... . .. .. .. in TIlE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, APRIL 4, 1951 We Mourn The Loss Crime Investigations SHE CANCELLATION of the liberal arts Honors Program will be a genuine loss to this University. With its broad humanitarian base and emphasis on mature individual work, the program came closer to reaching an edu- cational ideal than any other course of study to be found here. For students en- rolled in it, it was a rich and rewarding program, one which made their college experience stimulating and challenging. In addition the Honors Program was a benefit to the University as a whole. It of- fered clear proof that this University recog- nized the need for a program devoted to intensive study of the world's greatest think- ers and writers in all fields. By supporting such a program the University helped fur- ther its own excellent reputation. The reason given for dropping the pro- gram is that its cost was out of proportion to the number of students enrolled. Judging from the statements of past students how- ever, it would seem that the apparent lack of response has been due to some external factor-poor publicity perhaps. But there is one encouraging sign: in de- ciding to abandon the program, the literary college has left the way open for a re-adop- tion of it "at some later date should the faculty of this college so desire." What we assume this means is that an attempt to trim expenditures combined with a lack of wide student interest has made the Honors Program seem expend- able. Some enthusiasm and interest in the pro- gram on the part of present sophomores and juniors might well result in the program's being reconsidered. And certainly there must be many more than the 40 or 50 students deemed necessary for the maintenance of the program who are anxious to see it re- stored and to enroll in it. Too many of the beneficial services available at this Univer- sity wither away because they are unpubli- cized rather than because they are un- wanted. On the other hand, this present lapse may be just the thing needed to focus at- tention on the Honors Program. If the cur- rent withdrawal of the program draws at- tention to its merits, an indication of this interest may well result in its rebirth. We would suggest that anyone who would like to enroll in a program of this type, or would like;to see it reinstated in- form their academic counsellors or the deans of the literary college. If this interest is as widespread as the merits of the program would indicate it should be, the decision to withdraw it now might well result in its reinstatement as a stronger, more ital program. -Roma Lipsky. Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. NIGHT EDITOR: RON WATTS Government Ethics IN ONE of the most moving and logical speeches made in years, Sen. J. William Fulbright (D.-Ark.) recently pointed up the lack of morals in all phases of government, Reporting to the Senate on the findings of the RFC invstigations, Sen. Fulbright said that his committee continually ran into cases in which the letter of the law was. upheld, but the spirit of it, the moral core, was repeatedly ignored. This brings up the larger problem, the problem of the ever growing lack of mor- als in the U.S., especially in the areas of government and law. The notorious five-percenters were the first to be exposed, and then came that hail- fellow-well-met, Harry Vaughn, presidential advisor and influence peddler de-luxe. And now this country is confronted with the big- gest series of outbreaks in years, with the RFC and gangland in general playing lead- ing roles. The present state of national morals can greatly endanger our international position as the bastion of Western Democratic ideals. Our actions not only tend to prove to West- ern Europe the truth of Russia's assertion that capitalism is decadent and corrupt, but also that we are immature and incapable of world leadership. Russia has alredy had a field-day broadcasting our domestic troubles, and this has disturbed our allies greatly, judging by their recent statements. Internally, however, this lack of morals can be even more detrimental. Our free enterprise system seems to have descend- ed to a get-it-at-any-price-but-stay-with- in-the-law type of philosophy. This atti- tude is prevalent in business and govern- mental circles, because the money to be had from clever dealing is a great temp- tation. All it seems tlo take is a smart law- yer and a few well satisfied government officials. But this philosophy has found practition- ers in other phases of American life. The basketball scandal and the state of amateur athletics in general demonstrates how moral decay can spread. The ultimate result of the present situa- tion can be the eventual destruction of this country. Arthur J. Toynbee, the noted his- torian, has long expounded the theory that the fall of civilizations in the past has been due not to external aggression but to inter- nal decadence. And this country, unless something is done immediately to correct the present situation, seems to be heading down the path to extinction. From a legal standpoint, there Isn't much Congress can do. If legislation is attempted, a smart lawyer will sooner or later find a loophole in it. Besides, it is difficult to legis- late morals, especially when that legislation is aimed at controllng the actions of so many diverse elements. Recognizing this fact, Sen. Fulbright has. proposed the appointment of a committee to be composed of such men as Robert Hutchins, Walter Reuther and Reinhold Niebuhr, men whose moral integrity and wisdom are beyond question. If these men are presented with the problem, a work- able solution -could result, or at least suggestions would be made that would give Congress some idea of how to attack the problem. The difficulty in stemming the tide of moral decay is obvious, but it is also ob- vious that something has to be done to cor- rect the existing situation. Let us hope that Sen. Fulbright's proposed committee can give us the answer. -Gerald Helman Referendum TONIGHT the Union Board of Directors .willconsider putting two controversial "Women vs. the Union" issues on the ballot in the spring election. If they agree, students will have the opportunity to say whether they think women should be allowed to enter the front door of the Union, and whether the sacrosanct cafeteria will be generally opened to escorted women. And if enough students favor the ideas, the restrictions may be removed. At this moment, the Union Board of Di- rectors have in their hands the chance to be painlessly liberal. They don't even have to commit themselves. Not many individuals have this opportunity these days, and it would certainly be to the Union's advantage to seize it tonight. The voting on the referendum should prob- ably be limited to the men, as they are most directly concerned-and, of course, if the men wish the Union to continue as an ex- clusive and somewhat retiring men's club, they can indicate that too. Somehow, I feel that the voting would Key Committeemen By DORIS FLEESON W ASHINGTON-A remarkable aspect of the Kefauver crime story is what it has done personally for the committee mem- bers. Especially Chairman Kefauver and the ranking Republican, Senator Tobey. The Kefauver group were not precisely orphans of the Senate but neither party chose to fortify with experienced members the young upstart from Tennessee whose crusading fervor seemed so inconvenient for them. Democrats were mad because they feared -justly-the effect of turning Senator Ke- fauver loose on the big cities whose political machines are their allies. Republicans were irked by their failure to force the crime probe into the anti-Truman Judiciary committee whose chairman, Senator Mc- Carran, could be depended upon not only to name such thoroughly political Fair Deal haters as Senator Ferguson to its roster but to cooperate fully with them. Came the hearings which the nation's housewives found better than Bingo. Be- tween video and an exceptionally competent counsel, Rudolph Halley, the Kefauver committeemen now have national stature and national audiences which their col- leagues heartily envy. They have also dem- onstrated an ability that will force its own tribute as time goes on from the club to which they have the honor to belong. The biggest dividends are as usual the Chairman's. Suitably situated by age and state, Senator Kefauver is now an obvious Presidential possibility, a party leader. The politicos may scream but they need winners. The most enduring triumph goes, how- ever, to the veteran Tobey. Time after time, the Bible-quoting New Hampskireman punctured them with his honest scorn and cut down to size their smart lawyers. "Your conscience isn't above the law," he roughly interrupted a smug "gambling fever" dissertation by Brodson who was explaining he didn't feel he was breaking the law. Ambassador O'Dwyer felt the Tobey lash when he tried to gloss over his call on Costello and his subsequent effort to im- pugn the Senator backfired badly. Twice blase New York courtroom audi- ences broke into forbidden applause when the 70-year-old Tobey touched them with his magic wand of New England evangelism and moral fervor. "Tobey casts spell over crime inquiry" were the headlines of a so- ber New York newspaper. This is something of what the young Ar- kansas Rhodes Scholar, Senator Fulbright, is trying to do with his proposed commission to examine government ethics. The Ful- bright approach is hardly practical, cer- tainly too cerebral. But Americans were brought up on the precepts which Senator Tobey is not too sophisticated to proclaim from Babylon. It is a safe bet that to the parents of the nation he is by way of being a hero. It is some such voice which the country has been waiting vainly to hear from 1600 Pennsylvania Aveiue. On the occasions when he presided at the hearings, Senator O'Conor, Maryland Democrat, gave an impressive sample of the skill he acquired as State's attorney. A po- lite and handsome man, Senator O'Conor never let the reins out of his own hands and was always a match for the expensive law- yers retained by the witnesses. The committee hearings were unusual also in their lack of political maneuvering by any member in any situation. This is really man bites dog. (Copyright, 1951, by the Bell Syndicate, Inc.) Union Gambling AMONG OTHER things, the Kefauver in- vestigations uncovered a well establish- ed gambling set-up inside the nation's labor unions. And UAW-CIO president Walter Reuther has urged that union members set about cleaning up what he piously terms a "disgraceful situation." But Reuther's plan of ridding the auto union of gambling will not work too well as it stands now. In his report to the group's national con- vention now meeting in Cleveland, Reuther recommended that the union's constitution be amended to make participation in or- ganized gambling grounds for removing a UAW member from office. He is not, how- ever, asking that a racketeering member be booted out of the union. This plan does nothing to loosen gambling from the place where it has taken deepest root-among the workers themselves, but is aimed primarily at upper levels of union or- ganization. It is among departmental union representatives and men on the line, how- ever, that gambling exists. In 1948 the Chief Steward in the shop at which I was working in a Dodge plant was also chief bookie. Another worker ran the departmental numbers set-up. The whole thing was quite in the open. At a Ford plant later, an elderly gentleman went wild on the job one night, because he had won $1,000 on the numbers. It would be hard to say whether manage- ment knew of these dealings. Reuther has charged that racketeering could not exist unless management condones it. And it is doubtful that the foremen could not help but realize what was going on. It is even more doubtful that the unions were un- Science IR Wonderful f7 / --A CITICAL 3 _ Crss ESS A oyr r+ wke arora SECOND SEMESTER EXAMINATION SCHEDULE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN College of Literature, Science, and the Arts College of Pharmacy School of Business Administration School of Forestry and Conservation School of Music School of Public Health June 4 - June 14, 1951 NOTE: For courses having both lectures and recitations, the time of class is the time of the first lecture period of the week; for courses having recitations only, the time of the class is the time of the first recitation period.,Certain courses will be examined at special periods as nQted below the regular schedule. 12 o'clock classes, 4 o'clock classes, 5 o'clock classes and other "irregular" classes may use any examination period provided there is no conflict (or one with conflicts if the conflicts are arranged for by the "irregular" classes.). Each student should receive notification from his instructor as to the time and place of. his examination, In the College of Literature, Scient, and the Arts, no date of examination may be changed without the consent of the Committee on Examinations. 'A J i i etteP TO THE EDITOk The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of general interest, and will publish all letters whichtare signed by the writer and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will be condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the editors. Honors Program .. lectuals been so willing to accept an un-democratic idea that would To the Editor: create an elite group "The best -the good" who would lead. PERHAPS SOME of those who The average man, the great per- have seen the new LS&A cata- centage-he will fight. And the logue have noticed that behind the "good" will become our gods. announcement of the non-depart- Thsweaetlifote mental program, "Honors in Lib- This, we are told, Is for the eral Arts," there is bracketed the good of America. words, "Omitted in 1951-52." Change a word of that and you The indefinite suspension of have the totalitarian philosophy The ndefnitesuspnsio ofall over again. Stalin said it. Hit- this honors program is indicative er said it. "This is for the good of of the University's lack of a con- the state.T sistently forniulated perspective A s the state of the ends and means of liberal And so the state which is Am- education. It is a yielding to the erica will be preserved while the distinctly American over-evalua- Idea of democracy we will be told tionof seciaizatonat some future date, which was tion of specialization, only a useful tool during an earlier und e honors prgra o f r e t her period of history, is discarded. two years of non-departmental Yet, who among us will select study in a small tutorial group. the elite? Will a private business The purpose was to enrich the stu- istering tests" devisece a system? dent's philosophy by a systematic Will some Harvardian of the East study of the Western liberal tra- or West select our future leaders? dition, from Homer and the Bible Perhaps, with the proper advice to Einstein and John Dewey. The from Mr. Huxley we can devise study was focused around the at- them in test tubes. tempt to give this intellectual But never fear. Here at Michi- heritage ethical and political im- Btnvrfa.Hr tMci port for the present day.i I gan the Elite lives. Only the lower If education can be effective in third or half or three quarters or saving our culture from its present ninety per cent will have to suf- disintegration (both intellectual fer military service so that we and social, national and interna- can continue to study tional), it must primarily be de- What? signed to give us an awareness of A revolutionary mood can be what, after all, is worth saving pe nminoriongthatincom- In the whole University, the hon- -Don McNeil ors program was the only compre- hensive approach to this great problem, This program could perhaps well be criticized on the grounds ++ +' i that tradition and ideals are in 1Ufl l themselves blind, that more at- tention should be given to the hard facts of the present, which, unknown, will inevitably frustrate: the social idealist. While admitting this shortcoming (which seems to be a limitation more imposed by it time than by intent), it is cer- { tainly a lesser danger than the to- ; ., ia day more common study of facts ,. and techniques for their own sake .4 -a practice which, if not itself Sixty-First Year vicious, has consequences con- byxstudentYeof trary to the goals of liberal edu- Edited and managed b students of trar t he the University of Michigan under the cation. authority of the Board in Control of The "Honors in Liberal Arts" Student Publications. program was supposedly dropped because of the cut in the Univer- Editorial Staff sity's budget. But it is rather par- Jim Brown ... ........Managing Editor adoxical that a college ostensibly Paul Brentlinger ...........City Editor devoted to liberal arts should eco- Roma Lipsky .........Editorial Director nomize by destroying the program Dave Thomas .i........Feature Editor which is most consciously seeking Nancy Bylan ..........Associate Editor advancement towards this goal. James Gregory .......Associate Editor We may hope that the honors Bill Connolly .............Sports Editor program will be soon reinstated. Bob Sandell ....Associate Sports Editor Bill Brenton ....Associate Sports Editor -Jack G. Barense Barbara Jans..........Women's Editor * 4 Pat Brownson Associate Women's Editor. MONDAY TUESDAY Time of Class (at 8 (at 9 (at 10 (at 11 (at 1 (at 2 (at 3 (at 8 (at'9 (at 10 (at 11 (at 1 (at 2 (at 3 Time of Examination Monday, June 4 9-12 Wednesday, June 6 9-12 Saturday, June 9 9-12 Tuesday, June 12 9-12 Wednesday, June 13 2-5 Thursday, June 7 9-12 Thursday, June 14 2-5 ,c Tuesday, June 5 Friday, June 8 Monday, June 11 Wednesday, June 13 Thursday, June 7 Thursday, June 14 Tuesday, June 12 9-12 9-12 9-12 9-12 2-5 9-12 2-5 These regular examination periods have precedence over any special period scheduled concurrently. Conflicts must be arranged for by the instructor of the "special" class. SPECIAL PERIODS Political Science 1 Sociology 51, 54, 90 Economics 51, 52, 53, 54, English 1, 2 Psychology 31 Sociology-Psychology 62 French 1, 2, 11, 12, 31, 32,1 Speech 31, 32 German 1, 2, 11 Russian 2 Spanish 1, 2, 31, 32 Zoology 1 Chemistry 4, 21 ,55 Monday, June 4 Monday, June 4 102 Tuesday, June 5 Wednesday, June Wednesday, June Wednesday, June 61, 62 Friday, June 8 Friday, June 8 Saturday, June 9 Saturday, June 9 Saturday, June 9 Monday, June 11 Tuesday, June 12 6 6 6 2-5 2-5 2-5 2-5 2-5 2-5 2-5 2-5 2-5 2-5 2-5 2-5 2-5 [ D RAMA SCHOOL OF. BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Courses not covered by this schedule as well as any neces- sary changes will be indicated on the School bulletin board. SCHOOL OF FORESTRY AND CONSERVATION Courses not covered by this schedule as well as any neces- sary changes will be indicated on the School bulletin board. SCHOOL OF MUSIC Individual examinations by appointment will be given for all applied music courses (individual instruction) elected for cre- dit in any unit of the University. For time and place of examina- tions, see bulletin board of the School of Music. SCHOOL OF PUBLIC HEALTH Courses not covered by this schedule as well as and neces- sary changes will be indicated on the School bulletin board. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN College of Engineering SCHEDULE OF EXAMINATIONS June 4 to June 14, 1951 NOTE: For courses having both lectures and quizzes, the time of class is the time of the first lecture period of the week; for courses having quizzes only, the time of class is the time of the first quiz. Certain courses will be examined at special periods as noted below the regular schedule. All cases of conflicts between as- *igned examination periods must be reported for adjustment. See bulletin board outside of Room 3209 East Engineering Build- ing between May 16 and May 23 for instruction. To avoid mis- understandings and errors each student should receive notifi- cation from his instructor of the time and place of his appear- ance in each course during the period June 4 to June 14. No date of examination may be changed without the consent of the Classification Committee. i. i PRESENTING the Quintero brothers' com- edy of love and jealousy, "Dona Hormi- ga," La Sociedad Hispanica gave its re- sponsive audience a diverting glimpse of Spanish humor-in the original Spanish. The story of a scheming but likeable grandmother and her efforts to settle the affairs of her young relations, "Dona Hormiga" does not pretend to be outstanding. This production was good because it did all that a farcial comedy can do-it presented static, almost stereotyped characters, put them into ridiculous situations and compeed us to laugh at their attempts to work them- selves out. Its cast had the unique problem of pre- senting this fast-moving play at a slow enough pace so that the entire audience would understand what was going on. Ap- parently, the actors had not solved this problem. They sometimes slid into dull, dragging scenes which seemed to go on for- ever, while at other times they hurried through their lines, neglecting to wait for laughter, and soon leaving the audience far behind. Aside from this difficulty, the cast did uniformly well, with Don Sindo's characterization of the suspicious adversary of Dona Hormiga and the scene in the sec- ond act between Angelines and Mauricio contributing most to the success of the comedy. The Quintero brothers followed four rules in all their writing. They thought that a play must appeal to a universal audience, must be in simple language, must have style, and must be believeable. On all these counts "Dona Hormiga" is satisfying. Celebrating the 30th anniversary of its theatrical productions; La Sociedad is pre- senting the comedy at 3:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m. today. -Mae Guyer- Sometimes Hollywood's sense of the appro- priate is a little baffling. Time of Class (at 8 (at 9 (at 10 (at 11 (at 1 (at 2 (at 3 Time of Examination MONDAY TUESDAY Monday, June 4 Wednesday, June 6 Saturday, June 9 Tuesday, June 12 Wednesday, June 13 Thursday, June 7 Thursday, June 14 Tuesday, June 5 Friday, June 8 Monday, June 11 Wednesday, June 13 Thursday, June 7 Thursday, June 14 Tuesday, June 12, New Elite To the Editor: THOMAS WOLFE wrote "We are lost here in America, but we still find ourselves." Thus, 15 years ago an author described the cancerous growth that seeks to subvert freedom and it took 15 years for that growth to reach up to where it ate at the final cita- dels of the democratic concept- the educational institutions. Only in those terms can one describe the so-called deferment plan which 'is to give America a supply of intellectuals-experts, who will save democracy. Never before have the intel- Business Staff Bob Daniels .........Business Manager Walter Shapero Assoc. Business Manager Paul Schaible .....Advertising Manager Bob Mersereau .......Finance Manager Bob Miller.... ....Circulation Manager Telephone 23-24-1 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited to this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein are also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan as second-class mail matter. Subscription during regular school year: by carrier, $6.00; by mail, $7.00. (at (at (at (at (at (at (at 8 9 10 11 1 2 3 9-12 9-12 9-12 9-A 2-5 9-12 2-5 9-12 9-12 9012 9-12 2-5 9-12 2-5 2-5 2-5 6 2-5 2-5 2-5 2-5 2-5 M. P. 5, 6, 115 *Monday, June 4 Ec. 53, 54, 102 *Tuesday, June 5 C. E. 1, 2, 4; Draw 3; Eng. 11, *Wednesday, June M. E. 136 Draw 2; E. E. 5, 160; French *Friday, June 8 E. M. 1, 2; M.E. 82; Span.; German*Saturday, June 9 Draw 1; M.E. 135 *Monday, June 11 Chem. 4; C.E. 21, 22 *Tuesday, June 12 k Evening, 12 o'clock and "irregula'r" classes may use any of the periods marked * provided there is no conflict. BARNABY I don't know what Albert would have done while our TV set is not working T Barnaby has an imaginary Fairy I Godfather he calW'Mr. O'MalleV". I - --- - - 0 1911 C.Qcket do foteZ. U b Pat~. O . fHello. Mr. O'Malley- 1 E I