0 I- #I THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, APRIL I,19n1 Y_ Student Draft Deferment WHEN THE first draft of this editorial was being set by the linotype operator, a bulletin came over the teletype machine saying that the Trytten plan for selective deferment of college students had been ac- cepted by President Truman. In the original version, this editorial de- fended the plan and urged its immediate adoption. Since Truman's approval, the issue has changed somewhat, but the question of public acceptance is yet to be settled. In the light of what little has been said so far, acceptance won't come easily. There actually hasn't been a great deal of public opinion expressed on the Trytten plan. On campuses, it has been discussed with one's roommate in a low hopeful voice, or else with bitterness, as the average may be. What has been said in the newspapers has been mostly condemnatory; the little public comment which favored it has been made In a defensively apologetic tone of voice. Quad Tenants A BOARD OF GOVERNORS' (of Residence Halls) announcement that West Quad will be housing 400 to 500 "boys" on April 13 has evinced a collective moan from the Quad's residents. Apparently the Quad is going to be swarm- ed with sojourners in connection with the 49th Annual Older Boys Conference. Residents are now protesting this direc- tive vehemently. Petitions are being cir- culated. Adams, Winchell, and Wenley houses have debunked the whole idea. Rumors are mounting that one house is planning to lock its mattresses in cloets before its members leave for the spring vacation. The Board has admitted that "even though your room contract states that the Univer- 4ty reserves the right to use your rooms during recesses, the request met with a greatdeal of opposition from the Board and was approved reluctantly." Nevertheless, the plan is going into effect. Immediately after the announcement, resi- dents of the Quad were informed that they wduld have to toss their belongings into their narrow closets during the recess. A gentle reminder was attached: "Students who leave their rooms in condition which requires extra service will be charged $2.00." / Aside from the inconvenience and its $200 tag, the residents have not yet been assured that the sojourners will be held lh rle in the event of theft or misuse of ter personals. Perhaps the residents have a case. Vrtainly the have been subjected to ther rough treatment and have had little to say about it. Of course; they realize that their protests will go for nought, but they are hoping that --as the Board explained-"this case will not constitute a precedent or the establish- ment of policy for future requests of this nature." -Cal Samra Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. NIGHT EDITOR: LEONARD GREENBAUM Admittedly it is a difficult subject to dis- cuss with any feeling of confidence simply because allegiances are so uneasy. It is hard to be objective: a mother with a son in col- lege might accept it without reservation, while a mother with a son in Korea opposed it heartily. We all are concerned in one way or another-until now I was scheduled to be drafted in June. Perhaps the easiest thing to do is to de- clare the Trytten Plan unfair on moral, physical, and ethical bases. This is the gen- eral tack followed in most newspaper criti- cisms. The usual conclusion to such an ap- proach is the one given by Mr. Borns in these columns last week: " ... it should be rejected and a more equitable solution found." Exactly. Let's jump off the raft in hopes of finding a speed boat on the bottom of the lake. Granted that this plan is far from perfect. Few systems which aim to categorize people are. Possibly the only honest way to decide who goes and who doesn't would be to con- sider each student's case individually. I get visions of draft boards throwing up their hands in despair, saying, "Well then, we just won't draft anybody." Or, more likely, "it doesn't really matter who we draft." So insted of concerning merely the quali- ty of the plan, the problem settles into the routine question of whether or not stu- dents should be deferred at all. And with the posible exception of a few benevolent old West Pointers and others of similar bent, most people would agree that for the future good of the country and the pres- ent ood of the schools some students must be referred right away. Needless to say, it is encouraging to see that the draft officials hve fully recognized this, and have proceeded to institute a plan to accomplish it. We can only hope now that the public will recognize it too, and realize that while perfection is seldom achieved, a positive effort usually does more good than harm. The Trytten Plan represents such an effort. -Chuck Elliott. r tr a Ile te By JIM BROWN TOMORROW is election day and here in Ann Arbor probably only a handful of conscientious citizens will pull themselves out of the spring doldrums long enough to cast their ballots-even though an entire new city government is to be elected. Even more discouraging, however, is the likelihood that the percentage of eligible students (supposedly the bright young citizens of today) who will vote will be even lower. Certainly students should have a greater interest in tomorrow's election than in any previous Ann Arbor municipal election. For during the past few months the Ann Arbor City Council has given every indication that it does not have the best interest of the students at heart. Its passage of a new zon- ing ordinance which prevents student groups from building new homes or remodeling their present quarters except within a rather nar- row area should be adequate proof of its failure to consider student housing problems. Of more immediate interest to a larger number of students is the underhanded move by the local Rent Advisory Board to end rent controls here in Ann Arbor. Al- though the Rent Board members are not elected, their action reflects on the en- tire municipal administration and students should have a big stake in the election of this administration. Even if students are completely oblivious to local municipal affairs, however, they still should have a special interest in to- morrow's election, since two members of the Board of Regents are to be elected. Every student should be particularly con- cerned with the election of these Regents since they will be participating in the con- trol of many matters directly affecting student life here on campus. The conclusion is obvious. Every eligible student-as well as every local resident- has a responsibility to vote in tomorrow's election. The Week's News S. .. IN RETROSPECT .. . Tug Week JettePJ TO THE EDITOR The Daily welcomes communications from its readers -on matters of general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writex and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will be condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the editors. 'Dems & Reps .. . To the Editor: I ALWAYS used to smile indul- gently at the old saying about one Democrat being worth ump- teen Republicans. But this week I read about Republican F'ed Alger's speegh urging the re-election of the GOP candidates in order to "preserve the existing balance of power in the state educational sys- tem." My, I thought, this is a fine compliment to Democratic Regent Murray D. Van Wagoner. I knew that "Pat" was a dynamic fellow but I never realized before that the Republicans viewed . hin as an equal match for their seven Repub- lican members on the Board of Regents. Nor had I ever heard a Republi- can who equated Dr. Connor Smith, the lone Democrat on the Board of Agriculture with all five > of the Republican members. But just as I was beginning to take Mr. Alger's high regard for Democrats seriously, I recalled that there are no Democrats at all on the State Board of Education and there is jiobody to balance off the Superintendent of Public Instruc- tion. At this point I had to readjust my thinking to conclude that this Republican was not using the term, "balance of power" in the tradi- tional sense of the term. In fact, I finally decided that Mr. Alger must have accidentally used this respec- table term to mean really a pre- ponderance or totality of power in the men of his own party. I seem to remember recently reading somewhere some deroge- tory things about this type of philosophy. Guess I'll have todo some research on this before I go to the polls between 7 a.m. and 8 p.m. tomorrow. --Tom Walsh Acclaim . . To the Editor: VIVE HARVEY GROSS! Music Critic Extraordinary and par excellence. A fearless reviewer, a sincere analyst and a forthright gentleman. -Saul Goldberg, Joe Epstein, Evan Schwartz, Al Weinman, 4 -Daily-Bill Hampton College Boys-1951 . * * * r Ii1 I M A 1TE OF rFACT By STEWART ALSOP '--- WASHINGTON-President cent press conference Truman's re- statement, in CURRENT MOVIES !d which he came out flat-footed against crime, reflected the anguished concern of the Dem- ocratic Congressional leaders. They are convinced that both the Kefauver and Ful- bright committee investigations have had a downright murderous political effect. Thus Truman's statement praising the work of the Kefauver committee was a rather belated attempt to place the Truman administration squarely on the side of the angels. There was, on the other hand, no praise for the work of the Fulbright committee. Certain Democratic leaders had urged Tru- man to get on the side of the angels here too, by adopting Senator Fulbright's pro- posal as his own, and appointing a dis- tinguished commission with wide investi- gative powers to examine the moral stan-' dards of government. The object would be to neutralize at least in part the political effects of the Fulbright revelations of moral sleaziness in the Ad- ministration. These worry the Democratic leaders at least as much as the Kefauver revelations of the intimate connections be- tween crime and the big city Democratic machines. But Attorney General McGrath opposed the commission idea. Truman him- self heartily dislikes Senator Fulbright. And above all, Truman is still obsessed with the notion that his whole Administration is as pure as the driven snow. Thus nothing is likely to come of the proposal, at least as far as Truman is concerned. * * * * jEANW7:L E, both investigations are like- ly to go on-and on and on-in one form or another. The Democratic leaders would of course dearly like to bring the horrid ordeal to an end. But the Republi- cans are not likely to vote to end investiga- tions which they are unanimpusly convinced are crucifying the Democrats. And Demo- crats, whatever the Congressional leadership may wish, are far from eager to seem to vote in favor of sin. Thus, although Senator Kefauver him- self will no doubt bow out, some sort of Looking Back I .f .f At The Michigan . . THE LEMON DROP KID, with Bob Hope and Marilyn Maxwell TRYING TO REMAKE "Sorrowful Jones," probably Bob Hope's most successful pic- ture in the last five years, Paramount has not done a very good job. They have the same original story source, Damon Runyon; the same atmosphere, New York's seedy racetrack gentry; and even the same Mr. Hope, unvanquished by the years. Somewhere along the line, however, a half dozen other writers got in the way, and ap- parently carried away the spirit of the task, made it the same as not only "Sorrowful Jones," but all Hope's other pictures besides. Virtually all that escapes the formula pat- tern are a few Runyonisms like calling Marilyn Maxwell, Hope's girl, by the name of Brainy Baxter, and referring to Jane Darwell as an "old doll." The problem confronting Hope is that he must get ten thousand dollars together by Christmas in order to pay off a nasty gambler. He sets up a Santa Claus racket in New York which pretends to solicit money for an old ladies' home. Obstacles like the law and another gangster who wants to muscle in are handled in the usual ways. Hope finally resorts to a female impersona- tion at the end, and possibly the closest thing to a funny scene is where he steals the clothes off a store window mannequin. crime investigation will be going on for months. As for the Fulbright investiga- tions, a jurisdictional battle between two Senate committees, to decide which one is to inherit Senator Fulbright's mantle, is already in prospect. Senator Clyde Hoey, Chairman of the tSubcommittee on Gov- ernment Expenditures, wants to carry on where Fulbright left off, by investigating the defunct Maritime Commission. So does Senator Edwin Johnson, Chairman of the Commerce Committee. This eagerness to take over is understand- able, because the Maritime Commission has for a long time exuded a rich and peculiar odor. Another agency on the list of likely prospects is the Civil Aeronautics Board. If only a fraction of the rumors about po- litical shenanigans in the C.A.B. are true, this also should provide some very fruity probing. In this , case, however, the Re- publicans may not be so eager for the fray, since a number of Republican Senators have been extraordinarily responsive to the desires of Pan-American Airways, whose remarkable political influence would cer- tainly come under scrutiny. #* k* * # AT ANY RATE, months of klieg-lighted, headline-catching investigations are now apparently inevitable. In many ways, this is a welcome prospect. The moral sleaziness which has been attacking the Amei'ican political fabric needs holding up to the light. If President Truman continues, to take the line that any man he has ever appointed to offffice is automatically the soul of honor, he will be committing politi- cal suicide, as his Congressional leaders are fully aware. Even so, these investigations, past and future, should be viewed in their proper perspective. The fact is that the United States cannot be destroyed either by crim- inals with big city machine connections or Iby influence peddlers with friends in key agencies. It seems to be a law of nature that a moral blight descends on this country after all its big wars. It is only necessary to look back to the Grant and Harding administra- tions, after the two other great wars which this country has fought, to see that this is so. Indeed, what has so far come to light seems all the more unappetizing because it has been by comparison so petty and un- imaginative. In any case, in the end the country will survive its gamblers and influ- ence peddlers, just as i survived its Albert Falls and Jim Fisks and Boss Tweeds. Yet the survival of the nation is now nevertheless for the first time at stake. This is the fact which the klieg lights, the tele- vision, and the atmosphere of high drama H OPEFUL ICONOCLASTS were themselves cast down last week -when the Student Legislature came through to uphold the Tug Week tradition. Around the World . . KOREA-As the week opened, the Allies were still rolling forward all along the front and had driven most of the Red forces out of Korea, MacArthur sanctioned the crossing of the 38th parallel if necessary, although the UN itself had reached no political decision on the matter. South Korean troops advancing up the eastern sector of Korea found the crossing necessary and captured a half dozen North Korean towns. Suddenly, the Chinese, who had been withdrawing in the face of the slow but effective Allied advance, turned about and offered strong resistance along the central front. They began massing fresh divisions and rejuvenating old ones all along the 38th parallel. Their night convoys streaming south were called the heaviest of the campaign. At the same time, the usually silent Peiping radio went on the air and insolently scoffed MacArthur's offer to meet the Red commander in the field and negotiate a truce. Although the Allied advance con- tinued in spite of the stubborn resistance, speculation about a Chinese counter offensive ran high. By week's end one thing was clear. The Communist high command in Moscow had no intention of letting the Korean war peter out, but intended to keep the UN fighting on the bloody Asiatic penisula as long as the Chinese were willing to do battle. BIG FOUR TALKS-After weeks of haggling, the Deputy Foreign Ministers, meeting In Paris to set up anagenda for a proped Big Four Foreign Ministers conference, appeared to be making headway.,Wed- nesday, Soviet Deputy Andrei Gromyko backed down on his demands that the demilitarization of Germany be the only topic for Big Four' discussion. He agreed with the Western deputies that the rearmament of. Big Four nations should be considered. The deputies hopefully sat down Thursday to draw up and approve a final agenda. The day ended, however, with the Western representa- tives requesting further advice from their governments. Then, as has happened so many times In the West's post war dealings with the Russians, the two days of concord proved only illusory. Gromyko rose Friday morning and denounced the North Atlantic Pact and demanded its inclusion in the agenda. The West, disappointed but not completely surprised, patiently went back to work. LA PRENSA-Alberto Gainza Paz, editor of the Argentine news- paper La Prensa, remained in exile in Uruguay this week. His paper had been seized by the Peronist Argentine government. Throughout the Western Hemisphere, protests against Peron's blatant violation of freedom of the press resounded. Invited earlier in the week to be a guest editor of the Philadelphia Inquirer, Gainza Paz said yesterday that he had decided to stay in Uruguay until freedom of the press is restored in his country. MISSING PLANE-The search for the U.S. Transport Globe- master II, missing with 53 American airmen in a storm over the At- lantic, was called off Friday after a week of unsuccessful search. * * * * National . . DRAFT DEFERMENTS-The long-awaited word on deferments for college students fially came through yesterday. For the complete story, see page one of today's paper. CRIME QUIZ-The natin's crime leaders continued to make headlines all week as the Kefauver Committee set up shop in Wash- ington and watched the war on crime gather momentum elsewhere in the nation. St. Louis betting commissioner James Carroll was charged with evading income tax laws. Former New York Mayor William O'Dwyer was called before a Brooklyn grand jury while his friend, former Water Commissioner James Moran, was charged with perjury by another grand jury. The committee itself cited Frank Costello for contempt along with 12 other witnesses. Five major cities began their own belated investigations. Pleased with the results, the Senate ex- tended the life of the Crime Committee until April 30. But the odds were being quoted in favor of the city-by-city hearings going on until well into the summer. FOOD PRICE CONTROLS-In a move to curb soaring food prices, Price Director Michael V. DiSalle last week clapped on a new "per- centage mark-up" system of price controls. The system provided a list of percentages Jwhich grocers may use to calculate their price markups. Local .. . RENT CONTROLS-The Washtenaw County Rent Control Board thought that they had news of their action kept pretty well under cover. But Thursday it leaked out. They had voted, in a rough Monday night meeting, to lift Ann Arbor rent controls, and they were apparent- ly frightened that public reaction would set in before its approval by Federal Housing Expeditor Tighe Woods. They were right. No sooner had the news broken than a wave of protests arose from students and townspeople. The matter can no longer be fought on a local level, as it has been in the past. If rent controls are to stick in Ann Arbor, it is now up to Tighe Woods. -Chuck Elliott, Leonard Greenbaum and Rich Thomas (Continued from Page 2) Events Today Westminster Guild: 9:30 a.m., Sem- inar in Religion. 5:30 p.m., Supper. 6:30 p.m., Committee reports on com- munity problems. Election of officers for next year. Canterbury Club: 8 a.m., Holy Com- munion. 9 a.m.,* Holy Communion followed by a student breakfast in Can- terbury House. 5 p.m., Evening Prayer with sermon by the Chaplain, followed by student dinner at Canterbury House. A talk will be given on the opportunities of working -with the un- derprivileged children in England. Rev, Mr. Koonz will show movies on his re- cent trip to England. Everyone is wel- come. Michigan Christian Fellowship: 4 p. in., Lane Hail (Fireside Room). Leith Samuel, M.S,, L.Th., English Lecturer, wil speak on the subject: The Impos- sibility of Agnosticism. Lutheran Student Association: 5 p.m., Zion Lutheran Parish Hall, supper. 7 p.m., Program. Speaker: Prof. Gerhard. Lenski. "Church and Social Problems." Roger Williams Guild: 10 a.m., Bible Study in the Guild House: "Hebrews." 4:30 p.m., The Chiir will present Men- delssohn's Oratorio "Eliah" in the Church. There will be no Guild meet- ing or supper. Members are urged to attend the "Elijah." Congregational - Disciples - Evangeli- cal and Reformed Gulid: 6 pm., Sup- per at the Congregational *Church. Followed by a student forum on ave- nues of Christian growth. Wesleyan Guild: 9:30 a.m., Breakfast Seminar in the Pine Room. 5:30 p.m., Supper: Worship and Program: "The Meaning of Events in the Far East," by Senator Walter E. Judd, 7 p.m. in the Sanctuary. Inter-Guild meeting, Lane Hall, 3-5 p.m. Inter-Arts Union: Meeting, 2 p.m., League, All those interested are in- vited. U. of M. Hot Record Society presents a LIVE JAM SESSION. No admission charge. Everyone invited. IZFA: General meeting, 7:30 p.m., League. Movie from Israel. All are welcome. Sigma Rho Tau, The Stump Speaker's Society: Training Night: 1. Practice in the "Hall of Fame" and "Project" speeches. 2. Discussion of the future Ypsilanti Woman's Debate. Tues., April 3, 7 p.m., 2080 E. Engineering Bldg. All studente in the Engineering College are welcome. Coming Events Michigan Actuarial Club: Tues., April 3, 4 p.m., Room 3A, Union. Mr. Richard Roeder will speak on "Self-Adminis- tered Pension Plans." Science Research Club: Meeting, 7:30 p.m., Tues., April 3, Rackham Amph- theater. "Mechanism of the Electro- lyte Inbalance in Uretero-Sigmoid Transplantation," by Dr. Jack Lapides, Surgery. "The Problem of Rabies in Michigan," by Dr. William Preston, Bacteriology. Women's Research Club: Meeting, "The Library of the University of Michigan Law School and Its Research Facilities for International and Foreign Law." Mrs. Lilly Roberts, Associate Bibliographer of Legal Research Library. Mon., April 2, 6 p.m., Hutchins Hall. International Center: Tea for visit- ing Japanese deans andaprofessors, Mon., April 2, 4:30 p.m. Japanese ex- change students and students and fac- ulty of the Center for Japanese Studies invited. Zoology Department and Phi Sigma, co-sponsors: Dr. Louis W. Hutchins, Director of the Bermuda Biological Sta- tion, will speak on "Research at the Bermuda Biological Station" on Mon., April 2, 8 p.m., Rackham Amphitheater. Electrical Engineering Department Research Discussion Group. Open meet- ing, 4 p.m., Mon., April 2, 2084 E. En- gineering Bldg. Mr. Nelson W. Spencer, Engineering Research Institute, will present "Rocket Borne Instrumentation for the Measurement of Ambient At- mospheric Pressure and Temperature." English Journal Club: Prof. Myer H. Abram of Cornell University will speak on Coleridge's "Defection: an Ode," Mon., April 2, 8 p.m., East Conference Room, Rackham Bldg. All those in- terested are invited. The Chinese Student Club presents Cecilia Chang, soprano from the East- man School of Music on Mon., April 2, 8 p.m. First Methodist Church. Social hour following the recital. Nominal fee charged. Everyone invited. Women of the University Faculty: Weekly tea, Tues., April 3, 4-6 p.m., Club room, League. Pre-Medical Society: Meeting, Tues., April 3, 1:30 p.m., 1300 Chemistry Bldg. Speaker: Dr. J. N. Spuhler of the In- stitute of Human Biology. "Human Genetics." Elections of officers for the forthcoming year. All members and interested students are urged to at- tend. La P'tite Causette: Meets Mon., April 2, 3:30 p.m., League. A.S.: Meeting, Mon., April 2,.7:30 p.m., 1042 East Engineering 'Bldg. Speaker: Mr. W. Hatcher, Piaseeki Helicopter Corp. "Military Aspects of Transport Helicopters." Hillel: Reservations are now avail- able for Passover meals. Phone 3-4129. Quarterdeck: Meeting, Tues., April 3, 7:30 p.m., Union. Movies. A Al . a A Sixty-First Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Jim Brown ..........Managing Editor Paul Brentlinger ....,......City Editor Romp Lipsky . ... .... .Editorial Director Dave Thomas . .........Feature Editor Janet Watts ...........Associate Editor Nancy Bylan ., .......Associate Editr James Gregory .....Associate Editor Bill Connolly .............Sports Editor Bob Sandell ... .Associate Sports Editor Bill Brenton . . .. Associate Sports Editor Barbara Jans ..........Women's Editor Pat Brownson Associate Women's Editor Business Staff Bob Daniels........Business Manager Walter Shapero Assoc. Business Manager Paul Schaible ....Advertising Manager Bob Mersereau .......Finance Manager Bob Miller.......Circulation. Manager Telephone 23-24-1 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled Ito the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited to this, newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein are also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at .An Arbor, Michigan as second-clas iiail matter. Subscription during regular school year: by carrier, $6.00; by mail, $7.00. i liuwrL Vl a11C ,cLCjjuvliunll %;nTa LG DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN . A- .. . a,, 4. 35 YEARS AGO PRESIDENT WILSON appealed to the na- tion for aid in thwarting a conspiracy which he declared has been organized for plunging the United States into a war with Mexico, * * * 25 YEARS AGO A n iAT X7'' +,.+, -4 - - .a BARNABY I Barnaby, your old Fairy Godfather r To see me? Excellent- f V~ ~1 cktt jvbl ..at.& Wa M4O"I, moor fWe.'ll rc Jir htas nf I