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April 05, 1951 - Image 6

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Michigan Daily, 1951-04-05

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Fraternities Hear
Bias Poll Results
Fraternity men are now getting the scientific lowdown on the
real nature of their attitudes towards minority groups and towards
a change in membership policies.
Report-back sessions on the discrimination survey taken last
spring by the Interfraternity Council and the Research Center for
Group Dynamics are now well underway. Last year, each affiliated
man filled out a comprehensive questionnaire getting his opinions
on various aspects of the touchy racial and religious minority questions.
THE REPORT-BACKS are made by staff members of the Research
Center, with the reactions of the individual house illustrated and con-
trasted with overall fraternity reactions by means of charts. After
the results have been demonstrated, the men discuss their feelings
on membership practices in light of the survey results.
So far, 13 fraternities have heard the results of the survey.
The rest are now being given the reports at a rate of three or four
a week. This phase of the project will be concluded by the middle
of May, according to Prof. Ronald Lippitt, Program Director of
the Research Center.,
One of the most interesting results of the survey, Prof. Lippitt felt,
was the discovery that individual houses differ widely in their atti-
tudes. Because of this fluctuation, it was decided to report the results
to the houses individually rather than immediately publish the overall
THEREFORE, results of the survey are being kept confidential
.until all the report-backs have been, made, according to Prof. Lippitt.
Another sampling is being taken of the reaction of the men to the
These additional results will be tabulated as quickly as pos-
sible, and overall figures for the project should be available for
release by September, Prof. Lippitt estimated. The IFC and the
Research Center will collaborate on the publication.
The Research Center undertook the project at the request of the
IFC last spring when the issue of fraternity membership policies
seemed to be coming to a head.
"WE HAVE no ax to grind in this survey," Prof. Lippitt empha-
sized. "Our only objective aside from collection of the data is to get
the affiliates to recognize that a problem exists, and to discuss it
fully in formulating policy."
Prof. Lippitt expressed regret that the survey couldn't have in-
cluded more of the campus. However,.he said that previous smaller
surveys have indicated that the attitudes of other students are not
fundamentally very different from those of fraternity men.
The IFC envisages the survey as part of its long range program
of "educated tolerance," according to Pete Johnstone, '51, head of
the IFC Human Relations Committee. This program was undertaken
last spring after considerable campus pressure. SL has since imposed
a 1956 deadline for removal of bias clauses anyway.

Events Today
JAPANESE ART--Jiro Harada,
Japanese art specialist will speak
on "Japanese Gardens" at 4:15
p.m. in the Rackham Amphithea-
tre. His speech will be sponsored
by the fine arts department.
CONCERT - Patricia Pierce
will give the final music school
faculty concert at 8:30 p.m.' in
Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. Her
piano program will include music
of Scarlatti, Prokofieff, Poulenc,
Faure and Schumann.
Events Tomorrow
CONVENTION -- The Michigan
Engineering Society's 71st annual
convention will hear an address by
Prof. J. Phillip Wernette of the
business administration school at
noon in the Union. Prof. Wernette
will speak on "Don't Sell America
Short!" And at a 7 p.m. meeting
of the group, also in the Union,
Prof. Chester Wisler Af the en-
gineering college will discuss "The
Last Frontier."


A .

--Mike Scherer
DREAMS OF GLORY-Nancy Groesbeck, '52, sits in the begin-
nings of her soap box derby racer. She anticipates a victorious
finish in the coming May 19 all-campus Soap Box Derby.
* * * *
Specifications for Soap
Boxt Racers .Announced

- '



Plans for the all-campus Soap
Box Derby to be held on Geddes
Rd. May 19, were rolling ahead
yesterday as Bill DesJardins, '51E,
Derby chairman, announced ten-
tative specifications for the rac-
Any male student enrolled at
the University is eligible to com-
pete in the Derby, DesJardins
said. However, the status of coed
entries has not been decided by
the Student Affairs Committee.
HOPING THAT students would
begin construction of their racers
over spring vacation, DesJardins
Bad Acoustics
At Rackham
It looks like Rackham Lecture
Hall audiences will continue to
strain their, ears whenever a
speaker addresses them in dulcet
or soft tones.
Goaded by a continual stream
of complaints, Rackham officials
have admitted that the acoustics
in the Lecture Hall are "poor," but
claim nothing can be done about
No money!
DEAN Ralph A. Sawyer of the
Graduate School explained that
the 13 year old public address sys-
tem is the main source of the
trouble. "There is a limit to the
extent of its amplification."
But, he added, there is noth-
ing we can do about it except
to have the P.A. System com-
pletely rebuilt, and that would
take money.
Mrs. Lois M. Beltram, Rackham
house director, expressed even
greater disgust with the loud-
speaker. Informed that The Daily
had been getting some complaints
in regard to the Hall's acoustics,
she retorted: "You're getting com-
plaints! Why, we get them after
every lecture."
"Not only is the public address
system poor," she' continued, "the
ventilating fan positively roars."

issued the following specifications,
which are subject * to slight
To begin with, the' racers
must have four rubber-tired
wheels not more than 12 inches
in diameter. They must have
a wheel tread of 30 to 40 inches,
a wheel base of not less than
40 inches, a maximum length
and width of 108 inches and 48
inches respectively. There must
be a three inch road clearance
provided and the racers can't
be over 45 inches high.
The maximum weight of the
cars must be no more than 200
pounds and loaded, it must not
weigh more than 375.
The Derby is sponsored by the
TennisBall Committee indcon-
junction with its annual dance
and an all-campus Arb party.

Featuring Genuine
Salad, Rolls, Coffee



. . with Harry Reed


Things are getting serious ford
comic Jack Benny and singer
Margaret Truman.
At 9 p.m. today, Benny takes a
turn on "Suspense" as Hercules
Remington, a piano tuner who be-
comes involved in a $25,000 theft,
and later this month Margaret
will make her debut as a dramatic
actress when she co-stars with
James Stewart in "Jackpot" on
"Screen Director's Playhouse."
SHE HAS recently signed an
exclusive contract with NBC for
guest appearances on radio and
TV, and has called off all press
receptions and interviews to study
and rehearse for her coming show.
Grads Granted
120 Awards
One hundred and twenty fel-
lowships and scholarships have
been awarded by the Executive
Board of the Horace H. Rackham
School of Graduate Studies.
Dean Ralph A. Sawyer explained
yesterday that the awards, pre-
sented on the basis of high schol-
astic standing, have been made
to students from universities and
colleges' throughout the United
States and Canada.
* * *
SIX DIFFERENT kinds of fel-
lowships and scholarships have
'been awarded and will be effective
at the beginning of the fall se-
There were 10 Horace H.
Rackham pre-doctoral fellow-
ships worth $1,500 each and four
Horace H. Rackham special fel-
lowships worth $1,000 each.
Forty-two of the awards were
University fellowships worth from
$800 to $1,100 each and 28 were
University scholarships which will
cover semester fees.
Included were state college
scholarships valued at $750 each
which go to one student from 21
colleges in Michigan.
Read and Use
Daily Classifieds


f o r futureI

Monday nights is "The Somer-
set Maugham Television The-
atre" show which premiered the
other night. The hour long show
is slated to appear every other
Monday night with such favor-'
ites of the author as "Rain,"
and "Of Human Bondage."
* * *
Groucho Marx, star of "You Bet
Your Life," was recently awarded
title of "Most Outstanding TV
Personality" by West Coast writ-
ers, but confessed his pinnacle of
success in title-collecting was be-
ing named the "most enjoyprble
entertainer" by inmates of San
Quentin prison last week.
GUEST STAR joke is the ap-
pearance of Lefty Denise Darcel
withrBasil Rathbone and Frank
Sinatra on Frankie's TV show.
'It's like two featherweights con-
tending with Ezzard Charles.
Understatement of the year,
from Teleguide magazine's award
selections . . . Dagmar-New Per-
I~ ~I




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