V E FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY THURSDAY, APIL 19, 1951 MacArthur & thelP BEFORE GEN. MacARTHUR addresses the joint session of Congress today, Ameri- cans should realize what serious considera- tion his opinions deserve. Congress and the nation must listen closely to the General's suggestions on how to end the day-by-day disaster that war is. As Congress listens to this greatest living military genius, let them remember that he speaks for the three of his general officers and more than 10 thousand of his men dead on Korean battlefields. As this hero speaks to them, let them remember how they lis- tened to Gen., Marshall when she recom- mended abandonment of China to the Com- munists. Let the Senators and Congressmen listen to MacArthur with more care than they listened to Gen. Chennault when he begged to be allowed to organize a volunteer air unit to fight the Chinese Reds as his Flying Tigers fought the Jap invaders. And when the General is finished, to what "expert" will those who support the State Department's disaster in the Ko- rean rice patties listen? Will it be Gen. Ridgway? He'll tell them the war in Korea can only end in hopeless stalemate. Will they ask Gen. Stratemeyer? He'll tell them that 150 thousand Chinese civilians are clearing Manchurian fields, preparing for a huge new air attack on the Ameri- Editorials published in The "Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. NIGHT EDITOR: RICH THOMAS , ongress leople can army in Korea--an attack which we will not be able to stop. Or will the Senators and Congressmen disregard these generals whose opinions are colored by the blood of 60 thousand Ameri- can casualties? Congress can listen to Chief of Staff Gen. Bradley. Bradley, dominated by the State Department and Gen. Marshall, will gladly support the dismissal of his fin- est general, and at the same time he'll hand out the latest casualty list. More Americans "killed, wounded and missing" in a war without end, a war against the bottomless well of Chinese manpower, a war in which the killers of American boys enjoy a privi- leged sanctuary unprecedented in military history. Congress can always look to the civilians who should rightfully control the military. They can call for the military advice of Secretary Acheson, the man who said "let the dust settle" in China, the man who said Formosa was not part of our defense line, the man who, before this war, said South Korea was unimportant in our de- fenses. The United States is involved in a terrible mess in the Far East. Gen. MacArthur's pro-- posals may not get us out of it soon. But Congress and the nation must weigh his pro- posals to bomb the Chinese Manchurian bas- es and start a second front in China against the administrationis policy of sacrificing more thousands of Americans to avoid the risk of a larger war. Only through careful consideration of Gen. MacArthur's advice can Congress and the American people force the adoption of a successful foreign policy for the Far East. B-Bruce Cohan japan Treaty Is-sue (EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the first in a series of three editorials dealing with the forthcoming peace treaty between this country and Japan.) JAPAN HAS BEEN well enough prepared for self-rule the American government feels that the occupation can be ended and a peace treaty negotiated. A draft of the treaty has already been drawn up and sub- mitted to the allied powers for their ap- proval. According to the United States Initial Post-Surrender Policy for Japan, "the ul- timate objectives of the United States in regard to Japan are to insure that Japan will not again become a menace to the United States or to the peace and security ,of the world; to bring about the eventual At Hill Auditorium... HOROWITZ, apparently completely re- coverd rom th illness which post- poned his original recital, was presented last night in a climactic closing concert of the 1951 Choral Union Series. Not only is he completely recovered-he appeared in better health and spirits than I have ever seen him. Strangely, the new relaxation and self- possession did nothing to his pianism. It is still electrifying. Horowitz is without doubt the world's greatest technical master of the keyboard. Defying nearly every standard rule of key- board approach, he nonetheless covers per second more notes, more cleanly than any other pianist I know. His control is abso- lute-every finger, every muscle responds with lightning impulse and unwavering sta- bility. The mastery of mind over matter is here so complete as to be almost shocking. Nearly everything about H.orowitz's ap- proach to the keyboard is sheer wizardry. His legato is flawless, his staccato cuttingly clear; he plays scales almost more rapidly than they can be played, and his melodic line never fails -to sing. His louds are louder and his softs softer than any I have heard, and his tone, whether soft or loud, is abso- lutely compelling. His use of infinitely varied colors is incredible. Horowitz's conception is as closely con- trolled as his execution. Ile is tirelessly careful and patient, probingly studious and demanding in his approach to interpre-. tation. He is scholarly, sensitive, and clearly musical. How frustrating, then, to come away breathless, marvelling, yet un- satisfied. How distressing to find the coupling of such fabulous facility, bril- liant intellect and obvious artistic sin- cerity with a musical personality which falls just short of profundity. The Haydn sonata was a highlight, but in less perfect classic style than the little Mozart encore. The Brahms Intermezzo left nothing to be desired. The Chopin numbers were scintillatingly executed but devastat- ingly distorted as to rhythm and melodic line; this was true to a lesser degree of the Schumann encore. Moussorgsky's "Pictures" really belong to Horowitz and he plays them superbly. I began to breathe more easily as the establishment of a peaceful and respon- sible government which will respect the rights of other states . . .." Whether Japan will ever again menace the world, or whether its government will -remain peaceful and responsible is still de- batable. No doubt the treaty will include as many safeguards against the rise of Japan- ese aggression as possible. Nevertheless it appears that the treaty will be lenient in every aspect except territorial expansion. And even though all of the occupation's aims have not been realized-our political, educational and economic reforms for ex- ample have been far from perfect - and much of Japanese democracy is purely imi- tation, there is no doubt that a peace treaty is needed. Gen. MacArthur some time ago pointed out the necessity of ending the oc- cupation. It is costly, and the Japanese will grow increasingly restless under the con- tinued yoke of occupation. An example of Japan's readiness for free- dom is its new labor movement.Ineffectual and surpressed before the war, organized la- bor has now grown to the point where- it dared to pressure MacArthur before the men in Washington even disputed his judgement. Although referred to as immature and lead- erless by the American press in the early days of the occupation, Japanese labor has organized into unions and adopted bargain- ing practices that are not simply duplica- tions of American practice, but adjustments to the peculiarities of labor-management relations in Japan. There are of course reactionary and revo- lutionary factions in the present union movement. Since the war, whole abor fed- erations have been led by Communist ele- ments. Whether one wing or the other'rests control from the present democratic center will largely effect the labor movement's fu- ture. This factionalism is present in most phases of Japanese life. For example, many of the country's educators lean to the left. On the other hand some of the present government's policies have been quite conservative. The factors which will determine the road Japan will follow are many and complex. One of the biggest for some time to come will be the influence of the American occu- pation. But continued influence from th country will depend on post-occupation po- licy. And this will be shaped greatly by the type of peace treaty the United States fin- ally signs with Jajan. -Vernon Emerson (NEXT: Rearmament of Japan.) VerticalProg-res THE PLANT DEPARTMENT came to the rescue of bewildered sidewalk superin- tendents a few weeks ago with several floor plans of the Angell Hall addition. These cleared up many questions at the time, but the progress is vertical now, not horizontal. The concrete slab has been poured for the second floor, and a few supports are reaching up toward a third tier already. The plans now need a third dimension- DREW PEARSON: Merr y-Go- ound SASHINGTON-Capitol Hill cloakroms have been buzzing as never before over the MacArthur incident. This is true of Re- publicans perhaps more than Democrats. The Democrats are glum, the Republicans elated-though not all of them. Here are highlights from some of the most significant of these backstage con- versations: Bob Taft expressed concern to Senator Wherry of Nebraska that the GOP may get stuck with MacArthur as its 1952 presiden- tial candidate. Of course, this would elimi- nate him, though Taft didn't mention this to Wherry. Taft has been noticeably irri- table, has snapped at Senate functionaries and fellow Senators. He got in a private wrangle with Bob Kerr of Oklahoma over Kerr's statement criticizing MacArthur. GOP Senator Millikin of Colorado also expressed worry that Eisenhower would op- pose MacArthur, which would split the Re- publicans down the middle. Bridges of New Hampshire replied that Eisenhower was too smart to get into the midle, that Eisen- hower also might differ with Truman and run the risk of being fired. Bridges has been bustling around GOP cloakrooms more than anyone else. He told one group joyfully: "This is the big- gest windfall that has ever come to the Republican Party." Actually, Lodge of Massachusetts, Duff of Pennsylvania and Ives of New York have held some worried huddles about the Mac- Arthur boom and how it would affect their Eisenhower boom. During one of these hud- dles, Ives snorted: "How in the hell are we going to get any unity around here!" Smith of New Jersey, the former Prince- ton Professor, has been quite critical over he fact that MacArthur wasn't left in Ja- pan to keep the occupation intact and com- plete the peace treaty. But privately Smith! seemed to approve of removing MacArthur f'orn military command. Senators Knowland and Nixon, both California Republicans, are caer-beavers on the MacArthur bandwagon. But Nixon had an interesting conversation with Duff of Pennsylvania just before MacArthur was fired. '-What party does Eisenhower belong to?" Nixon asked. Duff one of the strongest boosters for Eisenhower, assured him that Ike was a Re- publican. "I hope so," declared Nixon. "ae's the man for us." Nixon, however, is now beating the bass drum on the MacArthur bandwagon. TAFT DISCOURAGED IMPEACHMENT- JURING THE first Republican meeting in ex-speaker Joe Martin's office on tihe morning MacArthur was fired, congressman Charlie Halleck of Indiana demanded that Republicans immediately press for Ti rman's impeachment. It was Bob 'aft, howeer, 0ho demurre : Such a move,hhe said, was asinne. ft would be much smarter, he adx i.fd, t o baring MacArthur back to the United States and build up sentiment for his case before the Republican Party went all-out for him. The impeachment idea ws then droppe d, though Joe Martin told GOP collea:mues to keep talking about it. "We've got to keep the fire burning," he said, half joking. -MARTIN'S ULTIMAT-UM- T WAS Joe Martin who adroitly a r- minded the drive to invite MacArthur to a joint session of Congress. A ist emo- cratic leaders wxere decidedly lukewarm, ar- gued it would set a bad precedent for Con-I gress to roll out the red carpet for a GeCn- eral, especialh* one ousted fa'r msubodina - tion. They also felt it would be an affront. to President Truman. however, Martin handed a virtual ulti- matum to his old friend, Speaker am Rayburn. lie g'ave him until 2:30 Friday to agree to invite MacAr thur to a joint session of Congress. "MacArthur has been away 14 years," Rayburn drawled sourly. "What's all the rush?" So Martin extended the dea dine to our o 'clock. Martin didn't say so, but the reason he pushed Rayburn was because MacArthur's office in Tokyo had piven him a veiled ul- timatum that tie General might n yt speak in Washington at all unless vonditi-ns were to his choosing; also that he had to know in a hurry in order to 3lan his itinerary. It was also made clear that MacArthur was not anxious to answer questions before the Senate Armed Services Committee. Afte'r getting his u iatum fro Matin, Speaker Rayburn called the Whit Hu(' icSe, cautioned the President that MacAr lair might be made a martyr by snubbing him, so it was deiided the General would be given a chance to :ddress Congress. S ayburn then went back to Joe Marti, a ^s - r J?7 -pa 1 f- , <% l t F Ks/ F 'ay Y M a-- J > on matters o n,,nI -4 s by the writer and god 1me.Leues eceeing:m wrdsIn enghOefamatory or libkusieers an M erswhin or ny raonare noi i good taste will becnesd ntdo ihedfo ulcto. ,t the discretion of the /dos - (Continued from Page 2) Kansas City, Missouri, guest speaker. All interested persons are invited. Polonia Club: Meeting, 7:30 p.m., International Center. All students of Polish descent and their friends are invited. Deutscher Verein: Meeting, 7:30 p.m., Room 3, Tappan. Speaker: Dr. W. A. Reichart. Topic: Summer in Austria. Music. All students and faculty mem- bers invited. Union Opera Cast and Personnel: Meeting, Union, Room 3-G, 9:00 p.m., to listen to "Go West, Madam" record- ings and to make payments for same. Beta Alpha Psi, honorary accounting fraternity, is sponsoring an address by George W. Troost, Vice-President and Comptroller of the Chrysler Corporation, 8 p.m., Room 3-A, Union. Open to anyone interested in accounting. Sub- ject: Current Accounting Problems. U. of M. Soaring Club: Meeting, 1042 E. Engineering Bldg., 7 pm., Final plans for buying a tow ship and scheduling of week-end flights will be discussed. All members are urged to attend and all who are interested are welcome. The Institute for Social Research will be host to the Detroit Area Chapter of the American Statistical .Association, 8 p.m., at the Institute on East Cather- ine Street (old West Hospital). Mem- bers of the A.S.A. and others interested are invited. The meeting will be pre- ceded by a dinner at the Michigan League at 7 p.m. Only a few more din- ner reservations are available and must be made immediately by calling exten- sion 2210. Coming Evens Public Meeting: "Wheat for India." Fri., April 20, 4:15 p.m., International Center. Speakers: John B. Muehl, De- partment of English; graduate students, Department of Political Science, B. V. Govindaraj, and Hiru Shah. Acolytes: Prof. Wilfred Sellars, Uni- versity of Minnesota, "Inference, Obli- gation, and Necessity." Fri., April 20, 7:45 p.m., E. Conferediee Room, Rack- ham Bldg. Hillel: Passover services will be held Friday and Saturday, 6:30 p.m., and Saturday and Sunday, 9 aVn., Upper Room, Lane Hall. International Radio Round Table, auspices of International Center and WUOM. Discussions every Friday, 7:30 p.m., WUOM. Transcribed on WHRV on Tuesday, 10 p.m.and broadcast on Voice of America to foreign countries. Subjects for discussion: American Po- litical Parties, April 20. American Lit- erature, April 27. Students interested in participating in the programs may contact Hiru Shah, Moderator of the Roundta le, 8598. University Museums Friday Evening Program: Subject: "Stages of Human Culture." Two movies at Kellogg Auditorium, 7:30 p.m. "Background Ci- vilization will show the life of the Berbers of northern Africa. "This Changing World," will trace the prolp ress of civilization upward from earliest antiquity. The public is welcome. Hillel Party at the Zeta Beta Tau House, 2006 Washtenaw, will be Sin., April 22, 8 p.m. Hostel Club: Sports and swimming at I-M Bldg., Friday night, April 20. Westminster Guild: Scavenger Hunt,,, Fri., April 20. Meet at the church at 8:30 p.m. Wear blue jeans. Hostel Club: Pinebrook Weekend Work Trip. Bikers meet at League at 8:30 p.m., Sat., April 21. Call Paul Van Order, 9828. :g .y To the lditoi': "NEVLR I- T as li t30 t'las.- es of cit/Ar uK >xs Chestr Burns. in a san-i imemnous styl I as he attacks the cel ' deL r- Burn; '"ir us"l.c e'xne cla s m ' oE-~'-' the poin Atlr4m c ec Ma' ihum' Washi n tme mi iris o- manta a yt ad eman:xa that they be mii n ('emuxl .- mm- istC ion ox i e nfbxe 01 lmen to be sent to La4 ec C 'rxaimy, ly on li( lxi t a lOW av - d eals xx ho, ml ic 11 ame' or oppression and are highly skep- tical of any kind of "benevolent" jurisdiction over them. They re- ject the imposition of a labelled "dcmc-ratie" system. They want somrthing of their own choosing. Asia now stands where Europe stood ii 188; the masses are iuggling fain' the basic necessities o lie xhith have been virtually Smcd them. Ideologies mean L ie to s axvlimp, illiterate mil- S tis cometi Supreme Cc~rudus-ice illiam 0. Douglas L am :e the situation in Asia aticle to Look Magazine, Jan. 16, 21. It is well worth read- I (tO nOt doubt' that there are ne Pcsian stu ents on the cam- pu xho am-c "confused and up- She General's dismissal. But it ill be well for Mr. Ha- ma to look into these ques- tixs:"wo are the patrons of is?" and do foreig t a d a n ts freely express their vic a?" xftmember the McCarran l Vg exm e:Gericnce lhas reveal- ed that imuY am- afraid to speak Con atoteopinions of the a he i -v t riewedh istory missal of MacArthur and the sup- port of his action by the Ameri- can people. -Satyesh Banerjee * * * Modern Oration ... To the Editor: [RIENDS, Americans, Republi- cans, lend me your ballots. I come to bury Truman, not to praise him. The good that men do lives after them; the evil is oft interred with their bones; so let itJ be with Harry. The noble Harry hath told you that I was ambi- tious: if it were so, it was a griev- ous fault, and grievously hath I answer'd it. Here, under leave of Harry and the rest-for Harry is an honorable man; so are they all, all honourable men--come I to speak of Truman's funeral. He was my friend, "faithful and just" to me: but Harry says I was ambi- tious: and Harry is an honorable man. He hath brought many friends to Washington, Whose es- capades did the general coffers empty; did this in Harry seem ambitious? When the critics have cried, Harry hath written: ambi- tion should be made of sterner stuff: yet Harry says I was ambi- tious; and Harry is an honorable man. He will leave you all his letters, his piano, and new-built balcony, on this side of the Potomac;. he hath left them to you, and to your heirs for ever, common things- to send your sons abroad, and re- create them. Here was a Eresi- dent! When comes such another? -Rog Schmidt Bob George Blessed Event In the announcement by a Bri- tish collector that he has an orig- inal notebook of William Shake- speare worth possibly $1,000,000 there's the urge to breathlessness big money always induces. But there is much more. This collector, Alan Keen, says this notebook and the research that went on about it will end for- ever the theories. about who wrote Shakespeare's plays. It was Will Shakespeare himself, says Keen, and he claims to be able 'to prove it conclusively. Blessed, blessed event-if this be true. Too many evening hours that should have been shined to im- provement have been consumed by those who claim Bacon wrote the plays or the Earl of Oxford. Too- many sheets of fine white paper have been wasted by the acrostics analysts who were sure it was the Earl of Oxford oiperhaps of Derby r who was the playwright. Simplicity will have triumphed if only if can be proved that Will Shakespeare wrote Will Shake- speare's plays. And a good deal of intense boredom will, have been erased from all high literary dis- cussions. --St. Louis Star 'Times.. A So c .. Ti iiiupl! TobdySi R A"yb1y: DAILY OFFICIAL- BULLETIN . c in _ At t', 5t. (',il_ 9 t (: lit' (Li or I1 . (''i"\ 0 1 ta" W -i - i-m ~ > ' Gin t ?m 'ring.. dt ma - Aim muia> ba tm(Ae iiI ti has pn d ph: h-iIha 4 t~n ('x.h n- li tinot vii leP14 i---II h t-xsx,'uih navtr- .rahuam to n (lI a , whyh s-h 11'at~m,('im ih!Ami ic ieead I a N ((Aust they I tl1J ny'ox-crum,1n xv he - is- Thlie "OiL ii atod wx'mh ('( onit' t-ininutins ting intirt .~~~~. Ay " e t I'd1mlner is te> ir-- P a I nl x prts it to (' ybeacxmse texr as 'Iiln u-' mx- get un-ha I mnd thu gn' mia it sLic gV (lt--iOr I 1 mmcms 5 m a oImbit (1110m tme hamin of iimilitml hA PNa.itt. et nI O'(-tccm pm mm 4 i- i a l no p felife 1uh tDm4 1 1.m I11 nAIJl v mif Anici- 'F I eEit I I~'mx~tixe it lnt pmmtiut1' m--'bil f IR AY Buinrsit m 'Al pt~ m bi Asmmn situde Tm-iPn phn ii I4k ~C i 1auhm' Lxa cits antid nthica ri tnmn---tO tI m Mm bar - hescemx'y s a'met n btil tof a I- plae, so IlimlimeTimn At cu- Iomelaud. tain (-a mrisi-til el( S ilitt' in c.' Xi'unl 5 ' 1111 (lmiOP'ig fr ~~- eing an staIomi tx lrmammx Asian ItitritS am I' - AY IIA\ ' Iin (I' :5 1bjt'9,tnati ('ly Ti i't' Swmem in inex lile II I it' (((1 *'t Iof lii IL- miiLaxl n- Ox-eitk IHIc 11(61vals iii Ai-im m 'm- mm omity int of nim ttt of Asbiusaxi1 hn .Ole smn. 'Thank 11mm colOini. ar-msf Amm' amid of Lima Am 4 lies p'a i-s m' inm i-wt a' n l'i't' xwitli stomi y 01mc i.t m ft inim of Proved by P T fA 'encmr y AY oir-y Gomlfolher ] as in tihe case of Chi- thout the overwhelm- of the people, Mao Icave succeeded. May are Maayans, Indo- oher Asian nation- It is hard fornmebto they amre fighting he- have a romantic urge ntal mind" is some- . t.C t MIt Ctl r I" ly different from what , * wx'hite father" inter- i be. Only Asians can Disuppro.al problems. And Asia t she wants-right or To the Editor: matter how great the WISH to voice m omea is neither the be- of the headline the end. Asiaais re- The Daily for 17 Ap Ier millions ame on ed that the foreign campus supported --L. V. Naidoo m~clo ~_M, * .0 . ny disapproval on Page 1 of ril which stat- n students on Truman's dis- .Arthur It is G , . . . F. HAVENNZ in his has stated that some its aire upset and con- missal OI Ueil .Y2Cl U1. I misleading. From the story which followed, I readily saw that the foreign students agreed that the President was following his Con-- stitutional prerogative. However, it is quite apparent that all the foreign students interviewed had complete faith in the policies of G fn. T,,afcArthur. e "lamentable news of dismissal" and that The foreign students that I have talked to feel, and rightly so, 2Arthur was the sym- that a Munich appeasement has ecaceful and vigorous taken hold of the Atlantic na- of a democratic Ori- tions and that the Americans have yielded to it. Already, the English Asian student I feel it have come out in favor of giving Spr'otest against this outright the democratic people on siich will mislead the Formosa to the Communitss of 7ublin. I sincerely be- China. Do not we, as Americans, I know definitely that have the courage to stand up for - students also believe, what is true and right and demo- thur NNas a symbol of cratic? Why must we constantly in Asia. He does not appease and wait-always groping rusperity of the Asian for that "eventual settlement?" nd wishes to see them We must stand by our friends in ).18s. He is blind to the Asia and attempt to show our At- mat has come to the lantic fgriends the rightness of vas acting in the spir- the MacArthur policy. Stop to It centumy colonial- think what Britain would think if Gon that the majority any country suggested that Hong- G'm-an 'people do not kong be given to the Communists. in. 'This has been Selfish motives always cause war. r'siit Truman's dis- -Ray F. Ravenna Sixty-First Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under. the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Jim Brown ... ........Managing Editor Paul Brentlinger ...........City Editor Roma Lipsky . ... ... .-.Editorial Director Dave Thomas .,.........Feature Editor Janet Watts ...........Associate Editor Nancy Bylan . ........ .Associate Editor James Gregory . .......Associate Editor Bill Connolly...........Sports Editor Bob Sandell ....Associate Sports Editor Bill Brenton ....Associate Sports Editor Barbara Jans . ........Women's Editor Pat Brownson Associate Women's Editor Business Staff Bob Daniels ........Business Manager Walter Shapero Assoc. Business Manager Paul Schaible .....Advertising Manager Sally Fish..........Finance Manager Bob Miller ...,....Circulation Manager Telephone 23-24-1 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited to this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein are also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan as second-class mall matter. Subscription during regular school year: by carrier, $6.00; by rmail, $7.00. r No, the card I picked was red. Tennessee Mr. O'Maclley Look,there's a .I