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February 14, 1951 - Image 1

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1951-02-14

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ournalistic O ortunities entoDail
CANCES TO LEARN about the opera- become an eight column, regulation type man or higher may work on Th
ton of a modern newspaper plant and newspaper printed in its own $500,000 shop articlar advantages await womi
to become a part of one of the most impor- in the Student Publications Building at 420 '" dents who may enjoy the brunt oi
tant student activities on the ;University Maynard .~'' n o ing the paper in the future. RO

e Daily.
en stu-
bf print-
)TC stu-

7r outs
A semester-long program in various as~.
pects of The Daily has been planned for
tryouts. Later they will be assigned to'spe-
cific beats to cover news events for publi.
* * *

campus await students attending The Daily
tryout meetings today and tomorrow.
Scheduled for 4 and 5 p.m. both days,
the meetings are designled to introduce new
staffers to the opportunities in news and
feature writing, advertising and business
methods awaiting them on The Daily.
Tryouts are incorporated into the 60
year old tradition that surrounds the
student newspaper plant. First published
_T in 1890 by a group of independent students
to combat fraternity domination of cam-
pus affairs, The Daily since has grown
to be one of the leading college news-
papers throughout the nation.

'* * *
Experience Pays .. .
V EARS OF DAILY experience have proved
valuable for the thousands of former
staffers now working in news and business
offices of newspapers spread around the
country. Daily alumni have worked for the
three Detroit papers, the New York Herald-
Tribune, the Baltimore Sun, the Elkhart
Truth and numerous other publications.
Though all graduates of the Maynard St.
school have not chosen to work in the jour-
nalistic profession, ex-staff men and women
say that their work on The Daily has been
valuable to them in their work, whatever

dents, women and others will publish the
Daily while many made students serve in
the armed forces. But those who may re-
ceive draft calls in June are reminded
that a semester's work on The Daily. will
be helpful in the service.
* * , -
Editorial Staff . .
NEWS AND FEATURE writers will sign
up as tryouts at 4 p.m. today and 5 p.m.
tomorrow at the Student Publications Build-
Editorial tryouts may work on the news,
'sports or women's staff. All the staffs pro-
vide training in headline writing, proofread-
ing, basic writing techniques, editorials and

JBusiness Staff.,.


5 p.m. today and 4 p.m.. tomorrow will
learn methods of advertising layout, copy-
writing, accounting and promotions work.
Tryouts will become advertising servicers
when they join The Daily. They will con-
tact local merchants for advertising ac-
At the end of the semester deserving try.-
outs may petition for paid junior positions
in the various business staff departments.
The business staff offers an excellent op-
portunity for students interested in going
into the business world after graduation.


From the days when the paper, a five it may be..
column tabloid, was printed in a downtown All scholastically eligible students with
print shop near a saloon, The Daily has since ' a class standing of second semester fresh-

--Daily-Alan Reid


See Page 4

Latest Deadline in the State


+ .




To Unfreeze
Congress Told of
Planned Changes
Stabilization Board hopes to come
up with a formula this week to
unfreeze pay.
And the pressure is on at the
Office of Price Stabilization (OPS)
for quick determination of a ceil-
ing price for raw cotton.
major trouble makers, held center
stage yesterday in work of the
agencies assigned to keep the
economy on an even keel in the
period of mobilization.
The hopes of the Wage Board
(WSB) were reported by Peter
Seitz, special assistant to WSB
chairman Cyrus S. Ching, in
testhnony to the Senate-House
"watchdog" committee which
keeps tab on operation of the
Defense Production Act.
The hearing also produced a re-
port, quickly thrown down by
Ching, that he was stepping out
of the WSB post yesterday.
MEANWHILE President William
Green of the American Federation
of Labor complained last night
that the nation's workers are un-
fairly burdened in the fight
against inflation.
With his letter, the labor lead-
er submitted a memorandum on
the views of the federation re-
garding national economic poli-
cies. He called for "a new and
workable price control law which
will permit effective stabiliza-
tion of the cost of living."
On the price front, OPS direc-
tor Michael V. Disalle was under-
stood to have ordered a fast deci-
sion on a raw cotton price aimed
both to appease southern senators
who have demanded full decon-
trol, and to head off sharp rise in
clothing costs.
Housing Code
Polii ng Not
'' Job - Rea
Full responsibility for "polic-
ing" fraternity and sorority props
erty maintenance cannot be
placed on the shoulders of the
University, Dean Walter Rea,
chairman of the University hous-
Ing committee, said yesterday.
D e a n Rea was answering
charges made by Paul R. Kempf,
' president of the city Board of
Public Works that certain groups
have abused state and local build-
ing codes by inadequate fire pre-
vention devices, overcrowding andi
poor maintenance.
* * *
IN PART Dean Rea agreed with
TKempf. He admitted that many
groups have been lax in keeping
their properties at their best ap-
* pearance.
But he noted that an inspec-
tion is made each semester by
the University to see that prop-
er precautions are taken against
fire and unsanitary conditions.

Setomer McGuire
Get 10 Days, Fine
Ex-Student Bookies To Pay $250;
Placed on Two Years Probation.
Two former University students, Lee 'Setomer and Robert Mc-
Guire yesterday were finled $250 a piece and sentenced to ten days'
in the Washtenaw County Jail for operating a football pool on campus
last fall.
Each of the men faced a maximum penalty of one year in jail
or a $500 fine.
* * * *
THE TWO BEGAN their sentence, levied by Circuit Court Judge
,James R. Breakey, immediately after it was imposed.
The arrest and conviction of Setomer and McGuire were the
result of a series of Daily articles on the operations of student run

On All Year
War Basis
dent John A. Hannah announced
yesterday that Michigan State
College will go on a year-around
war-time basis.'
Hannah said the stepped-up'
educational program was asked'
by defense officials anxious to
have college graduates available'
for military service or defense
jobs a year sooner than under thej
present setup.
* * *
UNDER THE new plan, high
school graduates will be able to
qualify for bachelor's degrees in
three years instead of four as at
Greatest immediate impact
of the new program, Hannah
said, will be the enrollment of
a large number of high school
graduates for the summer quar-
The MSC president said studies
are underway to determine what
courses will be offered, how many
faculty members will be needed
and what provisions must be
made to accomodate the students
on the campus.
He said the college had ap-
proved the plan despite the many
difficulties involved in operating
12 months a year.
"Defense officials have recog-
nized the importance of American
colleges and universities in the
race to rearm," he said. "They
must use their facilities to the
limit in serving the national in-

football pools which were pub-
lished in the paper last fall.'
The articles charged that un-
noticed by University or city of-
ficials student run football pools
had taken firm root on campus.
After some two weeks of investi-
gation following the articles' pub-
lication Setomer and McGuire
were arrested and it was an-
nounced by Assistant County
Prosecutor Edmund DeVine that
the two had confessed to being at
the top of the campus bookie sys-
. s s s
AT THE TIME Setomer was a
graduate student in the University
and McGuire a sophomore in the
College of Architecture and De-
sign. The two withdrew from
school recently after completing
the fall semester.
When arraigned last November
the two pleaded nolo contendere.
Yesterday's sentence was imposedj
after two previous postponements.l
$200 of each of the men's fine
will be used to pay court costs.
The remaining $50 constitutes
the official fine. Besides the sen-
tence and the fine, Setomer and
McGuire were placed on two
years' probation.
The two men were visibly af-
fected when the sentence was an-
nounced. A source close to them
said that they had not thought the
sentence would be as severe as it
As far as the University is con-f
cerned, Associate Dean of Students
Walter B. Rea explained last night
that the case was pretty well
closed. He explained that there
might be a consideration of the
case by the Discipline Committee
or Men's Judiciary, but only to
give the University some official
record of the affair.
No University action was taken
earlier, Dean Rea said, awaiting
the outcome of the case in Circuit

West To Ask
For German
Aim To Scuttle
Communist Line
FRANKFORT, Germany, (R)-
The Western Powers intend to
confront the Russians with a de-
mand for - Germany's unification
on terms that would scuttle Com-
munism in the whole' country,
high allied sources said last night.
There is skepticism about the
possibility the Russians will ac-
cept. But Allied thinking appears
to be the Western conditions will
unmask the propaganda of any
fresh Soviet proposals ostensibly
aimed at reunion of Germany and
betterment of her condition.
* * *
and French governments were re-
ported agreed a reunited Ger-
many must not become a Red-in-
filtrated "people's democracy" on
the Soviet satellite model.
Consultations are under way to
define exactly and provide fool-
proof safeguards for the Western
democratic liberties which the
three allies would require to be in-
troduced in East Germany in ad-
vance of unifying the former
Reich, officials said.
A French government official
reported yesterday Deputy For-
eign Ministers of the Big Four
will meet in Paris between March
10 and 15 to arrange the terms,
place and date for the meeting
of their chiefs.
IFC Sets Up
A new system of rushing coun-
seling has been set up, the Inter-
Fraternity Council announced
Ten affiliates who are not par-
ticipating in their individual
house rushing, will act as rushing
counselors to answer questions
and give impartial advice to be-
wildered rushees.
The counselors will be avail-
able from 3 to 5:30 p.m. today
through Friday in Rm. 3D of the
A change has been made in
scholastic requirements, also. " No
student whose overall scholastic
average is below 2.0 will be per-
mitted to rush this semester. This
will enable fraternities to initiate
their spring pledge classes before
the end of the semester.

ye S.




Senate Body
WTill Reopen
WASHINGTON, (P)-Chairman
Maybank (D-SC) of the Senate
Banking Committee said yester-
day an investigation of the Re-
construction Finance Corporation,
now under hot fire in Congress,
will be re-opened next week.
The announcement came just
24 hours after President Truman
renominated five RFC directors
whom the Senate had already
twice refused to confirm.
Maybank said a subcommittee
headed by Senator Fulbright
(D-Ark) will conduct hearings
centering on charges that three
of the five directors yielded to
outside influence in granting fed-
eral loans.
Fulbright's subcommittee, with
the backing of the full committee,
issued a report two weeks ago
accusing the RFC of falling under
the domination of Donald Daw-
son; a White House aide, and
The report, which President
Truman denounced as assinine,
specifically named directors C.
Edward Rowe, William E. Willett
and Walter Lee Dunham as hav-
ing "seriously abused" their auth-
ority in making certain loans.
It also named E. Merl Young,
an insurance broker, whose wife
is a White House stenographer,
as having exerted influence over
the RFC officials.
Cinema Guild
Okays Groups
Ns Sponsors
Eighteen groups h a v e been
okayed to sponsor movies in con-
junction with the Student Legis-
lature Cinema Guild, Irv Stenn,
'52, chairman of the Guild Board,
announced yesterday.
Representatives from more than
fifty groups were interviewed be-
fore the selections were made,
Stenn said. They were chosen
on the basis of financial need and
service to campus.
Thirteen movies will be pre-
sented during the semester, start-
ing with "Tight Little Island" this
weekend, under the sponsorship
of the Wolverine Club and the
Cinema Guild.
Other groups chosen to share;

-Daily-Alan Reid
GUESS WHO?-Nancy Pridmore, '53, complicates things for Fred
Leydorf, '53, as he tries to read the signature on his valentine.
The couple represents the slim fraction of University inhabitants
who still believe in exchanging hearts and flowers today.
Valentine Sellers Smile
As Mailmen Complain
* *



Allied Force
East of Seoul
Taniks Menace
Road toCapital
TOKYO--()--Red hordes yes.
terday pounded in human waves
against the United Nations' front .
in the snow-mantled mountains
of Central Korea-striving for a
They poured banzai attacks at
an Allied force surrounded in
Chipyong, 35 miles east of Seoul.
MEANWHILE General MacAr-
thur said in effect that military
and not political factors will keep
his United Nations troops south
of the 38th parallel for the pres-
He said "scattered patrol ac-
tion incidental to the tactical
situation" might pierce the
He emphasized, however, that
the Allies must cut down Chines:
numerical superiority consider-
ably before the UN troops can
thrust across the old border in
MANY TANKS and self-pro-
pelled guns menaced Wonu, the
key to all highways in South
Korea - including those behind
100,000 Allied troops around
They swarmed over hills in
the 20 miles between Chipyong
and Wonju, rolling drums and
blowing bugles as they attacked..
They infiltrated 800 North'
Koreans out of Seoul across the
Han in the western sector and
caused surprised staff officer
clerks and even cooks to grab
The Reds began, hitting the
surrounded Allied force at Chip-
yong from three sides, starting
at 10:45 last night.
At 12:31 p.m. AP correspondent
William J. Waugh reported from
the central front that the Allied
Chipyong defenders radioed they
were battling an "all-out attack."
The Allied force said it was hold-
ing off the Red hordes.
* *: *
SWARMS OF Allied planes were
out over the area despite clouds
and snow flurries. They were
making the biggest air effort of
the war to blunt the red assault,
Tuesday the Far East Air
Force mounted 935 sorties near
the record for the Korean war.
Red strategy was to cut off UN
forces massed against the bridge-
less Han River just across from
Seoul. The Allies held Seoul's

Greeting card dealers chortled
yesterday, but postmen groaned as
both contemplated one of biggest
St. Valentine's Day rushes in re-
cent years.
A "lover's holiday" coming only
two days after the return to school
plus what one dealer described as
"troubled times which make people
conscious of their loved ones,"
combined to make this a concen-
trated as well as a big Valentine's
season for both stationers and
By The Associated Press
Vandenberg, Chief of the Air
Force, claims Russia could push
at least 70 out of 100 bombers
through to United States targets
in a determined attack.
* * *
fense chief Millard F. Caldwell
said yesterday thesCivil Defense
setup will be in shape by the
end of the year so that "we can
take it" in the event of a bomb-
ing attack.
States yesterday granted $12,200,-
000 in loans to Spain.

HOWEVER, card sales, which
ran from "substantially increased"
to "more than tripled" in most'
establishments, posed a somewhat
paradoxical question.
Who was getting all the extra
Most coeds, like Nancy Groes-
beck, '53, claimed that they were
receiving fewer cards than ever.
Attributing the decline to "de-
creasing money and decreasing
chivalry" among campus males,
the pretty coed said her whole
house had been hit by the drop.
Miss Groesbeck admitted under
pressure that she, too, had sent
no Valentine greetings this season.
However, Sally Frost, '51, grudg-
ingly admitted that she had sent
at least one card:
"I sent a nasty valentine to a
boy who I haven't talked to in
REELING from these two blows,
the valentine custom found a de-
fender in Tink Guthe, '52, who
maintained that Valentine cards
were wonderful.
"Nobody makes people send
them-that's why it's so nice
when they do," she asserted.
But Miss Guthe hadn't sent any
Despite the lack of confessed
senders and receivers the trends in

Inductees May Choose Service in June

According to new draft regula-
tions received yesterday -by the.
Washtenaw County Board any
high school. or . college student
whose induction has been post-
poned until June will be given the
right to enlist in any active armed
service whose enlistment quota is
still open.

days. If, during this period, they
ask for a cancellation of induc-
tion and state that they wish to
enlist, the cancellation is auto-
matically granted. The regis-
trant must then enlist within the
thirty days or be inducted.
Enlistment in guard or reserve
units is not allowed unless the in-
dividual will be entering active
-mlitar -arvia hafna tho nti o

When evidence of "essential"
occupation is presented the local
board will re-open and review the
individual's classification. Should
they decide that the. job fits the
definition of "essential" the in-
dividual will be deferred and
placed in II-A.

. u gsponsorship during the semester
But a registrant's *occupation or'are: the Campus Displaced Per-
activity is considered "essential" snn Rtudents Committee. .the


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