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April 24, 1951 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1951-04-24

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:43 I'D


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Latest Deadline in the State


VOL. LXI, No. 138










GA i ol's

To J e

) Spearhead
New Attack



Second High
Official Quits
Atle 'S Staff
Wilson Follows
Bevan's Example
LONDON-()-A second min-
ister took a walk from Prime Min-
ister Attlee's cabinet last niglt,
4 o i n i n g Aneurin Bevan who
charged that Britain was shackled
to the "wheels of American diplo-
'macy" in a reckless armaments
The resignation of Board of
Trade President Harold Wilson,
35 year old "boy wonder" of the
:L a b o r Government, was an-
nounced by Attlee, whose thin-
edged majority in the House of
'Commons was further threatened
by the internal party fight.
tween Wilson and Attlee was made
public, but the resigning Board of
Trade President planned to state
his reasons in a later speech in
,the House of Commons as Bevan
did yesterday.
Bevan, the leftwinger who re-
signed as Labor Minister early
yesterday, charged in an im-
passioned speech to a glum and
largely nnresponsive House that
the Labor Government was let-
ting the United States drag it
into an arms program which
would plunge Britain into eco-
nomic chaos and scuttle her So.
cialistic welfare programs..
He urged a curtailed arms pro-
,:gram which would let Britain
maintain her s4ndard of living
and social services.
two key ministers stole most of the'
political thunder which the Attlee
Government could have made yes-'
terday out of the announcement
i that a meat agreement had been
reached after months of negotia-
tions with Argentina.
It seemed unlikely, many ob-
servers said, that Bevan could
drum up enough support to over-
throw the Government because the
issue he has chosen are those on
which the Conservatives probably
will support the Government.
To1+ Discuss
LSA Policy
An attempt by the University to
obtain student opinion before in-
stituting a new regulation will be
made at the Literary College Con-
ference, 7:30 p.m. today in Rm 3B
,of the Union.
The conference, which is open to
students, and faculty, will discuss
the newly proposed hike in the
foreign language requirement for
the literary college.
* * *
THE PROPOSED requirement,
drawn up by a special faculty sub-
committee, is still open to modifi-
If adopted by the literary col-
lege faculty as it now stands,
the new ruling would require all
literary college graduates to have
a proficiency in a foreign lan-
guage equivalent to a fourth
semester of study.
Students would be allowed to be-

gin any language they wish, but if
Ihey desired to continue in the
language they studied previous to
college, they would have to take a
placement test to determine where
they would begin.

An Editorial
Today and tomorrow students can demonstrate just how
interested they are in having a real hand in formulating the
policies and interpreting the regulations which govern their
social and intellectual life on the campus.
These elections afford students much more than
the simple opportunity of voting one of their friends
into campus prominence via a seat on the Legislature.
These elections, perhaps more than others in the past,
afford students the opportunity of giving a vote of con-
fidence to the principles of student government.
Never before has the Student Legislature enjoyed the
confidence and respect of the faculty and administration to
the extent that it does now.
In the past year, the Legislature has successfully served
as a representative student body in advising the Student
Affairs Committee on the bias claus question. Hard, con-
scientious work on the part of legislators has enabled the
University to take the lead among American colleges and
universities in serious consideration of this problem.
Other Legislature activities have ranged from effec-
tive action on the rent control and zoning ordinance
questions to co-sponsorship of the Rose Bowl movies.
Educational leaders in general and, under President
Ruthven, administrators on this campus in particular follow
the practice of granting authority in direct proportion to the
students' ability to convince them that they are ready and
willing to shoulder the responsibility involved.
Without a large student vote, the Student Legislature
will find it difficult to convince the University that the students
are ready or even interested in having a larger voice in the
direction of policy as it concerns students.
Student government here still displays inadequacies and
perhaps even serious shortcomings. But voters must remem-
ber that the history of student government since the war has
been one of growth in both competence and prestige. Any
but a large turnout at the polls today and tomorrow would
jeopardize this growth.
-The Senior Editors
-Natural Resources School
Deanship Goes to Fontanna

'To Man 16
Ballot Boxes
SL Law Change
To Be Decided
With cloudy but dry weather in
the offing, the campus will take to
the polls today and tomorrow to
pass judgment on two referenda, a
new Student Legislature constitu-
tion, and 127 miscellaneous can-
Enrollment figures are down sev-
eral thousand over last semester,
but, brandishing the slogan "every
student a voter," election officials
confidently predicted a 7,500 vote.
This would top, percentage-wise at
least, all previous turnouts.
TWENTY-ONE open SL seats
will be filled, and voters will also
'elect class officers in the literary
and engineeringcolleges, six Union
vice-presidents, and a student
member to the Board in Control
of Intercollegiate Athletics.
In-state students will be asked
"Do you think the legal voting
age in Michigan should be low-
ered to 18?" while men and
women will give their separate
views on the question "'Do you
approve of the University regu-
lation prohibiting the election of
'Queens' by campus groups?"
The original SL constitution,
vintage 1946, has undergone con-
siderable revision in the Legisla-
ture, and must be ratified by a
majority of the students voting on
it. Its most controversial clause in-
volves the appointment of students
by the cabinet to fill out unex-
pired terms of departed members.
OFFICIALS emphasized that all
students-graduatepstudents as
well as undergraduates - ae
eligible to vote for SL candidates.
But ID cards must be shown.
Forty-nine students are running
for the Legislature, and will be
elected using the Hare System of
proportional representation, as
Voting for the single Board in
Control of Intercollegiate Ath-
letics post will be on a campus-
wide basis too, while other of-
ficers will be elected by certain
classes or schools.
Senior class officers in the lit-
erary college and senior, junior,
and sophomore class officers in the
engineering college for next year
will be chosen by the respective
classes in each college.
The Union vice-presidents will
be elected by male students in the
particular schools which they seek
to represent.
MANAGING the election are
Spider Webb, '52, and Alice Spero,
'53, members of the SL citizenship
committee. Sixteen voting booths
have been readied, decorated with
large yellow posters, located in ad-
vantageous positions around cam-
pus, and made generally appealing
to the recalcitrant voter, according
to Webb.
They may be found at the Uni-
versity Hospital, Women's ath-
letic Building, Union, League,
Engineering Arch, the center of
the diag (inside the General
Library in case of rain), and
Angell Hall.
Others are located at Waterman
Gym, between Alumni Memorial
Hall and the Romance Languages
Building, Rackham, in the Law
Quad, Business Administration
School, Architecture School, East

Quad, and on the northwest corner
of the diag.
The Student Legislature
Building, 122 S. Forest, will be
GHQ for election proceedings
this year. The complex election
machinery is to be implemented
by approximately 450 volunteers,

-Daily-Jack Bergstrom
WAVING RULE-Robed and wigged law students Harry Pincus, 51L, and Jim Rogers, '51L, combine
grand larceny and burglary in wresting giant slide rule from engineering students John Person, '51E,
and Charles Young, '51E. Traditional battle above engineering arch is to determine which rival clan
will boast the rule at lawyers' Crease Ball or engin eers' Slide Rule Ball, both May 4. Engineers found
keeping rule easy as rolling off a log when lawyers pleaded "nolo contendere" and gave up, vowing
to try again.
MoodyNamed to . S. Senate

Stanley G. Fontanna, deputy di-
rector of the Michigan Depart-
ment of Conservation, has been
appointed professor of forestry
and dean of the School of Natural
Resources here at the University
and will assume the position July
The present dean, Prof. Samuel
T. Dana, has requested to' be re-
lieved of the deanship, Pres. Alex-
ander G. Ruthven said, and will
voluntarily relinquish the post a
year in advance of his retirement
furlough which begins on July 1,
Born in Powers, Mich., on
Feb. 5, 1894, Prof. Fontanna re-
ceived a Bachelor of Science De-
gree in forestry from the Univer-
sity in 1917.
He joined the Michigan Depart-
ment of Conservation staff and
was chief of the Lands Division
until 1934.

By The Associated Press
A youngish-looking 49 year old
newspaperman who says he be-
longs to no politidal party was ap-
pointed yesterday to serve the un-
expired term of the late Republican
Senator Arthur H. Vandenberg.-,
He is Blair Moody, Washington
correspondent of the Detroit News
Former U'
Engineer Dies
In Pasadena
Prof. Emeritus Horace W. King,
77 years old, formerly of the engi-
neering college faculty and an in-
ternationally famed hydraulics en-
gineer, died Sunday at his home
in Pasadena, Calif.
Prof. King who was also a
founder of the King-Seeley Corp.
retired from the University fac-
ulty in 1939. He graduated from
the University in 1895 and was
made a professor of hydraulic en-
gineering in 1912.
4 e
"ALTHOUGH HE suffered a
great deal. from arthritis during
his last years at the University,
Prof. King was never one to com-
plain," Prof. Ernest F. Brater of
the engineering college said. "His
patience, understanding and dig-
nity were an inspiration to those
who knew him."
Prof. King who was famous
as an expert in harbor improve-
ment, flood control and land
reclamation problems had
worked on many well-known
engineering projects during his
At the turn of the century he
was placed in charge of a group
to study the controversial Nicara-
guan route for a Central American

since 1933. He joined the news-
paper's staff 10 years earlier.
One of his first acts was to voice
unqualified support for the bi-
partisan foreign policy ideas held
by Vandenberg, who died Wednes-
* * *
MOODY promptly took the oath
of office following appointment by
40 year old Democratic Governor
G. Mennen Williams and said, in
effect, he will run for a full, six-
year term in 1952.
The new Senator expressed
general agreement with foreign
policy and domestic policies of
President Truman's administra-
tion. Ile said he expects to take
his seat Wednesday for the Van-
By The Associated Press
CHICAGO-General Charles G.
Dawes, 85 years old, former vice-
president of the United States,
died last night of coronary throm-
preme Court refused by a 6-2
vote yesterday to intervene in
the case of seven arch Nazi war
criminals who have been sen-
tenced to be hanged.
WASHINGTON - Secretary of
Commerce Sawyer and nine others
won a delay yesterday in their
contempt of court trial,
* * *
WASHINGTON - -Education
Commissioner Earl J. McGrath
set aside $46,500,000 yesterday for
100 school construction projects
in areas congested because of fed-
eral activities.

denberg term ending in January,
If Moody votes along partisan
lines, his appointment will give the
Democrats a 50-46majority in the
Senate. Until Vandenberg's death
last week, they held only a two-
vote, 49-47 margin.
Williams said in making the ap-
pointment that "Senator Moody is
a Democrat." Moody, while telling
reporters he belonged to no party,
said in a statement later:
"Speaking generally, I agree
with the broad, liberal objectives
which have marked the recovery of
the United States from the low
levels of the depression under lead-
ership of Democratic Presidents."
* * *
APPOINTMENT of Moody came
as somewhat of a surprise.
Moody's name did not figure
in speculation until Sunday.
Usually well-informed politicians
had mentioned half a dozen
others as likely appointees, in-
cluding George Edwards, former
Detroit City Council president,
Prentiss Brown, the last Michi-
gan Democratic Senator, who
was unseated in 1942.
Moody is a native of New Haven,
Conn., and a 1922 graduate of
Brown University, where he ma-
jored in economics and won a Phi
Beta Kappa key.
three-letter athlete, starring in
football, baseball and tracI. He is
a member of Psi Upsilon fraternity.
Moody is married and the father
of three children, 23 year old Blair
Jr., a junior in the University Law
School, eight year old Christopher
and four year old Robert. Moody
Jr., a former president of the Stu-
dent Legislature in his under-
graduate days said he was "elated
and surprised" at his father's ap-
pointment. "I know he'll do a good
job for the people," he declared.

Allies Withdraw
From All Fronts
TOKYO - (IP) - Chinese Red
hordes tore a big hole in United
Nations lines today and plunged
south of the 38th parallel in cen-
tral Korea.
A Chinese division with cavalry
mounted on Mongolian ponies was
reported in the forefront of the
massive drive.
* * *
into South Korea in the west,
headed toward Uijongbu on the
way to Seoul.
But the big smash-on 100
miles of flaming front in the
third day of the Red counter-
offensive-was aimed along the
mountainous middle.
There a Chinese Red diviion.
supported by mounted cavalry
scored a breakthrough and drove
on toward Chunchon, eight miles
south of parallel 38.
Withdrawals ranging up to 15
miles were forced on the hard-
pressed UN troops on all fronts
despite the all-out support of allied
artillery and planes.
NEARLY 9,000 Reds were killed
or wounded by artillery alone yes-
terday the Eighth Army estimated.
Swarms of planes claimed an addi-
tional toll of nearly 2,000 and per-
happ as many as 4,000.
Allied forces in the west-cen-
tral area gave up Yonchon and
pulled back to positions just
north of the 38th parallel. Yo-
chon is six miles north of the
Allied commanders said the of-
fensive, mounted by perhaps 700,-
000 Reds, appeared to be losing its
steam on the west flank.
But it was going strong in the
center south of Kumhwa. There"'
allied forces had driven. !0 miles
north of the 38th before the Red
tide that started Sunday erased
the gain and pushed south of the
* * S
"IN THE AREA south of
Kumhwa, on the central front,
strong enemy forces exploited their
initial breakthrough and continued
to move south in spite of numerous
friendly air strikes," said today's
mid-morning communique of the
Eighth Army.
"The enemy force involved in
this exploitation was estimated as
an enemy division with cwiwtr
elements in the area east-north-
east of Yongong."
Still in Dark,
Aide Claims
NEW YORK-(JP')-An aide to
Gen. Douglas MacArthur said yes-
terday the General still does not
know why President Truman
stripped him of his commands.
"'To this day, Gen. MacArthur
never has been informed as tu
the reasons for his summary dis-
missal and he hasn't the faintest
idea why the action was taken,"
said MacArthur's personal advi-
sor, Maj. Gen. Courtney Whitney.
Whitney said his chief's dismis-
sal did not follow military precet
dent. He reported the General's
wife, who had heard of it by radio,
broke the news that he had been
relieved of his commands 20 min-
utes before official notification ar-
rived from Washington.
"General MacArthur had no op-
portunity even to transfer his
command," Whitney declared. "He
was dismissed the moment he re-

ceived the message from the Pres-
ident. From that moment he no
longer exercised authority. I think
there is no such precedent in
American history."
I , n -


... new Dean

Fowler Says Attitude
Important to Lawyers,

Red Hoax Ad Fails To Bait Students

"If I had to choose one word as
the key to a lawyer's success, that
word would be attitude," Cody

Don't get mad or discouraged-
but be frank and fair with your-
self. Remember, that it takes a

Communism, a topic once cap-
a~be of stirring as heated a contro-
versy as an unfavorable music re-
view. has fallen from favor as on

After three weeks, all the edi-
tors had received was a note
from an Ann Arbor woman at-
tacking them for printing the

edly with events of the recent past.
Only last spring the barring of
a Communist speaker from the
campus here caused agitation

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