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April 18, 1951 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1951-04-18

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Latest Deadline in the State

t t


See Page 4

VOL. LXI, No. 133



Rescue Vessels
Find Sunken Sub
Some Crewmen Reported Alive;
Supersonic Signals Aid Search
PORTSMOUTH, ENG.-(A)-The British submarine Affray, miss-
ing since Monday night in the English Channel, was found at the bot-
tom of the sea yesterday and the admiralty said at least some of its
75 men were alive.
Supersonic telegraphic messages intercepted by several submarines
among the fleet of 25 vessels participating, in the search led to the
discovery of the submarine early this morning.

the sea at a depth of 33 fathoms (1
of Wight in the English Channel.
W age Body
P'lan Halted
By Industry
WASHINGTON - (R) -- Econo-
mic Stabilizer Eric Johnston said'
last night that a proposed dis-
pute-settling wage stabilization
board cannot be established le-
gally over industry's objections,
By vote of 12 to 4, the Advisory
Board recommended that Presi-
dent Truman immediately set up
an 18-man board to dispose of
the scores of wage disputes which
hav been piling up since the first
board was scuttled Feb. 16,
The four industry representa-
tives objected.
THE MAJORITY recommended
thatthe Board have broad power
to settle labor disputes recom-
mended to it by the President. In-
dustry has been holding out for a
board with less powers, and last
night the National Association of
Manufacturers and U.S. Chamber
of Commerce sharply criticized the
advisory Board's majority recom-

ffray was stuck to the bottom of
98 feet) just southwest of the Isle
It was the same spot at which
the big submarine, built for ser-
vice in the Pacific, went down
Monday at the start of what was
to have been a training cruise.
Rescue crews ordered to con-
verge on the area said the site was
shallow enough to permit divers
to descend to the sunken sub.
THE RESCUE crews said the
use of supersonic telegraphy in-
dicated the Affray's control room
was not flooded.
Ships and planes of four na-
tions took part in the search for
the Affray after the admiralty
announced yesterday that the
sub had failed to report its
American, French and Belgian
naval vessels joined with British
ships crisscrossing the English
Channel throughout last night.
The Affray, a submarine of
1,200 tons, normally would carry
a crew of 60, but its crew was
augmented for the training cruise
by sailors and marines from a
submarine training school.
The British submarine Sea Devil
reported the first word from the
Affray early in the morning. But
the Sea Devil said the supersonic
telegraph messages were too faint
to be understood. Other submar-
ines in the area then reported
they, too, had intercepted the
The Affray was en route from
Portsmouth to Falmouth, 180
miles . to the southwest, and had
been ordered to travel underwater
all the way except between 8 and
9 a.m. each day, when she was to
send a radio message.
Welke Given
Jail Sentence
DETROIT-Former University
student William F. Welke was sen-
tenced to five to 15 years yester-
day for extorting $3,500 from the
mother of a fellow student.
A Detroit jury convicted Welke
of threatening Mrs. Katherinel
Vasu, wife of a prominent phy-
sician, in telephone conversations
on May 31, 1949.
The jury found that he had told'
her that her son, Cordell Vasu,
'52, would "never see her again"
unless she paid the money.
Mrs. Vasu testified thatshe met
Welke in Detroit and gave him
Recorder's Judge John Maher
granted a motion by Welke's at-
torney for a 20-day stay pending
a retrial hearing. He placed Welke
under $5,000 bond during the 20-
day period.'

Bradley Hits
'Nation Must Aim
For World Peace'
CHICAGO-(P)-General Omar
N. Bradley spoke out yesterday
against General MacArthur's sug-
gestions that the Korean war be
extended to China.
Bradley' was the first of Mac-
Arthur's fellow five-star military
men to raise his voice publicly
against the proposals since Mac-
Arthur was ousted from his far
east posts last week by President
GEN. BRADLEY, Chairman of*
the joint Chiefs of Staff, did not
mention MacArthur's name. But
he said, "There is little immediate
danger of this country being over-
run-but our way of life, our free-
dom and our nation have the best
chances for survival by keeping
peace in the world.
"This is the over-riding con-
sideration of our national for-
eign and military policies. Any
recommended course of action
which would enlarge the present
war is contrary to our best in-
terests, and by jeopardizing
world peace, ultimately would
threaten our security."
Bradley spoke at the conven-
tion of the National Association of
Radio and Television Broadcasters.
The section of his address opposing
expansion of the Korean fighting
was in direct conflict with Mac-
Arthur'sdviewsconfthat subject.
been set forth in a series of state-
ments and in a letter to Rep. Mar-
tin (R-Mass.), House Republican
leader. MacArthur had recom-
mended that the solution to the
Korean situation is to use Chinese
Nationalist forces on Formosa to
carry the war to the Chinese main-
land and to bomb Manchurian
Gen. Bradley supported Presi-
dent Truman's stand against
MacArthur's ideas and defended
the Administration's policy of
limiting the war in Korea.
"There is no early end in sight
to the Korean war under present
conditions," Bradley said. "As far
as we can see now there is nothing
transitory about the Communists'
determination to drive us out of
Korea and, if possible, to destroy
our forces completely. We may
strive for peace and a cessation of
hostilities, but while so doing we
must continue to fight."
Student Draft
Law Backed
DETROIT-(P)-David D. Henry,
president of Wayne University,
defended deferment of college stu-
dents last night but said the pro-
gram had two serious weaknesses.
President Henry, in an address
prepared for delivery before the
American Association for Health,
Physical Education and Recrea-
tion, said that under the program
"college students are not avoiding
military service, but preparing for
The president said that the de-
ferment order should be amended
to provide for (1) federal scholar-
ships and (2) a plan for the uti-
lization of people of special ability
after college training.













Tan ks
Three Bases
By Advance
UN Patrol Kills
Hundred Chinese
TOKYO - () - Chinese Reds
were reported pulling back in
North Korea today to escape bat-
tles with tank-led Allied probing
The tanks were stabbing deep
inside enemy lines.
* * *
U.S. EIGHTH ARMY headquar-
ters said there were signs of a
general withdrawal on the western
front. The Communists also fell
back in the mountainous center.
One American tank-powered F
unit went 15 miles north of the
38th parallel yesterday to the
vicinity of Chigyong. The patrol
killed 100 Chinese during a bold
expedition inside Red lines with-
in seven miles of Kumhwa and
Those are two of three big Red
bases on which strong United HAW
Nations forces clamped a squeeze. cade
* * * hono
THE ALLIED advances since accl
Sunday had been handicapped by
man-made fires set by Reds seek-
ing to screen their movements
with smoke. Today's dispatches
said the smoke clouds were less-
ening. PI
Eighth Army headquarters
estimated that 1,515 Reds were
killed or wounded in ground
action yesterday.
In the main action of the day,
strong Allied units grabbed valu-
able hill positions near Chorwon, WnT
western gateway to a 60-square- dent T
mile zone where possibly as many Stuart
as 500,000 Reds may be concen- boss o
trated. nancew
* * Itw
A HEAVILY censored field dis- in reo
patch said Allied troops "gained mentb
a foothold on the last heights re- been u
maining south of the Red-held vestiga
city," 17 miles north of the 38th month
parallel. that a
Chorwon has been hammered White
from the air and pounded by RFC le
long range artillery into rubble,
but it controls five roadways. SYMI
A tank - infantry task force post a
drove on Kumhwa along a main RFC'sf
highway on the central front. It April 3
was a second powerful thrust at tenant
a Red base 18 miles east of Chor- chair
won. Resour
The third Red base threatened Sho
by the advancing Allies was Yon- ment
chon, seven miles north of the White
38th parallel. Allied troops held ing C
high points all around the town inquix
but have not entered. Yonchon is any r
13 miles southwest of Chorwon. sold 1



Ret real
Genera A'Gla
FromJa pan
Will Visit Capit
To MakeRepoi
eral Douglas MacArthur arri
home last night to a riotous V
come that almost became a }
scene when he stepped from
plane, the Bataan.
Spectators, newsmen and p
tographers broke through grie
ing lines and swarmed aro-
the General in a tumultuous
come that nearly swamped,
ceremonies at the airport.
* * *
MAC ARTHUR'S plane, bri
ing him home for the first t
in 14 years, touched the run
at 11:29 p.m. (EST) after a fli
of eight hours 59 minutes fi
With deep feeling, MacArth
told the airport crowd of nea:
is his motor- 10,000: "I cannot tell you h
received an good it is to be home. In the
itreien long, long dreary years, 4
ity presidentMacArthur and I talked a
thought about home. We a
preciate your marvelous hos
tality and this great recepti
es We will not forget it."
The crowd crushed around
eb te MacArthurs as soon as they c
e a i down the ramp of the plane,
the General stepped on the 0oi
his homeland.
ding that Sen. San Francisco was prepared
d some of his the big celebration 'totake p:
trying to "sab- in MacArthur's honor this mc
n foreign pol- ing. This afternoon he will
o have demon- to Washington, to address C
~publican party gress tomorrow.
k or carelessly AS THE PLANE rolled to a
Korean con- before the crowd, a woman's b
twar with Red piercing scream was heard.
and jungles of baby's thin wail rose above
he Oklahoman shouting, and there was par
lenied advocat- monium.
roops to invade
land. He has MacArthur's review of t
letting Chinese honor guard was virtually
fight the Reds. running mob scene. Gi
Nebraska, the boomed a 17-gun salute.
leader, called Officers and friends forme
d from Oklaho- tight circle around Mrs. Ma
ferred to GOP thur and young Arthur to I
"Wherry.- go - them from being crushed. Li
Col. Anthony Story, MacArt-
n. Duff (R-Pa.) pilot, held Arthur in his arm
w is "on a tre- shield the boy.
binge" as a re- The flower-laden General
dismissal when his lady-with their\ 13-year
entrating calm- son, Arthur-were given a w
lf against Rus- welcome during their 34 hour
ry might. Honolulu.

a c


VAIIAN WELCOME-Cries of "aloha" greet General MacArthur, (in the lead car), a
passes along a 25-mile route through Honolulu. While on the island MacArthur
orary degree of doctor of laws from the University of Hawaii, and heard the univers
aim him "one of the greatest Americans of all times."
4) * * * *

William H. Ruffin, president
of the National Association of
Manufacturers, Issued a state-
ment last night saying that to
give the board such broad powers
would wreck collective bargain-
ing and "stimulate industrial
disputes instead orminimizing
Johnston told a reporter last
night that Attorney General Mc-
Grath's office has ruled that such
a wage board cannot be put into
operation legally without indus-
try's assent.
The labor chifs did not say
whether settlement of the Wage
Stabilization Board issue would
send them back into the half-
dozen defense agencies which
they quit.
Neither would management rep-
resentatives say immediately whe-
ther they would participate in a
new wage board established in
the manner proposed by the labor,
public, and agriculture represen-
tatives on the Mobilization Ad-
visory Board.
Asian-Arabs To
Discuss Peace
The Asian-Arab group in the
United Nations will meet today
to consider a North Korean peace
feeler and "otherhdevelopments"
in the Korean situation.
Plans for the meeting were dis-
closed last night by India's Sir
Benegal N. Rau as some Eastern
European quarters described the
message from the North Koreans
as a serious bid for peace talks.
At the same time unconfirmed
reports circulated in diplomatic
circles that Rau had received a
new communication from the
Chinese Communists. Rau denied
Soviet Delegate Semyon K.
Tsarapkin said he knew nothing
of the North Korean peace feeler.
And Western spokesmen reported
it looked like just another Com-
munist propaganda stunt.
The North Koreans sent their
long message Monday to the Presi-
dent of the Assembly and the
President of the Security Council.

min ton
lked To
SHINGTON - (R) - Presi-
ruman last night named W.
Symington as the one-man
of the Reconstruction Fi-
as the President's first step
rganizing the huge govern-
lending agency, which has
nder the fire of a Senate in-
ting committee for several
s. The committee asserted
clique with contacts in the
House exerted influence on
ending operations.
* * *
MINGTON accepted the new
rnd will take over from the
five-man board of directors
30. He is a long-time lieu-
of Truman's, and is now
Ian of the National Security
rces Board.
ortly before his appoint-
was announced by the
House, the Senate Bank-
ommittee ordered a special
ry to determine whether
members of Congress have
their influence to persons
ng RFC loans.
ington's appointment has
orecast ever since the Sen-
led to block the President's
nization plan last week.
ington formerly served the
n administration as Secre-
d the Air Force and in the
s Property Administration.
asking Symington to take
the much-criticized RFC,
n expressed the desire to
date under the agency, as
as possible, rubber pur-
and operations.
RFC already purchases and
all tin in this country and
es all synthetic rubber ac-

China Issue Unleas
;Furious Partisan D


WASHINGTON - (P) - Angry
debate rang out in the Senate
last night over the Truman-Mac-
Arthur issue, with Democrats and
Republicans hurling the label
"war party" at each other in a
running argument that brought
tempers to the boiling point.
Sen. Kerr (D-Okla.) touched off
Law School
Receives Gift
The University Law School will
receive a $1,300,000 scholarship
aid fund from a late Cleveland
lawyer and University alumnus,
State Representative Arnell D.
Engstrom announced yesterday in
The gift, nearly double the
amount thought to have been be-
queathed last December, will come
from the estate of Freder.ck L.
Leckie, a 1904 graduate of the
Law School. The fund was origin-
ally set at $700,000, until an in-
ventory was taken of the complete
Leckie, who died Nov. 29, pro-
vided that the money be used "for
the education of needy students as
may be selected by the dean, of the
Law School."
Rep. Engstrom disclosed the
grant in connection with the pas-
sage of a tax reciprocity bill by the
The bill if it becomes law, would
establish a reciprocity agreement
among Michigan, Ohio and Illinois,
retroactive to May 1, 1950, and
would also provide that those
states would be exempt from Mich-
igan taxation if a Michigan resi-
dent should bequeath funds at his
death to educational or charitable
institutions there.

the uproar by char
Taft (R-Ohio) an(
GOP colleagues are
otage the bipartisa
icy and in doing sc
strated that the Re
is the war party."
"They either see
risk expanding the
flict into an all-out
China in the mire
continental Asia," t
shouted. Taft has d
ing the use of U.S. t
the Chinese main
spoken in favor of]
Nationalist troops
Sen. Wherry of
Republican floor
Kerr "that big winc
ma" after Kerr re
activities as a
In New York, Sex
s id the country no
jendous emotional
sult of MacArthur's
it ought to be conc
ly on protecting itse
sia's growing milita

Union Opera To Award

Prize for Top



World News
By The Associated Press
GRAND RAPIDS-The personal
physician of Senator Arthur H.
Vandenberg said yesterday there
was "no change" in the veteran
Republican leader's condition.
* * *
LONDON - Britain acknow-
leged yesterday that the United
States has supplanted her as
Queen of the Seas, when the
Labor government issued a white
paper explaining the choice of
an American admiral to com-
mand Atlantic defenses under
the North Atlantic Alliance,
WASHINGTON - Senator Taft
(R-Ohio) issued a statement yes-
terday declaring he does not favor
a full-scale invasion of China. by
American troops.
SL Slates Vote
[tb E' ~

been fo
ate fai
tary of
In a
over 1

The Truman-MacArthur con-
troversy brought varied comments
from foreign students on campus
yesterday, though most agreed
with the president's action, and at
the same time praised the gener-
al's work in the Far East.
A typical reaction was expressed
by Victor Sze, '51, of China. "Tru-
man was justified in removing the
general; he was upholding the
Constitutional principle of su-

A $100 prize awaits the author
of next year's Union Opera script.
Script-writing competition op-
ens today, less than a week after
the close of the 1951 show, "Go
West-Madam," following a suc-
cessful road tour through the
The Union Board of Directors
has authorized the cash award for
the most acceptable script turned
in by Oct. 15.
MEANWHILE, Opera general
chairman Gene Overbeck, '51, an-

Campus Foreign Studentdt'At

Toledo and Detroit, as well as Ann
ALTHOUGH the Opera met
with general praise from audi-
ences and newspaper critics, the
performances were not without
A bus broke down on the way
to Buffalo, and the troupe ar-
rived some three and one-half
hours late. The curtain went
up on time, but the cast went
without dinner or shaves until
after the performance.
The following day a truck bear-

,Horowitz Will Present Moussorgsky

premacy of the 'civilian over
tary in doing so.
"But MacArthur did a wond
job in Japan, and the people 1
like him. They might fear now
the United States will subst
an appeasement policy toward
Communists in place of :
Arthur's stern policy."
* * *
expressed by In Whan Kim
of Korea and David Wong,
of China. "The President m
have been justified only if he
confident there will be no
Red aggression in Asia," Kin
"He should not have been
missed," Wong said, expres
faith in the General as a c
mander. "He has done a g
Law student Hayakawa '
of Japan expressed faith in
Matthew Ridgeway, howe
"Ridgeway has an excellent
ord-I do not think we ha
fear lossof leadershiD."

* * *

Vladimir Horowitz, noted pi-
anist, will present his long post-
poned Choral Union Series concert
at 8:30 p.m. today in Hill Audi-4
Originally scheduled for Jan-
uary, the concert was delayed be-

American audiences. He is now a
citizen and lives here with his
wife and daughter.
Among the works to be included
on the Horowitz program will be
"Pictures at an Exhibition." The
pianist's performance of this com-

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