-T x Yl r e It D43at e~ o Q00 0 00 A-BOMB DEFENSE See Page 4 Latest Deadline in the State FAIR AND WARMER VOL. LXI, No. 141 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, APRIL 27, 1951 EIGHT PAGES Nine Hour Count Ends SL Election Officials Forced To Use 34 Ballots Before Selecting Final Candidate It took 34 ballots and nine and a half hours, but weary Student Legislature election officials were able to head for home at 4:30 a.m. .yesterday knowing that the long count had been satisfactorily com- pleted. Howard Willens, '53, was the last of 21 candidates to slip into the SL, going in after the Hare System quota had been lowered to 268. It began at 275, and started dropping at about 3:30 a.m., as the number of exhausted ballots grew. -. QN THE WHOLE, the SL election was viewed as an uneventful one by veteran Legislators. Actual counting for the' SL got off to a slow start, the first ballot not being called out until nearly 10:30 * * * Tp.m. Tabulation for most of the I i 'SL Hit for frregularity Of "Elections Charges of voting irregulari- ties filled the air yesterday in the wake of one of the most contro- SAersial campus elections in re- cent history. With more than 1,000 ballots invalidated in a single contest, accusations against the Student Legislature Citizenship Committee for election misnianagement were widespread. SL officials exoner- ated student voters from blame 'for the ballotting mishaps and raised little protest against the -charges. BIGGEST ISSUE was the de- ^cision of the Joint Judiciary Wed- nesday night declaring void more than 1,000 ballots in the Union vice-presidential race. The Judi- ciary based its move on an SL ,policy which required that election personnel punch the Union ballots to the left of the schools in which ,the voters placed their marks. Objecting to the decision on the grounds that the dispute was not within the Judiciary's Jurisdiction, Tom Walsh, '51L, longtime Student Legislator, will introduce a motion at the SL meeting Monday night calling for a recount of the void ballots. Walsh charged yesterday that the huge invalidation was unjust to the large number of voters dis- enfranchised by the move. "The punching procedure was an SL policy mutter which was not or- iginally stated in the instructions to those who manned polling booths and calls for an SL deci- sion," he said. sio, * * * HOWEVER, John Ryder, '53L, Judiciary president, stated that the Judiciary was "merely carry- ing out its function of enforcing' the same policy followed in all elections. The specific policy on Union ballots is standard and only' because of the extensive violations' of it by election personnel is our maintenance of it under attack,"' Ryder countered. Discovery of the violations was made Tuesday morning by Merl Townley, '52M, Judiciary mem- ber, who immediately reported it to election headquarters. Shortly afterward, orders were sent out to the election booths to follow the punching procedure, according to, SL spokesmen. Nevertheless, election personnel reported ' widespread confusion concerning the procedure and said they received contradictory orders throughout the two-day voting. ' Among other charges leveled at the Citizenship Committee were: 1) Using J-Hop ballots missing one candidate's name for at least one hour Tuesday morning. 2) Permitting students not in the literary college senior class to vote for officers in the class. 3) Allowing students to vote for engineering class officers not in their class owing to ambiguous in- structions to the voters on (the ballots. 4) Misspelling one name and misplacing another on SL ballots. Bridie's 'Bolfrey' To Open Tonight "Mr. Bolfrey," by James Bridie, fifth play in the Arts Theatre .aii c-nin cnan wil nnean for other offices and referendum is- sues had been completed and to- tals announced by that time. It was not until the 20th bal- lot that Swede Lauritsen, '52, followed the two fast starters, Len Wilcox, '52, and Doug Cut- ler, '52, over the hump into the Legislature. Wilcox and Cutler each made it on the first ballot, with 278 and 280 first place votes, respectively, Pete Hall, '53, picked up a large increment when Pete Johnston, '53, dropped on the next count, ISL Results The following are the newly elected members of 'the Student Legislature. They are listed in the order of their election: Doug Cutler, '52 Leonard Wilcox, '52 Swede Lauritsen, '52 Peter Hall, '53 Richard Demmer, '53 Olaf Haroldson, '52} David Guttentag, '53 Leah Marks, '52 Phyllis Kaufman, '53 Jules Perlberg, '52BAd. Gerald Abramow, '52 Robert Neary, '54 Robin Glover, '53 Edwin Kerr, '53 Sondra Diamond, '53 Judy Gallup, '52 Sue Popkin, '54 Dot Wendler, '52 Jean Belle Jones, '53 Diana Lahde, '52 Howard Willens, '53 to go in with, a surplus on the' 21st ballot, From then on until 4:30 a.m., a few candidates went in on each ballot. About 150 volunteer workers helped with the complicated job of tabulation, according to Alice Spero, '53, who managed the election. The independent-affiliate split went in favor of the affiliates as far as the Legislature was con- cerned, with 13 affiliates to eight independents being voted in. How- ever, two independents slipped in- to the usually affiliate stronghold, the nine-member J-Hop Commit- tee. Judge To Speak Judge John J. Parker, senior judge of the United States Circuit Court of Appeals, will speak at 6 p.m. today in the Lawyers' Club as a part of the 23rd annual Founder's Day program. Parker's address, "Defense of Freedom," will deal with the ob- ligations of lawyers in the interna- tional scene. Useo o'orm FeesExplied (Editor's Note: This is the first in a series of interpretive articles on the financial aspects of University, dormitory housing.) By BOB KEITH Are University dormitory residents getting their money's worth in food and other accomodations?I With the announcement this week of a substantial boost in next year's board and room rates, this time-worn question has perhaps be- come more pertinent than ever before. *' * * * THE NEW RATES were revealed at a time of growing concern on the part of many students over the quality of food and services that their money brings them. The problem has not, however, centered chiefly on the 'rates themselves. The real issue has arisen over the way in which the money is used. Millions of student dollars are, over a period of years, being diverted toward a gigantic dormitory construction program. Most of the 5,006 dormitory residents on campus each contribute ap- proximately $120 annually, or more than one-fifth of their total dorm bill, to this program. The question raised by many students deals with whether this sum is too heavy a load for them to bear for construction itself. More specifically, many are, wondering whether a larger share of the money could be used instead for better food and other accomodations. IN AN ATTEMPT to bring out some of the aspects of the problem, The Daily has consulted with several University administrators, in- cluding Services Enterprises manager Francis C. Shiel and University vice-president Wilbur K. Pierpont. Information from them forms, much of the basis for these articles. At the heart of the situation, of course, is the University's vast, multi-million dollar dorm building program and the method used to finance it. The major part of the building program was inaugurated more than a decade ago with a direct grant from the United States Govern- ment. This money, made available as part of the WPA "make-work" program, was enough to cover 45 per cent of the cost of building West Quad, Stockwell Hall, East Quad and Vaughn House. SINCE THEN, however, no government funds have been avail- able, and a complex system of bond issues has been brought into use. This University was one of the first to make use of the system, and it has since spread to educational institutions through the nation. Here is how it works: Whenever new dorm construction is planned, money is ini- tially raised by selling bonds to banks, insurance companies and private individuals. Then, over a certain period of years, the bonds areapaid off out of current operating revenues, or, in other words, oyt of the fees charged student residents. ,Generally, residence halls* bonds are contracted for a 20 or 30 a year period, * * * *- AT THE PRESENT time the University is in the midst of the re-j tirement period for a number of bonds,' and money is still owed on every large residence hall on campus. All existing bond obligations will be met by 1980. After that 1 date dormitory residents will be living in quarters that have beenI completely financed out of the pocketbooks of previous dwellers. Such a fiscal setup perhaps places a disproportionate burden on students who happen to live in the dorms before they are paid for, Yet University officials see no alternative. ONESOLTIN mgh * * * ONE SOLUTION might be appropriations from the State of Michi- (See 'U' OFFICIALS, Page 2) READY; LOAD-Sgt. 1st Class Charles Siegfried explains breach of a 105 millimeter Howitzer cannon to Eugene Woodruff, '54. The field piece is part of Army's di.play in connection with engi- neering college's open house today and tomorrow. * 4 4 4 4 * * * Engineers Open Doors Today <, _ __ The southeast corner of campus will be decked out in banners and will bustle today when the engi- neering college's open house be- gins its two-day stand. East and West Engineering Buildings, neighboring parking lots and Randall physics laboratory World Nees Roundup By The Associated Press bunting for commercial and exper- imental exhibits. The Reserve Of- ficer Training Corps Rifle Range Building and North Hall will be the scene of Army and Navy dis- plays. BEGINNING AT 9 a.m. Univer- sity and high school students and faculty as well as the public will stream to the college to be shown marvels of modern engineering. Today's open house will end WASHINGTON-President Tru- - -- man urged Congress yesterday to! "hold the line" in t: e cost of liv- Panel Relates Haber Cites Importance Of Students to Nation' Schools and colleges are as im- portant to the nation's defense as the armed forces, Prof. William Haber of the economics depart- ment declared yesterday. Speaking before a joint meeting of the Teachers' Education Con- ference and the Conference on Problems in Secondary Education, Prof. Haber called for a revision of the public attitude toward educa- tional institutions. NO DEBAUCHERY: Hometown Sin Denied By Grand Rapids Students THE PEOPLE MUST get it into their heads, he said, that men studying medicine, physics oi any other field are serving their coun- try as much as those who work in factories, on the farms or in the armed forces. "This country has no possibil- ity of matching the Communist nations in terms of raw man- power," he added. "Our only hope is to have superior man- power-supeiOr in terms of training." While upholding the present col- lege deferment plan, Prof. Haber criticized the way it was handled in releasing it to the public. S 4 4 TWO VERY important points should have been made clear to the people, he declared. First, that the college men are not now urgently needed by the armed forces which are al- ready nearing their goal of three and a half million men. Second, that the students would actually not be deferred, but rather would have their induction post- poned until they completed their studies. PnItAT. nl 11r--a 4fal 1 1 ing battle, to provide "fair ceilings on prices, including the prices of farm products, and on rents." He called too for increased tax- es, increased personal savings tighter controls over credit and materials and the leveling off of, wages and salaries at "fair" fig- ures. TEHRAN, Iran-A special par- liamentary oil commission voted last night to ask Parliament to set up a 12-man Iranian Gov- ernment Board to take immedi- ate control of the huge British- owned Anglo-Iranian Oil Com- pany. WASHINGTON-W. Stuart Sy- mington, government administra- tor, convinced the Senate Banking Committee yesterday that he's the man to take over the oft-criticized Reconstruction Finance Corpora- tion. WASHINGTON - The House voted an extra $6,468,206,000 for defense yesterday without ques- tioning a single dollar of it. * * * TOKYO-Maj. Gen. C. A. Wil- loughby, Chief of Intelligence on General MacArthur's staff, said today he had asked for retirement and would return to the United States late in May to join the General. 'Education to World Peace A panel discussion on "Educa- tion for Peace" last night opened and closed on the same thought voiced by different faculty mem- bers. "We shall have peace only when peace is willed in the minds and hearts of men." These words spok- en by the panel's moderator, lit- erary college Dean Hayward Ken- iston, closed a UNESCO-Union sponsored meeting opened by panel member Prof. Kenneth Boulding of the economics department, who stated, "Peace is found in the minds of people." * * * PROF. SAMUEL Eldersveld, of the political science department, sought to pin down the causes for war more specifically. "We haven't developed a con- cept of loyalty to international organization and that is what we needs" he said. But those students who attempt to assert such a loyalty, one woman replied, "end up in jail." To this Prof. Boulding retorted that he had a close friend in jail for that Very reason. at 9 p.m. and tomorrow's affair will run from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. The displays show a dominant military, tone with a General Pat- ton tank, three Navy war ship models and three kinds of jet air- plane engines. Also the American Ordnance Association, an organiz- ation advocating war preparedness, will have a mammoth outdoor dis- play. HOME BREWERS-past or po- tential-will be fascinated by the chemical engineering department's all-glass still, which will be demon- strated separating alcohol from water. Commercial shows will include radios, television and automobile engines. Also open to the public view will be the University's atom smashers, the syncrotron and the cyclotron, housed in the Randall building. Dorm Survey Will Be Made The Board of Governors of Re- sidence Halls yesterday put its stamp of approval on the conduc- tion of a survey of dormitory resi- dents on dorm living conditions. The survey will consist of a questionnaire to be formulated by a six-member student committee and circulated among men and women in the dorms. Results will be conveyed to the Governors for discussion and appropriate action, according to Carl Hasselwdnder, '51, student representative on the Board. A rough draft of the question- naire has already been drawn up by the committee, which is headed by Dave Guttentag, '53E. The fin- ished copy should be ready for distribution in two weeks. Questions on the temporary draft pertain to food, service, fa- cilities and staff in the residence halls. A possible query on room and board rates is also being con- sidered by the committee. Communists Within 11 Miles of City Van Fleet Says 'Allies Will Ho' TOKYO - (A) - Red troop swarmed down to within 11 miles of rubbled Seoul last night, hitting Allied forces on the outskirts of Uijongbu. But despite the assault on Ui- jongbu, defense outpost for Seoul. the United Nations field com mander predicted the Reds would be stopped north of the Han River. The statement came from Lt. Gen. James A. Van Fleet on _a surprise visit to the rolling front HIS REFERENCE to north of the Han apparently meant the Allies hoped to save Seoipl from falling into Red hands for the third time in just over 10 months of war. United Nations forces still held Uijongbu and were putting up a strong fight. Uijongbu- controls the main invasion road to Seoul. On the central-eastern front Allied forces Beat back four night counterattacks. THE WESTERN pressure by the enemy was intense. The U. S. Eighth Army communique said five Red divisions were pounding southward. Yet the United Nations with- drawals remained orderly. The roads behind the withdrawing Allies were littered with the corpses of Communist dead. Official estimates of Red troops slain in the first four days of the Red spring drive totalled 22,000 men., * * * THE ALLIED defense line north of the Han has not yet been es- tablished, Van Fleet said, and Allied withdrawals continued. The line yielded, byplan, un- der pressure from a Chinese army of nearly a half million men surging forward in the west without armor at a tremendous cost in killed and wounded. The Reds pressed southward on Uijongbu. Yesterday they took Munsan, 21 miles north and west of Seoul * * * GENERAL Van Fleet dropped in unannounced at a UN Division Command Post early today.h' After being briefed with the di- vision commander he met war cor- respondents. One asked if he be- lieved his Eighth Army could stop the Chinese and hold north of the Han. He replied quickly: "I do'" Chicago Gives Big Welcome 'To MacArthur CHICAGO-(A)-Chicago's mil- lions gave their hearts, their cheers and a thunderous "Hi, Mac" yes- terday to a self-styled "old soldier" who thought himself fading away, Gen. MacArthur arrived in the Windy City amid the biggest and noisiest welcome in the history of Chicago and the Midwest. LATER IN THE evening, Gen. MacArthur declared in a speech that "the advent of the war with Red China" has resulted in "a policy vacuum heretofore unknown to war." The deposed commander of the Pacific forces asserted in a ringing address that climaxed a tumultous welcome fori him in Chicago; "None of these (persons) will tell you in the traditionally ringing tones of the American Patriot that our objective in Korea is victory over the nation and men who.with- out provocation or justification have warred against us.7 * * * FETE 702 STUDENTS: Tead To Address Honor Convocation University students from Grand Rapids yesterday defended the name of their home town after a State legislature representative charged that "organized prostitu- tion and gambling make it one of the most wide open cities in the Midwest." Asking for the creation of a "little Kefauver committee" to in- vestigate crime in Michigan, Rep. merce Street isn't that long," Paul Goebel, Jr., '55, son of the Grand Rapids mayor, was quick to defend the present city admin- istration. "I'm sure Faulkner is wrong about the figures he lists. And since November the city has been making a concentrated drive to reduce gambling," he said. TO FRnPik par '.m51. mmber * Prof. Ordway Tead, chairman of the Board of Higher Education of New York City, is slated to ad- dress the annual Undergraduate Honors Convocation at 11 a.m. to- day in Hill Auditorium. Prof. Tead who is author of sev- eral books and articles on college education and teaching and an Ami+fr ofRx n'rnr a lnth ar ,wi ll dents have not been extended of- ficial invitations. * * * TODAY'S SCHEDULE calls for a dismissal of classes at 10:45 a.m. However, students will attend clin- ics and seminars, except for sen- iors who are members of these groups. Main finor sats will be resew- I I 3=