Y It'A61 :43a*1l EDITOR'S NOTE See Page 4 CLOUDY, RAIN Latest Deadline in the State CLOUDY, RAIN VOL. LXI, No. 131 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, APRIL 6, 1951 SIX PAG u~tOrer .1 T a Death Sentence or * tomic * Spie * * * * * * * Receives Verdict A I, NEW YORK-(A)-A wartime husband and wife atom spy team was sentenced to death yesterday-the first Americans in the nation's history so doomed for such treachery. They are Julius Rosenberg and his wife Ethel, who ferreted out A-bomb secrets for a Russian-bossed international spy ring. Military courts have sentenced native American spies to death in the past, but a civil court never has. A THIRD DEFENDANT, radar expert Morton Sobell, 34 years old, was convicted with the Rosenbergs. But he escaped the death penalty and got 30 years-in prison instead. K Union Ban. of Mobhilization Board Ends WASHINGTON-(I)-Organiz- ed labor yesterday made its first move back into the mobilization program which it bolted five weeks ago. Union chiefs agreed to serve on President Truman's 17-man Ad- visory Mobilization Board. * * * MR. TRUMAN was reported to be "very happy" about it and the union leaders themselves said they hoped it would lead to a complete solution of the problems which led to their boycott of the mobilization program on Feb. 28. The decision to sit on the overall advisory board which will help determine policy in the cru- cial defense planning of the fu- ture, was announced in the cab- j inet room of the White House after an hour and a half con- t ference between President Tru- man and almost all of the big labor chieftains. They repre- sented _the United Labor Policy Committee. Only big gun missing from the company was John L. Lewis, who was not invited. The Mobilization Advisory Board will hold its first meeting, with President Truman sitting in, on r Monday. The labor unions will have four members on the board. It was generally conceded that these probably would be AFL Pres- ident William Green, CIO Presi- dent Philip Murray, AFL Secre- tary-Treasurer George Meany, and Walter P. Reuther, head of the United Auto Workers. The Mobilization Advisory Board is to be headed by Mobilization Director Charles E. Wilson, for-l mer president of the General Elec- tric Corporation. Most of the com- plaints by union leaders about "big business" domination of the mob- ilization program stemmed from meetings between Wilson and the union men. They did not get along well together. In a grave but stinging lecture, sentencing Judge Irving R. Kaufman said the Rosenbergs' treason-in his own opinion- led to the war in Korea. The result, he added, has been 50,000 American casualties already. Moreover, he said, their crime may yet doom to flaming atomic death millions more innocent citizens. "BY YOUR BETRAYAL you un- doubtedly have altered the course of history to the disadvantage of our country," Judge Kaufman told the Rosenbergs. As the federal judge's solemn words echoed through the court- room, church bells outside tolled the hour of need. Their chimes rang above his voice. The rest of the court was deathly silent. Judge Kaufman set the week of May 21 for the executions. Since the sentence was pronounced in New York, the Rosenbergs will go to the electric chair in line with state custom. * * * HOWEVER, BOTH Rosenbergs have said they will appeal their jury conviction of last week. Such an appeal could delay their exe- cution for many months and might.. even save their lives if successful., The third defendant, Sobell, a former University student, drew the maximum prison sentence-30 years. Judge Kaufman-admitting Sobell's lesser guilt-nevertheless recommended that he not be parol- ed and that he serve the full term. Judge Kaufman put off until today the sentencing of Mrs. Ros- enberg's brother, David Greenglass, 29-year-old former Army sergeant. World News Roundup By The Associated Press TEL AVIV, Israel-Israeli. war planes bombed Syrian troops southeast of the Sea of Galilee last night in retaliation for the killing of seven Israeli policemen there Tuesday, and according to an of- ficial Israeli spokesman, the bomb- ing was successful and the Syrians did not return the fire. WASHINGTON-Another $6,- 421,681,000 for the armed forces was asked by President Truman yesterday, in addition to $41,- 800,000,000 which the Armed Forces are already authorized to spend in the present fiscal \ year. WASHINGTON-President Tru- man praised the Senate's troops- for-Europe resolution yesterday as new evidence of this country's de- termination to do its full share in defending the non - Communist world. $300 PENALTY: Phi Gams Fined; Put Probation Phi Gamma Delta fraternity was fined $300 yesterday and placed on social prohibition until the end of the spring semester for an unauthorized party held on March 17 at 228 S. Thayer, an annex to the Tower Hotel. The Office of Student Affairs acting on the decision of the University Subcommittee on Discipline notified the fraternity of the fine and the social prohibition period. Prof. William W. Blume of the Law School is chairman of the subcommittee, a part of the Student Affairs Committee. S * * * "WE AREN'T COMPLAINING and we know that we're in the wrong," past President Chuck Murry, '51, said last night. "But we I- MacA rthur A dvocates Chiang Aid' WASHINGTOA - (') - Gen. Douglas MacArthur has kicked over the Administration traces again by applauding a Republican leader's demand for the use of Chiang Kai-Shek's Nationalist troops to open a second front against the Communists in Asia. He declared the demand madel by Rep. Martin of Massachusetts, Republican leader of the House, is logical and in accord with the American tradition of "meeting force with maximum counter force." * *~ * THE ADMINISTRATION is op- posed to use of Chiang Kai-Shek's troops, now penned upon Formosa. The official position there is that they are needed for the defense . of Formosa. Officials also say they want to prevent a spread of the, present war beyond Korea. , MacArthur wrote Rep. Mar- tin in reply to a previous letter from Martin, asking for the General's reaction to Martin's Brooklyn Speech Sept. 12. At that time the Republican leader called for a second front on the Chinese mainland and use of Chiang's forces to set it up, Martin read the General's re- ply to the House during debate on the Draft-U7MT bill.r IT WAS THE latest in a seriesf of developments showing a mark-f ed conflict of thinking between the Administration here and the Amer-c ican high command in Tokyo. What the Administration wouldv do about it was not immediately r clear. Last Issue With this issue the Daily sus- p e n d s publication for the Spring Recess. Publication will resume April 17. r n do think it's a pity to impose a fine on the entire group for a party that was attended by a few mem- bers, unauthorized by the chap- ter and held outside the house." The raid which was initiated by a noise complaint was made by Ann Arbor police at 9:30 p.m. Approximately a dozen students were held by the police at the scene of the raid while a check was made with the University officials. All students were then released, except for one who was taken to police headquarters for further questioning. The party had been scheduled to break up at 9:45, 15 minutes after the actual raid, to make way for another fraternity party. This was a first offense for the Phi Gams. * * * LAST NOV. 15 Psi Upsilon fra- ternity was given a $2,000 fine for a similar unauthorized party held in the chapter house. The frater- nity was also placed on social pro- hibition until the.end of the spring semester in 1951. A $750 fine and social prohibi- tion until the end of the 1951 spring semester was imposedon Phi Chi, a medical fraternity, last Jan. 9 for an unauthorized out- of-town party. 'Front Door' Plan Endorsed By Mehlman Outgoing president Gerald Mehl- man, '51, heartily endorsed the Union's "no women through the front door" policy last night in a farewell speech at the annual ban- quet for installation of new offi- cers. "If we discarded the policy we would lose a valuable, intangible part of the Union," Mehlman said. "The Union has a close affili- ation with its alumni, and we believe these men feel strongly that the front door policy should be maintained," Mehlman said. He defended the Board of Di- ector's refusal Wednesday to sub- nit the front door policy to an all1 ampus referendum. "We feel there re better means of determining nembers' views than this, and we re making use of these means t this time," Mehlman said. He lid not reveal what action is be-t ng taken. Special honor keys were awarded to new board members Bert Bates, '53L, Bill Peterson, Grad, Ned Stirton, '51, Joe Pon- setto, '52 Dent., John Ryder, '53L, and Joseph C. Hooper, alumni member. Also receiving keys were outgo- ng Union Executive Council mem- ers Raffee Johns, '51, Ron Mod- in, '52E, Ned Miles, '51E, Gene Mesh, '52BAd, Bob Smith, '52, John1 :athe, Bill DesJardins, '50E, Jim Joran, Fred Ittner, '52, Chuck1 loefler, '52, Larry Ravick, '52,1 teve Marzo, '52E, Chuck Remen, f 52E and Tom Mills. '52.1 Allies -Drive Deeper into North Korea Enemy Forces Resist Fiercely TOKYO -()-- Allied troops, driving as much as eight miles in- to North Korea, today battled fiercely with Communist forces along most of a 40-mile front. The Communists fought back from the hills and ridges defending the North Korean redoubt from which they are expected to launch their great spring offensive. * * * ACROSS THE LINE on the front stretching from mountainous cent- ral Korea to the river valleys north of Seoul were U.S., British, Greek, South Korean and Thailand troops. Elements of four allied divi- sions were pressing the attack, designed to keep the enemy off balance. The advance was slow. The Reds far behind the fight- ing lines sent 30 of their swift jets into aerial combat in north- west Korea and were repulsed by only 12 U.S. Sabre jets. At least five enemy jets were damaged. ALLIED PILOTS on the prowl for night convoys heading toward the front said enemy traffic fell off sharply last night. The average for a week had been about 1,700 enemy vehicles a night. But last night it was little more than 1,000. Pilots es- timated they wrecked 175 enemy vehicles yesterday. AP Correspondent Leif Erickson at U.S. Eighth Army Headquarters said the Allied advance beyond the 38th parallel was slow but steady. He predicted the whole battle- front would be shifted into North Korea shortly. He saidthe Eighth Army reportedd1,140 Reds killed or wounded and 39 captured yes- terday. One American armored column stabbed nearly eight miles north of the old South Koreanborder along the main highway towards the Red assembly point of Kum- hwa in the west-central sector. Resistance varied from light to heavy. Replacements Sent to Korea WASHINGTON -- () - Battle weary veterans from Korea will start flowing home this month, re- placed at the front by fresh troops from the United States. Announcing a new rotation plaA', Secretary of the Army Pace said yesterday the exchange will eventually average about 20,000 men a month. The Army estimated this point would be reached in early summer. The plan calls for the direct re- turn to the United States of as many men as possible, particular- ly in its early phases. Later some may be shifted to garrison duty in the Far East Command tempor- arily on their way home. fVinson Raps New College Deferments Proposes New IJMT Alteration -Daily-Bill Hampton FALLEN WREATH * * * * An Editorial The powers of dictatorship have temporarily won out over the principle of freedom of the press. Argentine Dictator Peron's silencing of La Prensa has not only stifled one of the most courageous and forthright newspapers in the world. It has challenged the freedom and dignity of all mankind. Today newspapers and radio stations throughout the nation have scheduled a period of mourning for La Prensa. On such an occasion, the words of an editorial which appeared in La Prensa on its 80th anniversary (Oct. 18, 1949) are most fitting: 'The newspaper cannot be silent nor conceal, much less approve what it does not believe proper or plausible. Corresponding to that journalistic duty, which has its origin in freedom of the press, it is the duty of the authori- ties-of all authorities from the most burdened to the most modest-to respect that freedom, the people's free- dom,,because it is used by them, but at the same time it is open to the public. And it will not be generally under- stood that this freedom is respected if newspapers are deprived of the necessary materials for printing, circula. tion and distribution, or if their representatives are denied access to the sources of information. "Where freedom of the press is ignored or threat- ened, all other freedoms of the citizens are in danger. The peoples who have not understood that fact have paid dearly for their non-comprehension or their in- difference." .n. ' .*.. * By The Associated Press The House Armed Services Com- mittee will move to scuttle Draft Director Lewis B. Hershey's college deferment plan through an Amendment to the new draft act' according to Chairman Carl Vin- son (D-Ga.). Rep. Paul J. Kilday (D-Tex.) will offer an amendment to the bill, which has already received informal sanction by the commit' tee, to bar the proposed aptitude tests and leave college deferments on the present basis. Rep. Vin- son said yesterday that the Kil- day proposal is sound, and predict- ed that it would be incorporated into the law. SOME COMMITTEE sources re- ported that the change in the committee's viewpoint arose be- cause the committee did not rea- lize when it approved the plan how liberal it would be or how. many men could be deferred. About 800,000 men could qua- ify for deferment under the new plan, while only 570,000 are noW deferred for college training. Under the proposed plan, draft registrants who' enter college be- fore being called by their local' boards will win deferments if they make a score of 70 on the aptitude tests to be set up by Gen. Hear- shey. The first tests are aiready scheduled, and tests and forms are now being readied for distribution to local draft boards. THE ADMINISTRATION'S Uni- versal Military Training proposal was also the butt of House attack. By offering to put off a real de- cision, the Administration might save the form of a UMT program and at least get the planning started. Chairman Vinson, chief spon-- sor of the combined UMT-Draft Extension ,bill, made the offer. He told newsmen he will spon- sor an amendment to require later approval by both branches of Congress before any training plan goes into actual operation. As the bill now stands the pro- gram would be planned by a civi. ian commission to be named by the president. The commission would submit its outline to the lawmakers. Either house would have a veto but it would require affirmative action to turn down the plan submitted. Otherwise it would go into effect in60 days. UNDER VINSON'S new propo- sal it would require positive appro- val by both House and Senate, the same as with a new law, to make the commission's proposal effec- tive. Besides the fuller chance to kill the whole thing, the new language would give Congress A chance to make any changes it desired in the'outline submitted Under the measure's present provisions the vote would be on,,' a take-it-or-leave-it basis. Commenting on the draft pro- posal Rep. Ford (R-Mich.) said yesterday that President Truman's recent order on college student deferments would create " a. poor; man's army." * * * SENATOR Ferguson (R-Mich.) also protested the order, saying it sets up "preferred categories." Ford said the order contains "serious discriminatory provisions." In Lansing the State Senate yesterday condemned President Truman's "all inclusive" exemp- 4,n *,.. -,n.11.-.. Atsntvt who Top Airlines May Abandon Willow Run High ranking officials from the seven major airlines now occupy- ing the University's Willow Rur Airport met yesterday to discuss whether they would continue their contracts with the University ox move to Romulus Airport ir Wayne County. The University, currently nego- tiating with the airlines for re- newal of the 'contracts,'ws o represented at the discussion. Air- line officials declined comment on the outcome of the meeting but said it was "preliminary" and in- dicated that a decision would probably not be made for two weeks. REPORTEDLY, t h e airlines were considering the move to Romulus on the basis of getting Detroit's major airport closer to the city in order to save time in transporting passengers. Most of E the airlines involved are also be- lieved to be losing money on their agreements with the University which stipulate that the cost of maintaining the six runways and two larke hanars ha. hard r) f r. d TOUR CAMPUS, CITY: German Visitors Enjoy A merican Friendliness The people of Argentina are now paying "dearly their non-comprehension or their indifference." The for La Prensa incident should serve as a danger signal to thinking people throughout the rest of the world. .-The Senior Editors American frankness and infor- mality have made a hit with six German visitors who are currently in Ann Arbor as participants in a special State Department project. In this country to survey local government and democracy, the group of civic leaders from a small city in Bavaria expressed wonder and appreciation at the casual air which the Americans they have met have conducted themselves. * * * staying at the Sigma Pi frater- nity house. Since they and the one female traveler, a secretary to a city of- ficial, arrived here six days ago, they have been viewing the town, its civic projects and the Univer- sity under the guidance of Don Nuechterlein, Grad. "THE WAY THE Student Legis- lature meeting was conducted amazed us," they went on. "Every- one could contribute when then STONE OF SCONE SAGA: IU' Students To Join Scot Crusade By RON WATTS Two University students, Paul 'Angus' Campbell, '51BAd, and Don 'Mac' MacGregor, '52E, have shaken the moth balls from their kilts and tuned their bagpipes in preparaftion to join 3,000 students from Glasgow University, Scot- land when they march on London. when they marrrch on London," Campbell said in a strong Scotch burr. The Hawkshaws of Scotland Yard have been working stead- ily since the theft to detect the whereabouts of the 485 pound sandstone block. According to r... *ho.. I., .v a1 *Iho n moderate Scottish nationalists," Prof. William Willcox of the his- tory department said. He pointed out that there were two groups of nationalists, the moderates and the radicals. "Any rash British action might drive the moderates into the ..m..of hQ r- din-..n