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April 05, 1951 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1951-04-05

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Latest Deadline in the State



VOL. LXI, No. 130




Senate Endorses Sending

Troops to Europ






* * *







Battle Rages
Along 40
Mile Front
Tank-led Troops
Gain Four Miles
TOKYO-(AP)-Big United Na
tions forces, led personally by thei
field general, last night carried
the fight to 500,000 massing Com
munists inside Red Korea.
The tank-led , UN throngs ad
vanced across more than 40 mile
r of front in the west and center.
gained up to four miles despiti
fierce resistance by hill-entrenche
Reds, utilizing heavy mortars, ar
tillery and mine fields.
Thunderous. Allied artillery
barrages and bombing planes
ripped into Chinese and North
Koreans who switched from pre-
vious tactics and tried to stand
and fight. Before, they had met
such onslaughts by rolling with
each UN thrust.
Lt. Gen. Matthew B. Ridgwa:
went across the 38th parallel witi
heavy forces yesterday in Centra
Korea. That first big Allied pene-
tration of the parallel at the moun-
tainous center was aimed directly
at the heart of Reds concentrating
for an expected spring counter.
* s "
heavily concentrated that Reds
who tried a counter-attack on the
western front were shot to pieces
before one enemy reached the Al-
lied positions.
"That's fie power for you-
that's the stuff we want," an Al-
lied officer exclaimed.
Earlier one armored spearhead
had rammed four miles north o
the Red Korean border. It was
feeling its way toward the heari
of the massive Communist build-
up behind the west-central front
* , *
Armies-an estimated 500,000 men
--are believed coiling for a great
spring offensive aimed at sweep-
ing United Nations forces into the
Meanwhile Allied fighters and
bombers, ranging over North Kor-
ea without much opposition, con-
tinued to take a steady toll of Red
troops and equipment.
Tokyo Denies
Russians Mass
In Manchuria
By The Associated Press
Informed sources at General
MacArthur's headquarters denied
yesterday that Russia's 500,000-
man Far Eastern Army was build-
ing up its forces within Man-
This observation was made in
comment on House Speaker Sam
Rayburn's statement in Congress
earlier yesterday that Red troops,
who-he said-are "not all of
them Chinese Communists by a
great extent," were increasing
their strength in Manchuria.
RAYBURN had warned that
the Nation stands in the 'face of'
a terrible danger "that may be
the beginning Of World War III."

Asked off the floor if he meant
the Russians, the Speaker re-
plied 4"I'm standing now on
what I have said."
The Russians are believed to
naintain some garrisons in the
nominally Chinese territory of
Manchuria. They are known to

Union Coed Plant
Mae Permanent
Board Votes Against Referendum
On Issue in All-Campus Elections
Union tradition crumbled a bit around the edges last night
when the Board of Directors made permanent the policy of letting
coeds use the cafeteria and bowling alleys when escorted by a
Union member.
Put into -effect several months ago on a trial basis, the coed
policy was last night written into law so that escorted women
may have ftill use of cafeteria facilities from 2:30 to 5 p.m. every
day of the week and from 7 to 11 p.m. Friday and Saturday nights.
At the same time the board opened up four bowling alleys to

* * C
A nnounced
T The Union nominations com-
mittee last night named 15 stu-
dents to run for six Union vice-
presidential posts on the April
24 ballot.
Explaining that according to the
called-for makeup of the Union
Executive Council, one vice-presi-
dent is to be elected from each
school or combination of schools,
committee chairman Merlin Town-
ley, '52M, said that the following
students would be on the ballot:
Engineering and architecture
schools; Sam Alfieri, '54 A&D, L.
Ronald. Modlin, '52E, Stephen
Marzo, '52E.
Combined schools; John Visos-
ky, '52, Gene Mesh, '52 BAd.
Literary College and Graduate
School; Jim Witzler, '52, Raffee
Johns, '51, Lawrence Ravick, '52,
Fred Ittner, '52.
Law School; James W. Callison,
'53L, Herbert Leiman, '53L.
Dentistry school; Arthur Nolen,
'53D, Bill Daines, '53D.
Medical School; John E. Finger,
'54M, James A. Taren, '52M.
* * *
THE COMMITTEE refused to
reveal the number of petitions
turned down although Townley
said that these were "fewer than
Townley emphasized that the
committee was not "omnipo-
tent" in selecting nominees.
Any student who turns in a pe-
tition of 200 names of students
from his school before the
printing deadline Twill be placed
on the ballot.
"However, as far as I know, no-
body has ever done it," he added.
Plan Peace Group
The Society for Peaceful Alter-
natives, unanimously adopted a
constitution last night in a meet-
ing at the Union.
The purpose of the organizationi
was stated to be "to help create a
sound and ethical solution to the
problems of war and peace, most;
important of all, to organize in
such a manner that the policy-
makers of America will be in-
formed as to the will of the peo-

women and their dates Friday and
Saturday nights and Sunday aft-
* * *
BUT THE board turned thumbs
down on a proposal to submit
Union coed policies to a referen-
dum in the coming all-campus
elections. The referendum, sug-
gested by John Duffey, '51L, would
have given students an opportun-
ity to vote on two questions:
1. Should escorted coeds be
allowed to use the cafeterias at
any time of the day?
2. Should they be allowed to
enter through the front door?
Although Duffey had previously
hoped to see his questions referred
to the student body, he said last
night that he was "fully satisfied"
with the board's decision.
* * *
APPARENTLY the board's cafe-
teria decision, which excludes wo-
men on'week nights, is slated to
continue indefinitely. The front
door policy, however, is destined
for further study.
The board said it decided not
to submit the issues to referen-
dum because 1) the organiza-
tion's constitution provides oth-
er machinery for a membership
vote, and 2) a referendum
would "in no way indicate the
feelings of Union members since
most membership lies in the
ranks of University member-
While approving joint use of
the cafeteria and bowling alleys,
the board decided not to let coeds
in the billiard room because this
was considered a largely male ac-
tivity. Coeds were also excluded
from the adjoining ping pong ta-
Father of '
KALAMAZOO -(A')- Alfred B.
Connable, Sr., 79 years old, former
Kalamazoo mayor and noted in-
dustrialist, died yesterday of a
heart attack.
Connable, father of University
of Michigan Regent Alfred B. Con-
nable, Jr., graduated from the Uni-
versity in 1894 and later received
a law degree from Northwestern
University. He was prominent in
Michigan alumni circles.
A two-term mayor in Kalama-
zoo, Connable was founder of the
Kalamazoo City Commission Gov-
ernment, cited nationally as a
model municipal administration.{
He also served as a director of
many national industrial concerns.+

NEW YORK-(P)-A promi-
nent author quotes President
Truman as saying he is "sav-
ing up four or five good, hard
punches 'on the nose" for per-
sons who have written "lies"
about his family.
"And when I'm out of this
job," the President was said to
have added, "I'm going to run
around and deliver them per-
Author John Hershey says
the President 'made the com-
ment to him in a conversation
late last year. Hershey tells
the story in the first of a series
of articles on Mr. Truman ap-
pearing in the New Yorker
Two Labor
Disputes Hit
Two labor disputes may delay
further the opening of the South
Quad, the University Business Of-
fice revealed yesterday. \
The disputes center around the
installation of 1,150 wardrobe un-
its in the Quad rooms and the con-
struction of tile ceilings in various
parts of the building.
* * 4
THE WARDROBE units are
ready for shipment from Carrom
Industries, Inc., of Ludington,
Mich., but the workmen at the
South Quad refuse to handle them,
and are holding up construction it
was reported yesterday.
The workers, members of the
Brotherhood of Carpenters and
Joiners (AFL), contend that in-
stallation of the units would be
a violation of their union con-
stitution which states:
"No member of the Brotherhood
working in our jurisdiction will
handle, install, use or erect any
materials of wood, fibre or plastic
producted or manufactured, which
are not made by members of our
* * *
THE WARDROBE units were
made by Carrom employes who re-
cently voted to leave the Brother-
hood and join the UAW-AFL at an
election authorized and conducted
by the National Labor Relations
Technically, however, the con-
tract between the Carrom work-
ers and the Brotherhood does not
expire until tomorrow.'
Company representatives and
International officers of the
Brotherhood are now negotiating
in Indianapolis, Ind.
* * *
THE COMPANY reportedly feels
the constitutional rule should be
declared invalid in this case be-
cause its employes were members
of the Brotherhood when the ward-
robes were made.
The other dispute which threat-
ens to delay the opening centers
around the question of who is to
install the accoustical tile in the
building's corridors - the plasters
or the carpenters.
This problem is awaiting the de-
cision of the Building Trades
Council in Washington, according
to Fred Anderson of Ann Arbor
Carpenter's Local 512.

Ratios Given
By Officials
WASHINGTON - () - Draft
headquarters announced today
that freshmen in the upper half,
sophomores in the upper two-
thirds and juniors in the upper
three-fourths of their classes will
be deferred during the next under-
graduate years.
These collegians may also rate
a deferment by scoring 70 on the
forthcoming aptitude tests, Selec-
tive Service said.
Seniors planning graduate work
will be deferred for a year if they
either rank in the top half of their
class or score 75 on the test.
Selective Service ' emphasized
that students are not required to
meet both qualifications. They get
a deferment either by ranking in
the top percentage of the class or
by getting a high enough test
The test, designed to measure
ability to learn and not knowledge,
will be given only to those already
in college on May 26, June 16 and
June 30.
Selective Service said a score of
70 on the aptitude test is equiva-
lent to 120 on the Army General
Classification Test (AGCT). A
score of 75 is equivalent to 130 on
the AGCT.
College classes ranking will be
made only on the basis of the
male students. Selective Service
said beyond that each college will
determine whether a whole male
class will be taken into considera-
tion or whether each field of study
will be ranked separately.
Draft Policy
Hit by Board,
State Senator
By The Associated Press
As a Michigan county draft
board attacked the government's
new draft policy regarding stu-
dents, a resolution was introduced
in the State Legislature, condemn-
ing President Truman's action.
In East Lansing yesterday, a
resolution called the President's
order, "class legislation and class
treatment of able-bodied citizens
who should be called upon impar-
tially to defend the principles of
The resolution, submited by Sen-
ator Frank Andrews, was sent to
committee in the Senate for study.
At the same time, Kent county's
draft board No. 43 said it would
not consider the deferment of col-
lege students after passing an ap-
titude test, until it had received a
At issue, apparently, was the
draft's application to college stu-
dents as compared to farm workers
and others.
The Kent board issued a sharply
worded statement saying, "Brand-
ing those economically unable to
afford college as the only ones
eligible for the defense of our
country was construed (by the
board) as an insult to those whom
they are inducting into the serv-

"IKE" SIGNS-Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower sigans SHAPE General
Order No. 1 in his Paris headquarters on April 2, making Supreme
Headquarters Allied Powers in Europe operational. As he signed he
said that any delay in congressional action on defense measures
"would delay the whole operation of defense in Western Europe."
Yesterday the Senate backed Eisenhower up by voting to send
100,000 American soldiers to Western Europe's defense.
Group Rushes To Form
LocalNAACP Chapter'

A determined group of Univer-
sity students moved swiftly last
night in a drive to form a campus
chapter of the National Associa-
tion for the Advancement of Col-
ored People.
Five students, three of them


campus organiza-l

For Deluge
Of Women
The three to one ratio on cam-
pus is scheduled to reverse itself
considerably next week-but only
those men remaining in Ann Ar-
bor during vacation will be able
to take advantage of it.
Approximately 400 women, rep-
resenting colleges in 40 states, are
expected to arrive in Ann Arbor
Tuesday to attend the bienniel
convention of the Athletic Fed-
eration of College Women. They
will remain here until April 13,
when the convention ends.
* * *
AN EXTENSIVE program has
been planned for these women,
but the highlight, at least as far
as the men are concerned, will
be the co-recreation night sched-
uled for Wednesday at the I-M
All men remaining on campus
are invited, Barbara Molyneaux,
of the WAA declared. A rota-
tion of sports, including volley-
ball, s w i m m i n g, handball,
squash, badminton, paddleball
and square dancing will be fea-
Reactions to this unexpected
abundance of femininity during
vacation ar.e varied. Those going
home felt that the Federation had
chosen a very inopportune time
to hold a convention.
* * *
ONE DETROIT resident, how-
ever, promised to come back to
Ann Arbor in view of the situa-
tion. "This happens so seldom
that I can't afford to pass it up,"
he declared.

tions, decided to proceed with the
greatest possible speed to secure
NAACP and University recogni-
tion because of possible compe-
tition from "an extreme leftist
bunch" who Young Republican
president Dave Cargo, '51, said
were attempting to set up a simi-
lar organization which "they
could run."
SPEEDING UP the organizing
process, the group constituted it-
self the nucleus of a membership
committee, elected Edward Daw-
ley temporary president and voted
to submit a request for recogni-
tion to the Office of Student Af-
fairs by Friday.
Meanwhile Al Blumrosen, '53L,
asserted that he would, contact
NAACP offices in New York this
weekend about the possibility of
a rival group and would try to
expedite the granting of a char-
ter to their own organization.
"I'm just going . . . to tell the
NAACP to be on the lookout for
a n y t h i n g phoney," Blumrosen
* * *
also request the speaking services
of Walter White, NAACP presi-
dent, or Walter Reuther, board
member, to launch the local chap-
ter's membership campaign.
Explaining the objectives of the
new alphabet group, Dawley de-
clared that it would "try to pro-
mote better understanding be-
tween races and investigate any
possibilities of discrimination at
the University."
Day of Mourning
Set for La .Prensa
By The Associated Press
Newspapers and radio stations
in growing numbers are declaring
a day of mourning tomorrow for
the Argentine newspaper La Pren-
The Daily is planning to partici-
pate in the movement.
The great Buenos Aires paper,
a foe of Argentine President Per-
on, has been forced to close by a
dispute with government dominat-
ed labor unions.

OK Dispatch
Man Force
Ask Consultatio
On Any Increase
WA "INGTON-(A-he Sen
W S I G O - ) - h e'ate gave full endorsement last
night to sending 100,000 American
soldiers-four combat divisions and
their supporting troops-to the de-
fense of Western Europe.
But it called on President Tru-
man to obtain the approval of
Congress before ordering any more
ground troops into the interna-
tional army commanded by Gen.
Dwight D. Eisenhower.
THESE ARE the cornerstones of
the Senate's historic troops-for-
Europe resolution, adopted by a
vote of 69 to 21.
Action came on the second an-
niversary of the signing of the
North Atlantic Treaty in Wash-
ington April 4, 1949.
It climaxed nearly three months
of bitter debate about what con-
tribution the United States should
make in fighting men to help
guard Western Europe against the
possibility of Russian aggression.
bate became a fierce contest be-
tween those who want Congres-
sional checks on the President and
those who believe Truman should
have a free hand as Commander i
Chief of the armed forces.
The resolution expresses only
the sense of the Senate. It is not
legally binding upon the Presi-
dent, who claims full authority
to deploy troops around the
world but who has said he will
consult Congress as a matter of
Yet the opinion of the Senate
will carry great weight at home
and abroad.
* * a
MOREOVER, THE Senate im-
mediately proceeded to consider a
concurrent, or two-house, resolu-
tion along the same lines. This, un-
like the resolution adopted earlier,
would give the House of Represen-
tatives a chance to go on record on
the questions. Some legislators
have demanded that such an op-
portunity be given to the House.
Senator Taft of Ohio, the Re-
publican policy leader in the
Senate, hailed the Senate resolu-
tion as stating "we have the
constitutional power" to restrain
the President.
"No President of the United
States will dare to defy the Con-
gress," he said in the closing mini-
utes of the debate.
Senator Connally of Texas, who
was the Democratic floor manager
for the resolution, saw in its pas-
sage assurance that "there will be
no world war this year."
"The Russians will not defy the
free nations of the world," he de-
Forty-two Democrats and 27 Re-
publicans voted for the Sen-
ate measure. Nineteen Republicans
and two Democrats-Ellender of
Louisiana and Fulbright of Arkan-
sas-voted against it.
It required three days of argu-
ment and roll calls to reach the
vote taken tonight.
'Queens' Issued
Still tUndecided

Consideration of a motion to
place the "campus queens" ques-
tion on the ballot in the spring
election was dramatically cut
short by the automatic adjourn-
ment deadline last night in the
Student Legislature.
Proposed by Bill McIntyre, '52,
the motion advocated placing the
question "Do! you approve of the
University ruling prohibiting the
selection of campus queens for
special occasions by campus
groups?" to a separate vote by men
and women in the upcoming elec-
Earlier in the meeting, after the
failure of a motion to rescind last
week's action to okay Tug Week

Swinton Says Korea Relieved Other Communist Threats


American intervention in Korea
has perhaps saved Iran from a
Communist invasion and lessened
Red pressure on such political hot
spots as Yugoslavia and Siam, As-
sociated Press correspondent Stan

lians dead from cold and hunger,
or left homeless by the weapons
of modern war."{
He pointed out that the Kor-
ean eisode has proved the need
for weeding out incompetents in
t a mm..nrp. oc ccpinn aPy-


* *

minor squabbles, and racial seg-
probing forces to see if their pow-
er plants at the Yalu River were
regation is steadily being elimin-
AS *o
AS FAR AS the final outcome

ean peninsula, 'Hoardes' was not
just a colorful word for the be-
nefit of hometown newspapers."
"At first the Chinese sent out
endangered by the UN drive.
They ran into mopping up troops

BUT SWINTON said other ac-
tions-although successful-could
have turned into two of the big-
gest blunders in the country's his-
He said if the tide had not
-. ..m F

. ........

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