iit C4tinat
See Page 4
Latest Deadline in the State
VOL. LXI, No. 137
N _ _
Honored in
Final Rites
Officials Attend
J aBurial Services
GRAND RAPIDS - (3) - The
late U. S. Senator Arthur H. Van-
denberg, who rose from a harness
maker's home to influence the fu-
ture of his people, was buried yes-
T h e 67-year-old Republican
statesman went to his last resting
place in ceremonies mingling
gracefully the pomp and homage
due a world figure and the simple
Congregational burial rites.
* * *
IN THE fo efront were more
than 100 dignitaries of state and
local government, in the back-
ground were more than 5,000 of
the hometown folks who saw his
rise from a boy newspaper editor
to become one of the architects of
the United Nations,
And, at the end, was the small
tree-shaded family plot in Oak
Hill Cemetery where his first
wife and parents lie, their sim-
ple Individual markers resting
beside one plain block of marble
which says only "Vandenberg."
The Rev. Edward Archibald
Thompson, Vandenberg's friend
and pastor for 20 years, performed
* the final rites in a broken voice
at the family's Park Congrega-
tional Church and at the ceme-
e hailed the dead Senator as
"a mighty crusader for peace" and
"a matchless statesman."
A white robed choir sang Han-
del's rolling "Largo" and "Onward
Christian Soldiers."
THEN A glittering cortege of
more than 30 official cars bore
Vandenberg to his grave.
At the church, the heavy
bronze casket was closed and
lay beneath an immense spray
of white lilies and snapdragons.
The altar was massed with the
same white and great blankets of
red carnations.
Only a few feet away sat Vice-
President Alben W. Barkley, Sec-
retary of State Dean Acheson,
Secretary of Commerce Sawyer,
W. Averell Harriman, presidential
adviser, Senators Connolly, Taft,
Saltonstall, Gov. G. Mennen Wil-
liams and row on row of the world
and state figures who marked
Vandenberg's time. From Wash-
ington came many tributes from
the nation's leaders.
Following the service Gov. Wil-
liams went north for a quiet week-
end of fishing and thought, ap-
parently planning to announce to-
morrow Sen. Vandenberg's succes-
Latest word is that Williams
will give the senate seat to Blair
Moody, Washington correspondent
of the Detroit News.,
Student Rule
Discussed at
NSA Clinic
Development of good leadership
was stressed as the foremost re-
quisite of successful student gov-
ernment at yesterday's proceedings
of the Michigan Student Govern-
ment Clinic at the Union.
Dean of Students Erich A. Wal-
ter told the opening meeting of the
two-day conference that the hi-
story of student government has
been studded with periods of desti-
tuteness mainly because of a lack
of capable and strong leaders.
If student government is to be a
continuous, growing instrument to
broaden education, "strong people
-not weaklings must be brought
up from the ranks into positions of
leadership," he asserted.
Only by winning the confidence
of the administration and faculty
can a student government hope to
grow and enlarge its scope of acti-
vities, Prof. Algo P. Henderson of
the education school declared.
Demonstrations of responsibility
and capable leadership are the
best means of gaining their con-
Ted Perry, former vice-president
of the National Student Associa-
'U'Sports Profit
Up 65 Per Cent
Athletics Board Expresses Concern
Over Unstable Gridiron Revenues
Profits from the operation of University athletic facilities for the
fiscal year ending June 30, 1950 jumped 65 per cent over the preceding
year, according to a report made to the Board of Regents yesterday by
the Board in Control of Intercollegiate Athletics.
The report showed total operating receipts of $1,228,418 and oper-
ating expenditures of $592,460-a net income of $635,958. This figure
compared with a net income of $384,722 for the 1948-49 fiscal year.
* * * .*
fiscal year were favorable, the B
* * *
TV, Threat
T oA thletics,
1 Calling television "a sleeping
giant which, if not properly dealt
with, could have crushing effects
' on many aspects of intercollegiate
sports," the Board in Control of
Intercollegiate Athletics sounded
a note of alarm about television
in its report to the Board of Re-
gents yesterday,
The Board claimed that people
who bear the responsibility for
maintaining athletic activities,
and whose decisions may affect
the entire future of such activi-
ties, are reluctant to embark upon
a program of telecasting unless
they can be'reasonably sure that
it will not bring disastrous re-
* * *
"THERE IS overwhelming evi-
dence indicating that live telecasts
of sports events in areas of heavy
set concentration result in dimin-
ished attendance at these events,"
the Board continued.
"The comforts and advantag-
es of home spectatorship are fart
too appealing to anticipate that
any but the most enthusiastic
fogtball follower would abandon
them in favor of actual presence
at the game."
The Board emphasized that the
gate receipts provide the principal
financial support for the entire.
physical education program of
many universities. "The financial
problem must be solved by the de-
velopment of a substitute source . -
as a charge made to the (tele-
vision) set-owner who watches
the game."
Truman Gives
Power to New'
Truman yesterday set up a new
18-member Wage Stabilization
Board with power to recommend
settlement terms for most labor-
management disputes.
The board is expected to start
functioning next week after its
members are named. George ,W.
Taylor, University of Pennsylvania
professor of industry, already has
been designated chairman.
The decision to go ahead with
the new board was announced ear-
lier this week.
Industry has opposed the board
dispute powers given the new
agency. But it was expected in-
dustry will allow its representa-
tives to sit on the new panel,
which will have six members each
from industry, labor and the pub-
This board replaces a nine-
member board, which established
a wage stabilization policy to which
labor objected. Labor is now ex-
pected to end its boycott on par-
ticipating in the defense program.
East German
BERLIN -(iP)- Soviet Russia
has completed detailed plans for
creating a Communist East Ger-
he results of operations of the past
Board continues to feel deep con-
cern as to the future," the re-
port said.
"If we should have one or
two seasons in which our foot-
ball team was not among the
leaders in the conference and in
the country (and it would be
folly to assume that this will not
happen) we would inevitably be
faced with a sharp reduction in
revenue," it continued.
The board pointed out in its re-
port that the largest single item
contributing to the rise in income
was an increase of $133,071 in the
net receipts from football.
"This was due in a large part
to the expansion of the seating
capacity of the Stadium. It was
during the past fiscal year (fall of
1949) that the additional capacity
came into operation for the first
time." The capacity of the Stadium
was increased from 85,000 to
* * *
THE BOARD expressed concern
over the high level of operational
expenses, and the fact that the
principal source of income, football
receipts, is unstable.
The board also expressed a
conviction in its report that
the present student fee of $7 al-
located from tuition "is too low."
The report pointed out thaththe
student is admitted without
charge to all athletic events at
the Stadium, the Field House
and outdoor Ferry Field.
Estimating that the total cost of
these events would be at least $50
if the student were to pay the ad-
mission price, they said he was
getting much more than he pays
for. They also claimed that the
fee was the lowest in the Western
The Regents took no action on
this proposal, and it was doubted
if they would.
prps ,.a w
THE REPORT also showed that
during the year an additional
$873,892 was spent on plant addi-
tions-enlarging the Stadium, re-
novating the Coliseum, new base-
ball stands and a new Golf Ser-
vice Building. These expenditures
were financed from athletic funds
since the University receives no
state appropriations for its athle-
tic program and buildings.
Including the costs of plant ad-
ditions, the total expenditures for
the year exceeded income by $264,-
199. However, the plant additions
were paid for from reserves.
According to the report, a wom-
en's athletic building with a swim-
ming pool is first on the list for
future plant additions.
The board in its report set a
,tentative figure of $6,000,000 as an
estimate of the cost for a women's
swimming pool, a new sports
building and additional space for
athletic administrative offices.
However, they thought that ath-
letic income is too unreliable to
serve as a basis for financing such
an operation.
Two Years
Of Language
LSA Group Will
Discuss Proposal
Students and faculty will voice
their opinions on a newly proposed
four semester foreign language re-
quirement at the Literary College
Conference, 7:30 p.m. Tuesday in
Rm. 3B of the Union.
The change from the present
language requirement was pro-
posed by a special faculty sub-
committee that has been working
on the problem for two years.
IN ESSENCE the committee's
recommendation would require all
literary college graduates to have
a proficiency in a foreign language
equivalent to a fourth semester of
It has still to be approved by
the literary college faculty, and
in no way will affect students
now in the college.
Under the present language re-
quirement, a student needs one'
year of foreign language in col-
lege unless he has four credit units
in foreign languages from high
* *t *
..UNDER THE proposed require-
ment, which is based on the quali-
ty of teaching rather than the
quantity, the number of years
studied in high school will not be
considered. r
Rather all entering students
would be given a placement test
in the language they studied pre-
vious to their enrollment in
school. The test would determine
where the student would start
in his college language studies.
If he passed the equivalent of
the fourth semester on the place-
ment test he would not have to
continue in foreign languages.
At the end of any semester a
student who had not previously
passed the placement test but
felt that his semester's work en-
abled him to, would be allowed to
take -the test.
At Tuesday's meeting of the Lit-
erary College Conference Dean
Hayward Keniston will explain the
proposed recommendation and
throw the discussion open to the
audience. Members of the subcom-
mittee will also be present to sup-
port their proposal.
World News
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON - The govern-
ment last night announced a
"tough" new price control policy
forbidding industries to raise
prices if profits exceed a set stan-
TORQUAY, ENG.-147 new
agreements lowering still further
some of the tariff barriers to
world trade were signed yester-
day by the United States and
38 other nations.
(D-La) was named yesterday to
head a House committee that
will ride herd on the multi-
billion dollar defense spending.
DUBUQUE, Ia.-Ran continued
to fall throughout the upper Mis-
sissippi valley last night threaten-
ing Iowa and Illinois river cities
with the worst flood in years.
With more than 3000 persons
already evacuated, several Iowa
communities have been declared in
a state of emergency.
-Daily-Jack Bergstrom
DEAN FETED-Dean Charles H. Stocking, retiring dean of the
pharmacy college, accepts gifts of the local chapter of Phi Delta
Chi, national pharmacy fraternity, from Ed Zawistowski, '52 P,
president. Under the wrappings is a set of luggage.
Dean Stocking Honored
At PhiDeltaChi, Banquet
Dean Charles H. Stocking, re-
tiring dean of the pharmacy col-
lege, received a big ovation, a set
of luggage, and a testimonial book
Detroit Transit
Strikers .Fired.
DETROIT-( )-The Board of
Street Railways Commissioners
late last night fired all striking
Detroit transit workers.
The commission took the action
upon recommendation of the city's
corporation counsel after the tran-
sit workers walked out yesterday
in a surprise strike.
The action means that all op-
erators scheduled to work yester-
day and who failed to do so are
without jobs. Officials were un-
able immediately to estimate how
many members of Division 26, Bus
and Street Car Operators (AFL),
would be included in the ouster
Mayor Albert E. Cobo sched-
uled a meeting for 1 p.m. today
with union officials. He said
an attempt would be madesto
"agree on some plan" to put the
huge transportation system back
in operation.
Edward N. Barnard, an attorney
representing the union, said after
learning of Cobo's announcement,
"If he wants the men to meet with
him, I'll see that they are there."
Previously, Barnard had con-
tacted Cobo and the commission
saying that the union was ready
for a meeting if "they had any-
thing to offer."
last night at the annual Phi Delta
Chi banquet.
Members of the pharmacy col-
lege faculty, alumni and present,
members of the local Alpha Chap-
ter of the national pharmacy fra-
ternity paid tribute to the 69-year-
old dean, who has been associated
with the University for 30 years.
THE DEAN had a sentimental
tone in his voice as he accepted
the gifts from Ed Zawistowski,
'52P, president of the local chap-
ter of Phi Delta Chi.
"Whatever success I've had
here," he said, "has been due
to the cooperation of the stu-
dents and faculty of the phar-
macy college."
Dean Stocking wil retire official-
ly on Aug. 27. His successor will
be Dean Thomas Rowe, now dean
of the pharmacy college at Rutgers
* * *
cluded personal notations to the
dean fin members of Phi Delta
Chi thiexghout the country.
Zawistowski said that he had
been flooded with a deluge of let-
ters from friends of Dean Stock-
ing, all wishing to make entries
into the testimonial book.
Dean Stocking came to the Uni-
versity in 1920 as a pharmaceuti-
cal consultant.
'UT' Scientist Wins
Research Contract
V. Neel, of the Medical School,
was awarded one of 14 research
contracts distributed yesterday by
the atomic Energy Commission.
OTTAWA, Ill.-(P)-A 1,100
pound bull charged a one and
a half ton truck today, smash-
ing it headon.
The bull staggered off after
the attack. The truck had to
be towed away.
After ramming the truck the
dazed bull fell back on its
haunches. Charles Greensley,
the driver, got out to look at
the damage. The bull got up
and chased Greensley back into
the truck. Greensley remained
inside until a passing farmer,
armed with a pitchfork, p odd-
ed the bull back to pasture,
UN .Forces
Push Ahead
TOKYO-(1P)-Allied troops and
tanks rolled the main line north-
ward up to five miles yesterday
along a 30-mile front in the moun-
tainous center of Red Korea.
But reinforced Chinese fought
the Allies almost to a standstill be-
fore strategic Chorwon.
the center carried United Nations
forces as much as 10 miles north
of the 38th parallel.
There was token resistance in
spots but elsewhere the Allies
made no contact with the ene-
my. Planes and artillery had
paced the attack.
The 30-mile front extended
from the vicinity of Yonchon east-
ward to Hwachon at the west end
of Hwachon reservoir. Yonchon is
six miles north of the 38th parallel;
Hawachon is seven.
But the Reds, .throwing in rein-
forcements, held the Allies to mi-
nor gains below heavily-defended
Chorwon. At one point, they
forced the Allies to withdraw un-
der intense rifle and machinegun
Chorwon, a five-way highway
and rail hub, is 18 miles north of
the 38th parallel.
ALLIED artillery and planes
broke up Communist efforts to re-
inforce battered units retreating
before the UN advance in the cen-
Vogeler Freed
By Hungarians
BUDAPEST, Hungary - (/P) -
Hungary announced yesterday she
is freeing Robert A. Vogeler, a
young American businessman who
has spent 17 months in prison on
spy charges, in return for the
granting of "various just Hun-
garian claims,"
Rumors last night said the 39-
year-old Vogeler, Assistant Vice-
President of the International
Telephone and Telegraph Co. and
its Central European representa-
tive, might already have been de-
ported over thte border without
having a chance to talk to legation
*Says Chiefs
Split Views
To Make Study of
Message Files
By The Associated Press
The Defense Department an-
nounced yesterday it will present
to Congress "an analysis of the ba
sic differences which exist" be-
tween the Joint Chiefs of Staff and
Gen. Douglas MacArthur on Far
East strategy.
The statement put the Defense
Department on record as stress-
ing that in its opinion "basic If-
ferences" do exist between the
Joints Chiefs and Gen. Mac-
Arthur. The General told Congress-
Thursday that he understood that
"from a military standpoint" the=
Joint Chiefs had shared his view,
on taking stronger measures
against Re China.
Apparently In preparation for
the testimony, the White House
and Defense Department are mak-
ing a detailed study of the huge
file of messages exchanged be-
tween.MacArthur and the Joint
Chiefs. t
. * *
ANOTHER Administration
source also spoke out against Mac-
Arthur. In Des Moines Attorney
General Howard J. McGrath as-
serted this country would have to
"go it alone" if it followed Mac-'
Arthur's advocated foreign policy
in Asia.
Meanwhile Republicans In
Congress accused the Truman
Administration of talking a
"one-sided" account of a presi-
dential conference on the Kor-
ean War in an effort to "dis-.
credit" the General.
At the same time, Chairman
Russell (D-Ga.) told reporters the
Senate Armed Services Committee
will demand "all available docu-
ments"-including those covering
President Truman's Wake Island
meeting with MacArthur last Octo-
ber-in its inquiry into Far East-
ern military and foreign policies.
In New York Maj. Gen. Court-
ney Whitney, an aid to MacArthur,
charged the State Department and
the nation's highest intelligence
agencies failed last October to
warn the General that the Chinese
Reds were preparing to enter the
Korean War.
Gen. MacArthur himself took it
easy, visiting former president
Herbert Hoover on his first day
of rest since an emotion-charged
round of ovations began a week
ago in Tokyo.
University Cuts
Psi Upsilon
Fine in Half
The University has sliced in half
the $2,000 fine levied on Psi Upsi-
lon fraternity last Nov. 15 for
holding an unauthorized party, it
was reported yesterday.
The decision to lighten the pen-
alty reportedly was made at a
meeting of the Sub-Committee on
Discipline Thursday.
Erich A. Walter, Dean of.Stu-
dents, declined to comment on
the action. However, he prom-
ised that an official statement
would be made tomorrow fully ex-
plaining the, decision.
Drama Season Will Include 'Cocktail Party'
"The Cocktail Party" by T. S.
Eliot and "Ring Round the Moon"
by Jean Anouilh as adapted by
Christopher Fry will get their first
American productions off Broad-
way in this year's Ann Arbor
Drama Season.
Three other plays recently re-
vived in New York complete the
list of five plays in the season
which will run from May 15
through June 16. The three are
"Captain Brassbound's Conver-
sion" by George Bernard Shaw,
"The Royal Family," by George
Brenda Forbes, Bethel Leslie, J.
Edward Bromberg and John
"Captain Brassbound's Conver-
sion," with Miss Best recreating
* " *
the role she took in this season's
New York City Center revival of
the play will open the season. The
comedy in typical Shavian style
tells how a charming English-
woman lures an unwilling male in-
to marrying her.
- * * *
THE SECOND PLAY of the sea-
son will be "Ring Round the
Moon," which resulted from the
pooling of talents of two of the
better known artists in the Euro-
pean theatre. The English play-
wright Christopher Fry translated
group of sophisticated moderns,
who, led by a mysterious psychia-
trist, discover themselves. Dan-
iell will play the psychiatrist, a
role which he played for many
S * *
months in the New York pro-
"Mary Rose," fourth in the
Drama Season's productions, will
display Barrie's talents at their
fantastic best in the story of a
girl who never grows old. Bethel
Leslie, protege of the famous ac-
tress Helen Hayes, will play the
part of the girl, as she did in the
New York revival of the play.
A celebrated theatrical family
strikingly similar to the well-
known Barrymores is the subject
of the Drama Season's last pro-
Other sources listed as reasons
for the step the small size of the
house, and the uncertainties of
the student draft status. Psi U
has only 30 active members,
meaning that'an assessment of
$66 per man would have been
necessary to pay the full
amount. It was reportedly felt
that this placed too much of a
financial burden on the house.
2:ii i' .. . .