I 4f TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, APRIL 24, 195 Psycehologs To Lecture A t Raka Dr. Arnold Gesell, world-famous psychologist and director of the Gesell Institute of Child Develop- ment at Yale University, will lec- ture here at 8:15 p.m., May 15, in Rackham Amphitheatre. The author of more than 25 books on child girowth and psy- chology, he will speak on "Human Infancy and Embryology of Be- havior." Dr. Gesell's long history as a pi- oneer in the field of pediatrics began in 1911 when he founded and became director of his Insti- tute of Child Development. He later served on various state, na- tional and international commis- sions and associations on child development and welfare. Among his more recent books are "The Child from Five to Ten," "The Embryology of Behavior" and "How a Baby Grows." Since 1930 he has also produced scienti- fic and educational films. Dr. Gesell's brother, Dr. Robert Gesell, is chairman of the physi- ology department here.. The lecture will be illustrated by slides and a half-hour motion pic- ture. It will be given under the auspices of Alpha Kappa Kappa, medical fraternity. Hillel Club Tryouts Final tryouts for parts in the Hillel Drama Club's reading of "Don Juan in Hell" by George Bernard Shaw will be held at 5 p.m. today in Lane Hall. I .. DAILY Willard Carpenter Sherwin Cooper Lee Copple Helen Davis Janet S. Duff James Girlow Margaret Graham David Guttentag Ruth Hirsch Robert Harris Robert Hartman Joanne Kaiser Don Kelley Rita Laken George Larounis Marion Larson Vilma Lavetti Naomi Mehlman Mary Monk Marilyn Palm Herta Payson Peter Pocock i Ruth Pocock Robert Preddice Leon Roach Elizabeth Rummell Louis Rus Michael Salta Virginia Salata Forrest Shaw Voan L. Shinew Carole Somer Jane W. Townsend George Turner Bruce Whittemore Sonia Zukoff Veterans who are entitled to a partial refund of tuition under tie G. I. Bill for the present semester are asked to call at the Veterans Service Bureau, Room 555, Admin. Bldg., no later than May 1. 1 The Queen's University, Belfast Ire- land offers an exchange scholarship for a graduate student from the University of Michigan, which will provide fees, board and lodging for the next aca- demic year. Social Science, Chemistry and Romance Languages are suggested as especially appropriate fields of study. Further information is available at the Office of the Graduate School and ap- plications should be filed with the Graduate School before May 1. Seniors who graduate in June or Aug- ust from the colleges of Literature, En- gineering, Education, and Business Ad- ministrati onmay order their Gradua- tion Announcements and Booklets on Tues., April 24, from 2 to 5 p.m., lobby of the Admin. Bldg. The Booklets contain pictures of the various colleges, faculty lists, and names of the candidates for all de- grees, whether they are to be received in June or August. Seniors in schools other listed above may obtain nouncements and booklets respective school offices. than those their an- from their 1 'OFFICIAL I BULLETIN The Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of the University of Michigan for which the Michigan Daily assumes no editorial responsi- bility. Publication in it is construc- tive notice to all members of the Puni- versity. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 2552 Administration Building, by 3 p.m. on the day preceding publication (11 a.- m. Saturdays). TUESDAY, APRIL 24, 1951 VOL. LXI, No. 138t Notices Regents' Meeting: Sat., May 19, 9 a. m. Communications for consideration at this meeting must be in the Presi- dent's hands not later than May 10. Faculty College of Engineering: Meet- ing. Wed., April 25, 4:15 p.m., 348 W. Engineering Bldg. May FestWal Ushers: Pic kup your May Festival usher cards at Hill Audi- toriutm bo office today between 5 and 6 pi. Glynn Barnett Faustino Bernadet$ Anne Bertsos James Boatwright Beatrice Breon Delph Carpenter ENDING TODAY Opportunities for Summer Employ- ment with U. S. Forest Service in the Pacific Northwest, Northern Rocky Mountains and Lake States. To qualify, men must be in good physical condi- tion and willing to do hard, outdoor work. Experience in woods work would be helpful but not required. If in- terested see S. Preston, 4047 Natural Science, 10 a.m. - 12 noon, Monday or Friday. SummerrEmployment: A representative from the Field En- terprises, Inc. will interview men and women interested in summer sales work Tues., April 24. Field Enterprises is a firm marketing Childcraft, educational books for children. Call the Bureau of Appointmnts, Ext. 2614, for an appoint- ment,. Personnel Requests: The American Airlines, Clicago, will be interviewing women in Detroit on Thurs. and Fri., April 26 and 27, for positions as stewardesses. More infor- mation is on file in our office. A casualty company is in need of men for sales positions in their home office branches in Michigan cities. The Canadian-Brazilian Services Li- mited, Toronto, is lpoking for an Auto- motive Engineer for their rolling stock and shops department in Rio de Jane- iro. T h e General Foods Corporation, Gaines Division, Kankakee, Illinois, is in need of a man for the position of Assistant to the Purchasing Agent. For" further information please call at the Bureau of Appointments, 3528 Admin. Bldg. University Community Center, Willow Run Village: Tues., April 24, 3 p.m., Invitation Committee for Dance. 8 p.m., Bridge Group; Decoration Committee for dance. Wed., April 25, 8 p.m., Wives' Club Refreshment Committee; Choir Practice. Thurs., April 26, 8 p.m., Ceramics. Social Chairmen and Program Chair- men of student organizations are re- minded that activities should be calen- dared so as to avoid falling within the ten days prior to a final examination period, (Committee on Student Af- fairs,May 1950). The final examination 2x4 1217 Prospect Street For Delivery Call 7171 period for the current semester begins June 2. All girls desiring late permission Wed- nesday, April 25, to count ballots from the all-campus election must secure permission individually from the Dean of Women's Office today and tomor- row. They must let their housemoth- ers know of this late permission. The ballot counting will take place in the ballroom of the Union starting at 7:00. Student Legislature's campaign head- quarters will not be in the Union but at the Student Legislature Building, 122 S. Forest-34732. Will all reserve personnel report to the S. L. Bldg. at the time scheduled for them. Bureau of Appointments The Bureau has had several inquir- les from some of the government de- partments in Washington about stu- dents who have passed the Junior Management examination. Since we anticipate the same inquiries regard- ing students who have taken the Jun- ior Professional Assistant and Junior Engineer- examinations, it would be helpful if everyone who has received a rating would report this information to the Bureau. Departments are check- ing individually on eligible candidates for their various openings and the Bu- reau can make recommendations di- rectly of people who have passed the various examinations. Personnel Interviews: Tuesday, April 24, the Montgomery Ward Company, Chicago, will be inter- viewing men and women for merchan- dise or operation trainee, industrial engineer, advertising trainee, account- ing trainee, and secretaries. Warren Township School System, which is northeast of Detroit, is look- ing for a young man with training in business administration and account- ing for their business administration office. This does not involve teaching. The Superintendent will be in the Bureau on Tues., April 24 (afternoon only). For further information and appoint- ments for interviews call at the Bu- reau of Appointments, 3528 Administra- tion Bldg. Academic Notices Aero-Thermodynamics Seminar: Wil- 1am H. Dorrance, Research Engineer at the Willow Run Research Center, will speak on "Dynamic Stability Deriva- tives," Tues., April 24, at 3:45 p.m., in Room 1504 East Eng. Bldg. Visitors welcome. Refreshments. Anthropology Seminar: Tues., April 24, 3 p.m., 3024 Museums Blg. Pro- fessors Beardsley and Minor will dis- cuss field methods. Botany Seminar: "The Genus Buel- Ila," by Henry Imshaug, Apil 25, 4 p. m., 1139 Natural Science. Doctoral Examination for Donald Ward Smith, Bacteriology; thesis: "A Study of the Immunizing Properties of Fractions of the Tubercle Bacillus and a Correlation of these Properties with Their Infrared Spectra," Tues., April 24, 1564 East Medical Bldg., 1:00 p.m. Chairman, W. J. Nungester. f Geometry Seminar: Tues., April 24, 2 p.m., 3001 Angell Hall. Professor Rainich will speak on "Geometry Without Numbers." Concerts Student Recital: Geraldine Louise Schmoker, Violinist, willbe heard in a recital at 4:15 p.m., Tues., April 24, in the Rackham Assembly Hall, pre- sented in partial fulfillment of the re- quirements for the degree of Master of Music. Miss Schmoker is a pupil of Gilbert Ross. She has planned to play works by Beethoven, Quincy Porter, and Bach. The general public is invited. Student Recital: Mary Jane Fyke, So- prano, will be heard in recital at 8:30 p.m., Tues., April 24, in the Rackham Assembly Hall. Sung in partial fulfill- ment of the requirements for the Mas- ter of Music degree, the program will be open to the public. Miss Fyke is a pu- pil of Harold Haugh. Student Recital: Richard Skyrm, pu- pil of Joseph Brinkman, will be heard in a piano recital at 8:30 p.m., Wed., April 25, in the Rackham Assembly Hall, presented in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Music. Program: composi- tions by Haydn, Beethoven, Prokofieff, Debussy and Chopin. Open to the pub- lic, Events Today Wolverine Club: Meeting, 7:15 p.m., Betsy Barbour Rec. Room. Election of officers. All members are urged to attend. Le Cercle Francais: Meeting, 8 p.m., League. Modern French songs. Lec- ture on Voltaire by Prof. Ham. ..Hillel Drama Club: Final tryouts for the "Don Juan in Hell," scene from George Bernard Shaw's "Man and Su- perman," 4 p.m., Lane Hall. Men are especially welcome. Gilbert and Sullivan Society: Re- hearsal of men's chorus, 7:15 p.m., Union; dance rehearsal of women's chorus, 8:15 p.m., League. W8AXZ U. of M. Radio Club: Meet- ing, 8:10 p.m., 4517 E. Engineering Bldg. Women of the University Faculty: Weekly tea, 4 to 6 p.m., club room, League. Congregational - Disciples - Evangeli- cal & Reformed Guild: Tea, 4:30 to 6 p.m. at the Guild House. Supper Dis- cussion groups, 5:30 p.m., Wed., April 25 at the GuildrHouse; call 5838 by Tuesday night for reservatlon . ABC's Town Meeting of the Air sa- lutes the Michigan Memorial-Phoenix Project, auspices of Ann Arbor JCC's. Topic: "Are We Afraid of the Atom Bomb?" Panel: Governor G. Mennen Williams, Professor Rensis Likert, and Dr. Ralph E. Lapp. Tues., April 24, Rackham Lecture Hall. Doors open 7:30-7:45 p.m.; Preliminary meeting, 0:15-9 (Broadcast by WUOM-FM); Doors close, 8:45; On the air, 9-9:45 p.m., WHRV and WUOM. Michigan Christian Fellowship: Uni- versity Christian Mission Lecture ser- ies by Mr. Joseph T. Bayly, 7:30 p.m., Kellogg Auditorium. Subject: Inse- curity-the Students' Dilemma. Hillel Publications Committee: Meet- ing at Lane Hall, 4:15 p.m. Any- one interested in working on the pub- lications committee is urged to attend. Michigan Chapter, American Society for Public Administration, social sem- inar, 7:30 p.m., W. Conference Room, Rackham Bldg. The guest speaker will be Charles B. Stauffacher, Executive Assistant Director, U. S. Bureau of the Budget. Members and interested per sons are cordially invited to attend. Christian Science Organizations: Tes- timonial meeting, 7:30 p.m., Upper Room, Lane Hall. Square Dance Group meets at Lane, Hall, 7 p.m. All-Campus Elections today and to-I morrow, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. All students, graduate or undergraduate, are eligible to vote. I. D. cards are necessary.- Sigma Rho Tau, The Stump Speak- er's Society: This evening's activities will be devoted to practice in the com- ing Intercollegiate c'ontests (Im- promptu, Hall of Fame, Project, and Raconteur Speeches). 2080 East Engi-1 neering Bldg., 7 p.m. All students in the Engineering College are welcome. Coming Events Ulr Ski Club: Meeting to elect new officers for coming year. Movies, in- cluding those of recent Aspen trip.; Wed., April 25, 1209 Angel Hall, 7:30 p.m. Senior Society: All members are' urged to attend the meeting at 7:15 p.m., Wed., April 25, Martha Cook, to consider possible constitutional amend- ment. Annual French Play: Le Cercle Fran- cais will present "Le Jeu de l'Amour et du Hasard", a comedy in three acts by Marivaux, Wed., May 2, 8 p.m.. Ly- dia Mendelssohn Theater. Box office open: Tuesday and Wednesday, May 1 and 2, 2 p.m. Free admission to members of the Club (except federal tax) upon presentation of their mem- bership cards. Michigan Arts Chorale: Regular rehearsal, Wed., April 25, 7 p.m., Lane Hall. All members are urged to attend. Graduate History Club: Meeting, Wed., April 25, 8 p.m., East Conference Room, Rackham Bldg. Professor Bruno- Meinecke will talk on the "History of Medicine." UNESCO Council: Meeting, Wed., April 25. 7:30 p.m., International Cen- ter. Agenda: 1. Committee Reports 2. Secretarial Elections 3. Discussion of Study Project. Westminster Guild: Tea 'N' Talk, Wed., April 25, 4 p.m., First Presbyter- ian Church. Phi Delta Kappa School Masters' An- nual Breakfast: Thurs., April 26. As- semble in the Anderson Room of the Union at 8 a.m. Prof. Algo Henderson of th School of Education staff will address the group. Election of offi- cers. Forum on College and University Teaching meeting, April 27, 3 to 5 p.m., Library Lecture Hall. Subject: Methods of Teaching in College. Guest speak- er, Dr. Ordway Tead, Chairman of the Board of Higher Education, New York City; panel, Preston W. Slosson, Pro- fessor of History; Harold M. Dorr, Pro- fessor of Political Science; Philip J. Wernette, Professor of Business Admin- istration; and Algo D. Henderson, Pro- fessor of Higher Education. All Members of the Pre-Med. Society are invited to hear Mr. Bowman of The Public Health School speak on "School of Public Health's Relationship to Me- dicine." Wed., April 25, 7:30 p.m., 1200 Chem- istry Bldg. Meeting of Student Advisors ° Thurs., April 26, 3-5 p.m., 1209 Angell Hall. It is advised that students see the Student Advisors before seeing their Academic Counselors and Con- centration Advisors Bridge Tournament held every week in the Union Ballroom will start at 7:30 p.m., Wed., April 25. MICHIGAN DAILY Phone 23-24-1 HOURS: 1 to 5 P.M. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES LINES 1 DAY 3 DAYS 6 DAYS 2 .54 '1.21 1.76 3 .63 1.60 2.65 4 81 2.02 3.53 Figure 5 average words to a line. Classified deadline daily except Saturday is 3 P.M. Saturdays, 11:30 A.M. for Sunday Issue. ROOMS FOR RENT DESIRABLE SINGLES & DOUBLES- Graduate or business women. Very good location. Ph. 2-5232. )44R ATTRACTIVE double front. New furni- ture, 1106 Lincoln. Phone 5224. )47R LARGE SINGLE - Gas heat, shower, automatic hot water, student land- lord. Phone 3-1791 after 6. )33R ROOMS FOR MALE STUDENTS-One double and one single near Law Club and Bus. Ad. School. Continuous hot water, showers. 808 Oakland. Ph. 22858. )121' CAMPUS Tourist Home. Rooms by Day or Week. Bath, Shower, Television. 518 E. Williarm St. Phone 3-8454. )1R BUSINESS SERVICES TYPING-Manuscripts, theses, etc. Call Lois Spaide, 7-0795 or 2-7460. )20B SYLVIA STUDIO OF DANCE-603 E. Liberty over the Michigan Theater lobby. Call 8066 for information. )7B VIOLA STEIN - Experienced typist. Legal, master's, doctor's dissertations; foreign manuscripts, etc. New Elec- tromat typewriter, 513 E. William. Ph. 2-9848. )2B GOOD RENTAL TYPEWRITERS now available at Office Equipment Serv- ice Company, 215 E. Liberty. Guar- anteed repair service on all makes of typewriters.,6B SQUARE DANCING IS FUN I If you are planning a party, why not have a square dance? Call Wayne Kuhns, 2-9326 for further information. )17B' KI1DIE KARE RELIABLE SITTERS available. Phone 3-1121. )10B TYPING WANTED-To do in my home. 830 S. Main, 7590. )19B BUSINESS SERVICES TYPEWRITERS and FOUNTAIN PENS. Sales, rentals and service. Morril's, 314 S. State St. )4B PERSONAL ALL PEOPLE who have participated in STUDENT PLAYERS productions this year are invited to an organizational meeting at the Union at 7:30 p.m. Thursday. )26P SENIOR P.LC.s--Going to Quantico this summer? Contact Merv Ezray 2-4410. ) 34P LEARN TO DANCE Jimmie Hunt Dance Studio 122 E. Liberty - Phone 8161 )IP RAY HATCH will patch that match. Learn to dance with RAY HATCH DANCE STUDIO 209 S. State - Phone 8083 )4P PROFESSORS! Lithoprint your class textbook, laboratory manual, or book- lets. Call us for free estimate. Braum- Brumfield Inc. Ph. 3-8243. )1P HELP WANTED YOUNG MEN AND UNDERGRADS 17-22 to assist circulation mgr. Must be neat, courteous and ambitious. Aver- age earnings 65.00 per week. Trans- portation paid. Permanent work. To leave immediately. See Mr. Hollins- head, Employment Service, 111 Felch St., 10 a.m.-12 noon Friday. ' )37H "ARE YOU THE MAN WE ARE LOOKING FOR?" 1951 graduate with drafting knowledge and sales ability to learn the Com- mercial Kitchen Equipment business and become a Kitchen Equipment Sales Engineer. Salary to start $4,000 per year while learning the business. After training period your earnings will be based on a commission basis against a guaranteed salary of $5,000. The right man can earn upwards of $10,000 annually. GREAT LAKES HO'EL SUPPLY CO. c/o Al Siegel 1961 Grand River Avenue Detroit 26, Michigan, )34H LOST AND FOUND LOST-All white pet cat. A.A. Iigh area. Call 2-8870. )54L I' I LOST AND FOUND FOUND-1 Schaeffer Lifetime in A.H. Call 3-0459.' )53L LOST IN ANGELL HALL-Parker 51 pen, maroon & silver. Please call or re- turn to Administration Bldg. lost & found. Reward. Phone 2547 Alice Lloyd 3-1561. )45L LOST-Will the HONEST PER ON who found a brown leather billfold yes- terday please call Lee. Ph. 9201.' FOR RENT MEN'S SINGLE-One block from Rack- ham, 120 N. Ingalls, Ph. 2-6644. )18F FOR SALE PARAKEETS, canaries and zebra finch- es; bird supplies and cages. Reason- able. 562 S. Seventh. Ph. 5330. )2 MATCHED SET-Men's golf clubs. 4 irons, 1 wood. Joe Kirkwood auto- graphed. Never been used. $24.95. Ph. 28692.:. )54 MEN'S GOLF CLUBS - Joe Kirkwood matched set. 4 irons, 2 woods. sever been used. $30.95. Ph. 2-8692. )50 GOING ON A CRUISE WITH THE NAVY? U.S. Navy-type oxfords $6.88. Navy T-shirts 49c, white shorts 69c, black hose, anklet or long 39c, laun- dry bags 69c. Open until 6 p.m. Sam's Store, 122 E. Washington. )5 J. H. COUSINS ON STATE STREET SHORT SLEEVED SWEATERS Magic blend of NYLON & VICARA. The wonders of science bring to you a blend of coal and corn in a magic thread of cashmere-like feel. .$3.95. U) FOR SALE EVERGREENS--Offering Univ. person- nel home-grown evergreens at whole- sale. See Michael Lee, 1208 Chemn. Bldg. mornings or tel. 8574 mornings. r )1 TRANSPORTATION WANTED-Ride to and from Detroit, daily. Arrive in Detroit approximately 8:00 to 8:30 a.m., leave between 5 and 6 p.m. Will accept part time ride or ride for one. way only if hours differ. Weekdays call 3-1511 ext. 2611. Eve- nings & weekends call, 3-8600. )23T WANTED TO BUY WARDROBE TRUNK - Phone 2-9218 evenings or Sunday. )13X Remember HER on MOTHER'S with a PORTRAIT she will cherish? /amer S&udio 208 Michigan Theater Bldg. Phone 2-2072 #4 *1 1 ;20Trade-In Sale! r-. ,. n . \ tr ' s, ;, 6M1," I __ ; ;.,, f :: ,...:- "; : 1.. ,f9 . 4. V , Weekdays 4 c to 5 P.M. Continuous from 1 P.M. 7IL~i - Today & Wednesday - THEY WERE SLIX... BUT THEY FOUGHT LIKE 6001 I I1 ENGINEERS Receiving bachelors & graduate degrees in AERONAUTICAL MECHANICAL ELECTRICAL Investigate Career Opportunity That May Be Available For You in Aerodynamics as applied to the aircraft propulsion means. Experimental stress analysis. Development of electro- mechanical parts. Experimental test engineering. THE PROPELLER DIVISION CURTISS-WRIGHT CORP. CALDWELL, NEW JERSEY Location: On New Jersey High- way No. 6 adjacent to the Cardwell-Wright Airport. I Brand New 1951 Quiet Deluxe Model Portable With Carryin5 Case . 72 $5 Down - easy terms REGULAR $92.50 ROYAL * plus your old portable regardless of age or condition (4-row keyboard and bqckspacer). " Magic Margin sets margin, left or right, automatically. " World's Fastest Type Bar Action 9 Automatic Paper Lock i 4.- 0 Touch Control " Locked Shift Freedom " Complete Enclosure The Intimate Story of the Man So Many Women Loved! wtF BARBARA WARD BOND Q ON CHANEY A so Bone for Bone World News - Coming Thursday - "Sword of Monte Cristo" Distance Plant is from: Caldwell 4 Montclair 6 Newark, NJ Airport 23 New York City 25 Philadelphia 112 Pittsburgh 525 Ann Arbor 650 miles miles miles miles miles miles miles Truly the standard office typewriter in portable size. OFFICE EQUIPMENT CO. 215 E. Liberty St. Phone 2-1213 ! Full 9" Writing Line To investigate: 1. Send Letter giving in detail personal data, academic course, military status, ex- tra-curricular activities, ca- reer interest, etc. 2. Forward letter to: J. William Long Administrative Engineer Curtiss-Wright Corporation Propeller Division Caldwell, New Jersey 13 A LAUNDRY SERVICE F- also The MacArthur Story Disney's "CORN CHIPS" Wednesday "Lightning Strikes Twice" for men BUY and SELL through THE DAILY CLASSIFIEDS i Student Bundle 71 TA 2 s EtOEit° 9 f E EA'PERT.s! 4 lbs. minimum 501 NOW SHOWING U -0-M's BIGGEST OUTDOOR DRAMA! Sae Safely and get 2% current rate Accounts insured to $10,000 by Federal Sav- ings and Loan Insurance Corporation. Start with any amount. Hgttt JtA MpDEj s.3 s THIS WEEK DEPARTMENT OF SPEECH PRESENTS A 1-Act Playbill " SOPHISTICATED COMEDY " MYSTERY 12c each additional pound All your clothing laundered, FLUFF DRIED and NEATLY FOLDED LOW EXTRA CHARGE for finishing these articles SH I RTS, additional. . . . . .. .. . .17c (Full dress shirts and silk or wool sport shirts slightly higher) HANDKERCHIEFS ............ 3c, SOX pr. . . . s . . .. " * " * . s . " " 3 YOU HAVE TO HEAR IT * TO BELIEVE THERE IS kallicrafTers '%,SOMETHING NEW IN RADIO Thereis no other rad -ike Hatcrafters. Precision made instruments like the S38 bring you thrilling land, sea, air communications from all parts of the world plus extra fine quality on your favorite broadcast program. The Model S-38 has four bands, continuous frequency range. 540 kc to 32 Mc. Separate band spread control to bring in distant signals, sharp and clear. ' 1 Varsity Laundry will Smart functional cabinets, rugged and excitingly designed. Every Hallicrafters hard to beat at the A IK -mow JEW t/ W I I ,I