. . THE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, ARI'iL 18, 1951 II U m Accepting Chimas UN Bid VITH GENERAL MacARTHUR'S soiled fingers out of the Asiatic pie, the Presi- mt has an excellent opportunity to at- mpt peaceful negotiations by other means ian just that of confining the war to Korea. As. one of these means of effecting peaceful negotiations the Chinese Com- nunists should be admitted to the UN. However, before hastily acting to admit e Peiping government to the UN, three .ain questions have to be considered. First, is the Peiping government actually government of the Chinese people? Al- iough one would like to believe that this so, past and present experiences show he Communist's flagrant prostitution of -eedom by strong arm methods. Because of his people in a Communistic country are aldom free to change their government. It emains possible then, that the Chinese eople are being forced to keep Communism. On the other hand, Chaing Kai-Shek offered the Chinese people so little of nothing that the people's acceptance- perhaps eager acceptance-of Communism is almost justifiable and certainly plaus- ible. Second, the role of Russia in Chinese af- airs remains an important problem. That ussian tanks, planes, and weapons have een utilizec in Korea makes recognition of he Peiping government into the UN more ifficult to condone. It is very possible that hina with its traditional xenophobia is cting in defense of what she fears as a creign aggression. But this hopeful simplification of China's ction is allayed when one considers the essimistic possibility that China's armies Editorials published in The Michigan Daily re written by members of The Daily staff nd represent the views of the writers only. NIGHT EDITOR: CHUCK ELLIOTT are little more than tools of the Russians for the implementation of world conquest. The third and most significant question is whether China's demand for recogni- tion in the UN is enforced by a sincere desire for peace. Because China has refused to cease fire before being admitted to the UN, her motives remain extremely hazy. This refusal could either be interpreted as an unwillingness to negotiate for peace or as further evidence of China's justifiable mistrust of any foreign western power, especially the United States. But one clear point emerges from this unhealthy fog of possibilities and specula- tions-the United States is unable to ans- wer these questions sufficiently. Because of uncertainty as to China's mo- tives an opening for peace discussion must not, if we are to survive, be sloughed off as "appeasement." If the numerous miopic Americans who are so afraid of "losing face" would clean their spectacles they would see that in the future there will not be much "face" to save unless the United States takes this offered opportunity for cooperative action. Cryptic notes passed from one national leader to another, like two small school boys passing threatening notes in class, allow little room for compromise ,and dangerously weaken the position of the UN. To receive China in the UN is certainly not to embrace the ideologies of her govern- ment. The UN is not a club house for friends; it is a meeting place to discuss differences between countries. That the United States is violently opposed to China's government and its policies only serves to emphasize the importance of China's pre- sence at Lake Success. Truman's outline for peace may be ex- tended to a more positive policy by keenly pursuing all openings to peace. One of these openings is to meet the Chinese Commun- ist on level ground-on the floor of the United Nations! -Alice Bogdonoff DORIS FLEESON: .Democrats Shed .Defeatism WASHINGTON-The MacArthur affair has reprieved the Democrats temporar- ily from their own defeatism. It communicated a quality of excitement to their annual Jefferson-Jackson day din- ner which transformed it into a passable political show. The party leaders got big hands and the only ovation exceeding that of President Truman was accorded to Secre- tary of State Acheson. Acheson was compelled to rise and bow twice; with immense self-discipline he was able to keep any trace of irony from his smile. In their fanciest castle in the air, the party in power talks of General MacArthur and his views breaking up the Republican Party into competing camps while a dis- gusted General Eisenhower consents to run for President on the Democratic ticket. It is noted approvingly that General Eisen- hower in his first comments indicated that he grasped fully all the political overtones of the situation. But all that is far in the future; the im- mediate benefits are being listed as follows: President Truman has again dramatically appeared before the country in his best role-the man of,absolute personal courage. The many investigations damaging to the Administration are off the front pages and away from the adrenalin glands of the pub- lic for a while; meantime, constructive re- sults can be had in these areas. General MacArthur will at best tend to divide the Republican Party and is bound corres- pondingly to help the Democrats close ranks. Democrats also believe firmly that they have the best of the war issue on their side and that sustained, sober examination of their course will help them in the end. They are particularly cheered by the volume of editorial support they are receiving from the press of the nation and among independents who had been thoroughly disgusted with the recent course of the Adminisrtation. ** * IT LOOKS from here as if General Mac- Arthur were keeping the reins of his chariot firmly in his own hands. Maj. Gen. Courtney Whitney, -the Manila lawyer who is his aide and political adviser, answers all the telephone calls and sifts all the proposals before the MacArthur word on them goes out. Before coming here the General is going to New York, where the politicians can either go to him or route their messages. The truth is that MacArthur has a very shrewd idea of what the real sources of power are in this country; he has kept in touch with many important people in business, in in- dustry, in publishing and in public-opinion channels. He knows where to go for help when he wants it and he has the makings of his own brain trust already at hand. He can be expected to be very, very nice to everybody 'and to decide for him- self what is best for him to do and when. The list of his callers immediately upon hi arrival in New York will be extremely interesting; both who is on it and who isn't., In dealing with MacArthur, the political figure, the President expects to use the old- fashioned method of giving him enough rope. Truman aides stress that no White House stone will be put in the General's way personally but that the fight will be waged with everything they've got. (Copyright, 1951, by the Bell Syndicate, Inc.) a $1 One More Spring etteP4 TO THE EDITOR The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or libelous letters, and letters which for any reason-'are not in good taste will be condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the editors. r e'r -- - 'I MATTE ft Qrr ga T By JOSEPH ALSOP :_ f THE SLOW MATCH T EHERAN-The first point the American and British negotiators have passed ov- er in their meaningless communique from Washington is the extreme seriousness of the Iranian situation they have been so ner- vously discussing. By a long course of flac- cidity and folly, Iran and the Middle East in general have been brought close to the point of explosion. The decision of the Iran- ian Majlis ,to nationalize the Anglo-Iranian oil company is merely the slow match that may touch off the explosion. The American tendency to assume an air of conscious rectitude, and to hint that this is a nasty Imperialist mess with which we are not concerned, can only be com- pared with the similar (and even less excusable) British tendency in dealing with the Far Eastern crisis in recent months. In fact American interests are as inextricably entangled In this Iranian problem as are British Interests. If no sensible compromise on the oil ques- tion is found, the first consequence will be general imitation of the Iranian example throughout the whole Middle East. The Am- erican bil properties here will also be in- volved. What is far worse, loss of control of her Middle Eastern oil, which is all the oil Britain has, will promptly reduce Britain to thae status of a secondary power. Thus the whole huge American postwar investment in maintaining Britain as a major power ally will be flushed down the drain. Interrup- tion or reduction of Middle Eastern oil sup- plies will be crippling, in truth, to the strength of all of Western Europe. Enroute to Teheran, this correspondent touched base in London. There he received the strong impression that the British gov- ernment will 'not accept defeat in the long hard struggle to rebuild Britain's power position and economy. Instead, if worst comes to worst, they will dust off the plan the Cabinet actually approved during the previous Iranian crisis of 1946. At that time, it will be recalled, British oc- cupation of southern Iran was hurriedly prepared for, in order to protect the oil property from the Soviets.'If the British now move troops to Iran, Soviet occupation of the rest of the country under the 1921 treaty will become virtually inevitable. Even if the British shrink back at the last moment from such desperate measures, a general effort by the Middle Eastern gov- ernments to take over the oil companies can only lead to political chaos throughout the whole region. The companies are actually larger organizations than the governments themselves. The process of take-over will unleash unimaginable political tensions. One way or another chaos will be unavoidable. s** . CHAOS IN THE Middle East in turn will compromise the whole position in the eastern Mediterranean. The American Medi- terranean fleet, which is now much larger than the British fleet there, and especially the Anglo-American air bases in Cyprus, Cyrenaica and Tripoli, are now among the chief deterrents to Soviet aggression. If the airbases alone cease to be available-and the British will hardly be in a mood to permit t eir use if deserted by us at this juncture-the effect will be the same as los- ing one-half or more of the American Stra- tegic Air Force. In short, this business in Iran is poten- tially more serious for the Western alliance than anything but a naked Soviet aggres- sion in a critical area. This does not mean that the decision of the Iranian Mailis to nationalize the Anglo- Iranian Company is the result of a Soviet plot. It does not mean either that Dr. Mus- sadegh and the other Iranian nationalists who have taken the lead in this matter have consciously wished to cripple the Western alliance; they are comparable, rather, to the American isolationists of the Wherry stripe, who also wish to bring the whole world down in ruins because they cannot see beyond their noses. * * * FINALLY, JUST because the problems cre- ated by this business in Iran are so immensely grave, it does not mean that these problems cannot be solved. The slow match in fact can be extinguished. Grasping the immensity of the stakes in the game, however, is the essential first step towards an understanding of how the game must be played. What has happen- ed could have been prevented by wise Anglo-American action long ago. Instead,j the British in the Middle East have pur- sued a policy of business as usual, the standard of business as usual being es- tablished by the conditions that prevailed before the shattering changes of the sec-j ond world war. Meanwhile, the Americans have been flabby, uncreative, and un- willing for many reasons to take firm ini- tiatives. Thus Anglo-American influence, which is still potentially very great, has gone for noth- ing or has been downright pernicious. And this has created a situation in which heavy immediate risks must be run in order to avoid the certainty of eventual disaster. (Copyright, 1951, New York Herald Tribune Inc.) American's Creed Union Policy. To the Editor: THREE WEEKS ago the Student Legislature was asked to place on a campus referendum this spring two questions: 1. Should the present Michigan Union policy of denying women the use of the front door be eli- minated? 2. Should the Union cafeteria be open full time to escorted wo- men? At the urgent request of the then-president of the Union, thisl request was turned over to the Union's Board of Directors for that body's initial consideration. The Board turned down the re- quest for a referendum and the following, night the same then- president in a farewell address to' the Union "heartily endorsed," ac- cording to The- Michigan Daily, the "no women through the front door policy" as a "valuable in- tangible part of the Union" which he felt the alumni members were strongly in favor of. With this background the refer- endum proposal will be presented to the Student Legislature for a vote tonight. Many of us, perhaps for a var- iety of reasons, feel that the spor- adically enforced "front door pol- icy," creates more ill-will for the Union and inconvenience for Un- ion members than is offset by the value of the occasional male's thrill over this outmoded symbol of Michigan's "men's club." I believe that the Union Board of Directors missed the boat in not supporting the referendum. This' is not just a question of determin- ing what students feel about these restrictions on the services the Union could provide, though cer- tainly this type of concrete indi- cation of student opinion seems the only method of securing the agreement of the somewhat ether- eal "Union alumni." The referendum can provide the focal point for an extensive dis- cussion and evaluation of the Un- ion by the student body whose general interest in the Union has been abysmal. It should provide' the Union staff with a welcomei opportunity to explain the Union's; present philosophy and give those few radicals who would ultimately make the Union co-educational a chance to test that view. As long as all Michigan men are members of the Union, a few more than 18 men on theBoard of Directors should be concerned with Union policies. I hope, as I am sure most of you do, that the SL will plac6 these issues on a referendum in next week's election. -Tom Walsh Union Prices To the Editor: THE FOLLOWING account of my recent visit to the student union cafeteria of the University of Pennsylvania may be of inter- est to guys and gals who use the Michigan Union and marvel at the cyclonic rise in the cost of liv- ing. My first surprising discovery was that the price of certain food items were exactly half those pre- vailing in our union: milk, fruit and vegetable juices were Sc. My lunch one day came to 65c and I left with smiles and feeling I had been party to a medieval feast. At the Michigan Union those 8 cent sausages slay me and a 75 cent lunch is hardly more than a sub- sistence ration. On a rough guess I would say prices of meals at the Michigan Union are just about double those at Pennsylvania. One wonders seriously about this non- profit business . . . I have not seen nor heard a rational defense of our Union's exorbitant pricing policies, which seem to be based on maximization of profits (if I may display my Adam Smith) rather than service to students at minimum cost. Perhaps we are wrong in this. Perhaps the Union here is not pursuing a non-profit policy. I venture to affirm she is not pur- suing a non-profit policy. I'm seeking enlightenment on this. I want to know why the Union food prices are so high. -Alvin Obelsky students 'who have not yet obtainedt their application blanks for the Law School Admission Test to be given( April 28, 1951, may obtain thel at 110 Rackham Bldg. These application( blanks are due in Princeton, New Jer-I sey not later than April 18, 1951. t Combined, Curriculum in Letters ands Law: - Application for admission to the Combined Curriculum in Letters and Law must be made prior to April 20 by those students seeking Law School' admission for fall 1951. Forms are1 available at 1010 Angell Hall. Combined-Curriculum in Letters and( Medicine: Application for admission to the Combined Curriculum in Letters andI Medicine must be made prior to April1 20 by those students 'seeking MedicalI School admission for fall 1951. Forms are available at 1010 Angell Hall. Doctoral Examination for Harry Bert Keller, III, Physics; thesis: "A Study of the Electron Line Spectra of Certain Neutron Induced Radoactivites " Thurs., April 19, East Council Room, Rackham Bldg, 3 p.m. Chairman, J. M., Cork. Doctoral Examination for Daniel Jos- eph Donahue, Chemistry; thesis: "Pref- rential Capillary Absorption of Water4 from Solutions of Alcohols by Silica( Gel," Thurs., April 19, 1565 Chemistry Bldg., 3 p.m. Chairman, F. E. Bartell. Concerts Vladimir Horowitz, Pianist, whose January concert was postponed-will be1 heard Wed., April 18, at 8:30 o'clock in Hill Auditorium. Please informj friends and acquaintances who may beI interested. Composition Forum Cancelled. The Composition Forum program under the; direction of Ross Lee Finney, previous- ly announced for 8:30 Thursday eve- ning, April 19. in Hill Auditorium, has been cancelled.rThe new date will be announced later. Student Recital:{ Digby Bell, pianist, will be heard at 8:30 Thursday evening, April 19, in the Rackham Assembly Hall, in a program of works by Mozart,1 Beethoven and Chopin. Mr. Bell is a pupil of John Kollen. Presented in partial fulfillment of the requirements1 for the Master of Music degree, the re- cital will be open to the public. Carillon Recital. The first in a series of spring recitals by Percival Price, University Carillonneur, will be playedj at 7:15 Thursday evening, April 19. It will include compositions by Bach, De- Gruytters, Strauss, and a group of American Folk Songs. Events Today Roger Williams Guild: Tea 'N Talk at the Guild House, 4:30-6 p.m. Michigan Christian Fllowship: Bible Study, 7:30 p.m., Lane Hall (Fireside Room). Topic: "A Practical Lesson in Soul Winning." Westminster Guild: Tea 'N' Talk, 4 p.m., First Prsbyterian Church. Wesleyan Guild: Do-Drop-In for tea and chatter, 4 p.m., at the Guild. School of Music Honors Program, sponsored by Chi Chapter, P Kappa Lambda, will be held at 11 a.m., in the Rackham Amphitheater. Hon- ors Day Address by David Boyden, Associate Professor of Music, Uni- versty of California. All music stu- dents are urged to attend. Research Club. A joint meeting with the Science Research Club and the Wo- men's Research Club, 8 p.m., Rackham Amphitheater. Symposium on "The Limits of the Scientific Method" will be presented by th following panel: Professors B. L. Baker, Anatomy, H. R. Blackwell, Psychology, H. Peak, Psy- chology, W. B. Wilcox, History, and C. L. Stevenson, Philosophy (Chairman of Panel). UNESCO Council: Meeting, 7:30 p.m., International Center. Inter-Guild Retreat Planning Com- mittee: Noon Luncheon at Lane Hall. ASME: Open meeting, 7:15 p.m. Union. Speaker: Mr. E. R. Ordway,, Director of Production Scheduling, Kaiser-Frazer Corp. "Production Plan- ning." Industrial Relations Club: Speaker: Mr. Carl Burgett, President of Local 623, Clark Machine Company, Jackson, 7:30 p.m., Michigan 'Onion. Members are re- quested to attend, and others who are interested are invited. Student Legislature: Meeting, 7:30 p.m., Lounge of Alice Lloyd Hall. Student-Faculty Coffee Hour is hon- oring the Business Administration school at 4 p.m., Grand Rapids Room, League. Journal Club of the Romance Lang- uages Department: 4:15 p.m., East Conference Room, Rackham Bldg. Mr. Ricardo Defendini will speak on "Croce's Aesthetics: An Explanation and a Critique." Graduate students of the Department are invited. Delta Sigma Pi: Business meeting, 7:30 p.m.. Chapter House, 1212 Hill. Election of officers. Mimes Meeting: 7 p.m., Room 3-N, Union.Election of new members from this year's Union Opera. "Go West. Madam," Full attendance is is needed. Bridge Tournament held every week in the Union Ballroom will start at 7:30 p.m. Hillel Social Committee: Reorganiza- tion meeting, 4 p.m., Lane Hall. All past members and anyone interested in becoming a member are urged to at- tend. the American Statistical Association, Thurs., April 19, 8 p.m. at the Institute ol East Catherine Street (old West- Hospital). Members of th A.S.A. and others interested are invited. The meeting will be preceded by a dinner at the Michigan League at 7 p.m. Only a few more dinner reservations are available and must be made immedi- ately by calling extension 2210. American Society for Public Admin- istration: .,Social seminar, 7:30 p.m., Thurs., April 19, West Conference Room, Rackham Bldg. Mr. L. P. Cookingham, City Manager, Kansas City, Missouri, guest speaker. All interested persons are invited. Phi Beta Kappa: Initiation Banquet, Fri., April 20, 6:30 p.m., Michigan Un- ion. William R. Parker, Professor of English, New York University and Sec- retary of the Modern Language Associa- tion, will be the speaker. Members of other Chapters are invited. Reserva- tions should be made with the Secre- tary, Hazel M. Losh, Observatory, by ' Wednesday afternoon. Union Opera Cast and Personnel: Meeting, Thurs., April 19, Union, Room 3-G. 9:00 p.m., to listen to "Go West, Madam" recordings and to make payments for same, cash or check. All candidates running for spring elections to be held April 24 and 25. Changes and additions to the list of Open Houses: Wednesday, April 18, no open house - at Sigma Phi. Thursday, April 19, 5-6 p.m., Mosher Hall and Jordan Hall. Sunday, April 22, 1-2:30 p.m., Lloyd Hall. Monday, April 23, 6:30-7:15 p.m., Zeta Beta Tau, 2006 Washtnaw. 7:30-8:30 p.m., Sigma Delta Tau, 1405 Hill. Open Houses which have been sched- uled for all candidates running for the Spring elections to be held April 24 and 25 are as follows. Every candidate is urged to attend for his own benefit: Wednesday, April 18, 5-6 p.m., Kappa Kappa Gamma, 1204 Hill; Sigma Phi, 426 N. Ingalls. 6:30-7:15 p.m., Sigma Chi, 548 S. State; Phi Sigma Delta, 1808 Hermitage Rd. Thursday, April 19, 5-6 p.m., Mosher Hall and Jordan Hall. 6:30-7:15 p.m., 1 Stockwell Hall. Friday, April 20, 3:30-4:30 p.m., Mar. tha Cook, 906 S. University. 4:30-6 p.m., Student Religious Association at Lane Hall, 204 S. State. Sunday, Apri1 22, 1-2:30 p.m., Alice Lloyd Hall. 2:30-3:30 p.m., Osterwell " House, 338 E. Jefferson. 7-8 p.m., West Quad Rally. Monday, April 23, 5-6 p.m., Kappa Al- t pha Theta and Phi Delta Theta at 1414 Washtenaw. 6:30-7:15 pm., Psi Upsi- lon, 1000 Hill; Zeta Beta Tau, 200 Washtenaw. 7:30-8:30 p.m., Sigma Del- ta Tau, 1405 Hill. U. of M. Soaring Club: Meeting, 104 E. Engineering Bldg., 7 p.m., Thursday, April 19. Final plans for buying a tow ship and scheduling of week-end flights will be discussed. All members are urged to attend and all who are interested are welcome. DeutscherVerein: Meeting, 7:30 p.n., Thurs., April 19, Room 3, Tappan Speaker: Dr. W. A. Reichart, Topic: Summer in Austria. Music. All stu- dents and faculty members invited. Beta Alpha Psi, honorary accounting fraternity, is sponsoring an address by George W. Troost, Vice-President and Comptroller of the Chrysler Corporation, Thurs., April 19, 8 p.m., Room 3-A, Union. Open to anyone interested in accounting. 'Subject: Current Account- ing Problems. Polonia Club: Meeting, 7:30 p.m., Thurs., April 19, International Center.- All students of Polish descent and their friends are invited. Passover Meal Reservations close Fri- day noon. Phone 3-4129 or call at the Hillel Office in Lane Hall for your res- ervations. D) RkAMA Unusual Move THE RECRUITING OFFICER, by George Farquhar. Presented by the Arts Theater Club, at 209! East Washington. THE ARTS THEATER CLUB is up to something a great deal removed from the sort of thing it's been doing so well these past weeks, and I'm pleased to report that there is no discernible diminuition in the quality of the product. The essential ingredients of Restora- tion comedy-the polished, epigrammatic wit; the rake and the fop; the witty woman; and the high-spirited libertinism -they all survive in this production, in spite of the intervening centuries and the intimacy of the theater-in-the-round de- vice, and they survive on a sustained level of excellence. This is, obviously, a tribute to direction and performance. I always thought that this kind of comedy needed distance and elaborate impedimenta to be brought off properly. It doesn't, as this particular per- formance demonstrates, and Director War- ren Pickett deserves the highest credit for recognizing that fact, and for investing his entire production with all the vital gloss and glitter it requires. He does it chiefly with carefully thought-out little businesses; with an elaborate emphasis on the right gesture, the proper inflection, and all the innumer- able, delicate little devices that provide back- ground where there is no background, and depth where there is no depth. M. E. THOMPSON didn't especially dis- tinguish himself when he was governor of Georgia. But he has just shown himself to be a. big if astoundingly strange man in Washington. He has resigned 'a plush post with the Office of Price Stabilization for the weirdest of reasons-he didn't have any- thing to do. Explanations for his not having any work differ. OPS Chief Mike DiSalle says Thomp- son was offered one parcel of work but turned it down. Thompson says that isn't so, But on this point there is no disagree- ment: For 12 weeks Thompson has been carried on the OPS payroll at $53.48 a day plus an expense account, and he has done nothing to earn it. (Continued from Page 2) Academic Notices Anatomy Seminar: "Patterns of Car- dio-Thoracic Venous Drainage," by My- ron C. Halpern and "The Microscopic Anatomy of the Brain Following Treat- ment with ACTH or Cortisone," by C. William Castor, April 18, 4:15 p.m., 2501 E. Medical Bldg. Engineering Mechanics Seminar: Wed., April 18, 1512 E. Engineering Bldg., 4 p.m. Prof. L. L. Ranch will speak on "Stability and Control of Nu- clear Reactors." Demonstration of electric analogue. History 130: The second test in the course will be given Fri., April 20, 9:10 a.m., 307 Romance Languages. Actuarial jReview Class (Part 11): Thurs.s April 19, 3 p.m., 3017 Angell Hall. Discussion of Calculus problems. Seminar in Applied Mathematics: Thurs., April 19, 247 W. Engineering DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN, Bldg. Prof. R.C.F. Bartels will present a "Preliminary Report on Linear The- ory of Reflection of Disturbances from a Circular Cylinder in Supersonic Flow." Mathematics Colloquium: Speaker: Prof. Reinhold Baer, University of Illi- nois, "The Geomtrical Structure De- rived from a Doubly Transitive Group of Permutations." Fri., April 20, 4:10 p.m., 3011 Angell Hall. I- - Orientation Seminar in Mathematics: Meeting, Thurs., April 19, 4 p.m., 3001 Angell Hall. Mr. Lemmer will speak on "Four Squares Problem." Tea, 3:30 p.m. Zoology Seminar: "The Red and Black Pigments of the Salamander Plethodon Cinereus (Green)," by Em- anuel G. Hertzler, and "Survival Rates and Population Fluctuations in the White-Footed Mouse." by Dana Paul Snyder. Thurs., April 19, 7:30 p.m., Rackham Amphitheater. Law School Admission Test: Those Sixty-First Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the auhority'of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Jim Brown ... ........Managing Editor Paul Brentlinger ..........City Editor Roma Lipsky . ......Editorial Director Dave Thomas ..........Feature Editor Janet Watts ...........Associate Editor Nancy Bylan ..........Associate Editor James Gregory ...Associate Editor Bill Connolly...........Sports Editor Bob Sandell ....Associate Sports Editor Bill Brenton ....Associate, Sports Editor Barbara Jans.........Women's Editor Pat Brownson Associate Women's Editor Business Sta ff Bob Daniels........Business Manager Walter Shapero Assoc. Business Manager Paul Schaible .....Advertising Manager Sally Fish..........Finance Manager Bob Miller........Circulation Manager Telephone 23-24-1 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited to this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein are also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann, Arbor,Michigan as second-class mail matter. Subscription during regular school year: by carrier, $6.00; by mail, $7.00. ; Michigan Arts Chorale Regular rehearsal, Lane Hall. members are urged to be present. Coming Events All The Institute for Social Research will be host to the Detroit Area Chapter of BARNABY Flello, Jane. Mr. O'Malley is going to make Albert forget all about Tennessee I believe in the United States of America as a Government of the people, by the people, However, I'll win the child's interest away from his obsession .. . There arej can't, eh? Look. This is amazing I