FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, APRIL 7, 1951 On Deferring * * * Federal Scholarships IXILE THE object of the new draft law -to provide a steady flow of both technically trained and widely educated young men-is a wise one, there is one ma- jor fault with the plan. It is essentially a law for the privileged, for those who havci the financial means to go to college. Those who do not have sufficient money will eith- er have to submit to the draft or will have to work and work hard summer and win- ter to put themselves through school. Horatio Alger and personality formation aside, they are being badly short-changed. The excuse that scholarships are plenty and ripe for plucking is a little facetious. While existing grants might well take care of some men (women, of course, would have to be excluded from applying) the majority of the right field deferees would have to sling hamburgers five nights a week if there were enough hash houses on campus to take care of them. The actual answer to the problem and a logical one at tl;at, is federal scholar- ships. If the government is going to make college a reason for deferment it should make college equally accessible to all. And the 'scholarships should not be just for future atomic scientists. The ideal planr would be a civilian version of the G-I bill, with financial need rather than service time being the criteria. If such monetary aid is not made avail- able to those who need it, the family in- come will become an important factor in getting into and staying in that deferred 2-A classification. -Leonard Greenbaum Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. NIGHT EDITOR: LEONARD GREENBAUM College Men An E ye to the Future T HE PRESIDENT'S order deferring col- lege students indicates that the govern- ment has finally mastered one of the most vital facts of contemporary life: that we need men not only to fight wars, but, more important, to prevent them. The order shows a realization that we need more than technicians and fighters -the men who win battles. Evidently there is a growing awareness that we also need political scientists, sociologists, wri- ters, teachers and all those who will con- tribute to a balanced society and who will conduct our national government and in- ternational relations. For it is they who must seek the peaceable solution to the world's problems, the only valid solution. Perhaps the government has learned its lesson from Great Britain. For a year during the First World War, Britain had no draft, but encouraged voluntary enlistments. Her most brilliant and patriotic young men, en- couraged by an incautious government, en- listed and marched off to slaughter in the early battles of the war. When the draft finally began, the finest young men had been annihilated. And so, in the crucial years before the Second World War, many of Britain's rightful leaders were lying dead beneath the soil of Belgium and France. The vigor, in- telligence and courage which these dead young men would have furnished, had they lived to take part in the governing of Bri- tain, might well have prevented Munich and the Second World War. This example indicates that the nation's best young men must be saved in order that they may save the nation. By focusing attention on the value of college-trained men in all fields, the Pre- sident's plan discourages foolhardy en- listment and steers young men to the jobs where they will do the most good. The main objection to deferment of col- lege men has been that it is unfairly dis- criminatory. This argument is more dog- matic than realistic. It is no more unfair to defer college stu- dents than it is to exempt men over 26 years of age. Of course it is unfair that one man should have to go to war and not another. But obviously some discrimination will have to be employed. And since this must be, it is well to use reason and fore- sight in the process. Deferment does not, as some complain, necessarily entail economic discrimination. Any single man without outside responsibil- ities, if he's intelligent enough to be defer- red, can send himself through college with- out aid from his family. Many scholarships and fellowships are available. True, these must be limited to the more deserving. But even without such help, any intelligent person can work his way through college by working summers and part-time during the school year, certainly with no more effort than he would be expending if he were training or fighting in the service. With the war emergency, summer jobs will be plentiful and lucrative. A person should be willing to work, and work hard, for the privilege of staying in college while others fight. The President should be congratulated for showing foresight and common sense in re- gard to the draft. His action took courage, and it may well mean a loss of votes at the next election for the President's party. But if, as he claims, President Truman wants to be remembered as a man who helped pre- vent World War Three, his order deferring college students may well have swept him considerably closer to that goal. -James Gregory Undue Impatience TlHE ATTITUDE of impatience shown to- wards students by many professors isj all too prevalent here at the University. Un- due impatience can be harmful in any walk of life, but here on the campus its effects1 can be especially damaging.1 This can be seen when a student ap-1 proaches his professor for help in his school- work. To be met with a rebuke at a time when encouragement is needed can seri- ously affect the student's performance. And for a new student on the campus to meet such a rebuke can make his adjustment per- iod to University life that much more dif- ficult. The' unfavorable light these impatient teachers shed on others is unfair, also. It is too easy to forget the many patient, thor- ough teachers because of the bad impression their irascible colleagues create. Such impatience was recently shown a Daily reporter who approached two profes- sors for some facts to write two stories. The student was given the information, but later in the interviews, was rebuked for at- temnpting to writo a story with only "half the facts." The reassurances of the reporter that he would check the completed stories with the professors for accuracy left them visibly un- convinced. They could not understand how this would result in complete, authoritative stories. In both cases of the student reporter seeking facts or a student requesting h7elp in his schoolwork, the principles involved are the same. This impatience is unnecessary and, at the same time, endangers any edu- cational system. And, unfortunately, it is all too popular a retreat employed by many professors who "can't be bothered" with the legitimate questions asked by students. -Mary Letsis ByYouLeave JN A NOTICE sent around to all house directors, University women have been warned that they should not leave for va- cation before Friday, and they should not come back after Monday without first get- ting permission from the Dean of Women. This permission will be granted auto- matically to seniors, but not to the rest of the women student body unless they, have a very good excuse. In this matter the University is taking a halfway viewpoint, and this seems rather ri- diculous. Whether they be freshmen or seniors, stu- dents of University age should be able to decide for themselves whether or not miss- A id to India BY COMPLETING a trade negotiation with India the Chinese Communists have won the first victory in the race with the United States to court India. The Peiping government and India have reached a barter agreement under which China will send India 50,000 tons of rice in exchange for 165,000 Indian gunny- sacks. Today when every international episode is eyed with regard to its propaganda ele- ment, this trade agreement is especially significant. The Chinese are exploiting the fact that India negotiated with the United States first but have already received food from China and that aid is not expected from the United States until November or December of 1951. The propaganda element becomes more obvious when one realizes that although fall harvests in China were good this year, the country is still under a rule of economic austerity. It is doubtful that with the re- curring tragic Chinese famine the Peiping government can afford to be so generous Americans cannot blame the Chinese for taking full advantage of the United States' dilatory action. In addition to bickering over technical aspects of aid to India, the United States government recently threat- ened to halt aid to India because of po- litical differences in the United Nations. The United States-India agreement which was finally reached is not sufficient to meet the immediate problem of famine. The 1,200,000 dollars which has been granted provides for technical assistance for agri- cultural, river-valley and transportational developments. F Although this modern equipment is an important necessity, India now urgently needs 6,000,000 tons of grain to feed her people. The India government has formally asked the United States for 2,000,000 tons of grain, the rest to be supplied by Argentina, Can- ada and Australia. To meet this demand an ad hoc national Emergency Food Committee for India has been formed to persuade our government to allocate this grain to India. It is certainly unfortunate that the chance of a political victory determines policy when over one-half a million peo- ple are starving. But here is an oppor- tunity for the United States to win what is even more important in a world almost void of humanitarianism-a moral vic- tory. If the State Department is more than just a political instrument, it will heed the re- quest of the committee and open the copi- ous graneries of America to India's starv- ing population. -Alice Bogdonoff Irantc Chaos MAYBE Secretary Mgrshal is thinking of Iran when he sees darker clouds ahead. Certainly Iran seems to be dissolving in chaos before the eyes of both the Western and the Soviet world. Since Premier Ras- mura died, there is nobady at the helm with anything like his caliber, though both the Shah and Premier Ala are well-intentioned, What the country needs in the event that disorder calls for martial law is simply not there; martial law or decree government without authority is a contradiction in terms. Assistant Secretary of State McGhee is reported by and criticized in the New York Times as saying the United States will not interfere in the event of trouble in Iran. That all depends. Mr. McGhee is, of course, right if he means, as we take it he means, that there will be no interference with the internal structure of Iran. But if the Com- munist-run Tudeh Party were to seize pow- er that would be another matter, and cer- tainly there would be the same concern as in 1946. In that year there was U.N. action, and the Tudeh Party was restrained and outlawed. Again the party, taking advan- tage of the prevailing chaos, is on the ram- page, and the leaders have been let out of jail. The Russian Embassy, according to the Voice of America, is the center of a system of propaganda and sedition in behalf of the Tudehs. Thus there are all the makings for a Rus- sian-engineered overturn. This time it might well focus on Tehran rather than on the border province of Azerbaijan, as in 1946. In any event the free world is in a different posture for meeting it. In 1946 not only did Secretary Byrnes swing swiftly into action in the United Nations; the Brit- ish moved the second Indian armored di- vision to Abadan, on the Iraq-Iran border. Now the Indian troops, once a tranquillizing force in Asia, are no longer guarding the outposts. They are probably patrolling the Indo -Pakistan border-immured internally instead of available for maintaining the peace against the troublemaking of what Rudyard Kipling used to call the Russian Adamzad. -'T'he Washington Post. 4 -c ° tE \j' Ni ' tl oNEO I I SDAILY -FICIAL BULLETIN The Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of the University of Michigan-for which the Michigan Daily assumes no editorial responsi- bility. Publication in it is construe- tive notice to all members of the Uni- versity. Notices snoula be sent2in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 2552 Administration Building, by 3 pam. on the day preceding publication (11 a.- m. Saturdays). TUESDAY, APRIL 3, 1951 VOL. LXI, No. 128 Notices vacancies for junior engineering stu- dents in their cement plant. For further information and to make application, contact the Bureau of Appointments, Ext. 2614. Employment Interviews: The followingcompanies will be in- terviewing at the Bureau of Appoint- ments after spring vacation and ap- pointments should be made before va- cation for these interviews. Tuesday, April 17, a representative of Westinghouse Air Brakes, Wilmer- ding, Pa., will be interviewing Mechani- Scal Engineers with B. S. degree for their training program and Manufacturing Division. Student Tea: President and Mrs.I Tuesday, April 17. a representative-of Ruthven will be at home to students Fluor corporation, Los Angeles, will be from 4 to 6 o'clock on wed., April 4. interviewing chemical Engieers with B.S. or M.S. degrees, Mechanical, Elec- Change in Student Addresses: Report trical, and Civil Engineers with B.S. de- immediately to the Registrar. 1513 Ad- grees, June graduates only. This com- ministration Building, any change ofpayisegednthdsgegner pany is engaged in the design, engineer- address during the semester. ing and construction of oil refineries, gasoline plants, chemical plants and Students, College of Engineering: The other allied facilities on an interna- final day for Dropping Courses withiout tional basis. Record will be Fri., April 6. A course Tn may be dropped only with the p("-' Tuesday, April 17, a. representative of mission of the classifier afterconfer- the W. T. Grace Company, New York, ence with the instructor. will be interviewing Business Adminis- tration and L. S. & A. graduates for Students, College of Engineering: The foreign trade, finance, accounting, and final day for Removal of Incompletes tansportation. "Much More Clever Than Bread Upon The Waters" STgI jSATAr, E Ls c i ad's a - ' " ss, IFC wn~racoa w.r~c versity. Wed., April 4, 4:15 p.m., Rack- hamn Amphitheater, Open to the public. Academic Notices History 42 Midsemester, Tues., April 3, 11 a.m., West Gallery, Alumni Mem- orial Hall. Engineering Mechanics S e m i n a r Wed., April 4, 4 p.m., 101 West Engi- eering Bldg. Dr. H. J. Gomberg will speak on "Problems in Radiation Shielding." Mathematics Colloquium: Tues., April 3, 4:10 p.m. 3011 Angell Hall. Dr. H. Chandler Davis will speak on "More Pointless Spaces." Geometry Seminar: The het meeting will be Tues., April 17. Seminar on Complex Variables: Tues., April 3, 2013 Angell Hall. Mr. Schoen- field will speak on "Seidel's Theory of Schlicht Functions." Concerts MAY FESTIVAL TICKETS for single concerts may now be purchased "over the counter," at $1.80, at the offices of the University Musical Society in Burton Memorial Tower, as follows: First Concert, May 3, 8:30. Artur Rub- instein, Pianist; Philadelphia Orches- tra; Eugene Ormandy, Conductor. Second Concert, May 4, 8:30. Verdi "Requiem;" Philadelphia Orchestra; Choral Union; Eileen Farrell, soprano; Blanche Thebom, contralto; Coloman de Pataky, tenor; Oscar Natzka, bass; Thor Johnson, conductor. Third Concert, May 5, 2:30. Phildal- phia Orchestra. Youth Chorus, Mar- guerite Hood, conductor. Tossy Spiva- kovsky, violinist; Alexander Hilsberg conductor. Fourth Concert, May 5, 8:30. Rise Stevens, soloist, Philadelphia Orches- tra, Eugene Ormandy, conductor. Fifth Concert, May 6, 2:30. American premiere, Constant Lambert's "Sum- mer's Last Will and Testament;" Phi- ladelphia Orchestra; Choral Union and Oscar Natzka, bass; William Kapell in Prokofieff Concerto for Piano; Thor Johnson, Conductor. Sixth Concert, May 6, 8:30. Patrice Munsel, sorano; Philadelphia Orches- tra; Eugene Ormandy, conductor. University Symphony Band, William D. Revelli, Conductor, will present its annual spring concert at 8:30 Wednes- day evening, April 4, in Hill Auditorium, with Percy Grainger appearing as piano soloist and guest conductor. Besides Grainger's Hill Song Number Two, the band will play compositions by Gagnier, Handel, Saint-Saens, Goldman, Bach, Bidal, Grieg, Kehley, Borodin, and Skinner. Open to the public without charge. Student Recital, Kurt Schuster, vio- list, will be heard at 8:30 Wednesday evening. April 4, in the Rackham As- sembly Hall, in a program played in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Master of Music degree. A pupil of Paul Doktor, Mr. Schuster will be assisted by Sieglinde Sauskojus, pianist, and a string quartet. The re- cital will be open to the public. Events Today Michigan Actuarial Club: 4 p.m., Room 3A, Union. Mr. Richard Roeder will speak on "Self-Administered Pen- sion Plans." Science Research Club: Meeting, 7:30 p.m., Rackham Amphitheater. "Me- chanism of the Electrolyte Inbalance in Ureter9-Sigmoid Transplantation," by Dr. Jack Lapides, Surgery, "The Prob- lem of Rabies in Michigan," by Dr. Wi- ilam Preston, Bacteriology. Christian Science Organization: Tes- timonial meeting, 7:30 p.m., Upper Room, Lane Hall. Congregational - Disciples - Evan- gelical & Reformed Guild: Tea, from 4:30 - 6 p.m. at the Guild House. Flying Club: Meeting, 7:30 p.m., 1500 E. Engineering Bldg. Discussion of a proposed, new constitution. Anyne interested in the club is welcome. Sigma Rho Tau, The Stump Speaker's Society: Training Night: 1. Practice in the "Hall of Fame" and "Project' speeches. 2. Discussion of the futur Ysilanti Woman's Debate. 7 p.m., 208 E. Engineering Bldg. All students in the Engineering College are welcome. Pre-Medical Society: Meeting, 7:30 p.m., 1300 Chemistry Bldg. Speaker: Dr. J. N. Spuhler of the Institute of Human Biology. "Human Genetics." Election of officers for the forthcoming year. All members and interested students are urged to attend. Wolverine Club: Meeting, 7:15 p.m., Union. Women of the University Faculty: Weekly tea, 4-6 p.m., Club room Lague. Coffee hour for'i all undergraduates on campus preceded by tour of labora- tories and followed by discussion of new undergraduate curriculums in health administration and sanitary sci- ence. School of Public Health, 3:15 p. gm. Freshmen and sophomores are urged to attend, S.R.A. Council meets at Lane Hall, 5-' pin. Members ofC Religion-in-Life Week Inter-executive Co ~ittee wil attend to discuss: "Evaluation of 1950 Religion-in-Life Week." Square Dance Group meets at Lane Hall, 7 p.m. Coming Events Westminster Guild: Tea 'N' Talk, Wed., April 4, 4 p.m., First Presbyterian Church. Graduate Political Science Round Table: Wed., April 4, 7:45 p.m., Rack- ham Amphitheater. A student "Little Foreign Ministers' Conference" pat- terned after the proposed Big Four For- eign Ministers' Conference will discuss the topic: "German Unification." All those interested are invited. PSURFS, Barbershop harmonizers, 7:3( p.m., Wed., April 4, Room 3-G, Union. UNESCO Council: Meeting, Wed., TO T HE E DITOR The Daily welcomes communica- tiuns from itstreaders on matters of general interest, and will publish all letters which are signedeby the writer and in good taste, Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will be condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the editors. Award . To the Editor: T GIVES ME great pleasure to award to Chuck Elliot the dubious distinction of President of the Listen Quick Club, He has stooped to a fault too common in 1 journalism and has taken a sen- tence out of context and misquoted it. As a candidate for SL I never said, as quoted in The. Daily of March 16, that "I will sincerely work to get a playground for the East Quadrangle." The substance of my speeches on that matter was that I considered the lack of ath- letic facilities a major problem. I never implied that a - playground should be built for the East Quad. Rather I offered a tentative solu- tion permitting the East Quad resi- dents access to the U. High ath- letic field at such times that it would not conflict with U. High activities. A project of this nature could only be accomplished through the active support of an organization such as SL. However Chuck Elliot has con- tended that a matter such as this would fall beneath "the lofty perch" of SL. Mr. Elliot has failed to remember the many times that SL has exceeded his reactionary limits. They have assumed projects whose only justification can be found in the good accomplished for the specific group. An example of this was SL's housing bureau which served only the unorganized independents. It has come to my attention that Chuck Elliot has petitioned for the office of Vice-President of the Senior Class. Let us hope for the sake of the Senior Class that Mr. Elliot understands more fully the responsibilities inherent in the of- fice of a vice-president than he does the responsibilities inherent in fair and accurate journalism. -Al Samberg '52 April 4, 7:30 p.m., League; elections and reports of committees. Michigan Arts Chorale: Regular re- hearsal, Wed., April 4, 7 p.m., Lane Hall. All members are urged to be present. Ullr Ski Club: Meeting to discuss Spring vacation, Aspen, Colorado ski trip. Movies. Wed., April 4, 7:30 p.m., Room 3-D, Union. Bridge Tournament held every week in the Union Ballroom will start at 7:30' p.m., this Wed., April 4. Society for Peaceful Alternatives: Or- ganizational meeting, Wed., April 4, 7:30 p.m., Union. All those interested in working for peace are invited. 3I A tCURRENT MOVIES- will be Fri., April 6. Petitions for ex- tension of time must be on file in the Secretary's Office on or before Fri.,< April 6.1 Women students are expectd to pay the second half of their League House bills immediajtely after Sprint; vacation. Blue Cr o"CGroup lhospitalization and Surgical Serv ice. During the period froni April 2 through April 13, the Uni- versity Personnel Office 3012 Adminis- tration Building) wi accept new ap- plications as well as requests for changes in c'ontrac'ts now in effect. These new applications and chances become effective June 5, with the iirst payroll deduction May 31. After April 13, no new applications or changes can be acepted until Octo-, ber 1951. Women students now on campus may apply for housing accomumodations for Fall, 1951. on Tues., April 3, at 12 noon by going to the specified window in the lobby of the Administration Bldg. Graduates and undergraduates may apply. Applications will be accepted for both dormnitory and leagu e houseE accommodaLions until the number of a vailable spaces is huekd. Information concerning the types of hiou,-ins,, avail- able can be secured in the ean of Woolien's Omfice, Buireaum of Appointmntus: The Paiia- mIa Canal-Civil Affairs Buireau-DivisionA of Schools, Balboa Heights, Canal zone needs teachers for 1951. Teachers who are deficient in any requirement should not apply in the hope excep- tons will be made. 1. Age-24-40. 2. Experience- leaust 3 full years. For further information contact the Bureau of AppoinmenIs, 35283 Administration Bldg. Interviews: On April 4 and 5, Mr. J. J. Krajovic of Glenn L. Martin Con- pany, Balti more, Maryland, will inter- viewvJuniand1Aug ust graduates from Electical , .ivil, Aeronautical and Mechanical Faigineering Deparunents. For fur-ther. information see the Aero bulletin Iboom opposite' room 1079 E. Sn trner Fiuploynment T1he City of1 Detroit aiiuou7ic('s examii- nations for summler employment. for men and women a4 swimming instruc- tors andI play leaders and for meii as life guards and baseball instructors. Carson Pirie Scott & Co. of Chicago is intere'sted in interviewing women (pre'ferably fromt the Chicago area) during Spring va;cation for positionis01n their 1951 College Board. The Economic Cooperation Adrminis- tratioin Ihas several summer internships a vailable for students of journalism, political science, public administr'ation, I social science, economics and business administrat ion. The Aberdeen Proving Ground of Maryland lias three inonthi positions for studlts in thle techical and scien- tific fields. 'rho United States Steel Company (Gary Steel Works) has vacancies for' students at' their plant for vacation relief work. 'fhe Uniiversal Atlas Cemnent Coin- pany of Buffington, Indiana has Wednesday, April 18, a representative of the Proctor & Gamble Company, Cin- cinnati, will be interviewing Business Administration graduates for buying positions. Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, April 18-20, a representative from the United States Navy Electronics Labora- tory, San Diego, California, will be in- terviewing Electrical Engineers with op- tion communications, and Physicists, all degrees. Thursday, April 19. a representative from the Union Electric Company, St. Louis. will be interviewing Electrical and Mechanical Engineers. Thursday. April 19, a representative from the Kroger Company, Cincinnati, Ohio, will be interviewing L.S. & A., and Business Administration graduates for merchandising, accounting, person- nel, wholesaling. Thursday, April 19, a representative from the Amity Leather Products Con- pany, West Bend, Wisconsin. will be in- terviewing for sales positions. Thursday and Friday, April 19, a representative from the Philadelphia Naval Shipyard will be interviewing Naval Architects and Engineers of all types, B.S. and M.S. degrees. Friday, April 20, a representative from the Chemical Bank & Trust Company, New York, will be interviewing men with B.A. or M.A. degree who are in- terested in commercial banking. Friday, April 20, a representative from the Lumbermens Mutual Casualty Company, Chicago, will be interviewing men for underwriting, claim adjust- mg, accounting, statistics, safety en- gineering, district agency supervision. 'They are also interested in Law gradu- ates for positions in their Claims De- partment and in women for supervisory training or secretarial positions, and also mathematics majors. Friday, April 20, a representative from the Roddis Plywood Corporation, Marsh- field, Wisconsin, will be interviewing Mechanical and Industrial Engineers, and Forestry majors (wood utilization). Friday, April 20, a representative from' the Bethlehem Steel Company, Bethle- hem, Pa. will be interviewing Naval Architects and Ma'ine Engineers for East coast shipyards, Mechanical, Civil, Chemical, Metallurgical, Electrical, In- dustrial, for production, sales, mining, etc. Application blanks for these in- terviews must be filled out immediately and sent to the company prior to their visit on campus. For further information and appoint- ments for interviews call at the Bureau of Appointments, 3528 Administration Bldg. 1 Lectures University Lecture, auspices of the Department of Zoology. "History of the Development of Renal Physiology." Homer W. Smith, Professor of Physi- ology, New York University. Tues., April 3, 4:15 p.m., Rackham Amphi- theater. University Lecture, auspices of the School of Music. "Byzantine Music and Hymnology." Dr. Oliver Strunk, Asso- ciate Professor of Music, Princeton Uni- =R 1 At The State ,0 , BIRD OF PARADISE, with Louis Jour- dan, Jeff Chandler, and Debra Paget. DEPENDING ON how easily you are lulled into Polynesian idylls, you will either be sensuously titillated or considerably bored by this one. Maybe a little of both. The faults that exist are certainly not those of the technicolor camera. The pro- duction is conceived with brilliant Pacific settings, native costumes that might be fresh out of the Fruit of the Loom factory, and a full-bodied Hawaiian-type musical theme that fairly gushes from the screen. Dramatically, however, it is useless to try to get very interested in the characters in- vOlved. They include a young Frenchman who wants to go native, the son of the local chief whom he has befriended at an Ameri- can university, and, inevitably, the daugh- ter of the chief, whom he falls in love with. There is much speculating on whether East is East and West is West, or not, but for the most part, the plot becomes a chronicle of native folkways. Authentic as these alleged- ly are, they become a little tiresome as sole compensation for the lack of character in- terest. Ultimately, even the heroine's sa- Sixty-First Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Jim Brown ... ........Managing Editor Paul Brentlinger.........City Editor Roma Lipsky........Editorial Director Dave Thomas ..... Feature Editor Janet Watts...........Associate Editor Nancy Bylan.........Associate Editor James Gregory ,.....Associate Editor Bill Connolly............Sports Editor Bob Sandel ....Associate Sports Editor Bill Brenton ....Associate Sports editor Barbara Jans..........Women's Editor Pat Brownson Associate Women's Editor BusineSS Staff Bob Daniels........-Business Manager Walter Shapero Assoc. Business Manager Paul Schaible .....Advertising Manager Bob Mersereau .......Finance Manager :lob Miller... ....Circulation Manager Telephone 23-24-1 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for 'epublication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited to this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein are also reserved. Entered at the Post, Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan as second-glass mail matter. Subscription during regular school year: by carrier, $6.00; by mail, $7.00. BARNABY r Perhaps the best way to lessen the hold all this wild west stuff No, but his mother will press my hand in gratitude for leadina her son out of the u Hello, Mrs. Baxter. So nice of you to let Albert see hi stlevision nrcoram I'rJ7 1 1!