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April 04, 1951 - Image 1

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Latest Deadline in the State





VOL. LXI, No .129



End Honors
Program in
Liberal Arts
Expense, Lack of
Interest Blamed
The literary college program,
Honors in Liberal Arts, has been
Citing lack of student interest
and high cost of the program in
proportion to the number of stu-
dents enrolled in it, the Standing
Committee on Curriculum voted
to drop it at the end of the cur-
rent academic year.
THE PROGRAM provided tu-
torial and seminar instruction for
qualified juniors and seniors. It
included comprehensive reading
and research.
In announcing the decision
to drop the program, the cur-
riculum committee stated that
"this in no way prejudices the
possibility of establishing a,
program of similar nature at
some later date."
Dean Hayward Keniston of
the literary college said that the
cited lack of student interest
could probably be traced to the
establishment of honors programs
within departments.
* * *
AND PROF. Benjamin Wheeler,
Chairman of the Board of Con-
centration Advisors, declared that
the demands of the program on

ow Wayne Vote
Brings GOP Win
Bonisteel, Doan Get Regent Posts;
Republicans Take All State Races
Democratic failure to deliver the vote in Wayne County shapes
up as the chief factor in Tuesday's overpowering Republican election
sweep, local political leaders agreed yesterday.
Assisted by the low Democratic turnout in Detroit, the GOP car-
ried into office their entire state ticket, including University Regents
candidates Roscoe 0. Bonisteel and Leland I. Doan.
* * * *
STHE DEMOCRATS "just can't win" when no more than 198,000

voters came+

out in the metropolitan Wayne area, Prof. Samuel Elders-
veld, of the political science de-


teaching time were too great for
its continuation at the present
"I have no doubt that the pro-
gram was very beneficial to the
students enrolled in it, but its
value to the whole college com-
munity was not high enough
to maintain it in light of the
University's current financial
situation," he said.
Former Honors Program stu-
dents, however, were unanimous
in their praise for the program.
Calling the decision to drop it
"a terrible shame," Carol Orlin,
'49, described the program-as ex-
tremely challenglnk and stimu-
"It forced you to think, and
develop your thinking tremen-
Terrence H. Bebbow said the
program "offered an excellent op-
portunity to develop a different
approach to specialized fields of
interest and coordinate them to
the student's whole education, ac-
tions and life."
It provided a basis for relating
an understanding of any particu-
lar field to an ethical and more
universal theory of values, he said.
The honors program was first
established in 1938.
Beaird To View
New Plan for
Coeds in Union
Whether University women will
get freer run of the Union may be
partially decided tonight when
John Duffey, '51L, explains his'
plan to let coeds use the front
door of the building to the Board
of Directors.
Duffey will also recommend
that the tJnion cafeteria be open
full time to escorted women.
* * *
"I HOPE that the board will de-.
cide tonight to refer my proposals
to the student body in the campus
elections this month," Duffey said.
Originally the plan had been-
submitted to the SL to be placed
on the ballot; but after a meet-
ing with Union President Gerald
Mehlman, '51, Duffey agreed to
submit the question to the board
for its approval.
The law student feels that both
of his ideas will be approved if it
is placed on the ballot. "Prohibit-
ing women from using the front
door has been a source of irrita-
tion to many students for a longz
* * *f

New Draft
Plan Assailed
By Anderson
The newly-initiated draft plan,
conditionally deferring college men
on the basis of aptitude and scho-
lastic achievement, was assailed
yesterday by Prof. Irving H. An-
derson of the education school.
That not all educators were in
favor of the plan was apparent
Monday when The Rev. Fr.
Celestine Steiner, president of the
University of Detroit, referred to
the plan as an "inequity." Father
Steiner claimed that students
would nod be deferred on an equal
basis and that "no aptitude test
given widely divergent groups can
truly test their abilities."
ly lashed out at the alleged dis-
crepancies in the plan, but he aJo
opposed the idea of deferring near-
ly all college students.
"All age groups should be
equally subject to the draft,"
he emphasized. "I believe every-
one should stand the same
chance in the face of selective
service." He pointed out that
we have a war to win.
In addition, Prof. Anderson at-
tacked the machinery of the new
draft plan, particularly the apti-
tude tests. "Those aptitude tests,"
he explained, "are a limited type
of examination, imperfectly ad-
justed to scholastic achievement."
* * *

partment, asserted.
Wayne's vote was seen as a
turning point in Democratic
dominance of the Detroit area
by Owen J. Cleary, state Repub-
lican chairman.
However, Cleary's observation
was termed "so much nonsense"
by several local Democrats.
* * *
WHILE PROF. Eldersveld, a
Democratic party leader, attri-
buted the "normal apathy" of De-
troit voters, Republican spokesmen
claimed that their impressive vic-
tories in all state and many re-
gional contests were brought about
through good party organization.
Republicans carried both in-
cumbent Bonisteel and Doan in-
to office by wide margins. In-
cumbent Regent Murray D. Van
Wagoner fell behind by some
76,000 votes. He was followed
by Wheaton L. Strom, an Esca-
naba lawyer.
State Superintendent of Public
Instruction Lee Thurston was re-
turned to office as he piled up the
largest number of votes, for any
candidate, totaling 366,201 with
four counties still unreported.
GOP candidates were also elect-
ed to a post on the State Board
of Education, two positions on the
State Board of Agriculture and
two places on the bench of the
Supreme Court by sizeable mar-
* * *
LOCALLY, Republicans retained
control of the city council as only
one Democrat managed to get a
seat. Those elected by Ann Arbor's
seven wards were: John Mellott
(R), Clare H. Fenn (R), Lawrence
Ouimet (R), Cornelius Ulberg (D),
William Saunders (R), Arthur
Bromage (R) and John Dobson
Ald. Dobson gave both parties
credit for an exceptional sb of
organization. "Because of this
Ann Arbor had its largest spring
turnout since 1941, and the Demo-
crats their largest since 1933."
He noted that although the
large number voting boosted the
total Republican vote above its
1949 figure, the margin of victory
over the Democrats dropped off
* * *
William Dobson, however, lashed
out at Democratic claims that they
had scored a moral victory by cut-
ting down the vote margin held
by the GOP. "The 60-40 propor-
tion was the same as it was in lo-
cal balloting last fall."
ButhProf. Eldersveld pointed
out that compared with the last
spring election in 1949, the
Democrats had gained 10 per
cent more votes.
This year's election saw an in-
crease of 1,400 Democratic voters
and only 400 Republicans, he
Local Democratic chairman Ar-
thur Eastman, of the English de-
partment, hailed Tuesday's contest
as a return to the two-party sys-
tem for Ann Arbor.

Move Vetoed
By Senate
Block Limit or
Troops to Europe
ate defeated last night, 56 to 31,
a Republican move to command
the President to consult Congress
before sending more than four
divisions of U.S. troops to Europe.
Administration forces rallied to
beat down a motion by Senator
Bricker (R-Ohio) which had that
aim. He proposed to send a pend-
ing troops resolution back to com-
mittee with instructions to re-
turn it in the form of a bill which
would become law.
* * *
THE resolution, as it stands, is
only an advisory expression of the
Senate's views.
The administration victory
apparently cleared away the
last major barrier to Senate
approval of the resolution. Its
adoption would put senators on
record as favoring the dispatch
of four U.S. divisions to join the
two in Europe already assigned
to the North Atlantic Defense
The resolution-not binding on
the President-also would have
the Senated saythatnomore than
the four divisions should be sent
in peacetime "without further
congressional approval."
Administration men rought hard
against the Bricker plan to send
the resolution back to committee.
Former 'U'
Professor of
Engylish iesA01
.Amos R. Morris, former profes-
sor emeritus of the English de-
partment here at the University,
died March 31 at the home of his
son in Seattle, Wash.
He was 71 years old.
One of his colleagues, Prof. W.
G. Rice, chairman of the English
department, recalled his many
contributions to the field of rhe-
torical study.
"I knew Prof. Morris for 20
years up until the time he left the
department because of an illness a
few years ago," he said. "He was
always ready to speak his mind
frankly and was a stimulating
colleague to work with."
"Prof. Morris' scholarly inter-
ests were directed toward the ap-
plication of physics and psychol-
ogy to literary criticism," he con-
"For many years he taught a
course in rhetorical analysis where
he developed his interesting theo-
ries, and because of this, he al-
ways had a devoted group of stu-
dents around him."
Born in Zremen, Ohio, Prof.
Morris received his bachelor and
master of arts degrees from Ohio
State- University. He, was granted
his Doctor of Philosophy degree
here in 1923 and was appointed
assistant professor in the rhetoric
department the following year.
TV Plan OKed
In State Senate

LANSING-P)-The State Sen-
ate yesterday approved a proposal
of Sen. Harold M. Ryan (D-Det.)
which would restrict the Univer-
sity's sale of television rights of
its football games.
The measure provides that any
State institution selling television
rights to any event must make
provision for free public reception
of the television broadcast of the
"Last year the University piped
a broadcast into a Detroit theatre
and charged a top $2.50 to view-
ers," Ryan said. "Where does that
leave the average fellow with the
television set who also wants to
see the game?
"The idea of this bill is simply
to assure that the University
doesn't sell exclusive rights to these
games and then shut out the little
fellows who pay the taxes to sup-
port the college in the first place,"
Ryan declared.

lliedommunist Plane
Clsh in Furious Dogfigh


Kathe, Moran Will Become'
Union Officers Next Yea'

PROF. ANDERSON'S opposition
to the plan was in marked contrast
to the endorsement several other
University officials have given it.
Stanley E. Seashore, Assistant
Study Director of the Survey
Research Center, considered the
aptitude test a valid gauge of in-
telligence and ability to begin or
continue college.
"Within limits, you can segregate
the intelligent from those who
don't belong in college," he pointed
He admitted that the nature of
some of the questions would be ad-
vantageous' to some groups. But,
he added that the use of aptitude
tests will be far better than the
employment of committees to se-
lect those qualified for deferment.
Gift for PhoeniX
BATTLE CREEK - (P) - A gift
of $25,000 from L. J. Montgomery,
Battle Creek financier, has pushed
Calhoun county far past its quota
of $45,000 in the University ato-
mic research fund raising cam-;


Daily City Editor
John Kathe, '52P, and Jim Mor-
an, '52, last night were chosen
as the Union's top officers for
the 1951-52 year.
Kathe was named as the new
Union president, while the post of
recording secretary went to Moran.
The appointments were announc-
ed by Dean Erich A. Walter, chair-
man of the Union's seven man se-
lections committee.
* * *
BOTH NEW officers will be in-
stalled at the Union's annual In-
stallation Banquet tomorrow night.
Kathe will succeed Jerry Mehl-
man, '51E, in the presidency,
while Moran will take over the
secretary's duties from Hal Sper-
lich, '51E.
By The Associated Press
CHICAGO - Mayor Martin H.
Kennelly won reelection yester-
day--starting the Democratic par-
ty on its third unbroken decade
of city hall rule.
House announced late yesterday
that President Truman will
meet tomorrow afternoon with
the United Labor Policy Com-
mittee, the group which pulled
union spokesmen out of the
emergency program, in an effort
to end the labor boycott of mo-
bilization agencies.
Cormick Miller resigned last night
as Editor in charge of the Wash-
ington Times-Herald after unsuc-
cessfully trying to purchase the
paper from her uncle, Col. Robert
McCormick of the Chicago Tri-
NEW YORK-The New York
drama critics' circle yesterday
chose Sidney Kingsley's drama-
tization of Arthur Koestler's
novel, "Darkness at Noon," as
the best American play oftlo
Administration said yesterday that
war veterans who started military
service after Sept. 2, 1945, will
lose their right to any further GI
life insurance if they let their pres-
ent term policies expire.

Kathe, 21 years old, is an
Elyria, O. resident.. During the
past year he has been chairman
of the Union's student rela-
tions committee. He is a mem-
ber of the Marching Band and
Phi Gamma Delta. After re-
ceiving his pharmacy degree,
Kathe plans to begin graduate
study in the business adminis-
tration school.
Moran, 20 years old, is from
Escanaba. Besides serving as
chairman of the Union's person-
nel committee this year, he has
served on the Student Legislature.
He holds memberships in Sigma
Phi, Pi Sigma Alpha, Phi Eta Sig-
ma and Sphinx.
Both Kathe and Moran have
been members of the Union execu-
tive council this year.
,, * *
chooses Union presidents and re-
cording secretaries on the basis
of petitions submitted, along with
interviews and past records.,,
All members of the committee
are also members of the Union
Board of Directors.
Mehlman and Sperlich will bow
out from their positions by de-
livering addresses at tomorrow
night's banquet.
State Police
GREENVILLE, Mich. - (R) --
Alarm subsided yesterday in this
fire-marked city as state police
announced they had caught a
man who confessed setting five
downtown blazes Monday night.
Lt. Edward C. Johnston of the
Michigan State Police said in
Lansing that Vernon D. Mevis, a
22-year-old factory worker, ad-
mitted applying the torch five
times overnight and once last
A Methodist church and a truck
were destroyed in the fires. A
Congregational church, a Western
Union office and a barbershop
were damaged. Total losses of
Monday night's rampage were put
at $300,000.
"Something would come over
me and that's what I would do,"
Johnston quoted Mevis as explain-
ing. "I get a thrill out of fires;
used to set grass ones on my dad's

Await Forms
Local draft board officials
announced yesterday that they
had not received the post card
* application forms from nation-
al selective service officials for
the draft exemption examina-
The board says that the ap-
plication blanks will be avail-
able on April 12.
'U' To Give
Free Period
University students will have a
free day between the last day of
classes and the start of the final
exam period this semester, but
with qualifications.
A change in the exam schedule
by the Examination Committee,
has made Saturday, June 2, a free
day without any exams officially
* * *
ORIGINALLY Saturday was to
be the first day of the final exam
However, as has already been
decided by the literary college
faculty, the free Saturday will
most likely be used at the dis-
cretion of the individual teacher.
In the literary college teachers
may schedule consultations, re-
views, regular Saturday classes or
else let the students have the day
of f.
THEY MAY also hold special
examinations after gaining per-
mission from the Examination
No policy has been decided on
in the other schools or colleges
on campus as to what to do
Swith Saturday.
The new schedule is the result
of efforts to cut the exam period
from 11 days back to its pre-war
length of nine days, and to avoid
the past situation where students
went f r p m Friday classes to
finals on Saturday. Examinations
will now last 10 days.
In cutting the exam period
down, an attempt was made to
have the saved Saturday become
a regular class day to make up for
the lossof classhours on the Sat-
urday before vacations.
However, because the University
schedule had already designated
Saturday an examination day, it
was decided not to officially
change it to a class day.
New Formula Set
To Control Prices
Stabilizer Eric Johnston is draft-
ing a new price control directive
fixing a "fair and equitable" stan-
dard of industrial profits, govern-
ment officials reported yesterday.
Still highly tentative, the direc-
tive may be issued in a week or
It would rule out any price in-
crease that would bring manfac-
turers' earnings above 85 per cent
of average dollar profits in the
three most profitable years from
11946 to 1949 inclusive.a

UN Troops,
Tanks Ente
Red Korea,,~
Enemy Forces
Mass at Paral
TOKYO - (P) -- Allied and
jet planes tangled over Korea
day in the second straight da:
swirling dogfights.
On the ground, Allied troops
tanks probed in force across
38th parallel into Red Korea
both coasts of the peninsula, se
ing the intentions of nearly a1
million massing Communist tro
, , ,
GENERAL MacArthur paid
15th visit to Korea yesterday, it
ing 13 miles into Red Korea
the eastern front. He said
Allied cause was going well.
The Reds, believed getti
ready for a big counteroffensi
still showed fight below the 3
parallel northwest of Seoul. Tl
hurled back South Korean r
diers despite support of Al4
artillery and planes.
Both today's and yesterday's
fights occurred over north1
Korea within sight of the R
Manchurian air bases. Tod
fight, involving 12 F-86 Sabres ;
eight red- nosed Russian - t
MIG,15 jets, cost the Reds
MIG shot down and two damai
bag to four MIGs shot down
seven damaged.
The U.S. Fifth Air Force
all U.S. jets returned to their up
safely after yesterday's sky fig
involving more than 80 jets. T
was no report of any U.S. jet lo
Yesterday U.S. troops and ta
drove more than 'two miles nc
of the 38th parallel along a
mile sector of western Korea
was the first such crossing of
old political boundary in form
Americans this year.
The Eighth Army communi
pinpointed one force as south(
of Yonchon. It is a town six 0
inside fled Korea and 35 n
north of Seoul on a main railr
line and highway.
Balance War
Civilian Wort
Says of fcial
"We must strike abalance
tween our defense production4
the amount of civilian .goods
can continue to produce within
resources," Stanley McGowan .
the Housing Research Council
Mc Gowan, an official
the War Production Authority,
vised the council that te gv
ment is planning to Increase
fense production'to a peak of 2
of the gross national figure
compared with a maximum 4
during World War II.
* * *
"ONE OF THE biggest prob.
the government faces now,"
Gowan explained, "is provi
adequate housing for the th
sands of workers who are floc
to new plants located in relati'
isolated locations, such as
atomic research projects."

William Scheik, director
the Building Research Adviso
Board, discussed the varik
methods his group is consideri
to enlist the support of the bull
ing industry in housing resear,
He described the board's wor
consisting of "moving groups
people toward an idea."
Rihard Ratcliff of the How
and Home Finance Agency rep(
ed that his agency is engaged
spotting critical housing areas-

Share- The-Ride Service
Needs Volunteer Drivers

AND HE NOTED that Union
members will use the cafeteria
facilities more often if they can
bring their dates along.
Under Duffey's plan the two
questions will be submitted to
student voters, keeping the de-
cisions of men and women sep-


The Union Travel service has
ruined its own business.
With the share-the-ride-and-
the-expense service entering its
second year of operation, there
just aren't enough drivers to sat-
isfy the hundreds of eager riders
w h o s e names overflow Union
Staffman Jack Ehlers', '53, card
"I COULDN'T figure out why

names, most of them new travel
service users but only a handful
of drivers to carry them.
"And most of those aren't going
to the right places," he added.
Ehlers and the hapless 250 .are
looking for drivers to New York,
Boston, Philadelphia, Washington,
D.C., Chicago, Montreal and the
upper peninsula of Michigan.
* * *.

'U' Symphony Will Play Today

Percy Grainger, well - known
composer-pianist, will appear as
guest conductor and soloist at the
University Symphony Ban&Spring
Concert which will be presented at
8.20 ln nm.ftodav in THi ll uitorium.

"Sheperd's Hey," and "Irish Tune
from County Derry."
The Symphony Band, conducted
by Prof. William D. Revelli, will
also present the following works
n~ hn rnar.

N ::..,.

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