THE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1951 ______________________________________________________________________ I m I I I i itorb te -I BY JIM BROWN T HE GREAT NATIONAL debate over the proposed sending of American troops to help stave off a possible Russian attack on Western Europe has brought forth chal- lenging and searching statements on Ameri- can foreign policy by many of the nation's foremost leaders. And certainly no one can question the value of an open public discussion of an issue of such vital impor- tance to every American citizen. But unfortunately, healthy as these discussions are, they have aroused in the minds of many of the nation's most pow- erful leaders such as Senator Taft and Mr. Hoover a very basic and inherent isolationist characteristic. This dangerous isolationism has caught fire in the minds of millions of everyday American citizens and represents a threat almost as sinister as the Communist armies themselves. WHY ISOLATIONISM THAT ISOLATIONISM should arise dur- ing this period of apparent internation- alism is seemingly incongurous but is easily explained by a glance a the past. The American people have always been loathe to project themselves into the affairs of the rest of the world. They have been so busy building their continent-building a vast industrial complex-that they have had neither the time nor the desire to interfere with, or even participate in, the events on the international scene to any great extent. Since Washington's warning to "beware of foreign entanglements," they have held themselves aloof from the rest. of the world as much as possible. Even though forced into two world wars, they entered reluctantly and only under the duress of a real threat to their own security-a threat which had been growing for many years but which they failed to acknowledge until it was laid on their very doorstep. It is no wonder, therefore, that Senator Taft and Mr. Hoover have been able to re- kindle a desire in millions of Americans to close their eyes to the problems of the rest of the world-"to make a Gibralter of the Western Hemisphere." Y e t, ironically enough, this desire threatens to destroy the very freedom and civilization which the American people wish to maintain within their "Gibralter" TROOPS FOR EUROPE THE IMMEDIATE QUESTION which has touched off the foreign policy debate and which has reawakened the inherent American desire for an isolated life is cen- tered around the commitment of American troops for the defense of Western Europe. Mr. Taft and Mr. Hoover have proposed that we build up powerful air and naval forces to ward off any attack on the Western Hemisphere and that we supplement these forces by sending arms and other aid to Western Europe if they show a "willingness to fight." Such a policy is poorly conceived, how- ever, for two reasons. First, it would merely be spelling out our own doom. With the industrial empire of Western Europe in Communist hands we simply could not hope to preserve our free- dom-in spite of our tremendous industrial capacity. Many of our key sources of raw materials would be cut off and the balance of industrial power would sving to the Com- munist side of the ledger. The Western European nations cannot be expected to defend themselves without our assistance. While it is true that arms shipments to Europe will provide some stim- ulus, it takes men with a purpose and with fortitude to man the guns. And the Western European nations will probably not provide these men unless they are assured that the United States will fight at their side on the continent. Nor is the policy of sending American troops only after the European nations have built up their own armies sound-since these nations simply will not rebuild their armies unless they have "demonstrated assurance" Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. NIGHT EDITOR: VERNON EMERSON that America will fight with them. This "demonstrated assurance" is more than tanks and planes and paper agreements. It is com- bat divisions of more than token strength. As "morale is the fundamental element in this whole situation," and with every evidence of American support, "there will be an up- ward thrust in morale, and ever-mounting spiral of confidence and security" in the European peoples. 4 :r MORAL RESPONSIBILITY BUT BEYOND THE selfish needs of our own security, there is a second and equally important reason why American troops should be allocated for the defense of Western Europe. As long as the United States stands for freedom, as long as it pretends to support all that is decent and good in modern civilization, it must stand ready to defend that freedom and decency wherever it is challenged. This does not mean, however, that we should, or could, pretend to be the moral and spiritual leaders of the world. The cul- tures of the Oriental peoples and the be- liefs and civilizations of the Middle East have just as much claim to validy as our own and we cannot simply declare that our way of life is the "only way." But we must stand ready to defend the right of any way of life to exist in freedom if it desires, since we are the only force in the world capable of protecting that freedom from the totali- tarian Communists. We recognize the value of a 'public discussion of the foreign policy issue and perhaps we are even indebted to Mr. Taft and Mr. Hoover for bringing it to a head. But we must realize that they are prac- tically and morally wrong and that Amer- ican troops, as well as American arms must be sent to Western Europe. As General Eisenhower put it, "we cannot delay, nationally or individually, while we suspiciously scrutinize the sacrifices made by our neighbor, and through a weasling logic seek to someway to avoid our own duties." A TrtsTheatre Club AN EXCITING ADVENTURE in theatre- going awaits local audiences with the start of the Arts' Theater Club. Undertaken by a group of former Uni- versity students, this new venture will provide Ann Arbor with a permanent theatre--a project long favored by many people here. Ann Arbor has for many years been considered one of the finest drama centers in the country, and the success of the annual Drama Season gives proof of local interest in drama which should lead to the success of a year-round theatre here. By setting up the new theatre as a club, the group hopes to instill what they call the "theatre habit" among its patrons, to make theatre-going as frequent and natural as movie-going has bec6me. At the same time, the Club will encourage discussions of their offerings, and presentations of plays not often seen in this area. In this line, they have come up with a program as interesting as it is varied. Be- ginning February 20th and running through to the middle of May, they will present works by Ibsen, Philip Barry, and Jean-Paul Sartre, as well as a restoration comedy and other translations of modern French drama: Organizing as a club means that the audience can be almost as much a part of the production as the actors are. With a schedule calling for a new play every two weeks, rehearsals will. be frequently in prog-j ress, and club members will be able to at- tend these, and can also work with the pro- duction staffs. In addition, it is hoped that eventually the club can expand to include a drama, school, a restaurant and lounge, and pro- vide a functioning drama center. It is an ambitious undertaking, but if the enthusiasm of the club's founders carries over to high-quality productions, the group should be a pleasant and valuable addition to this community and one which deserves support. -Roma Lipsky "Briefly, You're A Warmonger And An Appeaser" r f .ioPS IAS~QAT r\~# o~vb MU TNT- IA-:: 4 ___ tj 1 fyl G1 i DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN * Zft1' ,j.44.e, J MAT'fER F PAC_ By JOSEPH and STEWART ALSOP WASHINGTON -- The crisis in Asia is clearly approaching another turning point, as important as the Chinese interven- tion in Korea although perhaps less abrupt. For a second time, the Kremlin's Korean plans have badly miscarried. Instead of driving the United Nations Army from the peninsula, the Chinese offensive has been halted. And besides suffering the ravages of cold and disease, China's best armies are now reportedly losing the equivalent of a division a day to General Ridgeway's ag- gressive task forces. In these circumstances, it is natural that Mao Tse-Tung should have hurried to Moscow to discuss the altered outlook with the Kremlin. The news of Mao's Moscow journey, first printed in this space, has not been positively confirmed; but it is now officially accepted that the Chinese and Russian leaders have held an important meeting somewhere during the past fortnight. Unfortunately, the American policymak- ers are in the tantalizing position of being pretty sure that this meeting has taken place, without knowing what decisions were reached. Events alone will tell the tale. Meanwhile, it is interesting to review the various signs and portents which seem to have a bearing on the shape of things to come. ONE OF THE most striking of these por- tents is an analysis of recent develop- ments in China by experienced French military observers there, the gist of which became known here during the visit of Pre- mier Rene Pleven. These men, just expelled from their posts in the Chinese interior, agreed on two vital major points. First, the great Chinese Communist pro- gram of industrialization and internal re- construction has now been utterly aban- doned. All energies are concentrated on military preparation, to the extent that the 30,000 most promising youngsters have been taken out of the colleges and technical schools, to be trained as officers of new armies. Second, further conquests in Asia are the aim, immediate or long range, of this effort of military preparation which was launched with full intensity shortly after the Peking meeting in August, presid- ed over by Molotov, when the Korean inter- vention was decided upon. If new conquests are to be attempted soon, there are two main danger areas besides Korea - Formosa and Southeast Asia. No indications have appeared, as yet, of any impending attack on Formosa. But there have certainly been renewed danger signals on China's southern bor- ders. Chinese units have appeared in the re- mote tribal country of North Burma, and the Burmese ambassador at Peking has ad- vised his government to yield this region to China or get ready to fight for it. There is evidence that the Chinese armies in Yunnan Province are passing supplies to the Burmese Communist guerrillas. In Siam, there are warnings of a coup d'etat, which would overturn the present pro-Western government in favor of a China-linked re- gime. And in Indo-China, the native Com- munist forces of Ho Chi Minh are said to have been placed under Chinese command, while the Chinese "liberation army" across the border has been further reinforced. * * * * THESE STRAWS in the wind are not thought to portend an immediate explo-, sion. In Indo-China, for example, Ho Chi Minh is expected to be allowed one more try to defeat the French with his own Viet Minh troops, and a Chinese attack is not regarded as likely to occur tomorrow. What will happen if Ho Chi Minh fails has mean- while been decided, it is thought, at the meeting of Chinese and Russian leaders, where a choice must have been made be- tween three possible courses: 1. Discouraged by their misfortunes in Korea, the Chinese may seek a serious set- tlement there, in which case the rest of Asia may be considered as temporarily safe. 2. The Chinese may improve their posi- tion in Korea by withdrawing enough to shorten their supply lines, and then try for a stalemate there. In this case, an attack on Indo-China may be expected, to com- pensate for the Korean setback. 3. The Chinese may double their bet in Korea, committing the large forces they still have across the Yalu, and at the same time launch other attacks all along the southern border, in Indo-China, in Burma, and possibly on Hong Kong. In short, their choice is between such an acknowledgement of failure as the Russians ON THE Washington Merry-Go-Round with DREW PEARSON WASHINGTON-The man who really dominates cabinet meetings these days is not the President but Defense Mobilizer Charles E. Wilson. Truman is so fond of Wilson personally, so determined to give him complete power, that the big square-jawed ex-head of General Electric carries far more weight than any member of the cabinet. In fact, some cabinet meetings have featured non-too- friendly arguments in which Wilson always gets what he wants. For example, Wilson will announce to the cabinet: "We need more timber for defense construction. The lumber people tell me we can get it from the national forests." The national forests are under Secretary of the Interior Chap- man, while the timber in them is under the forest service and Secretary of Agriculture Brannan. And if the latter argue about the need of saving timber for future generations and suggest using only half the proposed amount, Wilson's brusque reply is: "We need all of it." - Usually the President calls in the opposing cabinet member and says: "I think you'd better go along with Charlie. I had an awfully hard time getting him to take the job, and I don't want him to leave because he doesn't get cooperation." Chief inner-cabinet gripe against Wilson is that he listens chiefly to his advisers from industry and not to his colleagues in government. Generally speaking, Wilson is doing a good job, is especially trying to help place orders with little business-des- spite the fact that he comes from one of the biggest companies in the world. Note-Wilson's chief need is a few men around him who can do more long-range planning. PEOPLE-TO-PEOPLE FRIENDSHIP IN THE SUMMER of 1947, this writer had an interesting talk with General George Marshall, then Secretary of State, about the im- portance of penetrating the iron curtain in order to refute the Mos- cow radio and convince the Russian people of the basic friendliness of the American people.{ Secretary Marshall seemed convinced at that time that much was to be gained from drawing a distinction between the Russian people and their government, and making it .clear that the American people had no quarrel with the Russian people. In a nation which has no free press, no churches, no parliament to exercise a check rein on the Kremlin, the only way to prevent a precipitous declaration of war is contact with the people of Russia. This fact is, of course, the chief reason for the Iron Curtain. The Kremlin's greatest fear is that the Russian people will get too friendly with the outside world. Secretary Marshall, at that time, favored making a speech in the Assembly of the United Nations urging Moscow to remove the Iron Curtain and permit free intercourse between the people of Russia and the outside world. It was suggested that after such a speech was made, translations in the Russian language could be dropped behind the Iron Curtain-by weather balloons if necessary. For some reason this speech was never made. But now, four years later, 21 senators have signed a resolution urging friendship between the Russian people and the American people. This is the kind of resolution that ought to be smuggled, dropped or somehow or other got behind the iron curtain. SENATOR WHERRY'S TOAST BEFORE FRENCH PREMIER Rene Pleven returned to Paris, he attended a stag dinner at the French embassy where he sat dir- ectly across the table from Senator Ken Wherry of Nebraska, the arch foe of European aid. Throughout the meal, the French Premier and the Nebraskan isolationist chatted pleasantly about past experiences. Pleven told about visiting Nebraska as a youth, and spoke glowingly of Nebraska's beef cattle. Wherry responded with a story on himself. He recalled that, as state GOP chairman, he had made a political barnstorming trip across the state. As he moved from town to town in southwest Nebraska, he came upon a small community that had received no advance word and wasn't expecting him. Nevertheless, he rounded up the local Republican leaders and arranged a pep rally that night. As he went into his spiel about the Nebraska GOP ticket, however, he got a cold reception. There was an exchange of whispers with the local leader, and the red-faced Wherry discovered he had wandered across the border and mistakenly arranged a rally in Colorado. The French Premier laughed heartily, and soon the two were talking back and forth as if Wherry were an ardent supporter of1 aid to Europe. When it came time for the traditional toasts, Senators Wiley of Wisconsin, McMahon of Connecticut, Sparkmanof Alabama, Lehman of New York and Lodge of Massachusetts all drank to the success of Franco-American relations and the French aid program. Finally it came Wherry's turn to lift his glass and turning to Pleven, he declared: "Mr. Premier, I may ask a lot of questions. But I want you to understand that I am in favor of helping the French." Colleagues are wondering whether Wherry will now make good the pledge he made at a private dinner. (Copyright, 1951, by the Bell Syndicate, Inc.) (Continued from Page 2) It is emphasized that exemption is not granted automatically, but1 is given only upon personal re- quest. Any other student who has ab- solute need (such as for reasons of health, commuting, et cetera) for the use of an automobile while in attendance at the University, may petition for a "special per- mit" at the Office of Student Ar- fairs. Where a substantial saving in1 transportation costs can be rea-, lized by a student in transporting himself and his belongings to Ann Arbor by automobile, a studenti whose home is beyond a radius of 175 miles from the city of Ann Arbor will be permitted to drive to the University. Once he has arrived in the city of Ann Arbor, he must place his automobile in storage or park it somewhere off the city streets and away from1 the campus area. Unless he can make such arrangements for storing or parking his automobile,7 the student will not be permitted to maintain his automobile in Ann Arbor. All information relat- ed to the automobile, the fact of its presence in the Ann Arbor area, together with the addressI of the place of storage (or park- ing area) must be filed with the Office of Student Affairs. There- after, the automobile may be dri- ven legitimately only during those periods when driving restriction are lifted, as announced in the "Daily Official Bulletin." Applications for driving per mits must be presented to the Of- fice of Student Affairs, and all automobile registrations accom- plished, within the first two weeks of each semester, including thel Summer Session. Students desir- ing to bring automobiles to Ann Arbor after that time must apply for permission to do so. Fall re- gistrations of automobiles remain effective until the close of the regular school year in June. Before permission to drive isI granted, each student, including those who are in an "exempt" category, must furnish the fol- lowing information: 1. State License-plate number. 2. Driver's License number. 3. Evidence of .Public Liability and Property Damage Insurance on his automobile:- (a) Name of the Insurance Company. (b) Policy Number. (c) Expiration date of Policy. All students who have permitsl to drive, or to have automobiles in the Ann Arbor- area, are res- ponsible for promptly reporting any change in license-plate num- ber, driving license number, the " sale of an automobile, or the ac- quisition of another vehicle. The automobile regulations will3 become effective at eight o'clockE on the morning that classes be- gin in the unit in which a stu- dent is enrolled and will not be lifted during the college year ex- cept when announced in the "Daily Official Bulletin." Failure to comply with all regu- lations governing the use of au- tomobiles by University students will invite penalties in the form of monetary fines, and/or with- drawal of the driving permit it- self. Engineers, Physics and Math Students: The following men will be interviewing June and August graduates this week: Feb. 14, 15 & 16: Mr. William Werback of Consolidated Vultee Aircraft Corp., San Diego, Calif. Feb. 15 & 16: Mr. Ray Blay- lock of Chance Vought, Dallas, Texas. Feb. 15 & 16: Mr. Ray Schney- er of Aro, Inc., Tullahoma, Ten- esspe. (Mr. Schneyer will also hold a group meeting at 7:30 p.m., Feb. 14, Room 1213, E.E.)I Further information and inter- view schedules are posted on the Aeronautical Engineering bulletinr board opposite Room 1079, E.E. Registration for Summer Em- ployment. Registration meeting2 for all people interested in jobs for this coming summer-camp, resort, business and industry -- will be held in the Natural Science Auditorium, Thurs., Feb. 15, at 4 p.m.f Bureau of Appointments: The Merrill-Palmer School, De- troit, Mich., is offering assistant- ships and advanced fellowships f or graduate students in the fol- lowing: 1. Physical Growthl 2. Psychologye 3. Family Lifez 4. Infant Laboratory 5. Nursery School 6. Recreational Clubs 7. Research 8. Nursing 9. Library For further information contact the Bureau of Appointments, 35- 28 Administration Bldg. Bureau of Appointments: The Palmer IncorporatedsSchools, Palmer, Alaska need a band teacher. They will consider those without experience. The Near East College Associa- tion, New York, N.Y. needs per- sonnel for colleges in Turkey, Le- banon, and Greece. They are seeking teachers' of Art History, English, Music, Science, History, Home Economics, Physical Edu- cation, Mathematics, Commerce, and Elementary grades. The American College for Girls, Istanbul, Turkey needs a young American woman to teach physi- cal education for a period of three years. For further information con- tact the Bureau of Appointments, 3528 Administration Bldg. Employment: The University has several op- portunities for experienced *key punch operators on either a full- time or a part-time basis. For fur ther details contact the University Personnel Office, Room 3012, Ad- ministration Bldg. University Community Center, Willow Run Village: Wed., Feb. 14, 8 p.m., Choir practice. Thurs., Feb. 15, 8 p.m., Ceram- ics. Sat., Feb. 17, Board Supper (Wives' Club). List of approved social events for the coming week-end: February 17 - Alpha Tau Omega Delta Tau Delta LawyersaClub Phi Delta Phi Phi Rho Sigma Phi Sigma Kappa Winchell House February 18 - Alpha Rho Chi Phi Delta Phi Bureau of Appointments: The U.S. Civil Service Commis- sion announces the following ex- aminations: Organization and Methods Examiner and Budget Examiner, Grades G87-GS12, no closing date; Meteorological Aid, grades G3-G5, closing date Feb. 15. The Michigan Civil Service Commission announces an exam- ination for Petroleum Engineer I and Ii. Closing date, Feb. 14. The Milwaukee County Civil Service Commission announces an examination for Dietetic Supervi- sor. Closing date, Feb. 26. The Mare Island Naval Ship- yard, Vallejo, California, has op- enings for Naval Architects who will be graduating in June or August. The Kimberly-Clark Corpora- (Continued on Page 5) M1018aljBaig .r 1 rir' ".1} I Sixty-First Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board In Con trol of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Jim Brown............Managing Editor Paul Brentlinger..........City Editor Roma Lipeky........Editorial Director Dave Thomas........... Feature Eidtor Janet Watts . ,.......Associate Editor Nancy Bylan.......... Associate Editor James Gregory......Associate Editor Bill Connolly.......... Sports Editor Bob Sandell.... Associate Sports Editor Bill Brenton. ...Associate Sports Editor Barbara Jans......... Women's Editor Pat Brownson Associate Women's Editor Business Staff Bob Daniels.........Business Manager Walter Shapero Assoc. Business Managei Paul Schaible. . .. Advertising Manager Bob Mersereau......inance Manager Carl Breittreitz....Circulation Manager Telephone 23-24-1 Member ofaThe Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited to this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein are also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan as second-class mail matter. Subscription during regular school year: by carrier, $6.00; by mail, $7.00. 1 I rk Senatorial Immunity and Courtesy WHEN SENATOR BENTON of Connecti- cut took the floor the other day to de- nounce the appointment of Senator McCar- thy to the subcommittee that handles State Department funds, he used words which the Unted Press says are "rarely heard in the t courtesy-conscious Senate." Twice during the speech he was called down by Senator Welker of Idaho for He succeeded, though, in underscoring again the lop-sided advantage that Senate rules and Senate courtesy give to a man like McCarthy. Senator Benton, in effect, was attack- ing McCarthy's abuse of the privilege of senatorial immunity. But Benton was immediately rebuked by Senator Welker :rh BARNABY A car came by here. Do you know wher It went? I It's Pop's car. But he didn't se me. And Mr. O'MaI!av This road to townn....We'll get that dough back...318 Concord Lane...