S . J THE MICHIGAN DAILY. FRIDAY, APRIL 20, 19"1 __________________________________________________________________________________________ I _____________________________________________________ I The General's Speech * * *** * estion . . Logic Vs. Sentiment must have stunned Hearst, "No MAN in his right mind would send and the other loyal Ameri- troops into China." "There is no substi- dwagon momentarily yester- tute for victory." ave an enlightened and ra- of the thoughts and feelings "We must recognize that the Asian peo- f t toh a fpies will not accept colonization." "We must hold our island bastion," which in- to the pent-up desires of eludes "the Aleutians, Japan, Formosa, oples to rid themselves of The Marianas, the Philippines and the Cation and to their lust to Marshalls." r own destinies. The hunger it stomachs is much more General MacArthur gave witness yesterday them than ideological in- to the fact that "old soldiers" are not al- teArthur asserted. ways as logical as they are sentimental. Be- thoughts changed direction sides involving himself in two immense con- o run true to form. He could tradictions, he pre-empted an insight into Chinese Communists taking the hunger and poverty that the Russian-Chinese alliance that would na's masses. He seemed don- probably have daunted even Mr. Gromyko. Communist, government did With his argument resting firmly on this upport of these masses. watery sub-soil, he proceeded "without bit- sent Red government is sere terness" to prove clearly to every Republican nce been conceded. in Congress that our present Asian policy f the strivings of the Chinese is hopelessly inane. hur says he recognizes, it Before "fading away" this most skillful cal that the Nationalist in- actor of the age made clear that the struggle nainland which he advocates in Asia is irrevocably tied to the struggle in avail.' Europe. Then with some modesty and a great lized that the communization deal of circumspection, he .alluded to the etter or for worse is an ac- ally in the East (Chaing Kai-Shek) whose t. o try to alter the situation importance he has preserved, without men- 00,00Q men by an invasion of tioning the allies in Europe he has alienated. 'ould either mean the slaugh- ops or the involvement of the Perhaps we have not heard enough of n a full-scale war with China. General MacArthur. It is possible he knows mists could muster all the a way of obtaining victory over the Chinese y needed to eliminate without sending troops into China. Perhaps NOO. And we could not aid he has some special information about Sta- e extent that would be re- lin's intentions that would guarantee that ve such an operation suc- the expenditure of a war with China would taking up the fight our- be both profitable and without risk of spreading to the rest of the world. e speech MacArthur clearly It is even possible that the man who was knows why the Chinese have surprised by the Japanese in the Philippines, government and yet he com- the, Chinese in Korea, and ironically by the heir will and strength to de- effectiveness of air power (after conducting rnment if the mainland were the court marshall of Billy Mitchell)-it is possible that this man can explain why the --Paul Marx. cost of Korea is not as great to the Chinese, who can less afford it, than it is to us. fshed in The Michigan Daily He may be able to show that containing members of The Daily staff Communism in Asia, constitutes no vie- he views of the writers only. tory; that convincing the Chinese of our power without engaging in an all-out war is really appeasement. He may even be ITOR: DAVIS CRIPPEN able to explain why Asian allies are so much more important to us than our European allies and the support of the United Nations. It is unfortunate that in the hysteria sur- rounding his trip to this country he may be able to win his point without explaining any- thing. The old soldier may well take the world with him as he fades away into ob- livion. UNUSUAL INTEREST IN -John Briley. Vandenberg IT HAS BEEN SAID that no one is more set in his ways, more afraid of new ideas than a self-made man. Senator Arthur Vandenberg, who soared from im- poverished delivery boy to newspaper pub- lisher to United States Senator from Michigan, disproved this. In doing so he made modern history and left behind a lesson for all who profess to be enlight- ened human beings. After the First World War Vanden- berg, then a newspaper editor in Grand Rapids, was rightfully assailed as one of "the little band of willful men" who kept the United States out of the Lea- gue of Nations and doomed that pio- neering worl body. He was an isolationist until we entered the Second World War and then at, nearly sixty years of age, he turned his back on the policy of a lifetime and be- came an ardent internationalist. More important, he implemented this philo-, sophy by helping to weld our bi-partisan foreign policy--a policy which, we can hope, will survive and grow into a per- manent edifice despite the current split over General MacArthur and Korea. When he was a young man, a break- down brought on''by overstudy and overwork forced Vandenberg to leave the University of Michigan after barely a year of attendance. But he found another school in the resources of his mind and heart. That school he never left. We realize the lesson when we realize that such a school is in each of us. We can best memorialize Arthur Vandenberg by drawing upon it, each to the best of his ability all the days of his life. -The Senior Editors India's Famine FOUR MONTHS have passed since the government of India asked the United States for 2,000,000 tons of grain to avert an impending famine. In that time, des- pite pleas from the State Department and President Truman, neither the House nor the Senate has seen fit to take constructive action. Instead the bill calling for grain shipments has been bottled up in congres- sional committees, and the once anticipated famine has become an actuality. At 4:15 p.m. today in the International Center, a meeting of University students and townspeople has been called together to urge an end to this congressional apathy. The meeting, sponsored by the local UNESCO Council, is seeking to im- press on the public the facts behind the delay in sending America aid, facts that will illuminate the shortsightedness that is becoming characteristic of our congress- men. It is a meeting that is important not just to those whose main concern is the welfare of the Indian people or the tra. gedy of starvation, but also to those who are at all concerned with the welfare of the United States. While we have remained idle, Communist China has not. Anxious to win the friendship and dispel the fears of her fellow Asians, the Chinese-without being asked as we were-offered India 1,000,000 tons of food grains. Russia, in a move that showed con- siderably more foresight than ours, promised the "necessary transportation to ship the grains to Indian ports. Offered only a bag of talk from Washington, India has already begun negotiations with Piping for the shipment. Now, no matter what aid we vote to send the memory of American inaction will be a constant reminder to Indiaof what support she may expect from our 'country in the fu- ture. While on the one hand we seek her strong friendship, we have with the other destroyed an opportunity to win it. And in the bargain we have needlessly condoned a famine.' I The Republican minority on the House Foreign Affairs Commnittee issued this statement on the aid proposal: "The plight of hundreds of millions of ill-fed and starving people . . . wrings our hearts .. - but . . . we do not believe that . the Congress has the right to be charitable (without the taxpayer's consent)" If this is all that still holds back the heartbroken humanitarians, the campus meeting this afternoon will provide the op- portunity for all of us to give Congress our, personal okay. -Leonard Greenbaum [CIIN[MA, At Hill Auditorium . . THE ROCKING HORSE WINNER with John Mills, Valerie Hobson and Ronald Squire. THIS LITERATE reworking of one D. H. Lawrence's better short stories is a small masterpiece of its kind. All unnecessary ac- tion has been ruthlessly suppressed; the editingi s careil and sure. while the dia- "You Seem To Be The Only One Who Can Settle Our Debates These Days" " "y; T, ettep4 TO THE EDITOR The Daily welcomes communications from its readers .on matters of general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or. libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will be condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the editors. ~MEERI l Korean War.. . h S: Zr $V'o .". IMA t' t x vie yq so . tr ) Ur;~I 7 r c r e ., t r t f t a 1 c 2 r. t C t 'E i 1 _j 7 ?hi ' 'ci" -**i * " '" FFv " ' ', 4 f~ "". * .~ 1 ON TUE W ashington Merry-Go-Round with DREW PEARSON I WASHINGTON-At an explosive Republican Senatorial strategy' meeting this week, the big GOP guns warned against tieing the Republican Party too closely to MacArthur's kite. One of those who led the warning was Senator Taft, whose friends have been worried that MacArthur might crowd him as the GOP presidential candidate in 1952. Taft told the strategy meeting, "as a political party we should keep out of this." Senator Millikin of Colorado chimed in that occasionally past "conquering heroes" had come home and put their foot in their mouths. He recalled that Admiral Dewey, the conqueror of Manila, got a hero's reception and was presented with a free house, then trans- ferred the house to his wife. Millikin also cited Charles Lindbergh, who came home to a hero's welcome and later made some remarks that offended religious groups. However, the sharpest Republican fire was concentrated on Sena- tor Cain of Washington for putting the republican party on the spot with his resolution declaring war on China. His colleagues agreed it was politically ill-advised, and ripped into him unmercifully. Senator Wherry of Nebraska, who has been Secretary of State Acheson's bitter foe, actually snorted: "As far as the Cain resolution is concerned, I am on Acheson's side." Senator Young of North Dakota warned that declaring war on China would do "more damage than anything that has hap- pened in the Republican Party in five years." Senator Aiken of Vermont pointed out a "slight technical" ob- stacle. He brought out the "we can't declare war against a government that we have refused to recognize." * * . . CAIN ARGUES HOWEVER, Cain tried to defend his position by arguing that his real purpose was to "pin this war on Truman as Truman's war." He pointed out that the President in his April 11 speech men- tioned war 21 times. However, Cain's colleagues failed to follow his reasoning. In the end, Cain insisted that he had promised to introduce the resolution and intended to go through with it. However, he agreed to make a statement that his only purpose was to focus attention on the China issue, since Truman had already got the country into war. The most explosive outburst of the closed-door meeting came from Indiana's wild Senator Jenner. He was spurred out of his seat by a remark from Senator Taft that "no responsible Republican senator would advocate impeachment." To this Jenner shouted angrily: "I may not be part of the re- sponsible Republican leadership, but I have my own opinion." He demanded immediate impeachment of President Truman and used considerable profanity in demanding it. Senator Ecton of Montana tried to soothe Jenner by explaining that it was up to the House to bring impeachment proceedings and the Senate was supposed to act as a jury. Ecton cautioned that it would be improper for a Senator who was supposed to sit on the jury to express advance opinions about impeachment. In response to a suggestion that the Republicans appoint a wel- coming committee, Millikin declared, "MacArthur must be left in the hands of the public. It shouldn't look like the Republicans are sponsoring him." * * * * Tb the Editor: T HETIME has come for peace in Korea. 60,000 American casualties and over 1,000,000 Ko- rean men, women and children casualties are quite enough. The "police action" in Korea has brought us on the brink of World War III with the fools in Congress howling for more blood. The at- tempt to pose MacArthur as a de- fender of democracy is ridiculous. He is without doubt the most an- ti-democratic, the most imperious and egotistical figure in public life. He not only had complete contempt for his Japanese and Philippine underlings (he never met with them), but even his treatment of his fellow American officers was abominable. Some people say he is a good general. His conduct of the war in Korea was filled with miscalcula- tions and almost complete under- estimation of the Korean people's ability to fight. His attempt to picture himself as a one man army during the last war in the Pacific was met with overwhelming scorn from the G.I.'s who did the real fighting. Remember his "I have returned." That was typical. Then there's th&Iine about.Mac- Arthur understanding the "Ori- ental mind." This, is just so much garbage. All MacArthur thought about the Orient was to censider it his personal property, and the best way to convince the people of Asia that this was right and Just with bombs, napalm and "Opera- tion Killers." Do people really believe that we can bring democracy to the Far East by means of atomic war? Yet this is what the MacArthur, Hearst, Taft crowd are yelling for. Truman says we must stay in Ko- rea to prevent World War III. But this is equally unconvincing. How do you reconcile 60,000 casualties with a so-called peace policy. Is it for peace that our Seventh Fleet surrounds Formosa? A policy which sends millions of dollars worth of arms to Viet Nam, rearms the German Nazis, embraces but- cher Franco and supports every corrupt and reactionary regime in the world is a war policy. Today the choice is either war or peace. We can't have both at the same time, no matter how hard the Tru- man administration tries to prove it's possible. Why Is the Korean war so un- popular? Why all the confusion and dissension on the top level? Why do our most trusted allies, Britain and France oppose more and more of our actions? The ans wer lies in the fact that the Uni- ted States government is pursuing a war policy all along the line. We are fighting an unjust and aggres- sive war in Korea and pltting worse for Western Europe. At home it is reflected in the unpre- cedented greed, corruption and gangsterism In government. Let the people tighten their belts. It's for peace and the Free World, they say. I say, "nuts!" --Al Lipptt, '50 * *w Wheat for India .. . To the Editor: and thereby 'showed her willing- ness to cooperate with the western world. 4. India welcomes technical and financial assistance from the west- ern countries. Thus, India is wedded to demo- cratic ideals and she will defend them. It is in her-own interest to stand against any totalitarian rule in the world. These facts, rather than any formal consent, should assure the United States that India will be a reliable ally in the time of crisis. Hence we maintain that not only should wheat be sent to In- dia but also it is in the highest In- terest of the United States, to as- sist in building Indic into a strong and democratic country. We trust that the American people will give serious considera- tion to these ideas and request their leaders to act accordingly. -Carol Hield Himu Shah. Wheat for Indya.. To the Editor: OR A long time the bill to send Ftwo million tons of'surplus wheat to India has bon pending in the U.S. Congres .Day by day the famine conditions in India grow worse .Yet there is no de- cisive action on the measure. We have the wheat sitting around, and many Indians are in danger of starvation. The Government of India has -offered to pay for the wheat on a long-term basis. Why hasn't the grain been sent? The United States legislators want strings attached to the bundle. In- dia does not. To extract strate- gic raw materials which India vitally needs for her own indus- try in preference to payment that has already been offered might be compared to making a man work twelve hours for one loaf of bread 'when he is already half dead from hunger. There is another approach. Could not the U.S. Congress be persuaded to deal with this prob- lem from a purely humanitarian point of view? An appeal to that effect was drawn up, signed by twelve students representing seven different countries, and sent to the President of the Senate. A reply was received from Vice-President Barkley acknowledging receipt of the petition and stating that it would be brought to the attention of the Senate. If the American people can be informed about the situation in India, aid may be sent before it is too late. It is difficult to conceive how grounds could be maintained for rot sending aid to any group of people who are threatened with r starvation. F , a. i a. A !I 4( D RAMA I' '1' At Lydia Mendelssohn.. FINIAN'S RAINBOW. Book by E. Y. Harburg and Fred Saidy, Lyrics by E. Y. Harburg, Music by Burton Lane. Present- ed by the Student Players. THIS BUOYANT incarnation of the hit musical, "Finian's Rainbow," is a delight. The enthusiastic troupe of singers, dancers and actos romps through a Southern fairy tale which, despite its two-and-a-half-hour running time, seems no longer than you'd wish. The songs are all remarkably melodious and blessed with literate lyrics. The book deals with a slightly daft Irishman named Finian McLonergan who has some remark- able economic theories involving leprechaun's gold and puts them to hopeful use. It also chronicles the reformation of a biased, re- actionary Southern senator and is rather remarkable in that it makes a tolerance lesson tolerable. The songs are fresh as ever- How Are Things in Glocca Morra?", "Look to the Rainbow," "Old Devil Moon" and many worthy companions. No one gave a bad performance last night, and many people were very, very good. Prime accolades go to John Waller, who not only bounced about roguishly as Og, the lepre- chaun, but also served as choreographer with resourcefulness and wit. Kenneth Rosen as Finian was practically flawless, creating a wry and spritely char- acterization. The romantic leads, Vivien Milan and Paul Hines, were not far behind Waller and Rosen. Miss Milan has a very sweet voice, although she should raise it a little more. Hines is a robust, full-voiced fellow who de- livered his songs very ably indeed, with a pleasant blending of vigor and ease. The chorus deserves long applause. These three or four dozen young performers were agile, tuneful and superbly peppy last night, --William Grove U, 4P ixk tgan ti1 64. I4e I pRES MENT TRUMAN urged BEATING ENLISTED MEN IT HAS BEEN hushed up by the Navy, but the Norfolk, Va., shore patrol has been officially accused of kicking and beating servicemen and throwing them into the brig without their shoes. These shocking charges were made in a confidential report by Rear Adm. F. N. Kivette, who was skipper of the aircraft carrier mid- way until his promotion to admiral last month. Kivette ordered his own investigation of the Norfolk Shore Patrol and sent a sharp report to the Navy, charging that the Norfolk's SP's were "arrogant, dictatorial, arbitrary, sometimes abusive and occa- sionally brutal." Kivette's investigation was conducted by Ensign Robert E. Kenyon. Here are excerpts from the officer's report: Telling"of an air force enlisted man, R. T. Cullen, who was hauled in by the shore patrol for alleged drunkenness, the report charges: "Two SP's and a chief petty officer held Cullen on the deck, and a person or persons slapped him a few times." (Copyright, 1951, by the Bell Syndicate, Inc.) ' the United States Congress to authorize him to send wheat to India in the month of February. This bill is still pending in the Rules Committee of the House. It is true that India criticizes the foreign policy of this country. India stands for the admission of Communist China to the United Nations. She opposesthe crossing of the 38th parallel, either by the UN forces or the Chinese troops. In spite of these views, is it in the interest of the United States to assist India? A country with sim- ilar interests is a better ally than a forced ally. In this respect India probably fulfills more re- quirements than any' other coun- try in Asia. The following rea- sons lead to this conclusion: 1. The new constitution of India is a democratic one and thus\ op- posed to any totalitarian system'. 2. From the writings of Mr. Neh- ru, the Prime Minister of India, it is abundantly clear that India stands for a democratic way of life throughout the world. This is manifested in her support of the United Nations action in Korea, and sending of a medical unit there. 3. India chose to be a member of the Commonwealth of Nations Sixty-First Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Jim Brown ... .......Managing Editor Paul Brentlinger ...City Editor Roma Lipsky ....... ..Editorial"'Director Dave Thomas ......... Feature Editor Janet Watts ...........Associate Editor Nancy Bylan ..........Associate Editor James Gregory, .... .. ..Associate Editor Bill Connolly............Sports Editor Bob Sandell ....Associate Sports Editor Bill Brenton ....Associate Sports Editor Barbara Jane ..........Women's Editor Pat Brownson Associate Women's Editor Business Staff Bob Daniels .........Business Manager Walter Shapero Assoc. Business Manager Paul Schaible .....Advertising Manager Sally Fish..........Finance Manager Bob Miller .. Circlation Manager Telephone 23-24-1 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited to this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein are also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan as second-class mail matter. Subscription during regular school 'year: by carrier, $6.00; by mail, $7.00. . 'a,. BARNABY fop says Alert only imagines Tennessee brmtessey comes around to play with him- There's always some rational explanation, little girl.' A careless lion hunter or o IV I