EIGHT THE MICHIGAN DAILY THUR5l3 Y, APRIL 19, 1951, EIGH THUSDAY APRL 19 195 OCEANIC LAME DUCK:, Pacific Albatross Lacks Efficient Landing Gear By MARY LETSIS The graceful, low-swooping al- batross may be a beautiful sight to see against a sky-blue background, but he really has trouble when he lowers his gear and comes in for a anding. So Paul Bernardin, Grad., re- calls when he remembers the many "sailors of the skies" he saw while on duty in the Pacific. e * M "THE WANDERING albatross can soar like the breeze, but he sure pancakes when he tries to land-he either undershoots or overshoots. He's about as big as a smal goose and looks something like a sea gull-but he's nothing but a lame duck when it comes to landing and taking off." A replica of this bird of contra- dictions can be seen on the third floor of the University Museums. Though its landing technique is questionable, the albatross' Cam pus Calendar Events Today GEORGE W. TROOST, vice- presidentand comptroller of the Chrysler Corporation, will speak on "Current Accounting Problems" at 8 p.m. in Rm. 3-A of the Union. The talk is being sponsored by Beta Alpha Psi, accounting frater- nity. All interested are welcome to attend. DR. LAUREN V. ACKERMAN, of Washington University Medical School, will speak on "Responsi- bility of the Pathologist in the Diagnosis and Treatment of Can- cer" at 1:30 p.m., in the School of Public Health auditorium. * * * L. P. COOKINGHAM, city man- ager of Kansas City, will speak at ,7:30 p.m. the West Conference Room of the Rackham Bldg. on the history of the city manager plan In Kansas City at a social seminar of the American Society for Public Administration. The public is in- vited. * * *. THE UNIVERSITY Institute for Social Research will play host to a meeting of the Detroit chapter of the American Statistical Associa- tion at 8 p.m. in West Hospital. A dinner at the League will pre- cede the meting. PERCIVAL PRICE, University Carillonneur, will present the first in a series of spring concerts at 7:15 p.m. The program, which will orig- inate in Burton Memorial Tower, will include compostions by Bach, DeGruytters, Strauss and a group of American folk songs. Ten Students Receive Music .School Awards Ten students received awards yesterday at the School of Music honors program which was high- lighted by an address by Prof, David D. Boyden, of the Univer- sity of California. In addition, 23 students were initiated into Pi Kappa Lambda, honorary musical society which sponsored the honors program Prof. Boyden, who spoke on "Music and Management," will lecture again at 4:15 p.m. today In the Rackham Amphitheatre on "String Music of the 18th Cen- tury." Announcement of honors was made by Allen Britton, chairman of the committee on scholarships in the School of Music. The Albert Stanley Medal for outstanding musical achievement was presented to Theodore O. Johnson, Jr., '51, Jerome Jelinek, '52, received the Chamber Music Society Award and James D. Ber- ry, '51, the Albert Lockwood Me- morial Award. Kathleen M. $ond, '53, and Pa- tricia A. Joy, '52, were recipients of the Sigma Alpha Iota Award. Jesse 0. Sanderson, '51, and Rob- ert D. Cogan, '51, were awarded the James L. Babcock Scholar- ship. Campaigning Nears Climax Somewhat hampered by a lack of controversial issues, the cam- faithfulness In following the same ship for days is an estab- lished fact. "A ship's log recorded that sailors had caught an albatross and painted its breast and wings with tar. Then they let him go. Sure enough, for six days they spotted this same bird following along behind them," Bernardin went on. THE SAILORS' old superstition of the albatross as a good-luck symbol during a long voyage is a tough one to trace. "It's hard to tell just how this thing got started. Sailors be- lieve that the soul of a departed old salt is soaring around up there in the albatross. When you're out on the sea for days and see nothing but water- well, it's possible that anything could make pretty good sense to you." Despite their oceanic habitat al- batrosses do get sea-sick. Ber- nardin pointed out. "They can't stand being ground- ed on a ship's deck for too long. But why anyone would want to catch one and tie it down is some- thing I can't understand. That bird belongs in the sky-he's really a born flyer." Aid to India To Be Urged Tomorrow A "Wheat for India" meeting of University students and represen- tatives of civic groups tomorrow will urge swift Congressional ac- tion on a pigeonholed bill which would save thousands of Indians from impending starvation. Sponsored by t h e UNESCO Council, \the meeting will take place at 4:15 p.m. in the Inter- national Center. It will feature three speakers, leading off with John B. Muehl, instructor in the English department and author of "Interview With India." Following Muel's talk, Hiru Shah, Grad, of Bombay, and B. V. Govindarag, Grad, of Madras, will review the need for speedy ship- ment of 2,000,000 tons of grain to their country. The purpose of the meeting, ac- cording to one of its sponsors, Bill Grove, is mainly informational. "Most people don't know what is holding this bill up," Grove said. "If they did they would be sick at heart to learn that the Congress has delayed aid to India and thereby helped bring on one of the worst famines in history." As a result of the meeting, Grove hoped students and Ann Arbor residents would contact key Con- gressmen and urge them to bring the bill out of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. Ar s Theatre Club Gives Ann Arbor First dig Dose of Arena Style Plays e e . ) C <"> Id BEHIND the chipped brick fa- cade and up two flights of stairs of a Washington St. rental building is the lair of the Arts Theater Club-the small profes- sional organization which is giv- ing Ann Arbor its first concen- trated taste of arena style theatre. The club has received lavish praise for its first three produc- tions Jean Paul Sartre's "The Respectable Prostitute," Philip Barry's "Hotel Universe" and Henrik Ibsen's "The Master Build- er." Currently a Restoration com- edy, "The Recruiting Officer" by George Farquhar, is playing to full houses. The acting group is the reali- zation of a dream cherished for more than three years by a group of campus drama enthusiasts. BEGINNING with speech de- partment productions, and then turning to the Inter-Arts Union, the group constantly sought the sort of informal, intimate theatre which they felt could best realize their personal ambitions and fit in with the slowly-developing new direction in American theatre. Informality and versatility are the hallmarks of Arts Theater productions. The nine members of the company rotate directing, acting and production duties among themselves. The director of one production may find him- self designing scenery or taking a leading role in the next one. Everyone, including the business manager helps with scenery and makeup. Actors also double as announc- ,ers and coffee vendors during intermission and after the play. In line with their efforts to produce informal, vital drama, the acting members of the club make themselves available for casual and stimulating discus- sion on the current production directly after the last curtain. Local group interest in the pro- duction of drama which the act- ing members of the Theater Arts Club are trying to stimulate among their growing membership of 800, has been hailed by many drama critics as the only hope for the encouragement of vital, new American drama. After the 12-week spring sea- son runs out, the acting company, hopes to find a summer theatre where they can work as a unit. Next fall they plan to be back again at 2091/2 E. Washington. THE IDEA for the theatre was born three years ago in a board ing house where Strowan Robert- son and Jerry Lepard, then stu- dents at the University, were liv- ing. Often they talked late into the evenings of their dreams of founding a repertory group in Ann Arbor. For two years the enterprise was only talk, as Robertson and Lep- ard slowly sold their friends in the Inter-Arts Union on the scheme. Then, last December, Lepard, looking for a place to live, dis- covered the spot on Washing- ton. It was a large room on the third floor of the building which had at various times been a dance stu- dio, a dormitory for graduate students and a physics research laboratory. Lepard decided the place was too large to live in 'but that it was just the spot for a theater club. * * * a Vuleans Add Brass Anvil To Campus Landseaie. A new relic has been added to the welter of fraternity founder's benches, memorial rocks and class fountains which now dot the cam- pus landscape. The brass anvil of the Vulcans, senior engineering honor society, lying firmly embedded in a gleam- ing concrete block, now graces the barren ground northwest of the engine arch. * * * THE ANVIL was put in its pres- ent resting place just before spring vacation, according to Bob Brungraber, '51E, Vulcan presi- dent. Its placement marked the final flowering of a plot which has * * * VULCAN'S ANVIL Quad .Radio Stations Merge Broadcasts West and East Quad radio sta- tions marked the merger of their programming into an inter-dorm network yesterday with plans for future expansion of their coverage to other dormitories. The East Quad station, WEQN, has been sending programs to Stockwell for two months by tele- phone cable, and now there are plans to extend the service to Mosher-Jordan and Alice Lloyd Hall in a few weeks. UNDER the merger, both WEQN and West Quad station WQRS will have one voice, with both stations alternately supplying programs. Dorm residents pick up the pro- grams on their radios through the electric wires in their buildings. Programs from the University's FM station - WUOM, are often used on the inter-dorm wired radio system. A few special programs like the New York Philharmonic on Detroit station WJR are also used, The network is scheduled to car- ry all the University's nine home baseball games this year, plus on the spot broadcasts of important campus affairs. been considered at Vulcan head- quarters for several years, he said. The anvil itself has been float- ing around the engineering building as long as the current generation of engineers can re- member. Lack of a suitable block to mount the Vulcan symbol held up the project for several months. The monument, which commem- orates the founding of Vulcans in 1904, is constructed to withstand the most pernicious of pillagers, Brungraber reported. The anvil, which was formerly hollow, is filled with cement, with iron sup- ports extending into the concrete block on which it rests. The block itself, he said defiant- ly, is anchored firmly to the ground by long rods. At first, the plan was to replace the present brass anvil with a steel one which would ring impressively when struck. Then Vulcan pledges could spend their initiation period pounding a noisy chorus with sledge hammers, as was the custom in days of yore, Brungraber re- called. However, nostalgic attachment to the brass anvil caused the scheme to be dropped. The cement filling in the present creation ren- ders it virtually noiseless, he mourned. "We'll.have to be content with making the neophytes polish Tead To Address Honor Students Ordway Tead, chairman of the New York City Board of Higher Education, will speak on "The Fruits of Scholarship" at the 28th Annual Honors Convocation at 11 a.m., April 27, in Hill Auditorium. Invitations to the convocation have been sent to the 702 under- graduates who will be honored and their families. Those hon- ored will be students who have a grade average of at least half "A" and half "B" for the past two semesters. In addition, recognition will be paid to students who have re- ceived special awards based on outstanding achievements in par- ticular fields. SITA TOUR REPRESENTATIVE . . will be at the Women's League Building Lobby Thurs- day, April 19 from 12:30 to 3:30. Students interested in foreign or domestic travel are invited to talk about SITA TOURS with Carol Collins. EUROPE*MEXICOOTHE WEST Daily Classifieds Bring Quick Results GRAND CENTRAL THEATRE-With only one dressing room for the whole group, things sometimes get a little crowded during a quick change. Here Bette Ellis changes her dress behind the screen as Jerry Lepard puts on his spats. COFFEE WORKER-Pat Newhall starts to prepare the coffee for the evening's performance. Coffee is served to the club's members during intermissions and after performances in the clubroom. Miss Newhall, in addition to being the vice-president in charge of coffee, actress and director, also organizes the dis- cussions which occasionally follow a performance. HE CALLED together Robert- son and Dana Elcar, one of those who had become most interested in starting the group, and the club started to change from dream to -reality. First the triogot enough money to rent the place, then they started building up a full time acting company. The three started with them- selves,- Robertson quit as a teaching fellow in the speech department, Elcar and Lepard left school. People who at one time or an- other had been interested in the club's idea were rounded up from all over the country. Bette Ellis came back from New York where she had been acting for a year. * * s ED TROUPIN left a Boston lab- oratory. Closer to home, Joyce Edgar quit her job in a Detroit 4' bookstore, Pat Newhall left senool and SonyaRaimi dropped her job in the General Library. Next on the program was an intensive renovating of the theatre, which was done by the crew at the same time they, were rehearsing their first show. Everybody pitched in, and after a few short weeks of around - the - clock labor the transformation was accom- lished. But the installation of the group has not been accomplished with- out some small readjustments on. the part of its neighbors. On the floor below the theater.are a dress shop and a dance studio. The dress shop didn't bother the operations of the club at all, but during the group's first per- formances practicing tap dancers could be heard from the dance studio below. This was solved after a short conference with the dance in- structor. "We reached a com- promise," club Business Manager Troupin said. "Now she only teaches ballet at night." A __ __:: WAITING FOR CUE-Warren Pickett, who besides acting and TWO FOR THURSDAY?-With reservation book in front of him, directing for the group doubles as its light man, waits for the cue club Business Manager Ed Troupin listens as a club member to turn down the lights. Through an arrangement of mirrors, phones in the date he wants to attend. one of which he is looking into, Pickett can see the whole stage. ENGINEER'S! A Daily Photo w. I