TUESDAY, APRIL 17, 1951 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Ticket Sales To Commence For IFC Ball All May Buy Entry To 'Heaven and Hell;' Harry James To Play Tickets for IFC Ball will go on sale in the fraternity houses to- day. A limited number of tickets has been sent to the president of each house. Those which are not sold by April 29, will be returned to the ticket committee and will be put on sale in the Administra- tion Building to independent men. * * * BESIDES THE tickets returned from the fraternities, a definite number of tickets have been set aside for the independent sales. The dance will be held from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. Friday, May 11, in the IM Building.' It will be "Heaven and Hell" for those who attend the dance, and "devils and angels" will hover around the couples. THE "OTHER WORLD" will set the mood for the dance, and the idea will be carried out in the "Heavenly" and "Hellish" decora- tions. Fluffy white clouds and angels will reign in the peaceful realm of heaven, while on the other side of the room, the fire and brimstone of Satan's domain will make things "hot." Booths will be set up for the fraternities, but this year they will be built by an IFC commit- tee, rather than by the individual fraternities. There will be a separate booth for independent men. Harry James, the man with the horn, will provide the musical background for the dance. His band is best-known for its swing, but it also features the best in smooth, slow music. Wars Demand Role Changes On Homefront By SIJETLA COHEN In every war the loneliness and frustration of the vast army of{ home-front women present almost as many problems in morale as do the armies away from home. But no longer will women be left to cope with their anxieties alone, thanks to the services of; experts in psychology, sociology, industry, government, philosophy, and religion, who have solutions; to suggest, though they may not always be easy to apply. IN PAST ERAS the woman's role was one of household chores and passive waiting. This is no longer true, with so much to be done on the home front, such as jobs in war industry and the host of volunteers needed by the Red Cross, the Office of Civilian De- fense and the U.S.O. The picture ,is not a bright one; yet it can be made bright- er, after the initial hurt of the men's leaving has given way to sensible analysis and planning. Wives who manage to adopt a positive attitude and hang on to it have found the separation a chance to become acquainted with themselves, and to develop inde- pendence and a richer personality. * * * . OUR EXPERIENCES in the last war have shown that the wo- men soldiers of the home army have a clear-cut campaign all mapped out for them. The first campaign objective isato help in every way possible and practical to win the war by strengthening the home front. Secondly those at home may act as morale officer to at least one soldier through letters and gift parcels. Lastly one may keep up a never- ending campaign of self - im- provement for width of interests and warmth of heart and for greater patience and greater cap- acity for love. Opposed to this operation are four ,insidious fifth columnists of the mind: self-pity, unreason- Positions Open for Panhel Board, Fortnight ENGAGED-Mr. and Mrs. Clare Briggs of- Grosse Pointe have announced the engagement of their daughter, Carol, to Martin Marsack, son of Mrs. J. P. Nadeau and the late George Marsack of Grosse Pointe. Miss Briggs is affiliated with Collegate Sorosis and is a junior in the education school. Mr. Marsack graduated fiom the literary school last year. He is a member of Phi Delta Theta. TEMPO TROUBLE: Atomic Pace of Times, Shows On Faces Says Skin Expert BETROTHED - T h e engage- ment of Lillian N. Miller to Richard J. Simms, son of Mr. and Mrs. Reeves Simms of Grand Rapids, has been an- nounced by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Miller of Remus. Miss Miller is a junior in the nurs- ing school under the 5 year pro- gram. Mr. Simms is employed in Grand Rapids. Music Sorority Selects Coeds Mu Phi Epsilon, women's hon- orary music sorority, has recently initiated its new members. Members are chosen on the ba- sis of scholarship, personality, and musical ability. The following were initiated: Faith Zeeuw Brown, Mary Jean Cash, Betty Ellis, Lily Fox, Gloria Gonan, Louise Goss, Frances Hanslovsky, Mary Herrold, Patri- cia Hummer, Helen Karg, Jeanne Kress, Joanne Kress, Sieglinde Sauskojus, Mary Seavoy, and Bet- ty Wiles. The newly elected officers in- stalled are: Carol Eagle, president; Lillian Johnson, vice-president; Barbara Stolz, corresponding sec- retary; Lily Fox, assistant secre- tary; Leonore Brooks, recording secretary;s and Jennie Hildebrandt, treasurer. Michigah Dames Group Will Meet Tomorrow The Michigan Dames Child Study Group will meet at 8 p.m., tomorrow in the home of Mrs. John Martire at 337% Third St. The speaker for the meeting will be Mrs. Winifred Moffett Crossley, librarian at the University Ele- mentary School. Her talk is en- titled "Introducing the Young Child to the World of Books," Hostesses will be Mrs. Lyle Clark and Mrs. Willes Libby, Mrs. John Dunn is chairman of the group, Assembly Fortnight Petitioning for Assembly Fort- night, which serves as recognition night for independent women and houses in the fall, will begin to- day. Positions open on the central committee for Fortnight are gen- eral chairman and chairmen in charge of decorations, publicity, skits, honors and patrons and judges. Petitions and any information concerning petitioning may be ob- tained in the Undergraduate Of- fice of the League. Coeds may sign up for interviews when they turn in their petitions. The program for Fortnight con- sists of skits presented by each in- dependent house and the an- nouncing of various scholarship award and activity awards. The skits put on by the houses are judged and the winners are awarded prizes. Scholarship cups are also given to deserving houses, one in the division of over 150 women and one for houses with under 150 women. Scholarships are awarded at Fortnight to an outstanding fresh- men, sophomore and junior wo- man. This year an award is being made to an independent woman who has been outstanding in ac- tivities. PanhelleniC Board Petitions for six positions on the Panhellenic Board are due Friday in the Undergraduate Office of the League. Five senior women and one jun- ior will be appointed to the posts, which will be announced at In- stallation Night this spring. Positions which are open are president of Michigan Panhel- lenic, first vice-president, second vice-president, recording secre- tary, treasurer, rushing chairman and chairman of counselors. Chairman of counselors is the only position open to juniors next year. The remaining posts are open to senior women only. Duties of the position have been revised this year, and Jane Top- per, president of Panhel, has r I";,- To Your Advantage College women specially trained for es- sential jobs are much needed. It will pay you handsomely to add Gibbs secre- tarial training to your college course. Hrie College Courw Deanfor eatalog Katharine Gibbs, ?30 Park Ave., NEW YORK 17 33 Plymouth St., MONTCLAIR i1E. Superior St. CHICAGO 11 155 Angell St, PROVIDENCE 6 90 Marlborough St., BOSTON 16 By LORRAINE BUTLER "Slow down that atomic pace!", recently warned Clara Reisner, Fifth Avenue and Hollywood cos- metologist. Miss Reisner said that tomor- row's grandmothers will not com- pare with today's grandma glam- our girls unless women slow down their continually fast living pace, "THE TERRIFIC TEMPO of these days is against feminine beauty," stated Miss Reisner, who has been watching wrinkles de- velop on some of the country's best known glamour girls' and movie stars. "The women of today are the first generation who know what fast tempo can do to them," Miss Reisner said. "There is no previous experience to show what continued fatique and tension do to a woman'seface," the added. Miss Reisner said that everyday she observes signs of this tension, I.' deep lines from the nose to the corners of the mouth and dark circles under the eyes. In some cases, where emotional tension is especially acute, women have de- veloped rashes and blemishes, Miss Reisner commented. THE SKIN EXPERT continued that today's high tension also causes women to smoke more cig- ing fear, resentment and lethargy. arettes, drink more cocktails and In wartime the churches have a eat more candy. great task and a great opportun- "It's a restless searching for ity. If the wife or sweetheart is something they haven't found junfamiliar with church-going, the that makes them feel they need best introduction to it is the cul- something in their hands all the tivation of women who find more time," Miss Reisner insisted. l than social activities in their church. F LAST FOUR DAYS TO MAKE YOUR PASSOVER RESERVATIONS SEDARIM AND MEALS APRIL 20-28 Reservations must be paid for by Friday noon. HILLEL FOUNDATION AT LANE HALL ... 3-4129 Miss Reisner added that if wo- men would only sit down and take stock of themselves that this bleak picture, which is enough to bring even more lines of worry to a wo- man's face, can be brightened. "They must learn to relax, toI search for the inner security that will help them become serene grandmothers," Miss Reisner ad- vised. She continued that women will have to set aside a regular time fo exercise and beauty care, be- cause it seems that more and more women will be holding down jobs at the same time they are raising children. "There is a definite trend for women to come back after 40," the beauty expert added, referring to the glamour publicity of Glo- ria Swanson, Marlene Dietrich, Joan Bennett and Mary Astor "But you can't reach 40 and then decide you want to be young again. You have to keep young," Miss Reisner warned, ' I Rifle Club The rifle range will be open this evening and Thursday eve- ning for members who wish to practice. Attendance is not I compulsory. Sitting and kneel- ing positions will be taught. A L TYPEWRI r i /1E ^_ f I TERS Repaired Rented Sold Bought aired by man. rerecorders L'S Ph. 7177 y0 0li Q WESKIT BLOUSE with its Fountain Pers repo a factory tr ined Webster-Chicago Wil MORRILI 314 S. State F r®al Beautiful Gowns from 17.95 to 35.00 lK 9 A\ FOR THlE ILF.C. BALL and the many formal occasions on your campus calendar. Choose a formal from our collection of nets and organdies in pastel or darker shades. In all lengths: ballerina, ankle, and floor. Campus Interviews on Cigarette Test~ Number 17...1 THE OWL. S"So I'm awise guy K-so what?"% Ii ' ':.;.:otto cuicli" iS'rfo'sotkajr in te clssic. Bu.inbhis case, he's d:irope hsLai lainsan lig own silk scarf S, f t SOON all you've yearned for in life) will come to you. You can start life together in a world apart. At the end of( a winding lane, deep in peaceful hills- a cottage is waiting just for you . ..your VERY CRISP . . . VERY NEAT! In fine pinwole pique with contoured sleevelets and bright 1 + r