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April 01, 1951 - Image 8

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1951-04-01

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E U' Regent
(Continued from Page 7)
was governor of Michigan in
12. An engineer, he was
ga's state highway corn-~
ncr before winning the gov -,..
hip. He received his engi-
.g degree from the Univer- :
a 1921.
r leaving the governor's of-
tie has been a .consufting
er with offices in Detroit
ok time out from this job
re as land director of Bavaria F
e U.S. Army in 1948-49 and
id commissioner of Bavaria
e State Department in 1949
home is in Birmingham. 1
* * *

OK 4


mocrat Wheaton L. Strom, an
naba attorney, will run fo'
ion to the Board of Regents
he first time tomorrow.
has been, active in University
ini affairs as well as other
affairs in the Upper Pen-
a, having served as chairman'
he Upper Peninsula alumni
ciation. He is how president
ie Escanaba chamber of com-
sides this, Strom is president
he Escanaba Kiwanis club,,
has been an extension service
veteran of World War II, he
ved his law degree from the
'ersity in 1936. He is a mem-'
of Sigma Chi.

* * * *
High-Schoolers Will See.
Hispanic Pageant, Plaly

n M


Leland I. Doan, of Midland, is
running for his first term as a
member of the Board of Regents
In this sprtng's election.
Doan, a Republican, has been
president of the Dow Chemical
Co since April, 1949. He began
rorking for Dow in 1918, and
Worked his way through various
positions in the sales department
before being chosen for the com-
pany's presidency.
During World War II, he was
.n advisor to various War Produc-
ion Board committees, and is now
: member-/of the Chemical Advi-
.ory committee of the Munitions
A student at the University from
3913 to 1916, Doan has been active
In the Phoenix Project. He is a
nember of Sigma Chi.
Technic on Sale
The Technic will be on sale in
the engineering arch until Tues-
Does your
gide havea
crus on you?
r * : .:. .
not iU it's 4 f
Le Gant* Sta-Up-iop
g"You'll be hugged , i s never
squeezed in Wae's StaUp-Top,
the gidle thats 3-Way-Sized" to
fit like a dream! You choose your
.correct length, your correct hip
size, and the control you want.
Stu-Up-Top gives you that comfy

A full schedule of activities is
planned for more than 800 Michi-
gan high school students of Span-
ish, who will attend the Hispanic
(' TV Shows''
The University Television hour
will continue its broadcasting to-
day with an outline of the history
of China at 1 p.m. over WWJ-TV.
The program was not 'telecast
last week due to Easter Sunday
History instructor John Hall
and Gaston Sigur of the Center
for Japanese Studies will trace the
history of China on Telecourse
Four, "Lands and Peoples of the
Far East."
Color in the home will be the
lesson offered on "The Home and
Contemporary Living-Interior De-
sign," Telecourse Five, by Prof.
Catherine Heller of the College of
Architecture and Design,

Pageant being given in conjunc-
tion with the Spanish play, "Dona
Hormiga," Tuesday and Wednes-
The pageant is being held in
celebration of the thirtieth year
of Spanish productions on campus
and is initiating a tradition which
will be continued in future years.
On the agenda for the after-
noons are exhibits of fine arts,
literature and crafts of Spain and
South America. 'Phe visiting stu-
dents will also have an opportun-
ity to visit the romance languages
Prof. Percival Price, University
Carillonneur, will set the proper
atmosphere by playing a recital of
Spanish music Tuesday afternoon.
A musical revue and variety
show will be presented both even-
ings in the union ballroom. Fea-
tured will be the Andalusian "Fan-
danguillo" by Miss Anne Marie
' efendini and an Afro-Antillian
poetry recitation with drum ac-
companiment by Jose Ortiz and
Carlos Soares of the romance
languages department.

Sad but Not
Bad: Auden's
Latest Poems
NONES, By W. H. Auden
(Random House).
IT'S A LITTLE SAD, but not bad.
It must have been in 1940 when
I first read Auden in the exciting
New Anthology of Modern Poetry
issued by the Modern Library. All
through the war years the last
lines of his "Get There If You
Can and See The Land You Once
Were Proud to Own" kept echoing
in my head:
"If we really want to live, we'd
better start at once to try;
If we don' , it doesn't matter,
but we'd tter start to die."
And it is something of a shock to
reread the biographical sketch of
Auden in that book: "consistently
been a radical; done Journalistic
service for the Spanish Loyalist
and Chinese causes."
It is not, of course, front-page-
N.Y. - Times - Book - Review -
news that Auden has grown in-
creasingly religious with the years.
Nevertheless it is a little sad to
find him, at 44, with so little of his
old social fervor remaining. His
themes are mostly restricted to
religious ones these days, usually
interwoven with The Larger His-
torical View, and his irony, once
startlingly bitter, is blunted now
with Weltschmerz.
BUT HE IS STILL one of the
finest, and certainly the wittiest,
poets writing today. His range of
tone in this new volume is remark-
able as ever. No one else can en-
compass the scale from
"Lou is telling Ann what Molly
Said to Mark behind her back;
Jack likes Jil who worships
Who has the hots for Jack." 1
in "The Love Feast" to
S..- his land is not the sweet
home that it looks,
Nor its peace the historical calm
of a site
Where something was settled
once and for all"
from "In Praise of Limestone," a
longish, conversational poem fluc-
tuating between reflections and di-
rect, dramatized statements, leav-
ing one with the horrible feelig
that even stone, after all else has
dissolved, will dissolve too, and is
dissolving at the very moment of
Within the limits set for them
by the poet, most of the pieces in
the collection are wonderfully sat-
isfying experiences. After the first
reading the reader is usually aware
of what Auden is after; and the
poet pursues it relentlessly. At
times, however, he tends to run,'
slightly, at the mouth, as in the
longest and most unsuccessful
poem in the book, "Memorial for1
the City," an attempt to evaluate
the socio-mythological significance'
of the city's historical development.
THE RELIGIOUS poems are the
most successful, and the best of'
these is the title-poem. The titler
refers to the fifth canonical hour,
or 3 p.m., when Christ wa killed.
The poem is about Good Friday,
and much more. Shifting back and
forth between the actual event and'
the present-day observance of it,
"Nones" achieves, in seven stanzas
evidently representing the seven
canonical hours, a purgative effect
amounting to a state of grace. The'
simple use of animal imagery in1
the last stanza is cleanly beauti-
It is noteworthy that many of
these new poems are concerned
with animals, and that two or

three express a preference for ani-
mal existence not unlike Whit-
man's "I think I could turn and
live with animals." This is not the
dnly result of Auden's Americani-
zation. He has caught the Ameri-
can idiom as none of our native
poets have done, with the possible
exception of Kenneth Fearing,
whose latest work is reminiscent of
Auden's in tone if not in style and
University people will particular-
ly enjoy "Under Which Lyre-a
Reactionary Tract for the Times"
which has more quotable lines per
sqare stanza than anything you
an buy nowadays. I can't resist
passing a few lines of it on, al-
though I'm running out of space.
He is speaking of GI's on campus:
"They stroll or run
And nerves that never flinched
at slaughter


Lost 'Masterpiece' Resurrected

THE LARGE VIEW-Believed to be the world's largest religious oil paiiting, Jan Styka's "Cruci-
fixion" is now on display after half a century of obscurity in a special $1,500,000 building just
completed in Hollywood, Calif. The canvas, 45 feet high and 195 feet long, is a panoramic view of
the ancient walled city of Jerusalem. The director of Forest Lawn cemetery where the just-di-
covered masterpiece is on display said that he believes the painting will "help the world solve
some of the problems of peace."


by James Jones (Scribnors).
FAR TOO much has been said
and will be said about the use
of four-letter words in James
Jones' big first novel, From Here
to Eternity. We must, I believe,
face the unfortunate fact that
such low-denominator language is
an established' part of our mod-
ern literature. Perhaps it is the
price of wide-spread literacy. It
is unfortunate, however, simply
because it will keep many readers
from fully appreciating this truly
remarkable novel.
Many modern writers have been
impressed with man's essential
loneliness. Many have portrayed
mans struggle for individuality in
an increasingly mechanized and
trade-marked society. Nowhere
have these seemingly paradoxical
themes been more vividly and in-
telligently treated than in From
Here to Eternity.
This is the story of Pvt. Robert
E. Lee Prewitt of the United States
Army stationed in Hawaii in the
years immediately preceding Pearl
Harbor. Prewitt is a thoughtful
but uneducated man who wants to
be a good soldier, a 30-year man,
but who wants also to preserve
the right to control his own ac-
tions apart from his job. He is
not given to breaking the rules of
the army, but he stubbornly com-
bats the corrupt and ruthless so.
cial istructure which exists within
the framework of the army regs.
Good soldier though he is, he is
inevitably doomed because he will
not compromise his individual in-
tegrity and play the cheap politics
of success.


Stories: Another Phase,
Of F. S. Fitzgerald Saga



Jones Novel:
Man Against
'The System'


As featured hi
leading fashion,

' k
! ;. ' S,
1i1;; r " .v
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FITZGERALD, a selection of 28
stories with an introduction by
Malcolm Cowley (Scribners).
IT WAS PERHAPS decided from
the time Scott Fitzgerald was
a spoiled young kid in St. Paul
that he would be a legend some-
day. And it can be said, too, that
he was conscious of the fact every
time he wrote something. If he
had not been, it is doubtful that
New Magazine
Begins Career
DIAMETER, magazine of the
arts, published by Diameter, Inc.,
Brooklyn, N.Y.
'IT HAS BEEN only a short time
since the ultra-chic magazine
of Fleur Cowles "discontinued"
publication, and there are those
who blame the feminine influence
for the sundry oddments and flap-
doodles that contributed so hand-
somely to the fall of "Flair." Un-
daunted (and unaffected) by this
unfortunate example, Sally Wor-
oner and Lorraine I4othbard have
begun publication of a little mag-
azine, of which they are sole edi-
tors and officers.
Conceive of all art as enclosed
within a circle; draw a line
through the center, and rotate this
line-"It meets all points of view.
It encounters all aspects of art.
It is a straight line that cannot de-
viate for censorship of any kind."
Thus say the editors of "Diameter,"
whose first number appears this
month, and if they can attain their
admirably stated ideals, the mag-
azine will be well worth the sub-
scription price.
* * 4'.
Since the editors are unable to
pay contributors, there is a fair
chance that they will fulfill their
promise to feature little-known
artists. Still, this issue includes
"Song" by E. E. Cummings, and
reproductions of two oil paintings
by Robert Gwarthmey, "Children
Dancing" and "Field Flowers."
These are perhaps the best of this
month's offerings.
Two other contributors deserve
small orchids-Nuala, for "Seagull
Epiphany" (pencil and water-
color), and I. Rice Pereira, for
"Transverse Parallels" (corrugat-
ed glass and gesso panel). The re-
maining contributions are repre-
sentative of what is being done by
our contemporaries tn literature
and the plastic arts, varying in
quality from good to indifferent.
If for no other reason, however,
"Diameter" is noteworthy for -the
excellent work of Lester Beall, the
designer. From cover to cover, the
magazine is tastefully gotten up,
artistic but not arty. Some who de-
mand an obvious function of spe-
cial significance from everything
on the page will not take kindly
to seemingly superfluous dots and
lines, or to a few nages of uneven

his tragic life would seem half-
so real and near to us today as it
does. For Scott Fitzgerald is a
self-made legend, built from the
bright strokes of his own pen,
woven intimately into the highly
colored emotional fabric of his
This book of stories-according
to Cowley, his best-runs the
course of his life. In it, there is
something of every kind-from
the fantasies of a young, enthusi-
astic man, to the short one-pagers
of the grumbling, disillusioned;
"Pat Hobby." None of them, ex-'
cept possibly "Babylon Revisited,"
are so mature and perceptive as
Fitzgerald's later novels, but taken
together,, they give an excellent
picture of his maturation. Mal-
colm Cowley's sympathetic biogra-
phic prologues to each section of
the book, as well as his introduc-
tion, provide the necessary back-
* * *
FITZGERALD has been criti-
cized for writing purely with an
eye toward putting a gloss on life.'
But when he wrote about moon-
light and roses, as he often did,
they were real, and the roses
weren't withering \away at the
roots because of some broad social
injustice. When he wrote about
such things they were just as real
to him as garbage cans are to
And for a moment we believe
him: indeed, when Fitzgerald in
"Winter Dreams" gazes at "the
great white bulk of the Mortimer
Joneses' house, somnolent, gorge-
ous, drenched with the splendor
of the damp moonlight," we see
it in the same way.
He allows us to pleasantly callow
and sentimental for a moment;'
then, ever so subtly, without
changing the tone of his voice,
he infuses the whole glowing pic-
ture with a sort of melancholy, an
air of disillusionment. Instead of
dimming the colors, or making
them tinseley and brilliant, he
deepens them by placing them on
a firmer foundation.
* * *
IN HIS BEST stories, there is a
distinct air of unreality, as if a
thin film had been cast across the
world. The things that happen
are not probable, perhaps, and the
characters are invariably hand-
some and beautiful ("He was cri-
tical about women. A single de-
fect-a thick ankle, a hoarse
voice, a glass eye-was enough to
make utterly indifferent. And
here for the first time he was be-
side a girl who seemed to him
the incarnation of physical per-
fection."), but that must be the
setting. Only if everything is im-
maculate on the outside can inner
weaknesses be clearly delineated.
Kafka dealt with the inner man
abstracted from his world; Fitz-
gerald changed the world into a
pure sweet jelly.

Naive College
Picture Found
In New Novel
by Joseph Gies (Harper).
THIS NOVEL, by a former pook
editor of The Daily, is about
a crisis in freedom of expression
at s"a large Midwestern univer-
sity." As a novel it is not very
successful and its chief and per-
haps only interest lies in the
thinly-veiled references to per-
sons, places and events connected
with the University.
Mr. Gies, taking full, advantage
of the perogatives of poetic li-
cense, has jumbled buildings and
names around a bit, but to the
Ann Arbor reader, Gies' College
Park is a pretty familia'r place.
Moreover, just so the reader will
continue to feel at home, Gies
makes certain that all of his char-
acters are familiar sorts too.
There is the brilliant young his-
tory professor with a liberal poli-
tical outlook and an interest in
the department secretary, a crafty
dean of students and a swarm of
other stereotyped campus charac-
ters including students, two homo-
sexuals and a number of profes-
* * *
Mr. Gies is fascinated by the
hackneyed affiliated - independ-
ent split and he really goes to
town with it. The fraternity men
wear tweed jackets and are apoli-
tical. The independents can't af-
ford ties and attend anti-fascist
rallies. Sorority women have vacu-
ous faces and are easy conquests.
Independent women pass out lib-,
eral literature and allow only an
occasional moist kiss.
The author has also allowed
himself to so far forget his own
student days that he can no longer
remember how he and his contem-
poraries must have talked. His
dialogue reads like the first ver-
sion of an entry in a high school
fiction contest and the naivete of
characters he is trying to pass off
as college students is preposter-
.* * *
A good deal of the story is con-
cerned with the coming of age of
Philip Slidell, a student who hopes
to be managing editor of the stu-
dent newspaper, and Prof. Town-
send the young historian who
hopes to be department chairman.
Neither succeed. Nor are they
allowed the martyrdom which
generally is such a consolation to
those of unrecognized merit since
they have both previously jeopar-
dized their moral positions. Pre-
sumably at the end they are both
sadder but wiser boys.
* * *
From the particular viewpoint
of this reviewer, however, the most
annoying thing about the book is
the description of the student
newspaper. Lest anyone get the
wrong impression of student
newspapers in general and The
Daily in particular, let it be known
that student journalism is not
conducted in the haphazard me-
thod Mr. Gies suggests, and if the
present senior editors of The
Daily thought that any of their

THE FOCAL point bf this strug-
gle is Prewitt's ability as a boxer.
He is a good welterweight but will
not box for his company because
he simply doesn't like to box. Since
boxing is the principal activity
of this peace-time army, his refus-
al brings persecution from officers
akid men alike. He continues his
struggle for personal freedom,
though not always with perfect
stoicism, and dies ironically when
he finds that he cannot run away
from the system which seems bent
on his destruction.
A number of other well-realized
characters fill out this struggle in
the ranks, chief among whom is
Sgt. Warden, whose understanding
of Prewitt and himself causes him
You could kill and kill and
kill. He would not become a
Disciple of the Word. And these
were the Army, too. It was not
true that all men killed the
things they loved. What was
true was that all things killed
the men who loved them. Which,
after all, was as it should be.
-James Jones in FROM HERE
to hate the private and admire
him at the same time. The love
affairs of these two men, 'Warden
with his captain's wife and Pre-
witt with a prostitute, are drawn
with acute subtlety.
But the army panorama is only
the microcosm. The book plays
for higher stakes than See Here,
Private Hargrove. Prewitt, War-
den and the rest are soldiers, but
first of all they are men. That is
the book's greatest achievement,
the portrayal of an intensely hu-
man struggle in the carefully doc-
umented setting of army life. In
achieving this, rugged, 29-year-old
Jones has shown remarkable re-
straint and subtlety. He never
bludgeons the reader with his
theme, but watches it grow step
by step out of n 'imposing col-
lection of individual scenes.
* * *
PERHAPS out of the book's 86P
pages, a number of minor deletions
could be made from the wealth of
army detail with good effect. But
Jones is precision itself in cap-
turing the brush of personality on
personality' in the dialogue of his
t major figures. Conversations like
those between Warden and Karen
Holmes crackle with reality.
And if Jones' use of language
(unorthodox syntax and infre-
quent use of the apostroph~e is
. sometimes confusing, this is a
minor flaw in a book which pre-
sents an account of the Pearl Har-
bor attack with much of the hu-







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