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April 26, 1951 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1951-04-26

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VOL. LXI, No. 140








* *



New Engineering
Head Appointed
Prof. George G. Brown To Replace
Retiring Dean Crawford July 1
Prof. George G. Brown, chairman of the chemical and metallurgi-
cal engineering department, has been named dean of the engineering
college to replace retiring Dean Ivan C. Crawford.
Prof, Brown's appointment, effective July 1, 1951, was approved
at the April 20-21 meeting of the Board of Regents. The announce-
ment was delayed until the faculty could be informed at a special
assembly late yesterday afternoon,
4 * * * *
TEACHING ON the faculty since 1920, Prof. Brown was honored
in 1947 when his title was changed to Edward DeMille Campbell Uni-
versity Professor of Chemical Engineering. He is one of eight pro-
fessors on the campus to be hon-

Dorm itory



* * Late Start,
Inrase Many Ballo

In.Key West,
Fatal to 43
KEY WEST--o)-A big Cuban
airliner and- a small U.S. Navy
plane collided with explosive fofce
over Key West yesterday and spun
into the sea, carrying 43 people
to their deaths.'
Water splashed 50 feet into the
air as the transport, with.,34 pas-1
sengers and five crewmen, nosed-
dived with a terrific bang into 20
feet of water.
pieces as it fell and crashed into
the ocean two miles west of the
transport. It carried a four-man
Hundreds of sunbathers saw
the planes meet at 4,000 feet
altitudewith a noise that re-
sembled an explosion. Eyewit-
nesses at first believed that the
Navy plane had blown up while
alongside the liner.
The four-engined transport, op-
erated by Compania Cubana de
Aviacion, left Miami for Havana
at 11:03 a.m. (EST) bound for
Havana with a passenger load that
included 25 Americans. The col-
lision occurred about 11:45 a.m.
At 4 p.m., Lt. Clemons C. Pear-
son, commander of the Coast
Guard station here, said 19 bodies
had been recovered but only nine
identified. The condition of some
of the bodies, he said, made iden-
tification very difficult.

ored when the Regents approved
the establishment of distinguished
As an outstanding chemical
engineer, Prof. Brown is often
called upon as an industrial and
technical consultant. He spe-
cializes in petroleum, fuels, fur-
naces, liquid fuel utilization,
gaseous explosives, distillation
and thermodynamics,
In 1949 he was made a director
of the United States Atomic En-
ergy Commission's Division of En-
gineering. He was responsible for
* * *

'Death and...'
LITTLE ROCK - (?) - The
Bureau of Internal Revenue
made a $375 award to Louis J.
Obserste, an employe here, for
an economy suggestion.
But when Obserste got his
check, yesterday, it was $67.84
short. The Bureau withheld
that much for income tax.
Red 'Troops
UN Retreats
TOKYO -(')-- Chinese Reds
poured fresh troops into their
Western Korea offensive todayand
forced new Allied withdrawals to-
ward Seoul along a 30-mile sector.
The Communists captured Mun-?
san, 21 miles northwest of Seoul.
Munsan is 10 miles south of the
38th parellel on a main highway to
* *' *
was reported fighting its way out of
a trap with the aid of tanks that
made a rescue linkup. Details were
lacking but a field dispatch report-
ed the rescue effort was succeed-
The five-day-old Red offensive
apparently had run out of steam
in central Korea. And every-
where the Reds were paying a
terrific price.
They lost 7,095 men or more in
killed and wounded by ground ac-
tion alone yesterday, and 1,000
or more were cut down by Allied
planes - boosting the Communist
casualties well past ,25,000 since
the big offensive started Sunday.-
their way seven miles south of the
38th parallel in the West. That put
them within 20 miles of Seoul, war-
ravaged capital already being de-
serted by civilians.
(Continued on. Page 2)


$40-50 Fee
Hike Faced
By Students
Boost To Begin
This Summer
A forthcoming boost of 40 to 50
dollars a year in student dormi-
tory rates was announced yester-
day by Francis C. Shiel, manager
of University Service Enterprises.
Room and board charges in
men's residence halls will be
raised $50 a year, bringing the
rates for double rooms to $616.
Women students will pay $40 dol-
lars a year more,sor a total of $626
for double rooms.
THE INCREASE, averaging sev-
en per cent per student, will be-'
come effective with the start of
the 1951 summer session. It was
expected to meet climbing ex-
penses of food served in dormitory
dining, rooms and to increase its
An additional charge of $10
will be leveled on South Quad
residents to cover costs of the
telephones which will be In-
stalled in every room
The new rates were revealed by
University officials yesterday aft-
ernoon at a special meeting of
student house presidents, who,
were called together specifically
to get a first hand briefing on the
hike and the reasons for its adop-
* * *
plained how growing food costs
necessitated the move. On the
basis of reports from University
food purchasers, he estimated that
the residence halls would be forced
to pay approximately 12 and one-
half per cent over current prices.
Shiel said the new room rates
would both cover the percentage
increase and enable the resi-
(Continued on Page 2)

Cutler, Wilcox
Lead SL Victo
Countinggot off to a slows
slast night, following two day.
voting in the spring all-can
elections that saw a total of f
students troop to the polls.
The turnout was good, consi
ing the drop in enrollment,
election officials calculated
percentage of the electorate vc
at 41 per cent.
complicated Hare System of
latest starts in the history of
Student Legislature. Officials
as a possible reason the unus
ly large number of ballots tc
Two candidates went over
quota of 275 on the first cou
Doug Cutler, '52, with 280 vo
and Leonard Wilcox, '52, w
278. Both are incumbent
members; Wilcox having ser
as vice-president last semesti
Block voting appeared wi
scattered and generally scarce
night. Only a few groups of v


-Daily-Burt Sapowitch
BALLOT COUNTERS-More than 30,000 ballots were being sorted before the counting began last
night in the Union. Tallying began at 7 p.m. and lasted until early in the morning. Inserted are
Doug Cutler, 'N2, left, and Leonard Wilcox, '52, the first two SL candidates to be declared elected.
Cutler received 280 first place votes while Wilcox snagged 278. Both men are incumbents of the


Army Cuts
June Draft
To 20,000
WASHINGTON - (P) - T h e
Army plans to cut its June draft
call to 20,000 men, and to bring
home upwards of 20,000 battle-
tired veterans from Korea each
month starting in May.
In May and June, the Army ex-1
pects to recall 15,000 reserve offi-
cers to active service. They will
help train an army expected to
total 1,552,000 men on June 30.
At the same time a 6,468,206,-
000 emergency bill to pay the costs
of the stepped-up war in Korea-
and fuel the rearmament drive on
other fronts-won approval by the
House Appropriations Committee
The committee made the figures
public as it stamped approval on
theemergency funds bill, which
includes $46,800,000 for a top se-
cret "project X" which the Atomic
Energy Commission is in a hurry
to carry out.
Meeting Called
LIIry ta1 1


.. new dean
the chemical engineering phases
of the Commission's reactor de-
velopment program.
* * * .
HE HAS also gainedworld-wide
fame for his retrograde conden-
sation process for separating oil
and gas emitted from oil wells,
and his discoveries in developing
high octane gasoline.
Prof. Brown was elected presi-
dent of the American Institute
of Chemical Engineers in 1945.
Born in New York City on Sept.
3, 1896, Prof. Brown gained a
Bachelor of Science degree in
chemistry from New York Univer-
sity in 1917 and the degree of
chemical engineer from that in-
stitution in 1924.
*. * *
HE JOINED the University fac-
ulty as an instructor in chemical
engineering. He received a Mas-
ter of Science degree inEngineer-
ing in 1922 and the Doctor of Phi-
losophy degree in 1924.
He became an assistant pro-
(Continued on Page 2)

The revised edition of the Stu-
dent Legislature constitution,
called the Student Government
Constitution, was ratified by the
campus yesterday.
In favor of the new constitution
were 4,524 voters, with 1,050 op-
posed . 828 ballots were voided
by students, many of whom left
them blank,
A LARGE number of candidates
written on the blank ballots
showed that these voters were not
familiar with the new document
and refused to vote either way
for that reason.
The referendum on lowering
the legal voting age in Michi-

gan should be reduced to 18-
year-olds produced a surprising
split decision; 1,185 voted a
strong yes, 1,309 yes 251 had no
opinion, 1,642 voted no and 1,348
a strong no.
Wide disagreement concerning
the University regulation against
the selection of campus "queens"
was revealed on the other referen-
dum. The vote on the queens
question was; 1,525 a strong yes
in favor of the regulation, 1,185
yes, 688 had no opinion, 1,777 dis-
approved and 1,719 strongly dis-
approved of the regulation.
Included in the new constitution
are provisions for replacement of
legislators forced to leave the SL,
an article setting forth the judicial
branches of SL, and a reorienta-
tion of the philosophy behind the
This new philosophy is indicated
in the new name of the Constitu-
tion, the "Student Government
Constitution",tAlso the preamble
has been altered to make the Con-
stitution stand for a student gov-
ernment already in progress, ra-
ther than the "beginnings of stu-
dent government" indicated in the
old constitution.
Smart Elected'

Campus Approves Student'
Government Constitution


1953 i-Hop
Parade Led
By Tinkhain
Dave Tinkham led the parade of,
nine sophomores elected to next
year's 1953 J-Hop Committee last
night with 400 votes.
The eight other members of the
Committee in the order in which
they were elected are: Beth Smi-
lay, Susan Craig, Ruth Oldberg,
Janet Gast, Margery Boos, Sally
Gnau, Robert Steinberg and Louis
For a while last night it looked
as if the tabulation of the J-Hop
ballots might all be in vain and
that a re-vote might have to be
taken. The name of candidate
James Harsant was left off the
original set of J-Hop ballots which
the SL received from the printers.
The SL obtained a new batch of
ballots which included the names
of all the candidates.
However, in a mixup on Tues-
day morning, the Harsant-less
ballots were distributed to the
voting booths. When the error
was discovered about an hour
later all the ballots were promp-
ly picked up and the complete1
ballots passed out.
Harsant received only a total of
86 votes in the two-day balloting
which was 179 votes less than the
lowest elected candidate received.
There were 189 ballots used
without Harsant's name. So that
in order for Harsant to have been
elected he would have had to re-
ceive votes on all but 10 of these
Tom Walsh, '51L, of the election
committee, asserted that, because
it would have been virtually im-
possible for Harsant to have re-
ceived 179 votes out of 189 ballots,
he would not be justified in pro-
testing his defeat.

* * *

judiciary Voids .1,000
Ballots in Union Election

(*.-L - _

More than 1,000 ballots in the
Union vice-president race were in-
validated last night by Joint Ju-
diciary in a controversial decision
which drew at least one strong
protest from the ranks of the Stu-
dent Legislature.
Blame for the voided ballots was!
placed on the SL by John Ryder,
'53L, Judiciary spokesman. Ryder
charged "misunderstanding and
mismanagement in the manning
of election booths. "
SL ELECTION policy had re-
quired that the ballots be punch-
ed to the left of the school in
which the voters placed their
mark, according to Ryder. Bal-
lots thrown out of the contest were
those on which counters detected
no such punches.
At the same time, Tom Walsh,
'51L, veteran Student Legislator,
maintained that the dispute was
not under the Judiciary's juris-
diction. "It is an SL policy mat-
ter," Walsh said. "SL violated its
own election rule causing a large-
scale disenfranchisement which
would call for an SL decision."
In the less turbulent class of-
ficer elections, Nancy Watkins,
won the literary college senior
class presidency by a wide mar-
gin, rolling up 476 votes.
Others elected to senior posts
in the college were: Vice-presi-
dent: Bob Leopold. Secretary:
Perry Captures
Athletic Positioni
Bob Perry, '52E, student legisla-
tor and East Quadder, won a stu-
dent seat on the Board in Control
of Intercollegiate Athletics with
1,649 vot'es-564 over his nearest

Joan Beeman. Treasurer: Irv
IN THE engineering school, .the
following were voted into senior
class positions: President: Wil-
* * *

* * *

SL, Race
These candidates were eled
ed to the Student Legislatui
last night ip.the following ord
Doug Cutler
Len Wilcox
Swede Lauritsen
Pete Hal
Dick Demmer
Ole Haroldson
The following candidates wer
still in the running last nigh
at 2 a.m.:
Gerald Abramow
Sondra Diamond
Judy Gallup
Jerry Gleich
Robin Glover
Dave Guttentag
Pete Johnston
Jean Belle Jones
Phyllis Kaufman
Ed -Kerr
Jerry Kremer
Diana Lahde
Leah Marks
Bob Neary
Jules Perlberg
Sue Popkin
Larry Price
Tony Ringold
Ronald Seavoy
Jim Turner
Spider Webb
Dot Wendler
Rog Wilkins
Howard Willens
numbering more than 20 were
ported during redistributions.
A number of irregulariti
were reported in the balloting 1
John Ryder, '53L, president
the Men's Judiciary Coune
whose organization was
charge of policing the enti
election procedure. Main amoz
them was the huge vote inva
dation in the Union vice-pres
dential race, and an extra lar
number of ballots voided for i
correct marking in the SL coum
ing proper.
Two hundred twenty-seven I
lots were declared invalid by
Judiciary. According to Jim St
rie, '51, legislator working on
seventh election, the sum was cc
siderably higher than usual,
though there have always bee.
certain number of invalid ball(
5. * *
the rope surrounding the count
area shortly after 9 p.m. wI
ballots were still being dumped
of the big metal boxes, sorted, a
shunted off to the other count

-Daily-Burt Sapowitch
.. ,new president
liam Hickman. Vice-president:
David Barrett. Secretary: Duncan
Erley. Treasurer: Charles Good.
Thad Epps and Bob Erf were
elected junior class president and
secretary respectively in the en-
gineering school. In the sopho-
more class, Stephen Qua won the'
presidency while George' Cotter l
was elected secretary.
Despite the electoral squabble in
the Union vice-president battle,
winners were announced as fol-
lows: Literary college and grad-
nate schools: Jim Witzler, '52. En-
gineering and architecture schools:
Sam Alfieri, '54A. Combined
schools: Gene Mesh, '52BAd. Law
school: James Callison, '53L. Med-
ical school: John Finger, '54M.
Dentistry school: Bill Daines, '53D.

New, Aids for Incoming
'U' Students Revealed
Plans for three "new student" days, early enrollment and off
campus counseling have been revealed for this spring and summer by
Director of Admissions Clyde Vroman to aid new and prospective
students in gaining information about the University.
The "new student" days, scheduled for May 12, 19 and 26 are
geared to assist prospective students and parents in visiting the resi-
dence halls and campus. They will also receive information and
counseling about educational plans "

SL Election Officials Prove Unwary

and programs of study.
FOR THE students and parents
who won't be in Ann Arbor during

The Navy ROTC will not be able
to accept enrollments until the
regular time in September.

Campus election officials ap-

my faith in the honesty of the
person's face," a woman official

"I was pretty sure there was
something funny," one said. "I

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