F/ It 43UU :43 aj t t " y ; ' .,. i z,,k rf r t " ] "0 ll V GORDON IALL See Page 2 Latest Deadline in the State f MILD WITH SHOWERS VOL. LXI, No. 142 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, APRIL 28, 1951 I Officials Defend Dorm Financing Residence 1Halls Bond Retirement Plan, Last Year's Surplus Explained (Editor's Note: This is the second in a series of interpretive articles on the financial aspects of University dormitory housing.) By BOB KEITH With today's crowded dormitories offering a source of potentially big revenue, University financiers might be tempted now to try paying off residence.halls 4onstruction bonds in a hurry. Recently countless rumors and charges have circulated through the ,dorms that the University is doing just that-paying off its bonds before maturity-at the expense of good food and housing for the students who foot the bill - * . * TO SUCH CHARGES, University administrators reply, however, with a more or less flat "no." Instead, they contend, bonds are being retired at almost precisely the same rate each and every year, whether it'be last year, this year -or ten years hence. This statement, a positive refutation of the many current rumors, is subject, however, to one significant qualification. Whenever total dorm revenues for any one year happen to exceed the amount needed to cover all obligations for that year (including food, maintenance and regular bond retirement) this money, too, is used to pay off bonds'. UN As Force's Reds I Withdrawin Menace Final Draft" Bill Delayed By Congress I * * * * DURING THE SCHOOL year ending last June this sum (called "remaining net income") amounted to $67,121.87, or an average of 40 cents per student per week. The reason for this surplus is quite simple. You might say that University administrators "guessed wrong" in estimating ex- penses. It is of course difficult to predict in advance the precise amount needed to cover all expenses for any oncoming year; in 1949-50 administrators set dorm fees at a point which happened to bring in some $67,000 more revenue than was necessary. A similar "remaining net income" could be left at the end of any year. Dormitory finances are ordinarily geared to a yearly safety margin of three per cent, in order to cover any unforseen expenses, and it is always possible that this margin will not be used up. In 1950 the $67,000 surplus amounted to less than two and one-half per cent of total gross revenues. And that, University officials assert, "is about as close a margin as we can work on with safety,"j Because all of this money was used to retire bonds, none of it, of course, could be retained and applied to the operating expenses for the following yaer. AN EXPLANATION FOR THIS practice lies in the contract agree- ments signed by the University Board of Regents and the bondholders. In order to facilitate bond sales, the Regents have pledged yearly dorm revenues entirely toward bond retirement and operating expenses; whenever revenues exceed expenses, they must, by contract, be used to retire the bonds. At last year's pace, this "remaining net Income" could mount to more than $1,500,000 during the aggregate period of bond re- tirement, or enough to pay off the bonds some three years sooner than necessary. On the other hand, It could work out to be almost negligible, Use of "remaining net income" for bond retirement represents the only instance of a dormitory financing procedure which would get the bonds cleared away sooner than legally required, according to administrators, OF COURSE, it would be entirely possible for the University to speed up its regular bond retirement too, by purposely boosting dorm fees to a point higher than necessary. However, officials staunchly deny that this is being done. They affirm, instead, that each of several bond issues is in- dividually retired at an equal rate each year. (Continued on Page 4) * * * * Labor Dispute Halts Opening 01 South Quad This Sumer -Daily-Malcolm Shatz TRIAL !UN-President Alexander Ruthven listens as Edgar Guest, well-known newspaper poet, reads a poem dedicated to the retiring educator. Guest lated did a repeat performance at a banquet honoring President Ruthven. Schoolmastesa Hono,6r tRuth ven7 By VERNON EMERSON Mote than 340 members of the University's faculty, Michigan Schoolmasters' Club and friends of President and Mrs. Alexander G. Ruthven last night packed the Union Ballroom for a banquet in their honor. They heard Regent Vera Baits and Detroit poet 'Edgar Guest praise President Ruthven for his leadership and guidance during the past 22 years. Then the audience gave President Ruthven a standing * * * Critics Hit By Ruthven President Ruthven yesterday blasted critics of education, in- cluding t e a c h e r s themselves, whose criticism "is based on in- adequate information." In a speech before the Michigan Schoolmasters' C 1 u b, President Ruthven strongly criticized "the comments of hack writers who re- alize there is always a ready mar- ket for adverse critical comment on schools and teachers." "IF EDUCATORS themselves were honest," he told the meeting, "we too would have to admit that we have indulged in criticism with too little knowledge. Edu- cation," he said, "is everybody's business, and criticism based on inadequate information on the programs, problems, and progress of instruction is poor business." Another source of unjust cri- ticism, President Ruthven said, comes from "the proud parents of every little pride and joy who expect the schools to correct the results of their parental short- comings." President Ruthven also warnedj the Michigan educators attending the meeting that the main objec- tive of the public schools could be to serve the "basic educational needs of their communities." Pdinting out'that only one high school senior in four in Michigan goes to college, he said schools have a "clear cut obligation to see that the 75 per cent who do not enter college are as well trained as those who will continue their studies." Oovation after he said that the banquet was one of the greatest honors he has received. President Ruthven will retire this June. OUTLINING President Ruth- ven's long service to the Univer- sity, Regent Baits said that the crowningpoint of his life has been his work as the school's chief ad- ministrator. "Since he became President, the University has increased three times in size, has twice as many students and financial transactions are five times as great," she said. "He faced the obstacles of a de- pression, a world war and de- creased financial support from the State Legislature. Yet he as held the line of high educational stan- dards at the University." *~ * * GUEST, A LONG time friend of President Ruthven, said that the immeasurable influence that the educator has had on the Univer- sity will go on for years. He hailed President Ruthven for his spiritual leadership, terming the spiritual side of life the most important, Then Guest read a poem which he had prepared in honor of the retiring president. *-* * IN EXPRESSING his thanks, President Ruthven said that any success which occurred in his ad- ministration would have come no matter who was president. "The Board of Regents, the administra- tive staff, and the faculty-all of whom have cooperated with me and tutored me-would have made that possible. The banquet ended the 64th meeting of the Schoolmasters' Club here. Charles L. Anspach, president of Central Michigan College, closed themeeting by charging the educators with the task of reviving moral and religi- ous values in the country. "There is a common middle ground for religious and secular education. We need both to bring back the great cultural, moral and religious traditions which are the bases of good character and citi- Izenship." Earlier, the teachers met in con- ferences on various educational programs. W. E. 9tirton, of De- troit was elected the group's new president. DSR. Peace Talks Mac Hearings To Occupy Senate WASHINGTON - (Y)-- A delay of two weeks to a month in ef- forts to iron out Senate-House dif- ferences in the draft-universal military training program was de- cided upon yesterday, T he Senate investigation of the firing of Gen. Douglas MacArthur was given as the main reason for the delay. CHAIRMAN RUSSELL (D-Ga.) of the Senate Armed Services Committee and Chairman Vinson (D-Ga.) of the similar House group told reporters of the deci- sion after a closed-door session. Senators will be completely occupied next week and for some time in the MacArthur hearings," Russell said. "Chair- man Vinson and the House con- ferees have agreed to the change~" The two chairmen announced agreement upon half a dozen more minor points but major Senate- House differences remained un- solved as they decided upon a re- cess. The existing Selective Service Act will expire July 9. Russell said he expects to get the con- ference committee together "be- fore a month." Today's decision was made after a compromise offer Was reported in lowering the minimum draft age. House spokesmen were said to h a v e proposed an 18-year-old minimum for future universal military training, if actual combat service for draftees was pegged at 19, the present minimum age for induction. Students Plan To. Take Test Almost half of the non-veteran draft eligible students at the Uni- versity are planning to take the College Qualification Test. A check of the University Armed Services Information Center and the Ann Arbor draft board yester- day revealed that approximately 3,100students have picked up test applications. I -Jim Butt. COOLING OFF-Taking advantage of the warm weather yester- day were Pat Texter, '53, on the left, and Pauline Kurtz, '53, who were found wading in the fountain across from the League. However, weatherl reports for today predict occasional showers. BIRTH OF A NATION: Society Votes To Show. Disputed FilmIn May Seoul Communists Sever Vital Supply Lie Civilians Agami Leave Capital TOKYO-(IP)-The Allies wer withdrawing al along the mudd Y Korean battlefront today befor Chinese Communists hordes w cut a vital east-west supply ro06 and menaced Seoul. UN forces on the western fror pulled back an unspecified distanc north of the ruined capital c South Korea. Until the new with drawaf heavy fighting had wirle within 10 miles of the batter d cit * * * THOUSANDS OF civ iliavrn streamed south out of Seoul whil Allied artillery within the cit hammered away at the onrushin Reds. On the central front, the stra- tegic .highway town of Kapyong on the imprtant Seoul-CIn- chon highway was abandoned to attacking Communists. Kapyong, 33 air miles northear of Seoul, lies on the road which ha linked the western front with th central front. OF ALL the hard-won UN ter ritory in North Korea only a nar row bridgehead remained betwee: the Pukhan River and the Inje Hyon road on the mountainou east-central front. Back in the west, the US. rEighth Army communiqu,at the Communists put heavy pre- sure on the Allies south of Mvi san all day yesterday. But in the late afternoon UN forces broke contact and withdrew to a new defense line. Munsan; 23 air miles northwe of Seoul, was the point where Am erican paratroopers made a spec tacular landing behind Red line only last month. It is on one ma Red invasion path leading to Oe oul. Along this path were masse t an estimated 300,000 Chinese Red The pressure of this horde w t felt in terrific fighting around U - jongbu, gateway to Seoul 11 mile north of the capital. Except on the western front, tl Allied withdrawal was at a taste e rate than the casualty riddled Ch nese and North Koreans could ac s vance. Iran Premier, Cabinet Quit In OilCrisis g, i TEHRAN, Iran-M-P)-Ailing Pi mier Uussein Ala and his 47-da; old cabinet resigned last night : the midst of an explosive cri over oil and rising Communis trpired unreW througliout strat gic Iran. The 68-year-old Ala, a pro-wes erner long known for his mode ate policies, apparently felt ui able to cope with the violent n tionalistic demand to drivet - huge British-owned Anglo-Irar e ian Ol Company out of control f the nation's vast oil resources. BULLETIN In a 1:30 a m, conference this morning several membet of the Triton Film Society, agreed to cancel the plan to show "Birth of a Natidn." Al Silver, who holds the film's contract, said the decision was made because lack of time would prevent getting approval of both SRA and the Student Affairs Committee.- The Triton Film Society last night voted to show the much dis- puted film, "Birth of a Nation," on either May 12 or May 13 in Lane Hall as an extra movie in their year's series. A program including two speak- ers, one of the film's historical significance and the other on the film's sociological significance, is planned to accompany the show- ing. THE SOCIETY voted to finance the film by individual subscrip- tions and take over a contract held with the Museum of Modern Art,. National By The Associated Press WASHINGTON-Senator Rob- ert A. Taft yesterday called for immediate adoption of Gen, Doug- las MacArthur's strategy against the Comr unists during a feverish Republican-Democrat debate in the Senate. CARNEY, OKLA.-A Giant B-36 bomber and an F-51 fighterplane collided yesterday during a prac- tice bombing run on the state cap- ital killing thirteen men. * * * WASHINGTON - Rep. Frank Buchanan (D-Pa) died last night in the naval hospital at Bethesda, Md. after an illness of four weeks.I New York by Al Silver, a member of the Society. Attendance at the showing is' planned to be limited to mem- bers and possibly a few guests. But whether the film will actu- ally get shown depends on three big "if's." If Triton, which is a sub-com- mittee of the study and discussion committee of the Student Religi- ous Association, can get the ap- proval of the SRA Council. If University officials do not interfere. If the Museum of Modern Ar wil grant the transfer of the con- tract. SILVER HAD secured the con- tract from the Museum for the Unitarian Student Group which had planned to show it this spring. The group, however, disband- ed at the beginning of the year, partly over the question of whe- ther to show the movie or not. Silver, still holding the contract sought to for ma special commit tee to show the movie and possibl: another controversial film along with a planned program on civi liberties, The committee, howev er, never materialized., "Birth of a Nation" was the center of loud controversy on campus last spring when a showing by the speech depart- ment was called off at the re- quest of several local groups be- cause they charged it was anti- Negro, An informal committee was im mediately formed to show th film, claiming that suppression o thought should be resisted ne matter what quarter it came from The committee was disbande when the Student Legislature vot ed to show the film; The SL plan, however, fel through when the Museum of Ar mistakenly believed that the: Would charge admission for the showing, which is against the Mu- seurh's rules for distributing films A jurisdictional dispute involv- ing members of the same laborl union will prevent South Quad- rangle from opening this summer as originally planned, accordixig to Francis C. Shiel, manager of University Service Enterprises. Because members of the Broth- erhood of Carpenters and Joiners (AFL) refuse to install wardrobe units built in Ludington by mem- bers of another AFL brotherhood, the new building's east wing will not be ready for occupancy. * * WEST Quadrangle will be open instead for the summer session, Shiel announced. He said that even if the dispute were settled immediately the wardrobes could not be installed in time for the summer opening. He was confident, however, that the eight-story dorm would be ready by fall. Meanwhile men who wish to indicate pref- erences for summer accomoda- tion in West Quad should see Karl Streiff, 1020 Administra- tion Bldg., before Friday, Shiel said. The wardrobe units were made by workmen who voted recently to join the Brotherhood of Auto- MacArthur Back motive Workers (AFL). Most of the units were built before the automotive brotherhood was adopt- ed, at a time when the workers were members of the Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners them- selves. Reportedly, the local union is using the dispute as a means of pressuring the University into al- lowing unionization of its Plant Service maintenance workers. Uni- versity officials have, contended that such a move is prevented by, a law forbidding the Board of Re- gents to bargain with unions. THERE ARE 6,844 male non- veterans on campus, But, Richard A. Corell, di- rector of the Information Center indicated that over 100 students are still coming in each day to pick up the applications. Elsewhere on campus, a Nation- al Selective Service official urged all students to. take the exam. Col. George A. Irwin, speaking before a meeting of representa- tives of the State placement bu- reaus and the University Bureau of Appointments, warned that stu- dents may not get another chance to take the test. And should the present emer- gency become more serious, he said, the test will probably be made an essential part of deferment policy. Those who haven't taken the test will find it difficult to get an educational deferment, he added. EXPERTS SHUDDER: Proposal To Abolish StateDepartmentHit' H )- By CAL SAMRA Three political scientists shud- dered yesterday upon being in- formed that a Senator from South Dakota had introduced a bill de- signed to abolish the State De- partment. Manfred Vernon, George Peek, and Walter Filley, of the political science department, assailed the mI na opnn.+. n Car mfP_4 +a Peek's first reaction was unquot- able, so he toned it down to the customary euphemism: "It's not feasible," Apparently, he said, Mr. Case's plan is designed to wrest away the powers of the President in the in-. ternational field, "Not only that, it violates all the good principles of efficient administration, which nreessitates nolitica1 ladershin ORDWAY TEAD STRESSES: Education Should Integrate Life PARLIAMENT has been ca to meet in special session toda vote on the popular proposa take over the company immedi ly. Approval seems almost tain, although there were rer some deputies might try to p pone a showdown by falling to tend in sufficient numbers to vent a quorum. Ala was appointed March 1 Shah Mohammed RezaPah to, succeed Premier' Ali Raznl. who was assassinated for op ing the oil nationalization m+ Fanatical Moslems who inc Razmara's slaying and spearhe ed the agitation for the gov ment seizure of the Anglo-Irar Company threatened the live Ala and other government lea By RON WATTS Criticising the idea of know- .- - . __ ' _. . a .... . .I - %. 3 PRECEDING ,TEAD'S address President Alexander 'G. Ruthven npesented the honor students. In the unity of human knowledge, and a growing sense of power over the elements which can minister