
and take another look later on to
see if still more taxes are needed.
The new taxes, he said, should
be retroactive to last Jan. 1.
Warning that delay would hin-
der the government's effort to
curb inflation, Johnston told the
"There's no mistaking that
the days ahead are going to be
tough and rough for all of us.
We're all going to take a cut.
"Wages won't run as high as
workers think they should. Profits
won't run at the rate business

thinks they should. The farmer
won't get all he wants-and all
of us as consumers will have to
get along with less."
But Johnston said he believes
the present controls of wages,
prices and production can be
lifted in two or three years, "bar-
ring a full-scale attack."
He said the main task now is
to protect the soundness and sta-
bility of the dollar.













Draft Bill
WASHINGTON-(P) - A draft
of 18-year-olds plus extension of
all service terms to 26 months was
approved unanimously by the
Senate Armed Services Committee
Those are the immediately con-
troversial sections of a long-term
program of Universal Military
Training and Service which the
Committee recommended to the
Senate, 13 to 0.
* * * '
The measure is essentially the
same as the plan rewritten from
Defense Department proposals by
a preparedness subcommittee
headed by Senator Lyndon John-
son (D-Tex)
When the Senate will act was
not immediately sure. Present
plans are to hold it up until the
troops-for-Europe controversy
is out of the way. The most
optimistic guess on when that
may come up for action is a
week from today.
The fighting is by no means
over yet, even in the Senate, and
the House Armed Services Com-
mittee is showing signs of pre-
senting its own different version
of the plan to meet immediate
manpower needs and provide
guards for the country's future.
THE CENTRAL feature of the
Senate Committee's plan, as it
concerns the lowering of the draft
age limit from the present 19
years, is a priority schedule for
inductions. It puts the 18-year-
olds at the bottom of the list, to
be taken only if needed after all
non-veteran men without chil-
dren-including those qualified
only for limited service-have
been taken from the present 19
through 25 age bracket.
When the draft cuts below
19 those nearest that birthday
must go first.
The battling in the committee
yesterday was over the lowering
of the draft age and the extension
,of service beyond the presently
required 21 months.
Senator Johnson said the vote
was 12 to 1, with only Senator
Morse (R-Ore) opposing, to bring
the induction age down to 18.
Morse wanted it set at 18 and one-
World News
By The -Associated Press
LONDON-The British steel in-
dustry became Government prop-
erty officially today and Prime
Minister Attlee's regime now owns
all Britain's basic industries.
Last night, however, Winston
Churchill introduced a "no con-
fidence" motion in the House of
Commons challenging Labor's abil-
ity to carry out the British re-
armament program.
* * *
WASHINGTON- The senate
Foreign Relations Committee
estimated last night that Russia
and her European satellites have
a total armed force of 5,000,000
men compared with 4,500,000
men for all the Atlantic Pact
LANSING - A group of state
educators yesterday urged a state-
wide program to encourage high
school boys facing the draft to

enroll in college for as long as
they can.
KALAMAZOO - Joe Mattheis
and Raymond Lee Olson must
stand trial in Kalamazoo County
on charges of kidnapping and
strangling2co-ed Carolyn Drown
last Nov. 26.
WASHINGTON-Secretary of

NEW HELL WEEK-A new twist was added to the Delta Tau Delta hell week as puzzled pledges
found themselves being donated to charity. Olof Karlstrom, '54, and Ed Gavney, '54E, tackle the
job of putting a badly-needed coat of paint on the walls of the Thrift Shop, a humanitarian enter-


e -
In Programs
Not inSight
The University has received no
request from the government to
speed up its academic program
similar to the one announced by
Michigan State College yesterday.
The Michigan State plan would
arrange the school year so that
a student could graduate within
three years.
a * * *
program was first offered about
1909 and since that time a student
wishing to speed up his education
could normally obtain a degree
in three years by attending four
summer sessions and six regular
semesters," Prof. Harold M. Dorr,
director of the summer session,
However, the University is
giving study and making plans
for a three term program which
would enable a student to com-
plete degree requirements in
two years and eight months.
"This program is in the blue-
print stage but could be put into.
immediate effect when and if the
situation demands," a University
official said.
The University is encouraging
high school seniors to enroll in
the coming summer session by
making it easier to start at that
Special provisions which will
be put into effect this summer for
the first time include an orienta-
tion program, a counseling pro-
gram, special changes, special
housing for freshmen and a phy-
sical education program.
Horowitz Concert
Set for April 18
Vladimir Horowitz will appear
in a concert in the Choral Union
Series, April 18 at Hill Auditor-
ium, Charles A. Sink, Union Chor-
al Society president announced
The concert, previously sched-
uled for Jan. 19, was postponed
because of illness of the pianist.

* * * *.
Delta Tau Delta Initiates
Undertake Charity Work

Social service rather than sad-
ism has become the motif of the
Delta Tau Delta hell week.
Instead of sending bruised, be-
wildered pledges on a fantastic
scavenger hunt this semester, the
Delts put their neophytes to work
for a charitable cause.
* * *
The pledges spent the better
part of last night scrubbing,
Taft, Douglas
May Debate4
Ear East Here
The Michigan Forum may be
a party to a debate on the topic
of American Far East policy be-
tween Sen. Paul Douglas (D-Ill.)
Democratic majority leader, and
Sen. Robert Taft, (R-Ohio), Re-
publican wheelhorse, in the near
future, if plans now underway
mature properly.
One - hundred - seventy - five dol-
lars was appropriated to the For-
um by the Student Legislature
last night, to cover expenses for
the proposed debate. According to
Audrey Smedley, '53, an attempt
will be made to get these men,
and if this is impossible, others
of comparable standing.
TOM WALSH, SL Human and
International Relations Commit-
tee member, announced that his
committee will try to bring a top
State Department official, per-
haps Secretary of State Dean
Acheson, to campus to speak on
American foreign policy in gen-
Other business discussed by SL
in last night's meeting included a
report on the results of the
Dean's Conference action on ap-
plication blank discrimination.
The SL voted to endorse the seven
recommendations listed in the
Conference report.
Robert P. Briggs, retiring vice-
president of the University, was
voted a formal message of thanks
for his many contributions by the
SL on behalf of the student body.

scraping, and painting the interior
of the Thrift Shop, an enterprise
which collects old clothing and
similar articles and sells them at
cost to the poor.
About 65 local ladies donate the
time to operate the store.
The 13 pledges were con-
fronted with a room measuring
approximately 20 by 100 feet;
coated with an ancient, pallid
yellow substance.
But undaunted by the vast ex-
panse of paintable wall, they set
to work applying a tasteful pink.
The job was supervised by several
benevolent actives, armed with
* * *
Dick Tinker, '52T, originator
and director of the project, said
that he had gotten the idea while
attending last year's National In-
ter-Fraternity Conference as the
Michigan delegate.
"Fraternities on other campuses
are far ahead of us in social serv-
ice," he said.
Tinker went to Dean of Men
Erich A. Walter to get suggestions
for a good charitable project.
Walter steered him down to the
Thrift Shop.
The offer to paint their shop
caught the Thrift ladies com-
pletely by surprise. The shop
badly needed the paint, but there
was no money to do it.
"We hope this will be an ex-
ample to the campus to channel
off some of the destructive hell
week energy into a worthwhile
project," he asserted.
Meeting to Explain
A meeting will be held at 7:30
p.m. tonight in the Natural Sci-
ence Auditorium for all rushees
and house rushing chairmen, to
explain the rushing system, the
IFC announced.
Students interested in spring
rushing have until Saturday to
register 'with the IFC in the
Union Lobby.

Red Central,
West Korean
Enemy Suffers
Record Losses
TOKYO-(P)-A hard-fighting
Allied division today claimed vic-
tory "as of this moment" over
elements of nine Chinese divisions
which tried to break through the
central Korean front.
The Allies, after shattering four
enemy shock divisions, still held
firmly to Chipyong and Wonju
and the 20 miles of mountain line
between them, a field dispatch
* * *
a smaller scale-was claimed on
the western front against a North
Korean division which had hoped
to smash the Han River line
around Seoul.
Ground action along the en-
tire Korean front yesterday in-
flicted 10,593 Red casualties, a
U. S. Eighth Army officer said
This brought the total to 96,894
since Allied forces jumped off
Jan. 25 in a limited offensive.
Yesterday's bag of dead, wounded
and captured was the biggest for
one day since that drive started.
"As of this moment, we have
a victory. It remains now to
consolidate it and we hope to
do it today."
"We are still holding our main
positions and we have our freedom
of movement," said the division's
* * *
SOUTH KOREAN Marines yes-
terday staged a spectacular Com-
mando-tye raid on Wonsan, east
coast post 90 air miles north of
the 38th parallel.
While General MacArthur pre-
viously ruled out any sustained
U. N. drive north of the old poli-
tical boundary as "purely acade-
mic" at this time, he made an
exception of patrol actions and
Commando like forays.
The Republic of Korea Marines
occupied two islands off the Com-
munist supply port and drove to
the Wonsan city limits under the
protective fire of Allied cruisers
and destroyers.
Also United Nations naval ves-
sels shelled Kyongsong, on the
northeast Korean coast 65 miles
south of Russia's Siberian border.
Navy headquarters said "A couple
of other places between Sinpo and
Kyongsong were hit also." It did
not name them.
Mark House
WASHINGTON - ( ) - The
House jumped into the debate on
foreign policy yesterday, with
Rep. Laurence H. Smith (R-Wis.)
accusing the Truman Adminis-
tration of "conjuring up another
From Democratic Leader Mc-
Cormack (Mass.) came the as-
sertion that much of the criti-
cism of the President's policy was
caused by political jealousy of
Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower.
* * *
THE EXCHANGE was touched
off by the introduction of a "de-
claration of policy" backed by a

large group of house Republicans.
It demanded full partnership
for Congress in a complete over-
haul of U.S. foreign policy. Pre-
sent policy, it claimed, "in large
part has been a costly failure."
And in the Senate, the combin-
ed Foreign Relations and Armed
Services Committees squared off
for a batte In sa tidav on the

Health Service doors will reopen
at 8 a.m. today to students, fac-
ulty, student wives and University
r employees who wish to be vaccin-
ated against influenza.
Students may get free shots in
about 10 minutes by entering the
Union Opera
Hunts Talent
Union Opera director William
Holbrook yesterday issued a call
for an "eccentric" dancer and a
harmonica player to fill specialty
roles in the forthcoming Opera.
Men adept at tap dancing or
other specialized steps are urged
to try out for the dance part, Hol-
brook said.
Men interested in joining the
Opera cast have been asked to
make an audition appointment
from 3 to 5 p.m. some day this
1 week at the Opera Office on the
third floor of the Union.
The Opera will be presented
March 28, 29 and 30 in Ann Ar-
bor and during Spring Vacation
in Detroit, Bu~ffalo, Toledo and
State Civil Service
System Blasted

north door of the Health Service
from 8 to 11:30 a.m. and 1 to 4:30
p.m. today and tomorrow and
from 8 to 11:30 a.m. Saturday.
Students must present their iden-
tification cards.
Faculty, student wives and Uni-
versity employees may enter the
south door. They must pay $1
for a shot.
Recent outbreaks of influenza
in Buffalo and Texas make it
urgent that all students be in-
noculated, according to Dr.
Warren Forsythe, director of
the Health Service.
"The concentrated housing of
students would make an outbreak
of influenza here especially dan-
gerous," Dr. Forsythe said, urging
all students to be innoculated.

Budapest String Quartet
To Perform Tomorrow

The Budapest String Quartet
will present the first of three con-
certs in the Eleventh Annual
Chamber Music Festival at 8:30
p.m. tomorrowat Hill Auditorium.
Two other performances will
follow, one on Saturday at the

sent: "Quartet in D minor, K 421"
by Mozart; "Chaconne" by Pur-
cell; "Movement, Opus posthu-
mous" by Schubert; "Concertino"
by Stravinsky; and "Quartet in
C-sharp minor, Op. 131" by Bee-

Local Tribute To Douglas Scheduled

Public nmemorial services for' L_. - .L__

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