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April 29, 1951 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1951-04-29

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Latest Deadline in the State


VOL. LXI, No. 143



. __









Top Daily Positions

*, * *

* * *







Iran House Votes
To Socialize Oil


. Managing Editor .. .. Business Manager


..City Editor ... Editorial Director
Chuck Elliott, '52, was appointed;During the past year, he served asO
Managing Editor of The Daily last a night editor, and was a member
night by the Board in Control of of Sphinx, junior extra-curricular
Student Publications. honorary society.
At the same time, the Board an- liller, who is 21 years old,
nounced The Daily's new Business plans to enter into the field of
Manager: Robert R. Miller, '52E, industrial engineering upon
of Flint, Michigan. Both will as- graduation. He is a member of
sume their duties in the 1951-52 the E)ngineering Honor Council.
school year. Also announced was the appoint-
s * * ment of Robert Keith, '52, as City
ELLIOTT, a 20 year old English Editor for next year. Keith, a 19
major, hails from Ypsilanti, Mich. year old resident nf Rochester.



a'LWt V1Li 14A71UG11y Vl lYV1~L1GgUGlp

Clocks Jump as Daylight
SavingTime Makes Debut

... Feature Editor.
S . . .
Mich., is a political science major.
He is also a member of Sphinx.
* . .
THE NEW Editorial Director will
be L9onard Greenbaum, '52, from
Boston. Greenbaum is a 20 year
old English major.
Next year's Feature Editor will
be Vernon Emerson, '52, whose
hometown is Detroit. The 21
year old Emerson is a political
science major. He is an affiliate
of Phi Kappa Tau fraternity and
also a member of Sphinx.
The Board also named three As-
sociateEditors: Rich Thomas, '52,
of Detroit; Ron Watts, '52, of Alto,
Mich.; and Robert Vaughn, '52, of
Ann Arbor.
THOMAS, a 20 year old English
major, is a member of Phi Gamma
Delta fraternity and Phi Eta Sig-
ma, freshman scholastic, honorary
Watts, 20 years old, is a mem-
ber of Acacia fraternity and also
of Sphinx. He is an American-
Area major.
Vaughn, the other Associate Edi-
tor, is a 24 year old speech major.
OTHER top appointments on the
business staff included:
Charles E. Cuson, '52BAd, of
Monroe, Mich., to the position of
Advertising Manager. The 20
year old Cuson is affiliated with
Lambda Chi Alpha fraternity.
Sally Fish, '52BAd, of Wheeling,
W. Va., was named Finance Man-
ager. Miss Fish, 20 years old, is a
member of Chi Omega sorority.
See DAILY, Page 3

TEHRAN, Iran--(P)-The lower
hourse of Iran's parliament voted
unanimously last night for imme-
diate seizure of the British-owned
Anglo-Iranian Oil Companiy.
The lawmakers also called on
the Shah to assign Mohammed
Mossadegh, 76, the leader of the
nationalization drive, to the va-
cant premiership. But the Shah
appeared to have other plans.
* * * .
THE $500,000,000 Anglo-Iranian
Student Dies,
Four Injured
In Accident
Eric Castelino, Grad.. business
administration student from Ban-
galore, India, was killed instantly
early yesterday in a car accident
which injured four other Univer-
sity students, one seriously.
The 20-year-old foreign student,
son of the retired magistrate of
Bangalore, died shortly after a
fraternity post-initiation drinking
party in a taVern near Portage
Lake. The mishap took place on
the Dexter-Pinckney Rd. as the
car, driven by Leland Stenton,
'51BAd, was returning to Ann Ar-
*k * *
THE AUTOMOBILE crashed in-
to a roadside tree on a sharp curve
in the three-lane highway often
referred to as "Death Valley." Cas-
telino met sudden death in the
back seat.
Stenton was released after
questioning yesterday by As-
sistant Prosecutor John Devine
and sheriff's deputies. He said
he had loft control of the car as
it rounded the curve. He also'
told officers he had drunk some
beer at the party but not enough
to affect his driving.
Stenton later admitted to Uni-
versity officials he did not have a
student driving permit. However,
no action was reported pending
against him.
wreck was suffered by James Ver-
rette, '53BAd who was taken to
St. Joseph's Mercy Hospital with
face and neck cuts. Hospital offi-
cials reported last night Verrette's
condition was "fair."
Minor injuries were sustained
by Stenton, Charles Silk, 'BAd,
and James Monaghan, Grad. All
weretreated at the University
Health Service.
Castelino, a graduate of Madras
University in India, was initiated
into Alpha Kappa Psi, professional
business fraternity, Friday night
shortly before his death.
World News
By The Associated Press
SYDNEY, Australia - Prime
Minister Menzies' coalition gov-
ernment returned to power in a
general election yesterday, al-
though the Labor opposition
gained four seats in the House of
Representatives, with four other
seats still in doubt.
NEW YORK-United States
delegate Warren Austin yester-
day warned United Nations
members that the United States
expects all nations to send
troops to Korea in proportion to
its means.
States yesterday formally pro-
posed arbitration of the long-
drawn deadlock with Russia over
a settlement f nthe $10.800.00,0_000

company, which has run the rich
oil industry in Iran for 50 years,
has been beset for a month by
nationalist agitation and strikes,
which it blamed on the Commun-
Less than six hours before the
Mailis voted, the company an-
nounced in London it had pro-
tested against the parliamentary
moves to take over British oil in-
terests. The company repeated
past offers to adjust in Iran's
favor the trends of its conces-
sion, dated to run until 1993.
British foreign-office leaders
were at their desks throughout the
day, studying first-hand reports
of the situation, and planned to
be on duty today. A foreign-office
spokesman said about 3,500 Brit-
ons work for the company in Iran.
The British plan to send war-
ships-now within 48 sailing hours
away from key Iranian ports-to
protect British lives and property
if their safety is threatened.
THE MAJLIS acted in secret
session in recommending that
Shah Mohammed Reza Pahlevi
name the anti-British Mossadegh
to the premiership vacated Friday
night by the pro-western Hussein
Ala under pressure of the oil crisis
and threats of widespread demon-
strations on May Day.,.
The Majlis then voted in open
session to give the oil nationali-
zation proposal a rating of "tri-
ple urgency." In a matter of
hours, it approved the seizure.
The Senate, which has indicated
before it fully shares the Mailis'
sentiments, is to act next.
Vogeler Free,
Claims Reds
Used Coercion
VIENNA, Austria-(RP)-Robert
Vogeler, pale and shaken from 17
months in the hands of Hungary's
Communist police, got his bartered
release yesterday and stammered
mental and physical coercion at-
tended his confession to being an
American spy.
"I think there was some truth
in my testimony, which I read last
night for the first time," he told a
news conference. "But I think un-
der the law any testimony obtained
by mental or physical pressure is
not legal and is coerced."
The 39-year-old assistant vice
president of International Tele-
phone and Telegraph Company
was brought this morning to the
Austrian border at Nickelsdorf,
where he was met by an American
legation car.
Shortly afterward, the Hungari-
an and United States governments
announced that the young busi-
nessman had been released on
these conditions:
1. The Hungarian consulates in
New York and Cleveland, O.,
closed following Vogeler's arrest
Nov. 18, 1949, will be allowed to re-
2. The United States also will
rescind its ban on American travel-
ers to Hungary.

WASHINGTON - ?P) - Harold
Stassen proposed yesterday Presi-
dent Truman invite Gen. Douglas
MacArthur to the White House for
a "reconciliation" conference, but
Stassen got no immediate reply.
Stassen, University of Pennsyl-
vania president who ran for the
Republican nomina'tion for Presi-
dent in 1948, gave reporters copies
of a letter to President Truman
"For the good of America please
permit me to respectfully suggest a
reconciliation be brought about be-
tween you and Gen. MacArthur. If
the disagreement runs its bitter
course to the end, whatever the
outcome may be, it can do no good
for our country.
"I therefore ask you with humili-
ty that you consider extending an
invitation to Gen. MacArthur to
meet and confer with you."
STASSEN delivered the letter
personally to President Truman's
aides at the White House. He also
sent a telegram to MacArthur, who
yesterday was receiving another
triumphal greeting in New York,
Tribe Triumphs
The Maizigamua tribe whoop-
ed and hollered its way to vic-
tory in the third annual Frosh
Weiekend competition which
closed last night.
The coed redskins, members
of the Maize Team, scored 260
points, a full four points ahead
of the Blue Team, as three Uni-
versity Judges compared their
"Make Mine Moccasins" dance
in the League ballroom last
night with the Blue effort Fri-
day evening.

telling of the proposal to the Presi-
dent and adding:
"I feel very deeply that for
the good of America/a reconcili-
ation should be brought about
between you and the President."
The White House had nothing
to say beyond acknowledging the
letter was delivered. President Tru-
man has said previously if the
general asked for an appointment
he would get one.
At Milwaukee Friday Mac-
Arthur was said to take the stand
he would regard an invitation to
see President Truman as an order.
However, a spokesman has said the
general has no plans to see the
Meat Prices
To RollBack
ernment yesterday announced a
new beef price control program
calling for almost a dime-a-pound
rollback at the butcher shop by
Oct. 1.
The program provides for pro-
gressively reduced ceilings for live
cattle starti ' next month.
Retail prices will remain about'
the same\ for the tine being, al-
though they will be placed under
specific dollars-and-cents ceilings.
But the announcement said they
will be slashed from four to five
cents a pound Aug. 1. and again
by the same amount Oct. 1.
The new ceilings, OPS said, will
put beef prices by fall back to
about where they were when the
Korean war began.

-Daily-Roger Reinke
WARM WEATHER WORRIES-You can't beat the heat, bawls
Greg Buck, Ypsilanti youngster, after he dropped his big, mushy;
ice cream cone on the corner of North University and State
Streets. But Greg had slopped himself up enough to be comfort-
able in Ann Arbor's premature heat wave.
Stassen AsksiTruman,
MacArthur To Confer

Force Alied
Heavy Artillery
Covers Retreat
TOKYO - (P) -'Chinese Re
yesterday reached the Han Riv
northwest of Seoul and surge
down the north bank in a bid
break through into the apparent
doomed Korean capital.
The Allies, who earlier had pull
their defense line back to with:
four miles of Seoul, were mak
an orderly retreat around thea
wrecked city.
One of the heaviest conenti
tions of gunfire in the Korean w
covered the withdrawal. Warshij
off the west coast joined wi
105mm howitzers in blasting t
advancing Reds.
* * *
THERE WAS every indicatic
the 300,000-man Red force in t
West intended to drive throu
Seoul beforerhalting to regroup.
'They were heading 'toward s
defense are 30 miles long draw
tightly north of the city. Barbe
wire and gun' emplacementi
bolstered the line.
Red forces in the center shows
reluctance to follow up United Na
tions troops presently abandonir
Chunchon, 45 miles northeastD
"THERE WERE indications ti
Chinese power drive was runnix
out of gas,".AP correspondent Rol
ert Eunson reported from .I
Eighth Army headquarters;l
Red casualties of 2,300 fo
yesterday shot enemy losses pas1
45,000 for the offensive whici
opened a week ago today.
"Fresh troops will have to 1
brought up to take the place of t
ragged and battered first wavei
-the estimated half-a-million Ch
nese troops now in Korea," Eunsc
THE FRONT LINE forces wei
into battle with eight days' supp
of rice. The supply will be exhais
ed by tomorrow.
United Nations forces aban
doned Uijongbu, 11 miles nort
of Seoul, without a fight las
Chinese columns were drivh
down two main roads toward eoi
One moved due south from Uon
bu. A second rolled southeastwa.
from Munsan, 21 miles- northwe
of Seoul.
REARGUARD allied elemeni
stemmed the Communist advan
until the main body of UN troo
could move into their new defen
lines north of the Han River.
Reporting from the weste
front, AP correspondent John Ra
dolph said last night a short1
appeared to have set in after
days of intense Chinese offensive
Moody Seeks
High Position
Moody (D-Mich.) has applied It
the Vandenberg vacancy on t
Senate Foreign Relations Commi
tee and a few Democrats apparez
ly think he ought to have it.
Sen,. Moody, correspondent
the Detroit News who was appoii
ed this week afte the death(
Sen. Arthur Vandenberg (1
Mich.), is the baby member of t.
Senate in service.

committee assignments he wou
like to have. He placed the forei
relations group at the, top, ahea
of his second place choice of t
powerful appropriations comm
New senators usually wind ul

By The Associated Press
Clocks went ahead an hour in
millions of American homes today
as daylight saving time made its
annual bow through nearly half
the nation,.
Roughly 65,000,000 persons lost
an hour after midnight, while
about 80,000,000 others ignored the
time change.
* * *
A FEW LAGGARD communities
will set their clocks up next
month. As usual, there were pro-
tests over the time change, es-
pecially in farm areas. But they
seemed fewer and sounded less
shrill than at any time since the
first World War.
The lost hour is regained in
most places Sept. 30, when the
clocks will be moved back an
hour for the fall and. winter
Daylight saving is strongly sup-
ported in large cities, where the
factory hands and office workers
gain an hour of daylight in the
evening. This gives . them more
time 'for golfing, picnicking and
the like after the day's work is
As a result, most of the heavily
populated Eastern seaboard is on
summer time. So are. populous
California, Chicago, St. Louis and
other big-city areas.
MOST FARMERS have little
use for last time. They argue
that cows, pigs and chickens don't
go by the clock but by the sun.
The government's interest in

It gets people up an hour earlier
and to bed an hour earlier-in
theory at least. That means a
saving in fuel and electricity.
States where daylight saving
time took effect today include New
Jersey, Pennsylvania, Rhode Is-
land, Connecticut, New Hamp-
shire, Vermont, Massachusetts,
Delaware, Oregon, California, and
Nevada. The District of Columbia
also will switch.
It also took effect in parts of
New York, Virginia, Washington,
Missouri, Nebraska, Ohio, Alaba-
ma, Kentucky, Indiana, New Mex-
ico, Illinois, Maine, Maryland and
West Virginia.

U' Educators Can't See
'Truman, Stalin in Nude


U' Has Safeguards Against Default.



A recent suggestion that Presi-
dent Truman and Premier Stalin
shed their clothes and hold a nude
peace conference was frowned up-
on yesterday by several campus
The proposal had come from
New Delhi, India, where the leader
of 50,000 Naga (nude) Sect monks

barrier and put both of them
on the defensive."
Prof. Heyns agreed that such a
meeting wouldn't be conducive to
peaceful communication. "It
would probably generate a cool at-
mosphere," he explained.
In short, both considered the
idea absurd.
A SPECIALIST in international

(Editor's Note: This is the third
in a series of interpretive articles on
the financial aspects of University
dormitory housing.)
One of the biggest worries for
University dormitory administra-
tors and bondholders alike is the
retirement of construction bonds
when they fall due.
Once, in the blackest days of

over and applied to the following
year's operating costs. However,
it is used to pay off bonds, as an
added assurance to bondholders,
according to University adminis-
In addition, as a. safeguard
against default during any one
year, the University is not re-
quired to pay in full the normal
amount of annual bond retire-

at 100 per cent of the yearly debt
service. Administrators say the
retirement at 100 per cent instead
of 85 per cent is what it means by
"accelerated bond payment," a
phrase which has often proved
Several o t h e r safeguards
against default can be found in
the bond contracts. For one
thing; the University must adopt



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